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Viruses are abundant in a variety of aquatic environments, often exceeding bacterial abundance by one order of magnitude. In the present study, the spatial distribution of viruses in offshore waters of the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) have been studied to determine the relationships between viruses and host communities in this oligotrophic marine environment. Viral abundance was determined using two methods: (i) epifluorescence light microscopy using the dsDNA binding fluorochrome DAPI, and (ii) direct counts by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results obtained were significantly different; the highest viral counts were obtained by mean of TEM analyses. In all the samples tested the number of viruses was exceeded by the bacterial concentrations, with a ratio between viral and bacterial titers varying between 1.4 and 20. VLP (virus-like particle) counts were not significantly correlated (p > 0.001) with chlorophyll a concentration or the abundance of cyanobacteria. However, there was a positive and significant correlation with bacterial abundance (p < 0.001). The analysis of size and morphology of viral particles by TEM and the correlation obtained between the numbers of VLP and bacteria suggest that the majority of the viral particles in the Alboran Sea are bacteriophages. None of the indirect evidence suggested that eukaryotic algae or cyanobacteria were important host organisms in these waters.  相似文献   

Respiratory rates in two areas of the North Adriatic Sea were studied in the context of a PRISMA II Project, with the aim of quantifying the oxidative processes occurring in the frontal system caused by strong riverine discharge. In the northern area, higher respiratory rates and seasonal variations occurred with respect to the southern area. On average, respiratory activity sustained the oxidation of 66.9 nM C h(-1) inside the front and 24.4 nM C h(-1) outside the front. In conclusion, organic matter oxidation inside the front resulted 2.7 times higher than outside the front. Oxidative metabolism in the Northern Adriatic Sea appears mainly governed by river inputs.  相似文献   

A three dimensional biophysical model was employed to illustrate the biological impacts of a meandering frontal jet, in terms of efficiency and persistency of the autotrophic frontal production, in marginal and semi-enclosed seas. We used the Alboran Sea of the Western Mediterranean as a case study. Here, a frontal jet with a width of 15–20 km, characterized by the relatively low density Atlantic water mass, flows eastward within the upper 100 m as a marked meandering current around the western and the eastern anticyclonic gyres prior to its attachment to the North African shelf/slope topography of the Algerian basin. Its inherent nonlinearity leads to the development of a strong ageostrophic cross-frontal circulation that supplies nutrients into the nutrient-starved euphotic layer and stimulates phytoplankton growth along the jet. Biological production is larger in the western part of the basin and decreases eastwards with the gradual weakening of the jet. The higher production at the subsurface levels suggests that the Alboran Sea is likely more productive than predicted by the satellite chlorophyll data. The Mediterranean water mass away from the jet and the interiors of the western and eastern anticyclonic gyres remain unproductive.  相似文献   

Respiratory activity and metabolic CO2production of the microplankton in the Otranto Strait (Mediterranean Sea) were determined by monitoring the Electron Transport System activity. Ten stations were repeatedly investigated during two oceanographic surveys in February–March and August 1994. Respiratory activity and CO2 production, estimated from the surface to the bottom, were higher in the euphotic layers (0-200 m) during summer (mean values: Winter = 0.024 μg C h−1 dm−3; Summer = 0.042 μg C h−1 dm−3); in the aphotic zone (deeper than 200 m), the rates were similar throughout different seasons (0.013 and 0.014 μg C h−1 dm−3, respectively). A comparison with data collected by other authors from the euphotic layers of the Mediterranean Sea was made. Respiratory activities decreased from Western to Eastern Mediterranean Basins. The values of CO2 production, integrated between 200 and 1000 m in the Otranto Strait (mean value 237.7 mg C m−2 d−1), were compared with other data collected from the Mediterranean Sea as well as from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The comparison showed the Otranto Strait to be a site of organic matter oxidation. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. C. Follesa    A. Mulas    C. Porcu    A. Cau   《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(7):1677-1681
The spotfin burrfish Chilomycterus reticulatus (405 mm standard length) is recorded for the first time on the shoreline of the Mediterranean Sea. The adult specimen was found dried on a beach near the south Sardinian Sea (S. Antioco's Island). Photographs and morphometrics of the specimen are given.  相似文献   

Diatoms were studied quantitatively in six latest Quaternary (⋍70 kyr B.P. to Recent) piston cores from the westernmost Mediterranean, the Alboran Basin, and the Atlantic region immediately to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar.The Atlantic cores completely lack diatoms. In the Alboran Basin, diatoms are common from late Stage 3 (⋍27.5 kyr B.P.) to Termination Ib (9 kyr B.P.) and in Recent core tops, but are absent in the other latest Quaternary intervals. Maximum accumulation of diatoms and highest abundance of species normally in sediments associated with increased productivity occurred during the latest Quaternary deglaciation, in the first phase of Termination I (⋍14.8 kyr B.P.).In the modern Alboran Basin, a region of high biological productivity occurs immediately east of the Gibraltar Straits. This high productivity results from upwelling associated with the interaction between the Atlantic inflow and the bottom topography near the Spanish coast. The upwelled nutrient-rich waters are then advected to the east and southeast by the surficial anticyclonic gyral circulation. Late Quaternary variations in diatom abundance are considered to reflect changes in this upwelling intensity with highest diatom abundances inferred to result from increased upwelling associated with an intensification of the anticyclonic gyral circulation. Highest inferred upwelling rates occurred during the first phase of latest Quaternary deglaciation. It is possible that an intensification of circulation within the Mediterranean Basin as a whole occurred from late Stage 3 to mid Termination I because widespread hiatus formation has been reported at this time in the Straits of Sicily due to an increase in the formation of intermediate waters. Diatoms were not preserved in other latest Quaternary intervals due to insufficient productivity to counterbalance their dissolution.  相似文献   

Two specimens of African hind Cephalopholis taeniops (Valenciennes, 1828) are recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, in the coastal area of Gulf of Syrte, Libya. This finding represents an additional case of a tropical species of fish of West African origin in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The gills of 31 skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (L.) caught in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) were examined for metazoan parasites, and the gills of 4 specimens from the Balearic Sea (also western Mediterranean Sea) were analysed for comparative purposes. Nine -species of parasites were found, including 8 didymozoid trematodes (Atalostrophion cf. bio-varium, Didymocylindrus filiformis, Didymocylindrus simplex, Didymocystis reniformis, Didymoproblema fusiforme, Didymozoon longicolle, Koellikeria sp. and Lobatozoum multisacculatum) and 1 caligid copepod (Caligus bonito). Koellikeria sp. and L. multisacculatum were not recorded in the Balearic Sea. Most of the parasites (79.2% of all specimens) were didymozoids. Didymozoon longicolle was the dominant species; A. cf. biovarium, D. simplex, D. fusiforme and L. multisacculatum are reported from the Mediterranean Sea for the first time. No correlation was found between the intensity of infection of any parasite species and host size or sex. Most of the parasites, particularly didymozoids, showed a high site-specificity. Significant differences were found between the parasite assemblages of K. pelamis from the Alboran Sea and from the Atlantic Ocean. D. fusiforme, D. longicolle and L. multisacculatum are suggested as potential tags to follow skipjack tuna migrations between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The spotfin cardinalfish Apogon queketti is recorded for the first time in the north-eastern Mediterranean Sea (Iskenderun Bay, Turkey). Two specimens of this species, 111 and 102 mm total length were caught by a commercial trawler at depths of 55 and 60 m on 14 October 2004 and 23 April 2005, respectively. The occurrence of this species in the Mediterranean Sea is the result of migration from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):265-289
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera of the region of water exchange between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, at the Gibraltar Strait, show significant water-mass relationships for the past 18,000 years.Cores used in this benthic foraminifera analysis were selected, according to the context of the distribution of various deep bottom water masses, on each side of the Gibraltar Strait:
  • 1.(1) on the Atlantic side of the Strait, two cores (KS 8228, KS 8229) are located in the present day NADW, and one (KC 8221) in the upper part of the present Mediterranean outflow water,
  • 2.(2) on the Mediterranean side of Gibraltar, two cores (KC 8241, SU 8107) are located in the deep water mass, and one (KS 8230) in the intermediate water mass.
In the two deep basins (1500–2800 m depth in the Gulf of Cadiz, 1200–1300 m depth in the Alboran Sea), the paleooceanographic changes appear to be in an opposite way for the past 18,000 years. The Alboran basin shows a paleooceanographic evolution from a well-oxygenated, nutrient-rich environment at about 18,000 yr B.P. to a nutrient-poor, oxygen-depleted environment from 13,000 to the present time; moreover, for the time-span synchronous with the well-known development of sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean basins between 10,000 and 7000 yr B.P., the faunal assemblage shows most unusual characteristics implying drastic environmental conditions. Conversely, in the Gulf of Cadiz, the environment pass as from a biotope occupied by an oxygen-depleted, nutrient-poor water mass at about 18,000 years B.P. to a biotope occupied by NADW since the Younger Dryas; this agrees with previous data obtained in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Caralp, 1987).In the epibathyal zones (550–800 m depth), on both sides of the Gibraltar Strait, paleohydrographic changes do not seem so important. According to the present and very late Holocene assemblages, which are similar on both sides of the Strait with a strong east-west flow, two other stratigraphic episodes have shown the same conditions of water exchanges: the end of the isotopic stage 2 and the Younger Dryas. Conversely, during the last glacial maximum, the Bølling-Allerød and the lower Holocene, westward water fluxes were probably lower. At no time, the hypothesis of a reversal or a stop in the east-west exchanges between Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean may be justified.  相似文献   

In December 1997, one specimen of the Atlantic bumper, Chloroscombrus chrysurus was recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, off Almuñécar (Granada, Spain: 36° 43′ 26″ N; 3° 41′ 39″ W). This species probably entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

The Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) is characterized bya well-defined hydrological structure, the Almeria (Spain)–Oran(Algeria) geostrophic front. During the Almofront-2 cruise (November22, 1997 to January 18, 1998), high frequency sampling (  相似文献   

The Atlantic lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus (343 mm total length) is recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea. The specimen was collected in the night between 16 and 17 September 2004 off Molunat Bay, Croatia, southern Adriatic Sea. This record may present a case of a vagrant specimen.  相似文献   

One specimen of the Indo‐Pacific silverstripe blaasop Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789)(Tetraodontidae) is recorded from the Aegean coast of Turkey and is confirmed for the Mediterranean. Dispersal of the species to the Mediterranean is due to migration from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal.  相似文献   

On 5th November 2017, a puffer fish specimen was caught in the Aegean Sea. Morphological and molecular analysis identified it as Lagocephalus guentheri. This first record from Greek waters represents the westernmost observation of the species in the Mediterranean Sea. The expansion and establishment of puffer fish species in the basin are discussed, with particular emphasis on the importance of the additional use of molecular analysis for increasing the efficiency in understanding species spread and dynamics.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the spring of 2009, the winters of 2010 and 2013, and in the summer of 2012 at 13 stations in Boughrara Lagoon, Tunisia (southern Mediterranean). The country⿿s largest lagoon, it is considered to be an anthropogenically stressed area, though a major tourist centre⿿Djerba Island⿿is located along its northern shores. The lagoon bottoms were studied via analyses of grain size, surface sediment composition, total organic matter (TOM) and through the trophic and functional organisation of benthic macrofauna. The results indicate that the bottoms are composed of fine, medium or coarse sands and that sediment distribution is controlled by water movement. Estimation of TOM content revealed that the studied samples present both normal and imbalanced sediments. The structure and organisation of the lagoon⿿s benthic macrofauna are dominated by select deposit feeders and underwent significant changes during the period 2010⿿2013.Subjected for decades to increased pollution due to growing human activities in the surrounding area, Boughrara Lagoon now appears to be impacted by certain environmental/anthropogenic stressors, as indicated by the presence of pollution-tolerant bio-indicator species in the imbalanced area. The response of the lagoon ecosystem to changes in benthic sediment deposition provides a potential assessment tool for similar habitats elsewhere.  相似文献   

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