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  • In degraded dryland systems, native plant community re‐establishment following disturbance is almost exclusively carried out using seeds, but these efforts commonly fail. Much of this failure can be attributed to the limited understanding of seed dormancy and germination traits.
  • We undertook a systematic classification of seed dormancy of 26 species of annual and perennial forbs and shrubs that represent key, dominant genera used in restoration of the Great Basin ecosystem in the western United States. We examined germination across a wide thermal profile to depict species‐specific characteristics and assessed the potential of gibberellic acid (GA3) and karrikinolide (KAR1) to expand the thermal germination envelope of fresh seeds.
  • Of the tested species, 81% produce seeds that are dormant at maturity. The largest proportion (62%) exhibited physiological (PD), followed by physical (PY, 8%), combinational (PY + PD, 8%) and morphophysiological (MPD, 4%) dormancy classes. The effects of chemical stimulants were temperature‐ and species‐mediated. In general, mean germination across the thermal profile was improved by GA3 and KAR1 for 11 and five species, respectively. We detected a strong germination response to temperature in freshly collected seeds of 20 species. Temperatures below 10 °C limited the germination of all except Agoseris heterophylla, suggesting that in their dormant state, the majority of these species are thermally restricted.
  • Our findings demonstrate the utility of dormancy classification as a foundation for understanding the critical regenerative traits in these ecologically important species and highlight its importance in restoration planning.

通过对7个高粱-苏丹草杂交种产草量与品质性状的相关和回归分析,结果表明:前一茬株高与后一茬产草量呈显著负相关,刈割3次的产草量间呈显著正相关,且均与总产草量呈极显著正相关;粗蛋白质与粗纤维含量呈显著负相关。粗脂肪与粗灰分含量呈显著正相关;产草量高低与品质性状无显著相关关系。通径分析结果表明:第1茬分蘖及3次产草量与总产量的直接通径系数都为正值,其中第2次刈割的产草量的直接通径系数最大,为0.5334^**。总产草量依各产草量性状的最优回归方程为:y^=-0.0522 0.0096x9 1.0006x13 1.0002x14 0.9989x15。  相似文献   

长期过度利用导致我国草原的生产功能严重衰退,适量补充关键性养分元素是提升牧草产量的关键.以往研究表明,氮素输入可提升牧草产量,但对牧草品质的影响鲜有涉及.本研究以内蒙古草甸草原退化草地为对象开展控制试验,旨在明确氮素补给如何通过改变不同植物类群的牧草品质和植物群落结构影响群落水平上的牧草品质.结果表明: 氮素输入显著提升了牧草产量达23%,主要得益于根茎禾草类群的贡献; 氮素输入对其他植物类群的生产力无显著影响.不同植物类群的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维含量均存在显著差异.氮素输入显著提高了根茎禾草、丛生禾草、豆科植物、苔草类植物的粗蛋白含量,提高了根茎禾草的粗脂肪含量,而对所有类群的粗纤维含量均无显著影响.在群落水平上,氮素输入显著提高了粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量.这对于理解氮素补给对草甸草原牧草生产的影响具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为确定呼伦贝尔草原高效生产和可持续利用的最佳刈割制度,于2019—2021年在呼伦贝尔草原开展刈割时间(7月31日、8月10日、8月20日、8月30日、9月9日)、留茬高度(3、9、15 cm)及两者交互作用对草原群落特征、牧草产量和品质影响的研究。结果表明: 较晚时间刈割和低留茬刈割会降低翌年群落高度和盖度;低留茬刈割降低翌年地上部分生物量,但刈割时间对其影响不显著。禾草、莎草相对生物量随刈割时间的延迟表现出先增加后减少的趋势,杂类草则与之相反,而豆科植物无明显变化。低留茬刈割在当年能够获得高的干草产量,但翌年的干草产量显著下降;8月30日,留茬3 cm刈割时干草产量达到最高值(469 g·m-2),高于最低值361.5%。牧草品质中粗蛋白含量在8月30日刈割时亦达到峰值,高于最低值约6.5%,且在高留茬刈割下含量更高;酸、中性洗涤纤维含量随刈割时间延迟逐渐升高,9月9日刈割高于7月31日8.0%、5.9%,并且随留茬高度增加而降低。呼伦贝尔草原刈割制度设置为留茬高度9 cm左右、8月20—30日刈割为最佳,但需更长期的刈割试验观测才能得到更可靠、更客观的结论。  相似文献   

? Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major limiting factor of crop production on acid soils, but the implication of oxidative stress in this process is controversial. A multidisciplinary approach was used here to address this question in the forage legume Lotus corniculatus. ? Plants were treated with low Al concentrations in hydroponic culture, and physiological and biochemical parameters, together with semiquantitative metabolic and proteomic profiles, were determined. ? The exposure of plants to 10 μM Al inhibited root and leaf growth, but had no effect on the production of reactive oxygen species or lipid peroxides. By contrast, exposure to 20 μM Al elicited the production of superoxide radicals, peroxide and malondialdehyde. In response to Al, there was a progressive replacement of the superoxide dismutase isoforms in the cytosol, a loss of ascorbate and consistent changes in amino acids, sugars and associated enzymes. ? We conclude that oxidative stress is not a causative factor of Al toxicity. The increased contents in roots of two powerful Al chelators, malic and 2-isopropylmalic acids, together with the induction of an Al-activated malate transporter gene, strongly suggest that both organic acids are implicated in Al detoxification. The effects of Al on key proteins involved in cytoskeleton dynamics, protein turnover, transport, methylation reactions, redox control and stress responses underscore a metabolic dysfunction, which affects multiple cellular compartments, particularly in plants exposed to 20 μM Al.  相似文献   

渭北旱塬兼顾冬小麦产量和环境效益的农田适宜氮肥用量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确渭北旱区兼顾冬小麦产量和环境效益的农田系统适宜氮肥用量,通过连续3年的田间试验,研究了冬小麦产量、氮肥利用效率、氮素表观损失和土壤氮素平衡对施氮量的响应.结果表明: 随着氮肥用量的增加,不同年份冬小麦产量均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,而累计氮肥表观利用率表现为显著降低趋势,3季冬小麦均在施氮150 kg·hm-2时达到相对较高的产量和氮肥表观利用率;随着施氮量的增加,氮肥残留显著增加,当施氮量在75~150 kg·hm-2时,表观损失量和损失率变化不明显,而施氮超过150 kg·hm-2,表观损失量和损失率显著增加.综合考虑保证冬小麦既可获得相对较高的产量和氮肥利用率,又能保持收获前后土壤硝态氮库的基本稳定,同时也可将氮肥表观损失降至较低水平,150 kg·hm-2是渭北旱区冬小麦较为合理的施氮量.  相似文献   

The tropical forage legume Clitoria ternatea (L.) has important agronomic traits such as adaptation to a wide range of soil conditions and resistance to drought. It is resistant to a number of pathogens and pests. These important traits gave us reasons to look more closely at the plant. A highly basic small protein was purified from seeds of C. ternatea to homogeneity by using ultrafiltration with Centricon-3 membrane tubes and preparative granulated-bed isoelectric focusing (IEF). A single protein band was obtained on both sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and IEF gels. The protein, designated 'finotin', has broad and potent inhibitory effect on the growth of various important fungal pathogens of plants, namely Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Pyricularia grisea, Bipolaris oryzae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. It also inhibits the common bean bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli. Moreover, finotin has powerful inhibitory properties against the bean bruchids Zabrotes subfasciatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus.  相似文献   

A 3-yr project was initiated in 1993 to examine the effects of insecticides and sustained whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring [aka. B tabaci Gennadius (Strain B)], feeding on alfalfa plant growth and vigor in greenhouse cage studies, and to determine the impact of natural Bemisia whitefly populations on alfalfa forage yields and quality in a large-plot field experiment. Alfalfa plant growth and vigor after exposure to imidacloprid and a mixture of fenpropathrin and acephate insecticides did not differ from untreated plants in the greenhouse. Consequently, foliar and soil applied insecticides were used to manipulate whitefly densities on alfalfa plants to measure whitefly feeding effects on plant growth and forage yield. Heavy whitefly densities on untreated alfalfa plants in the greenhouse resulted in significant reductions in relative growth rates and net assimilation rates as compared with imidacloprid-treated plants that were maintained relatively whitefly-free. Reductions in alfalfa plant growth measured between infested and treated plants were proportional to whitefly densities. Field plot results derived from three crop seasons were relatively consistent with our greenhouse trials. Both experimental approaches clearly showed that alfalfa plants exposed to high densities of whitefly immatures and adults grew at a significantly slower rate and produced less foliage. As a result of reduced growth rates, alfalfa maturity in the naturally infested plots was estimated to be approximately 7-10 d behind managed plots. Delays in maturity resulted in significant reductions in forage yields of 13-18% during August-September harvests when whitefly populations reached peak abundance. Whitefly feeding stresses also effected hay quality through the reduction of crude protein content and contamination of foliage with honeydew and sooty mold. The status of the Bemisia whiteflies as an economic pest to alfalfa is clearly evident from these studies, but the damage potential of whiteflies in the southwestern United States appears to be restricted to one or two harvest periods during the summer coinciding with peak adult populations and their dispersal from alternate host crops.  相似文献   

An Italian "Dalita" ryegrass (Lolium italicum) and a European lucerne (Medicago sativa) were harvested at 5 different growth stages to determine the anatomical factors limiting their digestibility and in particular the effects of lignification of the tissues. In vitro digestibility, cell wall contents of the whole plant and stem of lucerne and of the whole plant, stem and leaf blade of ryegrass were determined. The rate and the extent of degradation in the rumen of the different tissues were observed by scanning electron microscopy. This degradation occurred very rapidly with the lucerne stems; the xylem of lucerne was the only undegradable tissue whatever the stage. The collenchyma was degraded in the rumen although with acid phloroglucinol it stained positive for the presence of phenolic compounds. Ryegrass stems were digested more slowly than lucerne stems, and the sclerenchyma and xylem of ryegrass were indigestible whatever the stage. The parenchyma located close to the sclerenchyma became indigestible as the cell walls lignified progressively from the third stage. These results contribute to the understanding of the decrease in digestibility over the first growth stage and the variation in rate of digestion of lucerne and ryegrass in the rumen.  相似文献   

Forage quality combines traits related to protein content and energy value. High-quality forages contribute to increase farm autonomy by reducing the use of energy or protein-rich supplements. Genetic analyses in forage legume species are complex because of their tetraploidy and allogamy. Indeed, no genetic studies of quality have been published at the molecular level on these species. Nonetheless, mapping populations of the model species M. truncatula can be used to detect QTL for forage quality. Here, we studied a crossing design involving four connected populations of M. truncatula. Each population was composed of ca. 200 recombinant inbred lines (RIL). We sought population-specific QTL and QTL explaining the whole design variation. We grew parents and RIL in a greenhouse for 2 or 3 seasons and analysed plants for chemical composition of vegetative organs (protein content, digestibility, leaf-to-stem ratio) and stem histology (stem cross-section area, tissue proportions). Over the four populations and all the traits, QTL were found on all chromosomes. Among these QTL, only four genomic regions, on chromosomes 1, 3, 7 and 8, contributed to explaining the variations in the whole crossing design. Surprisingly, we found that quality QTL were located in the same genomic regions as morphological QTL. We thus confirmed the quantitative inheritance of quality traits and tight relationships between quality and morphology. Our findings could be explained by a co-location of genes involved in quality and morphology. This study will help to detect candidate genes involved in quantitative variation for quality in forage legume species.  相似文献   

Elevated CO(2) may decrease alfalfa forage quality and in vitro digestibility through a drop in crude protein and an enhancement of fibre content. The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of elevated CO(2), elevated temperature and Sinorhizobium meliloti strains (102F78, 102F34 and 1032 GMI) on alfalfa yield, forage quality and in vitro dry matter digestibility. This objective is in line with the selection of S. meliloti strains in order to maintain high forage yield and quality under future climate conditions. Plants inoculated with the 102F34 strain showed more DM production than those inoculated with 1032GMI; however, these strains did not show significant differences with 102F78 plants. Neutral or acid detergent fibres were not enhanced in plants inoculated with the 102F34 strain under elevated CO(2) or temperature and hence, in vitro dry matter digestibility was unaffected. Crude protein content, an indicator of forage quality, was negatively related to shoot yield. Plants inoculated with 102F78 showed a similar shoot yield to those inoculated with 102F34, but had higher crude protein content at elevated CO(2) and temperature. Under these climate change conditions, 102F78 inoculated plants produced higher quality forage. However, the higher digestibility of plants inoculated with the 102F34 strain under any CO(2) or temperature conditions makes them more suitable for growing under climate change conditions. In general, elevated CO(2) in combination with high temperature (Climate Change scenario) reduced IVDMD and CP content and enhanced fibre content, which means that animal production will be negatively affected.  相似文献   

Legumes play a crucial role in nitrogen supply to grass-legume mixtures for ruminant fodder. To quantify N transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants in multi-species grasslands we established a grass-legume-herb mixture on a loamy-sandy site in Denmark. White clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) were leaf-labelled with 15N enriched urea during one growing season. N transfer to grasses (Lolium perenne L. and xfestulolium), white clover, red clover, lucerne, birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) was assessed. Neighbouring plants contained greater amounts of N derived from white clover (4.8?g?m-2) compared with red clover (2.2?g?m-2) and lucerne (1.1?g?m-2). Grasses having fibrous roots received greater amounts of N from legumes than dicotyledonous plants which generally have taproots. Slurry application mainly increased N transfer from legumes to grasses. During the growing season the three legumes transferred approximately 40?kg?N ha-1 to neighbouring plants. Below-ground N transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants differed among nitrogen donors and nitrogen receivers and may depend on root characteristics and regrowth strategies of plant species in the multi-species grassland.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) are forage legumes that differ in their responses to high and low temperature stresses. Thermal limitations on the function of glutathione reductase (EC could adversely affect the ability of the plant to cope with adverse temperatures. Our objectives were to (a) purify glutathione reductase from `Cimarron' alfalfa and `PI 212241' sainfoin and (b) investigate the intraspecies variation in the thermal dependency of glutathione reductase from each of three cultivars of alfalfa and two cultivars and an introduction of sainfoin. Glutathione reductase was purified 1222-and 1948-fold to a specific activity of 281 and 273 units per milligram of protein, from one species each of alfalfa and sainfoin, respectively. The relative molecular mass of the protein was approximately 140 kilodaltons with subunits of 57 and 37 kilodaltons under denaturing conditions. The activation energies were approximately 50 kilojoules per mole for both species. Over a 5 to 45°C temperature gradient, large variation among species and genotypes within species was found for: (a) the minimum apparent Michaelis constant (0.6-2.1 micromoles of NADPH), (b) the temperature at which the minimum apparent Michaelis constant was observed (10-25°C), and (c) the thermal kinetic windows (6-19°C width). Future studies will focus on relating the thermal dependence of the Michaelis constant of the glutathione reductases and plant growth rates and forage quality of these species throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

Abstract Measuring the fate of seeds between seed production and seedling establishment is critical in understanding mechanisms of recruitment limitation of plants. We examined seed fates to better understand the recruitment dynamics of four resprouting shrubs from two families (Fabaceae and Epacridaceae) in temperate grassy woodlands. We tested whether: (i) pre‐dispersal seed predation affected seed rain; (ii) post‐dispersal seed predation limited seed bank accumulation; (iii) the size of the seed bank was related to seed size; and (iv) viable seeds accumulated in the soil after seed rain. There was a distinct difference in seed production per plant between plant families with the legumes producing significantly more seeds per individual than the epacrids. Seed viability ranged from 43% to 81% and all viable had seed or fruit coat dormancy broken by heat or scarification. Pre‐dispersal predation by Lepidopteran larvae removed a large proportion of seed from the legume seed rain but not the epacrids. Four species of ants (Notoncus ectatomoides, Pheidole sp., Rhytidoponera tasmaniensis and Iridomyrmex purpureus) were major post‐dispersal seed removers. Overall, a greater percentage of Hardenbergia (38%) and Pultenaea (59%) seeds were removed than the fleshy fruits of Lissanthe (14%) or Melichrus (0%). Seed bank sizes were small (<15 seeds m?2) relative to the seed rain and no significant accumulation of seed in the soil was detected. Lack of accumulation was attributed to seed predation as seed decay was considered unlikely and no seed germination was observed in our study sites. Our study suggests that seed predation is a key factor contributing to seed‐limited recruitment in grassy woodland shrubs by reducing the number of seeds stored in the soil.  相似文献   

The production of litter was measured for the piedmont communities of Larrea divaricata ssp. dicaricata (1500 m asl) and L. cuneifolia (1130 m asl) near Mendoza, Argentina. Litter was collected in traps randomly distributed in each stand: herbaceous, shrubby and uncovered soil. The monthly average weight of litter was recorded in each stand during one year and discontineously during other two years more.The material was classified as: leaves and fruits of Larrea sp., fruits of Stipa sp. (by its relative abundance), gramineous and non gramineous material. The litter and the soil in each sample were bromatologically analyzed and the N, Ca and P levels also determined.The annual contribution of nutrients was calculated totally and layer by layer. The L. cuneifolia and the L. divaricata thickets produce 4,71 t.ha-1 year-2 and 2,02 t.ha-1.year-2 of litter respectively, that mean 78,66 kg/ha of N, 4,24 kg/ha of P and 94,2 kg/ha of Ca in the first thicket and 31,14 kg/ha of N, 1,82 kg/ha of P and 34,17 kg/ha of Ca in the second one; in one year of study.
Zusammenfassung In den Larrea divaricata ssp. divaricata und L. cuneifolia Gebüschen des mendoziner Andenvorlandes (1500 m und 1130 m Meereshöhe) wurde die Streuproduktion untersucht. Die Streu wurde getrennt nach Strauchschit, Krauchschit und nacktem Boden in Fallen gesammelt, die stichprobenartig in den Beständen verteilt waren. Ein Jahr lang wurde in jedem Bestand der monatliche Streuanfall ermittelt, wobei die Bläter und Früchte von Larrea von den Stipa-Früchten zwecks Berechnung der relativen Mengen-, grasartige und nicht grasartige, getrennt wurden. Streu und Boden der Bestän wurden bromatologisch analysiert und die Stockstoff, Kalk und Phosphorgehalte bestimmt Derjärliche Nährstoffeintrag wurde schichtweise und als Gesamtmenge berechnet. Das Larrea cuneifolia Gebüsch erzeuchte järlich 4,71 T/ha und das L. divaricata 2,20 T/ha Streu. Diese enthielt 78,66 kg/ha N, 4,24 kg/ha P und 94,20 T/ha Ca im L. cuneifolia-und 31,14 kg/ha N, 1,82 kg/ha P, 34,17 kg/ha Ca im L. divaricata-Gebüsch.

We investigated the effect of changes in perfusate substrate and Ca content on the quality and yield of isolated adult rat heart cells. When 1 mM Ca was added to the recirculating perfusate 15 min after collagenase addition, the ATP level of cells in the heart 15 min later, and their morphology in histological section, was no different from when no Ca was added back. The cells subsequently isolated were of similar yield, but a greater percentage were rod-shaped, compared with cells isolated without Ca restoration to the perfusate. Increased yield could be obtained by including substrates in the perfusate in addition to glucose. Either fatty acids or amino acids were effective. We conclude that: (1) all cells in the heart are Ca tolerant at the end of enzyme perfusion; (2) the presence of substrates in addition to glucose can help cells survive the isolation process.  相似文献   

Summary The migratory and foraging behavior of individually marked bighorn ewes (Ovis canadensis) was studied to test the hypothesis that forage quality determined seasonal range selection. Forage quality was monitored through analysis of fecal crude protein. Ewes in the study population utilized two distinct ranges differing in elevation and possibly predation risk. Pregnant ewes migrated in May from the low-elevation winter range to lambing areas at higher elevation, before plant growth had started there. In so doing, they moved from a range of high-quality forage to one of low-quality forage, apparently to avoid predation on newborn lambs. Non-pregnant adult ewes migrated later. Most yearling ewes (which are not pregnant) migrated with the adult ewes to the lambing areas, but returned to the winter range within a few days, then migrated again to high-elevation areas in June. Forage quality was higher at high elevation from mid-June at least through July, but forage availability appeared to be lower than in the winter range. Seasonal range selection is likely determined by a combination of nutritional and antipredator constraints. The antipredator strategy of bighorn ewes does not always allow them to utilize the range with the best forage.  相似文献   

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