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Interspecific competition for resources is generally considered to be the selective force driving ecological character displacement, and displacement is assumed to reduce competition. Skeptics of the prevalence of character displacement often cite lack of evidence of competition. The present article uses a simple model to examine whether competition is needed for character displacement and whether displacement reduces competition. It treats systems with competing resources, and considers cases when only one consumer evolves. It quantifies competition using several different measures. The analysis shows that selection for divergence of consumers occurs regardless of the level of between‐resource competition or whether the indirect interaction between the consumers is competition (?,?), mutualism (+,+), or contramensalism (+,?). Also, divergent evolution always decreases the equilibrium population size of the evolving consumer. Whether divergence of one consumer reduces or increases the impact of a subsequent perturbation of the other consumer depends on the parameters and the method chosen for measuring competition. Divergence in mutualistic interactions may reduce beneficial effects of subsequent increases in the other consumer's population. The evolutionary response is driven by an increase in the relative abundance of the resource the consumer catches more rapidly. Such an increase can occur under several types of interaction.  相似文献   

We explore the minimal conditions for sustainable cooperation on a spatially distributed population of memoryless, unconditional strategies (cooperators and defectors) in presence of unbiased, non-contingent mobility in the context of the Prisoner's Dilemma game. We find that cooperative behavior is not only possible but may even be enhanced by such an "always-move" rule, when compared with the strongly viscous ("never-move") case. In addition, mobility also increases the capability of cooperation to emerge and invade a population of defectors, what may have a fundamental role in the problem of the onset of cooperation.  相似文献   

Is tamarisk allelopathic?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., T. chinensis Lour.), a pernicious invader of riparian areas in the western U.S., is often considered to be allelopathic by virtue of an ability to exude salt from its leaves. However, there is no evidence demonstrating allelopathy or even salinization of soils under tamarisk. We collected soil samples from beneath and just outside of tamarisk canopies at 12 sites along a 110-km reach of Fort Peck Reservoir in northeastern Montana. Samples were analyzed for electrical conductivity (EC), pH and concentration of several nutrients. Plants of western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.), the dominant herbaceous native plant in habitats invaded by tamarisk, were grown in the soil samples as a bioassay. We used principal components analysis (PCA) to explore how intercorrelated soil variables were affected by a tamarisk canopy. EC averaged more than twice as high under a tamarisk canopy than in the open. However, western wheatgrass plants growing in tamarisk-affected soil were 73% larger than those in unaffected soil. PCA analysis indicated that soil beneath a tamarisk canopy had higher values along a gradient of increasing EC and total inorganic N and decreasing pH and NH 4 + /NO 3 ratio. This same gradient was also associated with increasing growth of the bioassay. We hypothesize that this fertilization was due to leaf secretions and/or leaf fall, possibly by increased input of nitrogenous organic compounds or increased P solubility. Our study provided no support for an allelopathic effect of tamarisk.  相似文献   

Concern about the side effects of various anaesthetic agents in newborn infants has led to the widespread use of anaesthesia with unsupplemented nitrous oxide and oxygen with muscle relaxants in such patients. To investigate the efficacy of such a regimen 36 neonates undergoing operations were randomised to two groups: one group received anaesthesia with nitrous oxide and curare alone and the other was additionally given halothane. Concentrations of metabolites and hormones were measured before and at the end of operation and at six, 12, and 24 hours after operation and the values compared between the two groups. Neonates given halothane anaesthesia showed decreased hormonal responses to operation, with significant differences between the two groups in the changes in adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol concentrations and the ratio of insulin to glucagon concentration. Changes in blood concentrations of glucose and total ketone bodies and plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids were also decreased in neonates receiving halothane anaesthesia. Neonates given anaesthesia with unsupplemented nitrous oxide showed significantly greater increases in the urinary ratio of 3-methylhistidine to creatinine concentration and their clinical condition was also more unstable during and after operation.Unless specifically contraindicated potent anaesthesia with halothane or other anaesthetic agents should be given to all neonates undergoing surgical operations as it decreases their stress responses and improves their clinical stability during and after operation.  相似文献   

Activated carbon (AC) is widely used in ecological studies to elucidate the role of allelopathic substances in interspecific plant competition. However, by adsorbing chemical signalling compounds AC may also have negative effects on plants with symbiosis partners such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia. Here we test whether addition of AC has detrimental effects on the mycorrhizal root colonization of the native forb Plantago lanceolata and the exotic legume Lupinus polyphyllus, the nodulation of L. polyphyllus, and the nutrient uptake and growth of the plants growing in intra- and interspecific competition. Allelopathic effects probably occurred in the germination and seedling establishment phase when P. lanceolata suffered from the presence of L. polyphyllus. However, this negative effect of L. polyphyllus on P. lanceolata was not ameliorated by AC addition. AC negatively affected L. polyphyllus root biomass in week 4, and root and shoot biomass of P. lanceolata in week 9 of the experiment; both effects were independent of the presence and absence of the competing plant species. Mycorrhizal root colonization of both plant species was reduced in the presence of AC, although the effect tended to be stronger for L. polyphyllus. No significant effect of AC on the nodulation of L. polyphyllus was detected. P. lanceolata was the superior competitor and led to reduced biomasses of L. polyphyllus in interspecific competition. We conclude that AC can reduce the mycorrhization and performance of plants which may lead to changes in interspecific competition without the involvement of allelopathy. Contrary to former studies the AC used in our study did not enhance the nutrient availability for the plants, but reduced plant growth and mycorrhization. We suggest that the nutrient properties of the used AC are of crucial importance for the direction and the mechanisms of the effects and should always be reported.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi seems to compete with its vector, Triatoma infestans, for nutrients. When starved the resistance of infected Triatoma is reduced but it is rarely affected i f it is given an adequate food supply. Infected individuals also might be more sensitive than uninfected bugs to other environmental stress factors. Günter Schaub believes that the theory, that T. cruzi does not affect its vectors, should be re-examined.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that floral features promoting pollen competition in angiosperms may have evolved, in some cases, in response to selection generated by the negative effects of inbreeding, at least in plants with mixed-mating systems. Screening of haploid genotypes through pollen competition may purge recessive (or additive) deleterious alleles that are expressed in haploid pollen and hence may reduce the fitness cost of self-pollination, geitonogamy, or biparental inbreeding. We tested one prediction of this hypothesis, that offspring produced by more intense competition among self-pollen have higher fitness than offspring produced by less intense competition. Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) flowers were pollinated with pollen from other flowers on the same plant (geitonogamous self-fertilization). Those flowers experiencing more intense pollen competition as a result of low pollen dispersion (positional variance) on the stigma produced heavier seeds and seedlings with faster-growing radicles than flowers experiencing less intense pollen competition (high pollen dispersion), as predicted by our hypothesis.  相似文献   

To assess whether molecular oxygen and oxidative stress contribute to chloroquine activity, we cultivated strains of Plasmodium falciparum in erythrocytes with carboxyhemoglobin and an atmosphere containing 2% CO, 5% CO(2) and 93% N(2). Results indicate that, contrary to common belief, oxygen is not involved in the activity of chloroquine. Reactive radicals formation is suggested.  相似文献   

In metapopulations, competitive interactions may extend beyond the confines of the local population such that members of neighbouring habitat patches affect each other adversely (quasi-local competition). We derive a model for quasi-local competition from first principles, assuming that individuals compete for shared resources and members of a population spend a certain fraction of their foraging time in the adjacent populations. Contrary to the results of Doebeli and Killingback [2003. Theor. Popul. Biol. 64, 397-416], our model does not produce spatial patterns of population densities in homogeneous environments. Quasi-local competition nevertheless contributes to pattern formation by amplifying the effect of heterogeneities in the external environment, and this amplification can be extremely strong when dispersal is absent. We discuss why apparently similar models lead to contrasting results.  相似文献   

Competitive diversification, that is, when increasing intraspecific competition promotes population niche expansion, is commonly invoked in evolutionary studies and currently plays a central role in how we conceptualize the process of adaptive diversification. Despite the frequency with which this idea is cited, the empirical evidence for the process is somewhat limited, and the findings of these studies have yet to be weighed objectively through synthesis. Here, we sought to fill this gap by reviewing the existing literature and collecting the data necessary to assess the evidence for competition as a diversifying force. Additionally, we sought to test a more recent hypothesis, which suggests that competition can act to both promote and inhibit dietary diversification depending on the degree to which a consumer depletes its resources. The surprising result of this synthesis was that increasing competition did not have a mean positive effect on population‐level diet breadth or the degree of individual specialization. Instead, we found that increasing intraspecific competition had a restricting effect on population‐level diet breadth in as many cases as it had a diversifying effect. This wide disparity in the effect of competition on consumer diet variation was negatively related to a metric for consumer resource depletion. Altogether, these findings call into question a long‐standing assumption of basic evolutionary models and lend some support to recent theoretical predictions. Specifically, these findings support the idea that competition is primarily diversifying for species with a small effect (per unit biomass) on their resources and that resource depletion limits the diversifying effect of competition for consumers with larger ecological effects.  相似文献   

As a result of reduced intraspecific competition, genetically diverse populations may have higher relative fitness than genetically uniform populations. To test this hypothesis, we compared polyclonal (i.e., genetically diverse) versus monoclonal (i.e., composed of a single clonal genotype) experimental populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (Müller, 1786) growing separately and in competition. We estimated the following fitness components: intrinsic growth rate; carrying capacity; proportion of sexual females; diapausing egg production per sexual female and total egg production. Polyclonal populations showed similar dynamics to monoclonal populations and no statistical difference between their fitness components was detected. Therefore, results do not support the hypothesis that genetically diverse populations reduce competition through diversification in resource use. Instead, results suggest that B. plicatilis is a generalist consumer whose polyphagy does not depend on genetic differences, but on the broad diet of each genotype. However, clones showed significant differences in almost all fitness components demonstrating among-clone variation in life-history traits. We found a trade-off between sexual ratio and carrying capacity, highlighting the cost of sex in cyclical parthenogenetic rotifers. We discuss the mechanisms that could maintain the observed among-clone genetic variation in natural populations, and speculate on results implication for sex maintenance in rotifers.  相似文献   

Allelopathic effects and plant associated systemic endophytic fungi are often thought to play a role in the invasion of exotic plant species. Here, we tested the inhibitory effects of the aqueous extracts of the hemiparasitic weed Pedicularis kansuensis on seed germination and seedling growth of endophyte-free (E−) and -infected (E+) grass species, Stipa purpurea and Elymus tangutorum. The weed extracts significantly inhibited both seed germination and seedling growth of the target grass species. Extracts from the inflorescences gave greater inhibition than those from the stems or roots, while the concentration of the extract had a direct effect on the extent of inhibition. The E+ target plants were less susceptible to the extracts than their E-counterparts. Our results suggest that the allelopathic potential of P. kansuensis will lead to increased frequencies of endophyte infected plants in grass populations.  相似文献   

When the availability of sperm limits female reproductive success, competition for sperm, may be an important broker of sexual selection. This is because sperm limitation can increase the variance in female reproductive success, resulting in strong selection on females to compete for limited fertilization opportunities. Sperm limitation is probably common in broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates, making these excellent candidates for investigating scramble competition between broods of eggs and its consequences for female reproductive success. Here, we report our findings from a series of experiments that investigate egg competition in the sessile, broadcast-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. We initially tested whether the order in which eggs encounter sperm affects their fertilization success at two ecologically relevant current regimes. We used a split-clutch-split--ejaculate technique to compare the fertilization success of eggs from individual females that had either first access (competition-free treatment) or second access (egg competition treatment) to a batch of sperm. We found that fertilization success depended on the order in which eggs accessed sperm; eggs that were assigned to the competition-free treatment exhibited significantly higher fertilization rates than those assigned to the egg competition treatment at both current speeds. In subsequent experiments we found that prior exposure of sperm to eggs significantly reduced both the quantity and quality of sperm available to fertilize a second clutch of eggs, resulting in reductions in fertilization success at high and low sperm concentrations. These findings suggest that female traits that increase the likelihood of sperm-egg interactions (e.g. egg size) will respond to selection imposed by egg competition.  相似文献   

Aim We wanted to test whether urbanization has similar effects on biodiversity in different locations, comparing the responses of ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) assemblages with an urbanization gradient. We also wanted to see if urbanization had a homogenizing effect on ground beetle assemblages. Locations Nine forested temperate locations in Europe, Canada and Japan. Methods Published results of the Globenet Project were used. At all locations, three stages were identified: (1) a forested (rural) area, (2) a suburban area where the original forest was fragmented and isolated, and (3) remnants of the original forest in urban parks. These habitats formed an urbanization series. Study arrangements (number and operation of traps) and methods (pitfall trapping) were identical, conforming to the Globenet protocol. Assemblage composition and diversity patterns were evaluated. Diversity relationships were analysed by the Rényi diversity ordering method considering all ground beetles and – separately – the forest specialist species. Taxonomic homogenization was examined by multivariate methods using assemblage similarities. Results Overall biodiversity (compared by species richness and diversity ordering) showed inconsistent trends by either urbanization intensity or by geographic position. However, when only forest species were compared, diversity was higher in the original rural (forested) areas than in urban forest fragments. Within‐country similarities of carabid assemblages were always higher than within‐urbanization stage similarities. Main conclusions Urbanization does not appear to cause a decrease in ground beetle diversity per se. Forest species decline as urbanization intensifies but this trend is masked by an influx of non‐forest species. The rural faunas were more similar to the urban ones within the same location than similar urbanization stages were to each other, indicating that urbanization did not homogenize the taxonomic composition of ground beetle faunas across the studied locations.  相似文献   

Missing data are a widely recognized nuisance factor in phylogenetic analyses, and the fear of missing data may deter systematists from including characters that are highly incomplete. In this paper, I used simulations to explore the consequences of including sets of characters that contain missing data. More specifically, I tested whether the benefits of increasing the number of characters outweigh the costs of adding missing data cells to a matrix. The results show that the addition of a set of characters with missing data is generally more likely to increase phylogenetic accuracy than decrease it, but the potential benefits of adding these characters quickly disappear as the proportion of missing data increases. Furthermore, despite the overall trend, adding characters with missing data does decrease accuracy in some cases. In these situations, the missing data entries are not themselves misleading, but their presence may mimic the effects of limited taxon sampling, which can positively mislead. Criteria are discussed for predicting whether adding characters with missing data may increase or decrease accuracy. The results of this study also suggest that accuracy can be increased to a surprising degree by (1) "filling the holes" in a data matrix as much as possible (even when relatively few taxa are missing data), and (2) adding fewer characters scored for all taxa rather than adding a larger number of characters known for fewer taxa. Missing data can also be eliminated from an analysis through the exclusion of incomplete taxa rather than incomplete characters, but this approach may reduce the usefulness of the analysis and (in some cases) the accuracy of the estimated trees.  相似文献   

Does seed production of spring ephemerals decrease when spring comes early?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To predict the effect of global warming on plant reproductive success, seed-sets of spring ephemerals were compared between a year of extremely warm spring (2002) and normal years at cool-temperate deciduous forests in northern Japan. The spring of 2002 was the warmest in the last 40years and most spring-ephemeral plants bloomed 7–17days earlier than usual. The seed-set of bumblebee-pollinated Corydalis ambigua drastically decreased in 2002 in every population. The small bee-pollinated Gagea lutea also significantly decreased in 2002. However, the seed-sets of two fly pollinated species, Adonis ramosa and Anemone flaccida, were not influenced by early flowering. These results indicat that the effect of global warming on seed production of spring ephemerals differs between species depending on the type of pollinators, and that bee-pollinated species can have serious impacts on reproductive success as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of ram semen after cryopreservation with different levels of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) extract (0 (F0), 5 (F5), 10 (F10) and 15 (F15) mg/L) and sperm concentrations (200 (C200) and 400 (C400) × 106 sperm/mL) in a soy lecithin (SL)-based extender. Twenty ejaculates were collected from four ghezel rams and diluted with eight sperm concentrations/fennel combinations: F0C200, F5C200, F10C200, F15C200, F0C400, F5C400, F10C400 and F15C400. Sperm motility, abnormality, plasma membrane, viability, mitochondrial activity, lipid peroxidation (LPO), mitochondrial activity and apoptotic changes were evaluated after freeze-thawing process. It was observed that F10C400 significantly improved total and progressive motility, VSL, membrane integrity of post-thawed ram sperm. MDA level was lower in F5C200 and F10C400 compared to other treatments. The higher percentage of live sperm and the lower percentage of apoptotic sperm were obtained in F10C200 compared to F0C200, F5C200 F15C400, F0C400, F5C400 and F15C400. Extender F10C200 resulted in the highest mitochondria activity compared to the rest of the extenders except F10C400. We conclude that a combination of 10 mg/mL fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) extract and sperm concentration of 200 × 106 sperm/mL can improve the ram semen quality cryopreserved in a soybean lecithin based extender.  相似文献   

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