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Morphometric relationships between populations ofPapaver radicatum within the southern Norwegian mountains were investigated using canonical variates analysis andWard's clustering on capsule and leaf character sets. The survey describes patterns of variation among 13 wild-scored populations from five geographically disjunct localities, usually assigned to five races or subspecies. Our results from wild-collected material largely support earlier findings based on univariate statistics on cultivated material. In general, populations from within a disjunct locality (=subspecies) are most similar to other populations from the same locality. However, the subspecies vary in the degree to which they are differentiated in capsule morphology. The subsp.groevudalense populations are morphologically close to the main group of subsp.ovatilobum populations. Subspp.intermedium andoeksendalense are clearly distinct from one another and from the other subspecies, whereas the single subsp.gjaerevolli population is more similar to theovatilobum/groevudalense complex. Variation in leaf characters showed only partial congruence with variation in capsule characters. The pattern of morphological relationships among the subspecies is thus more complex than previously thought. The subspecies may have become differentiated during a period of isolation, but such results alone cannot indicate the duration of such a period.  相似文献   

Capsule Discriminant functions based on morphometric variables provide a reliable method for sex identification of free‐living and hacked young Ospreys.

Aims To describe an easy, accurate and low‐cost method for sex determination of fully grown nestling and fledgling Ospreys Pandion haliaetus based on morphometric measurements.

Methods Four different measurements were taken in 114 birds (40–73 days old) and a DNA analysis, using PCR amplification, was carried out for sex identification. A forward stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to build the best explanatory discriminant models, which were subsequently validated using statistics and external samples.

Results Our best discriminant function retained forearm and tarsus as the best predictor variables and classified 95.1% of the sample correctly, supported also by external cross‐validations with both hacked and free‐living birds. Moreover, a discriminant function with only forearm as predictor showed a similar high correct classification power (93.4%).

Conclusions These discriminant functions can be used as a reliable and immediate method for sex determination of young Ospreys since they showed high discriminant accuracy, close to that of molecular procedures, and were supported by external cross‐validations, both for free‐living and hacked birds. Thus, these morphometric measurements should be considered as standard tools for future scientific studies and management of Osprey populations  相似文献   

Our goal is to evaluate skeletal anabolic response to mechanical loading in different age groups of C57B1/6J (B6) and C3H/HeJ (C3H) mice with variable loads using bone size, bone mineral density (BMD), and gene expression changes as end points. Loads of 6-9 N were applied at 2 Hz for 36 cycles for 12 days on the tibia of 10-wk-old female B6 and C3H mice. Effects of a 9-N load on 10-, 16-, and 36-wk-old C3H mice were also studied. Changes in bone parameters were measured using peripheral quantitative computed tomography, and gene expression was determined by real-time PCR. Total volumetric BMD was increased by 5 and 15%, respectively, with 8- and 9-N loads in the B6, but not the C3H, mice. Increases of 20 and 12% in periosteal circumference were reflected by dramatic 44 and 26% increases in total area in B6 and C3H mice, respectively. The bone response to bending showed no difference in the three age groups of B6 and C3H mice. At 2 days, mechanical loading resulted in significant downregulation in expression of bone resorption (BR), but not bone formation (BF) marker genes. At 4 and 8 days of loading, expression of BF marker genes (type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and bone sialoprotein) was increased two- to threefold and expression of BR marker genes (matrix metalloproteinase-9 and thrombin receptor-activating peptide) was decreased two- to fivefold. Although expression of BF marker genes was upregulated four- to eightfold at 12 days of training, expression of BR marker genes was upregulated seven- to ninefold. Four-point bending caused significantly greater changes in expression of BF and BR marker genes in bones of the B6 than the C3H mice. We conclude that mechanical loading-induced molecular pathways are activated to a greater extent in the B6 than in the C3H mice, resulting in a higher anabolic response in the B6 mice.  相似文献   

The morphometric, cytophotometric and biochemical methods were used to study the reversibility of changes in the adrenal cortex of rabbits given cholesterol for 14 days. The majority of changes that develop in experimental hypercholesterolemia were discovered to undergo regression 1.5 months after cholesterol withdrawal.  相似文献   

Dvoretsky VG. and Dvoretsky AG. 2011. Morphometric differentiation of Pseudocalanus minutus populations in the Barents Sea. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–12. We investigated spatial variations in the morphometric characteristics (total length of body, lengths of cephalothorax, abdomen and antennules, and their relative proportions) of Pseudocalanus minutus, an abundant copepod species across the Barents Sea in August–September 2007. Females were found to have higher values for the measured parameters than males. The average absolute morphometric characters of both sexes increased from the south to the north. In most cases, parameters were similar in the southern, central, and eastern regions delineated by cluster analyses of oceanographic variables. The morphometric characteristics were strongly correlated with environmental variables in both males and females. Multiple regression analysis showed that temperature together with salinity explained 72–85% (in females) and 38–91% (in males) of the total variations in the log10‐transformed morphometric parameters. According to principal component analysis and discriminant function analysis, two distinct groups could be separated in the Barents Sea. The first group included the copepods from the northern region; the other included populations from the southern, central, and eastern regions. The observed morphological variation can be interpreted as geographical variation connected with hydrological variability.  相似文献   

Loading-induced interstitial fluid flow in the microporosities of bone is critical for osteocyte mechanotransduction and for the maintenance of tissue health, enhancing convective transport in the lacunar-canalicular system. In recent studies, our group has reported alterations of bone’s vascular porosity and lacunar-canalicular system microarchitecture in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. In this work, poroelastic finite element analysis was used to investigate whether these microstructural changes can affect interstitial fluid flow around osteocytes. Animal-specific finite element models were developed combining micro-CT reconstructions of bone microstructure and measures of the poroelastic material properties. These models were used to quantify and compare loading-induced fluid flow in the lacunar-canalicular system of ovariectomized and sham-operated rats. A parametric analysis was also used to quantify the influence of the lacunar-canalicular permeability and vascular porosity on the fluid velocity magnitude. Results show that mechanically-induced interstitial fluid velocity can be significantly reduced in the lacunar-canalicular system of ovariectomized rats. Interestingly, the vascular porosity is shown to have a major influence on interstitial fluid flow, while the lacunar-canalicular permeability influence is limited when larger than 10-20m2. Altogether our results suggest that microstructural changes associated with the osteoporotic condition can negatively affect interstitial fluid flow around osteocytes in the lacunar-canalicular system of cortical bone. This fluid flow reduction could impair mechanosensation of the osteocytic network, possibly playing a role in the initiation and progression of age-related bone loss and postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Morphometric, histochemical and biochemical methods were used to study the adrenal cortex of rabbits given cholesterol over 60 days' period and killed 5.5 months after the treatment was discontinued. Cholesterol-induced changes were found to undergo considerable regression 5.5 months after the treatment withdrawal.  相似文献   

Two-week cholesterol injections caused prolonged alterations of nuclear hepatocyte apparatus in all liver segments. These alterations resulted in the increased number of binuclear cells and hepatocytes containing large nuclei detected 1.5 month after the last cholesterol injection.  相似文献   

Centris aenea Lepeletier is a solitary bee that has raised interest in management to pollinate crops, such as acerola, Malpighia emarginata. This study investigated the level of morphometric variability among populations of C. aenea from Northeastern Brazil. Traditional and geometric morphometric analyses were used. Head length, leg length, wing length, and wing shape were measured in samples (5-10 females) from eight localities. We did not find statistically significant differences among the populations (P > 0.01). The partial wing warps were similar in the populations and indicated that the bees were not morphometrically different. Our results suggest that C. aenea shows low population morphometric variability and highlight the need for further investigations on population variation in this species, preferably including populations sampled at the extremes of their geographic distribution. Significant insight into the population variation of C. aenea will probably require the use of molecular markers to allow a comparative approach between morphometric variability and genetic variability.  相似文献   

Triatoma dimidiata is one of the major vectors of Chagas disease in Latin America. Its range includes Mexico, all countries of Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador. In light of recent genetic analysis suggesting that the possible origin of this species is the Yucatan peninsula, we have analyzed populations from the state of Yucatan, San Luis Potosi, and Veracruz in Mexico, and a population from the southern region of the Yucatan peninsula located in Northern Guatemala, the region of El Peten. Classical morphometry including principal component, discriminant, sexual dimorphism, and wing asymmetry was analyzed. San Luis Potosi and Veracruz populations were indistinguishable while clearly separate from Yucatan and Peten populations. Despite important genetic differences, Yucatan and Peten populations were highly similar. Yucatan specimens were the smallest in size, while females were larger than males in all populations. Only head characters were necessary to distinguish population level differences, although wing fluctuating asymmetry was present in all populations. These results are discussed in light of recent findings suggesting genetic polymorphism in most populations of Triatoma dimidiata south of Chiapas to Ecuador.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of root shape   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alterations in the root shape in plant mutants indicate defects in hormonal signalling, transport and cytoskeleton function. To quantify the root shape, we introduced novel parameters designated vertical growth index (VGI) and horizontal growth index (HGI). VGI was defined as a ratio between the root tip ordinate and the root length. HGI was the ratio between the root tip abscissa and the root length. To assess the applicability of VGI and HGI for quantification of root shape, we analysed root development in agravitropic Arabidopsis mutants. Statistical analysis indicated that VGI is a sensitive morphometric parameter enabling detection of weak gravitropic defects. VGI dynamics were qualitatively similar in auxin-transport mutants aux1, pin2 and trh1, but different in the auxin-signalling mutant axr2. Analysis of VGI and HGI of roots grown on tilted plates showed that the trh1 mutation affected downstream cellular responses rather than perception of the gravitropic stimulus. All these tests indicate that the VGI and HGI analysis is a versatile and sensitive method for the study of root morphology.  相似文献   

Sternum has a great clinical significance, considering that median sternotomy is the most common surgical approach used in cardiac surgery. The aim of this study is to standardize the sternum according to size, shape and sex and to obtain ranges of the "standard sternum". The study was done on 55 male and 35 female sterna of the average age of 65. Complex morphometric analysis of breadth, length and thickness of the sterna were performed on sternal segments which were defined by costal notches. Morphometric analysis shows that the general sternum structure in the females and in the males is equal. The standard dimensions of female and male sternum were determined. Standardization according to shape suggests that there is one standard sternum shape present in more than 2/3 of analysed samples of both sexes.  相似文献   

Tendons from the tarsus metatarsus regions of chick embryos, ages 10, 14, 15, and 16 days, were examined by optical polarization, optical transmission, and electron transmission microscopy to study the development of crimps which are commonly observed in adult tendons, ligaments, and other collagenous tissues which support tension. It is shown that the development of crimp structure is accompanied by morphological changes in fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to evaluate the effect of cryopreservation on morphometric characteristics of the goat sperm head. To address this question, we evaluated the size of the sperm head in fresh control cells, post-cooling cells after equilibration with the glycerol preservation solution, and post-thawing cells. Assessment was by automated morphometric sperm head analysis (ASMA) using phase-contrast microscopy without staining. In the first experiment, ASMA was performed on heterospermic pooled samples (fresh, post-cooling after equilibration with the glycerol preservation solution and post-thawing): length, width, area and perimeter were measured. In the second experiment, sperm viability was assessed by Hoechst staining and head morphometry was carried out as before, simultaneously during the cryopreservation process, and the head size was identified for both live and dead spermatozoa. The data were analysed by principal component analysis (PCA). The purpose of PCA is to derive a small number of linear combinations (principal components) from a set of variables (length, width, area and perimeter), that retain as much of the information in the original variables as possible. The main findings that have emerged from this study are that (i) a simple procedure has been developed for measuring spermatozoa heads without staining, which minimises the possibility that sperm head dimensions were influenced by procedural artefacts; (ii) the dimensions of goat sperm heads after cryopreservation in skimmed milk-glucose medium were smaller than in fresh sperm, but this was due to the equilibration phase with the cryoprotectant and not to the cryopreservation process itself; and (iii) dead spermatozoa showed smaller heads than live sperm, consequent upon the loss of membrane function. No differences were observed between post-cooling cells after equilibration with the glycerol preservation solution and post-thawing spermatozoa and only minor osmotic differences between them and fresh sperm were observed.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research into the mechanisms of lung inflation and deflation, there is little consensus about whether lung inflation occurs due to the recruitment of new alveoli or by changes in the size and/or shape of alveoli and alveolar ducts. In this study we use in vivo (3)He lung morphometry via MRI to measure the average alveolar depth and alveolar duct radius at three levels of inspiration in five healthy human subjects and calculate the average alveolar volume, surface area, and the total number of alveoli at each level of inflation. Our results indicate that during a 143 ± 18% increase in lung gas volume, the average alveolar depth decreases 21 ±5%, the average alveolar duct radius increases 7 ± 3%, and the total number of alveoli increases by 96 ± 9% (results are means ± SD between subjects; P < 0.001, P < 0.01, and P < 0.00001, respectively, via paired t-tests). Thus our results indicate that in healthy human subjects the lung inflates primarily by alveolar recruitment and, to a lesser extent, by anisotropic expansion of alveolar ducts.  相似文献   

Aim To establish possible interpopulation relationships among Colombian Artemia franciscana (Crustacea, Anostraca) populations. Location Colombian Caribbean coast (Manaure, Galerazamba, Salina Cero and Tayrona) and a similar thalassohaline reference population from San Francisco Bay (SFB‐USA). Methods Morphometric characters of male and female cultured individuals of A. franciscana were measured. The populations were grouped according to: (1) population type (populations grouped according to two broad regions of origin: North America and the Caribbean coast), and (2) specific geographical origin (populations selected according to five specific local origins: Manaure, Galerazamba, Salina Cero, Tayrona and SFB) and evaluated using forward stepwise discriminant analysis (SPSS, Ver. 10). Results Optimal discriminant variables for males grouped by the type of population were left setae and antenna length, and for females they were abdominal length and antenna length. However, for males grouped by their specific geographical origin, the optimal variables were furca length, left setae, antenna length, eye separation, abdominal width and abdominal length, and for the females, they were furca length, abdominal length, left setae and eye separation. Male and female Colombian Caribbean populations were separated from the North American populations. However, our results show that the classification based on male characters provides better group membership than females. Main conclusions Male morphometric characters separated the type of population groups more clearly than the female characters, because all Colombian populations were correctly positioned in the Caribbean coast region and the SFB population in the North American region, with no overlapping between the two types, as was the case for the female individuals. Likewise, male individuals correctly position the Salina Cero population to its neighbouring Galerazamba population and to the other Colombian populations. In contrast, female individuals from Salina Cero did not cluster with the other Colombian coast populations (Galerazamba, Tayrona and Manaure) or with the SFB population.  相似文献   

Pollution-induced changes in populations.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effects of pollution by organic matter, oil or industrial waste on marine communities are remarkably similar. Diversity values fall, biomass and numbers of organisms initially rise and then fall as the pollution load is increased. Diversity indices are, however, insensitive to pollution-induced changes and have to be assessed subjectively. Departure from a log-normal distribution of individuals among species offers a sensitive and objective method of assessing perturbation effects on communities. Under severe pollution stress, the dominant species are those which have a flexible life-history ranging from direct development to a planktonic larva and the ability to undergo short-term genetic selection. Species have a somewhat less flexible life-history strategy show increased abundance under conditions of slight pollution. The increase in abundance of seven or eight neither rare nor common species, which gives the departure from a log-normal distribution, is suggested as being the most significant and the earliest detectable change caused by pollution in a community. Thus the presence of a species in a polluted area may be more a question of life-history strategy than the tolerance of adverse environmental conditions. If this hypothesis is correct, considerable doubt must beplaced on the ecological relevance of data from toxicity tests.  相似文献   

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