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灵长类(除猕猴属外)在中国的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从动态动物地理学观点对中国灵长类(不包括猕猴)的分布进行了分析,提出:(1)中国灵长类自更新世时的分布呈现向南退缩的总趋势,并随气候的变迁而波动,晚更新世向南退缩最为明显;(2)根据Jablonski等认为,我国特有种金丝猴的不连续分布,是由于青藏高原抬升的影响。作者总结了迄今所知的金丝猴生态地理分化特点,对此假说未提出异议,(3)由于除猕猴以外的我国灵长类生态上与森林环境有密切联系,而森林被破坏直接对灵长类在我国分布区的缩小与岛状断裂影响最大,近期可能绝灭的地点甚多。  相似文献   

Between one and six subspecies of Chinese rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have been proposed based on morphological differences and/or their geographic distribution. In this study, a 489 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region was amplified from 230 DNA samples collected from rhesus macaques in the Sichuan province in Western China. The fragment was then sequenced and aligned with 208 sequences from wild rhesus macaques, sampled throughout the species' geographic range in China downloaded from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis of the 182 unique sequences identified among these samples divided Chinese rhesus macaques into two western haplogroups (haplogroups A and B) and three older eastern haplogroups (haplogroups C, D, and E), whose differentiation probably occurred during the penultimate glacial event. During the warming after the penultimate glacial event, haplogroups A, B, and E rapidly expanded and a relatively young subhaplogroup of haplogroup E, E', limited to Southern China but shared with Vietnamese rhesus macaques, was reintroduced from Indochina during the last glacial event. One haplotype most closely related to subhaplogroup E' probably represents the isolation of Hainan Island, to where it is restricted, from the mainland by the formation of the Qiongzhou Strait approximately 8,500 years ago. The distribution of haplogroups both informs the phylogeographic history of dispersal of Chinese rhesus macaques and has implications for their suitability as animal models in biomedical research.  相似文献   

中国的灵长类学研究始于19世纪中期之后,而兴盛于20世纪80年代至今。猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是世界及中国分布最为广泛的一种非人灵长类动物,在中国境内分布于17个省(市、区),已被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物。迄今为止,学者们已对猕猴进行了包括地理分布、种群动态、食性、社会生态、保护生态等多方面的研究。本文拟对国内有关猕猴生态学方面的研究工作进行回顾与综述,以期通过对以往工作的汇总,梳理关于猕猴的研究线索与动态,并对今后的研究有所启示。  相似文献   

Depicting a taxonomic group's evolutionary trajectory as a function of changes in the geographical landscape and its historical distribution is critical for constructing informed conservation strategies. Based on fossil sites from the Pliocene to the Holocene, and historical records since 1175 AD, we established macaques’ dispersal pathways into and through China. These routes include internal pathways starting from the southeast corner of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mts. Hengduan in western China, and the routes through the estuaries of the three major rivers (Yangtze, Yellow, and Pearl). Our results indicate that macaques used the three rivers and avoided the higher elevation of the plateaus to promote their radiation. They occupied the whole mainland and islands in the Pleistocene and experienced shrunken distribution in the Holocene due to climate changes and human-induced activities. A prominent China-wide reduction occurred between 1817 and 1917; and a remarkable retraction from central China happened between 1918 and 2018 following further eco-social development and human expansion in central China, particularly since the second half of the last century. Starting in 1175 there was a restriction of range to higher altitudes, so that macaques have contracted their range to the west, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mts. Hengduan have become an important sanctuary. We predict that if the current climate and human-induced changes are not reversed by decisive conservation actions, macaques in east and central China will likely be extinct in the near future.  相似文献   

The distributions of Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) and rhesus macaques (M. mulatta) in Bhutan have been only partially documented. In order to investigate the distribution patterns of these species, we conducted field observation and genetic assessment with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) typing of macaques in the Inner Himalayas of Bhutan. There were 24 sightings of macaque groups, and all were visually identified as Assamese macaques. No groups of rhesus macaques were sighted in this survey area, in contrast with the survey results in the Nepalese Himalayas. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Bhutan macaques are closer in proximity to their counterparts in the Indo-Chinese region (Thailand and Laos) than to rhesus macaques in China, Laos and India. However, clustering results suggested the marked differentiation of the macaques in Bhutan from the Assamese macaques in Indo-China. We tentatively conclude that the macaques of the Inner Himalayan regions in Bhutan are Assamese macaques and that they appear to be of a lineage distinct from Assamese macaques in the Indo-Chinese region (subspecies M. a. assamensis). The degree of mtDNA diversity suggests that the Assamese macaques in Bhutan are of a more ancient ancestry than M. a. assamensis, thereby supporting the speciation hypothesis of the expansion of a sinica-group of macaques from South Asia to Southeast and then to East Asia (Fooden; Fieldiana Zool 45:1–44, 1988). Assignment of Assamese macaques in Bhutan to M. a. pelops is premature due to the lack of molecular data and recent taxonomic controversy. The mtDNA diversity of Assamese macaques was greater than that of rhesus macaques, suggesting the earlier speciation of Assamese macaques. The significance of the ecogeographic segregation model of macaque distribution is discussed in relation to the evolutionary range expansion into the Himalayan regions in South Asia.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the effects of ecological factors on aggression during feeding in order to link habitat characteristics to competitive regime and social relationships. Multiple habitat characteristics are likely to affect aggression, but few researchers have examined the effect of multiple factors on intragroup competition simultaneously. I examined the effect of 8 factors on aggression during feeding in wild Japanese macaques living in a coniferous forest in Yakushima: density of the tree species, feeding time, number of feeding sites within a feeding tree, number of cofeeding animals, intratree macaque density, food type, and rank and age of the focal individual. When macaques cofed with other individuals, food type, the number of feeding sites, and their interactions significantly influenced aggression. Aggression increased when macaques ate fruits/seeds versus other foods and as the number of feeding sites decreased. Primate socioecological models highlight the importance of clumped distribution of food patches as a correlate of intragroup contest. However, my study indicates that primatologists need to pay attention to the factors related to the current feeding tree—food type and feeding tree size with respect to monopolizability—in addition to the distribution of food in the entire home range.  相似文献   

Primatologists have classified rhesus macaques of the Taihangshan Mountains area as Macaca mulatta tcheliensis, a subspecies confined to China. The northernmost area of its distribution is in the southern part of the Taihangshan Mountains, which includes a National Nature Reserve established in 1998. To investigate the current status of the subspecies, we surveyed the population and distribution of macaque groups in Jiyuan, Henan, China. In addition, we investigated habitat preferences and the food items foraged by macaques during winter and early spring. The results show that: 1) ca. 2100 macaques currently inhabit the Taihangshan Mountains National Nature Reserve, mainly in Jiyuan; 2) fragmentation of habitats of rhesus macaques have become severe in recent years; and 3) food resources are very poor during the long winter and the early spring. Macaques in the Taihangshan Mountains feed mainly on seeds, twigs, and bark and the eggs of some insects.  相似文献   

Seven species of malaria naturally infect eight species of macaques in southwestern India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Within malarious areas, the frequency of infections in infected species of macaques varies from 9 to 61%. Natural malarial infections in macaques are relatively benign. The proved or probable vectors of macaque malaria are seven species of mosquitoes that belong to the Leucosphyrus Group of the genus Anopheles. The geographic distribution of macaque malaria apparently is determined by the distribution of the Leucosphyrus Group of mosquitoes, which in turn apparently is determined by the distribution of tropical evergreen rain forest. Experimental infections with three species of macaque malaria frequently are lethal to populations or species of macaques that inhabit areas outside the geographic ranges of the parasites. In populations or species of macaques that are sympatric with experimentally virulent species of malaria, partial resistance probably evolved as a consequence of natural selection acting on favorable mutations.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of wild and captive rhesus macaques in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genetic structures of wild and captive rhesus macaque populations within China were compared by analyzing the mtDNA sequences of 203 captive-bred Chinese rhesus macaques with 77 GenBank sequences from wild-caught animals trapped throughout China. The genotypes of 22 microsatellites of captive Chinese rhesus macaques were also compared with those of captive Indian animals. The Chinese population is significantly differentiated from the Indian population and is more heterogeneous. Thus, compared with Indian rhesus macaques the phenotypic variance of traits with high heritability will be inflated in Chinese animals. Our data suggest that the western Chinese provinces have more subdivided populations than the eastern and southern Chinese provinces. The southern Chinese populations are the least structured and might have been more recently established. Human-mediated interbreeding among captive Chinese populations has occurred, implying that Chinese breeding strategies can influence the interpretation of biomedical research in the USA.  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Nepal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Indian-origin rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have long served as an animal model for the study of human disease and behavior. Given the current shortage of Indian-origin rhesus, many researchers have turned to rhesus macaques from China as a substitute. However, a number of studies have identified marked genetic differences between the Chinese and Indian animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of a third rhesus population, the rhesus macaques of Nepal. Twenty-one rhesus macaques at the Swoyambhu Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, were compared with more than 300 Indian- and Chinese-origin rhesus macaques. The sequence analyses of two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci, from the HVS I and 12 S rRNA regions, showed that the Nepali animals were more similar to Indian-origin than to Chinese-origin animals. The distribution of alleles at 24 short tandem repeat (STR) loci distributed across 17 chromosomes also showed greater similarity between the Nepali and Indian-origin animals. Finally, an analysis of seven major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles showed that the Nepali animals expressed Class I alleles that are common to Indian-origin animals, including Mamu-A*01. All of these analyses also revealed a low level of genetic diversity within this Nepali rhesus sample. We conclude that the rhesus macaques of Nepal more closely resemble rhesus macaques of Indian origin than those of Chinese origin. As such, the Nepali rhesus may offer an additional resource option for researchers who wish to maintain research protocols with animals that possess key genetic features characteristic of Indian-origin rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

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