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Horizontal gene transfer has been a major force for genome plasticity over evolutionary history, and is largely responsible for fitness-enhancing traits, including antibiotic resistance and virulence factors. In particular, for adaptation of prokaryotes to extreme environments, lateral gene transfer seems to have played a crucial role. Recently, by performing a genome-wide mutagenesis approach with Thermus thermophilus HB27, we identified the first genes in a thermophilic bacterium for the uptake of free DNA, a process called natural transformation. Here, we present the first data on the biochemistry and bioenergetics of the DNA transport process in this thermophile. We report that linear and circular plasmid DNA are equally well taken up with a high maximal velocity of 1.5 microg DNA.(mg protein)(-1).min(-1), demonstrating an extremely efficient binding and uptake rate of 40 kb.s(-1).cell(-1). Uncouplers and ATPase inhibitors immediately inhibited DNA uptake, providing clear evidence that DNA translocation in HB27 is an energy-dependent process. DNA uptake studies with genomic DNA of Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya revealed that Thermus thermophilus HB27 takes up DNA from members of all three domains of life. We propose that the extraordinary broad substrate specificity of the highly efficient Thermus thermophilus HB27 DNA uptake system may contribute significantly to thermoadaptation of Thermus thermophilus HB27 and to interdomain DNA transfer in hot environments.  相似文献   

O-Acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase (EC was first purified from an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8, in order to ascertain that it is responsible for the cysteine synthesis in this organism cultured with either sulfate or methionine given as a sole sulfur source. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses both with and without SDS found high purity of the enzyme preparations finally obtained, through ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and hydrophobic chromatography (or affinity chromatography). The enzyme activity formed only one elution curve in each of the four different chromatographies, strongly suggesting the presence of only one enzyme species in this organism. Molecular masses of 34,000 and 68,000 were estimated for dissociated subunit and the native enzyme, respectively, suggesting a homodimeric structure. The enzyme was stable at 70 degrees C at pH 7.8 for 60 min, and more than 90% of the activity was retained after incubation of its solution at 80 degrees C with 10 mm dithiothreitol. The enzyme was also quite stable at pH 8-12 (50 degrees C, 30 min). It had an apparent Km of 4.8 mM for O-acetyl-L-serine (with 1 mM sulfide) and a Vmax of 435 micromol/min/mg of protein. The apparent Km for sulfide was approximately 50 microM (with 20 mM acetylserine), suggesting that the enzyme can react with sulfide liberated very slowly from methionine. The absorption spectrum of the holo-enzyme and inhibition of the activity by carbonyl reagents suggested the presence of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as a cofactor. The apo-enzyme showed an apparent Km of 29 microM for the cofactor at pH 8. Monoiodoacetic acid (1 mM) almost completely inactivated the enzyme. The meaning of a very high enzyme content in the cell is discussed.  相似文献   

A physical map of the chromosome of the extremely thermophilic eubacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 has been constructed by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis techniques. A total of 26 cleavage sites for the rarely cutting restriction endonucleases HpaI, MunI, and NdeI were located on the genome. On the basis of the sizes of the restriction fragments generated, the genome size was estimated to be 1.74 Mbp, which is significantly smaller than the chromosomes of Escherichia coli and other mesophiles. Partial digestion experiments revealed the order of the six HpaI bands on the chromosome. Hybridization of isolated restriction fragments to pulsed-field gel-separated restriction digestions confirmed the deduced order of the HpaI fragments and allowed ordering and alignment of the NdeI and MunI fragments. In addition, 16 genes or gene clusters cloned from several different Thermus strains were located on the T. thermophilus HB8 chromosomal map by hybridization of gene probes to pulsed-field gel-resolved restriction digestions.  相似文献   

The photolyase gene from Thermus thermophilus was cloned and sequenced. The characteristic absorption and fluorescence spectra of the purified T. thermophilus photolyase suggested that the protein has flavin adenine dinucleotide as a chromophore. The second chromophore binding site was not conserved in T. thermophilus photolyase. The purified enzyme showed light-dependent photoreactivation activity in vitro at 35 and 65 degrees C and was stable when subjected to heat and acidic pH.  相似文献   

A subfamily I aminotransferase gene homologue containing an open reading frame encoding 381 amino acid residues (Mr=42,271) has been identified in the process of the genome project of an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence using FASTA shows that this protein is a member of aminotransferase subfamily Igamma. The protein shows around 40% identity with both T. thermophilus aspartate aminotransferase [EC] and mammalian glutamine:phenylpyruvate aminotransferase [EC]. The recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli is a homodimer with a subunit molecular weight of 42,000, has one pyridoxal 5'-phosphate per subunit, and is highly active toward glutamine, methionine, aromatic amino acids, and corresponding keto acids, but has no preference for alanine and dicarboxylic amino acids. These substrate specificities are similar to those described for mammalian glutamine: phenylpyruvate aminotransferase. This is the first enzyme reported so far that has the glutamine aminotransferase activity in non-eukaryotic cells. As the presence of aromatic amino acid:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase [EC] has not been reported in T. thermophilus, this enzyme is expected to catalyze the last transamination step of phenylalanine and tyrosine biosynthesis. It may also be involved in the methionine regeneration pathway associated with polyamine biosynthesis. The enzyme shows a strikingly high pKa value (9.3) of the coenzyme Schiff base in comparison with other subfamily I aminotransferases. The origin of this unique pKa value and the substrate specificity is discussed based on the previous crystallographic data of T. thermophilus and E. coli aspartate aminotransferases.  相似文献   

Secretins are a family of large bacterial outer membrane protein complexes mediating the transport of complex structures, such as type IV pili, DNA and filamentous phage, or various proteins, such as extracellular enzymes and pathogenicity determinants. PilQ of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB27 is a member of the secretin family required for natural transformation. Here we report the isolation, structural, and functional analyses of a unique PilQ from T. thermophilus. Native PAGE, gel filtration chromatography, and electrophoretic mobility shift analyses indicated that PilQ forms a macromolecular homopolymeric complex that binds dsDNA. Electron microscopy showed that the PilQ complex is 15 nm wide and 34 nm long and consists of an extraordinary stable "cone" and "cup" structure and five ring structures with a large central channel. Moreover, the electron microscopic images together with secondary structure analyses combined with structural data of type II protein secretion system and type III protein secretion system secretins suggest that the individual rings are formed by conserved domains of alternating α-helices and β-sheets. The unprecedented length of the PilQ complex correlated well with the distance between the inner and outer membrane of T. thermophilus. Indeed, PilQ was found immunologically in both membranes, indicating that the PilQ complex spans the entire cell periphery of T. thermophilus. This is consistent with the hypothesis that PilQ accommodates a PilA4 comprising pseudopilus mediating DNA transport across the outer membrane and periplasmic space in a single-step process.  相似文献   

The mutS gene, implicated in DNA mismatch repair, was cloned from an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8. Its nucleotide sequence encoded a 819-amino acid protein with a molecular mass of 91.4 kDa. Its predicted amino acid sequence showed 56 and 39% homology with Escherichia coli MutS and human hMsh2 proteins, respectively. The T.thermophilus mutS gene complemented the hypermutability of the E.coli mutS mutant, suggesting that T.thermophilus MutS protein was active in E.coli and could interact with E.coli MutL and/or MutH proteins. The T.thermophilus mutS gene product was overproduced in E.coli and then purified to homogeneity. Its molecular mass was estimated to be 91 kDa by SDS-PAGE but approx. 330 kDa by size-exclusion chromatography, suggesting that T.thermophilus MutS protein was a tetramer in its native state. Circular dichroic measurements indicated that this protein had an alpha-helical content of approx. 50%, and that it was stable between pH 1.5 and 12 at 25 degree C and was stable up to 80 degree C at neutral pH. Thermus thermophilus MutS protein hydrolyzed ATP to ADP and Pi, and its activity was maximal at 80 degrees C. The kinetic parameters of the ATPase activity at 65 degrees C were Km = 130 microM and Kcat = 0.11 s(-1). Thermus thermophilus MutS protein bound specifically with G-T mismatched DNA even at 60 degrees C.  相似文献   

Thermus thermophilus HB27, an extremely thermophilic bacterium, exhibits high competence for natural transformation. To identify genes of the natural transformation machinery of T. thermophilus HB27, we performed homology searches in the partially completed T. thermophilus genomic sequence for conserved competence genes. These analyses resulted in the detection of 28 open reading frames (ORFs) exhibiting significant similarities to known competence proteins of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Disruption of 15 selected potential competence genes led to the identification of 8 noncompetent mutants and one transformation-deficient mutant with a 100-fold reduced transformation frequency. One competence protein is similar to DprA of Haemophilus influenzae, seven are similar to type IV pilus proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PilM, PilN, PilO, PilQ, PilF, PilC, PilD), and another deduced protein (PilW) is similar to a protein of unknown function in Deinococcus radiodurans R1. Analysis of the piliation phenotype of T. thermophilus HB27 revealed the presence of single pilus structures on the surface of the wild-type cells, whereas the noncompetent pil mutants of Thermus, with the exception of the pilF mutant, were devoid of pilus structures. These results suggest that pili and natural transformation in T. thermophilus HB27 are functionally linked.  相似文献   

A cell extract of an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8, cultured in a synthetic medium catalyzed cystathionine gamma-synthesis with O-acetyl-L-homoserine and L-cysteine as substrates but not beta-synthesis with DL-homocysteine and L-serine (or O-acetyl-L-serine). The amounts of synthesized enzymes metabolizing sulfur-containing amino acids were estimated by determining their catalytic activities in cell extracts. The syntheses of cystathionine beta-lyase (EC and O-acetyl-L-serine sulfhydrylase (EC were markedly repressed by L-methionine supplemented to the medium. L-Cysteine and glutathione, both at 0.5 mM, added to the medium as the sole sulfur source repressed the synthesis of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase by 55 and 73%, respectively, confirming that this enzyme functions as a cysteine synthase. Methionine employed at 1 to 5 mM in the same way derepressed the synthesis of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase 2.1- to 2.5-fold. A method for assaying a low concentration of sulfide (0.01 to 0.05 mM) liberated from homocysteine by determining cysteine synthesized with it in the presence of excess amounts of O-acetylserine and a purified preparation of the sulfhydrylase was established. The extract of cells catalyzed the homocysteine gamma-lyase reaction, with a specific activity of 5 to 7 nmol/min/mg of protein, but not the methionine gamma-lyase reaction. These results suggested that cysteine was also synthesized under the conditions employed by the catalysis of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase using sulfur of homocysteine derived from methionine. Methionine inhibited O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase markedly. The effects of sulfur sources added to the medium on the synthesis of O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase and the inhibition of the enzyme activity by methionine were mostly understood by assuming that the organism has two proteins having O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase activity, one of which is cystathionine gamma-synthase. Although it has been reported that homocysteine is directly synthesized in T. thermophilus HB27 by the catalysis of O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase on the basis of genetic studies (T. Kosuge, D. Gao, and T. Hoshino, J. Biosci. Bioeng. 90:271-279, 2000), the results obtained in this study for the behaviors of related enzymes indicate that sulfur is first incorporated into cysteine and then transferred to homocysteine via cystathionine in T. thermophilus HB8.  相似文献   

The mutM (fpg) gene, which encodes a DNA glycosylase that excises an oxidatively damaged form of guanine, was cloned from an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus HB8. Its nucleotide sequence encoded a 266 amino acid protein with a molecular mass of approximately 30 kDa. Its predicted amino acid sequence showed 42% identity with the Escherichia coli protein. The amino acid residues Cys, Asn, Gln and Met, known to be chemically unstable at high temperatures, were decreased in number in T.thermophilus MutM protein compared to those of the E.coli one, whereas the number of Pro residues, considered to increase protein stability, was increased. The T.thermophilus mutM gene complemented the mutability of the E.coli mutM mutY double mutant, suggesting that T. thermophilus MutM protein was active in E.coli. The T.thermophilus MutM protein was overproduced in E.coli and then purified to homogeneity. Size-exclusion chromatography indicated that T. thermophilus MutM protein exists as a more compact monomer than the E.coli MutM protein in solution. Circular dichroism measurements indicated that the alpha-helical content of the protein was approximately 30%. Thermus thermophilus MutM protein was stable up to 75 degrees C at neutral pH, and between pH 5 and 11 and in the presence of up to 4 M urea at 25 degrees C. Denaturation analysis of T.thermophilus MutM protein in the presence of urea suggested that the protein had at least two domains, with estimated stabilities of 8.6 and 16.2 kcal/mol-1, respectively. Thermus thermophilus MutM protein showed 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase activity in vitro at both low and high temperatures.  相似文献   

One of the most important DNA repair systems is the nucleotide (nt) excision repair system. The uvrA gene, which plays an essential role in the prokaryotic excision repair system, was cloned from an extremely thermophilic eubacterium, Thermus thermophilus (Tt) HB8, and its nt sequence was determined. In the amino acid (aa) sequence of Tt UvrA, a characteristic duplicated structure, two nt-binding consensus sequences (Walker's A-type motif) and two zinc finger DNA-binding motifs were found. The aa sequence showed 73% homology with that of Escherichia coli (Ec). These features suggest that Tt has the same excision repair system as Ec. Upon comparison of the Tt and Ec UvrA, some characteristic aa substitutions were found. The numbers of Arg and Pro residues were increased (from 66 to 81 and from 47 to 55, respectively), and the numbers of Asn and Met residues were decreased (from 33 to 18 and from 18 to 11, respectively) in Tt. The Tt uvrA gene was expressed in Ec under control of the lac promoter. Purified UvrA was stable up to 80°C (at neutral pH) and at pH 2–11 (at 25°C)  相似文献   

Twenty-two carotenoid underproducing and thirteen overproducing mutants were obtained from Thermus thermophilus HB27. The strain HB27 was found to produce at least seven colored carotenoids, believed to be identical to those produced by Thermus aquaticus YT1. Based on the results of the genetic analyses performed on twelve carotenoid underproducing mutants, they were classified into three groups; groups 1, 2 and 3. No colored carotenoid was extracted from the cells of mutants belonging to groups 2 and 3, although the accumulation of phytoene, a colorless carotenoid, was observed in group 2 strains. Group 1 was subdivided into groups 1-a and 1-b, where 1-a strains produced neither colored carotenoids nor phytoene and 1-b strains produced two polar colored carotenoids. All of the overproducing mutants produced about twelve times as much seven colored carotenoid mixtures as the parental strain. The mutation loci among all the overproducing mutants were very close to one another, possibly in the same gene. Carotenoid overproducing mutants showed an extensive resistancy to UV-irradiation and showed poorer growth at higher temperatures. Carotenoid underproducing mutants were slightly more UV-sensitive but they grew almost normally at higher temperatures. These results suggest that carotenoids are secondary metabolites which are not essential for growth of T. thermophilus.  相似文献   

We have isolated a lysine-auxotrophic and kanamycin-resistant mutant from an extreme thermophile, Thermus thermophilus HB27. This mutant showed the lysA or lysR genotype since it could not grow on the minimal plate which contained diaminopimelic acid. Sequence analysis of the clones which could rescue the Lys mutant indicated the lysR gene. The lysR gene overlapped with the rimK gene for the modification enzyme of ribosomal protein S6. In the Lys mutant, the lysR gene was disrupted and the C-terminus region of the RimK protein was different from that of the wild-type, which contributed to the Lys and kanamycin-resistant phenotype. The deduced amino acid sequence of the lysR gene showed 20.9% identity with the LysR protein of Escherichia coli. The percentage of use of cytosine or guanine in the third letter of the codons in the lysR gene was only 67.4%. We also determined that the argC gene encoding N-acetyl-γ-glutamyl phosphate reductase and the argB gene encoding acetylglutamate kinase were located immediately upstream of the lysR gene.  相似文献   

The extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus HB27 exhibits high frequencies of natural transformation. Although we recently reported identification of the first competence genes in Thermus, the molecular basis of DNA uptake is unknown. A pilus-like structure is assumed to be involved. Twelve genes encoding prepilin-like proteins were identified in three loci in the genome of T. thermophilus. Mutational analyses, described in this paper, revealed that one locus, which contains four genes that encode prepilin-like proteins (pilA1 to pilA4), is essential for natural transformation. Additionally, comZ, a new competence gene with no similarity to known genes, was identified. Analysis of the piliation phenotype revealed wild-type piliation of a pilA1-pilA3Deltakat mutant and a comZ mutant, whereas a pilA4 mutant was found to be completely devoid of pilus structures. These findings, together with the significant similarity of PilA4 to prepilins, led to the conclusion that the T. thermophilus pilus structures are type IV pili. Furthermore, the loss of the transformation and piliation phenotype in the pilA4 mutant suggests that type IV pili are implicated in natural transformation of T. thermophilus HB27.  相似文献   


Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase is a phospholipid biosynthetic enzyme that introduces a fatty acyl group into the sn-2 position of phospholipids. Its substrate selectivity is physiologically important in defining the physicochemical properties of lipid membranes and modulating membrane protein function. However, it remains unclear how these enzymes recognize various fatty acids. Successful purification of bacterial lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases (PlsCs) was recently reported and has paved a path for the detailed analysis of their reaction mechanisms. Here, we purified and characterized PlsC from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8. This integral membrane protein remained active even after solubilization and purification and showed reactivity toward saturated, unsaturated, and methyl-branched fatty acids, although branched-chain acyl groups are the major constituent of phospholipids of this bacterium. Multiple sequence alignment revealed the N-terminal end of the enzyme to be shorter than that of PlsCs with defined substrate selectivity, suggesting that the shortened N-terminus confers substrate promiscuity.  相似文献   

Although the presence of an enzyme that catalyzes beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenation of homoisocitrate to synthesize 2-oxoadipate has been postulated in the lysine biosynthesis pathway through alpha-aminoadipate (AAA), the enzyme has not yet been analyzed at all, because no gene encoding the enzyme has been identified until recently. A gene encoding a protein with a significant amino acid sequence identity to both isocitrate dehydrogenase and 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase was cloned from Thermus thermophilus HB27. The gene product produced in recombinant Escherichia coli cells demonstrated homoisocitrate dehydrogenase (HICDH) activity. A knockout mutant of the gene showed an AAA-auxotrophic phenotype, indicating that the gene product is involved in lysine biosynthesis through AAA. We therefore named this gene hicdh. HICDH, the gene product, did not catalyze the conversion of 3-isopropylmalate to 2-oxoisocaproate, a leucine biosynthetic reaction, but it did recognize isocitrate, a related compound in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, as well as homoisocitrate as a substrate. It is of interest that HICDH catalyzes the reaction with isocitrate about 20 times more efficiently than the reaction with the putative native substrate, homoisocitrate. The broad specificity and possible dual function suggest that this enzyme represents a key link in the evolution of the pathways utilizing citrate derivatives. Site-directed mutagenesis study reveals that replacement of Arg(85) with Val in HICDH causes complete loss of activity with isocitrate but significant activity with 3-isopropylmalate and retains activity with homoisocitrate. These results indicate that Arg(85) is a key residue for both substrate specificity and evolution of beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

A geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) synthase gene of an extremely thermophilic bacterium, Thermus thermophilus, was cloned and sequenced. T. thermophilus GGPP synthase, overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, was purified and characterized. The fusion protein, retaining thermostability, formed a homodimer, and showed higher specific activity than did a partially purified thermostable enzyme previously reported. Optimal reaction conditions and kinetic parameters were also examined. The deduced amino acid sequence indicated that T. thermophilus GGPP synthase was excluded from the group of bacterial type GGPP synthases and lacked the insertion amino acid residues in the first aspartate-rich motif as do archaeal and eukaryotic short-chain prenyltransferases.  相似文献   

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