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The alkylating agent MMS was toxic to mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and decreased their growth rate. A dose-dependent induction of thioguanine- and thymidine- but not ouabain-resistant variants was observed. The prolonged period for expression of thioguanine-resistant variants observed with other mutagens was also found in these studies. A comparison of MMS and EMS showed that MMS on a molar basis was approximately 10 times more toxic than EMS. With mutation, however, when evaluated at equal levels of cell killing MMS and EMS induced the same number of thymidine-resistant variants. For thioguanine-resistant variants MMS was approximately 10-fold less efficient than EMS, while for ouabain-resistance MMS, unlike EMBS, produced no variants at all. The ouabain results were further compared with positive results obtained using a modified Luria--Delbrück fluctuation test.  相似文献   

Inhibition of post-replication repair by isonicotinic acid hydrazide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the presence of the alkylating mutagen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU), the well-known tuberculostatic ionicotinic acid hydrazide (INH), even in otherwise ineffective doses, depressed cell number and mitotic index in peripheral human lymphocytes and inhibited the post-replication repair process in Chinese hamster cells (CHO). INH had no influence on unscheduled DNA synthesis (cut-and-patch repair), which was negligible in CHO cells under our conditions.  相似文献   

In studies on the mechanism of cell separation during abscission, little attention has been paid to the apoplastic environment. We found that the apoplastic pH surrounding abscission zone cells in detached roots of the water fern Azolla plays a major role in cell separation. Abscission zone cells of detached Azolla roots were separated rapidly in a buffer at neutral pH and slowly in a buffer at pH below 4.0. However, cell separation rarely occurred at pH 5.0–5.5. Light and electron microscopy revealed that cell separation was caused by a degradation of the middle lamella between abscission zone cells at both pH values, neutral and below 4.0. Low temperature and papain treatment inhibited cell separation. Enzyme(s) in the cell wall of the abscission zone cells might be involved in the degradation of the pectin of the middle lamella and the resultant, pH-dependent cell separation. By contrast, in Phaseolus leaf petioles, unlike Azolla roots, cell separation was slow and increased only at acidic pH. The rapid cell separation, as observed in Azolla roots at neutral pH, did not occur. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, using anti-pectin monoclonal antibodies, revealed that the cell wall pectins of the abscission zone cells of Azolla roots and Phaseolus leaf petioles looked similar and changed similarly during cell separation. Thus, the pH-related differences in cell separation mechanisms of Azolla and Phaseolus might not be due to differences in cell wall pectin, but to differences in cell wall-located enzymatic activities responsible for the degradation of pectic substances. A possible enzyme system is discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells were used to compare the cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of far-UV radiation emitted by a low-pressure mercury, germicidal lamp (wavelength predominantly 254 nm) with that of near-UV radiation emitted by a fluorescent lamp with a continuous spectrum (Westinghouse “Sun Lamp”), of which only the radiation with wavelengths greater than 290 nm or greater than 310 nm was transmitted to the cells. The radiation effects were compared on the basis of an equal number of pyrimidine dimers, the predominant lesion induced in DNA by far-UV, for the induction of which much more energy is needed with near-UV than with 254-nm radiation.The numbers of dimers induced were determined by a biochemical method detecting UV-endonuclease-susceptible sites. The equivalence of these sites with pyrimidine dimers was established, qualitatively and quantitatively, in studies with enzymic photoreactivation in vitro and chromatographic analysis of dimers.On the basis of induced dimers, more cells were killed by >310-nm UV than by >290-nm UV; both forms of radiation were more cytotoxic than 254-nm UV when equal numbers of dimers were induced. Moreover, 5–6 times as many mutants were induced per dimer by >310-nm UV than by >290-nm UV; the latter appeared approximately as mutagenic as 254-nm UV. The differences in lethality and mutagenicity were not caused by differences in repair of dimers: cells with an equal number of dimers induced by either 254-nm or near-UV showed the same removal of sites susceptible to a UV endonuclease specific for dimers, as well as an identical amount of repair replication.The results indicate that near-UV induces, besides pyrimidine dimers, other lesions that appear to be of high biological significance.  相似文献   

The synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein was measured in L1210 cells following treatment with 8-methoxypsoralen in combination with long wavelength ultraviolet irradiation. The results show that the DNA synthesis is strongly inhibited (approximately 95%) at 200 ng/ml reaching a minimum within 2 hours while RNA synthesis is only weakly affected at this concentration (approximately 40% inhibition). At 2 micrograms/ml the RNA synthesis is inhibited approximately 90%. Even at this concentration only a moderate effect is seen on the protein synthesis. These results strongly indicate that the phototoxic action of 8-methoxypsoralen is primarily due to inhibition of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Nitrosation of methylguanidine (MG) led to products that caused DNA fragmentation (shift in sedimentation profiles of velocity centrifugation through alkaline sucrose gradients), a DNA repair synthesis (unscheduled uptake of (3H]TdR), chromosome aberrations and a lethal effect of cultured human fibroblasts. The response of repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum cells did not differ from that of controls. The nitrosation of MG must be carried out at a pH level below 3, in order to obtain products that react with cellular DNA. The results show that a DNA repair synthesis of human fibroblasts appear to be a sensitive assay for carcinogenic and mutagenic nitrosation products which may be formed within an organism from non-carcinogenic compounds.  相似文献   

M Fox 《Mutation research》1974,24(2):187-204
The effect of post-treatment with caffeine on the survival of a number of cell lines after UV-irradiation has been studied. The mouse lymphoma cell lines P388 and L5178YS were sensitized by caffeine but only after UV doses of 50 erg/mm2 and above. V79 cells also showed sensitization by caffeine but CHO cells and two cell lines YS and YR derived from Yoshida sarcoma of rats, sensitive and resistant to UV radiation, respectively, showed no effect.P388 and V79 cells were both mutable by UV, and caffeine, when studied at a single expression time (42–48 h) and at a single dose level (0.5 M and 0.75 M, respectively) suppressed the UV-induced mutation frequency in both cell lines. L51788YS cells although sensitized by caffeine showed no increase in frequency of thymidine-resistant (TdRr) colonies when irradiated with UV.On more detaled examination, caffeine was found to delay the expression of UV-induced mutations inV79 cells, and the delay was dependent on the dose of caffine used. The effect on expression time was less when caffeine was present 0–48 h than when it was present throughout the post-irradiation incubation period. Similar results were obtained in P388 cells.The data are discussed in relation to those of other workers and to the concept that caffeine inhibits an error prone post-replication repair process in mammalian cells  相似文献   

A single dose (0.8 mmole/kg) of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNUA) causes significantly more chromosome damage in the bone marrow of mice than a dose of equal toxicity to the animals, (1.1 mmole/kg) of methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) 6, 24 and 48 h after treatment. At these doses both agents alkylate bone-marrow DNA to similar extents, but only MNUA induces thymic lymphomata. The greater chromosome-damaging effects of MNUA are ascribed to the known differences in the pattern of DNA alkylation by each agent, in particular the much higher levels of O-6 methylguanine and phosphotriesters produced by MNUA. The greater chromosome-damaging effect of MNUA may account for its higher toxicity to the bone marrow which in turn may be a significant factor in the induction of thymomata. The enhancement by caffeine of chromosome damage seen particularly 48 h after MMS-treatment suggests that post-replication repair protects cells from the effects of DNA-methylation in vivo.  相似文献   

Caffeine has been found to potentiate the lethal effects of sulphur mustard (SM) and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in a line of Chinese hamster cells but not in a line of HeLa cells. The sensitization of SM-treated cells by caffeine was S phase specific, and persisted for up to 24 h after alkylation of asynchronous cell cultures. The sensitization of MNU-treated cells, however, was not S phase specific but persisted for up to 50 h after the initial alkylation. Possible explanations for this difference between these two types of alkylating agent were discussed. Previously, evidence was presented which suggested that the alkylation-induced delay in the time of the peak rate of DNA synthesis in Chinese hamster cells was associated with the operation of post-DNA replication repair mechanism in these cells. Caffeine has now been found to reverse this alkylation-induced delay of DNA synthesis in both SM- and MNU-alkylated Chinese hamster cells. It is therefore proposed that caffeine sensitizes alkylated cells by inhibition of a post-replication DNA repair mechanism. No support was obtained for the alternative possibility that caffeine inhibits alkylation-induced excision repair of damaged DNA. The role of DNA repair in the production of the lethal mutagenic and cytological effects of alkylating agents is discussed.  相似文献   

Repair synthesis in human cells in tissue culture can be readily separated from semi-conservative DNA synthesis with the aid of a benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE cellulose (BND-cellulose) column. Cells are incubated with a radioactive DNA precursor during treatment with a repair-inducing agent. An inhibitor of semi-conservative DNA synthesis (hydroxyurea) is added to slow the progression of the DNA growing point. The cells are lysed and after treatment with ribonuclease and pronase the lysates are sheared and passed through a BND-cellulose column. Native DNA is eluted with I M NaCl. Any increase in radioactivity in the native DNA is due to repair synthesis and the specific repair activity (nucleotides inserted per mug of DNA) can be determined from radioactivity and absorbancy measurements. Repair can also be measured in the region of the DNA growing point by fractionation of the material eluted from BND-cellulose with 50% formamide. Repair was not detected in N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF)-treated lymphoblasts derived from an individual with xeroderma pigmentosum although methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced repair was observed in these cells.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) increased the induction of mutations to 8-azaguanine resistance in Chinese hamster cells in a dose-dependent manner. Mutations were only observed with toxic concentrations of MNU. Since a plot of the fraction of cells surviving alkylation against the extent of methylation of DNA exhibited a shoulder it followed that there was a threshold level of DNA reaction which did not lead to mutations possibly due to efficient repair of DNA damage. Post-alkylation incubation in medium containing caffeine decreased cell survival while at the same time it increased the induced mutation frequency. Mutation frequency was increased whether caffeine was present for 48 h or for a further 12 days in the presence of the selective agent 8-azaguanine. MNU caused chromatid aberrations in Chinese hamster cells and these reached a value of 15% of the treated cells by 48 h after methylation. Post-alkylation incubation in caffeine increased the percentage of cells showing chromosomal damage to a maximum of 86% of treated cells by 40 h after alkylation. A large proportion of cells exhibited completely fragmented or shattered chromosomes. The proportion of cells showing the presence of micronuclei also dramatically increased following incubation of methylated cells in caffeine. These results are discussed in terms of the possibility that damage to DNA is responsible for the lethal, mutagenic and cytological effects of MNU in Chinese hamster cells, and that there is a caffeine sensitive step(s) in the repair of the DNA damage which is responsible for these effects.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat urothelial cells were exposed to hydroxyurea, [3H]thymidine, and 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (NQO) or N-hydroxy-4-aminoquinoline 1-oxide (HAQO) in a serum-free media for 2 h; unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) was measured by autoradiography. Both NQO and HAQO produced unscheduled DNA synthesis. Dicumarol, an inhibitor of NQO nitroreductase, inhibited the activity of NQO and, to a lesser extent, HAQO. Pyrophosphate, an inhibitor of seryl-AMP synthetase, inhibited the activity of both compounds. Neither dicumarol nor pyrophosphate, under similar experimental conditions, inhibited the activity of N-hydroxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-OH-AAF). These results support the idea that nitro-reductase and seryl-AMP synthetase may be involved in the activation of NQO.  相似文献   

The xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblast strains XP2RO, complementation group E, and XP23OS, group F, were compared with normal human primary fibroblasts with regard to repair of damage induced by 254-nm UV. In XP2RO cells, repair DNA synthesis, measured by autoradiography (unscheduled DNA synthesis = UDS), was about 50% of the value found in normal human cells. In these cells also the removal of UV-induced sites recognized by a specific UV-endonuclease proceeds at a reduced rate. By having BUdR incorporated into the repaired regions, followed by the induction of breaks in these patches by 313-nm UV, it was shown that the reduced repair synthesis is not caused by a shorter length of the repair regions in XP2RO, but is solely due to a reduction in the number of sites removed by excision repair. In XP23OS a discrepancy was observed between the level of UDS, which was about 10% of the normal value, and other repair-dependent properties such as UV survival, host-cell reactivation and removal of UV-endonuclease-susceptible sites, which were less reduced than could be expected from the UDS level. However, when UDS was followed over a longer period than the 2 or 3 h normally used in UDS analysis, it appeared that in XP23OS cells, the rate of UDS remained constant whereas the rate decreased in normal control cells. Consequently, the residual level of UDS varies with the period over which it is studied.  相似文献   

The introduction of disulfide bonds into proteins creates additional mechanical barriers and limits the unfolded contour length (i.e., the maximal extension) measured by single-molecule force spectroscopy. Here, we engineer single disulfide bonds into four different locations of the human cardiac titin module (I27) to control the contour length while keeping the distance to the transition state unchanged. This enables the study of several biologically important parameters. First, we are able to precisely determine the end-to-end length of the transition state before unfolding (53 Angstrom), which is longer than the end-to-end length of the protein obtained from NMR spectroscopy (43 Angstrom). Second, the measured contour length per amino acid from five different methods (4.0 +/- 0.2 Angstrom) is longer than the end-to-end length obtained from the crystal structure (3.6 Angstrom). Our measurement of the contour length takes into account all the internal degrees of freedom of the polypeptide chain, whereas crystallography measures the end-to-end length within the "frozen" protein structure. Furthermore, the control of contour length and therefore the number of amino acids unraveled before reaching the disulfide bond (n) facilitates the test of the chain length dependence on the folding time (tau(F)). We find that both a power law scaling tau(F) lambda n(lambda) with lambda = 4.4, and an exponential scaling with n(0.6) fit the data range, in support of different protein-folding scenarios.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandins E1 and F2 alpha upon the anti-actin antibody-induced stimulation of DNA synthesis and protein phosphorylation were studied in L cells. This system was previously shown by us to exhibit a rapid turnover of arachidonic acid in phospholipids which was inhibited by non-toxic concentrations of indomethacin, suggesting participation of cyclooxygenase-derived prostaglandins (Lipids 19:239, 1984). Prostaglandin E1 in a dose dependent manner selectively inhibited both protein phosphorylation and DNA synthesis in anti-actin antibody-stimulated cells. Prostaglandin F2 alpha was without effect. Indomethacin also produced a dose related inhibition of the antibody stimulation of protein phosphorylation and DNA synthesis. We conclude that prostaglandins, possibly derived from liberated arachidonic acid, play an important regulatory role in the stimulatory signal conveyed to L cells by perturbing antibody ligands.  相似文献   

HeLa S3 cells were exposed to varied concentrations of methylmercury over varied periods of time and its binding by the cells was studied using 203Hg-labeled methylmercuric chloride as radioactive marker. Also studied was the effect of cell-bound methylmercury on DNA replication and protein synthesis and on the growth rate of the cells. The results show that methylmercury binding is a rapid process, with much of the organomercurial bound within the the first 60 min of incubation, and that considerable quantities of organic mercury become affixed to the cells. The amounts of bound methylmercury, [CH3Hg(II)]bound, given in mol/cell, range from 2 × 10?16 (at 1 h of incubation and at 1 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium) to almost 4 × 10?14 (at 24 h of incubation and at 100 μM CH3Hg(II) in the medium). A [CH3Hg(II)]bound value of about 30 × 10?16 mol/cell appears to be the threshold below which cells display a normal growth pattern and below which metabolic events such as DNA replication or protein synthesis are affected only to a minor degree but above which major changes in cell metabolism and cell growth take place. Methylmercury binding by the cells is tight so that only 20% of the bound material is released from the cells over a 3-h incubation period when the cells are placed into fresh, methylmercury-free growth medium. Analysis of the binding data in terms of binding to identical and completely independent sites yields an association constant K of 7.92 × 104 l/mol and for the maximum concentration of cellular binding sites the value 2.40 × 10?14 mol/cell or 1.45 × 1010 sites/cell. Evidence is presented which shows that cellular sulfhydryl groups do not suffice to provide all the sites taken up by methylmercury and that binding, in all likelihood, involves basic nitrogen, too. The levels of cell-bound methylmercury are such that binding to HeLa DNA and HeLa chromatin, for instance, can readily take place. Methylmercury binding data obtained by using the technique of particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) are in good agreement with the data obtained via isotope dilution.  相似文献   

Cho MK  Lee GH  Park EY  Kim SG 《Tissue & cell》2004,36(5):293-305
Unbalanced accumulation of fibers in extracellular matrix (ECM) results from attachment and activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) during chronic liver diseases, in which the content of hyaluronic acid (HA), a glycosaminoglycan, in ECM changes. No information is available on the effect of HA on adhesion and activation of HSCs although that of collagen (Col) on HSCs was extensively studied. This study investigated the effects of HA with or without Col on adhesion of HSCs or the rate of DNA synthesis. Attachment of primary cultured HSCs was microscopically monitored in the plate simultaneously coated with HA or other ECM components. HA inhibited adhesion of quiescent HSCs at least up to 7 days after seeding, whereas HSCs were adherent to plastic or type I collagen (Col-I), type III collagen (Col-III), type IV collagen (Col-IV) or fibronectin. Both microscopy and alpha-smooth muscle actin immunocytochemistry revealed that the number of HSCs, which had been re-seeded after 15 days of culture, attached to HA-coated area was remarkably lower compared to that of HSCs on Col-I or plastic. Incorporation of HA into Col-I prevented adhesion of activated HSCs to matrix film. The number of HSCs adherent to HA at early times after seeding was minimal and significantly lower than that of the cells adherent to plastic. In contrast, either Col-I or Col-IV increased the number of adherent cells. Attachment of HSCs to plastic was inhibited by soluble HA in culture medium. CD44, the cell surface receptor to which HA binds, was immunochemically detected in HSCs. Adhesion of HSCs to plastic, HA or Col-I was not changed by anti-CD44 antibody. Either HA or Col increased the basal or platelet-derived growth factor-inducible rate of thymidine incorporation into DNA in HSCs. In conclusion, HA inhibits adhesion of quiescent or activated HSCs in spite of its stimulation of DNA synthesis, whereas Col increases HSC attachment and DNA synthesis, and inhibition of HSC adhesion by HA does not involve CD44.  相似文献   

In an attempt to stabilize the dose response in the Salmonella typhimurium test (STT), the use of DNA-bound products from BP was evaluated as a measure of the biologically effective dose. In addition to the previously documented interlaboratory variation, we observed a 3-fold difference in the dose response of TA100 to BP even when the assay was repeated with the same experimental conditions. When overall BP-DNA adduct formation was related to the level of His+ revertants, a series of responses emerged with two predominating. In the first type of response around 70 revertants per plate were generated for every BP molecule bound per 10(6) nucleotides of cellular DNA. The second response gave about 1400 revertants per plate for one BP bound in every 10(6) nucleotides. Several intermediates curves were also detected. The variation in the mutational response to binding levels occurred regardless of the source of S9 or the growth stage of the cells. These experiments indicate that there was no constant level of DNA damage that would lead to a specified number of revertants of TA100 by BP and that DNA modification was not solely responsible for mutagenic potency. It is possible that an induction of an error-prone repair function of the muc gene carried by the plasmid pKM101 in TA100 may be affecting the relationship between the measured adduct level and reversion frequency.  相似文献   

The present work describes a two-stage approach to analyzing combustion-generated samples for their potential to produce oxidant stress. This approach is illustrated with the two commonly encountered transition metals, copper and iron. First, their abilities to generate hydroxyl radical were measured in a cell-free, phosphate-buffered saline solution containing ascorbate and/or citrate. Second, their abilities to induce heme oxygenase-1 in cultured human epidermal keratinocytes were assessed in cell culture. Combustion-generated copper oxide nanoparticles were active in both assays and were found to be soluble in culture medium. Depletion of glutathione in the cells or loading the cells with ascorbate greatly increased heme oxygenase-1 induction in the presence of copper. By contrast, iron oxide nanoparticles were active in the phosphate-buffered saline but not in cell culture, and they aggregated in culture medium. Soluble salts of copper and iron exhibited the same contrast in activities as the respective combustion-generated particles. The results suggest that the capability of combustion-generated environmental samples to produce oxidant stress can be screened effectively in a two step process, first in phosphate-buffered saline with ascorbate and subsequently in epithelial cell culture for those exhibiting activity initially. The results also point to an unanticipated interaction in cells of oxidant stress-generating metals with an antioxidant (ascorbate) that is usually missing in culture medium formulations. Thus, ascorbate supplementation of cultured human cells is likely to improve their ability to model the in vivo effects of particulate matter containing copper and other redox-active metals.  相似文献   

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