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Lygus spp. Hahn (Hemiptera: Miridae) are serious pests of a wide variety of economically important crops in North America. A European parasitoid, Peristenus digoneutis Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), released in the northeastern USA for the biological control of Lygus, has successfully established in nine states and in eastern Canada, including southeastern Ontario, southern Quebec and Nova Scotia. To determine the extent to which P. digoneutis has dispersed and established in mirid populations in Ontario, a single-step multiplex PCR assay, designed to differentiate European species P. digoneutis and P. relictus from native North American Peristenus species, was used to identify parasitoid larvae dissected from field-collected Miridae. A total of 222 parasitoid larvae were analysed with the multiplex assay. Most (172) were identified as members of the P. pallipes Curtis complex; however, three from the Niagara region were identified as P. digoneutis. Specimens that did not amplify using the Peristenus multiplex PCR assay were screened with a PCR primer set designed to detect Leiophron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) species, and most were confirmed to be Leiophron larvae. This study confirms the presence of P. digoneutis species in southern Ontario, and is another example of the utility of molecular methods for the detection of newly introduced or dispersed parasitoids. The presence of exotic P. digoneutis in southern Ontario may expedite future releases to augment already-established populations. Following such releases, the Peristenus multiplex PCR assay will be a useful component of post-release studies to evaluate the success of the biological control programme for Lygus plant bugs in Canada.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a stream-dwelling fish, the Greenside Darter, Etheostoma blennioides, is described from variation at nine microsatellite loci in 26 populations in the northern-most portions of the species’ range in southern Ontario, Canada in two sampling years. We found relatively high levels of genetic structure at the among- and within-watershed scales, with some watersheds and populations exhibiting very high divergence. The Ausable River populations were especially isolated, containing distinct populations of potential conservation concern. Temporal replicates at selected localities showed evidence of substantial temporal variation in genetic structure, perhaps resulting from movement among sites. We found strong evidence for an effect of river barriers (dams and weirs) on dispersal measured by genotype assignment techniques. However, we found no bias in upstream vs downstream dispersal. Significant isolation-by-distance relationships in both sample years indicate that river distance is an important factor regulating gene flow in these watersheds. The Canadian Greenside Darter populations are expanding their range into more northerly watersheds, but also show substantial within-watershed genetic structure despite substantial dispersal.  相似文献   

The origins of the ghost shiner, Notropis buchanani, in Ontario, Canada is not known. It has been assumed that the species was recently introduced because of the discontinuous geographic distribution between populations in Ontario and other more southern locales. To evaluate this assumption, we completed a systematic morphological study of ghost shiner collected from Ontario, Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Morphological similarity among specimens along this northeast–southwest gradient supports the assumption that the Ontario populations are not the result of a recent introduction. Dissimilarity along this axis would support the hypothesis that the species has been isolated in Ontario. Based on the pattern of morphological differentiation among populations and locales considered in our analysis, the Ontario populations appear to represent a species native to Canada. These fish were likely overlooked during earlier biotic surveys. The degree of morphological differentiation, characterised particularly in the head morphology, suggests that the ghost shiner in Canada is at the racial level of segregation, and does not warrant further subspecific designation.  相似文献   

A programme to collect, import and release into Canada the gypsy moth parasitoid,Ceranthia samarensis (Diptera: Tachinidae) is described. The parasitoid's potential for biological control in Canada is also discussed. The parasitoid was collected in Europe by exposing experimental gypsy moth larvae in areas where local gypsy moth populations were at low densities. Following field exposure, the host larvae were returned to the laboratory and parasitoids reared from them. This technique has shown thatC. samarensis is the suffers 7–16% hyperparasitism. From 83–90% of theC. samarensis typically enter diapause as pharate adults within the puparia. Laboratory tests of post-exposure host rearing conditions indicate that constant temperatures disrupt the normal parasitoid diapause and that this effect can not be offset by use of either static long or short photoperiods or natural daylengths. Shipping and cold-storage procedures for puparia are described. Post-storage time to emergence of adultC. samarensis decreased with longer cold storage periods and with higher post-storage incubation temperatures. Emergence requires 112 degree-days above a threshold of 8°C after a period of at least 8 months cold storage. Releases of adultC. samarensis into field cages at four locations in southern Ontario are documented. While dissection of host larvae from the field cages has failed so far to demonstrate evidence of parasitism, we remain hopeful that some establishment of the parasitoid has occurred.   相似文献   

Pathogen introductions into novel areas can lead to the emergence of new fungal diseases of plants. Understanding the origin, introduction pathways, possible changes in reproductive system and population size of fungal pathogens is essential in devising an integrated strategy for the control of these diseases. We used minisatellite markers to infer the worldwide invasion history of the fungal plant pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans, which causes stem canker (blackleg) of oilseed and vegetable brassicas. Clustering analyses partitioned genotypes into distinct populations corresponding to major geographic regions, along with two differentiated populations in Western Canada. Comparison of invasion scenarios using Approximate Bayesian Computation suggested an origin of the pathogen in the USA, the region where epidemics were first recorded, and independent introductions from there over the last few decades into Eastern Canada (Ontario), Europe and Australia. The population in Western Canada appeared to be founded from a source in Ontario and the population in Chile resulted from an admixture between multiple sources. A bottleneck was inferred for the introduction into Western Canada but not into Europe, Ontario or Australia. Clonality appeared high in Western Canada, possibly because environmental conditions there were less conducive to sexual reproduction. Leptosphaeria maculans is a model invasive pathogen with contrasting features in different regions: shallow population structure, high genetic variability and regular sexual recombination in some regions, by comparison with reduced genetic variability, high rates of asexual multiplication, strong population structure or admixture in others.  相似文献   

Aim Climate change may cause loss of genetic diversity. Here we explore how a multidisciplinary approach can be used to infer effects of past climate change on species distribution and genetic diversity and also to predict loss of diversity due to future climate change. We use the arctic‐alpine plant Salix herbacea L. as a model. Location Europe, Greenland and eastern North America. Methods We analysed 399 samples from 41 populations for amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to identify current patterns of genetic structure and diversity and likely historical dispersal routes. Macrofossil records were compiled to infer past distribution, and species distribution models were used to predict the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and future distribution of climatically suitable areas. Results We found strong genetic differentiation between the populations from Europe/East Greenland and those from Canada/West Greenland, indicating a split probably predating the LGM. Much less differentiation was observed among the four genetic groups identified in Europe, and diversity was high in the Scandinavian as well as in southern alpine populations. Continuous distribution in Central Europe during the last glaciation was inferred based on the fossil records and distribution modelling. A 46–57% reduction in suitable areas was predicted in 2080 compared to present. However, mainly southern alpine populations may go extinct, causing a loss of about 5% of the genetic diversity in the species. Main conclusions From a continuous range in Central Europe during the last glaciation, northward colonization probably occurred as a broad front maintaining diversity as the climate warmed. This explains why potential extinction of southern populations by 2080 will cause a comparatively low loss of the genetic diversity in S. herbacea. For other species with different glacial histories, however, the expected climate‐change induced regional extinction may cause a more severe loss of genetic diversity. We conclude that our multidisciplinary approach may be a useful tool for assessing impact of climate change on loss of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Determining the source areas of harvested individuals is important for effective conservation and management of migratory game birds. Banding has provided much information about source areas, but obtaining samples of marked individuals representative of all potential breeding areas is difficult for most species. To add to previous knowledge of harvest derivation based on banding data and to assist with regulatory decisions, we used stable hydrogen isotope (δ2H) techniques to estimate natal and molt source areas of Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors) harvested in southern Canada in 2014 and 2017. We found that most birds harvested in southern Saskatchewan, southern Manitoba, northern Ontario, and southern Ontario likely originated in the prairie and boreal plains regions of Canada and the United States, which is the core production area for the species. Based on feather δ2H values, some birds harvested in Ontario may have also originated in Ontario. Our results differ from those of a long-term analysis of band recovery data that revealed that most Blue-winged Teal harvested in Ontario originated in the eastern part of the province and areas along the lower Great Lakes and southwestern Quebec. We found that nearly all birds harvested in Ontario in our study likely originated from areas north and west of the province. Together, banding and stable isotopes likely provide the best information available on source areas of harvested birds for regulatory decision making.  相似文献   

The geographical range of the five‐lined skink is the most expansive of any eastern North American lizard, ranging from previously glaciated southern Canada southward to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic seaboard west to Texas and Minnesota. The most northerly populations occur in southern Ontario and are of conservation concern. We developed six polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci to examine the genetic structure within and among Ontario's populations and to examine the intrapopulation levels of genetic diversity relative to more southern populations.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of sustained stream bank seepage during base flow conditions on the pore water nitrogen biogeochemistry of two riparian zones in lowland agricultural areas in southern Ontario, Canada. Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved oxygen concentrations in riparian subsurface water over a two-year period showed well-organized spatial patterns along stream bank seepage flow paths that extended seasonally up to 25 m inland. High levels of dissolved oxygen and NO3 in stream inflow were depleted rapidly at the stream bank interface suggesting the occurrence of aerobic microbial respiration followed by denitrification. A zone of NH4+ accumulation persisted in more anaerobic sediments inland from the bank margin, although the magnitude and intensity of the pattern varied seasonally. A bromide tracer and NO3 co-injection at the stream bank interface indicated that bank seepage occurred along preferential flow paths in a poorly sorted gravel layer in the two riparian zones. Depletion of NO3 in relation to co-injected bromide confirmed that the bank margin was a hot spot of biogeochemical activity within the riparian zone. Conceptual models of humid temperate riparian zones have focused on nitrogen biogeochemistry in relation to hillslope to stream hydrologic flow paths. However, our results suggest that sustained stream bank inflow during low flow conditions can exert a dominant control on riparian nitrogen cycling in lowland landscapes where level riparian zones bounded by perennial streams receive limited subsurface inflows from adjacent slopes.  相似文献   

The swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a pest of most cultivated Brassicaceae such as broccoli, canola, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. The species primarily has a Palaearctic distribution and occurs throughout Europe and southwestern Asia to the Caucasus. Between 1996 and 1999, producers of cruciferous vegetables in Ontario, Canada, reported crop damage that was consistent with damage symptoms characteristic of C. nasturtii feeding and in 2000, field studies confirmed that this damage was caused by C. nasturtii . A bioclimatic model was developed to predict potential range and relative abundance of C. nasturtii in Canada in order to determine the impact of the establishment and spread of C. nasturtii populations. Model output indicated that C. nasturtii could potentially become established in all provinces of Canada, with the risk being greatest in southwestern British Columbia, southern Ontario and Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Results indicated that C. nasturtii population growth in the Prairie Ecozone of western Canada would be greatest in years with above average precipitation.  相似文献   

The red clover casebearer, Coleophora deauratella, is an invasive pest of red clover grown for seed in North America. In 2006, an outbreak in Alberta, Canada was discovered that resulted in significant seed losses, while further invasion threatens the world’s largest red clover forage seed production region in Oregon, USA. Prior to the recent outbreak, C. deauratella was thought to be restricted to eastern North America in its invasive range. We sequenced a 615-bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene, and developed three microsatellite markers to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of C. deauratella in North America and its native range in Europe. We observed signatures of a founder effect in North American populations and a further loss of genetic diversity within Alberta populations. Most genetic differentiation was found between continents, with no evidence of isolation-by-distance within each continent. From the limited number of European populations sampled, a single introduction from Switzerland is the most probable source of North American populations based on similar mitochondrial diversity and lack of population differentiation. Within North America, based on increased genetic diversity compared to the rest of the continent, the first North American record from Ithaca, NY, and the first documented outbreak in southern Ontario in 1989, the initial C. deauratella invasion most likely occurred in southern Ontario, Canada or adjacent states in the USA, followed by transport throughout the continent. This study provides insight into the phylogeographic history of C. deauratella in North America and Europe and may help to identify a regional source of future classical biological control agents.  相似文献   

The invasive annual Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) is distributed in Canada primarily south of 52° N latitude in two diffuse ranges separated by the extensive coniferous forest in western Ontario. The grass was likely introduced independently to eastern and western Canada post-1880. We detected regional variation in the grass's genetic diversity using starch gel electrophoresis to analyze genetic diversity at 25 allozyme loci in 60 populations collected across Canada. The Pgm-1a & Pgm-2a multilocus genotype, which occurs in the grass's native range in Eastern Europe, is prevalent in eastern Canada but occurs at low frequency in western Canada. In contrast, the Got-4c multilocus genotype, found in the native range in Central Europe, is widespread in populations from western Canada. Overall genetic diversity of B. tectorum is much higher in eastern Canada than in the eastern U.S., while the genetic diversity in populations in western North America is similar between Canada and the U.S. The distribution of genetic diversity across Canada strongly suggests multiple introduction events. Heterozygous individuals, which are exceedingly rare in B. tectorum, were detected in three Canadian populations. Formation of novel genotypes through occasional outcrossing events could spark adaptive evolution and further range expansion across Canada of this exceedingly damaging grass.  相似文献   

  • 1 Peristenus digoneutis Loan is a parasitoid of Lygus plant bugs, which was successfully introduced from Europe into North America in the 1980s for controlling native Lygus populations. Surveys confirmed that P. digoneutis populations have become established throughout eastern North America and that the spread of the parasitoid continues. For unknown reasons, previous releases of P. digoneutis in Western Canada were not successful.
  • 2 A bioclimate (climex ®; Hearne Scientific Software Pty Ltd, Australia) model for P. digoneutis in North America was developed, based on climate and ecological parameters, and then validated with actual distribution records. The current distribution of P. digoneutis in eastern North America was consistent with the predicted distribution. The model suggests that P. digoneutis will probably continue its spread westwards throughout the U.S.A. along the Great Lakes.
  • 3 The southern distribution of P. digoneutis is expected to be limited by hot summer temperatures, whereas its northern range is limited by the number of Lygus host generations rather than cold stress.
  • 4 Peristenus digoneutis has the potential to occur in the southern parts of the prairie ecozone of western Canada; however, Ecoclimatic Index values in the prairies indicate mainly marginal or unfavourable conditions, which may explain why earlier releases of P. digoneutis in Western Canada failed.

Shifts in species distributions due to environmental change may affect the spatial pattern of genetic structure within a species' range, including possible changes to the adaptive potential of populations. We investigated spatial patterns of neutral genetic diversity and differentiation at the southern edge of the Canada lynx Lynx canadensis distribution in Ontario, Canada. We analyzed provincial fur harvest records (1972–2010) and collected and genotyped lynx pelt samples (2007–2009) from 702 lynx at 14 microsatellite loci. We show that the southern range boundary of lynx in central Canada has contracted northward by > 175 km since the 1970s, and that high winter temperature, low snow depth, and low proportion of suitable habitat are strongly correlated with low neutral genetic diversity and high genetic differentiation at the trailing range edge. Our work tests fundamental ideas about species range limits and demonstrates that environmental conditions can have a marked influence on neutral genetic structure. Our results suggest that changes in environmental conditions will result in further loss of genetic diversity and possibly reduce adaptive potential in southern peripheral lynx populations.  相似文献   

In most of the western world where industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa, is licensed for cultivation, the plants must not exceed a level of 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal intoxicating constituent of the species. Because there are no publicly available germplasm hemp collections in North America and only a very few, recent North American cultivars have been bred, the future breeding of cultivars suitable for North America is heavily dependent on European cultivars and European germplasm collections. Based mostly on material from Europe, this study surveyed THC levels of 167 accessions grown in southern Ontario, making this the largest survey to date of germplasm intended for breeding in North America. Forty-three percent of these had THC levels ≥0.3% and, therefore, are unsuitable for hemp development in North America. Discrepancies were found between THC levels reported for some germplasm holdings in Europe when they were grown in Canada and, accordingly, verification of THC levels developed in North America is necessary.  相似文献   

Aim The introduction of non‐indigenous species has resulted in wide‐ranging ecological and economic impacts. Predictive modelling of the introduction and establishment of non‐indigenous species is imperative to identify areas at high risk of invasion to effectively manage non‐indigenous species and conserve native populations. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), a warm water fish species native to central North America has negatively impacted native fish communities, including cyprinids and salmonid populations, as a result of intentional introductions. We predicted the introduction risk; species establishment based on habitat suitability; identified lakes at high risk of invasion; and finally assessed the consequential impacts on native salmon, trout and cyprinid populations. Location Ontario and British Columbia, Canada. Methods Classification tree and logistic regression models were developed and validated to predict the introduction and establishment of smallmouth bass for thousands of lakes. Results Densely human populated areas and larger lake surface areas successfully identify lakes associated with the introduction of smallmouth bass (introduction model) in British Columbia. Climate, lake morphology and water chemistry variables were the driving environmental parameters to define suitable smallmouth bass habitat (establishment model). A combination of the introduction and establishment model identified 138 lakes that are currently at risk in British Columbia to the introduction and establishment of smallmouth bass. Of these 138 high‐risk lakes, 95% of them contain at least one species of salmon, trout or cyprinid, thereby increasing the potential impact of an invasion by smallmouth bass. Main conclusions Our framework can be applied to other terrestrial and aquatic species to obtain a better understanding of the potential risk posed by a non‐indigenous species to an ecosystem. Furthermore, our methodology can be used to focus management efforts on areas at higher risk (e.g. number of potential releases, more favourable habitats) to control future introductions of non‐indigenous species, thereby conserving native populations.  相似文献   

Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) have been declining rapidly in many temperate regions of the Old World. Despite their ecological and economic importance as pollinators, North American bumblebees have not been extensively surveyed and their conservation status is largely unknown. In this study, two approaches were used to determine whether bumblebees in that region were in decline spatially and temporally. First, surveys performed in 2004–2006 in southern Ontario were compared to surveys from 1971 to 1973 in the same sites to look at changes in community composition, in one of the most bumblebee diverse areas of eastern North America. Second, the extent of range decline for a focal species (Bombus affinis Cresson) was estimated by surveying 43 sites throughout its known native range in eastern Canada and the United States. Our study documents an impoverishment of the bumblebee community in southern Ontario over the past 35 years. Bombus affinis in particular was found to have declined drastically in abundance not only in southern Ontario but throughout its native range. The loss of any bumblebee species may result in cascading impacts on native fauna and flora and reduce agricultural production. Implications for the conservation of this important group of pollinators are discussed.  相似文献   

The Oder and the Vistula rivers are responsible for about 25% of the total riverine nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea and of this 60% have been estimated to originate from diffuse sources. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that changes in agricultural practices in Poland have changed the riverine nitrogen export from the rivers Oder and Vistula to the Baltic Sea. We calculated agricultural long-term nitrogen budgets (1960–2000) for the catchments of the Oder and the Vistula rivers. Poland went through severe economical changes in the early 1990s, which led to a drastic decrease in fertilizer consumption. The role of the calculated nitrogen surplus as an eutrophication capacitor and the potential to reduce this important capacitor to improve the environmental state of the Baltic Sea is discussed. N surplus for the entire country showed a maximum in 1980 (58 kg ha−1 sown area−1) and it dropped to 39 kg ha−1 sown area−1 in 2000. The surplus was, however, up to two times lower than that in other transitional countries, and much lower than in Western Europe with intensive agriculture. An observed decrease in nitrogen concentrations in both Polish rivers is not ascribed to drop in fertilizer use, but it results from nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants with tertiary treatment facilities. Comparison of trends in nitrogen concentrations in different transition countries indicates that factors other than reduced fertilizer application influenced the inertia of the water quality response. Hence, the potential to reduce diffuse nitrogen emissions from agriculture by reducing fertilization is constricted in areas with low-nitrogen surplus. In transitional countries like Poland the largest potential for nutrient reductions seem to be in improving the connectivity to waste water treatment plants with tertiary treatment.  相似文献   

We compared foraging behavior of foliage-gleaning birds of the boreal forest of two Palaearctic (central Siberia and European Russia) and two Nearctic (Mackenzie and Ontario, Canada) sites. Using discriminant function analysis on paired sites we were able to distinguish foliage-gleaning species from the Nearctic and Palaearctic with few misclassifications. The two variables that most consistently distinguished species of the two avifaunas were the percentage use of conifer foliage and the percentage use of all foliage. Nearctic foliage-gleaner assemblages had more species that foraged predominantly from coniferous foliage and displayed a greater tendency to forage from foliage, both coniferous and broad-leafed, rather than twigs, branches, or other substrates. The greater specialization on foliage and, in particular, conifer foliage by New World canopy foliage insectivores is consistent with previously proposed hypotheses regarding the role of Pleistocene vegetation history on ecological generalization of Eurasian species. Boreal forest, composed primarily of spruce and pine, was widespread in eastern North America, whereas pockets of forest were scattered in Eurasia (mostly the mountains of southern Europe and Asia). This may have affected the populations of birds directly or indirectly through reduction in the diversity and abundance of defoliating outbreak insects. Loss of habitat and resources may have selected against ecological specialization on these habitats and resources. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 24 June 1999  相似文献   

SCHAFFER  BRUCE 《Annals of botany》1998,81(4):475-481
Agriculture is often viewed as having a negative impact on naturalecosystems. However, agriculture can contribute to maintainingthese ecosystems by serving as a buffer between natural andurban areas. If agriculture is to coexist with the natural environment,crop production practices must be profitable and sustainable.This often requires optimizing crop productivity while minimizingagricultural inputs. The largest wetland restoration projectin history is underway in the Florida Everglades to restorethe natural ecosystem by increasing water flows to re-establishthe natural hydrology. This area is also agriculturally uniquebecause it is the only region in the continental United Stateswhere several species of subtropical and tropical fruit cropsare commercially grown. In agricultural areas adjacent to Biscayneand Everglades National Parks in southern Florida, studies withsubtropical and tropical fruit trees are currently aimed atkeeping agriculture viable whilst having no negative impacton the natural wetland ecosystem. Research has focused on determiningthe effects of continuous and cyclical flooding on physiologyand growth of the major subtropical and tropical fruit treespecies grown in south Florida. Furthermore, attempts are beingmade to increase crop water-use efficiency to reduce chemicalleaching into the aquifer. This is being done by continuouslymonitoring soil water content with multi-sensor electrical capacitanceprobes and adjusting the soil water content to reduce drainageand leaching of agricultural chemicals below the root zone andto avoid the onset of plant water stress. Crop research methodologiesused in south Florida should be applicable to other areas ofthe world where sustainable agriculture may be the ‘bestneighbour’ to environmentally-sensitive natural habitats.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company fruit crops, wetlands, adaptation, flooding, water quality, leaching, sustainable agriculture tropical fruit  相似文献   

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