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SYNOPSIS Cortical events occurring in the course of regeneration in Condylostoma magnum (Spiegel) were studied by electron microscopy. The zone of regeneration is very rich in vacuoles and small vesicles formed from the plasma membrane. Multiplication of kinetosomes starts on the left side of kineties in the V-shaped left ventral area, normally implicated in stomatogenesis, at the level of the anterior kinetosomes of the somatic pairs. The proliferation proceeds by the appearance of young kinetosomes most often orthogonal to the old ones. This process of multiplication is very rapid and terminates in the formation of an “anarchic field” in which one observes that: (a) the newly formed kinetosomes do not possess all the associated postciliary fibers; and (b) when these fibers are detected, the kinetosomes are not in the same orientation. Differentiation of the adoral organelles takes place in the left part of the field (left primordium) by an alignment of the kinetosomes into 2 rows for each organelle (oriented perpendicularly to the antero-posterior axis of the ciliate), of which only one has the postciliary fibers. Ciliatogenesis occurs in numerous kinetosomes of the anarchic field; in certain kinetosomes it is achieved at the onset of their arrangement into organelles and is concomitant with growth of the nematodesmata. The 3rd (anterior) row of the organelles, the interkinetosomal desmata, and connections among neighboring organelles appear only secondarily. Differentiation of the paroral cilia occurs later. It takes place in the interior of the primordium, whose organization is primarily anarchic, and is accompanied by a progressive resorption of the major part of the newly formed kineties. Numerous kinetosomes of the right field have the associated postciliary fibers, which are not found at the level of the regenerated “polystichomonad” (paroral organization characteristic of C. magnum). Finally, the formation of new kinetosomes within a somatic kinety at the time of its elongation is described.  相似文献   

The regeneration (RG) of the oral apparatus (OA) by Climacostomum virens (Ciliophora, Heterotrichida) is examined by estimation of the ability of live cells to ingest food as well as by Nomarski interference contrast microscopy, bright field microscopy of protargol-stained specimens, and by scanning electron microscopy. When placed in a 6% (w/v) urea solution for ~ 2 min 10 sec, populations of 10,000–100,000 cells shed a large part of their OA. In more than 90% of the cells that shed, the discarded segment is comprised of the apical membranelles, most of the adoral membranelles, and of a variable part of the buccal tube. After washing and incubation at 26°C, 50% of the cells regenerate a functional OA in 4 h 47 min, and after 5 h 26 min, 90% of the cells are able to ingest food. At any given moment during the process, 50–90% of the cells are morphologically in the same stage of RG. Seven stages (among which three are divided into two substages) of RG are defined. The process begins by the disorganization of the remnant oral structures. Concomitantly, kinetosomes multiply along the kineties of the zone of discontinuity and form the longitudinally oriented oral primordium. The latter gives rise to the adoral primordium, which rapidly produces the adoral zone of membranelles (AZM), and to the paroral primordium, which subsequently forms the apical membranelles, the buccal peristomial kineties, and the paroral kinety. Morphogenetic movements lead to incurvation of the AZM and the frontal field and to invagination of the buccal tube.  相似文献   

Stomatogenesis during metamorphosis of the marine loricate ciliate, Eufolliculina uhligi, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Kinetosome proliferation in the stomatogenic territory leads to the formation of an anarchic field. This separates into the left adoral and the right paroral primordia. Both primordia consist of pairs of kinetosomes. One kinetosome of a pair is associated with one transverse and two postciliary microtubules; the other has one transverse microtubule. The postciliary microtubules of the adoral kinetosomes become divergent; those of the paroral kinetosomes become convergent. The adoral kinetosomes arrange in promembranelles. Then a third row of kinetosomes is produced anteriorly to each promembranelle. This third row is short at the peristome but longer in the buccal area. The paroral kinetosomes form a stichodyad. The buccal part of the paroral primordium is resorbed during formation of the buccal cavity. Stomatogenesis ends with the development of a functioning cytostome. During this process, the postciliary microtubules of the buccal adoral membranelles elongate and become associated with cytopharyngeal vesicles. Fusion of these vesicles with the cytostome has been observed some time after the completion of the oral structures.  相似文献   

尖前口虫的口器发生研究(纤毛门, 膜口目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了咽膜类纤毛虫尖前口虫无性生殖期的核器及口器的演化.其发生特征为;1)新的口原基形成于原前庭动基列与口侧膜间,表观为原口侧膜分裂而致;2)随着形态发生的进行,由口原基依次演化出后仔虫的三片咽膜、口侧膜和三条前庭动基列;3)原口器完全被前仔虫所继承;4)体纤毛器在整个形态发生过程中一直保持双动基列结构.    相似文献   

宋微波 《动物学报》1997,43(1):90-95
钩刺斜管虫口和体纤毛器演化模式是研究该类动物个体发生的优秀模型。通过跟踪研究,澄清了后仔虫口器发生以及体纤毛器起源上的几点疑问,并证实:体左侧二列片段动基列为同源再造而非来自老结构的分裂或复制;三列围口纤毛均为双动基列构造;后仔虫口原基场的构建系由5列体动基列共同参与完成的,其中最左侧两列短的原基片段与原基1整合为一体,从而发展成营养期虫体的外围口动基列;后仔虫背触毛原基为独立发生。  相似文献   

K Eisler 《Bio Systems》1992,26(4):239-254
The ciliate species which lack a distinctive oral ciliature are considered to represent an ancestral state in ciliate evolution. Consequently, the somatic kineties composed of kinetids (kinetosomes plus cilia and associated fibrillar systems) are thought to be the ancestral ciliature. Results on stomatogenesis in 'gymnostomial ciliates' have shown that these ciliates probably have evolved from ancestors already equipped with an oral ciliature. Thus instead of the somatic, the oral ciliature may be regarded an ancestral. Based on these ideas a hypothesis on the evolution of the ciliate kinetome (assembly of all kinetids covering the body of a given ciliate) is presented. The first step in the evolution of the kinetome was the formation of a paroral membrane, a compound ciliary organelle lying along the right side of the oral area which historically but falsely is termed membrane. It was composed of kinetosomal dyads (dikinetids), derived from the kinetid of a dinoflagellate-like ancestor. From the beginning the paroral membrane was responsible for locomotion, ingestion and for the formation of a cytopharyngeal tube which the first ciliate probably had inherited from its flagellate ancestor. In the second step a first somatic kinety was formed from the right row of kinetosomes of the paroral membrane as a result of a longitudinal splitting of the paroral membrane and a subsequent migration of the forming kinety to the right into the somatic cortex. To increase the number of somatic kineties this process was repeated until the kinety produced first reached the left border of the oral area. By this step the locomotive and the nutritional functions were differentiated between somatic and oral structures. In a third step the adoral organelles were formed from somatic kinetids left of the oral area. The primitive type of stomatogenesis was a buccokinetal one derived from the mode the flagellate ancestor used to distribute its replicated kinetosomes to the offspring cells (buccokinetal means that at least parts of the oral anlage for the posterior offspring cell has its origin in the parental oral apparatus). This hypothesis, based on comparative studies on ciliate morphogenesis, is corroborated by molecular data from other laboratories.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trachelolophos gigas n. g., n. sp. and T. filum (Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) n. comb. (basionym: Tracheloraphis filum) were discovered in the mesopsammon of the French Atlantic coast at Roscoff. Their morphology and infraciliature were studied in live and protargol impregnated specimens. The new genus, Trachelolophos, belongs to the family Trachelocercidae and is unique in having a conspicuous ciliary tuft, which is very likely a highly modified brosse, in the oral cavity. The two species investigated have a very similar infraciliature, differing only in morphometric characteristics and in the nuclear configuration. The entire somatic and oral infraciliature consists of dikinetids which have both basal bodies ciliated or only the anterior or posterior ones, depending on the region of the cell. The right side is densely and uniformly ciliated. Its kineties extend onto the left side to the glabrous stripe, where an anterior and posterior secant system are formed, reducing the number of kineties in the narrowed neck and tail region. The left side bears a narrow glabrous stripe bordered by slightly irregularly arranged dikinetids having rather stiff cilia (bristles), possibly forming an uninterrupted, prolate ellipsoidal (bristle) kinety as indicated by their ciliation. The bristle kinety commences subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, extends posteriorly, then anteriorly at the left, to end up at the right margin again. The dikinetids of the right posterior portion of the bristle kinety have the posterior basal bodies ciliated, whereas the anterior basal bodies are ciliated in its left and right anterior portion. The ends of the bristle kinety meet distinctly subapically at the right margin of the glabrous stripe, as indicated by the diametrically opposed ciliation of the dikinetids. The anterior region (head) of the cell bears a distinct circumoral kinety composed of very regularly arranged dikinetids, associated with nematodesmata forming an oral basket together with the nematodesmal bundles originating from the oralized somatic dikinetids at the anterior end of the somatic kineties. The systematics of trachelocercid ciliates are briefly reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

The number of somatic kineties in Pelagostrobilidium ranges from 4 to 6 according to the present state of knowledge. This study investigates Pelagostrobilidium liui n. sp. using live observation, protargol stain, and small subunit rDNA data sequencing. Pelagostrobilidium liui n. sp. is characterized by having a spherical‐shaped body, four somatic kineties, with kinety 2 spiraled around the left side of body, about six elongated external membranelles, and invariably no buccal membranelle. It differs from its most similar congener, Pelagostrobilidium minutum Liu et al., 2012 , in (i) cell shape; (ii) macronucleus width; (iii) oral apparatus; (iv) anterior orientation of kinety 2; (v) location where kinety 2 commences; (vi) arrangement of kinety 1; (vii) distance between the anterior cell end and the locations where kineties commence; and (viii) the presence of 12 different bases (including two deletions) in the small subunit rDNA sequences. The diagnosis of P. minutum Liu et al., 2012 is also improved to include the following new characteristics: invariably four somatic kineties; kineties 2 and 4 alone commence at the same level; kinety 2 originates from right anterior cell half on ventral side, extends sinistrally posteriorly, over kinety 1, around left posterior region, terminates near posterior cell end on dorsal side; kinety 1 commences below anterior third of kinety 2.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Uronychia transfuga utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Uronychia is similar in several respects to that of the members of the family Euplotidae. These features include: the de novo development of the opisthe oral primordium in a subcortical pouch; the development of frontoventral and transverse cirri for both the proter and opisthe from 5 cirral primordia that form de novo within a single latitudinal developmental zone; and the absence of right marginal cirri. The members of the genus Uronychia also show a number of unique characteristics: development of a proter oral primordium that causes partial replacement of the parental adoral zone of oral polykinetids during development of the proter; a large oral membrane that is divided into a right and left component; large caudal cirri that bend to the left; and dorsal kineties comprised of closely set paired-kinetosome kinetids. When compared to the other euplotid-like ciliates, these unique features support the placement of the genus Uronychia in a separate family, Uronychiidae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and morphogenesis of some oligotrichs were investigated using protargol impregnation, silver carbonate impregnation and scanning electron microscopy. The somatic kineties of Strobilidium caudatum form a spiral at the posterior pole. Strobilidiids without such a spiral are transferred to the genus Rimostrombidium. Fourteen new combinations and a nomen novum, Strobilidium kahli, are necessary, Meseres corlissi n. sp. is characterized by eight somatic kineties composed of long cilia which are not fused to “bristles” as they are in Halteria. Strombidium oblongum shows similar characteristics and is thus combined with Meseres. Strombidium rehwaldi n. sp. has an anterior and an equatorial girdle of extrusomes. The morphogenesis of Meseres and Halteria is very similar, i.e. the entire somatic ciliature and the oral primordium originate apokinetally on the cell surface; the parental somatic ciliature is resorbed. In strobilidiids and tintinnids, the oral anlagen develop in a subsurface pouch and the parental somatic kineties, which are not resorbed, elongate by intrakinetal proliferation of basal bodies. In strombidiids, the oral primordium develops in an intracellular sac or tube. These morphogenetic peculiarities and distinct morphologic characters (e.g. arrangement of adoral membranelles) were applied in constructing a phylogenetic system for oligotrichs using hypotrichs as outgroup. This shows that halteriids are more closely related to hypotrichs than they are to other oligotrichs. The Halteriidae are thus raised to ordinal and subclass ranks, Halteriida n. ord., Halteriia n. subcl.  相似文献   

The ciliate genus Protocruzia is a highly confused group, which was formerly placed in the class Heterotrichea or Karyorelictea, and is according to the most recent system tentatively assigned to the class Spirotrichea. In the present study, the morphology, ciliary pattern, and molecular phylogeny of two poorly known species, Protocruzia tuzeti Villeneuve‐Brachon, 1940, and Protocruzia granulosa Kahl, 1933, isolated from coastal waters of China, were investigated. Protocruzia tuzeti differs from its congeners mainly in possessing 6 adoral membranelles, 8–11 somatic kineties, and postoral dikinetids. Protocruzia granulosa is characterized by its extremely slender body, three postoral kineties, and 13 or 14 somatic kineties. The morphogenesis of P. granulosa is similar to that of P. tuzeti, especially in the parakinetal mode of stomatogenesis and the reorganization of the parental paroral membrane; however, more than one somatic kinety joins in the formation of the oral primordium in P. granulosa. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene revealed that six Protocruzia species form a fully supported clade that does not belong to any ciliate class; therefore, our data support the establishment of the class Protocruziea Gao et al. (Sci. Rep., 6, 2016, 24874).  相似文献   

Five ciliates, Chlamydonella prostomata nov. sp., Paractedoctema acruosa nov. gen., nov. sp., Urocyclon ovatum nov. gen., nov. sp., Porpostoma grassei (Corliss and Snyder 1986) and Cytharoides balechi Tuffrau 1974, collected from sea ice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica were morphologically and taxonomically investigated. The new genus Paractedoctema is characterized as: Cyclidiidae with naked snout-like apical end and three well-developed membranelles which are multi-rowed in structure and closely apposed one to another; paroral membrane extending anteriorly to about mid-level of M1; one caudal cilium; and silverline system Cyclidium-like. Since Urocyclon Small and Lynn 1985 is a nomen nudum because no type species has been fixed, we re-establish the genus and give a revised definition: uronematids mostly with inverted pear-shaped body and subequatorially positioned cytostome; apical plate dominant; membranelle 1 highly reduced; and paroral membrane extending anteriorly to about mid-level of membrane 2. Based on this new definition, a new combination is suggested: Homalogastra cymruensis (Pérez-Uz and Hope 1997) comb. nov. (formerly Urocyclon cymruensis Pérez-Uz and Hope 1997). For the well-known genus Chlamydonella, an improved diagnosis has been given according to our observations and the data obtained: Lynchellidae without plasmatic protrusions on ventral side; several to many somatic kineties making no noticeable naked gap between left and right areas; perioral kineties continuous or slightly fragmented with leftmost rows parallel to each other, which are arched transversely; and cytopharyngeal rods (nematodesmata) toothed. Macronucleus usually dimorphic. Regarding the related genus Lynchella Kahl 1933, we suggest that the original diagnosis by Kahl should be maintained. Thus, the genus diagnosis is re-provided: Lynchellidae with plasmatic protrusions on ventral side; several to many somatic kineties making no noticeable naked gap between left and right areas; perioral kineties continuous or fragmented with some rows parallel to each other; cytopharyngeal rods toothed; macronucleus generally dimorphic. In the light of the redefinition, a new combination has been made: Chlamydonella nordica (Jankowski 1968) comb. nov. (formerly Lynchella nordica Jankowski 1968). Accepted: 10 October 1999  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Elaboration of ciliated feeding organelles in the protozoon Stentor coeruleus was reinvestigated for the first time by scanning electron microscopy which gives the most realistic 3-dimensional images. Parallel transmission EM studies of synchronized regenerating stentors gave further ultrastructural details of stomatogenesis, while also confirming the expectation that in the structure of its kineties this now classical experimental object does not differ from other species of Stentor previously studied. Within 2 hr after the stimulus to regeneration, several generations of new kinetosomes for the oral primordium are produced, first in association with kinetosomes of kineties at the restricted primordium site. These kinetosomes rapidly sprout membranellar cilia as well as subpellicular microtubules but are still randomly oriented (anarchic field). The forming membranellar band increases from its center-line to both sides while it grows in length. Young cilia are blunt-ended. Recession of the early anlage occurs without rupture of the pellicle; soon apparent is the clear border stripe of unknown function along the right side of the membranellar band. Instantaneous fixation of beating cilia in early primordia revealed random beating, with coordination and presumably membranellar organization not yet attained. In late anlagen there are 2 types of metachronal rhythm: transversely from cilium to cilium across any given membranelle, as well as the easily observable serial beating of membranelles along the entire band. A single file of cilia leads the subsequent cytostomal invagination. The posterior end of the membranellar band then follows to line the cytopharynx.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and morphogenesis of two species of the genus Lembadion, L. lucens and L. bullinum , are described. In both species, left and right ventral kineties converge behind the mouth forming a postoral suture. Buccal infraciliature is formed by one polykinety and two very close paroral kineties (inner and outer). During stomatogenesis, the new oral structures originate from the paroral kineties. The inner paroral kinety forms the new adoral polykinety and regenerates the outer paroral kinety of the proter, while the paroral kineties of the opisthe originate from the outer paroral kinety of the parental cell. Somatic proliferation starts before the stomatogenesis at the equatorial level of the cell, and extends towards the poles forming an equatorial band. Two large invariant zones, anterior and posterior, remain in the dividing cell. Moreover, the kinetodesmal fibers disappear in the proliferation band during the bipartition (fission) process.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of two new marine cyrtophorid ciliates, Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. gen., nov. spec. and Aegyria rostellum nov. spec., isolated from tropical waters in southern China, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation methods. Paracyrtophoron nov. gen. differs from the closely related Cyrtophoron by lack of fragment kinety at anterior ends of right somatic kineties and thigmotactic cilia in posterior portion of ventral surface, while from the well-defined Chlamydodon by lack of the cross-striped band around the periphery of the somatic field. Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. spec., the type of the new genus, can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: cell size about 150-175×70-90μm in vivo; elliptical to kidney-shaped in outline, dorsoventrally flattened about 2.5:1; conspicuous cortical granules; one canal-like depression extending from postoral area to subcaudal region of cell; ca. 90 somatic kineties; 12-16 nematodesmal rods; one or two terminal fragments on dorsal side. Aegyria rostellum is characterized by the following features: size about 90-150×40-70μm in vivo, triangular or ear-shaped body with broad anterior end, having a rostriform structure and pigment spots, 56-63 somatic kineties, one preoral kinety, three or four circumoral kineties, and 32-42 nematodesmal rods. Based on previous and current studies, the definition for the genus Aegyria is updated: body dorsoventrally flattened; oral ciliature consisting of one preoral and several circumoral kineties; podite located in posterior ventral region and surrounded by somatic kineties; no obvious gap between right and left somatic kineties; postoral and left somatic kineties progressively shortened posteriorly from right to left. Additionally, two new combinations were proposed.  相似文献   

Recent works on prostomatid ciliates show that some genera of this group have a differentiated oral infraciliature and that their stomatogenesis during division involves the proliferation of only a few somatic kineties. These findings have significant implications regarding the iaxonomic status of these genera and also on the terminology used for the oral structures. In Urotricha ondina , the oral infraciliature consists of (1) a paroral kinety formed of paired kinetosomes that encircle the cytostome at the anterior pole of the cell and (2) 3 adoral organelles, each formed of 2 rows of kinetosomes, ventral in position and obliquely disposed, lying above 3 short somatic kineties that do not reach the anterior pole of the cell. This oral ciliature —formerly known as the corona and brosse, respectively—originate during stomatogenesis from the proliferation of 4 somatic kineties that lie posterior to the adoral organelles of the parental cell.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Cortical morphogenesis during excystment in Histriculus similis has been studied by light microscopy of preparations impregnated with silver proteinate (protargol). This morphogenesis shows clear differences from cortical morphogenesis during division. The oral, paroral, and fronto-ventro-transverse primordia originate from an extensive field of kinetosomes. The marginal cirral primordia and the dorsal bristle primordia appear at an early stage of morphogenesis. The left marginal cirral primordium originates from the oral primordium.  相似文献   

RESUME. Chacun des 45–80 organelles adoraux de Bursaria truncatella O. F. Müller est constitué de 3 rangées de cinétosomes et l'aire buccale droite est couverte de nombreuses doubles rangées de cinétosomes. La stomatogenèse débute par la désorganisation et la résorption des organelles buccaux postérieurs. Puis, il y a désorganisation des rangées parorales de cinétosomes et multiplication des cinétosomes sur l'aire orale droite, en měme temps que sont rompues, selon une ligne oblique, un certain nombre de cinéties somatiques. La prolifération des cinétosomes aux extrémités des cinéties. de part et d'autre de la ligne de rupture, aboutit, d'une part, à la formation d'un champ anarchique qui est le primordium oral droit de l'opisthe, d'autre part, à la formation de nombreux doublets qui constituent chacun le primordium de chaque organelle adoral. Après la séparation des tomites, les cinétosomes de l'aire droite s'ordonnent en doubles rangées et les organelles adoraux se complètent par addition d'une 3ème rangée de cinétosomes. Les cinétosomes somatiques sont jumelés, reliés par 2 desmoses. Les fibres transverses postérieures et les fibres postciliaires forment de longs rubans de microtubules dirigés vers l'arrière et juxtaposés dans les crětes intercinétiennes. Les doubles rangées droites de cinétosomes buccaux sont assimilables à des stichodyades. Les organelles des cinétosomes adoraux portent des rideaux de fibres postciliaires convergents ou divergents. La rangée postérieure de chaque organelle est non ciliée. Par son type de stomatogenèse, par sa structure corticale, par l'ultrastructure des organelles adoraux, Bursaria appartient aux Colpodidea, ce qui suggère des remarques de plusieurs types. SYNOPSIS. In Bursaria truncatella O. F. Müller, each of the 45–80 adoral organelles is composed of 3 rows of kinetosomes, and the right buccal area is covered by many double rows of kinetosomes. Stomatogenesis begins by disorganization and disappearance of the posterior buccal organelles. Next, there is disorganization of the paroral rows of kinetosomes and multiplication of kinetosomes in the right oral area; at the same time, some somatic kineties are disrupted along an oblique line. Multiplication of kinetosomes at the extremities of the kineties, on both sides of the disruption, leads to the formation of an anarchic field which is the right oral primordium of the opisthe and the formation of doublets each of which constitutes an adoral organelle. After the separation of the tomites. the kinetosomes in the right buccal area position themselves, and the adoral organelles are completed by the addition of a 3rd row of kinetosomes. Somatic kineties are formed by successive pairs of ciliated kinetosomes united by 2 desmoses. the long posterior transverse ribbons and the postciliary ribbons extend posteriad, overlapping in the pellicular ridges. Oral rows of kinetosomes on the right can be compared with stichodyads. the adoral kinetosomes have convergent or divergent postciliary ribbons. the posterior row of kinetosomes in each organelle is not ciliated. By the type of stomatogenesis, the cortical ultrastructure, the ultrastructure adoral of its organelles, Bursaria belongs to the Colpodidea.  相似文献   

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