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Metastable conformations of the gp120 and gp41 envelope glycoproteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) must be maintained in the unliganded state of the envelope glycoprotein trimer. Binding of gp120 to the primary receptor, CD4, triggers the transition to an open conformation of the trimer, promoting interaction with the CCR5 chemokine receptor and ultimately leading to gp41-mediated virus-cell membrane fusion and entry. Topological layers in the gp120 inner domain contribute to gp120-trimer association in the unliganded state and to CD4 binding. Here we describe similarities and differences between HIV-1 and SIVmac gp120. In both viruses, the gp120 N/C termini and the inner domain β-sandwich and layer 2 support the noncovalent association of gp120 with the envelope glycoprotein trimer. Layer 1 of the SIVmac gp120 inner domain contributes more to trimer association than the corresponding region of HIV-1 gp120. On the other hand, layer 1 plays an important role in stabilizing the CD4-bound conformation of HIV-1 but not SIVmac gp120 and thus contributes to HIV-1 binding to CD4. In SIVmac, CD4 binding is instead enhanced by tryptophan 375, which fills the Phe 43 cavity of gp120. Activation of SIVmac by soluble CD4 is dependent on tryptophan 375 and on layer 1 residues that determine a tight association of gp120 with the trimer. Distinct biological requirements for CD4 usage have resulted in lineage-specific differences in the HIV-1 and SIV gp120 structures that modulate trimer association and CD4 binding.  相似文献   

Glycans of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) play pivotal roles in modulating virus-target cell interactions. We have previously reported that, whereas SIVmac239 is pathogenic, its deglycosylated essentially nonpathogenic mutant (Δ5G) serves as a live-attenuated vaccine, although both replicate similarly during primary infection. These findings prompted us to determine whether such a polarized clinical outcome was due to differences in the immune tissues targeted by these viruses, where functionally and phenotypically different memory CD4(+) T cells reside. The results showed that Δ5G replicates in secondary lymphoid tissue (SLT) at 1- to 2-log-lower levels than SIVmac239, whereas SIVmac239-infected but not Δ5G-infected animals deplete CXCR3(+) CCR5(+) transitional memory (TrM) CD4(+) T cells. An early robust Δ5G replication was localized to small intestinal tissue, especially the lamina propria (effector site) rather than isolated lymphoid follicles (inductive site) and was associated with the induction and depletion of CCR6(+) CXCR3(-) CCR5(+) effector memory CD4(+) T cells. These results suggest that differential glycosylation of Env dictates the type of tissue-resident CD4(+) T cells that are targeted, which leads to pathogenic infection of TrM-Th1 cells in SLT and nonpathogenic infection of Th17 cells in the small intestine, respectively.  相似文献   

Characterization of virus-specific immune responses to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is important to understanding the early virus-host interactions that may determine the course of virus infection and disease. Using a comprehensive panel of serological assays, we have previously demonstrated a complex and lengthy maturation of virus-specific antibody responses elicited by attenuated strains of SIV that was closely associated with the development of protective immunity. In the present study, we expand these analyses to address several questions regarding the nature of the virus-specific antibody responses to pathogenic SIV, SIV/HIV-1 (SHIV), and HIV-1 infections. The results demonstrate for the first time a common theme of antibody maturation to SIV, SHIV, and HIV-1 infections that is characterized by ongoing changes in antibody titer, conformational dependence, and antibody avidity during the first 6 to 10 months following virus infection. We demonstrate that this gradual evolution of virus-specific antibody responses is independent of the levels of virus replication and the pathogenicity of the infection viral strain. While the serological assays used in these studies were useful in discriminating between protective and nonprotective antibody responses during evaluation of vaccine efficacy with attenuated SIV, these same assays do not distinguish the clinical outcome of infection in pathogenic SIV, SHIV, or HIV-1 infections. These results likely reflect differences in the immune mechanisms involved in mediating protection from virus challenge compared to those that control an established viral infection, and they suggest that additional characteristics of both humoral and cellular responses evolve during this early immune maturation.  相似文献   

A serologic survey of primates living in a French zoo allowed identification of three cases of infection with simian immunodeficiency virus in sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys) (SIVsm). Viral isolates, which were designated SIVsmFr66, SIVsmFr74, and SIVsmFr85, were obtained after short-term culture of mangabey lymphoid cells. Phylogenetic analysis of gag and env sequences amplified directly from mangabey tissues showed that the three SIVsmFr were genetically close and that they constituted a new subtype within the diverse SIVsm–SIVmac–human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) group. We could reconstruct the transmission events that likely occurred in 1986 between the three animals and evaluate the divergence of SIVsmFr sequences since transmission. The estimated rate of mutation fixation was 6 × 10−3 substitutions per site per year, which was as high as the rate found for SIVmac infection in macaques. These data indicated that SIVsmFr replicated at a high rate in mangabeys, despite the nonpathogenic character of infection in this host. The viral load evaluated by competitive PCR reached 20,000 viral DNA copies per 106 lymph node cells. In addition, productively infected cells were readily detected in mangabey lymphoid tissues by in situ hybridization. The amounts of viral RNA in plasma ranged from 105 to 107 copies per ml. The cell-associated and plasma viral loads were as high as those seen in susceptible hosts (humans or macaques) during the asymptomatic stage of HIV or SIVmac infections. Thus, the lack of pathogenicity of SIVsm for its natural host cannot be explained by limited viral replication or by tight containment of viral production.  相似文献   

Binding of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) envelope glycoprotein (Env) to the cellular CD4 receptor and a chemokine coreceptor initiates a series of conformational changes in the Env subunits gp120 and gp41. Eventually, the trimeric gp41 folds into a six-helix bundle, thereby inducing fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. C peptides derived from the C-terminal heptad repeat (CHR) of gp41 are efficient entry inhibitors as they block the six-helix bundle formation. Previously, we developed a membrane-anchored C peptide (maC46) expressed from a retroviral vector that also shows high activity against virus strains resistant to enfuvirtide (T-20), an antiviral C peptide approved for clinical use. Here, we present a systematic analysis of mutations in Env that confer resistance of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) to maC46. We selected an HIV-1 BaL strain with 10-fold reduced sensitivity to maC46 (BaL_C46) by passaging virus for nearly 200 days in the presence of gradually increasing concentrations of maC46. In comparison to wild-type BaL, BaL_C46 had five mutations at highly conserved positions in Env, three in gp120, one in the N-terminal heptad-repeat (NHR), and one in the CHR of gp41. No mutations were found in the NHR domain around the GIV motif that are known to cause resistance to enfuvirtide. Instead, maC46 resistance was found to depend on complementary mutations in the NHR and CHR that considerably favor binding of the mutated NHR to the mutated CHR over binding to maC46. In addition, resistance was highly dependent on mutations in gp120 that accelerated entry. Taken together, resistance to maC46 did not develop readily and required multiple cooperating mutations at conserved positions of the viral envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp41.The entry process of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has become a major target for new antiviral drugs. Viral entry is initiated by binding of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein subunit gp120 to the CD4 receptor and a chemokine coreceptor, generally CCR5 or CXCR4. Upon coreceptor binding, the viral transmembrane subunit gp41 undergoes conformational changes that eventually lead to the formation of the six-helix bundle (6HB) and membrane fusion. The 6HB is composed of a central trimeric coiled-coil structure formed by the N-terminal heptad repeat (NHR) domains of three gp41 molecules and the corresponding C-terminal heptad repeats (CHRs) that pack into the longitudinal grooves on the surface of the NHR coiled-coil in an antiparallel orientation (23). C-peptide fusion inhibitors (CFI) derived from the CHR of gp41 compete with the viral CHR for binding to the NHR trimer, thus blocking 6HB formation and viral entry (18).T-20 (enfuvirtide) is the first clinically approved CFI with high antiviral activity and a low-toxicity profile. However, as with many anti-HIV-1 drugs, resistance can emerge rapidly (13). The majority of the resistance mutations are found in the NHR of gp41 among the amino acids 544 to 553 (32, 35) (numbering refers to gp160 of the HIV-1 HXB2 strain throughout the article). Most of these mutations cause resistance by reducing the affinity of the NHR target region to inhibitory C peptides (13). Additionally, viral entry kinetics were found to correlate with the baseline susceptibility of different HIV strains to CFI. Determinants for viral entry kinetics are found in gp41 as well as in gp120 (1, 14, 35). Here, the influence of coreceptor affinity on virus entry kinetics and CFI susceptibility has been studied extensively (28, 30, 31). Recently, a statistical approach was used that highlighted positions in gp120 that underwent mutations in patients under enfuvirtide treatment (38). However, to our knowledge, selected CFI resistance mutations outside of gp41 have never been confirmed experimentally.Previously, we developed a retroviral vector expressing a membrane-anchored antiviral C peptide (maC46) that efficiently inhibits a broad range of different HIV-1 isolates. Enfuvirtide-resistant HIV-1 strains with mutations in the GIV motif of NHR were fully susceptible to maC46 (10). In the present study, we selected an HIV-1 variant with reduced sensitivity to maC46 by passaging an enfuvirtide-resistant BaL strain of HIV-1 on cells expressing increasing concentrations of maC46. Mutations in gp120 and gp41 were found to contribute to maC46 resistance.  相似文献   

Antibodies that neutralize primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) appear during HIV-1 infection but are difficult to elicit by immunization with current vaccine products comprised of monomeric forms of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120. The limited neutralizing antibody response generated by gp120 vaccine products could be due to the absence or inaccessibility of the relevant epitopes. To determine whether neutralizing antibodies from HIV-1-infected patients bind to epitopes accessible on monomeric gp120 and/or oligomeric gp140 (ogp140), purified total immunoglobulin from the sera of two HIV-1-infected patients as well as pooled HIV immune globulin were selectively depleted of antibodies which bound to immobilized gp120 or ogp140. After passage of each immunoglobulin preparation through the respective columns, antibody titers against gp120 and ogp140 were specifically reduced at least 128-fold. The gp120- and gp140-depleted antibody fraction from each serum displayed reduced neutralization activity against three primary and two T-cell line-adapted (TCLA) HIV-1 isolates. Significant residual neutralizing activity, however, persisted in the depleted sera, indicating additional neutralizing antibody specificities. gp120- and ogp140-specific antibodies eluted from each column neutralized both primary and TCLA viruses. These data demonstrate the presence and accessibility of epitopes on both monomeric gp120 and ogp140 that are specific for antibodies that are capable of neutralizing primary isolates of HIV-1. Thus, the difficulties associated with eliciting neutralizing antibodies by using current monomeric gp120 subunit vaccines may be related less to improper protein structure and more to ineffective immunogen formulation and/or presentation.  相似文献   

Neutralization resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a major impediment to vaccine development. We have found that residues of HIV-1 MN strain in the C terminus of gp120 and the leucine zipper (LZ) region of gp41 viral envelope proteins interact cooperatively to determine neutralization resistance and modulate infectivity. Further, results demonstrate that this interaction, by which regions of gp120 are assembled onto the LZ, involves amino acid residues intimately related to those which participate in the binding of the envelope to its receptor and coreceptor. Variations in this critical assembly structure determine the concordant, interdependent evolution of increased infectivity efficiency and neutralization resistance phenotypes of the envelopes. The results elucidate important structure-function relationships among epitopes that are important targets of vaccine development.  相似文献   

Effective strategies are needed to block mucosal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Here, we address a crucial question in HIV-1 pathogenesis: whether infected donor mononuclear cells or cell-free virus plays the more important role in initiating mucosal infection by HIV-1. This distinction is critical, as effective strategies for blocking cell-free and cell-associated virus transmission may be different. We describe a novel ex vivo model system that utilizes sealed human colonic mucosa explants and demonstrate in both the ex vivo model and in vivo using the rectal challenge model in rhesus monkeys that HIV-1-infected lymphocytes can transmit infection across the mucosa more efficiently than cell-free virus. These findings may have significant implications for our understanding of the pathogenesis of mucosal transmission of HIV-1 and for the development of strategies to prevent HIV-1 transmission.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that a proline substitution for any of the conserved leucine or isoleucine residues located in the leucine zipper-like heptad repeat sequence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp41 renders viruses noninfectious and envelope (Env) protein unable to mediate membrane fusion (S. S.-L. Chen, C.-N. Lee, W.-R. Lee, K. McIntosh, and T.-M. Lee, J. Virol. 67:3615–3619, 1993; S. S.-L. Chen, J. Virol. 68:2002–2010, 1994). To understand whether these variants could act as trans-dominant inhibitory mutants, the ability of these mutants to inhibit wild-type (wt) virus infectivity was examined. Comparable amounts of cell- and virion-associated gag gene products as well as virion-associated gp41 were found in transfection with wt or mutant HIV-1 provirus. Viruses obtained from coexpression of wt provirus with mutant 566 or 580 provirus inhibited more potently the production of infectious virus than did viruses generated from cotransfection of wt provirus with other mutant proviruses. Nevertheless, all viruses produced from mixed transfection showed decreased infectivity compared with that of the wt virus when a multinuclear-activation β-galactosidase induction assay was performed. The ability of wt Env to induce cytopathic effects was inhibited by coexpression with mutant Env. Coexpression of mutants inhibited the ability of the wt protein to mediate virus-to-cell transmission, as demonstrated by an env trans-complementation assay with a defective HIV-1 proviral vector. These observations indicated that mutant Env, per se, interferes with wt Env function. Moreover, cotransfection of wt and mutant proviruses produced amounts of cell- and virion-associated gag gene products comparable to those produced by transfection of wt provirus. Similar amounts of gp41 were also found in virions generated from wt-mutant cotransfection as well as from wt transfection alone. These results indicated that the inhibitory effect conferred by mutants on the wt virus infectivity does not involve the late steps of Gag protein assembly and budding, but they suggest that the wt and mutant Env proteins form a dysfunctional hetero-oligomer which is impaired in an early step of the virus replication cycle. Our study demonstrates that mutations in the HIV-1 gp41 leucine zipper-like heptad repeat sequence dominantly inhibit infectious virus production.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that truncation of the cytoplasmic-domain sequences of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope glycoprotein (Env) just prior to a potential intracellular-trafficking signal of the sequence YIHF can strongly increase Env protein expression on the cell surface, Env incorporation into virions and, at least in some contexts, virion infectivity. Here, all 12 potential intracellular-trafficking motifs (YXXΦ or LL/LI/IL) in the gp41 cytoplasmic domain (gp41CD) of SIVmac239 were analyzed by systematic mutagenesis. One single and 7 sequential combination mutants in this cytoplasmic domain were characterized. Cell-surface levels of Env were not significantly affected by any of the mutations. Most combination mutations resulted in moderate 3- to 8-fold increases in Env incorporation into virions. However, mutation of all 12 potential sites actually decreased Env incorporation into virions. Variant forms with 11 or 12 mutated sites exhibited 3-fold lower levels of inherent infectivity, while none of the other single or combination mutations that were studied significantly affected the inherent infectivity of SIVmac239. These minor effects of mutations in trafficking motifs form a stark contrast to the strong increases in cell-surface expression and Env incorporation which have previously been reported for large truncations of gp41CD. Surprisingly, mutation of potential trafficking motifs in gp41CD of SIVmac316, which differs by only one residue from gp41CD of SIVmac239, effectively recapitulated the increases in Env incorporation into virions observed with gp41CD truncations. Our results indicate that increases in Env surface expression and virion incorporation associated with truncation of SIVmac239 gp41CD are not fully explained by loss of consensus trafficking motifs.  相似文献   

Cell-free human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be taken up and released by a monolayer of primary human gingival cells and remain infectious for CD4+ cells. Virus-sized latex particles covalently coated with purified native HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 are also transported through the primary epithelial cells. This process is significantly stimulated by increasing the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) concentration. Inhibition experiments with mannan and α-methyl-mannopyranoside indicated that mannosyl groups are involved in the interaction between gp120 and gingival cells. An increase of cellular oligomannosyl receptors by incubation with the mannosidase inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin augmented transcellular transport of the gp120-coated particles. The results suggest that infectious HIV can penetrate gingival epithelia by a cAMP-dependent transport mechanism involving interaction of the lectin-like domain of gp120 and mannosyl residues on glycoproteins on the mucosal surface. Penetration of HIV could be inhibited by soluble glycoconjugates present in oral mucins.  相似文献   

The CC-chemokine receptor CCR5 is required for the efficient fusion of macrophage (M)-tropic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains with the plasma membrane of CD4+ cells and interacts directly with the viral surface glycoprotein gp120. Although receptor chimera studies have provided useful information, the domains of CCR5 that function for HIV-1 entry, including the site of gp120 interaction, have not been unambiguously identified. Here, we use site-directed, alanine-scanning mutagenesis of CCR5 to show that substitutions of the negatively charged aspartic acid residues at positions 2 and 11 (D2A and D11A) and a glutamic acid residue at position 18 (E18A), individually or in combination, impair or abolish CCR5-mediated HIV-1 entry for the ADA and JR-FL M-tropic strains and the DH123 dual-tropic strain. These mutations also impair Env-mediated membrane fusion and the gp120-CCR5 interaction. Of these three residues, only D11 is necessary for CC-chemokine-mediated inhibition of HIV-1 entry, which is, however, also dependent on other extracellular CCR5 residues. Thus, the gp120 and CC-chemokine binding sites on CCR5 are only partially overlapping, and the former site requires negatively charged residues in the amino-terminal CCR5 domain.  相似文献   

Extensive glycosylation of the envelope spikes of human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV and SIV) is an important factor for the resistance of these viruses to neutralization by antibodies. SIVmac239 gp41 has three closely spaced sites for N-linked carbohydrate attachment. Rhesus macaques experimentally infected with mutant versions of SIVmac239 lacking two or three of these carbohydrate sites developed strong serum reactivity against mutated peptide sequences at the site of these glycosylations, as well as high titers of neutralizing activity to the mutant viruses (E. Yuste et al., J. Virol. 82:12472–12486, 2008). However, whether antibodies that recognize these underlying peptides have neutralizing activity has not been directly demonstrated. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of three gp41-specific monoclonal antibodies (4G8, 6G8, and 7D6) from one of these mutant-infected monkeys. All three antibodies reacted with mutant gp41 from viral particles and also with peptides corresponding to mutated sequences. Slight differences in peptide specificities were observed among the three antibodies. Sequence analysis revealed that the heavy chains of all three antibodies were derived from the same germ line heavy-chain segment (IGHV4-59*01), but they all had very different sequences in complementarity-determining region 3. The light chains of all three antibodies were very closely related to one another. All three antibodies had neutralizing activity to mutant viruses deficient in gp41 carbohydrate attachment, but they did not neutralize the parental SIVmac239. These results demonstrate unambiguously that antibodies with specificity for peptide sequences underlying gp41 carbohydrates can effectively neutralize SIV when these carbohydrates are absent. However, the presence of these gp41 carbohydrates effectively shields the virus from antibodies that would otherwise neutralize viral infectivity.  相似文献   

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