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In order to improve the map resolution and to locate more genes on the porcine radiation hybrid map, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were isolated from a 28-day-old normal pig embryo cDNA library. The ESTs were sequenced from the 5'-end and similarities were checked with sequences registered in the NCBI DNA database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/). The ESTs sequences which have high identity scores (>80%) against human genes or ESTs were further sequenced from the 3' untranslated region. The ESTs which were sequenced successfully were used to design primers for PCR analysis of the radiation hybrid panel. Eleven ESTs were physically mapped to porcine chromosomes 2, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14 and X. The localizations are in agreement with the comparative mapping data between human and pig. The results will provide unique information to the comparative map of human and pig.  相似文献   

Twenty expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from cDNA libraries of different developmental stages of embryos were mapped using a whole genome bovine hamster radiation hybrid panel. These include 14 markers representing genes, most of which have not so far been mapped in cattle, with another three being novel in both cattle and human. The markers were placed on specific chromosomes with high LOD scores and except two all localizations fit the current human and cattle comparative map. The assignment of these genes further enriches the cattle genome map and also contributes to the international effort of generating comparative maps.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a comprehensive 5000-rad radiation hybrid map of a 40-cM region on equine chromosome 4 (ECA4) that contains quantitative trait loci for equine osteochondrosis. We mapped 29 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers using primers designed from equine expressed sequence tags or BAC clones in the ECA4q12-q22 region. Three blocks of conserved synteny, showing two chromosomal breakpoints, were identified in the segment of ECA4q12-q22. Markers from other segments of HSA7q mapped to ECA13p and ECA4p, and a region of HSA7p was homologous to ECA13p. Therefore, we have improved the resolution of the human-equine comparative map, which allows the identification of candidate genes underlying traits of interest.  相似文献   

Application of radiation hybrid in gene mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Radiationhybrid(RH)mappingisasomaticcellgeneticmappingtechniquewitharesolutionofabout500kb.Ithasbecomeageneralwaytoconstructhighresolution,contiguousphysicalmapofhumanchromosomes[1].BasedonearlierstudiesofGossandHarris[2]andmodificationlaterbyCoxandcoworker…  相似文献   

Numerous mapping studies of complex traits in the pig have resulted in quantitative trait loci (QTL) intervals of 10-20 cM. To improve the chances to identify the genes located in such intervals, increased expressed sequence tags (EST)-based marker density, coupled with comparative mapping with species whose genomes have been sequenced such as human and mouse, is the most efficient tool. In this study, we mapped 443 porcine EST with a radiation hybrid (RH) panel (384 had LOD > 6.0) and a somatic cell hybrid panel. Requiring no discrepancy between two-point and multipoint RH data allowed robust assignment of 309 EST, of which most were located on porcine chromosomes (SSC) 1, 4, 7, 8 and X. Moreover, we built framework maps for two chromosomes, SSC1 and SSC7, with mapped QTL in regions with known rearrangement between pig and human genomes. Using the Blast tool, we found orthologies between 407 of the 443 pig cDNA sequences and human genes, or to existing pig genes. Our porcine/human comparative mapping results reveal possible new homologies for SSC1, SSC3, SSC5, SSC6, SSC12 and SSC14 and add markers in synteny breakpoints for chromosome 7.  相似文献   

In this study, an in silico approach was developed to identify homologies existing between livestock microsatellite flanking sequences and GenBank nucleotide sequences. Initially, 1955 bovine, 1570 porcine and 1121 chicken microsatellites were downloaded and the flanking sequences were compared with the nr and dbEST databases of GenBank. A total of 74 bovine, 44 porcine and 37 chicken microsatellite flanking sequences passed our criteria and had at least one significant match to human genomic sequence, genes/expressed sequence tags (ESTs) or both. GenBank annotation and BLAT searches of the UCSC human genome assembly revealed that 38 bovine, 13 porcine and 17 chicken microsatellite flanking sequences were highly similar to known human genes. Map locations were available for 67 bovine, 44 porcine and 21 chicken microsatellite flanking sequences, providing useful links in the comparative maps of humans and livestock. In support of our approach, 112 alignments with both microsatellite and match mapping information were located in the expected chromosomal regions based on previously reported syntenic relationships. The development of this in silico mapping approach has significantly increased the number of genes and EST sequences anchored to the bovine, porcine and chicken genome maps and the number of links in various human-livestock comparative maps.  相似文献   

A comparative study of human chromosome 17 (HSA17) and pig chromosome 12 (SSC12) was conducted using both somatic cell hybrid panel (SCHP) and radiation hybrid (RH) panel analysis. Sequences from an expressed sequence tag (EST) project in pig reproduction were examined and six genes and ESTs originally believed to map to HSA17 were selected for this study. The genes/ESTs were TATA box binding protein-associated factor (TAF2N/RBP56), alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor (SERPINF2/PLI), H3 histone family 3B (H3F3B), aminopeptidase puromycin sensitive (NPEPPS), an expressed sequence tag (ESTMI015) and P311 protein (P311). The SCHP analysis mapped five genes/ESTs (TAF2N, H3F3B, SERPINF2, NPEPPS and ESTMI015) to SSC12q11-q15 and SSC12p11-p15 with 100% concordance, and assigned P311 to SSC2 (1/2q24)-q29 with 100% concordance. Radiation hybrid analysis of all six genes confirmed the SCHP mapping results, with average retention frequency of 25%. Recent human sequence data demonstrated that P311 is actually located on HSA5q. As HSA5q and SSC2q show conserved syntenic regions predicted from bi-directional painting, our P311 mapping data is consistent with these results. An expanded comparative SSC12 RH map integrating the five new type I markers and 23 previously mapped loci was established using a LOD score threshold of 4.8. The gene order of the five genes/ESTs on the SSC12 framework RH map (H3F3B-ESTMI015-NPEPPS-TAF2N-SERPINF2) is identical to the HSA17 GB4 map but with inversion of the map as conventionally drawn.  相似文献   

The buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is a source of milk and meat, and also serves as a draft animal. In this study, a 5000-rad whole-genome radiation hybrid (RH) panel for river buffalo was constructed and used to build preliminary RH maps for BBU3 and BBU10 chromosomes. The preliminary maps contain 66 markers, including coding genes, cattle expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and microsatellite loci. The RH maps presented here are the starting point for mapping additional loci that will allow detailed comparative maps between buffalo, cattle and other species whose genomes may be mapped in the future. A large quantity of DNA has been prepared from the cell lines forming the river buffalo RH panel and will be made publicly available to the international community both for the study of chromosome evolution and for the improvement of traits important to the role of buffalo in animal agriculture.  相似文献   

A bovine/hamster hybrid cell panel consisting of 30 independent hybrids was developed to locate genes. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of 279 microsatellites on the cattle linkage map in this panel revealed the presence of all chromosomes in either entire or fragmented form. Among primer pairs prepared from bovine 3'-expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 1400 ESTs were assigned to specific chromosomes, of which 1303 were newly assigned in this study, and mapped 854 (61%) to 1 of 192 chromosomal segments using this panel. The regional mapping of new genes to cattle chromosomes can be rapidly achieved using this panel.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping studies facilitate the identification of genes located in quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions in domestic animals by utilizing information from the human genome. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping is effective for this purpose because of its high resolution in ordered gene mapping on chromosomes. We constructed an RH map of pig chromosome 7, by adding 23 markers associated with genes. This RH map clearly demonstrated the mosaic of homology between pig chromosome 7 (SSC7) and human chromosomes 6, 14 and 15 at a 'gene' level, and was confirmed by linkage analysis. Clarification of the homology of SSC7 to human chromosomes will contribute to the elucidation of the gene(s) responsible for QTL detected on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping provides a powerful tool to build high-resolution maps of genomes. Here, we demonstrate the use of the AFLP® technique for high-throughput typing of RH cell lines. Cattle were used as the model species because an RH panel was available to investigate the behaviour of AFLP markers within the microsatellite- and STS-based maps of this species. A total of 747 AFLP markers were typed on the TM112 RH radiation panel and 651 of these were assigned by two-point analysis to the 29 bovine autosomes and sex chromosomes. AFLP markers were added to the 1222 microsatellite and STS markers that were included in earlier RH maps. Multipoint maps were constructed for seven example chromosomes, which retained 248 microsatellite and STS markers, and added 123 AFLP markers at LOD 4. The addition of the AFLP markers increased the number of markers by 42.1% and the map length by 10.4%. The AFLP markers showed lower retention frequency (RF) values than the STS markers. The comparison of RF values in AFLP markers and their corresponding AFLP-derived STSs demonstrated that the lower RF values were due to the lower detection sensitivity of the AFLP technique. Despite these differences, AFLP and AFLP-derived STS markers mapped to identical or similar positions. These results demonstrate that it is possible to merge AFLP and microsatellite markers in the same map. The application of AFLP technology could permit the rapid construction of RH maps in species for which extensive genome information and large numbers of SNP and microsatellite markers are not available.  相似文献   

We present herein a bovine chromosome 24 (BTA24) radiation hybrid (RH) map using 40 markers scored on a panel of 90 RHs. Of these markers, 29 loci were ordered with odds of at least 1000:1 in a framework map. An average retention frequency of 17.4% was observed, with relatively higher frequencies near the centromere. The length of the comprehensive map was 640 centiray5000 (cR5000) with an average marker interval of approximately 17.3 cR5000. The observed locus order is generally consistent with currently published bovine linkage and physical maps. Nineteen markers were either Type I loci or closely associated with expressed sequences and thus could be used to compare the BTA24 RH map with human mapping information. All genes located on BTA24 were located on human chromosome 18, and previously reported regions of conserved synteny were extended. The comparative data revealed the presence of at least six conserved regions between these chromosomes.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the gene expression profile in differentdevelopmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni has been initiatedbased on the expressed sequence tag(EST) approach. A total of1401 ESTs were generated from seven different cDNA librariesconstructed from four distinct stages of the parasite life cycle.The libraries were first evaluated for their quality for a large-scalecDNA sequencing program. Most of them were shown to have lessthan 20% useless clones and more than 50% new genes. The redundancyof each library was also analyzed, showing that one adult wormcDNA library was composed of a small number of highly frequentgenes. When comparing ESTs from distinct libraries, we coulddetect that most genes were present only in a single library,but others were expressed in more than one developmental stageand may represent housekeeping genes in the parasite. When consideringonly once the genes present in more than one library, a totalof 466 unique genes were obtained, corresponding to 427 newS. mansoni genes. From the total of unique genes, 20.2% wereidentified based on homology with genes from other organisms,8.3% matched S. mansoni characterized genes and 71.5% representunknown genes.  相似文献   

The detection of microsatellite sequences within expressed sequence tags (ESTs) connects potential markers with specific genes, generating type I markers. We have developed and mapped by linkage analysis a set of EST-derived microsatellites in the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus. One hundred and ninety-one microsatellites were identified from 9256 turbot ESTs. Primer design was possible with 98 microsatellites. After genotyping 25 wild turbot and the parents of two reference families for linkage analysis, 43 EST-derived microsatellites were selected because they met technical and polymorphism criteria. A final set of 31 EST-derived microsatellites could be mapped to 17 linkage groups of the turbot consensus map based on 242 anonymous microsatellites. Twenty-four microsatellite-containing ESTs were functionally annotated, confirming them as type I markers. Nineteen were mapped in the turbot consensus map. These EST-derived microsatellites constitute useful tools for genome scanning of turbot populations, marker-assisted selection programmes and comparative mapping.  相似文献   

“电子”cDNA文库筛选指导基因的全长cDNA克隆   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“电子”cDNA库筛选主要是指通过采用生物信息学的方法延伸表达序列标签(EST)序列,以获得基因的部分及至全长cDNA序列,避免或部分避免构建与筛选cDNA库等烦琐的实验室工作。该方法具体体现了EST数据库的迅速扩张已导致识别与克隆新基因的策略发生革命性的变化。EST序列ZA73为本实验室克隆到的可能参与辐射致气管上皮细胞恶性转化过程的基因片段,本研究采用“电子”cDNA库筛选的方法对其可能  相似文献   

We report the chromosomal assignment of 18 porcine genes to human homologues using the INRA-Minnesota swine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH). These genes (CACNA1C, COL2A1, CPNE8, C3F, C12ORF4, DDX11, GDF11, HOXC8, KCNA1, MDS028, TMEM106C, NR4A1, PHB2, PRICKLE1, Q6ZUQ4, SCN8A, TUBA8 and USP18) are located on porcine chromosome 5 (SSC5) and represent positional and functional candidates for arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), which maps to SSC5. CPNE8, PRICKLE1, Q6ZUQ4 and TUBA8 were mapped to the interval for pig AMC between microsatellites SW152 and SW904. Three SNPs in TUBA8 co-segregated with the AMC phenotype in 230 pigs of our research population without recombination and could be used as a genetic marker test for AMC. In addition, we provide evidence that a small chromosomal region of HSA22q11.2 evolutionarily corresponds to SSC5q12-q22 (and contains the human homologues of porcine SW152, Q6ZUQ4, TUBA8 and USP18), while the regions flanking HSA22q11.2 on SSC5 correspond to HSA12p13 and HSA12q12. We identified seven distinct chromosomal blocks, further supporting extensive rearrangements between genes on HSA12 and HSA22 in the AMC region on SSC5.  相似文献   

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