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A field-based comparative study of leaflet outline shape in five populations of Anthurium sinuatum Benth. ex Schott from Amazonia and humid brejo forests of Ceará, Northeast Brazil, and ten populations of A. pentaphyllum (Aubl.) G. Don var. pentaphyllum from Amazonia and the Brazilian Atlantic forest is reported. 1,120 leaflets from 561 individuals in 15 populations were sampled. Using images, leaflet outlines were captured by digitisation and subjected to Elliptic Fourier Analysis (EFA) to produce matrices of Fourier coefficients based on 40 harmonics; lateral and central leaflets were analysed separately. Twelve shape variables, extracted from the Fourier coefficient matrices, described the leaflet outlines of 531 individuals. Between-population relationships were estimated using cluster analysis, Canonical Variates Analysis and non-parametric MANOVA. Amazonian populations showed the greatest within-population variability. In A. sinuatum the Pacatuba population was the most distinct in Ceará and the Pará population (Amazonia) was not significantly different from those at Ibiapaba and Maranguape (both Ceará). In A. pentaphyllum 80% of population pairs were significantly different and three significantly different groups of populations were observed. Although the populations of A. pentaphyllum displayed considerable variation, the morphological patterns did not correlate with previously reported molecular ones. The two species were found to be slightly but significantly different on leaf outline data.  相似文献   

A morphological, anatomical, and molecular study of the two genera (Heterocladia and Trigenea) and three species of the tribe Heterocladieae (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) is presented. First collections of male and female gametophytes of Heterocladia australis Decaisne and Trigenea umbellata J. Agardh and of tetrasporophytes of the type species of Trigenea, T. australis Sonder, have allowed a much clearer assessment of these taxa from a classical morphological standpoint. Reproductive and vegetative characters of the two Trigenea species are shown to be virtually identical to those of Heterocladia, which differs from Trigenea principally in having both flattened and terete lateral branches, as opposed to exclusively terete axes throughout. As a consequence, we propose to transfer the Trigenea species to the earlier‐named genus Heterocladia as H. caudata L. Phillips, H.‐G. Choi, G.W. Saunders et Kraft, nom. nov. and H. umbellata ( J. Agardh) L. Phillips, H.‐G. Choi, G.W. Saunders et Kraft, comb. nov. The close relationship of the three species is supported by molecular data, as nucleotide sequences of the 18S rRNA gene from each are nearly identical. The same sequences from species of eight other rhodomelaceous genera plus those from five outgroup taxa are analyzed to provide grounds for preliminary phylogenetic inferences about the position of the Heterocladieae in the Rhodomelaceae. Both the Heterocladieae and the Rhodomelaceae are monophyletic taxa in our analyses, the Heterocladieae grouping weakly with the Bostrychieae and the problematic Australian endemic genus Sonderella, the latter yet to be assigned to a tribe. Representatives of groups with which Heterocladia has been associated previously, such as the Lophothalieae and Brongniartelleae, appear to be only distantly related, although many more taxa need to be analyzed before the systematic position of the genus becomes clear.  相似文献   

Leaves can be a useful source of taxonomic information in plants particularly when flowers and fruits are absent during certain periods of the year. In this study, we applied an elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA)‐based morphometric technique to assess leaf morphological divergence among four species of southern African Strychnos section Densiflorae. Using leaf specimen images from field and herbarium collections, we extracted six shape variables [i.e. principal components (PCs)] from the Fourier coefficients and used these variables to describe leaf outline among the species. Our results indicate that the symmetric component of a leaf is the main source of shape differences accounting for 90.25% of total leaf shape variation and captures the more obvious range of observed shapes. PC1 of the symmetric variables describes a wide range of visually observable leaf shape among the species. MANOVA revealed significant interspecific differences except between S. innocua and S. madagascariensis, which could not be separated by outline analysis. A cross‐validated group classification suggests that S. gerrardii, with a classification rate of 88.4%, is distinct from S. madagascariensis, contrary to some taxonomic treatments. We discuss the value of geometric morphometrics at detecting subtle morphological variations and the evolutionary implications of such variations, which may be undetectable to the human eye. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 542–553.  相似文献   

As climbing plants lack the capacity to hold themselves upright, they need to encounter a suitable host. Vines, lianas, and secondary hemiepiphytes need, therefore, an effective searching strategy. Various hypotheses have been put forward on searching strategies, including ‘skototropism’—growth toward darkness—and random searching. We studied host searching strategies of three secondary hemiepiphyte species belonging to the genus Heteropsis. We recorded information on the diameter distribution of host and evaluated whether these hosts were ‘suitable’, i.e., sufficiently tall for Heteropsis individuals to reach reproductive size. The diameter distribution of host trees bearing Heteropsis seedlings was similar to that of the trees in our study plots. Also, we found that 72–81 percent of the Heteropsis seedlings were present on unsuitable hosts (seedlings, saplings, herbs). These results suggest that Heteropsis seedlings search hosts in a random manner and not by skototropism. We found quite a distinct pattern for adult Heteropsis individuals, which predominantly occur on host trees bigger than 10 cm dbh. Host diameter distribution for Heteropsis adults differed significantly from that of the entire tree community. This difference suggests that Heteropsis individuals may change hosts if they are initially present on nonsuitable hosts. We observed that Heteropsis seedlings and juveniles on unsuitable hosts often produced vegetative shoots that searched for another host. In many cases, such shoots did not find a suitable host. For Heteropsis, our results suggest that host tree searching is a long‐term trial and error process that is governed by a random searching strategy. Abstract in Spanish is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

We estimated a phylogeny for 10 taxa currently placed in four polytypic species that collectively encompass the African ‘brown buntings’: Cape Bunting Emberiza capensis, Cinnamon‐breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi, Lark‐like Bunting Emberiza impetuani and House Bunting Emberiza striolata. We made use of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the nuclear introns 6–7 of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), and intron 2 of myoglobin. There was substantial cytochrome b sequence divergence between taxa currently treated as conspecific: sahari vs. striolata (2.6–3.1% (uncorrected‐p); 3.0–3.6% (HKY + I)), and goslingi vs. tahapisi (4.4–4.7% (uncorrected‐p); 5.4–5.9% (HKY + I)). The degree of divergence of the nuclear loci among taxa was limited, and these loci lacked reciprocal monophyly, most likely as a consequence of incomplete lineage sorting. A single representative of the taxon septemstriata, generally treated as a member of the dark‐throated tahapisi group, here appears to be genetically consistent with the grey‐throated goslingi, and may be of hybrid origin. All other taxa allocated to E. striolata and E. tahapisi make up four reciprocally monophyletic groups consistent with sahari, striolata, tahapisi and goslingi, respectively. The extent of genetic evidence suggests that these taxa have been evolving as separate evolutionary lineages for a long time. This is further manifested in several morphological and vocal characteristics described previously, and we propose that these divergent taxa be treated as separate species: Cinnamon‐breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi, Gosling's Bunting Emberiza goslingi, Striolated Bunting Emberiza striolata and House Bunting Emberiza sahari. We do not propose any taxonomic changes regarding Emberiza impetuani or Emberiza capensis.  相似文献   


An investigation was conducted in pots to access the susceptibility of three lepidopteran pests, namely, gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, and rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica, to two recently described species, Steinernema masoodi, S. seemae, and three indigenous S. carpocapsae, S. glaseri and S. thermophilum entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN). The suitability of these lepidopterans for the in vivo mass production of the nematodes was also estimated. Among the five species of EPN, S. masoodi, S. seemae and S. carpocapsae were found most pathogenic to C. cephalonica, bringing about mortality within 24 h, followed by H. armigera (36, 38 and 48 h, respectively) and G. mellonella (30, 36 and 48 h, respectively). The other species of EPN, viz., S. glaseri and S. thermophilum was the least pathogenic, which killed the larvae of C. cephalonica in 29 and 36 h, respectively, G. mellonella in 48 h, and H. armigera in 38 and 56 h, respectively. Galleria mellonella was found the most suitable host for the mass production of infective juveniles (IJs) of S. seemae, which yielded higher IJs than S. carpocapsae. Helicoverpa armigera was the next best suitable alternate host, which produced maximum IJs in case of S. seemae followed by S. masoodi, S. carpocapsae, S. glaseri and S. thermophilum. Rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica was the least suitable host. The susceptibility of H. armigera to five tested EPN species and susceptibility of G. mellonella and C. cephalonica to S. masoodi and S. seemae are new records.  相似文献   

To assess the conservation status of the Balkans earthworm species from genus Helodrilus and to establish priorities for conservation, we propose an objective and sensitive separate analysis based on the Conservation Priority Index (CPI). Validity of the threatened species in our ranking system was tested by comparing the results with the IUCN (2001) Red List Categories and Criteria: version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Species were ranked according to their CPI taking into consideration a set of 9 variables (distribution, endemicity, vegetation zones, persistence, density rarity, rarity of occupancy, locality concentration, habitat specificity and habitat rarity). Each of variables was categorized into five ranks (0–4) of increasing risk for survival. The overall score (CPI index) for each species was the sum of all scores for each variable. The index can take values ranging from 0 to 36. We classified threatened species (CPI≥17) in three IUCN (2001) categories. Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered. All species that had proved to be the VU, EN or CR category according to IUCN (2001) also had a CPI value high enough to be included in some of the categories discussed above (CPI≥17). Our expertise shows that the species which need urgent action are: H. mozsaryorum (CR or EX), H kratochvili (CR), H. deficiens (EN) and H. balcanicus plavensis (EN). H. dinaricus, H. ospensis, H. serbicus, H. jadronensis, H. duhlinskae, H. vagneri, H. slovenicus and H. italicus were known only from the type locality, so we included these species only in suspect CR.  相似文献   

A new species of Zosterophyllum, Z. divaricatum Gensel, is described from the late Early Devonian (Emsian) of northern New Brunswick, Canada. It is a Platyzosterophyllum type, consisting of slender sometimes bifurcating axes with laterally borne sporangia oriented to one side of the axis. The species is distinctive in that axes bifurcate within fertile regions and in sporangium shape and attachment. Aspects of the morphology of axis and sporangium cuticle, tracheids, and spores are presented and considered in relation to comparable features in other Zosterophyllum species. Associated vegetative axes exhibiting H- and K-branching patterns and also cuticular features similar to the fertile specimens are described and it is suggested that they may represent parts of the same plant. Zosterophyllum divaricatum is most similar to Z. llanoveranum, Z. fertile, and Z. spectabile, and also resembles Rebuchia ovata to some extent. Z. divaricatum offers considerable information on variation within one species concerning sporangium shape, attachment, and distribution and expands the known diversity of Platyzosterophyllum types.  相似文献   

Generic concepts in the economically important agarophyte red algal family Gracilariaceae were evaluated based on maximum parsimony, Bayesian likelihood, and minimum evolution analyses of the chloroplast‐encoded rbc L gene from 67 specimens worldwide. The results confirm the monophyly of the family and identify three large clades, one of which corresponds to the ancestral antiboreal genera Curdiea and Melanthalia, one to Gracilariopsis, and one to Gracilaria sensu lato, which contains nine distinct independent evolutionary lineages, including Hydropuntia. The species currently attributed to Hydropuntia comprise a single well‐supported clade composed of two distinct lineages. The two most basal clades within Gracilaria sensu lato deserve generic rank: a new genus centered around G. chilensis Bird, McLachlan et Oliveira and G. aff. tenuistipitata Chang et Xia and a resurrected Hydropuntia encompassing primarily Indo‐Pacific (G. urvillei [Montagne] Abbott, G. edulis [S. Gmelin] P. Silva, G. eucheumatoides Harvey, G. preissiana [Sonder] Womersley, and G. rangiferina [Kützing] Piccone) and western Atlantic species (G. cornea J. Agardh, G. crassissima P. et H. Crouan in Mazé et Schramm, G. usneoides [C. Agardh] J. Agardh, G. caudata J. Agardh, and G. secunda P. et H. Crouan in Mazé et Schramm). Cystocarpic features within the Gracilaria sensu lato clades appear to be more phylogenetically informative than male characters. The textorii‐type spermatangial configuration is represented in two distinct clusters of Gracilaria. The rbc L genetic divergence among the Gracilariaceae genera ranged between 8.46% and 16.41%, providing at least 2.5 times more genetic variation than does the 18S nuclear rDNA. rbc L also resolves intrageneric relationships, especially within Gracilaria sensu lato. The current number of gracilariacean species is underestimated in the western Atlantic because of convergence in habit and apparent homoplasy in vegetative and reproductive anatomy.  相似文献   

Few species in the genus Grateloupia have been investigated in detail with respect to the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae before or after diploidization. In this study, we document the vegetative and reproductive structures of two new species of Grateloupia, G. taiwanensis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov. and G. orientalis S.‐M. Lin et H.‐Y. Liang sp. nov., plus a third species, G. ramosissima Okamura, from Taiwan. Two distinct patterns are reported for the development of the auxiliary cell ampullae: (1) ampullae consisting of three orders of unbranched filaments that branch after diploidization of the auxiliary cell and form a pericarp together with the surrounding secondary medullary filaments (G. taiwanensis type), and (2) ampullae composed of only two orders of unbranched filaments in which only a few cells are incorporated into a basal fusion cell after diploization of the auxiliary cell and the pericarp consists almost entirely of secondary medullary filaments (G. orientalis type). G. orientalis is positioned in a large clade based on rbcL gene sequence analysis that includes the type species of Grateloupia C. Agardh 1822 , Gfilicina. G. taiwanensis clusters with a clade that includes the generitype of Phyllymenia J. Agardh 1848 , Ph. belangeri from South Africa; that of Prionitis J. Agardh 1851 , Prlanceolata from Pacific North America; and that of Pachymeniopsis Y. Yamada ex Kawab. 1954, Palanceolata from Japan. A reexamination of the type species of the genera Grateloupia, Phyllymenia, Prionitis, and Pachymeniopsis is required to clarify the generic and interspecific relationships among the species presently placed in Grateloupia.  相似文献   

该研究利用光学和扫描电子显微镜对3种淡水布纹藻(钝布纹藻、库氏布纹藻和赛欧托布纹藻)的形态学进行了研究,以明确它们的精细结构特征;并分析讨论它们在中国的地理分布区域。结果表明:(1) 3种淡水布纹藻皆属于粗糙布纹组;从壳面观看,都具有S形和反S(S)形两种壳瓣外形。(2) 钝布纹藻具有弱的S形壳面外形、T形的外近端壳缝末稍和直的内近端壳缝末稍以及椭圆形的中央区;库氏布纹藻具有明显的S形壳面外形、略微向不同侧偏转的外近端壳缝末稍和直的内近端壳缝末稍以及椭圆形的中央区;赛欧托布纹藻具有弱的S形壳面外形、强烈钩状的外近端壳缝末稍和T形的内近端壳缝末稍以及倾斜的中央区。(3) 钝布纹藻在广东、广西、湖南、四川和云南等地有分布;库氏布纹藻在新疆和湖南等地有发现;赛欧托布纹藻分布于武陵山区,该文是其在中国淡水分布的首次报道。  相似文献   

The red alga Pterosiphonia pumila Yendo (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) has flattened thalli in which there is complete lateral fusion between branches and their parental axes during early stages of development, the laterals only becoming distally free in reproduc-tively mature plants. This results in a leaf-like organization distinct from that displayed by all other species of the genus Pterosiphonia, the members of which have terete to compressed axes that are congenitally fused along only a few (<4.5) proximal segments of the laterals. The organization of P. pumila is, thus, similar to that of species of the genus Symphyocladia, to which it is here transferred as Symphyoctadia pumila (Yendo) Uwai et Masuda, comb. nov. Symphyoctadia pumila is restricted to Japan and Korea and is distinguished from the other three described species of Symphyocladia by its small (<3 cm long) ecorticate thalli and complete lack of vegetative trichoblasts. Symphyoctadia pennata Okamura has a similar suite of characteristics, has been successfully cross-bred with S. pumila in laboratory culture and is, thus, placed in synonymy with S. pumila.  相似文献   

Philippine sardines are members of the commercially important Sardinella genus (Family Clupeidae). Sardines are mostly marine species with a very few exception like the Philippine freshwater sardine, Sardinella tawilis, of Lake Taal. This species is believed to have immigrated from Balayan Bay some 250 years ago. To determine the relationship of freshwater S. tawilis to the marine forms, 35 biometric features were investigated. The variables were subjected to univariate (mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variance) and multivariate analyses [Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis]. Results from univariate tests revealed that the number of ventral fin ray can discriminate Sardinella lemuru from the rest of the sardines. Multivariate PCA, on the other hand, showed discrete separation of the marine sardines. Sardinella tawilis, however, cannot be clearly separated from the marine species, Sardinella albella. The same clustering was recovered in HCA, thus providing evidence that S. albella is the closest marine relative of the freshwater S. tawilis.  相似文献   

A new species, Zygia nubigena Ståhl, L. Rico & G. P. Lewis (Leguminosae–Mimosoideae), is described from western Ecuador. It is characterized by large and very thick‐walled fruits with coarsely alveolate‐reticulate surfaces, spicate inflorescences, one (less common) or two pairs of pinnae per leaf and 4 or 5 pairs of petiolulate leaflets per pinna. In leaf features, Z. nubigena is similar to Z. steyermarkii (Schery) Barneby & J. W. Grimes from montane forest in southern Ecuador, but differs by having somewhat smaller flowers borne in long, many‐flowered racemes (not 25–30‐flowered capitulae). The fruits of Z. nubigena resemble those of Z. rhytidocarpa L. Rico (Honduras, Guatemala) and Z. megistocarpa (Barbosa) L. Rico (northern Peru), but Z. nubigena differs from both in vegetative and floral characters.  相似文献   

Sinningia lutea (Gesneriaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from the Pampa Biome, in Southern Brazil. In the literature, this species has hitherto been confused with S. allagophylla from which it can be easily separated using a set of floral and vegetative features (especially corolla color and size and leaf shape). An artificial key to separate S. lutea from S. allagophylla and S. curtiflora (another sympatric species, with some morphological similarities) is presented. Some ecological remarks on the differential distribution of S. lutea and S. allagophylla are also made.  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate the biocontrol potential of the recently discovered entomopathogenic nematode species Heterorhabditis georgiana (Kesha strain). Additionally, we conducted a phylogenetic characterization of the nematode’s symbiotic bacterium. In laboratory experiments, we compared H. georgiana to other entomopathogenic nematodes for virulence, environmental tolerance (to heat, desiccation, and cold), and host seeking ability. Virulence assays targeted Acheta domesticus, Agrotis ipsilon, Diaprepes abbreviatus, Musca domestica, Plodia interpunctella, Solenopsis invicta, and Tenebrio molitor. Each assay included H. georgiana and five or six of the following species: Heterorhabditis floridensis, Heterorhabditis indica, Heterorhabditis mexicana, Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae, Steinernema rarum, and Steinernema riobrave. Environmental tolerance assays included Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, H. georgiana, H. indica, S. carpocapsae, S. feltiae, and S. riobrave (except cold tolerance did not include S. carpocapsae or S. riobrave). Host seeking ability was assessed in H. bacteriophora, H. georgiana, S. carpocapsae, and Steinernema glaseri, all of which showed positive orientation to the host with S. glaseri having greater movement toward the host than S. carpocapsae (and the heterorhabditids being intermediate). Temperature range data (tested at 10, 13, 17, 25, 30 and 35 °C) indicated that H. georgiana can infect Galleria mellonella between 13 and 35 °C (with higher infection at 17–30 °C), and could reproduce between 17 and 30 °C (with higher nematode yields at 25 °C). Compared with other nematode species, H. georgiana expressed low or intermediate capabilities in all virulence and environmental tolerance assays indicating a relatively low biocontrol potential. Some novel observations resulted from comparisons among other species tested. In virulence assays, H. indica caused the highest mortality in P. interpunctella followed by S. riobrave; S. carpocapsae caused the highest mortality in A. domesticus followed by H. indica; and S. riobrave was the most virulent nematode to S. invicta. In cold tolerance, S. feltiae exhibited superior ability to cause mortality in G. mellonella (100%) at 10 °C, yet H. bacteriophora and H. georgiana exhibited the ability to produce attenuated infections at 10 °C, i.e., the infections resumed and produced mortality at 25 °C. In contrast, H. indica did not show an ability to cause attenuated infections. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, the bacterium associated with H. georgiana was identified as Photorhabdus luminescens akhurstii.  相似文献   

The mycalesine butterfly genus Heteropsis Westwood, 1850 (Satyrinae: Mycalesina) has recently been conceived to be represented in three major palaeotropical regions (Madagascar, Africa and Asia), but there has been no formal taxonomic treatment covering this entire group. Studies aimed at understanding the evolutionary success of Mycalesina in the Old World tropics have been hampered by the lack of both a robust phylogeny and a stable nomenclature for this satyrine subtribe. Here, we present a well‐supported molecular phylogeny based on 10 genes and 133 exemplar taxa, representing almost all known species groups of Heteropsis (s.l.), and including all but four known species in Madagascar. We also combine sequences of the exemplars with a morphological matrix of 428 characters. The widespread ‘Heteropsis clade’ is confirmed as monophyletic, but lineages in different geographic regions also form endemic and well‐supported clades with deep divergences among them. Here we establish this group as comprising three genera, Heteropsis (Malagasy region only), Telinga Moore, 1880 (Asia), and Brakefieldia gen.n. (Africa). We recover the genera Telinga and Brakefieldia as sisters with high support. Each genus is taxonomically characterized and a revised synonymic checklist is appended with new combinations and some changes in rank. With a well‐resolved topology and updates to the taxonomy of the group, researchers are now in a position to explore the drivers of the spectacular radiation of the group, notably in Madagascar, where the highest phenotypic and species diversity occurs. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AAF9F440‐A2D6‐4483‐BF35‐9BC074D9D29B .  相似文献   

Capsule Large buntings prefer cereal grains whilst sparrows also take oily seeds.

Aims To determine seed food preferences of Tree Sparrow Passer montanus and Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra.

Methods Forty seed choice experiments were conducted at two sites over two winters. In each experiment, two seed types were provided and the number of visits made by birds to each type was recorded over a set period. At one site, Tree Sparrows were colour-ringed, allowing choices made by individual birds to be recorded. Data were also collected for House Sparrow Passer domesticus, Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Reed Bunting E. schoeniclus.

Results All five species fed intensively on cereal grain, and wheat and oats were consistently preferred to barley. Sparrows and Reed Buntings also took maize, which was avoided by Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer. Tree Sparrow exhibited a broad diet, selecting cereal grain and oily seeds including sunflower and oilseed rape, but rye-grass seed was almost completely avoided.

Conclusion Cereal grain should be a key component of over-winter provision of seed for farmland passerines, especially when targeted at Corn Bunting and Yellowhammer. Oily seeds such as brassicas and sunflower will benefit species with more generalist diets, including Tree Sparrows.  相似文献   

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