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Yeast two‐hybrid screens often produce vastly non‐overlapping interaction data when the screens are conducted in different laboratories, or use different vectors, strains, or reporter genes. Here we investigate the underlying reasons for such inconsistencies and compare the effect of seven different vectors and their yeast two‐hybrid interactions. Genome‐wide array screens with 49 motility‐related baits from Treponema pallidum yielded 77 and 165 interactions with bait vectors pLP‐GBKT7 and pAS1‐LP, respectively, including 21 overlapping interactions. In addition, 90 motility‐related proteins from Escherichia coli were tested in all pairwise combinations and yielded 140 interactions when tested with pGBKT7g/pGADT7g vectors but only 47 when tested with pDEST32/pDEST22. We discuss the factors that determine these effects, including copy number, the nature of the fusion protein, and species‐specific differences that explain non‐conserved interactions among species. The pDEST22/pDEST32 vectors produce a higher fraction of interactions that are conserved and that are biologically relevant when compared with the pGBKT7/pGADT7‐related vectors, but the latter appear to be more sensitive and thus detect more interactions overall.  相似文献   

The original bacterial two‐hybrid system is widely used but does not permit the study of interactions regulated by PTMs. Here, we have built a conditional two‐hybrid (C2H) system, in which bait and prey proteins can be co‐expressed in the presence of a modifying enzyme such as a methyltransferase, acetyltransferase, or kinase. Any increase or decrease in interaction due to the modification of the proteins can be measured by an increased or decreased level of reporter gene expression. The C2H system is comprised of eight new vectors based on the Novagen Duet co‐expression plasmids. These vectors include two multiple cloning sites per vector as well as a hexahistidine tag or S‐tag to aid in purification, if desired. We demonstrate the use of the C2H system to study the dimerization of the yeast protein Npl3, which is increased when methylated by the methyltransferase Hmt1.  相似文献   

The puroindoline proteins PINA and PINB play key roles in determining wheat grain texture and also have potential antimicrobial roles. Many recent studies show that their roles in grain texture involve some interaction or interdependence, and their antimicrobial activity may also involve formation of protein complexes. The issue of whether any homo- and/or heteromeric associations occur amongst the PIN proteins is thus critical for understanding their biological functions and exploiting them for grain texture modifications or antimicrobial applications, but is as yet unresolved. This work has utilised the well-established yeast two-hybrid system to directly address this issue. The results confirm occurrence of in vivo interactions between the two PIN proteins for the first time, and show that PINB interacts with itself and also interacts, although somewhat weakly, with PINA, while PINA is a weaker interactor. The results explain the many reported observations suggesting a co-operative interaction between the two proteins and provide a rapid and efficient tool for testing the effects of various alleles/mutations on the interactions and lipid binding properties of these proteins, which are of functional significance to grain texture and antimicrobial defence functions.  相似文献   

The sodium (Na+)‐calcium (Ca2+) exchanger 1 (NCX1) is an antiporter membrane protein encoded by the SLC8A1 gene. In the heart, it maintains cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis, serving as the primary mechanism for Ca2+ extrusion during relaxation. Dysregulation of NCX1 is observed in end‐stage human heart failure. In this study, we used affinity purification coupled with MS in rat left ventricle lysates to identify novel NCX1 interacting proteins in the heart. Two screens were conducted using: (1) anti‐NCX1 against endogenous NCX1 and (2) anti‐His (where His is histidine) with His‐trigger factor‐NCX1cyt recombinant protein as bait. The respective methods identified 112 and 350 protein partners, of which several were known NCX1 partners from the literature, and 29 occurred in both screens. Ten novel protein partners (DYRK1A, PPP2R2A, SNTB1, DMD, RABGGTA, DNAJB4, BAG3, PDE3A, POPDC2, STK39) were validated for binding to NCX1, and two partners (DYRK1A, SNTB1) increased NCX1 activity when expressed in HEK293 cells. A cardiac NCX1 protein–protein interaction map was constructed. The map was highly connected, containing distinct clusters of proteins with different biological functions, where “cell communication” and “signal transduction” formed the largest clusters. The NCX1 interactome was also significantly enriched with proteins/genes involved in “cardiovascular disease” which can be explored as novel drug targets in future research.  相似文献   

Information on protein–protein interactions (PPIs) is of critical importance for studying complex biological systems and developing therapeutic strategies. Here, we present a double‐readout bioluminescence‐based two‐hybrid technology, termed LuTHy, which provides two quantitative scores in one experimental procedure when testing binary interactions. PPIs are first monitored in cells by quantification of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) and, following cell lysis, are again quantitatively assessed by luminescence‐based co‐precipitation (LuC). The double‐readout procedure detects interactions with higher sensitivity than traditional single‐readout methods and is broadly applicable, for example, for detecting the effects of small molecules or disease‐causing mutations on PPIs. Applying LuTHy in a focused screen, we identified 42 interactions for the presynaptic chaperone CSPα, causative to adult‐onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (ANCL), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. Nearly 50% of PPIs were found to be affected when studying the effect of the disease‐causing missense mutations L115R and ?L116 in CSPα with LuTHy. Our study presents a robust, sensitive research tool with high utility for investigating the molecular mechanisms by which disease‐associated mutations impair protein activity in biological systems.  相似文献   

In recent years, protein methylation has been established as a major intracellular PTM. It has also been proposed to modulate protein‐protein interactions (PPIs) in the interactome. To investigate the effect of PTMs on PPIs, we recently developed the conditional two‐hybrid (C2H) system. With this, we demonstrated that arginine methylation can modulate PPIs in the yeast interactome. Here, we used the C2H system to investigate the effect of lysine methylation. Specifically, we asked whether Ctm1p‐mediated trimethylation of yeast cytochrome c Cyc1p, on lysine 78, modulates its interactions with Erv1p, Ccp1p, Cyc2p and Cyc3p. We show that the interactions between Cyc1p and Erv1p, and between Cyc1p and Cyc3p, are significantly increased upon trimethylation of lysine 78. This increase of interaction helps explain the reported facilitation of Cyc1p import into the mitochondrial intermembrane space upon methylation. This first application of the C2H system to the study of methyllysine‐modulated interactions further confirms its robustness and flexibility.  相似文献   

Sugar signaling pathways have been evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes and are postulated to help regulate plant growth, development and responses to environmental cues. Forward genetic screens have identified sugar signaling or response mutants. Here we report the identification and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana sugar insensitive8 (sis8) mutants, which display a sugar‐resistant seedling development phenotype. Unlike many other sugar insensitive mutants, sis8 mutants exhibit wild‐type responses to the inhibitory effects of abscisic acid and paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis) on seed germination. Positional cloning of the SIS8 gene revealed that it encodes a putative mitogen‐activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK; At1g73660). SIS8mRNA is expressed ubiquitously among Arabidopsis organs. A UDP‐glucosyltransferase, UGT72E1 (At3g50740), was identified as an interacting partner of SIS8 based on a yeast two‐hybrid screen and in planta bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Both SIS8–yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and UGT72E1–YFP fusion proteins localize to the nucleus when transiently expressed in tobacco leaf cells. T‐DNA insertions in At3g50740 cause a sugar‐insensitive phenotype. These results indicate that SIS8, a putative MAPKKK, is a regulator of sugar response in Arabidopsis and interacts with a UDP‐glucosyltransferase in the nucleus.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of protein–protein interactions is an important next step in our quest to understand how the information contained in a genome is put into action. Although a number of experimental techniques can report on the existence of a protein– protein interaction, very few can provide detailed structural information. NMR spectroscopy is one of these, and in recent years several complementary NMR approaches, including residual dipolar couplings and the use of paramagnetic effects, have been developed that can provide insight into the structure of protein–protein complexes. In this article, we review these approaches and comment on their strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

High-precision mapping of regions involved in protein–protein interfaces of interacting protein partners is an essential component on a path to understand various cellular functions. Transposon-based systems, particularly those involving in vitro reactions, offer exhaustive insertion mutant libraries and high-throughput platforms for many types of genetic analyses. We present here a genetic strategy to accurately map interacting protein regions at amino acid precision that is based on transposition-assisted construction, sampling, and analysis of a comprehensive insertion mutant library. The methodology integrates random pentapeptide mutagenesis of proteins, yeast two-hybrid screening, and high-resolution genetic footprinting. This straightforward strategy is general, and it provides a rapid and easy means to identify critical contact regions in proteins without the requirement of prior structural knowledge.  相似文献   

Mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is activated in a wide spectrum of human tumors, exhibiting cardinal oncogenic roles and sustained inhibition of this pathway is considered as a primary goal in clinic. Within this pathway, receptor tyrosine kinases such as epithelial growth factor receptor, mesenchymal–epithelial transition, and AXL act as upstream regulators of RAS/RAF/MEK/extracellular‐signal‐regulated kinase. MAPK signaling is active in both early and advanced stages of tumorigenesis, and it promotes tumor proliferation, survival, and metastasis. MAPK regulatory effects on cellular constituent of the tumor microenvironment is for immunosuppressive purposes. Cross‐talking between MAPK with oncogenic signaling pathways including WNT, cyclooxygenase‐2, transforming growth factor‐β, NOTCH and (in particular) with phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase is contributed to the multiplication of tumor progression and drug resistance. Developing resistance (intrinsic or acquired) to MAPK‐targeted therapy also occurs due to heterogeneity of tumors along with mutations and negative feedback loop of interactions exist between various kinases causing rebound activation of this signaling. Multidrug regimen is a preferred therapeutic avenue for targeting MAPK signaling. To enhance patient tolerance and to mitigate potential adversarial effects related to the combination therapy, determination of a desired dose and drug along with pre‐evaluation of cancer‐type‐specific kinase mutation and sensitivity, especially for patients receiving triplet therapy is an urgent need.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in proteomic technologies have collectively yielded data sets that far exceed the capabilities of typical low‐throughput interpretation strategies. Unfortunately, tools designed to leverage the “peptide‐centric” content of MS‐based proteomics lag the current rate of data production. Here, we describe Pathway Palette ( http://blaispathways.dfci.harvard.edu ), a freely accessible internet application that enables researchers to easily transition from peptides to biological pathways, while simultaneously retaining the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the underlying MS data.  相似文献   

Extensive bioinformatics analysis suggests that the stability and function of protein complexes are maintained throughout evolution by coordinated changes (co‐evolution) of complex subunits. Yet, relatively little is known regarding the actual dynamics of such processes and the functional implications of co‐evolution within protein complexes, since most of the bioinformatics predictions were not analyzed experimentally. Here, we describe a systematic experimental approach that allows a step‐by‐step observation of the co‐evolution process in protein complexes. The exosome complex, an essential complex exhibiting a 3′→5′ RNA degradation activity, served as a model system. In this study, we show that exosome subunits diverged very early during fungal evolution. Interestingly, we found that despite significant differences in conservation between Rrp41 and Mtr3 both subunits exhibit similar divergence pattern and co‐evolutionary behavior through fungi evolution. Activity analysis of mutated exosomes exposes another layer of co‐evolution between the core subunits and RNA substrates. Overall, our approach allows the experimental analysis of co‐evolution within protein complexes and together with bioinformatics analysis can significantly deepen our understanding of the evolution of these complexes. Proteins 2013; 81:1997–2006. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The GC content is highly variable among the genomes of different organisms. It has been shown that recombinant gene expression in mammalian cells is much more efficient when GC‐rich coding sequences of a certain protein are used. In order to study protein–protein interactions in Varicella zoster virus, a GC‐low herpesvirus, we have developed a novel luminescence‐based maltose‐binding protein pull‐down interaction screening system (LuMPIS) that is able to overcome the impaired protein expression levels of GC‐low ORFs in mammalian expression systems.  相似文献   

C‐terminal Src kinase (Csk) that functions as an essential negative regulator of Src family tyrosine kinases (SFKs) interacts with tyrosine‐phosphorylated molecules through its Src homology 2 (SH2) domain, allowing it targeting to the sites of SFKs and concomitantly enhancing its kinase activity. Identification of additional Csk‐interacting proteins is expected to reveal potential signaling targets and previously undescribed functions of Csk. In this study, using a direct proteomic approach, we identified 151 novel potential Csk‐binding partners, which are associated with a wide range of biological functions. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the majority of identified proteins contain one or several Csk‐SH2 domain‐binding motifs, indicating a potentially direct interaction with Csk. The interactions of Csk with four proteins (partitioning defective 3 (Par3), DDR1, SYK and protein kinase C iota) were confirmed using biochemical approaches and phosphotyrosine 1127 of Par3 C‐terminus was proved to directly bind to Csk‐SH2 domain, which was consistent with predictions from in silico analysis. Finally, immunofluorescence experiments revealed co‐localization of Csk with Par3 in tight junction (TJ) in a tyrosine phosphorylation‐dependent manner and overexpression of Csk, but not its SH2‐domain mutant lacking binding to phosphotyrosine, promoted the TJ assembly in Madin‐Darby canine kidney cells, implying the involvement of Csk‐SH2 domain in regulating cellular TJs. In conclusion, the newly identified potential interacting partners of Csk provided new insights into its functional diversity in regulation of numerous cellular events, in addition to controlling the SFK activity.  相似文献   

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