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The CD44 gene contains 10 variable exons (v1-v10) that can be alternatively spliced to generate hundreds of different CD44 protein isoforms, several of which have been implicated in the metastatic spread of tumour cells. Here, we describe a cryptic splice site, in intron 6 of the human CD44 gene, used during mRNA processing. This cryptic splice site is used in conjunction with variable exon 3, or independently from it in the form of a pseudo-exon of 49 bp, which generates a stop codon by frame shift in the contiguous variable exon downstream. This pseudo-exon has been found inserted immediately 3' to any other variable exon from v4 to v10, in the final CD44 mRNA. The implication of this cryptic splice site in haltering CD44 protein translation is questioned in the context of Nonsense Mediated Decay and the overall regulation of CD44 expression.  相似文献   

Fibronectin alternative exon EIIIA is largely included in undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of the developing limb bud, whereas the exon is excluded in differentiated chondrocytes. Inclusion of exon EIIIA in chondrocytic cells is increased by overexpression of SRp40, and, to a lesser extent, SRp75, but not SRp55. RT-PCR analysis using real-time PCR revealed that the levels of the mRNAs for these three proteins did not vary significantly in chick chondrocytes versus mesenchymal cells of the developing limb bud. However, a variant spliced form of SRp40, termed, SRp40LF, is detected preferentially in chondrocytes and in chondrifying mesenchymal cells. Forced overexpression of SRp40 or SRp75, but not SRp55, enhanced chondrogenic differentiation of chick limb mesenchymal cells in a high-density micromass assay. Overexpression of SRp40LF, which produces a truncated form of SRp40, also was strongly pro-chondrogenic. In a HeLa cell-based assay, SRp40LF fails to substitute for SRp40 in mediating an increase in exon EIIIA inclusion, suggesting that the latter event is not essential for the pro-chondrogenic effect. These results demonstrate the ability of these highly conserved splicing factors to modulate chondrogenesis and are consistent with earlier results that implicated exon EIIIA-containing isoforms of fibronectin in formation of chondrogenic condensations.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, Dicer-like protein 2 (DCL2) cleaves double-stranded virus RNA, playing an essential role in the RNA interference pathway. Here, we describe three alternative splicing (AS) forms of AtDCL2: in one, both intron 8 and intron 10 are retained in the mRNA, in second only intron 8 is retained and in the third no intron is retained, but there is a deletion of 56 nucleotides at the end of exon 10. These splicing forms are present in stems and leaves at different development stages. AS was also detected in DCL2 of Brassica rapa, where intron 9, but not intron 8 or intron 10, was retained suggesting that AS may be a common phenomenon in cruciferous plant DCL2s. The retained introns and sequence deletions detected in AtDCL2 changed the reading frame and produced premature terminal codons. The AS forms appeared to be substrates of nonsense-mediated decay of mRNA. Fei Yan and Jiejun Peng contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The functional repertoire of genes in the eukaryotic organisms is enhanced by the phenomenon of alternative splicing. Hence, a node in a tissue specific protein–protein interaction (TS PPIN) network can be thought of as an ensemble of various spliced protein products of the corresponding gene expressed in that tissue. Here we demonstrate that the nodes that occupy topologically central positions characterized by high degree, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector centrality values in TS PPINs of Homo sapiens are associated with high number of splice variants. We also show that the high “centrality” of these genes/nodes could in part be explained by the presence of a large number of promiscuous domains.  相似文献   

NKG2D splice variants: a reexamination of adaptor molecule associations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NKG2D is a homodimeric C-type lectin-related receptor expressed on natural killer (NK) cells and T cells. In mice, alternative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) splicing generates two isoforms of NKG2D that differ in the length of their cytoplasmic domains. Their ability to induce cellular activation is mediated via association with two membrane-bound, signaling adaptor molecules, DAP10 and DAP12. It has been reported that the long form of NKG2D associates exclusively with DAP10, whereas the short variant can interact with either adaptor. The short isoform was reported to be almost undetectable in naïve NK cells. Using two distinct cell types, we demonstrate that like the short isoform, the long variant of NKG2D also associates not only with DAP10 but also with DAP12. Using reporter cells (70Z/3), we demonstrate that DAP12 can compete equally with DAP10 for association with both variants of NKG2D when DAP10 and DAP12 are coexpressed. Cross-linking either isoform of NKG2D induces a calcium flux when associated exclusively with DAP10 or DAP12. Moreover, using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we also show that the short isoform of NKG2D is expressed in naïve NK cells. Our data suggest that signaling via mouse NKG2D isoforms is more complex than originally presented.  相似文献   

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are covalently closed RNA molecules generated from precursor RNAs by the head-to-tail backsplicing of exons. Hundreds of studies demonstrated that circRNAs are ubiquitously expressed and regulate cellular events by modulating microRNA (miRNA) and RNA-binding protein (RBP) activities. A few circRNAs are also known to translate into functional polypeptides regulating cellular physiology. All these functions primarily depend on the full-length sequence of the circRNAs. CircRNA backsplice junction sequence is the key to identifying circRNAs and their full-length mature sequence. However, some multi-exonic circRNAs exist in different isoforms sharing identical backsplice junction sequences and are termed circRNA splice variants. Here, we analyzed the previously published HeLa cell RNA-seq datasets to identify circRNA splice variants using the de novo module of the CIRCexplorer2 circRNA annotation pipeline. A subset of circRNAs with splice variants was validated by the circRNA-rolling circle amplification (circRNA-RCA) method. Interestingly, several validated circRNAs were predicted to translate into proteins by the riboCIRC database. Furthermore, polyribosome fractionation followed by quantitative PCR confirmed the association of a subset of circRNAs with polyribosome supporting their protein-coding potential. Finally, bioinformatics analysis of proteins derived from splice variants of circCORO1C and circASPH suggested altered protein sequences and structures that could affect their physiological functions. Together, our study identified novel circRNA splice variants and their potential translation into protein isoforms which may regulate various physiological processes.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing has been recognized as a major mechanism by which protein diversity is increased without significantly increasing genome size in animals and has crucial medical implications, as many alternative splice variants are known to cause diseases. Despite the importance of knowing what structural changes alternative splicing introduces to the encoded proteins for the consideration of its significance, the problem has not been adequately explored. Therefore, we systematically examined the structures of the proteins encoded by the alternative splice variants in the HUGE protein database derived from long (>4 kb) human brain cDNAs. Limiting our analyses to reliable alternative splice junctions, we found alternative splice junctions to have a slight tendency to avoid the interior of SCOP domains and a strong statistically significant tendency to coincide with SCOP domain boundaries. These findings reflect the occurrence of some alternative splicing events that utilize protein structural units as a cassette. However, 50 cases were identified in which SCOP domains are disrupted in the middle by alternative splicing. In six of the cases, insertions are introduced at the molecular surface, presumably affecting protein functions, while in 11 of the cases alternatively spliced variants were found to encode pairs of stable and unstable proteins. The mRNAs encoding such unstable proteins are much less abundant than those encoding stable proteins and tend not to have corresponding mRNAs in non-primate species. We propose that most unstable proteins encoded by alternative splice variants lack normal functions and are an evolutionary dead-end.  相似文献   

The amino terminal domain of collagen type XI alpha1 chain is a noncollagenous structure that is essential for the regulation of fibrillogenesis in developing cartilage. The amino terminal domain is alternatively spliced at the mRNA level, resulting in proteins expressed as splice variants. These splice variants, or isoforms, have unique distribution in growing tissues, alluding to distinct roles in development. We report here a rapid and straightforward method for expression, purification and in vitro folding of recombinant collagen XI isoforms alpha1(XI) NTD[p7] and alpha1(XI) NTD[p6b+7]. The recombinant isoforms were expressed in Escherichia coli as bacterial inclusion bodies. Unfolded carboxy terminal polyhistidine tagged proteins were purified via nickel affinity chromatography and refolded with specific protocols optimized for each isoform. Purity was assessed by SDS-PAGE and correct secondary structure by a comparison of circular dichroism data with that obtained for Npp. Protein expression and purification of the recombinant collagen XI splice variants will allow further studies to elucidate the structure and molecular interactions with components of the extracellular matrix. This research will clarify the mechanism of collagen XI mediated regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

The recovery of free purine and pyrimidine bases and their degradation products represent alternative pathways in plant cells either to synthesize nucleotides (salvage pathways) by low energy consumption or to reuse organic nitrogen. Such recycling of metabolites often requires their uptake into the cell by specialized transport systems residing in the plasma membrane. In plants, it has been suggested that several protein families are involved in this process, but only a few transporters have so far been characterized. In this work, gene expression, substrate specificities, and transport mechanisms of members of the Ureide Permease family in Arabidopsis (AtUPS) were analyzed and compared. Promoter-GUS studies indicated that the members of the family have distinct and partially overlapping expression patterns with regard to developmental stages or tissue specific localization. In addition, two alternative splice variants of AtUPS5, a novel member of the transporter family, were identified and investigated. The abundance of both alternative mRNAs varied in different organs, while the relative amounts were comparable. AtUPS5l (longer isoform) shares similar structural prediction with AtUPS1 and AtUPS2. In contrast, AtUPS5s (shorter isoform) lacks two transmembrane domains as structural consequence of the additional splice event. When expressed in yeast, AtUPS5l mediates cellular import of cyclic purine degradation products and pyrimidines similarly to AtUPS1 and AtUPS2, but differences in transport efficiencies were observed. AtUPS5s, however, could not be shown to mediate uptake of these compounds into yeast cells and might therefore be defective or have a different function.  相似文献   

Dicer is a ribonuclease playing a key role in the biogenesis of microRNAs and small interfering RNAs. Here we report the identification of a novel splice variant of human dicer gene, the first one bearing a modified coding sequence. It encodes a truncated protein, t-Dicer that lacks the dsRNA-binding domain and is defective in one of the two RNase III catalytic centers. The splice variant was found in neuroblastoma cells and in cells induced to neuronal differentiation, whereas it was not detectable in other cell lines or in normal tissues. Interestingly, it occurred in primary neuroblastic tumors, mainly in stroma poor neuroblastomas.  相似文献   

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