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The ongoing radicalization over an extended period under the presidency of Hugo Chávez contrasts with revolutions elsewhere. The Chávez government has passed through increasingly radical stages beginning with moderate policies in 1999–2000, and leading to widespread expropriations after 2007. Political victories initiated each new stage. The escalations from one stage to the next helped identify “enemies” of the process of change. Government victories and radicalization infused rank-and-file Chavistas with a sense of optimism. The Venezuelan process recalls the concept of permanent revolution espoused by Leon Trotsky, but there are areas of divergence: First, in contrast to the Venezuelan case, Trotsky insisted that the working class and its vanguard party play the lead role untied to their class enemies. Second, Chávez throughout his 12 years of rule has occasionally accepted compromise arrangements with the adversaries of change.  相似文献   

This research shows a critical assessment on Venezuelan indigenous people in the context of Bolivarian government of President Hugo Chávez.  相似文献   

Gramsci’s vision of the national-popular and counter-hegemonic struggle offers an insightful framework for a more systematical and synthetic reading of the Bolivarian revolutionary process in Venezuela. In contradistinction to the simplistic accounts that draw on pure anti-capitalist and/or anti-imperialist struggles, a Gramscian lens can sharpen the perspective into internal colonial relationships with regard to squattering, race and gender as well as the contradictory nature of socialism. A Gramscian lens can also help us formulate a coherent critique of prevailing hegemonic leadership types from a participatory-democratic perspective. With this in mind, I contend that Chávez bequeathed two major legacies that need to be carefully taken into account by the revolutionaries and other socialist intellectuals and scholars of the twenty-first century. The first is that the task of the national-democratic revolution has become more pressing than ever for Third World revolutions and needs to be successfully incorporated into the struggle for socialism. Interestingly enough, this legacy brings to the table what Gramsci understands by the “national-popular.” Following Schiller’s (Dialect Anthropol 35(3):255–260, 2011) assertion that a comparative outlook on Venezuela is necessary in order to offer a more nuanced and sophisticated analysis of the complexity of the Bolivarian process, this paper also presents a comparative/historical analysis of Gramsci’s Italy and Venezuela. Chávez’s second legacy arises from the recognition that socialism is to be understood as a long protracted process replete with inner contradictions and risks embedded in the political-cultural transformation of daily life. This legacy underlines institutional innovation and cultural struggle, which exhibit astonishing similarities with Gramsci’s vision of counter-hegemonic struggle. As such, this paper touches on the challenges and contradictions of the post-Chávez era as they pertain to the transformation of daily life via counter-hegemonic tools and leadership mechanisms. Indeed, any genuine social transformation toward socialism excludes race- and gender-blind approaches, hence the necessity of rigorously analyzing the limitations of the Bolivarian process in race and gender relations.  相似文献   

Resumen Se han aislado cinco cepas dePrototheca de muestras de origen humano: raspado vulvar, tinea corporis, secreción de oído, plieques de la mano, onicopatía inespecífica. Se estudian los caracteres morfológicos (propiedades asimilativas, termofilia) de estas cepas. Dos de ellas pertenecen a la especiePrototheca zopfii. Dos a la especieP. wickerhamii y la quinta es unaP. trispora. El autor hace resalter la frecuencia cada vez mayor con que se viene aislando este género de algas incoloras en el material patológico y la necesidad de su reconocimiento ya que son fácilmente confundibles con las levaduras.
FivePrototheca strains of human origin are isolated. Morphological and physiological characters are studied. Two strains belong to the speciesPrototheca zophii, two to the speciesP. wickerhamii and the other one toProtheca trispora. The author emphasizes the frequency, with which this genus of chloric algae are lately reported, and the importance of their identification easily confused with that of the yeasts.Ultimamente hemos venido encontrando cada vez con mayor frecuencia en el material clínico, ejemplares del género Prototheca. La ubicación taxonómica de este género es aún dudosa; se le ha considerado un grupo intermedio entre algas incoloras y hongos (Tubaki, 1959). Nuestras 5 cepas han sido encontradas en un lapso de cuatro años, de un total de 320 muestras.

Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius ssp. aconitifolius Breckon) is a domesticated leafy green vegetable of the Maya region of Guatemala, Belize, southeast Mexico and the Yucatán Peninsula, and parts of Honduras. Though relatively unknown outside of this area, evidence suggests that chaya was of significant importance to ancient peoples of the Yucatán Peninsula and perhaps elsewhere within the Maya region. Here we review what little research has been done on this impressive plant, as well as recount our own ethnobotanical investigation into its use as a food plant and medicine, and discuss its botany, nomenclature, and agricultural use. Due to its ease of cultivation, potential productivity, and above all its substantial nutritional value, we propose chaya as a potential crop for areas outside Mesoamerica.
La Etnobotanica de Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius ssp.aconitifolius Breckon): Una Verdura Nutritiva Maya
Resumen  La chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius ssp.aconitifolius Breckon) es una verdura domesticada de la región Maya de Guatemala, Belice, el Sureste de México y la península de Yucatán, y partes de Honduras. Aunque es poco conocida afuera de esta región, la evidencia sugiere que la chaya era una planta importante para los antiguos Mayas de la peninsula de Yucatan, y tal vez en otras partes de la región Maya. A continuatión presentamos la poca investigation realizada sobre esta sorprendente planta, a la vez presentamos resultados de nuestra investigatión etnobotánica acerca de su uso como verdura y medicina, y discutimos su botdnica, nomenclatura, y su agricultura. Dada la facilidad de cultivarla, su productividad potential, y sobre todo su alto valor nutritivo, proponemos la chaya como cultivo potential para regiones afuera de Mesoamérica.

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFN23 loses its ability to nodulate beans at a high frequency because of a deletion of part of its symbiotic (pSym) plasmid (Soberón-Chávez et al., 1986). We report here that at least 80 kb of pSym are deleted upon loss of the symbiotic phenotype; the deletion removes the nitrogenase structural nifHDK and the common nodABC genes. The size of the deleted pSym is not reduced, since it is accompanied by an amplification of other pSym plasmid sequences. This genetic rearrangement is similar to the deletion and amplification of yeast mitochondrial DNA leading to 'petite' mutations.  相似文献   

Resumen De lesión localizada en cara, zona superior de pómulo izquierdo, se aisla en una paciente de 6 años, colonias deTrichophyton ajelloi, dermatofito geofílico, que por primera vez es obtenido en nuestro medio como agente etiológico de una dermotofitia.
Colonies ofTrichophyton ajelloi, geophilic dermatophyte that was here obtained for the first time as a dermatophytosis etiological agent, was isolated from a lesion fixed in the upper zone of the left cheek bone in the face of a six years old girl.

Columnea lariensis is described and illustrated as a new species from the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. It is similar to C. canarina from Panama. Alloplectus weirii is here reported for the first time from Mesoamerica and an illustration is provided.
Resumen   Columnea lariensis de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica, es descrita e ilustrada. Es similar a C. canarina de Panamá. Alloplectus weirii se reporta para Mesoamérica por primera vez y se incluye una ilustración de la misma.

Cephalosporium serrae is isolated from white granules of a mycetoma of right feet. The histological study of the grains with H.E. P.A.S. and Groccot is reported. The fungus is classified asCephalosporium serrae by its morphological and biological characteristic. Its sensitivity to antifungal drugs and the experimental inoculation to mice is reported. ElCephalosporium serrae fué aislado por primera vez en 1929 por Maffei en Italia de una queratomicosis. En 1932 Focosi comunica dos nuevos aislamientos de lesiones oculares, Coutelen, Cochet & Biguet (10). El trabajo que a continuación se presenta constituye el primer aislamiento delCephalosporium serrae como agente etiológico de un micetoma.  相似文献   

Two new species of Coronigoniella Young are described and illustrated: C. osborni, sp. n., from SE. and S. Brazil (Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraná states), and C. formosa, sp. n., from central W. and SE. Brazil (Goiás and Minas Gerais states, and the Distrito Federal). The presence of a sclerotized plate from the abdominal sternum VIII is reported in females of Coronigoniella for the first time. Taxonomic and morphological notes are given for C. spinosa (Osborn) based on specimens from its type-locality in Mato Grosso State. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), a species from Colombia previously considered of uncertain taxonomic position, is transferred to Coronigoniella. Possible host plants of C. osborni, sp. n. are Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae), and Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae). The genus Coronigoniella is newly recorded from Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and São Paulo states, as well as from the Distrito Federal, Brazil. A map showing the known geographic distribution of the two new species is presented. Resumo Duas novas espécies de Coronigoniella Young são descritas e ilustradas: C. osborni, sp. n., do sudeste e sul do Brasil (estados do Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e Paraná), e C. formosa, sp. n., do centro-oeste e sudeste do Brasil (estados de Goiás e Minas Gerais, assim como o Distrito Federal). A presença de uma placa esclerosada do esterno abdominal VIII é registrada em fêmeas de Coronigoniella pela primeira vez. Notas taxonômicas e morfológicas sobre C. spinosa (Osborn) são fornecidas, com base em espécimes provenientes da sua localidade-tipo no Estado do Mato Grosso. Tettigonia ruficaput (Walker), uma espécie da Colômbia anteriormente considerada como de posição taxonômica incerta, é transferida para Coronigoniella. Coleus sp. (Lamiaceae), Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae) e Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae) são possíveis plantas hospedeiras de C. osborni, sp. n. O gênero Coronigoniella é pela primeira vez registrado nos estados de Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná e São Paulo, assim como no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Um mapa mostrando a distribuição geográfica conhecida das duas novas espécies é apresentado.  相似文献   

Planarians have been established as an ideal model organism for stem cell research and regeneration. Planarian regeneration and homeostasis require an exquisite balancing act between cell death and cell proliferation as new tissues are made (epimorphosis) and existing tissues remodeled (morphallaxis). Some of the genes and mechanisms that control cell proliferation and pattern formation are known. However, studies about cell death during remodeling are few and far between. We have studied the gene Gtdap-1, the planarian ortholog of human death-associated protein-1 or DAP-1. DAP-1 together with DAP-kinase has been identified as a positive mediator of programmed cell death induced by gamma-interferon in HeLa cells. We have found that the gene functions at the interface between autophagy and cell death in the remodeling of the organism that occurs during regeneration and starvation in sexual and asexual races of planarians. Our data suggest that autophagy of existing cells may be essential to fuel the continued proliferation and differentiation of stem cells by providing the necessary energy and building blocks to neoblasts.

Addendum to:

Gtdap-1 Promotes Autophagy and is Required for Planarian Remodeling During Regeneration and Starvation

C. González-Estévez, D.A. Felix, A.A. Aboobaker and E. Saló

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007; 104:13373-8  相似文献   

The egg and the five instars of Ectemnostega are described based on examined material and published information. The characters most useful in identifying nymphs of Ectemnostega are body and head lengths and widths; number of transverse sulcations of the rostrum; chaetotaxy of mesofemur, meso- and metatibiae, metatarsus, and pterothorax; and grade of development of wing pads. A key to the five nymphal instars of Ectemnostega is provided. The egg of E. quadrata is figured and described for the first time; and the five instars are redescribed in detail and illustrated, with emphasis on the morphometry and chaetotaxy of selected structures.

Se describe el huevo y los cinco estadios de Ectemnostega a partir de material examinado e información publicada. Los caracteres mas útiles para identificar las ninfas de Ectemnostega son: longitudes y anchos de cuerpo y cabeza; número de: crestas transversales del rostro, quetotaxia del mesofemur, meso- y metatibias, metatarso, y pterotórax; y grado de desarrollo de pterotecas. Se provee una clave para identificar los cinco estadios de Ectemnostega. Por primera vez se ilustra y describe el huevo de E. quadrata; y se redescriben en detalle e ilustran los cinco estadios, con énfasis en la morfometría y quetotaxia de ciertas estructuras.  相似文献   

The karyological survey of the Spanish taxa of Lithospermeae is completed with studies of OnosmaL., Cerinthe L. And Alkanna Tausch. The chromosome number of O. Tricerosperma Lag.subsp. tricerosperma is reported for the first time and those of C.gymnandra Gasparr. And A. Tinctoria (L.) Tausch have been counted for the first time in Spanish material.
Con este trabajo se completa el estudio cariologico de los taxones espanoles de Lithospermeae. Se estudian los correspondientes a OnosmaL., CerintheL. y Alkanna Tausch, de ellos, el niimero cromosomico de 0. Tricerosperma Lag.subsp. tricerosperma se indica por primera vez y los de C.gymnandra Gasparr.y A. Tinctoria (L.) Tausch corresponden al primer recuento con material espanol.  相似文献   

Summary Many stinglees bess seem to be restricted to the jungle, where they are difficult to collect by the usual methods. For this reason a very simple collecting technique was devised: Commercial (Apis) honey and water were mixed in proportions of 1∶1 and sprayed on leaves by means of a household hand sprayer. The technique was very successful, although the first time that the bait is used in an area, the bees may not arrive for an hour or more.
Zusammenfassung Viele stachellose Bienen scheinen nur im Dschungel vorzukommen, wo sie mit gew?hnlichen Methoden nur sehr schwer gesammelt werden k?nnen. Um dieser Schwierigkeit zu entgegnen wurde eine sehr einfache Anlocktechnik entwickelt. Im Handel erh?ltlicher(Apis-) Honig und Wasser wurden 1∶1 gemischt und mit einem gew?hnlichen Haushalt-Sprühger?t auf Bl?tter verteilt. Diese Methode erwies sich als sehr wirksam, obwohl sich die Bienen bei einer lokal erstmaligen Anwendung der Sprühtechnik nicht notwendigerweise vor Ablauf einer Stunde an der besprühten Stelle einfinden.

Resumen Ciertas abejas Melipónidas de las selvas tropicales son muy dificiles de colectar por los métodos corrientes. Este hecho indujo al autor a usar la siguiente técnica: una mezcla de miel de abeja comercial y agua, en la proporción de 1∶1, se rocía por medio de un atomizador sobre el follaje. Esto sirve como un atrayente, dando magníficos resultados, aunque la primera vez que se usa en una area, las abejas pueden tardar una hora o mas en llegar.

A 48 year-old-female with a choroidal granuloma presented a systemic picture of paracoccidioidomycosis proven by rhinopharyngeal biopsy. The clinical picture, the differential diagnosis and the therapeutic test are discussed. This is the first time that the fluorescein angiography is described in such cases.
Resumo Paciente de 48 anos de idade com urn granuloma de coroide apresentou quadro sistêmico de paracoccidioidomicose provado por biópsia de lesão da rinofaringe. São discutidos os aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos diferenciais e prova terapêutica. Esta é a primeira vez que se descreve a angiografia fluoresceínica num caso destes.

This study was supported by Centro de Estudos de Oftalmologia Moacyr E. Alvaro.  相似文献   

Twenty five South American species of the genus Selenops (Araneae, Selenopidae) are revised, of which three new taxa are described and illustrated: S. angelae and S. marilus (?, from Ecuador and Venezuela, respectively) and S. tiky (?, from Venezuela). Selenops ecuadorensis Berland, S. galapagoensis Banks, S. isopodus Mello-Leitão and S. melanurus Mello-Leitão are redescribed. Diagnostic characters of previously known species are given and the male palp and female genitalia are described and illustrated, some for the first time. New data on geographic distribution extend the ranges of some previously known species. A key to South American species is provided for the first time. En este trabajo se revisa el género Selenops (Araneae, Selenopidae) para América del Sur. Este género está representado por 25 especies, de las cuales aqu¡ se describen e ilustran tres especies nuevas, S. angelae y S. marilus (conocidas sólo por el macho de Ecuador y Venezuela, respectivamente) y S. tiky (sólo por la hembra de Venezuela). Se redescriben Selenops ecuadorensis Berland, S. galapagoensi s Banks, S. isopodus Mello-Leitão y S. melanurus Mello-Leitão y se ilustran, en algunos casos por primera vez, la genitalia de la hembra y el palpo del macho de todas las especies sudamericanas de Selenops. Se da la diagnosis de cada especie, se presentan mapas ampliando el área de distribución de la mayoría de las especies conocidas y se proporciona la primera clave para las especies sudamericanas.  相似文献   

Riassunto E' una breve nota descrittiva diIsaria cretacea van Beyma isolata da terreno di bosco ad Eucalipto.Trattasi di un Ifomicete non ancora segnalato presente in Italia e forse non ancora rinvenuto nel terreno.E' specie auxo-eterotrofa e presenta attività antagonista verso altre specie di funghi.
Summary The present note deals briefly withIsaria cretacea van Beyma, isolated from Eucaliptus soil. The fungus is a Hyphomycete whose presence in Italy was never noticed before and perhaps it is the first time the it is found in soil. ThisIsaria is an auxo-heterotrophic species and shows a certain antagonistic activity against some fungi.

Resumo O presente trabalho é uma nota breve descritiva deIsaria cretacea van Beyma, isolada de terreno de um bosque de Eucaliptos. Tratase de um Ifomicete cuja presença na Italia não foi ainda assinalada e talvez seja a primeira vez que é isolada de terreno.E' uma especie auxo-heterotrofica e apresenta uma certa atividade antagonista sobre outros fungos.

A bacterium able to grow at the expense of some isomers in a commercial surfactant preparation consisting of branched-chain dodecylbenzenesulphonate was isolated (W51), and it was identified as a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain. A faster growing derivative was selected (W51D) after enrichment in batch culture under microaerobic conditions, using the surfactant as the sole source of carbon and energy. Strain W51D is the first microorganism reported to degrade at least 70% of a branched-chain alkylbenzenesulphonate mixture and to be resistant to high concentrations of this surfactant. The ability to degrade the surfactant was shown to be transferred by conjugation to other P. aeruginosa strains and to an Escherichia coli strain.G. Soberón-Chávez and J. Campos are with the Instituto de Biotecnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo Postal 510-3, Cuernavaca, Mor. 62250, México.A. Hädour and L. Ramos are with Estación Experimental del Zaidín, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Protesor Albareda 1, Granada 18008, España. J. Ortigoza is with Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Apdo. Postal 42-186. México D.F. 11340. México.  相似文献   

For much of the twentieth century, Venezuela was regarded as one of the developing nations destined to take its place among the affluent societies of the world. The spectacular infrastructure projects sponsored by the Venezuelan government and funded with revenue from the petroleum industry were taken as evidence of progress and the impending arrival of modernity. Showcasing the technical prowess of the Venezuelan state, these projects captured the national imagination and won consent for elites by calling forth aspirations for total societal transformation. In this article, I explore the re-construction of hegemonic consent as part of one such project—a hydroelectric dam in the state of Barinas—and the survival of a vision of progress through the built environment, even after the social-economic crisis of the late twentieth century. Drawing on fieldwork in areas near the formerly incomplete project site, I account for what, at first glance, seem to be drastic shifts in local political allegiances and incongruous support for the military dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez (1948-1958) and the Bolivarian Government of Hugo Chávez. Suggesting that a high modernist vision of development is a pivot for hegemonic consent, I argue that the completion of this dam after a long hiatus has won the support of a caste of state workers and that the backing of these workers is crucial to the preservation of organized political power.  相似文献   

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