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成都地区居室庭院蚂蚁种类调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2008年对成都地区居室庭院环境中的蚂蚁种类进行了调查,共发现3个亚科12属的蚂蚁26种,其中,切叶蚁亚科Myrmicinae的蚂蚁无论种类和数量在成都地区都占绝对优势,优势种为印度大头蚁Pheidole indica Mayr和史氏盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster smythiesi Forel.居室庭院蚂蚁在成都地区的分布以印度大头蚁Pheidole indica Mayr、史氏盘腹蚁Aphaenogaster smythiesi Forel和亮立毛蚁Paratrechina vividula Nylander的分布最广.  相似文献   

广东省蚂蚁种类与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记录了广东省蚂蚁的种类和分布,共计8亚科,55属,160种,其中10个广东省新纪录属,59个广东省新纪录种;标本主要保存于广东省昆虫研究所蚂蚁利用与蚁害监控团队以及中山大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

吉林西部草原地区蚂蚁种类及分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
侯继华  周道玮  姜世成 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1781-1791
在吉林西部草原地区蚂蚁是大型土壤动物的优势类群,数量巨大,但种类少,仅发现3亚科9属14种。放牧场、撂荒地、农田、人工林、乡间土路、院落6种生境中分布最多的蚂蚁是红林蚁和铺道蚁,撂荒地和人工林的蚂蚁种类和巢口密度最大。在割草场分布的蚂蚁主要是玉米毛蚁、黄墩蚁和铺道蚁,它们均修建明显的地上蚁丘,蚁丘呈环带状分布,即主要分布在草地与碱斑的交界处,并且从草场边缘向中心,蚁丘的数量逐渐减少。利用拥挤度指数对蚁丘的分布格局进行分析,表明蚁丘呈聚集分布,并对可能影响蚁巢分布的因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

秦岭中段部分地区蚂蚁种类初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铁茹  许升全 《四川动物》2005,24(1):46-46
秦岭中段蚂蚁的区系组成经调查发现共有36个种,19个属,隶属于4个亚科。  相似文献   

吉林省左家蚂蚁及生态分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘红  袁兴中 《昆虫知识》1996,33(4):226-227

为探明热带森林蚂蚁巢穴的分布特征及其影响因素, 采用样方法研究了西双版纳不同演替阶段热带森林定居巢穴蚂蚁的种类及其巢穴的密度、盖度和空间分布特征, 并分析了土壤理化环境与蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴密度及盖度的相关性。结果表明, 不同演替阶段热带森林蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴的密度及盖度大小顺序为: 小果野芭蕉 (Musa acuminata)群落>白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus)群落>思茅崖豆(Mellettia leptobotrya)群落, 并且热带森林的演替类型显著影响蚂蚁种类总数及巢穴密度, 而对巢穴盖度的影响未达到显著水平; 蚂蚁种类总数、巢穴密度与土壤总有机碳和水解氮显著正相关, 与土壤容重和土壤含水率显著负相关, 但所选择的土壤理化指标与巢穴盖度的相关性均未达到显著水平; 蚂蚁巢穴的空间分布呈随机分布格局。我们的数据表明, 不同演替阶段热带森林所形成的植被类型及土壤环境状况共同影响定居的蚂蚁种类总数与筑巢密度。  相似文献   

河南商丘森林公园蚂蚁多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年5月下旬和8月下旬,在河南商丘森林公园选择林区、灌丛、草地、果园、人居区5种生境,采用陷阱诱捕法和样方调查法采集蚂蚁,共获蚂蚁7680头,隶属6亚科17属21种。优势种为铺道蚁Tetramoriumcaespitum(L.)和中国厚结蚁Pachycondyla chinensis(Emery)。蚂蚁多样性指数均以林区最高,人居区最低。各生境蚂蚁群落相似性较高,相似性系数在0.4706~0.8000之间。结果显示,蚂蚁的多样性受多种环境因子影响,蚂蚁群落在人为干扰的各种生境中已发生较大的变化。  相似文献   

豫东平原蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉玲  李淑萍 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2541-2545
在2006年4、5月对豫东平原5种生境(人工林地、荒地、农田区、居民区和山丘)的蚂蚁进磊了广泛的调查,共获得蚂蚁62703只,隶属于5亚科,18属,43种.结果表明:5种生境中蚂蚁群落种类、组成和多样性等指标均不相同;人为干扰越强的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越低;质量和异质性越高的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越高.  相似文献   

西双版纳片断季节性雨林蚂蚁物种多样性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
以西双版纳勐仑自然保护区为对照,采用陷井诱捕法和亲方调查法比较研究了3个不同面积、不同环境状况和片断季节性雨林蚂蚁的群落组成及物种多样性变化。结果表明:所获蚂蚁隶属4亚科24属50种,以城子龙山物种数量多。各样地优势种均不相同。4类样地间的共有物种较少,只有4种;相似性较低,相似性系 0.1622~0.3548。聚类结果显示,植物园保护区与城子龙山最先聚为一类,然后与自然保护区聚为一类,最后才与曼  相似文献   

云南石林公园不同生境蚂蚁多样性研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
2003年5月下旬(雨季初期)和9月下旬(雨季后期),选择云南石林公园地带性植被滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsisglaucoides)林(原始林)、次生林、灌丛、草地、云南松(Pinusyunnanensis)林5种生境,采用陷阱诱捕法采集蚂蚁,共获蚂蚁8775头,隶属4亚科16属26种。优势种为阿诗玛无刺蚁(Kartidrisashima)、布立毛蚁(Pseudolasiusbournica)和重庆弓背蚁(Campontuschongqingensis)。两个季节蚂蚁多样性指数均以原始林最低,灌丛和松林最高。各生境蚂蚁群落相似性低,相似性系数在0–0.2609之间。结果显示,蚂蚁的多样性受多种环境因子影响;与地带性植被相比,蚂蚁群落在人为干扰的各种生境中已发生较大的变化。  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation have gradually caused loss of diversity and consequently the decline of ecological services. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of tropical forest fragments as natural habitats (river valley fragments and plateau fragments) on the community of predatory and omnivorous ants in nearby sugarcane fields. Twenty fields adjacent to these fragments were selected and evaluated one (dry season) and four months (rainy season) after harvest. In each field, ants were sampled in five linear plots (10 m inside the fragment, 0 m (field path between field and fragment), 5 m, 50 m and 100 m inside the crop fields). Each plot comprised ten sardine baits in a row parallel to the field edge. Species richness and frequency of ant species decreased with increasing distance from the forest fragments. Inside fields, species richness and frequency were higher during the period of vegetative growth (rainy season) than after harvest (dry season). Ant communities of sugarcane fields and forest fragments were more similar later in the season than directly after sugarcane harvest suggesting recolonization of the fields from the fragments. Several ant species were limited to forest fragments after harvest but occurred later in the season also in sugarcane fields confirming the potential contribution of fragments to the recolonization process and therefore to biological control of sugarcane-dominated pest insects.  相似文献   

红火蚁对我国一些生物潜在影响的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过分析国际上对红火蚁影响生境中其他生物的研究成果,认为红火蚁主要通过以下3种方式危害其他生物:(1)攻击、捕食刚孵化的地栖性卵生动物个体,或者以群体力量捕食昆虫幼虫、成虫等;(2)竞争有限的食物资源,导致其他物种因为缺乏足够食物供给而种群数量减少甚至灭绝;(3)通过叮咬而使得某些动物存活率降低,改变生境,甚至弃巢外逃,或者因为受攻击活动量加大而增加被捕食的几率。同时初步分析在《国家重点保护野生动物名录》中列举的379种野生动物名录中,有22种鸟类(占9.6%)、1种两栖类(占14%)、所有的18种爬行类(占100%)可能因为红火蚁的入侵导致种群数量下降甚至灭绝。  相似文献   

2010年8-9月对河套灌区九排域农田排水沟植物进行了综合调查.分别在干沟、支沟、斗沟/农沟的上、中、下游布设断面,断面上设置0.5m×0.5m和5m×5m样方对草本和灌木的植物种类和数量进行调查.结果表明:河套灌区九排域农田排水沟植物由17个科、38个属、39个种组成,禾本科(n=10)、菊科(n=7)和藜科(n=4)植物种类最多,芦苇、羊草和盐地碱蓬是分布面积最广的物种.干沟、支沟和斗/农沟的多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数值分别为0.57、1.93、0.37和0.81,0.77、3.46、0.65和0.50,0.90、3.88、0.64和0.53.物种多样性表现为边坡的高于沟底,但排沟等级间的变化趋势不明显.水的存留时间及农业管理(清沟)是影响植物物种多样性最主要的因素.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the sociogenetic structure of colonies in the carpenter ants Camponotus herculeanus and C. ligniperda, we have developed microsatellite markers. The three loci studied were either fixed for different alleles in the two species or showed different patterns of polymorphisms. Genotyping of workers and males showed that the broods of C. ligniperda include several matrilines, a rare phenomenon in the genus. Five alleles from a locus polymorphic in both species were sequenced from the respective PCR-products. A part of the length variation appeared to be due to changes outside the repeat sequence, and some PCR products of an equal length had a different number of dinucleotide repeats.  相似文献   

Abstract The savannas of South America support a relatively diverse ant fauna, but little is known about the factors that influence the structure and dynamics of these assemblages. In 1998 and 2002, we surveyed the ground‐dwelling ant fauna and the fauna associated with the woody vegetation (using baits and direct sampling) from an Amazonian savanna. The aim was to evaluate the influence of vegetation structure, disturbance by fire and dominant ants on patterns of ant species richness and composition. Variations in the incidence of fires among our 39 survey plots had no or only limited influence on these patterns. In contrast, spatial variations in tree cover and cover by tall grasses (mostly Trachypogon plumosus), significantly affected ant species composition. Part of the variation in species richness among the study plots correlated with variations in the incidence of a dominant species (Solenopsis substituta) at baits. Ant species richness and composition also varied through time, possibly as an indirect effect of changes in vegetation cover. In many plots, and independently of disturbance by fire, there was a major increase in cover by tall grasses, which occupied areas formerly devoid of vegetation. Temporal changes in vegetation did not directly explain the observed increase in the number of ant species per plot. However, the incidence of S. substituta at baits declined sharply in 2002, especially in plots where changes in vegetation cover were more dramatic, and that decline was correlated with an increase in the number of ground‐dwelling species, a greater turnover of bait‐recruiting species and the appearance of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. The extent to which these changes in fact resulted from the relaxation of dominance by S. substituta is not clear. However, our results strongly suggest that the ant fauna of Amazonian savannas is affected directly and indirectly by the structure of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Aim This is the first comprehensive account of the biogeography of ants transferred and at least temporarily established outside their native habitat. Location Using museum and literature records, I established the distributions of transferred ant species. Methods I used taxonomic and functional groups to assess how geographical spread as a transferred species is affected by taxonomy and life history. Results 147 ant species in forty-nine genera have been recorded outside of their native habitat. The proportion of transferred ants is similar to the number of genera and species in each subfamily. The species-rich subfamily Myrmicinae contains nearly 50% of all transferred species, while many of the species-poor subfamilies have absolutely no transferred species. A disproportionate high number of transferred ants originate from the Neotropical and Oriental biogeographic regions. The Pacific Islands are the recipients of the most transferred ant species. Most transferred ants belong to the CRYPTIC, OPPORTUNIST, and GENERALIZED MYRMICINE functional groups, while there are no recorded transfers of army ants or leaf-cutting ants. Both invasive and human commensal ‘tramp’ ant species are nonrandom subsets of transferred ants. Main conclusions ‘Tramp’ species and invasive species tend to have widespread geographical distributions, and share life history characteristics including queen number, nest structure, and foraging behaviour. Combining observations of functional groups and biogeography may lead to a better understanding of the factors contributing to the spread of transferred species.  相似文献   

Hybridization in ants can have consequences different from those observed in most other species, with many of the potential deleterious effects being mitigated due to haplodiploidy and eusociality. In some species where colonies are either headed by multiple queens or single queens that mate with many males, hybridization is associated with genetic caste determination, where hybrids develop into workers and purebred individuals develop into queens. A previous study suggested that hybridization occurs between two Dorylus army ant species with multiply mated queens. However, the extent and exact pattern of hybridization have remained unclear, and its possible effect on caste determination has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to determine the extent and direction of hybridization by measuring how frequently hybrids occur in colonies of both species, and to investigate the possibility of genetic caste determination. We show that hybridization is bidirectional and occurs at equal rates in both species. Hybrid workers make up only 1–2% of the population, and successful interspecific matings represent approximately 2% of all matings in both species. This shows that, although interspecific matings that give rise to worker offspring occur regularly, they are much rarer than intraspecific mating. Finally, we find no evidence of an association between hybridization and genetic caste determination in this population. This means that genetic caste determination is not a necessary outcome of hybridization in ants, even in species where queens mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

高程  郭良栋 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22429-23168
微生物主要包括细菌、真菌、古菌、病毒等类群, 是地球上出现时间最早、分布最广泛、个体数量最多, 以及物种和基因多样性十分丰富的生物类群。为了适应各种生境, 微生物衍生出腐生、寄生、共生等多样的生存策略, 在生物地球化学循环、生态系统演替与稳定性、环境修复以及人类健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统的微生物监测方法限制了我们对微生物多样性的认知; 但是, 近年来高通量测序技术和生物信息学的发展极大推动了微生物多样性的研究进展。本文概述了近年来在微生物多样性分布格局与维持、群落构建以及功能属性多样性的最新进展; 总结分析了细菌、古菌、真菌的多样性纬度分布格局及其驱动因子, 选择、扩散、成种、漂变等过程对细菌、古菌、真菌的群落构建的贡献, 以及细菌和真菌的形态、生理生化、生长繁殖、扩散、基因组等功能性状的多样性; 提出了未来微生物多样性研究的重要领域: 环境宏真菌组研究, 微生物多样性与生态系统多功能性的关系研究, 以及微生物互作网络的生态功能研究。  相似文献   

山东曲阜地区蚂蚁群落结构及物种多样性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过诱捕法和样方调查法获得曲阜地区蚂蚁4亚科15属19种。优势种为菱结大头蚁(Pheidole rhombino-da)、粗面收获蚁(Messor aciculatus)和异色草蚁(Lasius alienus),前2种亦是研究区域的广布种。根据调查数据分析了该地区5种生境中蚂蚁群落的结构及多样性特征,以及人为干扰和生境异质性对蚂蚁群落的影响。结果表明:5种生物中蚂蚁群落种类组成和多样性等指标均不相同。落叶阔叶林中蚂蚁群落种类数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)最高;人工杨树林中蚂蚁群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)最低;河滩草丛中蚂蚁巢数、个体数以及种类优势度指数(D)最高。人类干扰越强的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越低;生境质量和异质性越高的生境,蚂蚁群落多样性指数越高。聚类分析与群落结构序列分析结果基本一致,人工杨树林与人居环境中蚂蚁群落相似性最高,其他几个生境蚂蚁群落间相似性很低。同种蚂蚁在不同生境中巢穴和蚁群大小有差异。  相似文献   

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