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Importin α1 can bind classical nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in two NLS-binding sites, known as "major" and "minor." The major site is located between ARM repeats 2-4, whereas the minor site spans ARM 7-8. In this study, we have characterized the cellular localization of human phospholipid scramblase 4 (hPLSCR4), a member of the phospholipid scramblase protein family. We identified a minimal NLS in hPLSCR4 ((273)GSIIRKWN(280)) that contains only two basic amino acids. This NLS is both necessary for nuclear localization of hPLSCR4 in transfected HeLa cells and sufficient for nuclear import of a non-diffusible cargo in permeabilized cells. Mutation of only one of the two basic residues, Arg(277), correlates with loss of nuclear localization, suggesting this amino acid plays a key role in nuclear transport. Crystallographic analysis of mammalian importin α1 in complex with the hPLSCR4-NLS reveals this minimal NLS binds specifically and exclusively to the minor binding site of importin α. These data provide the first structural and functional evidence of a novel NLS-binding mode in importin α1 that uses only the minor groove as the exclusive site for nuclear import of nonclassical cargos.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus ICP27 protein is important for the expression and nuclear export of viral mRNAs. Although several binding sites have been mapped along the ICP27 sequence for various RNA and protein partners, including the transport receptor TAP of the host cell nuclear transport machinery, several aspects of ICP27 trafficking through the nuclear pore complex remain unclear. We investigated if ICP27 could interact directly with the nuclear pore complex itself, finding that ICP27 directly binds the core nucleoporin Nup62. This is confirmed through co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays with purified components. Mapping with ICP27 deletion and point mutants further shows that the interaction requires sequences in both the N and C termini of ICP27. Expression of wild type ICP27 protein inhibited both classical, importin α/β-dependent and transportin-dependent nuclear import. In contrast, an ICP27 point mutant that does not interact with Nup62 had no such inhibitory effect. We suggest that ICP27 association with Nup62 provides additional binding sites at the nuclear pore for ICP27 shuttling, thus supporting ICP27-mediated transport. We propose that ICP27 competes with some host cell transport receptors for binding, resulting in inhibition of those host transport pathways.  相似文献   

The toroid-shaped nuclear protein export factor CRM1 is constructed from 21 tandem HEAT repeats, each of which contains an inner (B) and outer (A) α-helix joined by loops. Proteins targeted for export have a nuclear export signal (NES) that binds between the A-helices of HEAT repeats 11 and 12 on the outer surface of CRM1. RanGTP binding increases the affinity of CRM1 for NESs. In the absence of RanGTP, the CRM1 C-terminal helix, together with the HEAT repeat 9 loop, modulates its affinity for NESs. Here we show that there is an electrostatic interaction between acidic residues at the extreme distal tip of the C-terminal helix and basic residues on the HEAT repeat 12 B-helix that lies on the inner surface of CRM1 beneath the NES binding site. Small angle x-ray scattering indicates that the increased affinity for NESs generated by mutations in the C-terminal helix is not associated with large scale changes in CRM1 conformation, consistent with the modulation of NES affinity being mediated by a local change in CRM1 near the NES binding site. These data also suggest that in the absence of RanGTP, the C-terminal helix lies across the CRM1 toroid in a position similar to that seen in the CRM1-Snurportin crystal structure. By creating local changes that stabilize the NES binding site in its closed conformation and thereby reducing the affinity of CRM1 for NESs, the C-terminal helix and HEAT 9 loop facilitate release of NES-containing cargo in the cytoplasm and also inhibit their return to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of multiple receptor-tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as EGF receptor (EGFR), ErbB-2, FGF receptor (FGFR), and many others, has been reported by several groups. We previously showed that cell surface EGFR is trafficked to the nucleus through a retrograde pathway from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and that EGFR is then translocated to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) through the INTERNET (integral trafficking from the ER to the nuclear envelope transport) pathway. However, the nuclear trafficking mechanisms of other membrane RTKs, apart from EGFR, remain unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare the nuclear transport of EGFR family proteins with that of FGFR-1. Interestingly, we found that digitonin permeabilization, which selectively releases soluble nuclear transporters from the cytoplasm and has been shown to inhibit nuclear transport of FGFR-1, had no effects on EGFR nuclear transport, raising the possibility that EGFR and FGFR-1 use different pathways to be translocated into the nucleus. Using the subnuclear fractionation assay, we further demonstrated that biotinylated cell surface ErbB-2, but not FGFR-1, is targeted to the INM, associating with Sec61β in the INM, similar to the nuclear trafficking of EGFR. Thus, ErbB-2, but not FGFR-1, shows a similar trafficking pathway to EGFR for translocation to the nucleus, indicating that at least two different pathways of nuclear transport exist for cell surface receptors. This finding provides a new direction for investigating the trafficking mechanisms of various nuclear RTKs.  相似文献   

Fei E  Ma X  Zhu C  Xue T  Yan J  Xu Y  Zhou J  Wang G 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(49):38630-38640
Dysbindin-1 is a 50-kDa coiled-coil-containing protein encoded by the gene DTNBP1 (dystrobrevin-binding protein 1), a candidate genetic factor for schizophrenia. Genetic variations in this gene confer a susceptibility to schizophrenia through a decreased expression of dysbindin-1. It was reported that dysbindin-1 regulates the expression of presynaptic proteins and the release of neurotransmitters. However, the precise functions of dysbindin-1 are largely unknown. Here, we show that dysbindin-1 is a novel nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and translocated to the nucleus upon treatment with leptomycin B, an inhibitor of exportin-1/CRM1-mediated nuclear export. Dysbindin-1 harbors a functional nuclear export signal necessary for its nuclear export, and the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of dysbindin-1 affects its regulation of synapsin I expression. In brains of sandy mice, a dysbindin-1-null strain that displays abnormal behaviors related to schizophrenia, the protein and mRNA levels of synapsin I are decreased. These findings demonstrate that the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of dysbindin-1 regulates synapsin I expression and thus may be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Nuclear proteins typically contain short stretches of basic amino acids (nuclear localization sequences; NLSs) that bind karyopherin α family members, directing nuclear import. Here, we identify CTNNBL1 (catenin-β-like 1), an armadillo motif-containing nuclear protein that exhibits no detectable primary sequence homology to karyopherin α, as a novel, selective NLS-binding protein. CTNNBL1 (a single-copy gene conserved from fission yeast to man) was previously found associated with Prp19-containing RNA-splicing complexes as well as with the antibody-diversifying enzyme AID. We find that CTNNBL1 association with the Prp19 complex is mediated by recognition of the NLS of the CDC5L component of the complex and show that CTNNBL1 also interacts with Prp31 (another U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated splicing factor) through its NLS. As with karyopherin αs, CTNNBL1 binds NLSs via its armadillo (ARM) domain, but displays a separate, more selective NLS binding specificity. Furthermore, the CTNNBL1/AID interaction depends on amino acids forming the AID conformational NLS with CTNNBL1-deficient cells showing a partial defect in AID nuclear accumulation. However, in further contrast to karyopherin αs, the CTNNBL1 N-terminal region itself binds karyopherin αs (rather than karyopherin β), suggesting a function divergent from canonical nuclear transport. Thus, CTNNBL1 is a novel NLS-binding protein, distinct from karyopherin αs, with the results suggesting a possible role in the selective intranuclear targeting or interactions of some splicing-associated complexes.  相似文献   

Expression of the clusterin (CLU) gene results in the synthesis of a conventional secretory isoform set (pre- and mature secretory clusterin proteins, psCLU/sCLU), as well as another set of intracellular isoforms, appearing in the cytoplasm (pre-nuclear CLU, pnCLU) and in the nucleus as an ~55-kDa mature nuclear clusterin (nCLU) form. These two isoform sets have opposing cell functions: pro-survival and pro-death, respectively. Although much is known about the regulation and function of sCLU as a pro-survival factor, the regulation and function of endogenous nCLU in cell death are relatively unexplored. Here, we show that depletion of endogenous nCLU protein using siRNA specific to its truncated mRNA increased clonogenic survival of ionizing radiation (IR)-exposed cells. nCLU-mediated apoptosis was Bax-dependent, and lethality correlated with accumulation of mature nCLU protein. nCLU accumulation was regulated by CRM1 because binding between CRM1 and nCLU proteins was significantly diminished by leptomycin B (LMB), and nuclear levels of nCLU protein were significantly enhanced by LMB and IR co-treatment. Moreover, LMB treatment significantly enhanced IR-induced nCLU-mediated cell death responses. Importantly, bax(-/-) and bax(-/-)/bak(-/-) double knock-out cells were resistant to nCLU-mediated cell death, whereas bak(-/-) or wild-type bax(+/+)/bak(+/+) cells were hypersensitive. The regulation of nCLU by CRM1 nuclear export/import may explain recent clinical results showing that highly malignant tumors have lost the ability to accumulate nCLU levels, thereby avoiding growth inhibition and cell death.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that endocytosis plays an essential role in the nuclear transport of the ErbB family members, such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and ErbB-2. Nevertheless, how full-length receptors embedded in the endosomal membrane pass through the nuclear pore complexes and function as non-membrane-bound receptors in the nucleus remains unclear. Here we show that upon EGF treatment, the biotinylated cell surface EGFR is trafficked to the inner nuclear membrane (INM) through the nuclear pore complexes, remaining in a membrane-bound environment. We further find that importin β regulates EGFR nuclear transport to the INM in addition to the nucleus/nucleoplasm. Unexpectedly, the well known endoplasmic reticulum associated translocon Sec61β is found to reside in the INM and associate with EGFR. Knocking down Sec61β expression reduces EGFR level in the nucleoplasm portion and accumulates it in the INM portion. Thus, the Sec61β translocon plays an unrecognized role in the release of the membrane-anchored EGFR from the lipid bilayer of the INM to the nucleus. The newly identified Sec61β function provides an alternative pathway for nuclear transport that can be utilized by membrane-embedded proteins such as full-length EGFR.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA replicates its genome on specialized endoplasmic reticulum modified membranes termed membranous web and utilizes lipid droplets for initiating the viral nucleocapsid assembly. HCV maturation and/or the egress pathway requires host sphingolipid synthesis, which occur in the Golgi. Ceramide transfer protein (CERT) and oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP) play a crucial role in sphingolipid biosynthesis. Protein kinase D (PKD), a serine/threonine kinase, is recruited to the trans-Golgi network where it influences vesicular trafficking to the plasma membrane by regulation of several important mediators via phosphorylation. PKD attenuates the function of both CERT and OSBP by phosphorylation at their respective Ser132 and Ser240 residues (phosphorylation inhibition). Here, we investigated the functional role of PKD in HCV secretion. Our studies show that HCV gene expression down-regulated PKD activation. PKD depletion by shRNA or inhibition by pharmacological inhibitor Gö6976 enhanced HCV secretion. Overexpression of a constitutively active form of PKD suppressed HCV secretion. The suppression by PKD was subverted by the ectopic expression of nonphosphorylatable serine mutant CERT S132A or OSBP S240A. These observations imply that PKD negatively regulates HCV secretion/release by attenuating OSBP and CERT functions by phosphorylation inhibition. This study identifies the key role of the Golgi components in the HCV maturation process.  相似文献   

p97/VCP is a hexameric ATPase that is coupled to diverse cellular processes, such as membrane fusion and proteolysis. How p97 activity is regulated is not fully understood. Here we studied the potential role of TUG, a widely expressed protein containing a UBX domain, to control mammalian p97. In HEK293 cells, the vast majority of TUG was bound to p97. Surprisingly, the TUG UBX domain was neither necessary nor sufficient for this interaction. Rather, an extended sequence, comprising three regions of TUG, bound to the p97 N-terminal domain. The TUG C terminus resembled the Arabidopsis protein PUX1. Similar to the previously described action of PUX1 on AtCDC48, TUG caused the conversion of p97 hexamers into monomers. Hexamer disassembly was stoichiometric rather than catalytic and was not greatly affected by the p97 ATP-binding state or by TUG N-terminal regions in vitro. In HeLa cells, TUG localized to the endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi intermediate compartment and endoplasmic reticulum exit sites. Although siRNA-mediated TUG depletion had no marked effect on total ubiquitylated proteins or p97 localization, TUG overexpression caused an accumulation of ubiquitylated substrates and targeted both TUG and p97 to the nucleus. A physiologic role of TUG was revealed by siRNA-mediated depletion, which showed that TUG is required for efficient reassembly of the Golgi complex after brefeldin A removal. Together, these data support a model in which TUG controls p97 oligomeric status at a particular location in the early secretory pathway and in which this process regulates membrane trafficking in various cell types.  相似文献   

Gelonin-based immunotoxins vary widely in their cytotoxic potency as a function of antigen density, target cell internalization and trafficking kinetics, and conjugate properties. We have synthesized novel gelonin immunotoxins using two different binding scaffold types (single-chain antibody variable fragments and fibronectin domains) targeting two different tumor antigens (carcinoembryonic antigen and EGF receptor). Constructs were characterized using an antigen-negative cell line (HT-1080), cell lines positive for each antigen (HT-1080(CEA) for carcinoembryonic antigen and A431 for EGF receptor), and a cell line positive for both antigens (HT-29). Immunotoxins exhibited K(d) values between 8 and 15 nm and showed 20-2000-fold enhanced cytotoxicity compared with gelonin (IC(50) ~ 0.25-30 nM versus 500 nM). Using quantitative fluorescence flow cytometry, we measured internalization of gelonin (via pinocytosis) and gelonin-based immunotoxins (via antigen-dependent, receptor-mediated endocytosis). Results were matched with cytotoxicity measurements made at equivalent concentration and exposures. Unexpectedly, when matched internalization and cytotoxicity data were combined, a conserved internalized cytotoxicity curve was generated that was common across experimental conditions. Considerable variations in antigen expression, trafficking kinetics, extracellular immunotoxin concentration, and exposure time were all found to collapse to a single potency curve on the basis of internalized immunotoxin. Fifty percent cytotoxicity occurred when ~ 5 × 10(6) toxin molecules were internalized regardless of the mechanism of uptake. Cytotoxicity observed at a threshold internalization was consistent with the hypothesis that endosomal escape is a common, highly inefficient, rate-limiting step following internalization by any means tested. Methods designed to enhance endosomal escape might be utilized to improve the potency of gelonin-based immunotoxins.  相似文献   

Rabies virus P protein inhibits alpha interferon (IFN-alpha)- and IFN-gamma-stimulated Jak-STAT signaling by retaining phosphorylated STAT1 in the cytoplasm. Here, we show that P also blocks an intranuclear step that is the STAT1 binding to the DNA promoter of IFN-responsive genes. As P is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein, we first investigated the effect of the cellular distribution of P on the localization of STAT1 and consequently on IFN signaling. We show that the localization of STAT1 is correlated with the localization of P: in cells expressing a nuclear form of P (the short P3 isoform or the complete P in the presence of the export inhibitor leptomycin B), STAT1 is nuclear, whereas in cells expressing a cytoplasmic form of P, STAT1 is cytoplasmic. However, the expression of nuclear forms of P inhibits the signaling of both IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha, demonstrating that the retention of STAT1 in the cytoplasm is not the only mechanism involved in the inhibition of IFN signaling. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis indicates that P expression in the cell extracts of infected cells or in stable cell lines prevents IFN-induced DNA binding of STAT1. The loss of the DNA binding of STAT1 and ISGF3 was also observed when purified recombinant P or P3 was added to the extracts of IFN-gamma- or IFN-alpha-treated cells, indicating that P directly affects the DNA binding activity of STAT1. Then products of the rabies virus P gene are able to counteract IFN signaling by creating both cytoplasmic and nuclear blocks for STAT1.  相似文献   

Nucleomorphin is a novel nuclear calmodulin (CaM)-binding protein (CaMBP) containing an extensive DEED (glu/asp repeat) domain that regulates nuclear number. GFP-constructs of the 38 kDa NumA1 isoform localize as intranuclear patches adjacent to the inner nuclear membrane. The translocation of CaMBPs into nuclei has previously been shown by others to be mediated by both classic nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and CaM-binding domains (CaMBDs). Here we show that NumA1 possesses a CaMBD (171EDVSRFIKGKLLQKQQKIYKDLERF195) containing both calcium-dependent-binding motifs and an IQ-like motif for calcium-independent binding. GFP-constructs containing only NumA1 residues 1-129, lacking the DEED and CaMBDs, still localized as patches at the internal periphery of nuclei thus ruling out a direct role for the CaMBD in nuclear import. These constructs contained the amino acid residues 48KKSYQDPEIIAHSRPRK64 that include both a putative bipartite and classical NLS. GFP-bipartite NLS constructs localized uniformly within nuclei but not as patches. As with previous work, removal of the DEED domain resulted in highly multinucleate cells. However as shown here, multinuclearity only occurred when the NLS was present allowing the protein to enter nuclei. Site-directed mutation analysis in which the NLS was changed to 48EF49 abolished the stability of the GFP fusion at the protein but not RNA level preventing subcellular analyses. Cells transfected with the 48EF49 construct exhibited slowed growth when compared to parental AX3 cells and other GFP-NumA1 deletion mutants. In addition to identifying an NLS that is sufficient for nuclear translocation of nucleomorphin and ruling out CaM-binding in this event, this work shows that the nuclear localization of NumA1 is crucial to its ability to regulate nuclear number in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Suo Y  Miernyk JA 《Protoplasma》2004,224(1-2):79-89
Summary. The sequence of the atDjC6 chaperone protein includes three potential nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences (A–C) and three potential nuclear export signal (NES) sequences (X–Z). The subcellular localization of atDjC6 was studied by scanning laser confocal microscopy of chimera with the green-fluorescent protein (GFP) transiently expressed in tobacco BY-2 cells. The localization of the atDjC6::GFP chimera was coincident with that of the nuclear stain propidium iodide. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to verify the predicted NLS sequences. Each was individually fused to GFP and tested for protein localization. The individual NLS sequences were sufficient to direct partial nuclear localization of GFP, although the targeting information within NLS-B is apparently conformation sensitive. Site-directed mutagenesis of the NES sequences increased the amount of each chimera that was nuclearly localized, indicating a decrease in nuclear export. When any pair of NLS sequences were appended to GFP, the chimera were entirely nuclearly localized. Quantitative two-hybrid analysis was used to verify that the decoding of NLS sequence information involves interaction with the NLS-receptor protein importin-. Each of the NLS sequences is flanked by a site of potential Ser phosphorylation, and recombinant atDjC6 could be phosphorylated in vitro. Mutagenesis of Ser residues to the P-Ser mimic Asp interfered with nuclear targeting, apparently by preventing recognition or binding by importin-. Our results are consistent with a regulated nucleocytoplasmic localization of the atDjC6 chaperone protein.Correspondence and reprints: Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA Agricultural Research Service, 108 Curtis Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Muscleblind-like-1 (MBNL1) is a splicing regulatory factor controlling the fetal-to-adult alternative splicing transitions during vertebrate muscle development. Its capture by nuclear CUG expansions is one major cause for type 1 myotonic dystrophy (DM1). Alternative splicing produces MBNL1 isoforms that differ by the presence or absence of the exonic regions 3, 5, and 7. To understand better their respective roles and the consequences of the deregulation of their expression in DM1, here we studied the respective roles of MBNL1 alternative and constitutive exons. By combining genetics, molecular and cellular approaches, we found that (i) the exon 5 and 6 regions are both needed to control the nuclear localization of MBNL1; (ii) the exon 3 region strongly enhances the affinity of MBNL1 for its pre-mRNA target sites; (iii) the exon 3 and 6 regions are both required for the splicing regulatory activity, and this function is not enhanced by an exclusive nuclear localization of MBNL1; and finally (iv) the exon 7 region enhances MBNL1-MBNL1 dimerization properties. Consequently, the abnormally high inclusion of the exon 5 and 7 regions in DM1 is expected to enhance the potential of MBNL1 of being sequestered with nuclear CUG expansions, which provides new insight into DM1 pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Arn1 is an integral membrane protein that mediates the uptake of ferrichrome, an important nutritional source of iron, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1p is sorted directly from the trans-Golgi network to the vacuolar lumen for degradation. In the presence of low levels of ferrichrome, the siderophore binds to a receptor domain on Arn1, triggering the redistribution of Arn1 to the plasma membrane. When extracellular ferrichrome levels are high, Arn1 cycles between the plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles. To further understand the mechanisms of trafficking of Arn1p, we screened 4580 viable yeast deletion mutants for mislocalization of Arn1-GFP using synthetic genetic array technology. We identified over 100 genes required for trans-Golgi network-to-vacuole trafficking of Arn1-GFP and only two genes, SER1 and SER2, required for the ferrichrome-induced plasma membrane trafficking of Arn1-GFP. SER1 and SER2 encode two enzymes of the major serine biosynthetic pathway, and the Arn1 trafficking defect in the ser1Δ strain was corrected with supplemental serine or glycine. Plasma membrane trafficking of Hxt3, a structurally related glucose transporter, was unaffected by SER1 deletion. Serine is required for the synthesis of multiple cellular components, including purines, sphingolipids, and phospholipids, but of these only phosphatidylserine corrected the Arn1 trafficking defects of the ser1Δ strain. Strains with defects in phospholipid synthesis also exhibited alterations in Arn1p trafficking, indicating that the intracellular trafficking of some transporters is dependent on the phospholipid composition of the cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell movement of Poa semilatent virus (genus Hordeivirus) in infected plants is mediated by three viral ‘triple gene block’ (TGB) proteins. One of those termed TGBp3 is an integral membrane protein essential for intracellular transport of other TGB proteins and viral genomic RNA to plasmodesmata. TGBp3 targeting to plasmodesmata-associated sites is believed to involve an unconventional mechanism which does not employ endoplasmic reticulum-derived transport vesicles. Previously TGBp3 has been shown to contain a composite transport signal consisting of the central hydrophilic protein region which includes a conserved pentapeptide YQDLN and the C-terminal transmembrane segment. This study demonstrates that these TGBp3 structural elements have distinct functions in protein transport. The YQDLN-containing region is essential for TGBp3 incorporation into high-molecular-mass protein complexes. In transient expression assay formation of such complexes is necessary for entering the TGBp3-specific pathway of intracellular transport and protein delivery to plasmodesmata-associated sites. In virus-infected plants TGBp3 is also found predominantly in the form of high-molecular-mass complexes. When the complex-formation function of YQDLN-containing region is disabled by a mutation, targeting to plasmodesmata-associated sites can be complemented by a heterologous peptide capable of formation multimeric complexes. The C-terminal transmembrane segment is found to be an essential signal of TGBp3 intracellular transport to peripheral sites.  相似文献   

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