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A 12-year-old patient with Turner syndrome was found to have a complex mosaicism for a microchromosome (MC) and a psu dic(Y)(q11). The MC was smaller than Yp, appeared pale in G, C and late replicating bands, had a pair of small centromeric dots, was associated with other chromosomes in most metaphases, and was rather stable both in size and during mitosis. The psu dic(Y) was Cd-positive only at the active centromere, had two pericentromeric heterochromatic regions, and lacked the Yq12 band. No cells with both abnormal chromosomes were found. To evaluate the association of the MC with all ordinary chromosomes, 857 G-banded cells with the marker were screened. The MC was considered as associated whenever the distance between it and other chromosome(s) was equal to, or smaller than, 18p. Out of 848 associations registered, 489 (57.7%) were centromeric, 202 (23.8%) telomeric, and 157 (18.5%) interstitial; i.e., centromeric associations were overrepresented (P < 0.001) and showed a random distribution, except for an excessive involvement of chromosome 8. This association pattern, also exhibited by two similar MCs in human beings, the minute Y of a marsupial and certain B chromosomes in plants, probably reflects the Rabl orientation of chromosomes in interphase.  相似文献   

A cosmid clone map derived from a small region of human chromosome 11   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have used cosmid "fingerprinting" to construct an overlapping DNA clone "map" of the human DNA in a mouse/human hybrid cell line, E65-9, that contains about 4 x 10(6) bp, including the H-Ras gene, as its human component. We have additionally used 32P-labeled RNA probes to establish linkage of particular sets of clones, and the final map comprises about 300,000 bp and is contained in three nonoverlapping segments. The reasons for failure to close the gaps by direct probing are discussed. We have developed techniques to search for rare cutting restriction enzyme cleavage sites in large numbers of cloned DNAs and have positioned sites for EagI and BssHII on our clone map. The methods we used are capable of considerable scale-up and are currently being applied to the short arm of human chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Summary We report a family with five members presenting an extra bisatellited microchromosome. Two of them also present trisomy 21. We discuss the relationship between trisomy and the extra chromosome.  相似文献   

Z Cetin  S Yakut  E Mihci  AE Manguoglu  S Berker  I Keser  G Luleci 《Gene》2012,507(2):159-164
Pure partial trisomy of chromosome 21 is a rare event. The patients with this aberration are very important for setting up precise karyotype-phenotype correlations particularly in Down syndrome phenotype. We present here a patient with Down syndrome with a de novo derivative chromosome 21. Karyotype of the patient was designated as 46,XY,der(21)(p13)dup(21)(q11.2q21.3)dup(21)(q22.2q22.3) with regard to cytogenetic, FISH and array-CGH analyses. Non-continuous monosomic, disomic and trisomic chromosomal segments through the derivative chromosome 21 were detected by array-CGH analysis. STR analyses revealed maternal origin of the de novo derivative chromosome 21. The dual-specificity tyrosine (Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A) and Down Syndrome Critical Region 1 (DSCR1) genes that are located in Down syndrome critical region, are supposed to be responsible for most of the clinical findings of Down syndrome. However, our patient is the first patient with Down syndrome whose clinical findings were provided in detail, with a de novo derivative chromosome 21 resulting from multiple chromosome breaks excluding DYRK1A and DSCR1 gene regions.  相似文献   

The presence of a structurally abnormal extra chromosome in a patient with Sturge-Weber syndrome and several members of her family is described. With routine techniques the abnormal chromosome is slightly submetacentric, of the size of a G group chromosome and shows satellites on both arms. C-banding suggested the presence of 2 centromeric regions rather than one, and to explain this finding, in addition to the segregation of the abnormal chromosome through 3 generations and why only one centromere is visible with the usual cytogenetic technique, an hypothesis is advanced suggesting that it resulted from an unusual type of Robertsonian translocation, in which one of the breacks involved directly the centromere of an acrocentric producing a partially dicentric bisate-lited chromosome. The association of Sturge-Weber syndrome with the chromosome abnormality is thought to be fortuitous and the lack of clinical manifestations of all members of this family with the abnormal chromosome, including one with two extra ones, is explained by the fact that it was almost entirely formed by heterochromatic material. The usefulness of C-banding in the study of this patient is strongly emphasized.  相似文献   

Children with constitutional deletions of chromosome 11p13 suffer from aniridia, genitourinary malformations, and mental retardation and are predisposed to develop bilateral Wilms tumor (the WAGR syndrome). The critical region for these defects has been narrowed to a segment of band 11p13 between the catalase and the beta-follicle-stimulating hormone genes. In this report, we have cloned the endpoints from a WAGR patient whose large cytogenetic deletion, del(11)(p14.3::p13), does not include the catalase gene. The deletion was characterized using DNA polymorphisms and found to originate in the paternally derived chromosome 11. The distal endpoint was identified as a rearrangement of locus D11S21 in conventional Southern blots of the patient's genomic DNA, but was not detected in leukocyte DNA from either parent or in sperm DNA from the father. The proximal endpoint was isolated by cloning the junction fragment and was mapped in relation to other markers and breakpoints. It defines a new locus in 11p13-delta J, which is close to the Wilms tumor gene and the breakpoint cluster region (TCL2) of the frequent t(11;14)(p13;q11) translocation in acute T-cell leukemia. An unusual concentration of base pair substitutions was discovered at delta J, in which 9 of 44 restriction sites tested (greater than 20%) vary in the population. This property makes delta J one of the most polymorphic loci on chromosome 11 and may reflect an underlying instability that contributed to the original mutation. The breakpoint extends the genetic map of this region and provides a useful marker for linkage studies and the analysis of allelic segregation in tumor cells.  相似文献   

Summary The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is characterised by multiple congenital abnormalities, including exomphalos, macroglossia, and gigantism. It is also associated with an elevated risk of embryonal neoplasia and occasionally with constitutional anomalies of chromosome band 11p15. A common pathogenetic mechanism for the development of several embryonal tumours has been proposed involving the loss of somatic heterozygosity for a locus on the short arm of chromosome 11. In support of this hypothesis, we have recently reported generation of homozygosity for the c-Ha-ras-1 protooncogene in an adrenal adenoma from an adult BWS patient. In this study wer report the generation of homozygosity for a region on the short arm of chromosome 11 defined by the calcitonin (11p13-15) and insulin (11p15-15.1) genes in a hepatoblastoma from a child with BWS.  相似文献   

A 154-bp PCR product amplified from human female DNA mapped onto the Y chromosome under high-stringency in situ hybridization conditions. The female DNA sequence revealed an 89% homology with the HSDYZ1 sequence. When the same primers were used to amplify male DNA, a 154-bp DNA fragment was also obtained, showing a 98% homology with HSDYZ1. However, although the HSDYZ1 sequence is widely distributed along the long arm of the Y chromosome, both of these particular PCR products are di-regionally localized within this distal block of constitutive heterochromatin. In situ hybridization under lower stringency showed that these 154-bp sequences map both onto the autosomes and the Y chromosome. Overall, this paper shows (i) a new class of DNA sequences shared by the autosomes and the Y chromosome; and (ii) a substructured organization of some DNA repeats within the DYZ1 family that forms a large part of the constitutive heterochromatin of the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

The metabolism of hyaluronic acid in cultured skin fibroblasts derived from a patient with the Hurler syndrome and from a normal subject was examined. 1. An increased net incorporation of [(3)H]glucose into the hyaluronic acid fraction of the Hurler-syndrome cells occurred when compared with normal cells. 2. During a ;chase' period, approx. 35% of the radioactivity derived from glucose was lost from the hyaluronic acid fraction of the Hurler-syndrome cells, whereas the normal cells retained all their radioactivity. 3. Although the Hurler-syndrome cells contained a ninefold greater amount of hyaluronic acid than normal cells, simultaneous determination of the specific radioactivity derived from the label revealed a value for the Hurler-syndrome cells one-half that of normal cells. These results are taken to indicate that the Hurler cells synthesize hyaluronic acid de novo at a higher rate than do normal cells. 4. Exposure of Hurler-syndrome cultured fibroblasts to a crude urine corrective-factor preparation (Neufeld & Cantz, 1971), now known to contain alpha-l-iduronidase, the specific Hurler-syndrome corrective factor (Bach et al., 1972), decreased the hyaluronic acid content to near-normal values before any effect was observed on [(3)H]glucose incorporation into the hyaluronic acid fraction. 5. In addition, the hyaluronic acid content of the normal cells decreased after exposure to the corrective factor of urine. 6. The mobilization of hyaluronic acid in Hurler-syndrome and normal cells exposed to the crude corrective-factor preparation of urine caused a decrease in specific radioactivity in the ;corrected' Hurler-syndrome cells and an increase in specific radioactivity in the ;corrected' normal cells.  相似文献   

We report on a patient presenting with mental retardation and obesity and a proximal duplication of chromosome 15. The patient shared some clinical signs with Prader-Willi syndrome. With a region-specific paint, generated by microdissection, a duplication in region 15q11.2-q13 was shown to be present. Subsequently, FISH with probes localized to chromosome region 15q11.2-q12 and microsatellite analysis was used to characterize this chromosome aberration further and an insertion duplication within the region frequently deleted in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndrome was demonstrated.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding hepatitis C virus NS5A protein was isolated from the serum of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. The NS5A(HCC) was localized in both the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of Huh-7 cells. Immunoprecipitation and electrophoresis experiments showed four major phosphorylated species of NS5A(HCC), p58, p56, p53, and p50. Two mutants (NS5A(HCC-NLSmt) and NS5A(HCC-TSmt)) carrying mutations on the putative nuclear localization signal were engineered. NS5A(HCC-NLSmt) was localized exclusively in the cytoplasm, whereas some forms of NS5A(HCC-TSmt) can be transported into the nucleus. These NS5A(HCC) mutant proteins were capable of transactivating c-fos and SV40 promoters. However, the transactivation efficiency was not dependent on its capability of nuclear localization. Subsequently, interaction between NS5A(HCC) mutants and Grb2 was studied. While capable of transactivating oncogenic promoters, NS5A(HCC-TSmt) could not interact with Grb2. Our results suggested that other cytosolic pathways independent of Grb2-mediated mechanisms were involved in the transactivation activity of HCV NS5A.  相似文献   

Parental chromosome studies were referred to us after initial finding of a balanced translocation involving chromosomes 4 and 15 in their phenotypically abnormal male child (cytogenetic analysis was done at another laboratory). In addition to the same 4;15 translocation, the father also had an interstitial deletion of the long arm of one chromosome 6 and a marker chromosome. In this article, we report a neocentromere on this marker, which was determined to be composed of chromosome 6 material by FISH. The child's karyotype was re-interpreted to be unbalanced due to the presence of the abnormal chromosome 6, but without the marker. The clinical phenotype associated with the interstitial deletion of chromosome 6 is also reported.  相似文献   

Summary The anonymous DNA probe L32, which defines the D8S48 locus within the Langer-Giedion syndrome chromosome region on the long arm of chromosome 8, was used to search for a common restriction fragment length polymorphism. A HindIII and an MspI polymorphism were detected (polymorphism information contents 0.25 and 0.19, respectively). Both polymorphisms were informative in the family of a Langer-Giedion patient carrying a de novo interstitial deletion 8q23-24.1. Lack of transmission of a maternal haplotype indicates that this deletion occurred during maternal gametogenesis. This finding contrasts with the frequent paternal origin of mutations in other microdeletion syndromes.  相似文献   

Some dicentric chromosomes show only one primary constriction at metaphase and behave in cell division as if they are monocentric. The few previous reports of tdic (translocation dicentric) chromosomes showing one morphologic indicate that among the cells of an individual the same centromere consistently shows the primary constriction. The present case deals with a tdic(5;15)(p13;p11) chromosome that is an exception to this pattern. Scoring 98 GTG-, C-, and QFQ-banded metaphases specifically for primary constrictions revealed 15 (15%) containing a tdic chromosome with a single primary constriction. Among these chromosomes, 8 (8%) were at the chromosome 15 centromere and 7 (7%) were at the chromosome 5 centromere. The remaining 83 (85%) tdic chromosomes showed two primary constrictions. We analyzed a total of 172 metaphases from peripheral blood, and all except 3 (1.7%) contained the tdic chromosome. Among these three cells, the tdic chromosome was broken in two and absent in one, which indicates that there was some unstable separation of this dicentric in cell division. In two metaphases, there was a chromatid gap at the site of one centromere. Possibly, the absence of certain primary constrictions was associated with deletion of centromeres. This mechanism may be a continual source for additional centromere inactivation during the life of this patient. This case demonstrates that for some dicentrics either centromere may become nonfunctional and inactivation can occur more than once within an individual. The karyotype of this patient was 45,XX,tdic(5;15)(p31;p11). Thus, she was monosomic for about 3/4 of the chromosome 5 short arm. Clinically, this infant had a shrill catlike cry and facies of the cri du chat syndrome.  相似文献   

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