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A large number of congenital heart defects associated with mortality in humans are those that affect the cardiac outflow tract, and this provides a strong imperative to understand its development during embryogenesis. While there is wide phylogenetic variation in adult vertebrate heart morphology, recent work has demonstrated evolutionary conservation in the early processes of cardiogenesis, including that of the outflow tract. This, along with the utility and high reproductive potential of fish species such as Danio rerio , Oryzias latipes etc. , suggests that fishes may provide ideal comparative biological models to facilitate a better understanding of this poorly understood region of the heart. In this review, the authors present the current understanding of both phylogeny and ontogeny of the cardiac outflow tract in fishes and examine how new molecular studies are informing the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary trajectories that have been proposed. The authors also attempt to address some of the issues of nomenclature that confuse this area of research.  相似文献   

The outflow tract of the fish heart is the segment interposed between the ventricle and the ventral aorta. It holds the valves that prevent blood backflow from the gill vasculature to the ventricle. The anatomical composition, histological structure and evolutionary changes in the fish cardiac outflow tract have been under discussion for nearly two centuries and are still subject to debate. This paper offers a brief historical review of the main conceptions about the cardiac outflow tract components of chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fish) and actinopterygians (ray‐finned fish) which have been put forward since the beginning of the nineteenth century up to the current day. We focus on the evolutionary origin of the outflow tract components and the changes to which they have been subject in the major extant groups of chondrichthyans and actinopterygians. In addition, an attempt is made to infer the primitive anatomical design of the heart of the gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates). Finally, several areas of further investigation are suggested. Recent work on fish heart morphology has shown that the cardiac outflow tract of chondrichthyans does not consist exclusively of the myocardial conus arteriosus as classically thought. A conus arteriosus and a bulbus arteriosus, devoid of myocardium and mainly composed of elastin and smooth muscle, are usually present in cartilaginous and ray‐finned fish. This is consistent with the suggestion that both components coexisted from the onset of the gnathostome radiation. There is evidence that the conus arteriosus appeared in the agnathans. By contrast, the evolutionary origin of the bulbus is still unclear. It is almost certain that in all fish, both the conus and bulbus develop from the embryonic second heart field. We suggest herein that the primitive anatomical heart of the jawed vertebrates consisted of a sinus venosus containing the pacemaker tissue, an atrium possessing trabeculated myocardium, an atrioventricular region with compact myocardium which supported the atrioventricular valves, a ventricle composed of mixed myocardium, and an outflow tract consisting of a conus arteriosus, with compact myocardium in its wall and valves at its luminal side, and a non‐myocardial bulbus arteriosus that connected the conus with the ventral aorta. Chondrichthyans have retained this basic anatomical design of the heart. In actinopterygians, the heart has been subject to notable changes during evolution. Among them, the following two should be highlighted: (i) a decrease in size of the conus in combination with a remarkable development of the bulbus, especially in teleosts; and (ii) loss of the myocardial compact layer of the ventricle in many teleost species.  相似文献   

We report a morphologic study of the heart ventricle and outflow tract of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi. The ventricle is saccular and appears attached to the anterior pericardial wall by a thick tendon. An incomplete septum divides the ventricle into two chambers. Both the free ventricular wall and the incomplete ventricular septum are entirely trabeculated. Only a thin rim of myocardium separates the trabecular system from the subepicardial space. The outflow tract consists of proximal, middle, and distal portions, separated by two flexures, proximal and distal. The proximal outflow tract portion is endowed with a layer of compact, well-vascularized myocardium. This portion is homologous to the conus arteriosus observed in the heart of most vertebrates. The middle and distal outflow tract portions are arterial-like, thus being homologous to the bulbus arteriosus. However, the separation between the muscular and arterial portions of the outflow tract is not complete in the lungfish. A thin layer of myocardium covers the arterial tissue, and a thin layer of elastic tissue underlies the conus myocardium. Two unequal ridges composed of loose connective tissue, the spiral and bulbar folds, run the length of the outflow tract. They form an incomplete division of the outflow tract, but fuse at the distal end. The two folds are covered by endocardium and contain collagen, elastin, and fibroblast-like cells. They appear to be homologous to the dextro-dorsal and sinistro-ventral ridges observed during the development of the avian and mammalian heart. Two to three rows of vestigial arterial-like valves appear in the dorsal and ventral aspects of the conus. These valves are unlikely to have a functional role. The possible functional significance of the "gubernaculum cordis," the thick tendon extending between the anterior ventricular surface and the pericardium, is discussed.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is a large member of Acipenseridae now found only in the Yangtze River and the Yellow and East China seas. The goal of this paper was to describe the skull of A. sinensis in the context of recent anatomical and systematic studies of sturgeons. Five specimens (354–670 mm standard length) were prepared as skeletons. The left and right parietals and frontals are broadly separated by a median fontanelle. The lateral‐most lateral extrascapular variably supports the confluence of the supratemporal, occipital and trunk lateral lines. There is no distinct ventral supraorbital process as found in other sturgeons. The anterodorsal portion of the snout is unique among Acipenseridae by having a single large anamestic dorsal rostral bone instead of a series of separate dorsal rostral bones. There are 0–2 lateral rostral bones on each side positioned anterior to but not in contact with the horizontal arm of the jugal. The dorsal surface of the neurocranium lacks a pineal opening, and its anterior tip is sharply pointed in the smaller specimens examined and gently curved in larger specimens. The anteromedial arm of the palatopterygoid is broad relative to other acipenserids. These new morphological data are discussed and compared among Acipenseridae.  相似文献   

The oxygen binding properties of Acipenser naccarii hemoglobins have been investigated, and were found not to differ significantly from those shown by blood, intact erythrocytes and hemolysate in the presence of the physiological cofactors GTP and chloride ions. In particular, the oxygen equilibrium reveal a very low sensitivity of the hemolysate to the chloride ions and temperature while in the presence of organic phosphates their oxygen affinity decreased strongly. The electrophoretic analysis of the hemolysate of the sturgeon showed the presence of two hemoglobin components, each with a considerable globin multiplicity. The partial amino acid sequence of the a and P chain of the single hemoglobins was also established.  相似文献   

Gonad development and sex differentiation from embryos to 594‐day‐old individuals were investigated in farmed Acipenser naccarii using light and transmission electron microscopy. The migrating primordial germ cells first appear along the dorsal wall of the body cavity in embryos 1.5 days before hatching. The gonadal ridge, containing a few primary primordial germ cells (PGC‐1) surrounded by enveloping cells, appears in 16‐day‐old larvae. At 60 days, the undifferentiated gonad is lamellar and PGC‐1 multiply, producing PGC‐2. In 105‐day‐old juveniles, a distinct germinal area with advanced PGC‐2 appears on the lateral side near the mesogonium and the first blood vessels are visible. At 180 days, putative ovaries with a notched gonadal epithelium and putative testes with a smooth one appear, together with adipose tissue on the distal side. In 210‐day‐old juveniles, active proliferation of germ cells begins in the putative ovaries, whereas putative testes still contain only a few germ cells. The onset of meiosis and reorganization of stromal tissue occurs in ovaries of 292‐day‐old individuals. Ovaries with developed lamellae enclosing early oocyte clusters and follicles with perinucleolar oocytes occur at 594 days. Meiotic stages are never found, even in anastomozing tubular testes of 594‐day‐old individuals. Steroid producing cells are detected in the undifferentiated gonad and in the differentiated ones of both sexes. Anatomical differentiation of the gonad precedes cytological differentiation and female differentiation largely precedes that of the male. Gonad development and differentiation are also associated with structural changes of connective tissue, viz. collagen‐rich areas are massive in developing testes and reduced in ovaries. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(6):370-376
It has been reported that in chondrichthyans the cardiac outflow tract is composed of the myocardial conus arteriosus, while in most teleosteans it consists of the nonmyocardial bulbus arteriosus. Classical studies already indicated that a conus and a bulbus coexist in several ancient actinopterygian and teleost groups. Recent work has shown that a cardiac outflow tract consisting of a conus and a bulbus is common to both cartilaginous and bony fishes. Nonetheless and despite their position at the base of the actinopterygian phylogenetic lineage, the anatomical arrangement of the cardiac outflow tract of the Polypteriformes remained uncertain. The present study of hearts from gray bichirs was intended to fill this gap. The cardiac outflow tract of the bichir consists of two main components, namely a very long conus arteriosus, furnished with valves, and a short, intrapericardial, arterial-like bulbus arteriosus, which differs from the ventral aorta because it is covered by epicardium, shows a slightly different spatial arrangement of the histological elements and is crossed by coronary arteries. Histomorphologically, the outflow tract consists of three longitudinal regions, distal, middle and proximal, an arrangement which has been suggested to be common to all vertebrates. The distal region corresponds to the bulbus, while the conus comprises the middle and proximal regions. The present findings reinforce the notion that the bulbus arteriosus of fish has played an essential role in vertebrate heart evolution as it is the precursor of the intrapericardial trunks of the aorta and pulmonary artery of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):418-442
The head is considered the major novelty of the vertebrates and directly linked to their evolutionary success. Its form and development as well as its function, for example in feeding, is of major interest for evolutionary biologists. In this study, we describe the skeletal development of the cranium and pectoral girdle in Siberian (Acipenser baerii ) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii ), two species that are commonly farmed in aquaculture and increasingly important in developmental studies. This study comprises the development of the neuro‐, viscero‐ and dermatocranium and the dermal and chondral components of the pectoral girdle, from first condensation of chondrocytes in prehatchlings to the early juvenile stage and reveals a clear pattern in formation. The otic capsules, the parachordal cartilages, and the trabeculae cranii are the first centers of chondrification, at 8.4mm TL. These are followed by the mandibular, then the hyoid, and later the branchial arches. Teeth form early on the dentary, dermopalatine, and palatopterygoid, and then appear later in the buccal cavity as dorsal and ventral toothplates. With ongoing chondrification in the neurocranium a capsule around the brain and a strong rostrum are formed. Dermal ossifications start to form before closure of the dorsal neurocranial fenestrae. Perichondral ossification of cartilage bones occurs much later in ontogeny. Our results contribute data bearing on the homology of elements such as the lateral rostral canal bone that we regard homologous to the antorbital of other actinopterygians based on its sequence of formation, position and form. We further raise doubts on the homology of the posterior ceratobranchial among Actinopteri based on the formation of the hyoid arch elements. We also investigate the basibranchials and the closely associated unidentified gill‐arch elements and show that they are not homologous. J. Morphol. 278:418–442, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized seven polymorphic microsatellite loci from a partial genomic library of the Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) enriched for GATA repeats. Variability was tested in 20 specimens of this endangered species. Our data support the tetraploid condition for A. naccarii and will be useful for the investigation of the remnant genetic variability of this species as well as for genetic tagging studies.  相似文献   

Compared to teleost fishes, a unique character of the myogenesis of the plesiomorphic A. baeri is the fusion of myoblasts derived from the somite, leading to the formation of multinucleate muscle lamellae. Then, the lamellae are converted into cylindrical muscle fibres. The mechanism of transformation of lamellae into fibres is still debatable. Early embryonic muscle growth is mainly due to the hypertrophy of somite-cell derived stock. After hatching, hypertrophic growth occurs parallel to hyperplastic growth. Proliferatively active mesenchymal cells, which migrate from the intermyotomal space into the myotomes, participate in both processes.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1438-1449
Ovaries of Acipenser baerii are of an alimentary type and probably are meroistic. They contain ovarian nests, individual follicles, inner germinal ovarian epithelium, and fat tissue. Nests comprise cystoblasts, germline cysts, numerous early previtellogenic oocytes, and somatic cells. Cysts are composed of cystocytes, which are connected by intercellular bridges and are in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase. They contain bivalents, finely granular, medium electron dense material, and nucleoli in the nucleoplasm. Many cystocytes degenerate. Oocytes differ in size and structure. Most oocytes are in the pachytene and early diplotene stages and are referred to as the PACH oocytes. Oocytes in more advanced diplotene stage are referred to as the DIP oocytes. Nuclei in the PACH oocytes contain bivalents and irregularly shaped accumulation of DNA (DNA‐body), most probably corresponding to the rDNA‐body. The DNA‐body is composed of loose, fine granular material, and comprises multiple nucleoli. At peripheries, it is fragmented into blocks that remain in contact with the inner nuclear membrane. In the ooplasm, there is the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, free ribosomes, complexes of mitochondria with cement, fine fibrillar material containing granules, and lipid droplets. The organelles and material of nuclear origin form a distinct accumulation (a granular ooplasm) in the vicinity of the nucleus. Some of the PACH oocytes are surrounded by flat somatic cells. There are lampbrush chromosomes and multiple nucleoli present (early diplotene stage) in the nucleoplasm. These PACH oocytes and neighboring somatic cells have initiated the formation of ovarian follicles. The remaining PACH oocytes transform to the DIP oocytes. The DIP oocytes contain lampbrush chromosomes and a DNA‐body is absent in nuclei. Multiple nucleoli are numerous in the nucleoplasm and granular ooplasm is present at the vegetal region of the oocyte.  相似文献   

The covering of the eggs in Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii consists of three envelopes (the vitelline envelope, chorion and extrachorion) and is equipped with multiple micropyles. The most proximal to the oocyte is the vitelline envelope that consists of four layers of filamentous and trabecular material. The structural components of this envelope are synthesized by the oocyte (primary envelope). The chorion encloses the vitelline envelope. The extrachorion covers the external surface of the egg. Examination of the arrangement of layers that comprise the egg envelopes together with the ultrastructure of follicular cells revealed that the chorion and extrachorion are secondary envelopes. They are secreted by follicular cells and are built of homogeneous material. During formation of egg envelopes, the follicular cells gradually diversify into three morphologically different populations: 1) cells covering the animal oocyte region (cuboid), (2) main body cells (cylindrical) and (3) micropylar cells. The apical surfaces of follicular cells from the first two populations form processes that remain connected with the oocyte plasma membrane by means of gap junctions. Micropylar cells are located at the animal region of the oocyte. Their apical parts bear projections that form a barrier to the deposition of materials for egg envelopes, resulting in the formation of the micropylar canal.  相似文献   

Calcium regulation in sturgeon is of special interest because they are a representative of the ancient fishes possessing mainly cartilaginous skeletons and a supposedly low calcium demand. The present study aimed to characterize the effect of a chronic absence of dietary calcium and the effect of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrPA) (1-34) (7) on calcium balance in juvenile sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii). At rest, sturgeon juveniles are in net positive calcium balance, since whole body calcium uptake is significantly higher than efflux and calcium accumulates in the body. To study the importance of dietary calcium, the sturgeon were kept on a calcium-free diet for 8 wk. This manipulation impaired growth as measured by failure to gain weight or increase in length and indicates that dietary calcium is important for growth in sturgeon. An increased whole body calcium uptake partially compensated dietary calcium deficiency and was associated with increased gill chloride cell number in lamellae and filaments in parallel with increased gill Na(+)K(+)-ATPase activity. In addition, a single injection of piscine PTHrP(1-34) significantly increased whole body calcium uptake and decreased whole body calcium efflux. Administration of PTHrP significantly increased circulating plasma calcium 4-24 h postinjection. The increase in net calcium transport and increased plasma levels of calcium is consistent with the actions of a hypercalcemic factor. It would appear that the sturgeon rely on calcium for growth and tightly regulate calcium transport. The action in calcium balance is consistent with PTHrP acting as a hypercalcemic factor in sturgeon.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1586-1597
In a study aiming to improve knowledge on the mineralization of the axial skeleton in reared Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869), we discovered a new mineralized tissue within the notochord. To our knowledge, such a structure has never been reported in any vertebrate species with the exception of the pathological mineralization of the notochord remains in degenerative intervertebral disks of mammals. Here, we describe this enigmatic tissue using X‐ray microtomography, histological analyses and solid state NMR‐spectroscopy. We also performed a 1‐year monitoring of the mineral content (MC) of the notochord in relation with seasonal variations of temperature. In all specimens studied from 2‐year‐old juveniles onwards, this mineralized structure was found within a particular region of the notochord called funiculus . This feature first appears in the abdominal region then extends posteriorly with ageing, while the notochord MC also increases. The mineral phase is mainly composed of amorphous calcium phosphate, a small amount of which changes into hydroxyapatite with ageing. The putative role of this structure is discussed as either a store of minerals available for the phosphocalcic metabolism, or a mechanical support in a species with a poorly mineralized axial skeleton. A pathological feature putatively related to rearing conditions is also discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss results of the investigation into biological peculiarities of the juvenile Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) from the Aksay-Don Sturgeon Hatchery living in a natural riverine environment and migrating seaward. We supply data on the growth rate, geographic distribution, behavior and the feeding manner of the juvenile Russian sturgeon in the Don. We have estimated the survival rate of the industrially bred juvenile Russian sturgeon living in a natural environment. Apart from the nutritive base in the river and the predation pressure, we found that ecologically and physiologically determined biological characteristics mostly influence the survival rate in the juvenile Russian sturgeon released into the Don. The findings allow estimation of artificial propagation of the Russian sturgeon in the Azov Sea basin.  相似文献   

采用 PCR技术和 DNA测序技术 ,发现了我国一级珍稀保护动物中华鲟 ( Acipensersinensis)线粒体 DNA( mt DNA)的控制区 ( D- loop)存在数目不等的串联重复序列 ,该重复序列造成了中华鲟广泛的异质性现象 .从分子水平进行了不同类型重复序列变化规律的研究 ,同时还初探了重复序列在我国其它几种鲟鱼类的存在情况 ,发现在白鲟 ( Psephurus gladius)、达氏鲟 ( A.dabryanus)和史氏鲟 ( A.schrenckii)均存在类似的重复序列结构 .序列比较分析表明 ,不同鲟鱼类重复序列在鲟鱼类进化过程中扮演着一定的角色 ,很有可能碱基差异大小与它们的亲缘关系的远近呈正相关 .  相似文献   

Osmoregulation, respiration, nutrient/mineral transport, and defense mechanisms are all evident in the integument of fish. The role of the integument in these physiological processes is particularly important during early life history in larval fishes, as functional systems such as the gills and gastrointestinal tract are not fully developed. Using a variety of microscopy techniques, we describe the morphology of keratinocytes, mitochondria rich cells, ciliated cells and mucous cells of the skin, yolk sac, and gills. The cytology we observed was similar to previous studies describing the integument of larval fish, however, we have also identified two novel cell types on the integument of larval Lake Sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, between 9 and 34 days post fertilization. Our detailed analysis included a multifaceted microscopy approach using scanning electron, transmission electron, and light microscopy to elucidate the histology of the tissue and cellular morphology in addition to quantification and distribution of these novel cell types. The first cell type had a characteristic ampullary shape with a central cavity and a pore opening at the surface. The second, located on the free surface of the epidermis, had an uneven plasma membrane surface. Based on the abundance of secretory vesicles, organelles necessary for protein synthesis, and the lack of neural connection in both cell types, we propose these cells to be involved in the release of semiochemicals that may act as a pheromone, alarm substance, or chemical defense mechanism. J. Morphol. 277:86–95, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(1):50-61
Previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes in ovarian follicles from cultured Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii were examined. In previtellogenic oocytes, granular and homogeneous zones in the cytoplasm (the ooplasm) are distinguished. Material of nuclear origin, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, complexes of mitochondria with cement and round bodies are numerous in the granular ooplasm. In vitellogenic oocytes, the ooplasm comprises three zones: perinuclear area, endoplasm and periplasm. The endoplasm contains yolk platelets, lipid droplets, and aggregations of mitochondria and granules immersed in amorphous material. In the nucleoplasm, lampbrush chromosomes, nucleoli, and two types of nuclear bodies are present. The first type of nuclear bodies is initially composed of fibrillar threads only. Their ultrastructure subsequently changes and they contain threads and medium electron dense material. The second type of nuclear bodies is only composed of electron dense particles. All nuclear bodies impregnate with silver, stain with propidium iodide, and are DAPI‐negative. Their possible role is discussed. All oocytes are surrounded by follicular cells and a basal lamina which is covered by thecal cells. Egg envelopes are not present in previtellogenic oocytes. In vitellogenic oocytes, the plasma membrane (the oolemma) is covered by three envelopes: vitelline envelope, chorion, and extrachorion. Vitelline envelope comprises four sublayers: filamentous layer, trabecular layer 2 (t2), homogeneous layer, and trabecular layer 1 (t1). In the chorion, porous layer 1 and porous layer 2 are distinguished in most voluminous examined oocytes. Three micropylar cells that are necessary for the formation of micropyles are present between follicular cells at the animal hemisphere. J. Morphol. 278:50–61, 2017. ©© 2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

The sequence and timing of the embryonic development of Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) are described at a constant temperature (17 ± 1 °C), from fertilisation to hatch in a hatchery. Fertilised eggs, obtained from one female and two males, were held in a flow‐through system. On the first day, embryos were sampled every 20 min during the first 12 h, and every 40 min in the following 12 h. Embryos were sampled hourly on the second day. On the third and fourth days, embryos were sampled every 2 h, and every 3 h on the fifth and sixth days. The first cleavage furrow appeared at 1 h 40 min postfertilisation. Blastulation concluded at 12 HPF (hours postfertilisation), when the dorsal blastopore lip formed. The completion of gastrulation was at 18 HPF, closing of the neural tube at 23 HPF and formation of the s‐shape heart at 31 HPF. The mass hatch occurred at 120 HPF. A. naccarii is a relatively common sturgeon species in aquaculture and possesses similar developmental patterns to those of other sturgeons; hence, we can use this species as a model for further studies about sturgeon species which are more difficult to breed artificially. Information about the embryonic development of the Adriatic sturgeon could assist restocking programmes.  相似文献   

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