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The new oldest representative of the subfamily Sagrinae, Gallopsis perita gen. et sp. n. from the Paleocene of Menat (France), is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the genus Neodiaphanops Blackburn, 1899 by the metafemora without teeth, wider pronotum, weakly widened tibiae, bilobed tarsomere 2, subparallel elytra, and narrower metanepisterna. It differs from the Australian genus Carpophagus Macleay, 1826 in the head without rostrum, weakly widened metafemora without teeth, and gently sculptured pronotum and elytra. The new genus differs from the Eocene genus Eosagra Haupt, 1950 in the longer antennomere 2, wider pronotum and elytra, dense and diffuse elytral puncturation, and weakly inflated metafemora.  相似文献   

The thistle‐feeding tortoise beetle Cassida vibex (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is widespread in the Palearctic region. In Japan, this species has been recorded only from the largest island, Honshu. Here we report the occurrence of this species on Hokkaido, the most northern main island of Japan, along with detailed distributional records from the southwestern part of the island (southern Oshima Peninsula) and information on host plants. We also present the results of laboratory experiments on adult feeding preference and larval developmental performance to determine the specificity of C. vibex for four thistle species (Cirsium grayanum, Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense; Asteraceae) common in southwestern Hokkaido. Cassida vibex was detected at only four sites among 97 sites investigated on the Oshima Peninsula, in strong contrast to the common occurrence of the congeneric thistle feeder C. rubiginosa (74 of 97 sites). Cassida vibex was found mainly on Cir. alpicola in the wild, but adult beetles showed no feeding preference for this or three other thistle species when given a choice in the laboratory. Larval performance of C. vibex was similar on Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense but significantly lower on Cir. grayanum. Since Cir. alpicola often forms large clumps of individual plants, whereas Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense are scattered in their habitats, and C. vibex was collected only at sites where there were dense patches of Cir. alpicola, we postulate that the persistence of C. vibex is possible only where a substantial amount of suitable host plants is available.  相似文献   

Abstract The enemy release hypothesis predicts that native herbivores will either prefer or cause more damage to native than introduced plant species. We tested this using preference and performance experiments in the laboratory and surveys of leaf damage caused by the magpie moth Nyctemera amica on a co‐occuring native and introduced species of fireweed (Senecio) in eastern Australia. In the laboratory, ovipositing females and feeding larvae preferred the native S. pinnatifolius over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Larvae performed equally well on foliage of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis: pupal weights did not differ between insects reared on the two species, but growth rates were significantly faster on S. pinnatifolius. In the field, foliage damage was significantly greater on native S. pinnatifolius than introduced S. madagascariensis. These results support the enemy release hypothesis, and suggest that the failure of native consumers to switch to introduced species contributes to their invasive success. Both plant species experienced reduced, rather than increased, levels of herbivory when growing in mixed populations, as opposed to pure stands in the field; thus, there was no evidence that apparent competition occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract. The endemic Hawaiian gastropod Smaragdia bryanae is a specialized marine herbivore that uses the endemic seagrass Halophila hawaiiana as both food and habitat. These small neritids, their grazing scars, and their egg capsules are found year‐round on seagrass leaves, where they feed on protoplast contents released as the sharp outer‐lateral teeth of the snail's radula puncture leaf epidermal cells; the contents of these cells are likely swept into the mouth by the long, wispy cusps of the marginal teeth. Structural differences from the typical neritid radula include elongated outer‐lateral teeth with two sharply pointed cusps, delicate marginal teeth reduced in both size and number, and a compressed central section. Snails grazed on leaves of H. hawaiiana steadily in laboratory culture, and grew and reproduced on this diet. In laboratory choice experiments, snails did not graze the thalli of any of six macroalgal species growing near seagrass where snails were collected, and strongly preferred occupying seagrass. Seagrass samples from five field sites on Oahu and one on Maui showed from 30% to 94% of leaves damaged, with 11% of the total leaf standing area grazed. Snails are smaller (mean length 2.74±0.32 mm, mean width 2.15±0.17 mm, n=217) than the width of the leaves of H. hawaiiana (mean 3.24±1.26 mm, n=790). The snails associate constantly with their host, despite the scattered distribution, small patch size, and variability of the seagrass resource, demonstrated by a sevenfold range in the leaf area index (mean 1.11±0.61 cm2 blade surface cm?2, n=31) among samples. Damage on grazed leaves (mean 8.21±7.05 mm2 per leaf, or 16.5% of leaf surface, n=511) is concentrated in the apical and central epithelia between the midrib and the marginal veins, where snails may access cells with thinner walls and few fibers. Details of the grazing interaction between these extant species in Hawai'i shed light on the ecological specialization of members of the genus Smaragdia to seagrasses over geological time.  相似文献   

The advent of GIS technology and the World Wide Web, respectively, facilitate analysing geographical relationships and electronically storing and exchanging biogeographic data. This paper illustrates GIS technology with a study of the subgenus Anisodactylus Dejean (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: genus Anisodactylus). Species are concentrated in three centres of biodiversity in North America and in four in lands near the western Mediterranean. These centres largely correspond to current areas of wetlands. Eurasia has fewer species than expected based on its area, probably because large portions have habitats unfavourable for the subgenus and/or are poorly collected for Carabidae. Members of the subgenus are primarily adapted to areas with January temperatures between ?10 and 10 °C, July temperatures from 10 to 30 °C and mean annual precipitation from 20 to 200 mm. Cold is apparently a major limiting factor because it typically occurs during several consecutive months of winter and is difficult to escape except by hibernation. Heat is less of a stress when moisture is sufficient. The size of geographical ranges is often larger in the North than in the South and correlates with the latitude of the centre of ranges at r =0.42 (level of significance=0.05). Geographic ranges are often smaller in western North America and in the western Mediterranean than elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Explanations for the smaller sizes include portions of western North America having unfavourable desert or montane habitats, the Rocky Mountains and deserts barring eastward dispersal of species, and the smaller size and more patchy distribution of climatic zones and habitats. In North America geographical ranges west of the Rocky Mountains are north–south elongated because they track primarily north–south orientated climatic zones and because mountains and deserts bar eastward extension. Ranges in north-eastern and north-central North America tend to extend east–west along temperature isotherms. In Eurasia many ranges are stretched east–west because of the shape of the continent and because many northern and southern areas lack suitable habitats. Species with relatively high numbers of apomorphic character states cluster in western Eurasia and to a lesser extent in western North America. The North American centres of biodiversity are post-Wisconsin phenomena while those near the western Mediterranean probably date from the Oligocene or Miocene.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The effect and relative importance of both environmental and geographic factors on species turnover of Chrysomelidae assemblages in the Iberian Peninsula was explored.
2. Ordination and classification analysis of species lists from well-sampled local areas identified two main biogegraphic groups of inventories, discriminating between Eurosiberian and Mediterranean faunas.
3. After describing this pattern, the underlying determinants were explored, separating pure from combined effects of environment and geography by means of partial canonical correspondence analysis.
4. Results indicate that pure effects of environment and geographic position are of similar magnitude (about 20% of the variation from each), and quite important in comparison with combined effects.
5. The power of the pure effect of geographical variables, together with beta-diversity independence of species richness gradients, point to the inadequacy of environmental measurement explanation of beta-diversity patterns, and to the existence of a major component of geographical variation independent of environment.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Cyrtonus Latreille, 1829 (Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) is a species-rich genus subendemic to the Iberian Peninsula, with only a few species in the neighbouring France and Morocco. All the species are wingless and preferentially inhabiting mountainous areas. The taxonomic knowledge of this group is extremely poor and its systematics almost inexistent. Here, we analyse and characterize with a morphometric analysis one promising systematic trait, the adult body profile, distinguishing between elongated and rounded shapes. Although the monophyly of the genus is not contentious, we test for it using mitochondrial rrnl sequences and the chrysomeline homologous sequences available in GenBank. In addition, four genetic markers, two mitochondrial and two nuclear are used to produce a phylogenetic hypothesis for half the species within the genus and to analyse the evolution of shape, summarized as two continuous variables, length and width, and their ratio. These traits covary significantly with the phylogeny, showing a strong phylogenetic association: elongated species appear to constitute a clade within a paraphyletic assemblage of rounded species. In addition, the mitochondrial DNA tree is used to test for constant rate of evolution in this marker and is calibrated using both biogeographical evidence and the standard insect mitochondrial average substitution rate. This molecular clock hypothesis is used to date the age of speciation events on the phylogeny, reconstructing the origin of the genus in the Middle Miocene, with a relatively constant speciation rate until the end of the Pliocene and an apparent increase in this rate in the Pleistocene, possibly associated with the effect of dramatic climatic changes in this period. Finally, the high systematic value of shape profile in Cyrtonus is discussed, arguing the absence of evidence relating it to adaptation.  相似文献   

Gómez‐Zurita, J., Sassi, D., Cardoso, A. & Balke, M. (2011). Evolution of Cryptocephalus leaf beetles related to C. sericeus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the role of hybridization in generating species mtDNA paraphyly. —Zoologica Scripta, 41, 47–67. Autochthonous European insect diversity is the result of the very complex geological, geographic and climatic history of the Mediterranean area. The leaf beetle genus Cryptocephalus has over 250 species in this area. Among them stands out a group nearly endemic from this region consisting of conspicuous metallic green or blue beetles which can be found visiting yellow Asteraceae flowers in most mid‐ to high‐altitude European grasslands: the Linnaean species C. hypochaeridis, C. sericeus, and all their relatives. In all, these are 32 species forming several taxonomically complex groups across Europe. We sampled all morphological diversity in this lineage and characterized it for two mitochondrial DNA genes. The mtDNA phylogeny of this assemblage was inferred, as well as the timing of its diversification using standard mtDNA substitution rates and a hypothetical Messinian vicariant split. The origin of the group can be traced back to western continental Eurasia in the Lower Miocene. Its subsequent taxonomic splits can be linked to specific periods in the formation of Europe, with a marked trend to east–west phylogenetic divides throughout time and space, and a nearly constant rate of diversification. Only during the Pleistocene, a significant increase in diversification rate can be associated with species formation in the C. hypochaeridis and C. sericeus species complexes. Within these latter groups, most taxa show some degree of mtDNA paraphyly as a result of their recent separation and remarkably by episodes of gene flow in areas of secondary contact among recently diverged species, possibly driven by climatic change.  相似文献   

Symbiodinium reside intracellularly in a complex symbiosome (host and symbiont‐derived) within cnidarian hosts in a specific host‐symbiont association. Symbiodinium is a diverse genus with variation greater than other dinoflagellate orders. In this paper, our investigation into specificity examines antigenic variation in the algal mucilage secretions at the host‐symbiont interface. Cultured Symbiodinium from a variety of clades were labeled with one of two antibodies to symbiont mucilage (PC3, developed using a clade B alga cultured from Aiptasia pallida; BF10, developed using a clade F alga cultured from Briareum sp.). The labeling was visualized with a fluorescent marker and examined with epifluorescence and confocal microscopy. PC3 antigen was found in cultured Symbiodinium from clades A and B, but not clades C, D, E and F. The correlation between labeling and clade may account for some of the specificity between host and symbiont in the field. Within clades A and B there was variation in the amount of label present. BF10 antigen was more specific and only found in cultures of the same cp23S‐rDNA strain the antibody was created against. These results indicate that the mucilage secretions do vary both qualitatively and quantitatively amongst Symbiodinium strains. Since the mucilage forms the host‐symbiont interface, variation in its molecular composition is likely to be the source of any signals involved in recognition and specificity.  相似文献   

D. G. Furth  D. A. Young 《Oecologia》1988,74(4):496-500
Summary Eighteen leaf flavonoid compounds were isolated from several populations of Rhus tripartita from xeric habitats in Israel, ornamental Schinus terebinthifolius from Israel, and three species of Rhus (vulgaris, natalensis, tenuinervis) from mesic habitats in Kenya. Foodplant preference testing of Rhus-feeding Leaf Beetles (Blepharida sacra from Israel and B. marginalis and B. conradsi from Kenya) correlated well with the flavonoid composition of the different foodplants. Blepharida sacra and B. marginalis foodplant preferences demonstrated an herbivore sibling relationship but there is evidence, including foodplant ecology and distribution, that they are separate species. The herbivorefoodplant coevolution of the xeric B. sacra-R. tripartita is distinct from that of the mesic B. marginalis-R. vulgaris/natalensis, however, this study also indicates possible ancestral relationships between the herbivore species as well as between the plant species.  相似文献   

A new coleopteran genus, Anacapitis gen. nov., comprising A. karataviensis sp. nov., A. incertus sp. nov., and A. oblongus sp. nov., is described from the Karabastau Formation of the Karatau locality (southern Kazakhstan, Middle-Late Jurassic) in the infraorder Elateriformia. The systematic position of the new genus within the suborder Polyphaga is discussed.  相似文献   

Ehrlich and Raven's (1964) hypothesis on coevolution has stimulated numerous phylogenetic studies that focus on the effects of plant defensive chemistry as the main ecological axis of phytophagous insect diversification. However, other ecological features affect host use and diet breadth and they may have very different consequences for insect evolution. In this paper, we present a phylogenetic study based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial and protein-coding genes of species in the seed beetle genus Stator, which collectively show considerable interspecific variation in host affiliation, diet breadth, and the dispersal stage of the seeds that they attack. We used comparative analyses to examine transitions in these three axes of resource use. We argue that these analyses show that diet breadth evolution is dependent upon colonizing novel hosts that are closely or distantly related to the ancestral host, and that oviposition substrate affects the evolution of host-plant affiliation, the evolution of dietary specialization, and the degree to which host plants are shared between species. The results of this study show that diversification is structured by interactions between different selective pressures and along multiple ecological axes.  相似文献   

1. The occurrence and community structure of dung beetle species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in the faecal deposits of man and some domestic vertebrates varied according to dung type, seasonal conditions and soil type. 2. Of the twenty-four species belonging to six genera, Onthophagus was the prevalent genus and O. ramosellus the most abundant species. 3. Cattle dung was the dominant food type.  相似文献   

Success in biological weed control programs depends upon the ability of host-specific herbivores to suppress populations of their host plant. While pre-release predictions of field host range (i.e., specificity) appear widely accurate, predictions about which agent or agent combination may suppress plant populations have lately been compared to predictions in a lottery. The history of weed biocontrol does not offer immediately obvious approaches to improve the lottery model, however, pre-release assessments of the impact of different herbivore densities on the invasive plant may provide an opportunity to improve predictions of success. In this paper, we report on the impact of the leaf beetle Galerucella birmanica on growth and reproduction of water chestnut, Trapa natans, in the native range in China. At low herbivore densities (10–50 larvae/rosette), plants compensated for leaf herbivory by increasing leaf production at the expense of reproductive effort. Inoculating >50 first instar larvae per rosette greatly suppressed biomass production and plants were unable to grow when three or more G. birmanica pairs were released per seven rosettes. In the native range, similar densities are found in the field, resulting in complete defoliation of T. natans. Our study indicates that G. birmanica feeding has significant negative impacts on T. natans. This chrysomelid species appears to be a promising biological control agent and we would predict that the species will be able to attain sufficiently high populations to control its host plant—if approved for release in North America.  相似文献   

In this work, we have analysed the karyotypes of six species of Timarcha for the first time and updated the cytological information for two additional taxa, for one of them confirming previous results ( Timarcha erosa vermiculata ), but not for the other ( T. scabripennis ). We describe the remarkable karyotype of T. aurichalcea , the lowest chromosome number in the genus (2 n  = 18), distinctive as well for the presence of an unusual chiasmatic sexual bivalent hitherto unreported for Timarcha . This study increases the number of species studied cytologically in this genus to forty. Additional cytogenetic analyses are performed on several species, including Ag-NOR staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies with ribosomal DNA probes. Karyotype evolution is analysed by tracing different karyotype coding strategies on a published independent phylogenetic hypothesis for Timarcha based on the study of three genetic markers. The implementation of a likelihood model of character change optimized onto the phylogeny is tentatively used to detect possible drifts in chromosome changes. These analyses show that karyotype is conservative in the evolution of the genus and that there is an apparent trend to reducing chromosome number. Cytological and phylogenetic data are used to explain the evolutionary origin of the karyotype of T. aurichalcea by two centric fusions involving one pair of acrocentric autosomes and the sexual chromosomes.  相似文献   

The natural host of Ophraella notulata is Iva frutescens (Asteraceae); its close relative feeds on a related plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. We reared beetles on both plants, obtained progeny from the four possible crosses (two sexes X two parental hosts), and reared the progeny on both plant species. Survival to the imaginal stage of progeny reared on Iva varied with both maternal and paternal host. Hatchling feeding response to both plants showed a maternal host X paternal host interaction. Consumption of Ambrosia by adult beetles was, counter to expectation, higher for progeny of Iva-reared males than Ambrosia-reared males. Oviposition response, although based on too few data to be definitive, was peculiar: parental host did not affect oviposition on Ambrosia; on Iva daughters of Iva-reared males laid significantly more eggs than did daughters of Ambrosia-reared males, but only if they had been reared on Iva; those reared on Ambrosia displayed the reverse pattern. We discuss the possibility that nongenetic paternal transmission of host plant effects may explain these results, but offer a somewhat uncomfortable hypothesis of selection as a preferable explanation. An important outcome of the experiment is that it provided no evidence of maternal effects of host plant on offspring feeding or oviposition.  相似文献   

Plant virus infections are known to alter host plant attractiveness and suitability for insect herbivores.This study was conducted to determine how cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-infected chilli plants affect the fitness and settling preferences ofnonvector whitefly,Bemisia tabaci adults under dual-choice conditions with volatile organic compounds analyzed using solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Results showed that the presence of CIVIV in chilli plants substantially affects the settling preferences of the B.tabaci,which preferred to settle on noninfected plants.Duration of the egg stage and the longevity and fecundity of adult B.tabaci on CMV-infected chilli plants were not markedly different from those on noninfected chilli plants.In contrast,the developmental time from egg to adult was significantly reduced in CMV-infected chilli plants compared to the noninfected plants.The results also showed that CMV-infected chilli plants released significantly more linalool and phenylacetaldehyde than noninfected plants.Overall,it was suggested that the behavioral response of B.tabaci might be modified by CMV-infected plants,which alter the release of specific headspace volatiles.Based on these results,the modification of plant volatile profiles may help in enhancing the effectiveness of biological control and the protection of crop plants against B.tabaci.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the genus Copelatus Erichson (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Korea is presented. In the present study, five species of Copelatus are recognized from Korea, including one unrecorded species, C. kammuriensis. We provide a key to the Korean species of Copelatus, diagnosis of one unrecorded species, habitus photographs, scanning electron micrographs of the elytron, and illustrations of the aedeagus.  相似文献   

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