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Aim Charles Darwin posited that introduced species with close relatives were less likely to succeed because of fiercer competition resulting from their similarity to residents. There is much debate about the generality of this rule, and recent studies on plant and fish introductions have been inconclusive. Information on phylogenetic relatedness is potentially valuable for explaining invasion outcomes and could form part of screening protocols for minimizing future invasions. We provide the first test of this hypothesis for terrestrial vertebrates using two new molecular phylogenies for native and introduced reptiles for two regions with the best data on introduction histories. Location California and Florida, USA. Methods We performed an ordination of ecological traits to confirm that ecologically similar species are indeed closely related phylogenetically. We then inferred molecular phylogenies for introduced and native reptiles using sequence data for two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes. Using these phylogenies, we computed two distance metrics: the mean phylogenetic distance (MPD) between each introduced species and all native species in each region (which indicates the potential interactions between introduced species and all native species in the community) and the distance of each introduced species to its nearest native relative – NN (indicating the degree of similarity and associated likelihood of competition between each introduced species and its closest evolutionary analogue). These metrics were compared for introduced species that established and those that failed. Results We demonstrate that phylogenetically related species do share similar ecological functions. Furthermore, successfully introduced species are more distantly related to natives (for NN and MPD) than failed species, although variation is high. Main conclusions The evolutionary history of a region has value for explaining and predicting the outcome of human‐driven introductions of reptiles. Phylogenetic metrics are thus useful inputs to multi‐factor risk assessments, which are increasingly required for screening introduced species.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the usefulness of the Difference Index (Metzger, Shapiro, Mosimann &; Vinton, 1968) for predicting, from amino acid compositions, whether two proteins are related or unrelated. It is concluded that, with a 5 % probability of false identification, Difference Index values less than 10-0 indicate relatedness and values greater than 26·8 indicate unrelatedness. A large proportion of protein pairs have Difference Index values in the region 10·0–26·8 and cannot therefore be reliably identified as related or unrelated by this criterion.  相似文献   



Lymphatic vessels are major routes for metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), but lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are difficult to recognize in tumor histological sections. D2-40 stains podoplanin, a molecule expressed in LECs, however, the potential prognostic usefulness of this molecule is not completely understood in HNSCC. We aimed to investigate the value of assessing peritumoral and intratumoral lymphatic vessel density (LVD) as prognostic marker for HNSCC.


Thirty-one cases of HNSCC were stained for D2-40 and CD31. LVD and blood vessel density (BVD) were assessed by counting positive reactions in 10 hotspot areas at ×200 magnification.


D2-40 was specific for lymphatic vessels and did not stain blood vascular endothelial cells. LECs showed more tortuous and disorganized structure in intratumoral lymphatic vessels than in peritumoral ones. No statistical differences were observed between peritumoral-LVD and intratumoral-LVD or between peritumoral-BVD and intratumoral-BVD. Tumor D2-40 staining was positively associated with lymphatic vessel invasion (p = 0.011).


LVD is a powerful marker for HNSCC prognosis. We found significant differences in peritumoral and intratumoral D2-40 immunoreactivity, which could have important implications in future therapeutic strategies and outcome evaluation.

In the treatment of osteoporosis using anti-resorptive agents there has been increasing interest in quantifying the relationship between fracture endpoints and surrogates such as bone mineral density (BMD) or bone turnover markers. Statistical methodology constitutes a critical component of assessing surrogate validity. Depending on study designs, data resources, and statistical methods used for analyses, one has to use caution when interpreting results from different analyses, especially when results are disparate. For example, analyses based on individual patient data reported that only a limited proportion of the anti-fracture efficacy was explained by BMD increases for agents such as alendronate, risedronate and raloxifene. Analyses employing meta-regression based on summary statistics, however, indicated that most of the anti-fracture benefits were due to improvements in BMD. In this paper, we review definitions of surrogate endpoints and requirements for their statistical validation. We evaluate whether BMD meets these requirements as a possible surrogate for fracture. Our review indicates that the actual BMD value is correlated with fracture risk and thus BMD is useful in identifying patients that might need treatment. There is limited evidence to support BMD increase with anti-resorptive agents as a reliable substitute for fracture risk reduction. Strengths and limitations for various statistical methods are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that for an isolated population, the probability of extinction is positively related to population size variation: more variation is associated with more extinction. What, then, is the relation of extinction to population size variation for a population embedded in a metapopulation and subjected to repeated extinction and recolonization? In this case, the extinction risk can be measured by the extinction rate, the frequency at which local extinction occurs. Using several population dynamics models with immigration, we find, in general, a negative correlation between extinction and variation. More precisely, with increasing length of the time series, an initially negative regression coefficient first becomes more negative, then becomes less negative, and eventually attains positive values before decreasing again to 0. This pattern holds under substantial variation in values of parameters representing species and environmental properties. It is also rather robust to census interval length and the fraction of missed individuals but fails to hold for high thresholds (population size values below which extinction is deemed to occur) when quasi extinction rather than true extinction is represented. The few departures from the initial negative correlation correspond to populations at risk: low growth rate or frequent catastrophes.  相似文献   

The preference-performance and phylogenetic conservatism hypotheses have been postulated to explain the mechanisms driving host-use patterns of phytophagous insects. The preference-performance hypothesis predicts that insects will use plants that provide higher offspring fitness, while the phylogenetic conservatism hypothesis predicts that insects will use phylogenetically closely related plants over more distantly related plants. Although some studies have supported these two hypotheses, others have not. Simultaneous tests of the two hypotheses on more than one species are lacking, and this limits comparative interpretation of previous studies. We undertook a comparative investigation to determine whether preference-performance and/or the phylogenetic conservatism hypothesis can explain host-use patterns of two phytophagous insects, the fruit flies Bactrocera cucumis and B. tryoni. Within a nested, plant phylogenetic framework, oviposition preference and offspring performance of the two fruit fly species were tested on fruits of plant species from across different plant families, from within a family and across cultivars within a species. The results show that both the preference-performance and the phylogenetic conservatism hypotheses can, depending on the host plant taxonomic level, explain host usage patterns in B. cucumis, while neither theory explained the host patterns seen in B. tryoni. In the light of increasing recognition of the complexity of host plant–herbivore relationships, and of ongoing studies which as often as not fail to find support for these theories as those that do, we discuss the limited value of either theory as a basis for future research.  相似文献   

The anterior placement of the foramen magnum is often used to indicate bipedalism and therefore to distinguish hominid from nonhominid fossils. Often, only fragmentary cranial remains are found, and the placement of the foramen magnum must be determined by its relationship to another landmark. The purpose of this study was to test if hominid crania could be distinguished from nonhominid crania based on the relationship between the foramen magnum and the carotid foramina, and therefore to determine if the carotid foramina can be used to determine the anteriorness of the foramen magnum. The samples consisted of 16 modern human crania and 19 modern chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) crania. Linear measurements were taken of (1) the distance from the anterior border of the foramen magnum to a chord connecting the carotid foramina and (2) total cranial length. An index of the distance of the foramen magnum from the bicarotid chord as a proportion of total cranial length was calculated to control for differences due to body size. Results indicate that on average, human crania can be distinguished from chimpanzee crania by using either (1) the distance of the foramen magnum from the bicarotid chord as a linear measurement or (2) this linear measurement as a proportion of total cranial length. Both measures are significantly smaller in the human sample; however, there was considerable overlap between species, indicating that the distance of the foramen magnum from the bicarotid chord is not a certain indicator for individual specimens.  相似文献   

We asked if and how feeding performance of fleas on an auxiliary host is affected by the phylogenetic distance between this host and the principal host of a flea. We investigated the feeding of 2 flea species, Parapulex chephrenis and Xenopsylla ramesis, on a principal (Acomys cahirinus and Meriones crassus, respectively) and 8 auxiliary host species. We predicted that fleas would perform better (higher proportion of fleas would feed and take larger bloodmeals) on (a) a principal rather than an auxiliary host and (b) auxiliary hosts phylogenetically closer to a principal host. Although feeding performance of fleas differed among different hosts, we found that: (1) fleas did not always perform better on a principal host than on an auxiliary host; and (2) flea performance on an auxiliary host was not negatively correlated with phylogenetic distance of this host from the principal host. In some cases, fleas fed better on hosts that were phylogenetically distant from their principal host. We concluded that variation in flea feeding performance among host species results from interplay between (a) inherent species-specific host defence abilities, (b) inherent species-specific flea abilities to withstand host defences and (c) evolutionary tightness of association between a particular host species and a particular flea species.  相似文献   

Ewert F 《Annals of botany》2004,93(6):619-627
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The problem of increasing CO(2) concentration [CO(2)] and associated climate change has generated much interest in modelling effects of [CO(2)] on plants. While variation in growth and productivity is closely related to the amount of intercepted radiation, largely determined by leaf area index (LAI), effects of elevated [CO(2)] on growth are primarily via stimulation of leaf photosynthesis. Variability in LAI depends on climatic and growing conditions including [CO(2)] concentration and can be high, as is known for agricultural crops which are specifically emphasized in this report. However, modelling photosynthesis has received much attention and photosynthesis is often represented inadequately detailed in plant productivity models. Less emphasis has been placed on the modelling of leaf area dynamics, and relationships between plant growth, elevated [CO(2)] and LAI are not well understood. This Botanical Briefing aims at clarifying the relative importance of LAI for canopy assimilation and growth in biomass under conditions of rising [CO(2)] and discusses related implications for process-based modelling. MODEL: A simulation exercise performed for a wheat crop demonstrates recent experimental findings about canopy assimilation as affected by LAI and elevation of [CO(2)]. While canopy assimilation largely increases with LAI below canopy light saturation, effects on canopy assimilation of [CO(2)] elevation are less pronounced and tend to decline as LAI increases. Results from selected model-testing studies indicate that simulation of LAI is often critical and forms an important source of uncertainty in plant productivity models, particularly under conditions of limited resource supply. CONCLUSIONS: Progress in estimating plant growth and productivity under rising [CO(2)] is unlikely to be achieved without improving the modelling of LAI. This will depend on better understanding of the processes of substrate allocation, leaf area development and senescence, and the role of LAI in controlling plant adaptation to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a process involving splitting of continuous habitats into smaller, and more isolated habitat patches. To assess the effects of small-scale habitat patchiness and isolation without the confounding effect of habitat loss on benthic macrofauna, two field experiments were conducted in the Archipelago Sea, SW Finland. Using artificial seagrass units (ASUs) we contrasted continuous patches (“C”) with fragmented patches (“F”) of the same combined area as the continuous patches. The fragmentation treatment involved two isolation distances (0.5 and 3.0 m) between the ASUs (“F 0.5”) and (“F 3.0”). This design was repeated in two consecutive experiments where the patch area was 0.25 and 0.0625 m2, respectively. Mobile epifauna were allowed to colonize patches for 12 days in both experiments. In both experiments, the total epifaunal density was significantly higher in the “F 0.5” treatment than in the “C” treatment, and the three dominant taxa showed positive or neutral responses to the habitat configuration. No fragmentation effect on the number of species was detected in either of the experiments, but fragmentation had a negative effect on the epifaunal diversity (Shannon’s H′) in the experiment with the largest patch area. Epifaunal diversity was significantly lower in “F 3.0” treatment than in “C” or “F 0.5” treatments in the first experiment, indicating stronger effect of isolation instead of fragmentation per se. Edge effects were indirectly tested by comparing epifaunal densities with patch edge:area ratios. The results suggest that edge effects may have a more important role than patch size for the total densities of epifaunal taxa, and that small, isolated patches have equal or higher habitat value compared to larger fragments.  相似文献   

Evidence from studies with adult rodents indicates that individual recognition enables distinctions between familiar individuals irrespective of relatedness (but including close kin) and a separate mechanism enables discriminations based on genetic relatedness without prior familiarity. For example, adult mice could assess the extent of their genetic relatedness to unfamiliar individuals using perceptual similarities between their individual odours. The ontogeny of this genetic relatedness assessment mechanism, however, had not been investigated. Here, in two-choice tests, newborn mice differentially preferred odours of more genetically similar lactating females (paternal aunts to unrelated conspecific and conspecific to heterospecific) even without prior direct exposure to adults with the tested genotypes. The results provide a direct demonstration of genetic relatedness assessment abilities in newborns and show that experience with parental odours is not necessary for genetic relatedness distinctions. Future studies will be necessary to determine whether exposure to odours of other foetuses in the womb or littermates shortly after birth affects this genetic relatedness assessment process.  相似文献   

Island biogeography theory, and the 50/500 rule of genetics, have effectively devalued small habitat fragments for species conservation. Metapopulation theory has given new value to small remnants but data on species persistence are scarce. This study examined the capacity of very small and sheep-grazed remnants of eucalypt woodland in agricultural Western Australia to support remnant-dependent terrestrial arthropods. We surveyed 53 sheep-grazed remnants of wheatbelt wandoo Eucalyptus capillosa for the presence of four species of arthropod with different dispersal strategies (terrestrial versus aerial) and diet (predaceous vs. herbivorous): the harvester and mound-building termite Drepanotermes tamminensis, the wood-eating and mound-building termite Amitermes obeuntis, the predaceous and burrowing scorpion Urodacus armatus and the predaceous 'bull' ant Myrmecia nigriceps. All species with the exception of the scorpion disperse aerially, and all construct above-ground structures that are easily recognized. Remnants ranged in size from 50 m2 to 21 000 m2 (mean 1791 m2), in spatial isolation (distance to the nearest vegetation remnant) from 10 m to 500 m (mean 123 m) and in a length-to-width ratio (shape) from circular (mean ratio 1.0) to linear (mean ratio 4.0). Observations in small and grazed remnants were compared with observations made in six wandoo woodland sites within a large (1040 ha) and ungrazed remnant. The total number of target species was highly correlated with remnant area (r = 0.68). Remnant isolation and remnant shape had no apparent influence on the total number of target species. The minimum area of grazed remnants in which individual species were recorded followed the large predator Urodacus armatus (4515 m2) > smaller predator Myrmecia nigriceps (300 m2) > harvester termites Drepanotermes tamminensis (102 m2) > wood-eating termites Amitermes obeuntis (50 m2). With the exception of U. armatus which occurred only in three of the four largest grazed remnants, the occurrence of all other species increased from small to large grazed remnants, suggesting a remnant-size effect for all species. Remnant isolation or remnant shape had no apparent influence on the occurrence of any one species. The terrestrially dispersing scorpion persisted in remnants despite their isolation from other remnants from 200 m to 500 m. For both termite species, mound heights were significantly greater in large, ungrazed woodlands than in small and grazed woodlands. The incidence of mound abandonment in smaller and grazed remnants was considerably higher for harvester than for wood-eating termite colonies. This suggests differences in spatial requirements and possibly diet-related susceptibilities to fluctuations in food availability. The diameter of Myrmecia nigriceps nests showed no relationship with remnant size or isolation. This study demonstrated that even very small remnant woodlands on farms may play an important role in sustaining small native animals, either as stepping-stones for dispersing individuals (termites, ants) or in providing adequate habitat to sustain populations for longer periods (all four species).  相似文献   

Despite evidence that conspecific lineages may display different climatic tolerances, most invasion risk assessment tools are calibrated without considering phylogeographic information. This study aims to investigate the existence of intraspecific niche divergence within a group of insect pests and to explore how the inclusion of phylogeographic information into species distribution models may alter the estimation of the potential distribution of a species. We studied North American bark beetles belonging to the genus Dendroctonus, a group of pests of conifers that are listed as quarantine species in numerous countries. Most Dendroctonus species exhibit strong genetic divergence that appears to be geographically structured and shaped by historical events and biotic factors. We modeled all lineage distributions within five species, using MaxEnt and Boosted Regression Trees, and compared the results with the models fitted at the species scale. Multivariate analysis and niche similarity and equivalency tests were additionally performed to investigate the existence and magnitude of climatic niche divergence between conspecific lineages. We also tested the ability of lineage‐based models to predict the region invaded by D. valens in China. Conspecific lineages showed a climatic niche more similar than expected by chance, but displayed different climatic envelopes in their native range and, consequently, different estimates of potential distributions. We also observed that classical models calibrated using the entire range of the species could potentially under‐ or overestimate the potential range of the species when compared to a global prediction built by aggregating lineage‐based projections. This study showed that the invasive phylogeographic lineage of D. valens has invaded regions characterized by climatic conditions highly similar to those encountered in its native range suggesting that preadaptations to environment might have played a role in this invasion. This study highlights how our perception of the invasion risk of pests may be altered when integrating phylogeographic information.  相似文献   

DNA obtained from museum specimens provides a historical perspective on levels of genetic diversity. Archived samples are irreplaceable so it is desirable that only parts of the specimens are used, which constrains the amount of DNA obtained from small taxa. However, at present there are no quantitative data on yields of DNA from such samples. In this paper we determine the amount of DNA that may be extracted from the legs of museum-archived specimens of the damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Charpentier) and the suitability of this DNA for PCR-amplification of nuclear genetic loci (microsatellites). We find that (i) the yield of DNA correlates with the genotyping success rate and (ii) the amount of DNA obtained from the legs decreases with time since sample collection until 1954, before which no DNA could be detected (although DNA may be present in very low quantities). This cut-off point for successful DNA extraction corresponds with the date until reliable genotypes could be obtained by routine PCR. Thus, air-dried insect legs more than 50 years old appear to have limited usefulness for studies that seek to amplify many nuclear loci without the use of other techniques that may be used to increase the possible low-quantities of template DNA present.  相似文献   

With greater emphasis being placed on management of the risks attached to natural enemy releases for biocontrol programs and the need to justify research budgets, the efficient selection of effective natural enemies is increasingly important. Historically there has been little agreement regarding how or whether this can be accomplished. Recent studies have demonstrated that there is good correspondence between insect host-finding behavior and attack rates in well-designed laboratory studies and their performance of this behavior in the field. Success in measuring efficacy of candidate agents remains somewhat of an art due to the multitude of factors influencing efficacy, but will be improved by attention to: (1) characterization of natural enemy candidates using morphological taxonomy or genetic markers at the onset of a program, (2) climatic matching candidate agents when possible, and (3) evaluations in semi-field or field cage conditions following quarantine evaluations whenever possible before proceeding with widespread releases. The application of these principles is discussed in regard to US biocontrol programs for Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), Lygus spp., and Aphis glycines Matsumura. Proper project planning and interdisciplinary cooperation will enhance the chances for a successful project.  相似文献   

Long‐distance seed dispersal is generally assumed to be important for the regional survival of plant species. In this study, we quantified the importance of long‐distance seed dispersal for regional survival of plant species using wind dispersal as an example. We did this using a new approach, by first relating plant species’ dispersal traits to seed dispersal kernels and then relating the kernels to regional survival of the species. We used a recently developed and tested mechanistic seed dispersal model to calculate dispersal kernels from dispersal traits. We used data on 190 plant species and calculated their regional survival in two ways, using species distribution data from 36,800 1 km2‐grid cells and 10,754 small plots covering the Netherlands during the largest part of the 20th century. We carried out correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses to quantify the importance of long‐distance dispersal, expressed as the 99‐percentile dispersal distance of the dispersal kernels, relative to the importance of median‐distance dispersal and other plant traits that are likely to contribute to the explanation of regional survival: plant longevity (annual, biennial, perennial), seed longevity, and plant nutrient requirement. Results show that long‐distance dispersal plays a role in determining regional survival, and is more important than median‐distance dispersal and plant longevity. However, long‐distance dispersal by wind explains only 1–3% of the variation in regional survival between species and is equally important as seed longevity and much less important than nutrient requirement. In changing landscapes such as in the Netherlands, where large‐scale eutrophication and habitat destruction took place in the 20th century, plant traits indicating ability to grow under the changed, increasingly nutrient‐rich conditions turn out to be much more important for regional survival than seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Climate change factors such as elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature typically affect carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics of crop plants and the performance of insect herbivores. Insect‐resistant transgenic plants invest some nutrients to the production of specific toxic proteins [i.e. endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)], which could alter the C–N balance of these plants, especially under changed abiotic conditions. Aphids are nonsusceptible to Lepidoptera‐targeted Bt Cry1Ac toxin and they typically show response to abiotic conditions, and here we sought to discover whether they might perform differently on compositionally changed Bt oilseed rape. Bt oilseed rape had increased N content in the leaves coupled with reduced total C compared with its nontransgenic counterpart, but in general the C : N responses of both plant types to elevated CO2 and temperature were similar. Elevated CO2 decreased N content and increased C : N ratio of both plant types. Elevated temperature increased C and N contents, total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations under ambient CO2, but decreased these under elevated CO2. In addition, soluble sugars were increased and starch decreased by elevated temperature under ambient but not under elevated CO2, whereas photosynthesis was decreased in plants grown under elevated temperature in both CO2 levels. Myzus persicae, a generalist aphid species, responded directly to elevated temperature with reduced developmental time and decreased adult and progeny weights, whereas the development of the Brassica specialist Brevicoryne brassicae was less affected. Feeding by M. persicae resulted in an increase in the N content of oilseed rape leaves under ambient CO2, indicating the potential of herbivore feeding itself to cause allocation changes. The aphids performed equally well on both plant types despite the differences between C–N ratios of Bt and non‐Bt oilseed rape, revealing the absence of plant composition‐related effects on these pests under elevated CO2, elevated temperature or combined elevated CO2 and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

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