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De Barro PJ 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(12):3695-3718
Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a haplo-diploid species of sap-feeding insect belonging to the group of insects commonly known as whiteflies. From earlier analyses of mitochondrial and ribosomal markers it has been concluded that in the Asia-Pacific region there were three major indigenous races as well as a large collection of genotypes with no clear association with any race. This new study uses 15 microsatellite loci and demonstrates that the indigenous Asia-Pacific genotypes can be split into six genetic populations with little or no gene flow between them. These bare only superficial similarity to the mitochondrial and ribosomal defined races. Moreover, four of the six can be further split into two subpopulations that again show little evidence gene flow between them. While the patterns reflect a strong geographical structure, physical barriers alone cannot explain all the observed structure. Differential host-plant utilization explained some of the substructure, but could not explain the overall structure. The roles of mating interference and Wolbachia in developing the genetic structure are considered. The lack of gene flow between genetic populations and some subpopulations further suggests that the barriers were either sufficiently impermeable to immigration or that reproductive isolation and competitive interactions were sufficiently strong to prevent gene flow. If the latter is the case, it suggests that there may be as many as 10 morphologically indistinguishable species indigenous to the Asia-Pacific region.  相似文献   

光周期对烟粉虱实验种群的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本研究了不同光周期条件对烟粉虱实验种群的影响,发现光周期对其种群增长影响显,表现为光照时间越长(9-18小时),越有利于该虫的发育,其发育速率、存活率、成虫寿命及产卵量、种群增长指数都随之增大。研究表明,至少在12小时以上的光照条件下,才有利于烟粉虱种群的增长。  相似文献   

湿度对烟粉虱实验种群的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
本研究了不同湿度条件对烟粉虱实验种群的影响,结果表明低湿利于烟粉虱种群的发生和增长,在小黑飘虫人工繁殖中,作为小黑飘虫猎物寄主的烟粉虱的室内繁育,相对湿度控制在60%左右利于温室内烟粉虱种群的增长。  相似文献   

高长生  国栋  刘国霞  陶云荔  张友军  褚栋 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1416-1422
前期研究表明入侵我国山东的Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Genn.)种群来源于西地中海地区而非来源于东地中海地区。为了揭示Q型烟粉虱的入侵遗传机制, 本研究进一步利用线粒体COI(mtCOI)基因与6个具有多态性的微卫星位点(SSR)分析了东地中海Q型烟粉虱(Q1支系与Q2支系)种群的遗传多样性, 并与西地中海种群遗传多样性的前期研究结果进行了比较分析。基于mtCOI基因与微卫星标记分析结果表明, 东地中海种群与西地中海种群一样也具有较高的遗传多样性, 然而两个地区种群存在着遗传异质性。不同入侵性种群遗传结构的比较研究将为进一步解析外来种群的入侵生理生态机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

There is an increasing evidence that populations of ectotherms can diverge genetically in response to different climatic conditions, both within their native range and (in the case of invasive species) in their new range. Here, we test for such divergence in invasive whitefly Bemisia tabaci populations in tropical Colombia, by considering heritable variation within and between populations in survival and fecundity under temperature stress, and by comparing population differences with patterns established from putatively neutral microsatellite markers. We detected significant differences among populations linked to mean temperature (for survival) and temperature variation (for fecundity) in local environments. A QST FST analysis indicated that phenotypic divergence was often larger than neutral expectations (QST > FST). Particularly, for survival after a sublethal heat shock, this divergence remained linked to the local mean temperature after controlling for neutral divergence. These findings point to rapid adaptation in invasive whitefly likely to contribute to its success as a pest species. Ongoing evolutionary divergence also provides challenges in predicting the likely impact of Bemisia in invaded regions.  相似文献   

黄板对菜地烟粉虱的诱集作用研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
应用黄板诱集花菜和菜豆田中烟粉虱成虫。结果表明:花菜田中东西向放置的黄板诱集效果优于南北向,搭架的菜豆田中顺行向优于垂直行向;黄板放置高度花菜田以黄板下端略高于菜叶顶部为宜,搭架的菜豆田以架中部为宜;诱集时间以11时至15时为佳。  相似文献   

The invasive, insecticide-resistant, Q whitefly biotype, has gradually spread to other countries including the US via human-mediated movement of plant materials. We assessed the utility of the VspI -based mtCOI (mitochondrion cytochrome oxidase I) polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique as a rapid, cost-effective, and reliable alternative for differentiating the Q from the dominant B biotype in Arizona. Using the standard mtCOI gene sequencing and mtCOI PCR-RFLP techniques, we biotyped eight whitefly strains of five individuals each collected from poinsettia and cotton at different locations in Arizona. Complete concordance was observed between the two methods, with three strains being identified as the Q biotype and five samples as the B biotype. We also scanned the mtCOI gene sequences for VspI polymorphisms in the B and Q biotype whiteflies currently available in the GenBank database. This global screening revealed the existence of three and four VspI polymorphic types for the Q and B biotypes, respectively. Nevertheless, all three VspI polymorphic Q biotype whiteflies shared a common and unique VspI site that can be used to differentiate Q biotype from the four VspI polymorphic B biotype whiteflies identified. These results demonstrate that the VspI -based mtCOI gene PCR-RFLP provides a reliable diagnostic tool for differentiating the Q and B biotype whiteflies in the US and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Q型烟粉虱在中国的入侵生态过程及机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
褚栋  潘慧鹏  国栋  陶云荔  刘佰明  张友军 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1399-1405
外来种的入侵生态过程及机制是入侵生物学重要的研究内容, 相关领域的案例分析对入侵生物学学科构建具有重要的理论意义, 对于入侵生物的防控具有重要的实践价值。但迄今中国对外来种的入侵生态过程及机制案例分析较少。而近10年来中国学者对重大入侵昆虫Q型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的研究为这方面的分析提供了可能。基于上述因素, 本文以Q型烟粉虱为例, 追溯了Q型烟粉虱成功入侵中国的生态过程, 总结了该昆虫成功入侵的生态过程特征, 从种群遗传结构、 生态因子及人类活动等方面解析了该虫成功入侵的机制, 展望了Q型烟粉虱入侵生物学未来的研究方向。我们认为, Q型在中国的入侵生态过程具有传入隐蔽、 扩散快速、 危害严重等特点; Q型烟粉虱成功入侵中国涉及Q型烟粉虱种群遗传学基础、 生态因子及人类活动等多种因素, 其中杀虫剂在中国的大量使用对Q型取代B型的驱动作用可能是Q型烟粉虱在中国成功入侵的重要因素。  相似文献   

徐婧  栾军波  刘树生 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):347-352
烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)复合种是热带、亚热带及相邻温带地区的主要害虫之一。其中的B型烟粉虱在近20年来随观赏植物的运输在世界范围内广泛传播扩散,并在许多入侵地迅速取代本地的土著烟粉虱,通过直接取食植物汁液、传播植物双生病毒等方式对当地的农业生产造成极大危害。在B型烟粉虱入侵生物学研究方面,作者课题组研究发现,至少有两个主要机制导致或促进了B型烟粉虱的广泛入侵及其所伴随的双生病毒流行:(1)入侵烟粉虱与土著烟粉虱之间的"非对称交配互作";(2)入侵烟粉虱与所传双生病毒之间的间接互惠共生关系。这些研究结果从一定程度上揭示了B型烟粉虱成功入侵的行为和生态机制,并为进一步探讨烟粉虱的入侵机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

Twelve new dinucleotide microsatellite loci of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, were obtained from enriched genomic libraries. Three polymerase chain reaction multiplex sets comprising three, five and four loci were optimized and characterized across 133 B. tabaci females from Israeli rearings and natural populations collected in four Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, France, Spain and Morocco). There were three to 24 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity was from 0.084 to 0.420. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected at four loci associated with significant heterozygote deficiencies due to null alleles and presence of subpopulations that were mostly in the Tunisian sample. The 12 loci carried independent information.  相似文献   

烟粉虱在温室内甘薯寄主上生物学特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)在温室内甘薯寄主上主要生物学特性的研究表明:烟粉氮成虫喜光、喜湿,晴朗高温时活动性强,但扩散飞行能力弱;多在白天交尾,多在中午产卵,具有强的惫鬃性.若虫一生脱皮3次,若虫(除一龄初期)固定生活。卵的孵化及成虫的羽化也多发生在中午。雌雄性比为1.628:1,成虫平均寿命14.25天,雌成虫平均寿命比雄成虫长6.9天,每雌平均产卵158.5粒。以两性生殖为主,也可孤雌生殖,两性生殖的产卵量及卵孵化率均高于孤雌生殖。  相似文献   

Five different primer combinations were used for the analysis of 152 B biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) individuals and five Trialeurodes vaporairiorum individuals collected from 19 counties and seven host plants in Shanxi province in China, respectively. The main objective of the present study was to use AFLP markers to determine the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations collected from Shanxi Province. The use of these primer combinations allowed the identification of 127 polymorphic bands (52.26%) from 60 to 500 bp. The average number of polymorphic bands per primer was 25.4 while the range for the five primers was 20–32. The average degree of heterozygosity was 0.251, while the range for the five primers was 0.204–0.289. The results suggested definite genetic diversity among different B. tabaci populations. Cluster analysis showed that B. tabaci populations were firstly scattered to three genetic groups according to the regions, then every genetic group was scattered to several subgroups according to the host plants, which revealed the genetic variability of B biotype B. tabaci populations has been not only among different regions, but also among different host plants in Shanxi Province.  相似文献   

田间系统调查表明山东省农区烟粉虱优势种为Q隐种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为了揭示山东省农区烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci 隐种的分布情况,对2013年7-8月份期间在该省不同农区采集的烟粉虱隐种组成进行了系统调查研究。【方法】在山东省15市22个地点作物上采集了69份烟粉虱样品,利用mtCOI基因PCR-RFLP方法进行了分子鉴定,并分析了烟粉虱Q隐种在不同寄主作物及地理区域内的分布状况。【结果】22个采集地点中,17个地点的采集样品全部为烟粉虱Q隐种;其他5个地点(潍坊、菏泽、泰安、淄博和临沂)的烟粉虱Q隐种所占比例均大于90%,B隐种比例较低(<10%)。烟粉虱Q隐种比例在5种寄主(茄子、辣椒、番茄、黄瓜和棉花)种群间以及在山东省东部丘陵、中部山地和西部平原地区间均没有显著差异。【结论】2013年田间调查发现烟粉虱Q隐种在山东各地已广泛取代B隐种成为该地区优势种群。  相似文献   

Microsatellite‐enriched genomic libraries were obtained from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) using a magnetic/biotin capture of repetitive sequences. Ten dinucleotide markers were successfully isolated and characterized from these libraries. Variability was assessed in six populations of B. tabaci collected from different localities of the island of Crete, Greece. The number of alleles per locus in approximately 105 individuals screened across populations ranged from two to 13. Averaged observed heterozygosity over the six populations ranged from 0.001 to 0.58.  相似文献   

棉株上烟粉虱若虫种群的垂直分布与统计方法研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
对烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci在棉花植株上的垂直分布调查发现 ,烟粉虱在棉株各部位均有分布 ,且分布极不均匀 ,统计分析表明棉株各部位间烟粉虱的种群数量存在显著的差异。棉花顶部烟粉虱的若虫数量约占全棉株若虫总量的 1 6%,通过对棉株各部位烟粉虱的若虫数量与整株若虫总量的回归分析 ,建立了相应的回归方程式  相似文献   

A multiplex loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (mLAMP) assay was developed for the identification of three species of whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Bemisia tabaci Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) and Mediterranean (MED), major pests in the greenhouse. Each of the specific LAMP primer sets was designed based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) gene sequence. The mLAMP reactions using primer mixtures labelled with fluorescent dye were performed at 63°C for 60 min and centrifuged with polyethyleneimine. Thus, T. vaporariorum, MEAM1 and MED were clearly identified by the colour precipitates under UV light. The mLAMP procedure described in this study is cost‐effective and can be performed in the field not only in the laboratory, because this method is a single analysis and does not need a special gene amplification device.  相似文献   

Wolbachia是专性的细胞内细菌,广泛存在于节肢动物生殖组织。已有的研究结果表明,节肢动物中存在A组和B组Wolbachia,而烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci中主要检测到了B组Wolbachia。本研究从福建省采集到17个不同烟粉虱地理种群,首先通过rDNA-ITS1克隆测序鉴定了不同烟粉虱地理种群的生物型,然后采用Wolbachia 16S rDNA的特异引物,并通过PCR-RFLP技术分析了不同烟粉虱地理种群中Wolbachia的感染特点。结果表明:从福建省闽侯、平潭、南平、来舟、漳平和沙县采集到的烟粉虱自然种群属于非B型,而非B型烟粉虱种群中存在广泛的超感染现象,即单个非B型烟粉虱个体中同时感染了不同型Wolbachia。相反,B型烟粉虱自然种群的个体中只感染A组Wolbachia。该研究依据密集采样的数据进一步证实了Wolbachia在烟粉虱自然种群中的分布确实与宿主的生物型密切相关,提示Wolbachia可能在烟粉虱的种群分化中发挥作用。  相似文献   

多酚氧化酶是多种刺吸式昆虫唾液中的关键酶类,可以通过干扰寄主植物正常的氧化还原反应来调控食物来源使其更有利于昆虫本身。昆虫体内的漆酶-1属于多酚氧化酶家族,被认为参与昆虫取食过程中的金属离子代谢、降解植物次生有毒物质以及免疫防御等生理活动。为研究漆酶-1基因在烟粉虱MEAM1隐种Bemisia tabaci Middle East-Asia Minor 1组织中的功能,利用RACE技术首次获得了烟粉虱MEAMI隐种漆酶-1(laccase-1,lac-1)基因的cDNA全长序列,命名为Btlac-1 ( GenBank 登录号: JQ966215)。结果表明,该基因含有一个2 733 bp的开放阅读框,编码910个氨基酸,其编码产物含有3个Cu-oxidase功能域, 属于蓝多铜氧化酶家族成员。同源性比较分析表明,Btlac-1与黑尾叶蝉Nephotettix cincticeps和豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum的lac-1编码的氨基酸序列一致性达58%。Btlac-1在不同组织和发育时期的转录表达分析表明, Btlac-1在烟粉虱MEAM1隐种中肠中的转录水平最高,显著高于头胸部和腹部组织中,且在各个发育时期均有表达,在成虫期的表达水平较高。该结果为进一步明确lac-1在烟粉虱取食过程的生理作用奠定基础,也为探讨刺吸式昆虫与植物相互作用机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci‐transmitted geminiviruses are one of the major threats on cassava and vegetable crops in Africa. However, to date, few studies are available on the diversity of B. tabaci and their associated endosymbionts in Africa. More than 28 species have been described in the complex of B. tabaci cryptic species; among them, 2 are invasive pests worldwide: MED and MEAM1. In order to assess the species diversity of B. tabaci in vegetable crops in Senegal, several samplings in different localities, hosts and seasons were collected and analyzed with nuclear (microsatellite) and mitochondrial (COI) markers. The bacterial endosymbiont community was also studied for each sample. Two species were detected: MED Q1 and MEAM1 B. Patterns of MED Q1 (dominance on most of the samples and sites, highest nuclear and mitochondrial diversity and broader secondary endosymbiont community: Hamiltonella, Cardinium, Wolbachia and Rickettsia), point toward a predominant resident begomovirus vector group for MED Q1 on market gardening crops. Furthermore, the lower prevalence of the second species MEAM1 B, its lower nuclear and mitochondrial diversity and a narrower secondary endosymbiont community (Hamiltonella/Rickettsia), indicate that this genetic group is exotic and results from a recent invasion in this area.  相似文献   

刺吸电波图实验中金丝与烟粉虱的粘连技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刺吸电波图(EPG)是用于研究刺吸式口器昆虫取食的电生理技术。实验中,昆虫粘连技术是一项非常关键的技术,直接影响实验结果。该文以烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius) ,为例,介绍了粉虱成虫和若虫粘连的具体步骤和注意细节,比较了不同粘连方法的优缺点。结果表明,冷冻法是粘连粉虱最好的一种方法。  相似文献   

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