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Actidione (cycloheximide), an antibiotic inhibitor of protein synthesis, blocked the incorporation of leucine and lysine during the S phase of Physarum polycephalum. Actidione added during the early prophase period in which mitosis is blocked totally inhibited the initiation of DNA synthesis. Actidione treatment in late prophase, which permitted mitosis in the absence of protein synthesis, permitted initiation of a round of DNA replication making up between 20 and 30% of the unreplicated nuclear DNA. Actidione treatment during the S phase permitted a round of replication similar to the effect at the beginning of S. The DNA synthesized in the presence of actidione was replicated semiconservatively and was stable through at least the mitosis following antibiotic removal. Experiments in which fluorodeoxyuridine inhibition was followed by thymidine reversal in the presence of actidione suggest that the early rounds of DNA replication must be completed before later rounds are initiated.  相似文献   

The rat liver nucleolus, after fragmentation induced by ethionine treatment, has been found to undergo complete reformation by adenine in the presence of a dose of cycloheximide sufficient to cause inhibition of protein synthesis by 90–95%. In contrast, actinomycin D given along with adenine was followed by the appearance of a small compact mass containing only the fibrillar component with no evident granules. This structure resembled pseudonucleoli seen in the anucleolate mutant of Xenopus laevis or in certain early stages of amphibian oocytes. Actinomycin D administered 2 hr after adenine induced a segregation of the fibrillar and granular components of nucleoli similar to that induced in the normal nucleolus. The implications of these findings in relation to nucleolar organization are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

—The activities of sRNA-aminoacyl synthetases (EC 6.1.1) were investigated in the cerebral white and grey matter of rabbits subjected during their prenatal life to a single X-ray dose of 150 rad. The results of investigations have shown that ionizing radiation acting during intrauterine development of the experimental animal brings about a distinct depression of all sRNA-aminoacyl synthetase activities in the newborn irradiated litter. During the postnatal development of these animals the activities of some of the synthetases further decreased and even at adulthood, where they are normally very low, their activities were below the control values. The activities of some other synthetases, after the initial depression, showed no further decrease and at adulthood had values comparable to controls. Our results indicate clearly that prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation also affects the step of protein biosynthesis which depends on the activity of sRNA-aminoacyl synthetases.  相似文献   

—The elucidation of the translational regulatory events which function during the critical fetal and neonatal period is an important prerequisite to our understanding of normal, as well as abnormal, brain growth and differentiation. Brain cell suspensions and cell-free homogenates were employed to study the protein synthetic activity during the maturation of fetal- neural tissue. The results clearly demonstrated that while neural tissue from 1-day postnatal mice was 10 times more active in protein synthesis than brain tissue from adult mice, the former was many fold less active in translational events than fetal neural tissue from 13-day post-zygotic mice. Fetal polypeptide synthetic activity was found to decrease from the 13th day to the 19th day post-zygotic. This decrement in the translational activity was not due to amino acid availability or pools, or to differences, quantitatively or qualitatively, in polysome concentrations. The enhanced rate of protein synthetic activity measured with neural tissue from 13-day post-zygotic mice was shown to be due to an increase in rate of protein synthesis and not to an enhanced rate of protein degradation.  相似文献   

1. Experiments are described in which it was observed that the yield of protein that can be synthesized by pepsin from a given peptic digest is highest when the hydrolyzing action of the pepsin is stopped as soon as all the protein has disappeared from the solution; and that the longer the digest is permitted to contain active enzyme the more the yield diminishes. 2. Exposure of the digest to a hydrogen ion concentration of pH 1.6 in the absence of active enzyme, does not cause a diminution in the amount of protein which can be synthesized from that digest. 3. Synthesis can be effected also in concentrated solutions of isolated fractions of a peptic digest, i.e. of proteose and of peptone. The yields are approximately the same as in similar concentrations of the whole digest, though the proteins so synthesized differ in some respects from those obtained from the whole digest. 4. The cessation of synthesis in any one digest is due to the attainment of equilibrium and not to the complete utilization of available synthesizeable material. The amount of the equilibrium yield, on the other hand, is dependent on the amount of synthesizeable material in the digest. 5. These observations are taken to show that the synthesizeability of a given mixture of protein cleavage products by pepsin depends upon its possession of a special complex in these products. This complex appears as a result of the primary hydrolysis of the protein molecule by pepsin and is decomposed in the slow secondary hydrolysis which ensues as digestion is prolonged.  相似文献   

The dependence of nucleolar reformation on RNA synthesis that resumes in late anaphase or early telophase has been investigated in synchronously dividing Amoeba proteus. RNA synthesis was completely inhibited throughout all stages of mitosis and the early hours of interphase with high concentrations of actinomycin D. In such cells, nucleolus-like bodies that bind azure B and pyronin were apparent in the reformed nuclei. The bodies appear as dense, fibrous masses with loosely associated, finely fibrillar material. There are no characteristic granular regions in the reformed structures. It is suggested that the bodies probably represent mainly nucleolar protein and residual RNA which can bring about the reorganization of nucleoli in the absence of postmitotic RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The intracellular site of synthesis of mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRP) in Neurospora crassa has been investigated using three complementary approaches. (a) Mitochondrial protein synthesis in vitro: Tritium-labeled proteins made by isolated mitochondria were compared to 14C-labeled marker MRP by cofractionation in a two-step procedure involving isoelectric focusing and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Examination of the electrophoretic profiles showed that essentially none of the peaks of in vitro product corresponded exactly to any of the MRP marker peaks. (b) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to chloramphenicol: Cells were labeled with leucine-3H in the presence of chloramphenicol, mitochondrial ribosomal subunits were subsequently isolated, and their proteins fractionated by isoelectric focusing followed by gel electrophoresis. The labeling of every single MRP was found to be insensitive to chloramphenicol, a selective inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis. (c) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to anisomycin: We have found this antibiotic to be a good selective inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis in Neurospora. In the presence of anisomycin the labeling of virtually all MRP is inhibited to the same extent as the labeling of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins. On the basis of these three types of studies we conclude that most if not all 53 structural proteins of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits in Neurospora are synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   

This study provides additional evidence that creatine, an end product of contraction unique to muscle, is involved in the control of muscle protein synthesis. Creatine is shown to stimulate selectively the rate of synthesis of two major contractile proteins, actin and myosin heavy chain, in cultures of differentiating skeletal muscle. Creatine affects only the rate of synthesis and not the rate of degradation. Several creatine analogs are as effective as creatine in stimulating muscle protein synthesis, creatinine and amino acids such as arginine and glycine are not. Creatine stimulates myosin heavy chain synthesis twofold in cultures of embryonic muscle grown in either normal or dialyzed media.  相似文献   

The effect of protein synthesis inhibition by cycloheximide on nucleolar RNA synthesis and processing has been studied in HeLa cells. Synthesis of 45S RNA precursor falls rapidly after administration of the drug. However, the nucleolar content of 45S RNA remains relatively constant for at least 1 hr because the time required for cleavage of the precursor molecule into its products is lengthened after treatment with cycloheximide. The efficiency of transformation of 45S RNA to 32S RNA remains constant with approximately one molecule of the 32S RNA produced for each cleavage of a molecule of 45S RNA. However, shortly after the cessation of protein synthesis the formation of 18S RNA becomes abortive. The amount of 32S RNA present in the nucleolus remains relatively constant. After long periods of protein synthesis inhibition the 28S RNA continues to be synthesized and exported to the cytoplasm but at a greatly reduced rate. When the protein synthesis inhibitor is removed, a prompt, although partial, recovery in the synthesis rate of 45S RNA occurs. The various aspects of RNA synthesis regulation and processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Hairless mice were given 2 mg Bleomycin i.p. in 1-0 ml saline on two successive days. By a stathmokinetic method, by micro-flow fluorometry and by autoradiography certain kinetic parameters were measured during 10 days after the last injection. Cell counts were made and the turnover time of the differentiating cells estimated. Protein synthesis was estimated by the uptake of radioactive histidine, and dry cell mass measured by weighing. Bleomycin affected cell proliferation in the epidermis by depressing biphasically both the number of cells in, and the passage of cells through, the cell cycle phases: S, G2 and M, most probably by directly affecting late Gj cells and cells in mitosis. The time between the two minima of depressed DNA synthesis corresponded to the mean generation time of the basal cells. Histidine uptake and dry cell mass were slightly affected, but the turnover time of the differentiating cells was prolonged. Bleomycin thus had a strong long-lasting inhibitory effect on epidermal cell proliferation and a marked inhibitory effect on epidermal cell maturation in mice.  相似文献   

Marsilea vestita and M. drummondii were grown in sterile cultures to which concentrations of the protein synthesis inhibitors, 2-thiouracil (10 mg/liter) and 5-fluorouracil (1 mg/liter) had been added. When young sporelings are grown in a solution of thiouracil at optimum concentration, there is an inhibition of the rate of leaf formation, a retardation of the leaf heteroblastic series, and all leaves develop as land forms. When thiouracil is added to plants which are already producing typical adult, quadrifid leaves, the effects depend on whether the treated plants are water or land forms. Plants which are typically water forms convert to land forms. After treatment successive leaves develop typical sunken stomata on both leaf surfaces. The tissues of the rhizome, root and petiole are more compact and, in general, the cells of the plant have thicker walls. Vascular patterns are not changed, though the size of the rhizome, root and petiole may be reduced. Plants which are typically land forms are less affected than the water forms, but they show a small reduction in apex volume and an apparent reversion of the leaflet number from the typical quadrifid leaf to a trifid, bifid, or single lamina condition. In both land and water forms apical dominance may be broken by treatment with 10 mg/liter thiouracil or 1 mg/liter fluorouracil and numerous lateral branches develop. Higher concentrations (15–25 mg/liter of thiouracil) may result in abnormal development of lateral axillary buds, petiole bases and leaflets. The meristems of the plant are differentially sensitive to thiouracil; leaflet meristems are most sensitive, the root meristems are the least sensitive. It appears that a true reversion to juvenile leaf development need not occur even though protein synthesis and the volume of the apex are reduced. The development of the land or water form in Marsilea appears to depend on rate of growth. Hence inhibition of the growth of typical water forms, through inhibition of protein synthesis, causes a shift in development toward the morphology typical of land forms.  相似文献   

为了探讨八肋游仆虫(Euplotes octocarinatus)核糖体蛋白基因的数目及其结构的特殊性, 研究通过生物信息学方法, 对八肋游仆虫胞质核糖体蛋白进行了系统的分析。共鉴定得到98个基因编码78种不同的胞质核糖体蛋白。其中19种胞质核糖体蛋白基因发生了复制, 尽管都是有功能的, 但其中一个基因的表达受到限制。通过与高等真核生物比较, 我们发现: 八肋游仆虫核糖体蛋白eS30缺失了N端的类泛素结构域, eL6缺失了N端的Ribosomal_L6e_N结构域。另外, 不同于其他高等真核生物, 八肋游仆虫酸性核糖体磷酸化蛋白uL10为碱性蛋白。研究为进一步探讨低等真核生物核糖体的组装及功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

(1) Neonatal hypothyroidism resulted in a 40% increase in the incorporation of [14C]leucine into protein by cerebral cortical slices from 25-day-old rats. The uptake of the [14C]-labelled amino acid into the acid-soluble free amino acid pool was similar in hypothyroid and control groups which excluded the possibility that transport differences contributed to the observed differences in incorporation. (2) The conversion of [14C]leucine in the free amino acid pool to other metabolites was substantially greater in the hypothyroid state compared to euthyroid controls. (3) The correction of the incorporation data for radioactivity associated with [14C]leucine in the precursor pool, provided an estimate of cerebral protein synthetic rate which was markedly higher in thyroid hormone-deficient-rats compared to litter mate controls. (4) The administration of L-thyroxine to hypothyroid animals for two successive days essentially returned the accelerated metabolism of the precursor pool leucine to normal but failed to ameliorate the increased incorporation into protein. (5) Incubations conducted in the presence of high exogenous leucine levels, to eliminate possible differences in intracellular free amino acid pool size, provided additional evidence for an increased rate of cerebral protein synthesis in 25-day-old hypothyroid rats compared to controls. (6) The results are compatible with a retardation in the normal developmental decline in the rate of cerebral protein synthesis associated with hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the venom gland of V. ammodytes were studied after the removal of the venom from the gland lumina (milking) It was found that the height of the secretory cells was changed during the secretory cycle. The patterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and of the Golgi complex were changed as well Milking induced an increased incorporation of [14C]amino acids into total and venom proteins In V ammodytes, during the first day after milking, 25% of the total counts in protein were precipitable by anti-venom serum, while at 8 days, 80% of the proteins synthesized were venom proteins At this stage, the incorporation was 10- and 20-fold that of unmilked glands for total and venom proteins, respectively. Venom was accumulated (secreted) in the gland lumina of V. ammodytes at a relatively high rate up to 2 wk after milking and leveled off afterwards. Intact glands and gland slices of V ammodytes and V palaestinae, taken from snakes a few days after milking, incorporated [14C]amino acids into proteins in vitro at a rate higher than that of unmilked glands. The activity of two exportable enzymes (phosphodiesterase and benzoyl arginyl ethyl esterase) was assayed in gland homogenates of V. ammodytes. It was found that 2–3 wk after milking, the intracellular level of these enzymes was up to 2-fold that of unmilked glands.  相似文献   

Abstract— The process of protein synthesis in the brain of Octopus vulgaris Lam has been examined after systemic administration of [3H]leucine and upon incubation of the tissue in sea water containing the radioactive precursor. After injection of [3H]leucine in the branchial heart, the radioactivity of the TCA-soluble fractions of the three main brain divisions reached a maximum in about 30 min and decreased thereafter, while incorporation into the protein fractions was complete in approx. 2 h. Per unit wet weight the radioactivity of brain proteins was higher than that of most other organs. In vitro the rate of incorporation of [3H]leucine in the protein fraction of the optic lobe remained low for more than 1 h, but increased several fold thereafter. Preincubation of the tissue in sea water abolished the lag period. Similar effects were observed in the vertical lobe as well as in the optic lobe of young and adult octopuses but not in the white body, a non-nervous organ. The process of protein synthesis in the optic lobe is markedly inhibited by puromycin, cycloheximide and chloramphenicol. Electrophoretic analysis on polyacrylamide gels indicated that the soluble proteins labelled in vitro and in vivo are similar.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mauthner nerve fibres isolated from the spinal cord of goldfish were incubated, in the presence of radioactive amino acids for varying periods of time. It was found that the Mauthner fibre synthesizes proteins in the absence of cell nuclei. Amino acid incorporation showed sensitivity to puromycin and to acetoxycycloheximide but resistance to chloramphenicol. Only slight inhibition was caused by actinomycin-D. The contribution of the denuded axon to the total protein synthesis was about 30 per cent per unit length Mauthner fibre. The remaining activity was due to the myelin sheath compartment. Fractionation experiments showed that the incorporation in the sheath was due to components other than the myelin lamellae. The subcellular distribution of newly synthesized proteins in the isolated and incubated Mauthner fibre was compared to that found in the incubated spinal cord. The results strongly suggested the existence in the Mauthner fibre of a primary microsomal, rather than a mitochondrial, protein synthesizing system.  相似文献   

Abstract— [14C]Leucine was injected intracranially into the brainstem reticular formation at the level of the upper medulla by the stereotaxic method. Subcellular fractions prepared 3 hr after injection showed that the specific activities of leucine-incorporated proteins decreased in the order soluble, microsomal, nuclear and mitochondrial fractions. Specific activities of proteins in the sera were 2·2 per cent of whole homogenate proteins.
The results from 27 experiments showed that 66·6 per cent of the mean specific activities of proteins extracted from whole homogenates fell within ·1 s.d . and 100 per cent within ± 2 s.d . (close to a normal distribution). The coefficients of variation were between 40 and 50 per cent for whole homogenates, sera and all subcellular fractions. Reproducibility of results and factors concerned with possible errors in the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract– The method of T hompson (1973) for isolation and fractionation of brain nuclei was modified by the introduction of 12mM-Mg2+ in the isolating media. This technique gives a good yield of pure (85-90%) neuronal and glial rat brain nuclei, with minimal disruption of nuclei and degradation or processing of nuclear RNA. The RNA/DNA ratio of neuronal nuclei is about 3-fold higher than that of glial nuclei. Analysis of nucleolar RNA fractions by urea-agar gel electrophoresis allows the identification of 45S, 41S, 39S, 36S, 32S and 21S pre-rRNA components. The pattern of nucleolar pre-rRNA and rRNA species in neuronal and glial nuclei is identical. These results demonstrate the existence in brain nuclei of multiple pre-rRNA processing pathways qualitatively similar to those observed in other animal tissues.  相似文献   

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