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Meganucleases are sequence-specific endonucleases with large cleavage sites that can be used to induce efficient homologous gene targeting in cultured cells and plants. These enzymes open novel perspectives for genome engineering in a wide range of fields, including gene therapy. A new crystal structure of the I-CreI dimer without DNA has allowed the comparison with the DNA-bound protein. The C-terminal loop displays a different conformation, which suggests its implication in DNA binding. A site-directed mutagenesis study in this region demonstrates that whereas the C-terminal helix is negligible for DNA binding, the final C-terminal loop is essential in DNA binding and cleavage. We have identified two regions that comprise the Ser138–Lys139 and Lys142–Thr143 pairs whose double mutation affect DNA binding in vitro and abolish cleavage in vivo. However, the mutation of only one residue in these sites allows DNA binding in vitro and cleavage in vivo. These findings demonstrate that the C-terminal loop of I-CreI endonuclease plays a fundamental role in its catalytic mechanism and suggest this novel site as a region to take into account for engineering new endonucleases with tailored specificity.  相似文献   

Homing endonucleases (HE) have emerged as precise tools for achieving gene targeting events. Redesigned HEs with tailored specificities can be used to cleave new sequences, thereby considerably expanding the number of targetable genes and loci. With HEs, as well as with other protein scaffolds, context dependence of DNA/protein interaction patterns remains one of the major limitations for rational engineering of new DNA binders. Previous studies have shown strong crosstalk between different residues and regions of the DNA binding interface. To investigate this phenomenon, we systematically combined mutations from three groups of amino acids in the DNA binding regions of the I-CreI HE. Our results confirm that important crosstalk occurs throughout this interface in I-CreI. Detailed analysis of success rates identified a nearest-neighbour effect, with a more pronounced level of dependence between adjacent regions. Taken together, these data suggest that combinatorial engineering does not necessarily require the identification of separable functional or structural regions, and that groups of amino acids provide acceptable building blocks that can be assembled, overcoming the context dependency of the DNA binding interface. Furthermore, the present work describes a sequential method to engineer tailored HEs, wherein three contiguous regions are individually mutated and assembled to create HEs with engineered specificity.  相似文献   

The LAGLIDADG homing endonucleases include free-standing homodimers, pseudosymmetric monomers, and related enzyme domains embedded within inteins. DNA-bound structures of homodimeric I-CreI and monomeric I-SceI indicate that three catalytic divalent metal ions are distributed across a pair of overlapping active sites, with one shared metal participating in both strand cleavage reactions. These structures differ in the precise position and binding interactions of the metals. We have studied the metal dependence for the I-CreI homodimer using site-directed mutagenesis of active site residues and assays of binding affinity and cleavage activity. We have also reassessed the binding of a nonactivating metal ion (calcium) in the wild-type enzyme-substrate complex, and determined the DNA-bound structure of two inactive enzyme mutants. The conclusion of these studies is that the catalytic mechanism of symmetric LAGLIDADG homing endonucleases, and probably many of their monomeric cousins, involves a canonical two-metal mechanism in each of two active sites, which are chemically and structurally tethered to one another by a shared metal ion. Failure to occupy the shared metal site, as observed in the presence of calcium or when the metal-binding side chain from the LAGLIDADG motif (Asp 20) is mutated to asparagine, prevents cleavage by the enzyme.  相似文献   

When activated, the proapoptotic protein Bax permeabilizes the mitochondrial outer membrane, allowing the release of proteins into the cytosol and thus initiating the execution phase of apoptosis. When activated Bax was reconstituted into phospholipid membranes, we discovered a new, to our knowledge, property of Bax channels: voltage gating. We also found that the same Bax sample under the same experimental conditions could give rise to two radically different channels: Type A, which is small, well behaved, homogeneous, and voltage-gated, and Type B, which is large, noisy, and voltage-independent. One Type B channel can be converted irreversibly into a population of Type A channels by the addition of La3+. This conversion process appears to involve a two-dimensional budding mechanism. The existence of these two types of Bax channels suggests a process for controlling the degree of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization.  相似文献   

Nucleotide-depleted mitochondrial F1-ATPase binds 3'-(2')-O-(2-nitro-4-azidobenzoyl)-derivatives of ATP (NAB-ATP) and GTP (NAB-GTP) when these nucleotide analogues are added to the enzyme in equimolar quantities in the presence of Mg2+ (uni-site catalysis conditions). The binding of NAB-ATP is accompanied by its hydrolysis and inorganic phosphate dissociation from the enzyme; NAB-ADP remains bound to F1-ATPase. The F1-ATPase X NAB-ADP complex has no ATPase activity and its reactivation in the presence of an excess of ATP is accompanied by NAB-ADP release. The illumination of the F1-ATPase complexes with NAB-ADP or NAB-GDP leads to the covalent binding of one nucleotide analogue molecule to the enzyme and to the irreversible inactivation of F1-ATPase. It follows from the results obtained that the modification of just one of the F1-ATPase catalytic sites is sufficient to complete the inhibition of ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The SfiI restriction endonuclease is a tetramer in which two subunits form a dimeric unit that contains one DNA binding cleft and the other two subunits contain a second cleft on the opposite side of the protein. Full activity requires both clefts to be filled with its recognition sequence: SfiI has low activity when bound to one site. The ability of SfiI to cleave non-cognate sites, one base pair different from the true site, was initially tested on substrates that lacked specific sites but which contained either one or multiple non-cognate sites. No cleavage of the DNA with one non-cognate site was detected, while a small fraction of the DNA with multiple sites was nicked. The alternative sequences were, however, cleaved in both strands, albeit at low levels, when the DNA also carried either a recognition site for SfiI or the termini generated by SfiI. Further tests employed a mutant of SfiI, altered at the dimer interface, which was known to be more active than wild-type SfiI when bound to a single site. This mutant similarly failed to cleave DNA with one non-cognate site, but cleaved the substrates with multiple non-cognate sites more readily than did the native enzyme. To cleave additional sites, SfiI thus needs to interact concurrently with either two non-cognate sites or one non-cognate and one cognate site (or the termini thereof), yet this arrangement is still restrained from cleaving the alternative site unless the communication pathway between the two DNA-binding clefts is disrupted.  相似文献   

Li ML  Rao P  Krug RM 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(8):2078-2086
The cap-dependent endonuclease of the influenza viral RNA polymerase, which produces the capped RNA primers that initiate viral mRNA synthesis, is comprised of two active sites, one for cap binding and one for endonuclease cleavage.We identify the amino acid sequences that constitute these two active sites and demonstrate that they are located on different polymerase subunits. Binding of the 5' terminal sequence of virion RNA (vRNA) to the polymerase activates a tryptophan-rich, cap-binding sequence on the PB2 subunit. At least one of the tryptophans functions in cap binding, indicating that this active site is probably similar to that of other known cap-binding proteins. Endonuclease cleavage, which is activated by the subsequent binding of the 3' terminal sequence of vRNA, resides in a PB1 sequence that contains three essential acidic amino acids, similar to the active sites of other enzymes that cut polynucleotides to produce 3'-OH ends. These results, coupled with those of our previous study, provide a molecular map of the five known essential active sites of the influenza viral polymerase.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones were isolated from soybean (Glycine soja) by polymerase chain reaction with primers designed to conserved motifs found in apyrases (nucleotide phosphohydrolase). The two cDNAs are predicted to encode for two, distinct, apyrase proteins of approximately 50 kDa (i.e., GS50) and 52 kDa (i.e., GS52). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that GS52 is orthologous to a family of apyrases recently suggested to play a role in legume nodulation. GS50 is paralogous to this family and, therefore, likely plays a different physiological role. Consistent with this analysis, GS50 mRNA was detected in root, hypocotyls, flowers, and stems, while GS52 mRNA was found in root and flowers. Neither gene was expressed in leaves or cotyledons. Inoculation of roots with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, nitrogen-fixing symbiont of soybean, resulted in the rapid (<6 h) induction of GS52 mRNA expression. The level of GS50 mRNA expression was not affected by bacterial inoculation. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of GS50 expression mirrored the results obtained by mRNA analysis. However, in contrast to the mRNA results, GS52 protein was found in stems. Interestingly, anti-GS52 antibody recognized a 50-kDa protein found only in nodule extracts. Treatment of roots with anti-GS52 antibody, but not anti-GS50 antibody or preimmune serum, blocked nodulation by B. japonicum. Fractionation of cellular membranes in sucrose density gradients and subsequent Western analysis of the fractions revealed that GS50 colocalized with marker enzymes for the Golgi, while GS52 colocalized with marker enzymes for the plasma membrane. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based mapping placed the gs52 gene on major linkage group J of the integrated genetic map of soybean. These data suggest that GS50 is likely an endo-apyrase involved in Golgi function, while GS52 is localized on the root surface and appears to play an important role in nodulation.  相似文献   

The monomeric homing endonuclease PI-SceI cleaves the two strands of its DNA substrate in a concerted manner, which raises the question of whether this enzyme harbours one or two catalytic centres. If PI-SceI has only one catalytic centre, one would expect that cross-linking enzyme and substrate should prevent reorientation of the enzyme required to perform the second cut after having made the first cut: PI-SceI, however, when cross-linked to its substrate, is able to cleave both DNA strands. If PI-SceI has two catalytic centres, one would expect that it should be possible to inactivate one catalytic centre by mutation and obtain a variant with preference for a substrate nicked in one strand; such variants have been found. The structural homology between the catalytic domain of PI-SceI having a pseudo 2-fold symmetry, and I-CreI, a homodimeric homing endonuclease, suggests that in PI-SceI active site I, which attacks the top strand, comprises Asp218, Asp229 and Lys403, while Asp326, Thr341 and Lys301 make up active site II, which cleaves the bottom strand. Cleavage experiments with modified oligodeoxynucleotides and metal ion mapping experiments demonstrate that PI-SceI interacts differently with the two strands at the cleavage position, supporting a model of two catalytic centres.  相似文献   

The TonB system of proteins is required for the energy-dependent active transport of iron-bound substrates across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. We have identified three TonB systems within the human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus. The TonB1 system contains the TonB1, ExbD1, and ExbB1 proteins, whereas both the TtpC2-TonB2 and TtpC3-TonB3 systems contain an additional fourth protein, TtpC. Here we report that TtpC3, although highly related to TtpC2, is inactive in iron transport, whereas TtpC2 is essential for the function of the TtpC2-TonB2 system in V. vulnificus. This protein, together with TonB2, is absolutely required for both the uptake of endogenously produced iron-bound siderophores as well as siderophores produced from other organisms. Through complementation we show that V. vulnificus is capable of using different TtpC2 proteins from other Vibrio species to drive the uptake of multiple siderophores. We have also determined that aerobactin, a common bacterial siderophore involved in virulence of enteric bacteria, can only be brought into the cell using the TtpC2-TonB2 system, indicating an important evolutionary adaptation of TtpC2 and TonB2. Furthermore, in the absence of TonB1, TtpC2 is essential for a fully virulent phenotype as demonstrated using 50% lethal dose (LD(50)) experiments in mice.  相似文献   

VMA1-derived endonuclease (VDE), a site-specific endonuclease in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, enters the nucleus to generate a double-strand break in the VDE-negative allelic locus, mediating the self-propagating gene conversion called homing. Although VDE is excluded from the nucleus in mitotic cells, it relocalizes at premeiosis, becoming localized in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm in meiosis. The nuclear localization of VDE is induced by inactivation of TOR kinases, which constitute central regulators of cell differentiation in S. cerevisiae, and by nutrient depletion. A functional genomic approach revealed that at least two karyopherins, Srp1p and Kap142p, are required for the nuclear localization pattern. Genetic and physical interactions between Srp1p and VDE imply direct involvement of karyopherin-mediated nuclear transport in this process. Inactivation of TOR signaling or acquisition of an extra nuclear localization signal in the VDE coding region leads to artificial nuclear localization of VDE and thereby induces homing even during mitosis. These results serve as evidence that VDE utilizes the host systems of nutrient signal transduction and nucleocytoplasmic transport to ensure the propagation of its coding region.  相似文献   

The homing endonuclease PI- Sce I consists of a protein splicing domain (I) and an endonucleolytic domain (II). To characterize the two domains with respect to their contribution to DNA recognition we cloned, purified and characterized the isolated domains. Both domains have no detectable endonucleolytic activity. Domain I binds specifically to the PI- Sce I recognition sequence, whereas domain II displays only weak non-specific DNA binding. In the specific complex with domain I the DNA is bent to a similar extent as observed with the initial complex formed between PI- Sce I and DNA. Our results indicate that protein splicing domain I is also involved in recognition of the DNA substrate.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes home to various lymphoid organs by adhering to and migrating through specialized high endothelial venules (HEV). The murine cell surface heterodimer LPAM-1 is involved in the homing of lymphocytes to mucosal sites (Peyer's patches). LPAM-1 has an alpha subunit (alpha 4m) analogous to the alpha chain of the human integrin molecule VLA-4. Here we show that the LPAM-1 beta subunit (beta p) is immunochemically and biochemically distinct from previously defined integrin beta subunits, suggesting that beta p represents a novel integrin beta subunit. Depending on the cellular source two alternative beta subunits, beta p and integrin beta 1, can be isolated in association with alpha 4m. Therefore, alpha 4m is the common subunit of the unique integrin LPAM-1 (alpha 4m beta p) and of the heterodimer LPAM-2 (alpha 4m beta 1), which is analogous to VLA-4. Antibody-blocking experiments suggest that, in addition to LPAM-1, LPAM-2 is also involved in the organ-specific adhesion of lymphocytes to Peyer's patch HEV.  相似文献   

J Wang  H H Kim  X Yuan    D L Herrin 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(19):3767-3776
I- CreI is a member of the LAGLI-DADG family of homing nucleases; however, unlike most members of this family it contains only a single copy of this signature motif. I- CreI was over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and a simple purification protocol developed that gave reasonably pure protein in high yield. Size-exclusion chromatography and chemical cross-linking indicated that the protein is a dimer in solution. DNA cleavage by I- CreI was absolutely dependent on Mg2+(or Mn2+), and was inhibited by monovalent cations. I- CreI displayed a surprisingly high temperature optimum (>50 degrees C), with full activity occurring even at 70 degrees C. Interestingly, SDS was needed for efficient release of the cleavage products from the protein, indicating formation of very stable DNA-protein complexes. In contrast to these robust characteristics, purified I- CreI was unstable; however, it could be stabilized by the addition of either target or non-target DNA. Mobility shift assays revealed that I- CreI binds to DNA in the absence of Mg2+. Hydroxyl radical footprinting showed that I- CreI strongly protected the backbone of a continuous stretch of at least 12 nt on each strand that were shifted, relative to each other, by 2 bp in the 3'direction. Methylation protection and interference analyses were also performed, and together with the hydroxyl radical footprinting, indicate that I- CreI binds in both the major and minor grooves of its target DNA.  相似文献   

While many Type II restriction enzymes are dimers with a single DNA-binding cleft between the subunits, SfiI is a tetramer of identical subunits. Two of its subunits (a dimeric unit) create one DNA-binding cleft, and the other two create a second cleft on the opposite side of the protein. The two clefts bind specific DNA cooperatively to give a complex of SfiI with two recognition sites. This complex is responsible for essentially all of the DNA-cleavage reactions by SfiI: virtually none is due to the complex with one site. The communication between the DNA-binding clefts was examined by disrupting one of the very few polar interactions in the otherwise hydrophobic interface between the dimeric units: a tyrosine hydroxyl was removed by mutation to phenylalanine. The mutant protein remained tetrameric in solution and could bind two DNA sites. But instead of being activated by binding two sites, like wild-type SfiI, it showed maximal activity when bound to a single site and had a lower activity when bound to two sites. This interaction across the dimer interface thus enforces in wild-type SfiI a cooperative transition between inactive and active states in both dimers, but without this interaction as in the mutant protein, a single dimer can undergo the transition to give a stable intermediate with one inactive dimer and one active dimer.  相似文献   

To study initiation of DNA replication in mammalian chromosomes, we have established a methotrexate-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHOC 400) that contains approximately 1,000 copies of the early replicating dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) domain. We have previously shown that DNA replication in the prevalent 243-kilobase (kb) amplicon type in this cell line initiates somewhere within a 28-kb region located downstream from the DHFR gene. In an attempt to localize the origin of replication with more precision, we blocked the progress of replication forks emanating from origins at the beginning of the S phase by the introduction of trioxsalen cross-links at 1- to 5-kb intervals in the parental double-stranded DNA. The small DNA fragments synthesized under these conditions (which should be centered around replication origins) were then used as hybridization probes on digests of cosmids and plasmids from the DHFR domain. These studies suggested that in cells synchronized by this regimen, DNA replication initiates at two separate sites within the previously defined 28-kb replication initiation locus, in general agreement with results described in the accompanying paper (T.-H. Leu and J. L. Hamlin, Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:523-531, 1989). One of these sites contains a repeated DNA sequence element that is found at or near many other initiation sites in the genome, since it was also highly enriched in the early replicating DNA isolated from cross-linked CHO cells that contain only two copies of the DHFR domain.  相似文献   

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