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An alternate method for synthesis of double-stranded DNA segments   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent progress in the chemical synthesis of DNA has now made it possible to rapidly synthesize single-stranded DNAs over 40 bases in length. We have taken advantage of these longer DNAs in assembling and cloning a 132-base pair gene segment coding for amino acids 126 through the stop codon of human leukocyte interferon alpha 2. The method used involves DNA polymerase I-mediated repair synthesis of synthetic oligonucleotide substrates having short stretches of complementary sequence at their 3' termini. In the presence of DNA polymerase I and the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, those primer-templates are converted to full length double-stranded DNAs. The economy in chemical synthesis using this approach is substantial with a greater than 40% reduction in the amount of chemical synthesis required as compared with the conventional approach. We describe in detail this methodology for the biochemical assembly of long gene segments from synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

A convenient procedure for the synthesis and purification of oligonucleotides is described. 16-base long primers synthesised by this method were used to investigate DNA sequencing using plasmid DNA as a template. This allowed the further analysis of the E. coli glt A sequence coding for citrate synthase and enabled determination of the 5'-non-coding regulatory region of the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene.  相似文献   

E Rubin  S Rumney  th  S Wang    E T Kool 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(17):3547-3553
We report a novel convergent approach to the construction of circular DNA oligonucleotides from two smaller linear precursors. Circular DNAs 34-74 nucleotides (nt) in size are constructed non-enzymatically in a single step from two half-length oligomers. A DNA template is used to assemble the constituent parts into a triple helical complex which brings the four reactive ends together for chemical ligation with BrCN/imidazole/Ni2+. A homodimerization reaction strategy is successfully used on a small scale to construct circles 42, 58 and 74 nt in size. In addition, a heterodimerization strategy is successfully used in two cases to construct circular 34mers from different 16mer and 18mer precursors. Measurement of preparative yields for one biologically active 34mer circle shows that the dimerization strategy gives a yield higher than that from conventional cyclization and nearly as high as that for a normally synthesized linear DNA, establishing that there is not necessarily a yield penalty for circle construction. Six additional preparative circle constructions, giving conversions of approximately 33-85% from precursors to circular product, are also described. Convergent strategies allow the construction of medium and large size DNA molecules in higher yields than can be achieved by standard linear synthesis alone.  相似文献   

Toroidal winding of double-stranded DNA in the protein capsids of bacteriophages has been proposed previously. An alternative model for the packaging and arrangement of DNA in bacteriophage capsids is presented here. By introducing sharp folds, the alternative model avoids toroidal winding and its accompanying difficulties. This alternative model is in agreement with the current data obtained with several different bacteriophages.  相似文献   

PCR-based gene synthesis conventionally requires two steps: first, all overlapping oligonucleotides are assembled by self-priming; then an additional pair of primers is used to amplify the full-length gene product. Here we propose a simplified method of gene synthesis which combines these two steps into one. We have found that the efficiency of this one-step method, which we term "Simplified Gene Synthesis", is affected by multiple parameters of the PCR reactions. In particular, the choice of polymerase is critical for successful one-step assembly. Other important factors include the concentration of assembly oligonucleotides and amplification primers. Moreover, we offer a general method to estimate, given a known mutation rate, how many clones should be sequenced in order to be confident of obtaining at least one correct gene product. Having determined the accuracy of gene products synthesized under optimal conditions with Simplified Gene Synthesis, we show that our estimation works well. Overall, the simplified gene synthesis provides an easier and more efficient approach to gene synthesis, providing a further step towards the future goal of generalized automation for this process.  相似文献   

Micropropagated shoots of three forest tree species, poplar (Populus tremula × P.alba), wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) and walnut (Juglans nigra × J. regia), were inoculated each with six different wild-typeAgrobacterium strains. Poplar and wild cherry developed tumors that grew hormone-independently, whereas on walnut, gall formation was weak. On poplar and wild cherry, tumors induced by nopaline strains developed spontaneously shoots that had a normal phenotype and did not carry oncogenic T-DNA. From these observations, we have established a co-inoculation method to transform plants, using poplar as an experimental model. The method is based on inoculation of stem internodes with anAgrobacterium suspension containing both an oncogenic strain that induces shoot differentiation and a disarmed strain that provides the suitable genes in a binary vector. We used the vector pBI121 carryingneo (kanamycin resistance) anduidA (-glucuronidase) genes to facilitate early selection and screening. Poplar plants derived from kanamycin-resistant shoots that did not carry oncogenic T-DNA, were shown to contain and to expressneo anduidA genes. These results suggest that wild-typeAgrobacterium strains that induce shoot formation directly from tumors can be used as a general tool for gene transfer, avoiding difficult regeneration procedures.This work is dedicated to the late Marie-France Michel who initiated the poplar biotechnology project at INRA.  相似文献   

A method of enriching for long double-stranded segments of eukaryotic DNA carrying particular genes is described. A purified RNA coded for by the gene is covalently attached to biotin via the protein, cytochrome c. This modified RNA is hybridized to total nuclear, double-stranded DNA under conditions that allow the formation of R-loops. Avidin, which has a high affinity for biotin, is covalently attached to polymer spheres. The complexes of avidin-spheres with DNA:RNA-biotin R-loop hybrids band in CsCl at a much lower bouyant density than does free DNA. This density is a function of the length of DNA coupled per avidin-sphere. This method was used to prepare very long double-strands of DNA highly enriched in the coding sequences for the large rRNAs of D. melanogaster and L. donovani and the histone mRNAs of S. purpuratus.  相似文献   

An approach to the use of stable isotopes for DNA sequencing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sequencing of DNA by current procedures involves the use of radioisotopic or fluorescent labels. We propose that stable isotopes can be used as such labels and that the large number of stable isotopes available would allow multiplexing so that many DNA segments could be sequenced simultaneously. We have developed methods to use 57Fe2O3 to synthesize ferrocene and to attach the ferrocene to the 5' end of oligonucleotides. The 57Fe-labeled M13 universal primer functioned normally in a Sanger sequencing procedure. When a 57Fe-labeled oligonucleotide had migrated on a polyacrylamide gel it was readily located on the dried gel by scanning with resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) coupled with mass spectrometry. Using a 57Fe-labeled primer in a PCR reaction a 2000-bp DNA was produced that was detected by RIS on nylon membrane after agarose electrophoresis. The rapid analysis features of RIS coupled with the multispectral multiplexing possibilities of stable isotopes should significantly increase the rate of determination of DNA sequences.  相似文献   

A new site-directed method for introducing mutations into any region of plasmid vector close to the unique restriction site is described. It is based on the use of 5'-phosphorylated mutagenic and nonphosphorylated auxiliary oligonucleotides and a specific combination of enzymatic procedures including 'nick-translation' as a key step. The method efficiency was demonstrated by constructing the deletion-insertion mutation which creates the consensus Pribnow box in a promoter-testing plasmid. The yield of the target mutation was up to 85-95%.  相似文献   

We describe a simple procedure for the direct sequencing of single-stranded, PCR-amplified, target regions of human genomic DNA. At variance with previously reported procedures, purification of the desired double-stranded DNA was introduced. This additional step allowed the single-stranded amplification and sequencing of the target gene. This step is required for direct sequencing of some amplified regions of human genomic DNA. However, no individual technique seems suitable to generate and sequence all single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide synthesis was coupled with amplification by the polymerase chain reaction to generate an exact translational fusion between a plant signal sequence and an animal structural gene. A synthetic 111-mer oligonucleotide representing less than two percent of the reaction products was successfully amplified by using short primers containing restriction sites designed for ease of cloning and providing in-frame fusion. The method overcomes the length-versus-yield dilemma in oligonucleotide synthesis, and is generally adaptable to the construction of a translationally competent coding sequence from any two DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) has recently emerged as a powerful reverse genetics tool to silence gene expression in multiple organisms, including plants, nematodes and insects. In this study, DNA vectors capable of promoting the synthesis of long hairpin dsRNAs in vivo from a DNA template to suppress gene expression in insect cells have been successfully constructed. The inhibition of the expression of a gene encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in insect cells was demonstrated by using plasmid or baculovirus vectors. Both plasmid and baculovirus vectors were able to inhibit eGFP expression in a dose dependent manner. Complete inhibition was obtained when co-transfection ratios of target plasmid to inhibition plasmid were 1:1 and 1:0.1. Eighty percent suppression was still maintained even when the ratio of eGFP plasmid to 'hairpin' plasmid was as high as 1:0.01. When the hairpin dsRNAs were encoded in a baculovirus, the suppression was about 50% when the ratio of 'target' baculovirus to 'inhibition' baculovirus reached 1:10. Therefore, the designed plasmid and baculovirus vectors are useful to induce RNAi in insect cell systems.  相似文献   

Double-stranded, full-length linear DNA was synthesized in vitro by using single-stranded linear DNA as a self-priming template from the parvovirus Kilham rat virus and Escherichia coli DNA polymerase "large fragment" as the polymerizing enzyme. To ascertain the order of the synthesis of the cleavage fragments and to assess the accuracy of the in vitro synthesis, restriction endonuclease cleavage sites with known recognition sequences were mapped on the DNA. Comparing the cleavage pattern of the synthesized DNA with that of double-stranded viral DNA isolated from infected cells confirms that the in vitro synthesis produces a faithful copy of the viral single-stranded genome. Electron micrographs of the in vitro product reveal it to be a double-stranded linear molecule.  相似文献   

A new one-step method for fast and efficient preparation of double-stranded DNA template, suitable for use with Pyrosequencing technology, has been developed. In the new method, two different types of oligonucleotides were used to prevent reannealing of remaining PCR primers to the template: oligonucleotides complementary to the PCR primers and 3'-end modified oligonucleotides with the same sequence as the PCR primers. Advantages with the new strategy are: (i) faster and simpler template preparation procedure (one-step); (ii) no need for exonuclease I treatment; and (iii) less problem with unspecific priming from loop structures and dimers. By careful oligonucleotide design, and/or by addition of single-stranded DNA-binding protein, problems with unspecific sequence signals due to mispriming can be reduced. The new method was used for analysis of genotype variations within the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to integrate the von Neumann-Morgenstern theory of utility functions and the mean-variance approach of portfolio analysis within the computational framework of selecting a production technology to replace an existing one. A stochastic, static one-period problem is formulated, and a measure that takes into account both the capital costs of implementing the new technology and the random monetary value of its output is identified to solve the problem. The properties of this measure are discussed particularly with reference to the optimal selection decision. An example is described to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

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