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Mechanosensory hair cells are essential for audition in vertebrates, and in many species, have the capacity for regeneration when damaged. Regeneration is robust in the fish lateral line system as new hair cells can reappear after damage induced by waterborne aminoglycoside antibiotics, platinum-based drugs, and heavy metals. Here, we characterize the loss and reappearance of lateral line hair cells induced in zebrafish larvae treated with copper sulfate using diverse molecular markers. Transgenic fish that express green fluorescent protein in different cell types in the lateral line system have allowed us to follow the regeneration of hair cells after different damage protocols. We show that conditions that damage only differentiated hair cells lead to reappearance of new hair cells within 24 h from nondividing precursors, whereas harsher conditions are followed by a longer recovery period that is accompanied by extensive cell division. In order to characterize the cell population that gives rise to new hair cells, we describe the expression of a neural stem cell marker in neuromasts. The zebrafish sox2 gene is strongly expressed in neuromast progenitor cells, including those of the migrating lateral line primordium, the accessory cells that underlie the hair cells in neuromasts, and in interneuromastic cells that give rise to new neuromasts. Moreover, we find that most of the cells that proliferate within the neuromast during regeneration express this marker. Thus, our results describe the dynamics of hair cell regeneration in zebrafish and suggest the existence of at least two mechanisms for recovery of these cells in neuromasts.  相似文献   

Examination of the lateral line canals in the Epaulette Shark reveals a much more differentiated sensory system than previously reported from any elasmobranch. Two main types of lateral line canals are found. In one type rounded patches of sensory epithelia are separated by elevations of the canal floor. The other type is a straight canal without restrictions and with an almost continuous sensory epithelium. In addition, we found epithelia (type A) with very long apical microvilli on the supporting cells. These microvilli reach beyond the stereovilli of the hair cells. Another type (B) of sensory epithelium has short microvilli on the supporting cells. In this latter type of epithelium the stereovilli of the hair cells are comparatively tall and reach out beyond the supporting cell microvilli.
  New hair cells are found widely in both types of sensory epithelia. These always occur as single cells, unlike those described in teleost lateral line canal sensory epithelia where new hair cells seem to form in pairs. Dying hair cells are also widespread, indicating a continuous turnover of hair cells.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of the lateral line systems in three taxonomically dispersed deep-sea fish are described: Poromitra capito, Melanonus zugmayeri and Phrynichthys wedli. They are meso- to bathpelagic and are thought to feed on small crustaceans and fish. All possess highly developed lateral line systems, a feature associated with life in the deep sea. Poromitra capito and M. zugmayeri exhibit widened head canals which are connected to the outside by large pores and which contain around 60 large neuromasts. Each neuromast consists of a cupula, shield-shaped mantle and a sensory plate containing hundreds to thousands of hair cells. Direction of sensitivity is in the long axis of the canal (perpendicular to the long axis of the mantle). Depending on their position on the sensory plate, the hair cells have different morphologies. They fall into three basic classes which, from comparison with past work, may be tuned to different frequencies. Alternatively, the various hair cell morphologies could be interpreted as being members of a developmental or growth sequence. Phrynichthys wedli has no canal organs, these being replaced secondarily by many superficial neuromasts placed on prominent papillae in rows which cover much of the 'head' and body. Direction of sensitivity is along the axis of the neuromast row. An extreme proliferation of superficial neuromasts are also found on the heads of P. capito and M. zugmayeri and these are of a type not described before. They consist of stitches, raised on papillae in M. zugmayeri and several mm long in P. capito , in which continuous lines of hair cells, two to three cells wide, are embedded. Direction of sensitivity is perpendicular to the long axis of the stitch. Based on the structure and direction of sensitivity, possible functional implications of all the neuromast types described are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed swimming kinematics of the yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi were investigated after unilateral ablation of superficial neuromasts (SNs). Most kinematic variables, such as tail‐beat frequency, stride length, caudal fin‐beat amplitude and propulsive wavelength, were unaffected but lateral amplitude at the tip of the snout (A0) was significantly increased in SN‐disrupted fish compared with sham‐operated controls. In addition, the orientation of caudal fin‐tip relative to the overall swimming direction of SN‐disrupted fish was significantly deflected (two‐fold) in comparison with sham‐operated control fish. In some fish, SN disruption also led to a phase distortion of the propulsive body‐wave. These changes would be expected to increase both hydrodynamic drag and thrust production which is consistent with the finding that SN‐disrupted fish had to generate significantly greater thrust power when swimming at ≥1·3 fork lengths (LF) s?1. In particular, hydrodynamic drag would increase as a result of any increase in rotational (yaw) perturbation and sideways slip resulting from the sensory disturbance. In conclusion, unilateral SN ablation produced directional instability of steady swimming and altered propulsive movements, suggesting a role for sensory feedback in correcting yaw and slip disturbances to maintain efficient locomotion.  相似文献   

Voronina, E.P. and Hughes, D.R. 2011. Types and development pathways of lateral line scales in some teleost species. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–13. A comparative study of lateral line scales (lls) in nine teleost species was undertaken to trace their ontogenetic structural changes. Three universal characters were used to describe and classify definitive and developing lls. The four main structural types in teleosts are represented. In adult fish, lls are the same structural type in all parts of lateral line in any one specimen, but number of tubules and their orientation may vary. In juvenile fish, except for one species, the structural type of every lls changes with growth, and this process progresses along the lateral line in the direction of development typical for the species. Definitive structural type of the lls is not determined by common scale type and size, presence or absence of nerve foramen on lls, scale overlapping or time of initiation of scales and trunk canal. Development pathways are proposed in which terminal states correspond to the final development of the most complex lls type in Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Diplodus annularis and Mullus barbatus. The intermediate states of these pathways correspond to other types of lls as examples of pedomorphosis in Perca fluviatilis, Sander lucioperca, Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Hippoglossoides platessoides.  相似文献   

The distribution of pit organs (free neuromasts) has previously been documented for several species of pelagic sharks, but is relatively poorly known for rays and bottom-dwelling (demersal) sharks. In the present study, the complete distribution of pit organs was mapped in the demersal sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Orectolobus maculatus, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, Chiloscyllium punctatum, and Asymbolus analis, and the rays Rhinobatos typus, Aptychotrema rostrata, Trygonorrhina sp. A, Raja sp. A, and Myliobatis australis. All of these species had pit organs scattered over the dorsolateral surface. The sharks also had "mandibular" pit organs (and "umbilical" pit organs in C. punctatum and A. analis) on the ventral surface, while pit organs were sparse or absent on the ventral surface of rays. All of the species examined here, except for M. australis, also had a "spiracular" group of pit organs adjacent to the eye and/or spiracle. Spiracular pit organs were also recorded for the sawshark Pristiophorus sp. A and the skate Pavoraja nitida, although the remainder of pit organs were not mapped in these species. The distribution and number of pit organs varied both within and among species. Pit organ distribution was asymmetrical in each individual examined, but no particular trend towards left or right "handedness" was observed in any species. Although rays have been thought to have fewer pit organs than sharks in general, this was not the case in the present study. All of the species examined here had few pit organs compared to the pelagic sharks previously documented, but it is not clear whether this is due to ecological or phylogenetic causes.  相似文献   

Batrachocottus baicalensis , endemic to Lake Baikal, Russia, has wider lateral line canals than Paracottus kneri , which also inhabits Siberian streams. In quiet water B. baicalensis responded to amphipods at a greater distance than did P. kneri. Batrachocottus baicalensis also moves less often from search positions than does P. kneri . Fish responded to faster moving prey at a greater distance than slower prey. They also responded to a greater distance to prey moving more parallel to the fish's body surface. In an artificial stream B. baicalensis responded only to prey that touched them whilst P. kneri responded to both swimming prey and prey that contacted them. It is argued that B. baicalensis is primarily an ambush predator that is a habitat specialist and P. kneri is a cruising predator that visits many habitats.  相似文献   

Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) possess a variety of sensory systems including the mechanosensory lateral line and electrosensory systems, which are particularly complex with high levels of interspecific variation in batoids (skates and rays). Rays have dorsoventrally compressed, laterally expanded bodies that prevent them from seeing their mouths and more often than not, their prey. This study uses quantitative image analysis techniques to identify, quantify, and compare structural differences that may have functional consequences in the detection capabilities of three Eastern Pacific stingray species. The benthic round stingray, Urobatis halleri, pelagic stingray, Pteroplatytrygon (Dasyatis) violacea, and benthopelagic bat ray, Myliobatis californica, show significant differences in sensory morphology. Ventral lateral line canals correlate with feeding ecology and differ primarily in the proportion of pored and nonpored canals and the degree of branching complexity. Urobatis halleri shows a high proportion of nonpored canals, while P. violacea has an intermediate proportion of pored and nonpored canals with almost no secondary branching of pored canals. In contrast, M. californica has extensive and highly branched pored ventral lateral line canals that extended laterally toward the wing tips on the anterior edge of the pectoral fins. Electrosensory morphology correlates with feeding habitat and prey mobility; benthic feeders U. halleri and M. californica, have greater electrosensory pore numbers and densities than P. violacea. The percentage of the wing surface covered by these sensory systems appears to be inversely related to swimming style. These methods can be applied to a broader range of species to enable further discussion of the relationship of phylogeny, ecology, and morphology, while the results provide testable predictions of detection capabilities. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mechanosensory lateral line system of fishes is an important organ system conveying information crucial to individual fitness. Yet, our knowledge of lateral line diversity is almost exclusively based on interspecific studies, whereas intraspecific variability and possible population divergence have remained largely unexplored. We investigated lateral line system variability in four marine and five pond populations of nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius). We found significant differences in neuromast number between pond and marine fish. In particular, three of seventeen lateral line regions (viz. caudal peduncle superficial neuromasts; canal neuromasts from the anterior trunk and caudal peduncle) showed strong divergence between habitats. Similar results were obtained with laboratory-reared individuals from a subset of populations, suggesting that the patterns found in nature likely have a genetic basis. Interestingly, we also found habitat-dependent population divergence in neuromast variability, with pond populations showing greater heterogeneity than marine populations, although only in wild-caught fish. A comparison of neutral genetic (F(ST)) and phenotypic (P(ST)) differentiation suggested that natural selection is likely associated with habitat-dependent divergence in neuromast counts. Hence, the results align with the conclusion that the mechanosensory lateral line system divergence among marine and pond nine-spined sticklebacks is adaptive.  相似文献   

The anatomical characteristics of the mechanoreceptive lateral line system and electrosensory ampullae of Lorenzini of Rhinobatos typus and Aptychotrema rostrata are compared. The spatial distribution of somatic pores of both sensory systems is quite similar, as lateral line canals are bordered by electrosensory pore fields. Lateral line canals form a sub-epidermal, bilaterally symmetrical net on the dorsal and ventral surfaces; canals contain a nearly continuous row of sensory neuromasts along their length and are either non-pored or pored. Pored canals are connected to the surface through a single terminal pore or additionally possess numerous tubules along their length. On the dorsal surface of R. typus, all canals of the lateral line occur in the same locations as those of A. rostrata. Tubules branching off the lateral line canals of R. typus are ramified, which contrasts with the straight tubules of A. rostrata. The ventral prenasal lateral line canals of R. typus are pored and possess branched tubules in contrast to the non-pored straight canals in A. rostrata. Pores of the ampullae of Lorenzini are restricted to the cephalic region of the disk, extending only slightly onto the pectoral fins in both species. Ampullary canals penetrate subdermally and are detached from the dermis. Ampullae occur clustered together, and can be surrounded by capsules of connective tissue. We divided the somatic pores of the ampullae of Lorenzini of R. typus into 12 pore fields (10 in A. rostrata), corresponding to innervation and cluster formation. The total number of ampullary pores found on the ventral skin surface of R. typus is approximately six times higher (four times higher in A. rostrata) than dorsally. Pores are concentrated around the mouth, in the abdominal area between the gills and along the rostral cartilage. The ampullae of both species of shovelnose ray are multi-alveolate macroampullae, sensu Andres and von Düring (1988). Both the pore patterns and the distribution of the ampullary clusters in R. typus differ from A. rostrata, although a basic pore distribution pattern is conserved.  相似文献   

Distribution, morphology, and orientation of superficial neuromasts and polarization of the hair cells within superficial neuromasts of the goldfish (Carassius auratus) were examined using fluorescence labeling and scanning electron microscopy. On each body side, goldfish have 1,800-2,000 superficial neuromasts distributed across the head, trunk and tail fin. Each superficial neuromast had about 14-32 hair cells that were arranged in the sensory epithelium with the axis of best sensitivity aligned perpendicular to the long axis of the neuromast. Hair cell polarization was rostro-caudal in most superficial neuromasts on trunk scales (with the exception of those on the lateral line scales), or on the tail fin. On lateral line scales, the most frequent hair cell polarization was dorso-ventral in 45% and rostro-caudal in 20% of the superficial neuromasts. On individual trunk scales, superficial neuromasts were organized in rows which in most scales showed similar orientations with angle deviations smaller than 45 degrees . In about 16% of all trunk scales, groups of superficial neuromasts in the dorsal and ventral half of the scale were oriented orthogonal to each other. On the head, most superficial neuromasts were arranged in rows or groups of similar orientation with angle deviations smaller than 45 degrees . Neighboring groups of superficial neuromasts could differ with respect to their orientation. The most frequent hair cell polarization was dorso-ventral in front of the eyes and on the ventral mandible and rostro-caudal below the eye and on the operculum.  相似文献   

Development of the lateral line system in the sea bass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using light and electron microscopy, a study of the development of the lateral line system of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax , from embryo to adult, revealed that the first free neuromasts appeared on the head shortly before hatching and multiplied during the larval stage. They were aligned on the head and trunk in a pattern which corresponded to the location of future canals. The transition to the juvenile stage marked the start of important anatomical changes during which head and trunk canals were formed successively. Neuromasts, with a cupula and consisting of standard sensory cells and supporting cells, were characterized by bidirectional polarity. The exact location of the first neuromast formed in the embryo was identified and its differentiation monitored from primordium to eruption. This neuromast was distinguishable from the others by its radial polarity. Correlations were made between the development of the lateral line system and the behaviour of the sea bass.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt/β‐catenin signaling has been implicated in multiple developmental events including the regulation of proliferation, cell fate, and differentiation. In the inner ear, Wnt/β‐catenin signaling is required from the earliest stages of otic placode specification through the formation of the mature cochlea. Within the avian inner ear, the basilar papilla (BP), many Wnt pathway components are expressed throughout development. Here, using reporter constructs for Wnt/β‐catenin signaling, we show that this pathway is active throughout the BP (E6‐E14) in both hair cells (HCs) and supporting cells. To characterize the role of Wnt/β‐catenin activity in developing HCs, we performed gain‐ and loss‐of‐function experiments in vitro and in vivo in the chick BP and zebrafish lateral line systems, respectively. Pharmacological inhibition of Wnt signaling in the BP and lateral line neuromasts during the periods of proliferation and HC differentiation resulted in reduced proliferation and decreased HC formation. Conversely, pharmacological activation of this pathway significantly increased the number of HCs in the lateral line and BP. Results demonstrated that this increase was the result of up‐regulated cell proliferation within the Sox2‐positive cells of the prosensory domains. Furthermore, Wnt/β‐catenin activation resulted in enhanced HC regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line following aminoglycoside‐induced HC loss. Combined, our data suggest that Wnt/β‐catenin signaling specifies the number of cells within the prosensory domain and subsequently the number of HCs. This ability to induce proliferation suggests that the modulation of Wnt/β‐catenin signaling could play an important role in therapeutic HC regeneration. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 438–456, 2014  相似文献   

Coloration in three of four species of the genus Neurergus including N. microspilotus is characterized by the presence of yellow spots on a dark skin, but there is no available information about changes in spot configuration, speed of development and degree of association between melanophore‐free region and the lateral line. In this study, spot numbers, spot circularity, spot size and spot asymmetry were studied during larval to adult growth in N. microspilotus during July 2012 to June 2015. The mean numbers of spots increased during the late larval stage till postmetamorphic period from 13.33 ± 3.77 to 22.53 ± 4.09 and reached 42.62 ± 4.06 in adults. At the same time, the extent of spots gradually decreased in size from 5.80 ± 1.00 to 3.57 ± 0.97 mm2 and reached 3.55 ± 1.42 mm2 in adults, but the spot circularity increased from 0.48 ± 0.23 to 0.78 ± 0.49 and reached 0.80 ± 0.15 in adults. In adults, the numbers, circularity, size and asymmetry of spots remain stable with little but non‐significant changes during the study period. Histological study shows that formation of a melanophore‐free region correlates with the development of the lateral line receptors. This study demonstrates that the effects of lateral line on chromatophores persist through middle larval stages but diminish as metamorphosis completes.  相似文献   

The interaction between the Brazilian pioneer legume Sesbania virgata and its microsymbiont Azorhizobium doebereinerae leads to the formation of nitrogen‐fixing nodules on roots that grow either in well‐aerated soils or in wetlands. We studied the initiation and development of nodules under these alternative conditions. To this end, light and fluorescence microscopy were used to follow the bacterial colonisation and invasion into the host and, by means of transmission electron microscopy, we could observe the intracellular entry. Under hydroponic conditions, intercellular invasion took place at lateral root bases and mature nodules were round and determinate. However, on roots grown in vermiculite that allows aerated growth, bacteria also entered via root hair invasion and nodules were both of the determinate and indeterminate type. Such versatility in entry and developmental plasticity, as previously described in Sesbania rostrata, enables efficient nodulation in both dry and wet environments and are an important adaptive feature of this group of semi‐tropical plants that grow in temporarily flooded habitats.  相似文献   

The ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus and the yellow perch Perca flavescens (both Percidae), have very different cephalic lateral line systems. The ruffe, which is nocturnal and frequents turbid water, has a cephalic lateral line with very wide canals, large neuromasts, and membranes covering the canal openings. This anatomy is convergent with that of many deep-sea fishes. The yellow perch has a lateral line composed of neuromasts enclosed in narrow canals freely open to the water. This anatomy is typical of active, diurnal, shallow-water fishes. Laboratory experiments in the dark using infra-red video equipment revealed that the ruffe detects Daphnia magna (Crustacea: Daphnidae) and the mayfly Hexagenia limbata (Insecta: Ephemeridae) at a greater distance than the yellow perch and that it also swims faster whilst searching for prey. The swimming of the ruffe consists of a thrust by the pectoral and caudal fins, followed by a glide, the prey being detected during the glide. It is suggested that the membranes over the openings in the ruffe's lateral line function to eliminate self-generated laminar flow 'noise' from reaching the neuromasts.  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation were studied in Champsodon snyderi (Champsodontidae). The lateral line system was composed of 43 canal and 935 superficial neuromasts, the former being arranged in 8 lines (7 on the head, 1 on the body). Tubular lateral line scales, clearly differing from the heart-shaped spinoid scales on the remaining parts of the head and body, were arranged dorsolaterally along the body, enclosing 19 canal neuromasts. Superficial neuromasts on the body were vertically aligned along 3 distinct body sections (comprising 19 dorsal, 26 lateral, and 20 ventrally positioned vertical lines), the lateral section being separated from the adjacent sections by single dorsolateral and ventrolateral horizontal lines of superficial neuromasts, respectively. All the canal neuromasts in the lateral line scales were included in the dorsal vertical lines. Accessory lateral rami, innervating most of the neuromasts on the body, were derived from the lateral ramus in a one-to-one relationship with the vertebrae.  相似文献   

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