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It is widely accepted that obligate aquatic mammals, specifically toothed whales, rely relatively little on olfaction. There is less agreement about the importance of smell among aquatic mammals with residual ties to land, such as pinnipeds and sea otters. Field observations of marine carnivorans stress their keen use of smell while on land or pack ice. Yet, one dimension of olfactory ecology is often overlooked: while underwater, aquatic carnivorans forage “noseblind,” diving with nares closed, removed from airborne chemical cues. For this reason, we predicted marine carnivorans would have reduced olfactory anatomy relative to closely related terrestrial carnivorans. Moreover, because species that dive deeper and longer forage farther removed from surface scent cues, we predicted further reductions in their olfactory anatomy. To test these hypotheses, we looked to the cribriform plate (CP), a perforated bone in the posterior nasal chamber of mammals that serves as the only passageway for olfactory nerves crossing from the periphery to the olfactory bulb and thus covaries in size with relative olfactory innervation. Using CT scans and digital quantification, we compared CP morphology across Arctoidea, a clade at the interface of terrestrial and aquatic ecologies. We found that aquatic carnivoran species from two lineages that independently reinvaded marine environments (Pinnipedia and Mustelidae), have significantly reduced relative CP than terrestrial species. Furthermore, within these aquatic lineages, diving depth and duration were strongly correlated with CP loss, and the most extreme divers, elephant seals, displayed the greatest reductions. These observations suggest that CP reduction in carnivorans is an adaptive response to shifting selection pressures during secondary invasion of marine environments, particularly to foraging at great depths. Because the CP is fairly well preserved in the fossil record, using methods presented here to quantify CP morphology in extinct species could further clarify evolutionary patterns of olfactory loss across aquatic mammal lineages that have independently committed to life in water.  相似文献   

The anatomical framework of the jawbones is highly conserved among most of the Osteichthyes, including the tetrapods. However, our recent study suggested that the premaxilla, the rostralmost upper jaw bone, was rearranged during the evolution of therian mammals, being replaced by the septomaxilla at least in the lateral part. In the present study, to understand more about the process of evolution from the ancestral upper jaw to the therian face, we re-examined the development of the therian premaxilla (incisive bone). By comparing mouse, bat, goat, and cattle fetuses, we confirmed that the therian premaxilla has dual developmental origins, the lateral body and the palatine process. This dual development is widely conserved among the therian mammals. Cell-lineage-tracing experiments using Dlx1-CreERT2 mice revealed that the palatine process arises in the ventral part of the premandibular domain, where the nasopalatine nerve distributes, whereas the lateral body develops from the maxillary prominence in the domain of the maxillary nerve. Through comparative analysis using various tetrapods, we concluded that the palatine process should not be considered part of the ancestral premaxilla. It rather corresponds to the anterior region of the vomerine bone of nonmammalian tetrapods. Thus, the present findings indicate that the true premaxilla was completely lost during the evolution of the therian mammals, resulting in the establishment of the unique therian face as an evolutionary novelty. Reconsideration of the homological framework of the cranial skeleton based on the topographical relationships of the ossification center during embryonic development is warranted.  相似文献   

利用面包虫制作小兽头骨标本方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张成菊  吴毅 《四川动物》2005,24(4):586-588
我们利用面包虫虫蚀制作小型兽类头骨标本,取得了较好的效果.采用分组对照的方法,依据蝙蝠头骨大小、标本浸制液种类、标本浸制时间、是否剔除舌、下颌软组织和颅骨两侧大片肌肉和标本清水浸泡处理时间等5个影响因素,设计蝙蝠头骨标本制作的实验(共27只蝙蝠头骨,分7个组).结果表明,利用面包虫虫蚀制作的头骨标本完整、干净,头骨较小的标本虫蚀时间较短,酒精或甲醛浸制一定时间的标本比新鲜标本更适合用虫蚀方法制作头骨,剔除肌肉等组织以及清水浸泡处理和适当提高实验温度均可以提高标本的制作速度,温湿度对标本制作过程有较大影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨鼻内镜下应用颞肌筋膜包裹自体鼻中隔软骨、筛骨垂直板或耳屏软骨修补鼻中隔穿孔的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2007年8月至2014年8月我院17例行鼻内镜下鼻中隔穿孔修补术患者的临床资料,所有患者术前均行鼻内镜及副鼻窦CT检查,术中分别采用颞肌筋膜包裹自体鼻中隔软骨、筛骨垂直板或带软骨膜的自体耳屏软骨,形成骨性支架,修补鼻中隔穿孔。术后均予抗生素抗感染,并用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子凝胶涂抹创面,促进周边黏膜向穿孔处生长。结果:17例患者均一次修复成功,术后1~2月穿孔处被黏膜完全覆盖,鼻中隔正常解剖结构得以恢复,随访1~3年无再次穿孔,鼻中隔穿孔产生的临床症状术后改善明显。结论:鼻内镜下应用鼻中隔软骨、筛骨垂直板或耳屏软骨修补鼻中隔穿孔安全、有效、简便,值得推广。  相似文献   


Certain distinctive features of the skull and postcranial skeleton of Lystrosaurus are discussed. The mechanics of the skull are re‐evaluated and it is concluded that the skull was modified relative to Permian forms to produce a bigger bite force and more vertical component of the adductor muscles, while preserving a wide gape. A zone of weakness, acting as a shock absorption system, was present in the premaxillary‐nasal region of the skull. Antero‐posterior movement of the lower jaw had been reduced. It is concluded that the skull was used to crush resistant plant matter.

The external nasal opening presents no evidence for a valvular structure, but may have housed a nasal gland.

The flared scapula produced a slightly greater mechanical advantage in the limb protractors and retractors.

The manus was short and broad, suitable for digging, but the claws were flat and rounded.

The wide knee‐joint indicated powerful foot‐moving muscles.

The palaeoenvironment of the Lystrosaurus‐Thrinaxodon Assemblage Zone is examined. It was probably drier than usually described. The fauna contained many terrestrial elements.

Lystrosaurus was probably a fully terrestrial animal which may have excavated burrows for itself, but was not a committed burrower like Cistecephalus.  相似文献   

The cartilaginous nasal septum plays a major role in structural integrity and growth of the face, but its internal location has made physiologic study difficult. By surgically implanting transducers in 10 miniature pigs (Sus scrofa), we recorded in vivo strains generated in the nasal septum during mastication and masseter stimulation. The goals were (1) to determine whether the cartilage should be considered as a vertical strut supporting the nasal cavity and preventing its collapse, or as a damper of stresses generated during mastication and (2) to shed light on the overall pattern of snout deformation during mastication. Strains were recorded simultaneously at the septo‐ethmoid junction and nasofrontal suture during mastication. A third location in the anterior part of the cartilage was added during masseter stimulation and manipulation. Contraction of jaw closing muscles during mastication was accompanied by anteroposterior compressive strains (around ?1,000 με) in the septo‐ethmoid junction. Both the orientation and the magnitude of the strain suggest that the septum does not act as a vertical strut but may act in absorbing loads generated during mastication. The results from masseter stimulation and manipulation further suggest that the masticatory strain pattern arises from a combination of dorsal bending and/or shearing and anteroposterior compression of the snout. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Whitehead H  McGill B  Worm B 《Ecology letters》2008,11(11):1198-1207
Understanding the effects of natural environmental variation on biodiversity can help predict response to future anthropogenic change. Here we analyse a large, long-term data set of sightings of deep-water cetaceans from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Seasonal and geographic changes in the diversity of these genera are well predicted by a convex function of sea-surface temperature peaking at c. 21 degrees C. Thus, diversity is highest at intermediate latitudes - an emerging general pattern for the pelagic ocean. When applied to a range of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change global change scenarios, the predicted response is a decline of cetacean diversity across the tropics and increases at higher latitudes. This suggests that deep-water oceanic communities that dominate > 60% of the planet's surface may reorganize in response to ocean warming, with low-latitude losses of diversity and resilience.  相似文献   

The skull of Morganucodon   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Morganucodon is a triconodont (atherian) mammal from the Lower Jurassic. Two species are described: M. oehleri from China and M. watsoni from Wales. The skull in M. walsoni is 26 mm long; M. oehleri is slightly larger. The dentition is differentiated functionally into incisors, canines, premolars and molars. The pineal foramen is closed. The prefrontals, postfrontals and postorbitals are lost. Septomaxilla, quadratojugal, tabular and pterygoid flanges are retained. The bony external nares are unpaired. The nasal cavity had the mammalian complement of turbinals. The posterior palate has ridges and troughs similar to those in tritylodonts, triconodonts and multituberculates. The alisphenoid ascending process is narrow and is not in contact with the anterior lamina of the petrosal, lying lateral to it. There is a cavum epiptericum, as in late therapsids. The anterior lamina forms the lateral braincase wall, perforated by the foramina pseudovale and pseudorotundum. There is a squamosal-dentary articulation, but the reptilian jaw joint is retained. The ear resembles that in later therapsids, with the tympanum in the lower jaw. The small quadrate was moveable, buttressed medially be a large stapes. Sound conduction from the tympanum was via articular, quadrate and stapes. The systematic position of Morganucodon is discussed.  相似文献   

Cetaceans show many of the classic mammalian colouration patterns, such as uniform colouration, countershading, and prominent patches of colour, all within one relatively small taxon. We collated all the functional hypotheses for cetacean colouration that have been put forward in the literature and systematically tested them using comparative phylogenetic analyses. We found that countershading is a mechanism by which smaller cetacean species may avoid being seen by their prey. We discovered that prominent markings are associated with group living, fast swimming, and ostentatious behaviour at the surface, suggesting that they function in intraspecific communication. White markings on several parts of the body seem to be involved in the capture of fish, squid, and krill. Therefore, several different selection pressures have shaped the great diversity of skin colouration seen in extant cetaceans, although background matching, disruptive colouration and interspecific communication do not appear to be involved.  相似文献   

The development of the basement membrane and collagen fibrils below placodes, including the corneal region of the ectoderm, lens epithelium, nasal plate, and auditory vesicle in anuran larvae was observed by transmission electron microscopy and compared with that in nonplacodal regions such as the epidermis, neural tube, and optic vesicle. In the corneal region the lamina densa becomes thick concomitantly with the development of the connecting apparatuses such as hemidesmosomes and anchoring fibrils. The collagen fibrils increase in number and form a multilayered structure, showing similar morphology to the connective tissues below the epidermis. These two areas, i.e., the corneal region and epidermis, possess much collagenous connective tissue below them. On the other hand, the neural tube and ophthalmic vesicle that originated from the neural tube each have a thin lamina densa and a small number of underlying collagen fibrils. The lamina densa does not thicken and the number of collagen fibrils do not significantly increase during development. These two areas possess little extracellular matrix. The nasal plate and auditory vesicle show intermediate characteristics between the epidermis-type and the neural tube-type areas. In these areas, the lamina densa becomes thick and hemidesmosomes and anchoring fibrils develop. The number of collagen fibrils increases during development, but does not show an orderly arrangement; rather, they are randomly distributed. It is thought that the difference in the arrangement of collagen fibrils in different tissues is due to differences in the extracellular matrix around the collagen fibrils. Placodal epithelia have the same origin as epidermis, but during development their morphological characteristics differ and they are not associated with the pattern of extracellular matrix with characteristics of epidermal and corneal multilayered collagen fibril areas.  相似文献   

Dryolestes leiriensis is a Late Jurassic fossil mammal of the dryolestoid superfamily in the cladotherian clade that includes the extant marsupials and placentals. We used high resolution micro‐computed tomography (µCT) scanning and digital reconstruction of the virtual endocast of the inner ear to show that its cochlear canal is coiled through 270°, and has a cribriform plate with the spiral cochlear nerve foramina between the internal acoustic meatus and the cochlear bony labyrinth. The cochlear canal has the primary bony lamina for the basilar membrane with a partially formed (or partially preserved) canal for the cochlear spiral ganglion. These structures, in their fully developed condition, form the modiolus (the bony spiral structure) of the fully coiled cochlea in extant marsupial and placental mammals. The CT data show that the secondary bony lamina is present, although less developed than in another dryolestoid Henkelotherium and in the prototribosphenidan Vincelestes. The presence of the primary bony lamina with spiral ganglion canal suggests a dense and finely distributed cochlear nerve innervation of the hair cells for improved resolution of sound frequencies. The primary, and very probably also the secondary, bony laminae are correlated with a more rigid support for the basilar membrane and a narrower width of this membrane, both of which are key soft‐tissue characteristics for more sensitive hearing for higher frequency sound. All these cochlear features originated prior to the full coiling of the therian mammal cochlea beyond one full turn, suggesting that the adaptation to hearing a wider range of sound frequencies, especially higher frequencies with refined resolution, has an ancient evolutionary origin no later than the Late Jurassic in therian evolution. The petrosal of Dryolestes has added several features that are not preserved in the petrosal of Henkelotherium. The petrosal characters of dryolestoid mammals are essentially the same as those of Vincelestes, helping to corroborate the synapomorphies of the cladotherian clade in neural, vascular, and other petrosal characteristics. The petrosal characteristics of Dryolestes and Henkelotherium together represent the ancestral morphotype of the cladotherian clade (Dryolestoidea + Vincelestes + extant Theria) from which the extant therian mammals evolved their ear region characteristics. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 433–463.  相似文献   

Male genital diversification is likely the result of sexual selection. Female genital diversification may also result from sexual selection, although it is less well studied and understood. Female genitalia are complex among whales, dolphins, and porpoises, especially compared to other vertebrates. The evolutionary factors affecting the diversity of vaginal complexity could include ontogeny, allometry, phylogeny, sexual selection, and natural selection. We quantified shape variation in female genitalia using 2D geometric morphometric analysis, and validated the application of this method to study soft tissues. We explored patterns of variation in the shape of the cervix and vagina of 24 cetacean species (n = 61 specimens), and found that genital shape varies primarily in the relative vaginal length and overall aspect ratio of the reproductive tract. Extensive genital shape variation was partly explained by ontogenetic changes and evolutionary allometry among sexually mature cetaceans, whereas phylogenetic signal, relative testis size, and neonate size were not significantly associated with genital shape. Female genital shape is diverse and evolves rapidly even among closely related species, consistent with predictions of sexual selection models and with findings in invertebrate and vertebrate taxa. Future research exploring genital shape variation in 3D will offer new insights into evolutionary mechanisms because internal vaginal structures are variable and can form complex spirals.  相似文献   

Human females stop reproducing long before they die. Among other mammals, only pilot and killer whales exhibit a comparable period of post-reproductive life. The grandmother hypothesis suggests that kin selection can favour post-reproductive survival when older females help their relatives to reproduce. But although there is an evidence that grandmothers can provide such assistance, it is puzzling why menopause should have evolved only among the great apes and toothed whales. We have previously suggested (Cant & Johnstone 2008 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 5332–5336 (doi:10.1073/pnas.0711911105)) that relatedness asymmetries owing to female-biased dispersal in ancestral humans would have favoured younger females in reproductive competition with older females, predisposing our species to the evolution of menopause. But this argument appears inapplicable to menopausal cetaceans, which exhibit philopatry of both sexes combined with extra-group mating. Here, we derive general formulae for ‘kinship dynamics’, the age-related changes in local relatedness that occur in long-lived social organisms as a consequence of dispersal and mortality. We show that the very different social structures of great apes and menopausal whales both give rise to an increase in local relatedness with female age, favouring late-life helping. Our analysis can therefore help to explain why, of all long-lived, social mammals, it is specifically among the great apes and toothed whales that menopause and post-reproductive helping have evolved.  相似文献   

Meperidine HCl was administered intramuscularly by hand-syringe to a number of individuals representing several species of cetaceans (n = 95) and pinnipeds (n = 36). Dosage administered was 0.11 mg/kg, 0.23 mg/kg or 0.45 mg/kg, with the majority of animals receiving the middle dosage. Meperidine HCl provided moderate restraint in cetaceans without obvious deleterious effects. Restraint was achieved rapidly, with maximum effect occurring 20 min after intramuscular injection and lasting for 2 to 3 hr. Analgesia appeared to last as long as 4 hr and was sometimes accompanied by a restoration of appetite in animals suffering from physical discomfort. Higher doses produced increased sedation and analgesia without noticeably depressing respiration. Meperidine HCl provided moderate restraint for phocids and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) without apparent detriment. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) showed little restraint, but demonstrated profound respiratory depression.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have described the anatomy and function of the external ear (pinna) of bats, and other placental mammals, however, studies of marsupial pinna are largely absent. In bats, the tragus appears to be especially important for locating and capturing insect prey. In this study, we aimed to investigate the pinnae of Australian marsupials, with a focus on the presence/absence of tragi and how they may relate to diet. We investigated 23 Australian marsupial species with varying diets. The pinnae measurements (scapha width, scapha length) and tragi (where present) were measured. The interaural distance and body length were also recorded for each individual. Results indicated that all nectarivorous, carnivorous, and insectivorous species had tragi with the exception of the insectivorous striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata), numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus), and nectarivorous sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps). No herbivorous or omnivorous species had tragi. Based on the findings in this study, and those conducted on placental mammals, we suggest marsupials use tragi in a similar way to placentals to locate and target insectivorous prey. The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) displayed the largest interaural distance that likely aids in better localization and origin of noise associated with prey detection. In contrast, the smallest interaural distance was exhibited by a macropod. Previous studies have suggested the hearing of macropods is especially adapted to detect warnings of predators made by conspecifics. While the data in this study demonstrate a diversity in pinnae among marsupials, including presence and absence of tragi, it suggests that there is a correlation between pinna structure and diet choice among marsupials. A future study should investigate a larger number of individuals and species and include marsupials from Papua New Guinea, and Central and South America as a comparison.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii was investigated in wild and captive cetaceans from Japan. Antibodies against T. gondii were examined by both latex agglutination test (LAT) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) for 77 serum or plasma samples obtained from 59 individuals of 6 species, including 2 hybrids. Antibody titers greater than 1:64 in LAT and greater than 1:640 in IHAT, indicative of the presence of T. gondii, were found in 11.9% of 59 individuals. In 7 samples that showed a positive reaction by IHAT, T. gondii titers were examined for each immunoglobulin (Ig) fraction separated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The antibody peaks in each fraction were divided into 3 types, thought to be a reaction of IgM (type 1), IgG (type 2), and IgM with IgG (type 3). Type 1 was found in serum from a bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and a killer whale (Orcinus orca) sampled soon after capture off the Japanese coast in 1988; it was concluded that infection in the wild had occurred less than 15 yr before the study was performed. The prevalence of putative IgM and IgG antibodies from a captive-bred T. truncatus suggested that T. gondii infection also occurred in the aquarium.  相似文献   

Zhang P  Sun N  Yao Z  Zhang X 《Zoo biology》2012,31(3):336-349
The number of cetaceans housed in aquariums in China is increasing. Detailed information on the historical and current population status has not been reported, despite its importance for successful breeding and population management. Questionnaires were conducted between December 2006 and May 2009, and the information was used to construct studbooks. Our survey showed that 10 species had been introduced to aquariums since 1978, including 26 (with 15 in the current population) finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), 5 (5) false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens), 94 (80) common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 48 (30) Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus), 36 (32) beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), 10 (10) pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), 8 (8) Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), 2 (2) short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), 2 (2) Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and 5 (0) baiji dolphins (Lipotes vexillifer). The number of cetaceans has increased markedly in the past 32 years, especially since 1995. Currently, 184 individuals are under human care throughout China, a number larger than any other country with an International Species Information System membership. In addition, the Annual Survival Rates of bottlenose dolphins (0.959) and beluga whales (0.968) were found higher than those reported previously (0.93-0.951 and 0.94-0.954, respectively).  相似文献   

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