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We had previously shown that the signal of activation delivered via CD2 varies according to the mitogenic pair of CD2 mAb used. We had selected two typical mAb pairs, D66 + T11(1) and GT2 + T11(1), the former delivering the "richest" signal, the latter the poorest. Here we analyzed the cytolytic activities generated within PBL-stimulated by these two pairs. When purified CD2+,3- cells were cultured with either one of these two pairs, no significant lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity--namely the activity exerted on NK-resistant malignant cell lines or fresh tumor cells--was detected, thereby demonstrating the inability of CD2 mAb pairs to directly trigger the LAK precursors. By contrast, when purified CD2+,3+ cells were cultured, only D66 + T11(1) was able to trigger a potent CTL activity, as judged by targeting their activity, at the effector phase, with a bridging CD3 mAb on a FcR+ target cell or by using heteroaggregates on FcR- malignant cells. When whole PBL were used, a similar and moderate LAK activity was generated after culture with either one of the 2 CD2 mAb pairs. This, in fact, masked quite different events. The amounts of endogeneous IL-2 released in PBL cultures with GT2 + T11(1) was rather low, although it was sufficiently high in PBL cultures with D66 + T11(1) to generate a potent LAK activity. Yet, PBL stimulated with D66 + T11(1) released concomitantly a high amount of IL-4 which inhibited the development of the LAK activity, as demonstrated by unmasking this activity with an anti-IL4 antiserum and which did not inhibit the T CTL activity; this IL-4 secretion was not seen with GT2 + T11(1). Therefore, stimulation by these two typical CD2 mAb pairs induce a striking different pattern of IL synthesis.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the expression of the high-affinity receptor for interleukin-2 (IL-2 receptor) evaluated by the method of flow cytofluorimetry based on changes in the number of cells that express the CD25 marker (CD25+) was studied in human peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by various mitogens. It has been shown that, in the resting lymphocyte culture, both phytohemagglutinin (PHA, 10 μg/ml) and 12,13-phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu, 10−8 M) with ionomycin (IM, 5 × 10−7 M) induce a long-lasting increase (for 48 h) in the number of CD25+ cells. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) has only been found to be capable of inducing time-dependent CD25 expression in competent (not resting) lymphocytes pretreated with submitogenic doses of PHA (1 μg/ml). A comparison of the dynamics of the number of CD25+ cells and blast transformation has shown that CD25 markers are revealed as early as on small stimulated lymphocytes, while, at the late activation stages, which correspond to the stage of cell growth and transition to DNA synthesis, the overwhelming majority of blasts are CD25+ cells with high-affinity α -receptors for IL-2. The obtained data allow one to suggest that the expression of an α -subunit of IL-2 receptor takes place at the IL-2-dependent stage of T lymphocyte proliferation and may be directly induced by IL-2 via IL-2 receptor.  相似文献   

Bovine CD5 lymphocytes can be categorized into "bright" and "dim" populations on the basis of CD5-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding. CD5dim lymphocytes enriched by negative selection using mAbs to CD2 and MHC class II were examined phenotypically and functionally. CD5dim-enriched lymphocytes were 50-74% T19+ and 5-36% CD8+. Fewer than 13% expressed CD4, IgM, or MHC class II on their surface, and 6-20% expressed low levels of CD2. These cells did not proliferate to alloantigen or uv-inactivated BHV-1, but did proliferate to Con A and IL-2 in the absence of antigenic or mitogenic stimulation. Following IL-2 stimulation, the T19+ CD5dim lymphocytes proliferated and CD11c expression was induced. Freshly isolated CD5dim lymphocytes failed to kill in a bovine NK-like assay; however, following culture CD5dim-enriched lymphocytes exhibited non-MHC restricted cytotoxicity. We suggest that the CD5dim-enriched lymphocyte population contains the precursors of bovine LAK killing; however, a more extensive phenotype of these precursors in the bovine is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

This study used flow cytometry to determine the peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets and a sandwich enzyme immunoassay to measure the plasma levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R) in 34 patients in different stages of recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU) and in 32 age/sex-matched normal control subjects. In the exacerbation stage of RAU, a significant increase in the percentages of CD3+ (p < 0.001), CD4+ (p < 0.001), CD4+ IL-2R+ (p < 0.001), CD8+ IL-2R+ (p < 0.01) and IL-2R+ cells (p < 0.001), in the CD4+/CD8+ (p < 0.01) and CD4+/CD3+ CD8+ ratios (p < 0.01), and in the plasma level of IL-2 (p < 0.001) was found in the patients as compared with the levels in the normal control subjects. However, in the post-exacerbation stage of RAU, there was a significant decrease in the percentage of CD4+ cells (p < 0.05) and in the CD4+/CD8+ (p < 0.01) and CD4+/CD3+ CD8+ ratios (p < 0.001), as well as a significant increase in CD8+ cells (p < 0.001) in the patients, as compared with the levels in the normal control subjects. Because the CD4+, CD4+ IL-2R+ and CD8+ IL-2R+ cell counts and the plasma level of IL-2 increased simultaneously in the patients in the exacerbation stage of RAU, we suggest that the markedly increased plasma level of IL-2 may have been secreted by the increased number of activated CD4+ cells, and that the expression of IL-2R by activated peripheral blood lymphocytes was upregulated by the plasma level of IL-2 in patients with RAU. In addition, the increase and then decrease of the CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the RAU patients and the increased number of CD4+ IL-2R+ and CD8+ IL-2R+ activated T cells in the RAU patients support the role of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the immunopathogenesis of RAU.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that CTL-mediated cytotoxicity may involve multiple lytic mechanisms. We have examined both the antibody-redirected cytolytic potential and the direct cytotoxicity of purified human peripheral blood high buoyant density CD4+ and CD8+ T cells activated with IL-2 and anti-CD3 mAb. TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant targets and various metabolic inhibitors were used to compare the antibody-redirected cytotoxicity of T cell subsets and discern the role of potential lytic mediators. In a 4-h assay against several different nitrophenyl-modified targets, the heteroconjugated antibody (anti-CD3-anti-nitrophenyl) redirected cytolytic potential of 72-h activated CD4+ T cells was inhibited by the continuous presence of actinomycin D, cycloheximide, and EGTA, but not mitomycin C, cyclosporin A, or cholera toxin (CT). Conversely, only CT and EGTA inhibited the antibody-redirected cytolytic potential of activated CD8+ T cells. Despite both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets expressing granzymes, pore-forming protein, TNF-beta, and TNF-alpha, these T cell subsets displayed distinct pathways of antibody-redirected lysis against TNF-sensitive and TNF-resistant targets, even in the presence of anti-TNF antibodies. In addition, these same effector T cell subsets were also directly cytotoxic (in the absence of heteroconjugated antibody) against TNF-sensitive targets in an 18-h assay. Indeed, this direct cytotoxicity was completely abrogated by anti-TNF-alpha antibody and was sensitive to the metabolic inhibitors (cyclosporin A, CT, cycloheximide, and actinomycin D), all of which blocked CD4+/CD8+ T cell TNF-alpha production. Therefore, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were demonstrated to utilize antibody and lymphokine-mediated lytic mechanisms. CD4+ and CD8+ effector subsets were demonstrated to lyse the same TNF-sensitive target by these two different mechanisms. Although it cannot be excluded that the redirected lytic mechanisms of both CD4+ and CD8+ effectors share common elements, it is likely that other important events in this cytolytic process are fundamentally distinct between these subsets of T cells.  相似文献   

Picornaviruses are a family of positive-strand RNA viruses that are responsible for a variety of devastating human and animal diseases. An attenuated strain of mengovirus (vMC24) is serologically indistinguishable from the lethal murine wild-type mengovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). Immunogen-specific stimulation of vMC24-immune splenocytes in vitro demonstrates preferential activation of CD4+ lymphocytes. vMC24-immune splenocytes adoptively transferred to naive recipients conferred protection against lethal EMCV challenge. Immune splenocytes, expanded in vitro, were > 92% CD4+ T lymphocytes. Interestingly, adoptive transfer of these expanded cells engendered protection against lethal challenge. In vivo depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes prior to lethal challenge abrogated survival of transfer recipients, confirming that CD4+ T lymphocytes were essential for protection. Subsequent rechallenge of vMC24-immune splenocyte recipients with a greater EMCV dose elicited serum neutralizing antibody titers paralleling the high titers observed in vMC24-immunized mice. Unexpectedly, an augmented humoral response was absent in vMC24-specific CD4+ T-cell recipients after the secondary challenge. Moreover, comparably low serum neutralizing antibody titers failed to protect passive transfer recipients when correspondingly challenged. vMC24-immune splenocytes expanded in vitro (> 94% CD4+) lysed vMC24-infected A20.J target cells. The ability to transfer protection with primed CD4+ T cells, in the absence of primed B lymphocytes or immune sera, is novel for picornaviral infections. Consequently, mechanisms such as CD4+ cytolytic T-lymphocyte activity are implicated in mediating protection.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could induce the production of interleukin-3 (IL-3) by mouse spleen cells. In the present study, we show that recombinant human interleukin-1, in the absence of other stimuli, is able to induce the production of IL-3. IL-3 was detected in the supernatants of adult, although neither in young nor in nude mouse splenocytes and was assessed by its capacity to support the growth of the IL-3-dependent FDC-P2 cell line. The presence of IL-3 was antigenically confirmed with a monoclonal anti-IL-3 antibody. Both recombinant IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta had similar potential for inducing IL-3 production. IL-3 activity was detected in the supernatants of cells cultured in the presence of 100 pg/ml IL-1; maximal IL-3 levels were obtained with 10-30 ng/ml IL-1. Kinetic studies of IL-1-induced IL-3 production indicated that 4-6 days of culture were required for optimal production, whereas 1-2 days were sufficient in cultures stimulated with concanavalin A. Recombinant IL-6 failed to induce significant amounts of IL-3, and TNF alpha induced only weak IL-3 production. GM-CSF but not M-CSF could lead to the appearance of IL-3 in spleen cell culture supernatants. Removal of macrophages decreased the production of IL-3 induced by LPS and GMF-CSF though did not affect the IL-3 production induced by IL-1. This observation suggests that IL-1 production might be an intermediate event in IL-3 production induced by LPS and GM-CSF through the activation of macrophages. IL-3 was detected in culture supernatants of B-cell-depleted splenocytes indicating that T-cells were the source of IL-3. Surprisingly T-cell-depleted populations could also produce IL-3 upon IL-1 stimulation. Preliminary experiments with an autoreactive CD4- CD8- V beta 8+ clone suggested that these cells might also be involved in the described IL-3 production.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as T-cell-enriched or T-cell-depleted populations were found to proliferate in response to recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) in vitro in the absence of a lectin preactivation signal. This proliferative response was detected at Day 2, peaked at Day 5, and was dependent on the concentration of IL-2 used. At the initiation of culture, these cells did not appear to be activated as determined by the expression of Tac antigens. In cultures of unfractionated T-cell-enriched suspensions, high concentrations of IL-2 resulted in preferential expansion of the OKT8+ population, although both OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells proliferated in response to IL-2 when cultured alone. These studies demonstrate that human lymphocytes obtained by standard fractionation procedures from peripheral blood are capable of proliferation in response to IL-2 without in vitro preactivation signals given by the addition of mitogens or antigens to cultures. These findings suggest that in vivo IL-2, in the absence of other exogenous stimuli, may directly influence immune responses and thus may have a potential role as a clinical immunopharmacologic agent.  相似文献   

Activation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) induces cell aggregation (CA). Although the events leading to CA are not clear, a general change in protein turnover has been observed. Therefore, we have examined the effect of some well characterized protease inhibitors on CA. Chymostatin (20–150 μM) produced a dose dependent inhibition of CA. Protease inhibitors other than chymostatin had no significant effect on CA. Based on the action of these protease inhibitors on CA and their known inhibitory effects on different proteases, it is suggested that chymotrypsin or a chymotrypsin-like activity may be involved in PHA-stimulated aggregation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human fetal liver was examined during various stages of gestation for the presence of B cells by using immunoglobulin isotype markers and monoclonal B cell antibodies. Frozen sections were studied with the use of single and double staining methods. The B cell monoclonal antibodies used were BA1, which defines both mature and immature B cells; B1, which identifies mature B cells; and B532, which binds to activated mature B cells. The data indicate that both BA1 and mu+ cells are present at 12 wk gestation, and increase in frequency with age. Delta and B1-bearing cells are detected only later in fetal life. Phenotypically identifiable T cells are present at low frequencies in the fetal liver throughout the time period examined (12 to 21 wk). At 12 to 13 wk gestation, the numbers of kappa- and lambda-chain-positive cells are two to three times greater than the number of mu+ cells. Based on morphology and staining with OKM1, these light chain-bearing cells appear to be non-lymphoid, most likely cells of macrophage origin that have phagocytosed maternal IgG. Our results show that the monoclonal antibodies reacting with subsets of B cells in adults can also be used to define distinct subsets of B and pre-B cells in the fetal liver.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further elucidate our previous observation on molecular interaction of GM3, CD4 and p56lck in microdomains of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). We analyzed GM3 distribution by immunoelectron microscopy and the association between GM3 and CD4-p56lck complex by scanning confocal microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Scanning confocal microscopy analysis showed an uneven signal distribution of GM3 molecules over the surface of human lymphocytes. Nearly complete colocalization areas indicated that CD4 molecules were distributed in GM3-enriched plasma membrane domains. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that CD4 and p56lck were immunoprecipitated by IgG anti-GM3, demonstrating that GM3 tightly binds to the CD4-p56lck complex in human PBL. In order to verify whether GM3 association with CD4 molecules may depend on the presence of p56lck, we analyzed this association in U937, a CD4+and p56lck negative cell line. The immunoprecipitation with anti-GM3 revealed the presence of a 58[emsp4 ]kDa band immunostained with anti-CD4 Ab, suggesting that the GM3-CD4 interaction does not require its association with p56lck. These findings support the view that GM3 enriched-domains may represent a functional multimolecular complex involved in signal transduction and cell activation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further elucidate our previous observation on molecular interaction of GM3, CD4 and p56Ick in microdomains of human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). We analyzed GM3 distribution by immunoelectron microscopy and the association between GM3 and CD4-p56Ick complex by scanning confocal microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Scanning confocal microscopy analysis showed an uneven signal distribution of GM3 molecules over the surface of human lymphocytes. Nearly complete colocalization areas indicated that CD4 molecules were distributed in GM3-enriched plasma membrane domains. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that CD4 and p56Ick were immunoprecipitated by IgG anti-GM3, demonstrating that GM3 tightly binds to the CD4-p56Ick complex in human PBL. In order to verify whether GM3 association with CD4 molecules may depend on the presence of p56Ick, we analyzed this association in U937, a CD4 + and p56Ick negative cell line. The immunoprecipitation with anti-GM3 revealed the presence of a 58kDa band immunostained with anti-CD4 Ab, suggesting that the GM3-CD4 interaction does not require its association with p56Ick. These findings support the view that GM3 enriched-domains may represent a functional multimolecular complex involved in signal transduction and cell activation.  相似文献   

Engagement of the T cell receptor (TCR) by antigen or anti-CD3 antibody results in a cycle of internalization and re-expression of the CD3zeta. Following internalization, CD3zeta is degraded and replaced by newly synthesized CD3zeta on the cell surface. Here, we provide evidence that availability of the amino acid L-arginine modulates the cycle of internalization and re-expression of CD3zeta and cause T cell dysfunction. T cells stimulated and cultured in presence of L-arginine, undergo the normal cycle of internalization and re-expression of CD3zeta. In contrast, T cells stimulated and cultured in absence of L-arginine, present a sustained down-regulation of CD3zeta preventing the normal expression of the TCR, exhibit a decreased proliferation, and a significantly diminished production of IFNgamma, IL5, and IL10, but not IL2. The replenishment of L-arginine recovers the expression of CD3zeta. The decreased expression of CD3zeta is not caused by a decreased CD3zeta mRNA, an increased CD3zeta degradation or T cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

The human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor on interleukin (IL)-2-stimulated lymphocytes was characterized by binding and crosslinking techniques. The TNF receptor on IL-2-activated lymphocytes has an affinity of approximately 50 pM. Conventional crosslinking studies with the DSS analog bis(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate demonstrated a ligand-receptor complex molecular weight of 106-108 kDa. Lectin precipitation experiments indicated that the receptor is a glycoprotein with an affinity for lectin isolated from Ricinus communis. Affinity crosslinking studies with the iodinateable, cleavable crosslinker sulfosuccinimidyl 2-(p-azido-salicylamido) ethyl 1,3'-dithiopropionate demonstrated that the TNF receptor, by itself, in the absence of bound ligand, has a molecular weight of approximately 90 kDa. Furthermore, these results indicate that the crosslinked TNF:TNF-receptor complexes observed at 104-108 kDa are composed of receptor and monomeric TNF.  相似文献   

The levels of c-myc mRNA and interleukin-2 receptors (IL-2 Rec) were studied in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL); mature CD2+,CD3+ T cell clones and CD2+,CD3- natural killer (NK) cell clones, and CD2+,CD3+ and CD2-,CD3- T lymphoma cell lines. A transient induction of the expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec was observed in PBL after activation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec was also found in the CD2+,CD3+ and CD2+,CD3- clones. The CD2+,CD3+ showed higher levels of c-myc mRNA and IL-2 Rec than the CD2+,CD3- clones. In three T lymphoma cell lines constitutively high levels of c-myc mRNA but no IL-2 Rec were found. Only in JURKAT (CD2+,CD3+), c-myc mRNA levels could be further enhanced by PHA. These results suggest that in the presence of PHA, expression of c-myc and IL-2 Rec is induced via the CD3 receptor, and in the absence of PHA and/or the CD3 receptor alternative routes of induction are involved.  相似文献   

 In this study we have specifically investigated the participation of T cells in the cytotoxic activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) activated by interleukin-2 (IL-2, 50 U/ml) alone or in combination with an anti-CD3 mAb (BMA030, 10 ng/ml, IgG2a). Purified CD3+ T cells, incubated in the presence of the anti-CD3 mAb for 4 days, mediated a cytotoxic activity against HL60 and U937 tumor cell lines. Several findings suggested the involvement of a redirected-cytotoxicity phenomenon, since the lytic process was restricted to target cell lines bearing the high-affinity Fcγ receptor (FcγRI) and T lymphocytes stimulated by IL-2 alone did not lyse these cell lines. Furthermore, anti-CD3 mAb F(ab′)2, anti-CD3 IgG1 (UCHT1), phytohemagglutinin or staphylococcal enterotoxin A did not induce a similar cytotoxic activity in T lymphocytes. The cytotoxic process occurred in the presence of a very low level of anti-CD3 antibodies (in the nanomolar range). The cytotoxic activity of T cells stimulated by IL-2 or by IL-2 + BMA030, against OVCAR-3 cells (MOv18+ ovarian tumor cell line), was also compared in the presence of a bispecific antibody (OC/TR, anti-CD3 × MOv18). The stimulation by IL-2 + BMA030 induced approximately a twofold higher cytotoxic activity than IL-2-activated T cells. This could be related to the state of activation of effector cells stimulated by IL-2 + BMA030, since the phenotypic analysis showed an increased proportion of T cells expressing several activation/differentiation markers (CD25, HLA-DR, CD45R0, adhesion molecules). These findings could be applied to the design of therapeutic protocols using anti-CD3 ×antitumoral bispecific antibodies. Received: 6 December 1995 / Accepted: 4 June 1996  相似文献   

IL-12 receptors (IL-12R) play a critical role in maintaining IL-12 regulation of T helper-1 (Th1) type immune responses. We studied the expression of two IL-12R, beta1 and beta2 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from normal donors, stimulated with polyclonal activators in the presence or absence of exogenous rhIL-12. Unstimulated peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PBTs) expressed moderate levels of IL-12Rbeta1 and very low to undetectable levels of IL-12Rbeta2. Superantigens and anti-CD3+anti-CD28 induced higher expression of both IL-12R on PBTs than PHA-P stimulation. Exogenous rhIL-12 further enhanced the PHA-P or anti-CD3+anti-CD28 induced IL-12Rbeta2 expression. Only a fraction of mitogen activated IL-12Rbeta1+ or beta2+ T lymphocytes co-expressed CD25 (with further enhancement by exogenous rhIL-12), while a higher percentage of these cells were CXCR3+. The majority of superantigen or anti-CD3+anti-CD28-induced IL-12R+ PBTs were positive for both CD25 and CXCR3 markers. Our results indicated differential induction of IL-12R expression that correlated with up regulation of CD25 and CXCR3 expression on activated PBTs and provide a useful insight for monitoring these markers during treatment of Th1 type inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Immunosuppression in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes by fluvastatin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Statins are competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoAreductase, which is the major rate-limiting enzyme thatcontrols the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid[1]. Mevalonate derived intermediates, such as isoprenoid,farnyesylpyrophosphate and geranylpyrophosphate, serveas important lipid attachments for the posttranslationalmodification of a variety of proteins such as small GTP-binding proteins of the Ras and Rho superfamily involvedin intracellular signaling [2]. Therefore, apart from the we…  相似文献   

Signaling through the TCR as well as engagement of costimulatory molecules are required for efficient T cell activation and progression into differentiated effector cells. The beta2 integrin LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) has been implicated in TCR costimulation as well as in cell-cell adhesion function, but its exact role is still ambiguous. The present study focuses on the requirement for LFA-1 in CD8+ T cell activation and effector function using LFA-1-deficient cells expressing the 2C transgenic TCR as a model system. The lack of LFA-1 expression in 2C T cells resulted in severely diminished proliferative response toward allogeneic BALB/c splenocytes. Increase in TCR signaling alone by pulsing stimulators with high affinity peptides, p2Ca or QL9, had minimal effects in restoring proliferation. Addition of exogenous IL-2, however, enhanced the effect of peptide pulsing on proliferation of LFA-1-deficient 2C T cells. LFA-1-deficient 2C CTLs generated from alloantigen stimulation exhibited a defective cytotoxic activity when tested on a variety of target cells. Cytolysis could be improved, but not fully rectified by peptide pulsing of target cells. Thus, in the 2C TCR model, LFA-1 has a requisite role for optimal CD8+ T cell activation and effector function, which cannot be overcome by increasing peptide/MHC density on either the APCs or target cells, respectively.  相似文献   

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