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A combined histofluorescent, light optic and electron microscopic investigation has been performed to study the medulla of the adrenals in intact rats (August strain) and immediately after immobilization for 30 h and 24 h after. In the intact animals heteromorphism of the medulla is demonstrated; this depends on the fact that adrenocytes are at different stages of the secretory cycle. Immobilization for 30 h results in synchronization of secretion; this is determined by adaptation of the adrenal system to immobilization. One day after immobilization restoration of heteromorphism in chromaffinocytes is demonstrated. The changes described are compensatory-adaptive reactions of the adrenal medulla to the stress in the animals survived.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of fetal porcine adrenal medullae have been studied at 60, 80, and 100 days of gestation. Adrenal medullae from fetuses at 60 days of pregnancy consisted of norepinephrine cells only. Some cells containing chromaffin granules were seen in the process of mitosis. A few epinephrine cells were present in the outer medullary zone at 80 days at pregnancy, their number increasing by the 100 day of pregnancy. Chromaffin cells containing both norepinephrine and epinephrine storing granules were also present at 80 and 100 days of gestation. Norepinephrine and epinephrine specific granular vesicles in the fetal adrenal medullary cells were smaller than those reported for the adult pig. The general ultrastructural characteristics of the porcine fetal adrenal medulla were similar to those reported for prenatal adrenal medulla of other species.  相似文献   

Unusually large mitochondria with few cristae were observed in the cells of the boundary layer between the zonae fasciculata and reticularis of the pig adrenal. These mitochondria occasionally contained parallel arrays of beaded filaments which appeared to be composed of repetitive electron opaque particles, measuring 10 to 11 nm in diameter. The possibility that these filaments are arranged in closely packed arrays of tubular structures with a central filament is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to identify insulin receptors in the bovine adrenal cortex and medulla, we have studied 125I-porcine insulin binding to the membrane preparations from the bovine adrenal cortex and medulla. 125I-porcine insulin bound not only to the bovine adrenal cortex but to the medulla in time-, temperature-, and pH-dependent manners. The maximum levels of 125I-porcine insulin binding in the two tissues were observed at 4 degrees C for 24 h of incubation, and its optimum pH ranged from 7.6 to 8.0. Under these conditions, at tracer concentration of porcine insulin (200 pg/ml), 10.4% and 6.6% of 125I-porcine insulin added to each reaction tube bound specifically to 10(5) x g-pellet fractions (microsomal membrane) from the cortical tissue (0.3 mg of protein) and from the medullary tissue (2 mg of protein), respectively. 125I-porcine insulin binding was observed predominantly in the microsomal membrane from the bovine adrenal cortex, and in a 15,000 x g- pellet fraction (synaptosomal membrane) from the bovine adrenal medulla. Scatchard analysis of binding data yielded curvilinear plots in each tissue. Analysis of curvilinear plots based on two sites model revealed similar affinity constant between the cortex and medulla. Receptor concentration of the cortex was several times higher than that of the medulla. In the two bovine adrenal tissues, human proinsulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) had about 1/100 potency compared to porcine insulin in displacing 125I-porcine insulin binding. Porcine glucagon added with concentration up to 10(-6) M did not inhibit 125I-porcine insulin binding to both the cortex and the medulla.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the membranes of noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline (A) granules of the bovine adrenal medulla (Terland, O., T. Flatmark, and H. Kryvi, Biochim, Biophys. Acta 553, 460--468 (1979)) was analyzed by transmission, negative staining and freeze-etch electron microscopy. The two types of storage granules can be distinguished mainly by two morphological criteria: (a) The NA-granules have a more electron dense matrix core than the A-granules, (b) the NA-granules revealed less asymmetry in the distribution of intramembrane particles (nPF:nEF = 4,5:1) than the A-granules (nPF:nEF = 9:1). Thus, the trilaminar structure, negative staining pattern and size distribution of the intramembrane particles of the two fracture faces on freeze-etch electron microscopy were very similar for the two types of granules. Freeze-etching revealed a wide range of the particle size distribution for both fracture faces in both types of granules, with an average diameter of 12.6 +/- 2.7 nm (A-granules) and 10.2 +/- 2.8 nm (NA-granules) for the E-fracture faces and 11.4 +/- 2.7 nm (A-granules) and 9.8 +/- 2.4 nm (NA-granules) for the P-fracture faces. Some of the particles on the P-fracture face (outer surface of the membrane) revealed a subunit structure, most clearly seen in the specimens of NA-granules. Morhpometric analyses of sectioned bovine adrenal medulla revealed that the chromaffin granules on an average account for approx. 13.5% of the cytoplasmic volume in the total population of chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

During inflammation, the covalent linking of the ubiquitous extracellular polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA) with the heavy chains (HC) of the serum protein inter alpha inhibitor (IαI) is exclusively mediated by the enzyme tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα)-stimulated-gene-6 (TSG-6). While significant advances have been made regarding how HC-modified HA (HC-HA) is an important regulator of inflammation, it remains unclear why HC-HA plays a critical role in promoting survival in intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia while exerting only a modest role in the outcomes following intratracheal exposure to LPS. To address this gap, the two models of intraperitoneal LPS-induced endotoxic shock and intratracheal LPS-induced acute lung injury were directly compared in TSG-6 knockout mice and littermate controls. HC-HA formation, endogenous TSG-6 activity, and inflammatory markers were assessed in plasma and lung tissue. TSG-6 knockout mice exhibited accelerated mortality during endotoxic shock. While both intraperitoneal and intratracheal LPS induced HC-HA formation in lung parenchyma, only systemically-induced endotoxemia increased plasma TSG-6 levels and intravascular HC-HA formation. Cultured human lung microvascular endothelial cells secreted TSG-6 in response to both TNFα and IL1β stimulation, indicating that, in addition to inflammatory cells, the endothelium may secrete TSG-6 into circulation during systemic inflammation. These data show for the first time that LPS-induced systemic inflammation is uniquely characterized by significant vascular induction of TSG-6 and HC-HA, which may contribute to improved outcomes of endotoxemia.  相似文献   

Catalase activity was detected in homogenates of bovine adrenal cortex and medulla. Analysis by equilibrium density centrifugation in isoosmotic metrizamide-sucrose gradients revealed that 70% of the medullary catalase activity was soluble while most of the remainder was found in a particulate form with a density of 1.175 g/ml. This was distinct from the densities of lysosomes, mitochondria, and chromaffin granules. Catalase activity in adrenal cortex was primarily (90%) soluble with only 6% being particulate, with a density of 1.185 g/ml. d-Amino acid, uric acid, and α-hydroxyacid oxidase activities, often associated with peroxisomes in other tissues, were absent from homogenates and catalase-containing gradient fractions from either cortex or medulla. There was an indication that some catalase activity was associated with chromaffin granules on the basis of density gradient analysis of both medullary homogenates and crude granule preparations. When granule fractions were subjected to osmotic shock, catalase activity distributed between soluble and sedimentable fractions differently from epinephrine and dopamine β-hydroxylase activity. The sedimentable catalase activity remained associated with chromaffin granule membranes upon isopycnic centrifugation. We concluded that catalase activity in both adrenal cortex and medulla was largely cytoplasmic, but that both tissues contained at least some catalase in dense organelles. Catalase activity which may be associated with chromaffin granules represents a small fraction of the total activity in the medulla.  相似文献   

Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy measurements of the fluorescent hydrocarbon probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,4-hexatriene (DPH) were carried out in isolated hepatocytes of saline control andSalmonella enteritidis endotoxin (20 mg/kg) injected rats. Statistically significant differences were observed in the fluorescent anisotropy (rs) and membrane microviscosity ( ) values of control (rs=0.107±0.004 (SEM), =0.98±0.08, n±6) versus endotoxin injected rat hepatocytes (rs=0.134±0.005, =1.43±0.08, n=6, p<0.001) at 37°C. Fluidity was similarly lower in the isolated plasma membrane preparations from endotoxin-injected rat livers relative to control livers. When endotoxin-injected rats were treated with the calcium channel-blocker diltiazem, the anisotropy and microviscosity values were comparable to thos eobtained from control rats (rs=0.152±0.003, =1.00±0.003, n=6). These measurements were made in animals five hours after endotoxin had been injected, and thus represent thein vivo effects of bacterial endotoxins. Temperature scan studies of DPH from 5–40°C revealed that the membrane fluidity of endotoxin-injected rat hepatocytes was significantly lower than control hepatocytes at all temperatures investigated. The data suggest that endotoxin alters the membrane fluidity of hepatocytes, and that calcium-channel blockers can prevent the alteration. Our previous studies have shown that calcium channel blocker prevented endotoxin induced alterations in hepatic cellular regulation of Ca2+. Thus, cellular calcium homeostasis may be important in the maintenance of membrane fluidity and other membrane-associated transport functions. (Mol Cell Biochem121: 143–148, 1993)  相似文献   

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