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金丝猴牙齿与体重间的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对金丝猴牙齿与体重间关系的研究结果表明,在雄性中,无论是线性还是面积与颅长之间的相关关系均较雌性的更为紧密。而且,随着体重的增加,雄性牙齿的近中远中长(M/D)也比雌性的增长较快。在上、下颌中,上颌牙齿与颅长的关系表现出更强的相联性。与其他灵长类相比较,金丝猴在取食和咀嚼过程中主要利用颊齿;大的个体具有大的犬齿及一定比例的臼齿面积和齿弓(牙合)面面积;上齿弓(牙合)面面积大于下齿弓(牙合)面面积。也就是说上齿弓提供了比下齿弓更大的咀嚼面积。金丝猴牙齿与体重间的关系位于猴类和人猿类之间,更接近于大猩猩(Gorilla)、疣猴(Colobus)和猕猴。  相似文献   

滇金丝猴、藏酋猴和猕猴咀嚼装置骨学特征的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对滇金丝猴、藏酋猴和猕猴毛耳亚种中与咀嚼有关的48项骨学特征作了比较,试图探讨它们在功能与形态及行为方面的相关关系。对所得变量进行了多变量统计分析、齿弓对称性分析及咀嚼能力分析。结果表明:滇金丝猴与猕猴属具有不同的下颌形状。前者齿弓对称性比后者好,且具有更强的咀嚼能力;藏酋猴的咀嚼能力远较毛耳猴接近滇金丝猴;咬啐坚果的能力与咀嚼能力大小相反。在下颌发育中有异速生长现象。据此对食性的推测与已有的野外观察资料相符。  相似文献   

滇金丝猴,藏酋猴和毛耳猴下颌骨的异速生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)、藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)和毛耳猴(Macacamulatta lasiota)下颌骨的33项指标进行了测量.经分析,下颌骨的生长存在有部位间、左右间及类群间的差异。表明这些动物下颌骨形态因适应某种生态环境而可能存在某些相似性,但因其食物性质、取食行为、系统及个体发育过程中存在差异而出现不同的生长模式。  相似文献   

鸟类后肢骨骼组合的长度比例及其机理初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类后肢骨骼是组成鸟类运动系统的主要部分,也是协助鸟类完成各项功能行为的骨骼组成.不同生态类型的鸟类在后肢骨骼的组成上存在明显的特征,并以此相区别.本文通过大量对比分析不同类型、不同生态系统鸟类后肢骨骼的组成特点初步认为:鸟类后肢骨骼的长度组成及比率特征是与其运动栖息习性等机能紧密联系的.习于地面行走、奔跑为特征的典型地栖鸟类,后肢骨骼中胫跗骨最长,其次跗跖骨长度大于股骨;而以树上栖息、跳跃为特征的典型树栖鸟类,后肢骨骼中胫跗骨最长,而股骨长度大于跗跖骨;猛禽类因生活习性介于前两类鸟类之间,故股骨与跗跖骨长度比较也是在二者之间变化的.同时应用三元图表方法得出的直观统计结果也同样说明上述结论,并尝试对不同鸟类后肢骨骼的运动机能进行推断.本研究从系统解剖学角度将鸟类后肢骨骼系统与运动功能进行对比剖析,同时对于了解、解释鸟类的运动机理也具有直接的意义,而且依此结论也可作为恢复古鸟后肢骨骼长度和判断其生态行为的参考依据.  相似文献   

本文对金丝猴与其他灵长类之间和三种金丝猴之间特征不同的56条肌作了比较研究。结果表明:三种金丝猴的肌肉系统存在一些差异。纠正了Patterson(1942)对一例川金丝猴的一些错误观察记录。在金丝猴属的肌学方面除与猴超科共有的大部分特征外,还具有与类人猿和人相似的特征。在猴类中,金丝猴的肌肉系统更多地与叶猴相似,其中一些特征较叶猴更为进化。从进化观点看,金丝猴的肌学特征似介于叶猴与类人猿之间,故它们比其他猴超科动物更为进化。  相似文献   

笼养川金丝猴不同年龄阶段的发育特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
198 9~ 1998年间 ,对 46只不同年龄阶段的笼养川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的外形、生理、行为等特征进行了比较。根据不同年龄阶段个体的综合特征 ,川金丝猴的发育期可划分为 5个年龄段 :婴幼阶段 ,少年阶段 ,青年阶段 ,亚成年阶段和成年阶段。观察发现 ,从出生到青年阶段 ,雌雄在体形大小和体重方面增长速度很接近。然而 ,从青年阶段开始 ,雄性的增长速度超过雌性。到了成年阶段 ,成年雄性的体重、坐高、尾长、头围、犬齿齿冠及被毛长度明显大于雌性 ,成年雌性的体重仅为成年雄性的 5 4% ,表现出显著的性二型性。雌性 3 6± 0 5 (n =5 )岁出现月经 ,其开始成功繁殖的年龄为 4~ 6岁 ;雄性 6 5 (n =4)岁出现射精行为 ,其开始成功繁殖年龄为 7~ 8岁。此外 ,对川金丝猴所特有的嘴角瘤的观察发现 ,雄性进入性发育年龄阶段后开始长出嘴角瘤 ;嘴角瘤大小随年龄增长而逐渐增大 ,直到性成熟。而雌性川金丝猴多无此结构或只有一个约绿豆大的痕迹。因此 ,嘴角瘤可以作为雄性川金丝猴性成熟的标志 ,是成年雄性川金丝猴的副性征。  相似文献   

金丝猴肩带和前肢的性二型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘汝亮  何远辉 《动物学报》1989,35(1):96-103
本文研究了两种金丝猴(Rhinopitheous bieti和R.brelichi)肩带及上肢的62项线性变量及指数的性二型,其中64.5%达到了显著性差异水平。结果表明,两性在运动行为上存在一些差异。在所分析的变量中,性别间的差异主要由于成熟时间的不同所引起(雄性比雌性具更长的生长时期),其次是生长速率的不同(雄性比雌性具有更明显的正异速生长率)。对一些指数及不同部位的性二型分析表明,在上肢利用和尺、桡骨的前旋及后旋活动方面,两性也具一些不同。  相似文献   

2007年8月31日—2007年9月11日、2007年9月14日—2007年9月27日、2007年10月15日—2007年10月26日的09∶00—17∶00对成都动物园饲养的1对成年和2只幼年川金丝猴,采用目标动物取样法和瞬时扫描记录法对圈舍丰容前后的川金丝猴行为进行了观察比较。结果表明,在仿生态兽舍(环境丰容后)内,川金丝猴的跳跃、探究、攀爬和观望行为比在笼养圈舍(环境丰容前)内有显著增加,休息行为显著减少(P<0.01);成年川金丝猴搬入仿生态兽舍1个月后,雌雄梳理和行走行为较它们在旧兽舍和刚搬入新馆舍时显著增加(P<0.05),搬入仿生态兽舍1月后与刚搬入仿生态兽舍相比,休息行为发生频次的差异具有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。未成年金丝猴在12∶00—13∶00间出现运动行为低谷,其余各时段中运动行为所占比例最高;其次为休息行为,其中12∶00—13∶00休息行为达到昼间的高峰;采食高峰为09∶00—10∶00;梳理、警戒以及其他行为在各时段分布较均匀。成年金丝猴昼间行为较多的是梳理和休息行为;15∶00—16∶00运动行为所占比例较高,梳理行为10∶00—12∶00所占比例较高,休息行为在12∶00—13∶00所占比例最高,采食行为的高峰在09∶00—10∶00,警戒行为在09∶00—10∶00和15∶00—16∶00稍高,其他行为所占比例分布较均匀。幼年川金丝猴的运动、采食行为频次百分比极显著高于成年川金丝猴的运动、采食行为频次百分比(P<0.01);而梳理和警戒行为极显著低于成年川金丝猴(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Grueter CC  Li DY  Feng SK  Ren BP 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):516-522
原则上,食叶的滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)和杂食的猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是可以同地共栖的,但这两种灵长类究竟是如何同地共存却一直是一个鲜见涉足的问题。该文初步通过分析它们的食性和生境需求来阐明两者共存的可能性。在猕猴取食约22种植物中,有16种也是滇金丝猴的取食对象。两种灵长类都显示出喜食果实。人们尚未发现滇金丝猴涉足人类作物等相关资源,但发现猕猴经常侵食庄稼。这与其生活海拔不同有关:滇金丝猴一般生活在平均海拔为3218m的山林中,而猕猴活动在平均海拔为2995m的林地。猕猴也会涉足牧场,而滇金丝猴回避这种场地。对于这两个种,混合的落叶阔叶/针叶林是最频繁使用的森林类型;滇金丝猴很少进入常绿阔叶林(青冈属群落,利用率仅3%),而猕猴相对进入这类林型的机会远比滇金丝猴高(36%)。两个物种的群体间常相互远离(2.4km)。当其相遇时,常是猕猴主动回避。上述结果提示滇金丝猴和猕猴是通过大生境分化利用和空间避让来共存的。尽管不同的生境利用策略一定程度上会反映种间竞争的存在,但这种不同更可能反映着它们不同的生理/生态需求。  相似文献   

祁连山东段高原鼢鼠种群特征与环境因子的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明晰环境因子对高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)种群特征的影响,本研究以高原鼢鼠的种群密度、体重、妊娠率作为其种群特征指标,选择2008~2014年的归一化植被指数(NDVI)、年均降水量和年均温为环境因子,分析种群特征与环境因子在时间尺度上的变化关系。2008~2014年,研究区域归一化植被指数(NDVI)年度间无显著性差异(P0.05),高原鼢鼠体重、妊娠率和种群密度年度间均无显著性差异(P0.05);高原鼢鼠雌雄个体体重以及种群密度和妊娠率均与环境因子归一化植被指数(NDVI)、年均降水量及年均温均无相关关系(P0.05)。以上结果说明,高原鼢鼠体重变化、妊娠率和种群密度与栖息地植被生长状况及气候因子无相关关系,环境因子对高原鼢鼠种群特征的影响较小。  相似文献   

This paper presents spatiotemporal gait parameters of arboreal locomotion in the colobine Rhinopithecus bieti in its natural habitat. While adult females used exclusively either extended-elbow vertical climbing or pulse climbing, the much larger adult males preferred the less demanding flexed-elbow vertical climbing on thin trees or on trunks with handholds. If sex-specific differences are taken into consideration, the differences between flexed-elbow and extended-elbow vertical climbing in Rhinopithecus parallel those observed in Ateles. During flexed-elbow vertical climbing, the gait parameters of R. bieti are very similar to those of spider monkeys (Ateles fusciceps) or bonobos (Pan paniscus). Maximum limb joint excursions also lie in the range of hominoids and atelines and are clearly larger than in Macaca fuscata. It seems likely that climbing kinematics may differ more between Rhinopithecus and macaques than between Rhinopithecus and hominoids or atelines.  相似文献   

The Loridae are an arboreal family of small primates that are specialized for slow and quiet climbing. This paper examines the relationship between lorid locomotory behaviour and postcranial skeletal morphology. Lorid humeral and femoral diaphyseal geometric cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths are compared to those properties in other small primates with less specialized locomotory behaviour. The comparative sample includes both closely related prosimians and more distantly related platyrrhines.
Results indicate that lorids have greater humeral and femoral diaphyseal rigidity than other quadrupedal primates of similar body size, suggesting that lorid limbs are subjected to greater forces. Lorids also have relatively larger humeral and femoral articulations, corresponding to field and laboratory observations which indicate that lorid joints are highly mobilc. In addition, lorids have long humeri relative to femoral length, and compared to humeral length in less specialized prosimians of similar body mass. Long humeral length relative to femoral length is interpreted as a climbing adaptation because similar limb proportions are also seen in many non-primate climbers. Altogether, humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional properties, articular surface areas, and lengths comprise a suite of characters which have potential for identifying climbing specialists in the fossil record.  相似文献   

太行山猕猴牙齿与颅长的相关性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对太行山猕猴牙齿有关变量做了测量,统计,并就其与颅骨长间的异速生长和相关程度进行了研究。结果表明,太行山猕猴牙齿具有明显的性别差异,雄性牙齿的变异程度在犬齿和中央门齿表现尤为突出。在线性型或面积方面,雄性牙齿的异速生长均快于雌性和雄+雌,此与其生活史对策相适应,在雄性,雌性或雄+雌,下颌齿变量与颅骨长的相关程度比上颌更为密切,与有关资料的比较表明,太行山猕猴与金丝猴之间的差异小于与菲氏叶猴之间的差异。  相似文献   

Shi F  Wang B  Liu Z  Pan H 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):191-193
The Guizhou snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is an endangered species which is endemic to a small region in the fanjing mountain national nature reserve in Guizhou province, China. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of R. brelichi. The results showed that the total length of the mitogenome was 16,548 bp and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and one control region. Overall base composition of the complete mitochondrial DNA was 32.35% A, 29.28% T, 25.54% C and 12.83% G. All the genes in R. brelichi were distributed on the H-strand, except for the ND6 subunit gene and eight tRNA genes which were encoded on the L-strand.  相似文献   

Biomechanical considerations predict that limb proportions should differ between animals with climbing and ground-dwelling lifestyles. Ground-dwellers should have relatively long, parasagittal hind limbs, with high tibia:femur ratios, and relatively short fore limbs. Climbers should have relatively short limbs, with low tibia:femur ratios, and equally long hind and fore limbs. We tested these predictions using gecko species with different locomotion habits (climbing versus ground-dwelling). We measured snout-vent length and lengths of limb segments in 29 species of geckos and analysed them using both non-phylogenetic statistics (nested analysis of variance and principal component analysis) and phylogenetic statistics (analysis of covariance). Neither approach allowed us to find any consistent relationship between habitat use and the morphometric variables. We conclude that either relative limb lengths and limb proportions in geckos have not evolved in response to the physical demands of the microhabitat, or our understanding of those demands is insufficient. Accepted: 22 February 2001  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of 358 interviews we conducted on Rhinopithecus strykeri in the Gaoligong Mountains, northwest Yunnan, China, between April 2011 and December 2012. Based on our interview records and selective field surveys (47 days of field survey for seven possible distribution areas), we suggest that there may be up to 10 groups of R. strykeri occurring in China between the Salween River and the border with Myanmar, and that the total population of R. strykeri in China should be between 490 and 620 animals. According to interviewees, Rhinopithecus strykeri tends to use conifer and mixed conifer–broad-leaved forest, predominantly between 2,600 and 3,100 m above sea level. To better protect this globally threatened species, classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), we suggest extensions to current nature reserve boundaries to better include the home ranges of China’s remaining population.  相似文献   

Registering substrate reaction forces from primates during climbing requires the design and construction of customized recording devices. The technical difficulties in constructing a reliable apparatus hinder research on the kinetics of primate locomotion. This is unfortunate since arboreal locomotion, especially vertical climbing, is an important component of the hominoid locomotor repertoire. In this technical paper, we describe a custom-built climbing pole that allows recordings of dynamic 3-dimensional forces during locomotion on horizontal and sloping substrates and during vertical climbing. The pole contains an instrumented section that can readily be modified and enables us to register forces of a single limb or multiple limbs in a broad range of primates. For verification, we constructed a similar set-up (which would not be usable for primates) using a conventional force plate. Data for a human subject walking on both set-ups were compared. The experimental set-up records accurate and reliable substrate reaction forces in three orthogonal directions. Because of its adjustability, this type of modular set-up can be used for a great variety of primate studies. When combining such kinetic measurements together with kinematic information, data of great biomechanical value can be generated. These data will hopefully allow biological anthropologists to answer current questions about primate behaviours on vertical substrates.  相似文献   

Human and chimpanzee locomotor behaviors are described and compared using field patterns derived from measurements of the motions at the joints. Field patterns of human and ape bipedalism are so different that it is doubted whether the nonhuman type could ever have been a precursor of the human type. Chimpanzee quadrupedal vertical climbing and human bipedalism are, on the other hand, similar and a particular variety of this kind of climbing probably was the precursor of human bipedalism. Animals adapted to this variation would have had some brachiation-like morphological traits in their pectoral limbs and some hominid-like morphological traits in their pelvic limbs, traits anticipating the human condition. The australopithecines possessed these traits and must have been adapted to arboreal quadrupedal vertical climbing, having the capacity, at the same time, to perform facultative terrestrial bipedalism, moving on the ground in a manner visually identical to that of humans.  相似文献   

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