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The expression of testosterone-dependent sexual traits mightsignal the ability of their bearers to cope with parasite infections.According to the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (IHH),such signals would be honest because physiological costs oftestosterone, such as a reduced ability to control parasiteinfections, would prevent cheating. We tested whether testosteronewould affect the outcome of a standardized parasite challengein red grouse, using a main parasite of the species, the nematodeTrichostrongylus tenuis. We caught males in spring, removedtheir nematode parasites, and implanted them with testosteroneor empty implants, as controls. After 1 month, they were reinfectedwith a standard dose of infective T. tenuis parasites. Whenchallenged, testosterone males had relatively less globulinrelative to albumin plasma proteins than control males, an indicationthat they had experienced increased physiological stress. Testosterone-treatedmales had significantly more T. tenuis parasites than controlsin the next autumn and also had more coccidia and lost moreweight than controls. Testosterone-treated males neverthelessbenefited from their elevated spring testosterone: they hadbigger sexual ornaments than controls both in spring and autumn,and they tended to have a higher pairing and breeding successthan controls. Our results supported the IHH in showing thatelevated testosterone impaired the ability of males to copewith a standardized challenge by a dominant parasite. Testosteronethus plays a key role in mediating trade-offs between reproductiveactivities and parasite defense, and testosterone-dependentcomb size might honestly signal the ability of red grouse tocontrol T. tenuis infection.  相似文献   

In many birds, females prefer males with the biggest or brightest sexual ornaments, which might reflect a higher phenotypic quality, such as fewer parasites. Unlike humans, most birds detect near-ultraviolet (UV) light, and UV signals can play an important role in sexual signalling and mate choice. Using a spectrophotometer, we analysed the colour of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus sexual ornaments (their combs). We first show that combs reflect both in the red (600–700 nm) and UV (300–400 nm) part of the spectrum. Second, we investigated whether comb size and colour, and UV reflectance in particular, reflected an aspect of individual quality: the intensity of infection by a main nematode parasite, the caecal threadworm Trichostrongylus tenuis . We first analysed comb size and colour variation, and parasite intensity variation, in relation to sex and age. Males had bigger and redder combs than females, but UV brightness was greater for female than for male combs. Comb colour also differed between age groups, with young birds of both sexes showing brighter UV than old birds. Young grouse also had fewer T. tenuis worms than old grouse. We further tested whether intensity of infection could be predicted from comb characteristics (size and colour) in male and female red grouse. We found that parasite intensity was not significantly related to comb size or red brightness, but fewer worms were predicted from brighter UV in combs, in both males and females. The results indicate that UV reflectance of combs have a quality revealing function and might play an important role in grouse mate choice: UV brightness of combs could enable both male and female red grouse to assess the parasite loads of a potential mate.  相似文献   

Abstract Testosterone underlies the expression of most secondary sexual traits, playing a key role in sexual selection. However, high levels might be associated with physiological costs, such as immunosuppression. Immunostimulant carotenoids underpin the expression of many red‐yellow ornaments, but are regulated by testosterone and constrained by parasites. We manipulated testosterone and nematode burdens in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in two populations to tease apart their effects on carotenoid levels, ornament size and colouration in three time‐step periods. We found no evidence for interactive effects of testosterone and parasites on ornament size and colouration. We showed that ornament colouration was testosterone‐driven. However, parasites decreased comb size with a time delay and testosterone increased carotenoid levels in one of the populations. This suggests that environmental context plays a key role in determining how individuals resolve the trade‐off between allocating carotenoids for ornamental coloration or for self‐maintenance needs. Our study advocates that adequately testing the mechanisms behind the production or maintenance of secondary sexual characters has to take into account the dynamics of sexual trait expression and their environmental context.  相似文献   

Sexual ornaments may enable females to discriminate amongst potential mates and choose those having either fewer parasites, or those which are more immunocompetent, or better able to cope with parasites. Tetraonid birds exhibit supra-orbital combs that function in both intra-sexual competition and mate choice. Through a correlative and experimental approach we investigated whether comb size of male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus was related to infection intensity by their main parasite, the gastro intestinal nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis , and to immune function. We first looked at the relationships between immune function, parasite infection and condition. We found that spleen mass, an indirect measure of immune response, correlated positively with T. tenuis load, and negatively with condition. Cell-mediated immunity, a measure of immune defence, correlated positively with condition, and although not significantly related to T. tenuis load, increased when nematode parasites were experimentally reduced. Secondly, we investigated whether comb size was related to condition, T. tenuis load or immune function. Comb size was not significantly related to T. tenuis infection and did not change significantly after nematode parasite removal. However, males with bigger combs were in better condition, had a lighter spleen, a lighter spleen than expected from their T. tenuis load and had greater cell-mediated immunity. The findings suggest that comb size relates to immune function rather than T. tenuis parasite infection intensity. Males with bigger combs are likely to be of higher phenotypic quality because they are more immunocompetent and might be better able to cope with the detrimental effects of parasites.  相似文献   

We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   

Extravagant ornaments evolved to advertise their bearers'' quality, the honesty of the signal being ensured by the cost paid to produce or maintain it. The oxidation handicap hypothesis (OHH) proposes that a main cost of testosterone-dependent ornamentation is oxidative stress, a condition whereby the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) overwhelms the capacity of antioxidant defences. ROS/RNS are unstable, very reactive by-products of normal metabolic processes that can cause extensive damage to key biomolecules (cellular proteins, lipids and DNA). Oxidative stress has been implicated in the aetiology of many diseases and could link ornamentation and genetic variation in fitness-related traits. We tested the OHH in a free-living bird, the red grouse. We show that elevated testosterone enhanced ornamentation and increased circulating antioxidant levels, but caused oxidative damage. Males with smaller ornaments suffered more oxidative damage than those with larger ornaments when forced to increase testosterone levels, consistent with a handicap mechanism. Parasites depleted antioxidant defences, caused oxidative damage and reduced ornament expression. Oxidative damage extent and the ability of males to increase antioxidant defences also explained the impacts of testosterone and parasites on ornamentation within treatment groups. Because oxidative stress is intimately linked to immune function, parasite resistance and fitness, it provides a reliable currency in the trade-off between individual health and ornamentation. The costs induced by oxidative stress can apply to a wide range of signals, which are testosterone-dependent or coloured by pigments with antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

In many bird species, males exhibit territorial aggression outside the breeding season, when testosterone concentrations are low and may not regulate territorial behaviors. The hormonal regulation of aggression at this time of year has only been studied in passerine birds. Here, we investigated the role of testosterone in the regulation of aggression in a non-passerine bird, the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Male red grouse are aggressive in early spring when breeding starts, in autumn when they establish territories, and sporadically through much of the winter. We first describe seasonal variations in plasma testosterone concentrations and in the size of males' sexual ornaments, their red combs, which relates to aggressiveness. Testosterone concentrations and comb size were correlated. Both increased in autumn to a peak in October, and then increased again in spring, to a greater peak in early April. Secondly, we experimentally investigated the effects of testosterone, and of an anti-androgen (flutamide) used in combination with an aromatase inhibitor (ATD), on autumn territorial behavior. Males were treated with either empty implants, as controls (C-males), testosterone implants (T-males), or with flutamide and ATD implants (FA-males). One month after implanting, both T- and FA-males had higher concentrations of testosterone than C-males. Comb size, aggressive call rate, and response to playbacks of territorial call all significantly increased in T-males. However, the increase in testosterone in FA-males did not increase comb size or aggressive behavior. In the following spring, after the content of implants was used, FA-males had significantly lower testosterone than C-males, and had a reduced seasonal increase in comb size. The results suggest that testosterone plays a significant role in regulating red grouse aggressive behavior in autumn. However, the observation that flutamide and ATD treatment did not reduce territorial behavior, suggests that estradiol may also be involved in the regulation of non-breeding aggression.  相似文献   

We studied supra-orbital combs in lekking black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in relation to sexual selection at five leks in Finland1991-1998 and four leks in Sweden 1992-1995. Comb size wasestimated in two ways: by observing its natural size in thefield at different behaviors ("observed comb size"), and bymeasuring the comb size from captured birds ("measured combsize"). The size of combs is highly variable, and individualscan change it within seconds. Males express their larger combsduring display, as compared to other behaviors. Observed mean comb sizes were larger on leks with a higher number of malesand a higher number of copulations. Measured and observed combsizes and copulatory success did not significantly correlatewhen all males where analyzed, but a positive and significantrelationship between observed comb size and copulatory success was found within males that achieved copulations. Measured comblength correlated positively with the amount of testosterone.While females were present on the lek, displaying and successfulmales showed the largest observed comb size. When we comparedobserved comb size during fighting between successful and unsuccessfulmales and correlated comb size of pairs of fighting males withtheir fighting activity, no significant differences in combsize were found. The result that comb size correlated significantlywith an increase in testosterone level and that larger combsize, within successful males, predicted higher copulatorysuccess suggests that combs may be a cue for females to assessmale quality. The lack of a significant relationship betweenobserved comb size and fighting behavior suggests that combsize either has minor importance in male-male signaling onthe lek or that males may express similar-sized combs duringfighting to avoid serious fights and thus risk of comb injuries.  相似文献   

Mougeot F  Evans SA  Redpath SM 《Oecologia》2005,144(2):289-298
The causes of population cycles fascinate and perplex ecologist. Most work have focused on single processes, whether extrinsic or intrinsic, more rarely on how different processes might interact to cause or mould the unstable population dynamics. In red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus), two causal mechanisms have been supported: territorial behaviour (changes in autumn aggressiveness) and parasites (parasite induced reduction in fecundity). Here, we report on how these two regulatory processes might interact, by testing whether the parasite suspected to cause the grouse cycles, the nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis, reduces male autumn territorial behaviour. We either treated males with an anthelmintic, to remove parasites (dosed or D-males), or challenged them with infective T. tenuis larvae, to increase parasite intensity (challenged or C-males). We first show that dosing was effective in removing T. tenuis parasites, while parasite intensities increased in challenged birds during the autumn. Because old males initially had more parasites than young males, the treatments generated greater differences in parasite intensity in old than in young males. We also show that various aspects of territorial behaviour (increase in testosterone-dependent comb size in autumn, territorial call rate, likelihood of winning territorial interactions and over-winter survival) were significantly higher in dosed than in challenged males, but in old birds only. Our data thus supported the hypothesis that parasites reduce male aggressiveness during the autumn territorial contests, and could thereby influence recruitment. Our results also highlight that the territorial behaviour of young males, which have fewer parasites, is not as limited by parasites as that of old, previously territorial males. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of the processes regulating red grouse populations and causing their complex, unstable population dynamics.  相似文献   

Testosterone often mediates trade-offs between reproduction and other life-history traits, which are usually investigated using testosterone implants. However, this approach does not distinguish between the physiological and behavioral effects of testosterone. We studied a wild game bird, the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus, and took a new approach to investigate mechanisms linking elevated testosterone to increased parasite intensity. We caught males in autumn, removed their parasites, implanted them with the antiandrogen flutamide in combination with an aromatase inhibitor (FA males) or with empty implants (control males), and challenged them with parasites. The FA treatment increased testosterone concentration and physiological stress, but without enhancing testosterone-dependent behaviors, because testosterone receptors were blocked. FA males ended up with more parasites than the control males the following autumn, an effect similar to that of a testosterone treatment reported elsewhere. However, and unlike the testosterone treatment, the FA treatment did not affect home range, pairing, or breeding success. The results supported a physiological mechanism (increased susceptibility) linking elevated testosterone and increased parasite intensity. The FA treatment provided a new way of investigating testosterone-mediated trade-offs whereby testosterone concentration was increased while the effects on behavior were blocked, resulting in physiological costs without phenotypic benefits.  相似文献   

Male ornaments function as honest cues of male quality in many species and are subject to intra‐ and intersexual selection. These ornaments are generally studied during peak expression, however their size outside the breeding season may determine ultimate ornament size and costliness, and as such reproductive success. We investigated whether male black grouse Lyrurus tetrix eye comb size was related to age, condition and measures of male dominance before and during the breeding season. Total combined eye comb size began to increase ~70 d before the start of the breeding season. Adult males (aged ≥ 2 yr old) had consistently larger eye combs than younger males (1 yr old) both before and during the breeding season. Heavier and more dominant adult males (attending the lek more frequently and successfully reproducing) had larger eye combs. For younger males, those that were heavier had larger eye combs. Additionally, males that spent more time on the lek showed increased eye comb size as the breeding season approached. Overall we find that ornament size is positively related to dominance and condition before and during the breeding season. Since dominance is accrued through year‐round interactions in many species, the ability to maintain larger signals over prolonged periods, including outside of the breeding season, is likely to be beneficial for adults. For younger males, it is likely that they cannot sustain or are constrained from producing larger eye combs over long periods of time. They therefore prioritise growth of their ornaments later, and according to the amount of time they spend on the lek.  相似文献   

Carotenoids determine the yellow-red colours of many ornaments, which often function as signals of quality. Carotenoid-based signalling may reliably advertise health and should be particularly sensitive to parasite infections. Nematodes are among the commonest parasites of vertebrates, with well-documented negative effects on their hosts. However, to date, little is known about the effects that these parasites may have on carotenoid-based signalling. Tetraonid birds (grouse) exhibit supra-orbital combs, which are bright integumentary ornaments pigmented by carotenoids. We tested the effect of the nematode parasite Trichostrongylus tenuis on signalling in free-living male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. We show that experimentally reduced nematode infection increases plasma carotenoid concentration and comb redness, demonstrating for the first time that nematodes can influence carotenoid-based signals.  相似文献   

We examined the variation in sexual ornamentation of male Chinese grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi) in the Gansu Province, China, seeking to identify factors involved in whether ornament size and brightness are honest signals of male quality. Compared to unmated males, mated males had significantly larger and redder combs and, although they did not have significantly larger territories, they defended them more vigorously. Mated males had significantly higher blood carotenoid and testosterone levels, significantly better body condition, and significantly lower parasite loads than unmated males. Our findings are thus consistent with the hypothesis that comb size and color are honest signals of better male quality in the grouse, mediated through lower parasite loads and/or higher testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Male ornaments may advertise genetic benefits to females choosingmates. These benefits may come in the form of genes for resistanceto parasites and disease. Thus, females that prefer more ornamentedmales as mates may receive genes for enhanced immune systemfunction for their offspring. The common yellowthroat (Geothlypistrichas) is the only species to date in which a male plumageornament (size of the black facial mask) is known to be relatedto extrapair mating, and extrapair young are more immunocompetentthan their within-pair half-sibs (at least in colder years).To investigate whether male mask size signals superior immunefunction, we examined male ornaments (mask and bib size andcolor) in relation to measures of overall health (hematocrit)and immune system function (plasma immunoglobulin G [IgG] concentrationand cutaneous immune activity). We also investigated the rolethat testosterone may play in mediating the relationship betweenornaments and immunity. Male mask size was correlated positivelywith IgG level, suggesting that male mask size may indicatehumoral immunity. However, mask size was correlated negativelywith hematocrit and cutaneous immune activity (our measure ofnestling immunocompetence). Bib size and color were not relatedto these indices of immune function or health. Plasma testosteronelevel was neither related to immune function or health nor tothe expression of male ornaments. These results suggest thatthere might be a trade-off between immune system components,as well as between immunity and the production or advertisementof male ornaments.  相似文献   

The phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis predicts that male sexual ornaments signal fertilizing efficiency and that the coevolution of male ornaments and female preference for such ornaments is driven by female pursuit of fertility benefits. In addition, directional testicular asymmetry frequently observed in birds has been suggested to reflect fertilizing efficiency and to covary with ornament expression. However, the idea of a phenotypic relationship between male ornaments and fertilizing efficiency is often tested in populations where environmental effects mask the underlying genetic associations between ornaments and fertilizing efficiency implied by this idea. Here, we adopt a novel design, which increases genetic diversity through the crossing of two divergent populations while controlling for environmental effects, to test: (i) the phenotypic relationship between male ornaments and both, gonadal (testicular mass) and gametic (sperm quality) components of fertilizing efficiency; and (ii) the extent to which these components are phenotypically integrated in the fowl, Gallus gallus. We show that consistent with theory, the testosterone-dependent expression of a male ornament, the comb, predicted testicular mass. However, despite their functional inter-dependence, testicular mass and sperm quality were not phenotypically integrated. Consistent with this result, males of one parental population invested more in testicular and comb mass, whereas males of the other parental population had higher sperm quality. We found no evidence that directional testicular asymmetry covaried with ornament expression. These results shed new light on the evolutionary relationship between male fertilizing efficiency and ornaments. Although testosterone-dependent ornaments may covary with testicular mass and thus reflect sperm production rate, the lack of phenotypic integration between gonadal and gametic traits reveals that the expression of an ornament is unlikely to reflect the overall fertilizing efficiency of a male.  相似文献   

Vertebrates commonly use carotenoid‐based traits as social signals. These can reliably advertise current nutritional status and health because carotenoids must be acquired through the diet and their allocation to ornaments is traded‐off against other self‐maintenance needs. We propose that the coloration more generally reveals an individual’s ability to cope with stressful conditions. We tested this idea by manipulating the nematode parasite infection in free‐living red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) and examining the effects on body mass, carotenoid‐based coloration of a main social signal and the amount of corticosterone deposited in feathers grown during the experiment. We show that parasites increase stress and reduce carotenoid‐based coloration, and that the impact of parasites on coloration was associated with changes in corticosterone, more than changes in body mass. Carotenoid‐based coloration appears linked to physiological stress and could therefore reveal an individual’s ability to cope with stressors.  相似文献   

Color‐based visual signals are important aspects of communication throughout the animal kingdom. Individuals evaluate color to obtain information about age and condition and to behave accordingly. Birds display a variety of striking, conspicuous colors and make ideal subjects for the study of color signaling. While most studies of avian color focus on plumage, bare unfeathered body parts also display a wide range of color signals. Mate choice and intrasexual competitive interactions are easily observed in lekking grouse, which also signal with prominent unfeathered color patches. Most male grouse have one pair of colorful bare part ornaments (combs), and males of several species also have inflatable air sacs in their throat. Previous studies have mostly focused on comb color and size, but little is known about the signaling role of air sac color. We measured comb size and the color properties of combs and air sacs in the Lesser and Greater Prairie‐Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus and T. cupido, respectively), and investigated whether these properties varied with age and mass. We found that mass predicted color properties of air sacs and that age predicted comb size in the Greater Prairie‐Chicken, suggesting that these ornaments indicate condition dependence. No conclusive relationships between color and age or size were detected in the Lesser Prairie‐Chicken. Color properties of both ornaments differed between the two species. Further research is needed to determine mechanisms that link condition to color and whether the information advertised by color signals from these ornaments is intended for males, females, or both.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis proposes that the expression of secondary sexual characteristics is positively related to testosterone levels, but that elevated testosterone levels also impose costs from immune suppression. Hence, testosterone-dependent characteristics should accurately reflect male quality because only high-quality males are able to invest in large sexual characteristics without detrimental effects upon their own immune system. Most studies to date have focused on the role of testosterone in the expression of male ornaments and on the possible immunosuppressant effects of androgens in males. In the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), a sexually monomorphic monogamous bird species showing a partial sex-role reversal, both sexes have a prominent frontal shield. We implanted both sexes with testosterone-filled implants to examine the effects of testosterone on shield characteristics and immune function. Shield size, thickness, and color were significantly increased by an experimental increase in testosterone concentrations in both males and females. Likewise, removal of the implants led to a rapid decrease in shield size and thickness in both males and females, suggesting that both sexes responded quickly to an increase or a decrease in testosterone. Moorhens implanted with testosterone had higher intensities of ectoparasite infestations than control birds, but other indirect measures of immunocompetence did not differ significantly between the two categories of birds.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that condition‐dependent sexual displays should be more weakly expressed under adverse conditions than under more favourable ones. Here, we tested this hypothesis in wild red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus using a data set of nearly 1500 individuals from nine populations over 8 years, covering varying environmental conditions. We analysed whether male and female ornament expression (i.e. comb size) in a given site and year varied with various indices of environmental conditions: population density, Trichostrongylus tenuis nematode infection at the population level, and climate conditions [measured as winter North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index]. We found that average comb size in males, but not in females, negatively correlated with population density, parasite infection levels, and winter NAO index. Furthermore, the coefficient of variation (CV) of comb size was higher in females than in males. CVs in both males and females were not clearly associated with the studied environmental variables. Our results support the idea that the expression of condition‐dependent sexual traits should be lower under more stressful environmental conditions, but only in males. We discuss the potential reasons behind the effect of environmental conditions on secondary sexual traits, and why these effects differ between sexes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

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