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Biological invasions severely impact native plant communities, causing dramatic shifts in species composition and the restriction of native species to spatially isolated refuges. Competition from resident species and the interaction between resource limitation and competition have been overlooked as mechanisms of community resistance in refugia habitats. We examined the importance of these factors in determining the resistance of California serpentine plant communities to invasion by three common European grasses, Avena barbata, Bromus diandrus, and Hordeum murinum. We added seeds of each of these grasses to plots subjected to six levels of resource addition (N, P, Ca, H2O, all resources together, and a no-addition control) and two levels of competition (with resident community present or removed). Resource limitation and competition had strong effects on the biomass and reproduction of the three invaders. The addition of all resources together combined with the removal of the resident community yielded individual plants that were fourfold to 20-fold larger and sixfold to 20-fold more fecund than plants from control plots. Competitor removal alone yielded invaders that were twofold to sevenfold larger and twofold to ninefold more fecund. N addition alone or in combination with other resources led to a twofold to ninefold increase in the biomass and fecundity of the invaders. No other resource alone significantly affected native or invader performance, suggesting that N was the key limiting resource during our experiment. We found a significant interaction between abiotic and biotic resistance for Bromus, which experienced increased competitive suppression in fertilized plots. The threefold increase in resident biomass with N addition was likely responsible for this result. Our results confirm that serpentine plant communities are severely N limited, which, in combination with competition from resident species, promotes the resistance of these systems to invasions. Our work suggests that better understanding the relative sensitivities of invaders and residents to the physical environment is critical to predicting how abiotic and biotic factors interact to determine community resistance.  相似文献   

Aims In this study, we examine two common invasion biology hypotheses—biotic resistance and fluctuating resource availability—to explain the patterns of invasion of an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum.Methods We used 13-year-old deer exclosures in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, to examine how chronic disturbance by deer browsing affects available resources, plant diversity, and invasion in an understory plant community. Using two replicate 1 m 2 plots in each deer browsed and unbrowsed area, we recorded each plant species present, the abundance per species, and the fractional percent cover of vegetation by the cover classes: herbaceous, woody, and graminoid. For each sample plot, we also estimated overstory canopy cover, soil moisture, total soil carbon and nitrogen, and soil pH as a measure of abiotic differences between plots.Important findings We found that plant community composition between chronically browsed and unbrowsed plots differed markedly. Plant diversity was 40% lower in browsed than in unbrowsed plots. At our sites, diversity explained 48% and woody plant cover 35% of the variation in M. vimineum abundance. In addition, we found 3.3 times less M. vimineum in the unbrowsed plots due to higher woody plant cover and plant diversity than in the browsed plots. A parsimonious explanation of these results indicate that disturbances such as herbivory may elicit multiple conditions, namely releasing available resources such as open space, light, and decreasing plant diversity, which may facilitate the proliferation of an invasive species. Finally, by testing two different hypotheses, this study addresses more recent calls to incorporate multiple hypotheses into research attempting to explain plant invasion.  相似文献   

We studied the root foraging ability and its consequences for the nutrient acquisition of five grass species that differ in relative growth rate and that occur in habitats that differ widely in nutrient availability. Foraging responses were quantified, based on the performance of the plants in homogeneous and heterogeneous soil environments of the same overall nutrient availability. Although all species tended to produce a significantly higher root length density in a nutrient-rich patch, this response was significant only for the faster-growing species. The increased root length density resulted from small, though not significant, changes in root biomass and specific root length. The effectiveness of root proliferation was determined by quantifying the total amount of nutrients (N and P) accumulated by the plants over the course of the experiment. Plants acquired more N in a heterogeneous environment than in a homogeneous environment, although the total nutrient availability was the same. The ability to acquire nutrients (N or P) in the heterogeneous environment was not related to the ability of species to increase root length density in response to local nutrient enrichment. In contrast to other studies, our results suggest that the role of morphological plasticity of roots in acquiring patchily distributed resources is limited. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Received: 11 September 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

Invasive plants are degrading wildlands around the globe by displacing native species, reducing biodiversity, and altering ecological functions. The current approach of applying herbicides to invasive plants in wildlands has not been effective at curtailing their expansion and, in certain circumstances, may do more harm than good. Preventing the spread of invasive species has been identified as an important strategy to protect wildlands. However, few prevention strategies have actually been tested. We hypothesized that establishing competitive vegetation next to infestations would increase the biotic resistance of the plant community to invasion and decrease the invasive species propagule pressure beyond the competitive vegetation. To evaluate this, we established twelve competitive vegetation barriers in front of invasive annual grass, Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski, infestations. The non-native perennial grass Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult. was seeded into plant communities adjacent to the infestations to create the competitive vegetation barriers. Soil nutrient concentrations and the spread of T. caput-medusae were compared between where A. desertorum was seeded and not seeded (control treatment) 3 years after treatment. Less T. caput-medusae and lower soil ammonium and potassium concentrations in the competitive vegetation barrier than control treatment (P ≤ 0.01) suggest that establishing competitive vegetation increased the biotic resistance of the plant communities to invasion. Taeniatherum caput-medusae cover and density in the plant communities protected by the competitive vegetation barrier (locales across the barriers from the infestations) were ~42- and 47-fold less, respectively, than unprotected plant communities (P < 0.01). This suggests that invasive plant propagule pressure was decreased in the plant communities protected by competitive vegetation barriers. The establishment of competitive vegetation around infestations may be an effective strategy to prevent or at least reduce the spread of invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Stressful parental (usually maternal) environments can dramatically influence expression of traits in offspring, in some cases resulting in phenotypes that are adaptive to the inducing stress. The ecological and evolutionary impact of such transgenerational plasticity depends on both its persistence across generations and its adaptive value. Few studies have examined both aspects of transgenerational plasticity within a given system. Here we report the results of a growth-chamber study of adaptive transgenerational plasticity across two generations, using the widespread annual plant Polygonum persicaria as a naturally evolved model system. We grew five inbred Polygonum genetic lines in controlled dry vs. moist soil environments for two generations in a fully factorial design, producing replicate individuals of each genetic line with all permutations of grandparental and parental environment. We then measured the effects of these two-generational stress histories on traits critical for functioning in dry soil, in a third (grandchild) generation of seedling offspring raised in the dry treatment. Both grandparental and parental moisture environment significantly influenced seedling development: seedlings of drought-stressed grandparents or parents produced longer root systems that extended deeper and faster into dry soil compared with seedlings of the same genetic lines whose grandparents and/or parents had been amply watered. Offspring of stressed individuals also grew to a greater biomass than offspring of nonstressed parents and grandparents. Importantly, the effects of drought were cumulative over the course of two generations: when both grandparents and parents were drought-stressed, offspring had the greatest provisioning, germinated earliest, and developed into the largest seedlings with the most extensive root systems. Along with these functionally appropriate developmental effects, seedlings produced after two previous drought-stressed generations had significantly greater survivorship in very dry soil than did seedlings with no history of drought. These findings show that plastic responses to naturalistic resource stresses experienced by grandparents and parents can "preadapt" offspring for functioning under the same stresses in ways that measurably influence realized fitness. Possible implications of these environmentally-induced, inherited adaptations are discussed with respect to ecological distribution, persistence under novel stresses, and evolution in natural populations.  相似文献   

Root growth plasticity to drought in seedlings of perennial grasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant and Soil - Root growth strategies may be critical for seeding survival and establishment under dry conditions, but these strategies and their plasticity are little known. We aim to document...  相似文献   

Seven annual-perennial pairs of grass species (six congeneric and one pair taken at random) were grown under productive conditions in the laboratory in order to investigate which plant characters were responsible for the higher relative growth rate (RGR) of annuals as compared to perennials under these conditions. The nitrogen and carbon concentrations of shoot organs and of the whole plant were higher in annuals than in perennials. This was also the case for the specific absorption rate for nitrate and nitrogen productivity (on whole plant and leaf basis). The range of RGR displayed by the 14 species was large enough (0.15–0.33d−1) to examine the general relationships between RGR and the various parameters measured in the present study. RGR was positively related to plant, leaf blade and sheath nitrogen concentrations, but there was no relationship between RGR and any of the carbon concentrations. RGR also strongly correlated with specific absorption rate for nitrate and with nitrogen productivity. A new factorization of this latter parameter led to the definition of the ‘leaf nitrogen productivity’ (NLP), which is likely to depend on photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency. RGR was shown to be strongly correlated with NLP, but not with the second term of the factorization, namely the proportion of plant nitrogen allocated to the leaves.  相似文献   

A common explanation for Centaurea solstitialis invasion in California is that it occupies an ??empty niche?? created by the replacement of native perennial grasses by exotic annual grasses and concomitant increases in soil water availability. This hypothesis, however, cannot explain C. solstitialis invasion into perennial-dominated grasslands of central Argentina. We assessed invasibility of annual versus perennial grass communities in these regions through parallel field experiments where we created grass plots and, after one year of establishment, measured effects on water and light, and added C. solstitialis seeds in two successive trials. Additionally, we removed vegetation around naturally occurring C. solstitialis in both regions, and examined the performance of Californian and Argentinean C. solstitialis individuals when growing under common conditions simulating climate in California and Argentina. In California, both grass types offered high resistance to C. solstitialis invasion, water was generally greater under perennials than annuals, and light was similarly low beneath both types. In Argentina, invasibility was generally greater in annual than perennial plots, water was similar between groups, and light was much greater beneath annuals. Removal experiments showed that competition from annual grasses in California and perennial grasses in Argentina greatly reduce C. solstitialis performance. Additionally, Californian and Argentinean individuals did not exhibit genetic differentiation in studied traits. Our results suggest that dominant plant functional groups in both California and Argentina offer substantial resistance to C. solstitialis invasion. The success of this species might be tightly linked to a remarkable ability to take advantage of disturbance in both regions.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, Aegilops triuncialis (barbed goatgrass) has rapidly spread into many annual grassland and serpentine soil sites within California, USA. The capacity of this species to invade edaphically stressful serpentine soil is especially unusual. It is unclear whether genetic differentiation, phenotypic plasticity, or both have allowed A. triuncialis to invade competitive (i.e. high productivity non-serpentine annual grassland) and edaphically stressful (i.e. low productivity serpentine) environments. We used a reciprocal transplant field experiment to examine the effects of plasticity and genetic variation on A. triuncialis phenology and demography along invasion fronts associated with interspecific competition and edaphic gradients. We reciprocally transplanted seeds collected behind invasion fronts (core subpopulations) and along invasion fronts (edge subpopulations). For both gradient types we measured higher reproduction and population growth at invasion front edges. This was true for both edge and core subpopulation seed sources, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity may facilitate invasive spread. Consistent planting site effects indicated that phenotypic plasticity is a primary contributor to A. triuncialis demographic responses along interspecific competition gradients. In contrast, significant seed source effects suggest genetic differentiation along invasion fronts in serpentine edaphic gradients. Although persistent maternal environmental effects cannot be ruled out entirely, seed source effects suggest genetic differences between serpentine subpopulations located behind and beyond the invasion fronts for plant survival, plant size, total seed production, and individual seed size. Rapid expansion of A. triuncialis in California may reflect an evolutionary capacity in this species for both phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds of Anthoxanthum odoratum were transplanted reciprocally between a xeric and a mesic field population that were genetically differentiated in adult traits. In one experiment seeds were reciprocally buried in bags in the soil, in a second experiment seeds were reciprocally sown in small plots. For most traits, site effects were much larger than seed-source effects. Germination, emergence, mortality of buried seed and recruitment were significantly higher at the xeric site than at the mesic site, irrespective of population of origin. Seed dormancy, was significantly higher for seed originating from the mesic than from the xeric population. Seedling recruits originating from the xeric population tended to be larger at both sites. Fecundity of seedling recruits depended on the environment; fecundities of plants growing in the xeric site had more than double the fecundity of plants growing in the mesic site. Phenotypic plasticity rather than population differences determined variation in performance in the seed and seedling stages.  相似文献   



Nitrogen (N) is one of the key mineral nutrients for plants and its availability has a major impact on their growth and development. Most often N resources are limiting and plants have evolved various strategies to modulate their root uptake capacity to compensate for both spatial and temporal changes in N availability in soil. The main N sources for terrestrial plants in soils of temperate regions are in decreasing order of abundance, nitrate, ammonium and amino acids. N uptake systems combine, for these different N forms, high- and low-affinity transporters belonging to multige families. Expression and activity of most uptake systems are regulated locally by the concentration of their substrate, and by a systemic feedback control exerted by whole-plant signals of N status, giving rise to a complex combinatory network. Besides modulation of the capacity of transport systems, plants are also able to modulate their growth and development to maintain N homeostasis. In particular, root system architecture is highly plastic and its changes can greatly impact N acquisition from soil.


In this review, we aim at detailing recent advances in the identification of molecular mechanisms responsible for physiological and developmental responses of root N acquisition to changes in N availability. These mechanisms are now unravelled at an increasing rate, especially in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana L.. Within the past decade, most root membrane transport proteins that determine N acquisition have been identified. More recently, molecular regulators in nitrate or ammonium sensing and signalling have been isolated, revealing common regulatory genes for transport system and root development, as well as a strong connection between N and hormone signalling pathways.


Deciphering the complexity of the regulatory networks that control N uptake, metabolism and plant development will help understanding adaptation of plants to sub-optimal N availability and fluctuating environments. It will also provide solutions for addressing the major issues of pollution and economical costs related to N fertilizer use that threaten agricultural and ecological sustainability.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose and provide evidence for a mechanism, oxidative nitrogen scavenging (ONS), whereby seedlings of some grass species may extract nitrogen from symbiotic diazotrophic bacteria through oxidation by plant-secreted reactive oxygen species (ROS). Experiments on this proposed mechanism employ tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceae) seedlings to elucidate features of the oxidative mechanism. We employed 15N2 gas assimilation experiments to demonstrate nitrogen fixation, direct microscopic visualization of bacteria on seedling surfaces to visualize the bacterial oxidation process, reactive oxygen probes to test for the presence of H2O2 and cultural experiments to assess conditions under which H2O2 is secreted by seedlings. We also made surveys of the seedlings of several grass species to assess the distribution of the phenomenon of microbial oxidation in the Poaceae. Key elements of the proposed mechanism for nitrogen acquisition in seedlings include: 1) diazotrophic bacteria are vectored on or within seeds; 2) at seed germination bacteria colonize seedling roots and shoots; 3) seedling tissues secrete ROS onto bacteria; 4) bacterial cell walls, membranes, nucleic acids, proteins and other biological molecules are oxidized; 5) nitrates and/or smaller fragments of organic nitrogen-containing molecules resulting from oxidation may be absorbed by seedling tissues and larger peptide fragments may be further processed by secreted or cell wall plant proteases until they are small enough for transport into cells. Hydrogen peroxide secretion from seedling roots and bacterial oxidation was observed in several species in subfamily Pooideae where seeds possessed adherent paleas and lemmas, but was not seen in grasses that lacked this feature or long-cultivated crop species.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) exerts a detrimental effect on the metabolism of plants, whereas selenium (Se) may protect them against various stressors through its antioxidative activity. In this in vitro study we investigated the impact of Se (2 µM Na2SeO4) on the growth, nutrient (P, S, K, Ca, Mg, B, Mn, Fe and Zn) concentrations and cell integrity of rape (Brassica napus oleifera) and two wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes subjected to Cd stress (600 µM CdCl2). Rape accumulated both Cd and Se more than did wheat. In all plants, Cd markedly reduced the biomass, enhanced lipid peroxidation and diminished plasmalemma fluidity. A drop in the K uptake and the reduced plasmalemma permeability diminished the K efflux from the leaf cells. In contrast, Cd elevated S concomitantly with Zn, indicating an activity of detoxifying SH groups and SOD isoenzymes. When added alone, Se promoted the growth of all plants, it enhanced the accumulation of S, but the impact on other nutrients remained minor. In Cd-stressed plants, Se tended to counterbalance the Cd-induced changes in nutrients, it also reduced the lipid peroxidation and exerted positive effects on the cell membrane stability. The Cd stress and the protective role of Se were most evident in rape. The Finnish wheat genotype was less tolerant to Cd than the Polish one.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial overlap of woody plant root systems and that of annual or perennial grasses promotes competition for soil-derived resources. In this study we examined competition for soil nitrogen between blue oak seedlings and either the annual grassBromus mollis or the perennial grassStipa pulchra under controlled outdoor conditions. Short-term nitrogen competition was quantified by injecting15N at 30 cm depth in a plane horizontal to oak seedling roots and that of their neighbors, and calculating15N uptake rates, pool sizes and15N allocation patterns 24 h after labelling. Simultaneously, integrative nitrogen competition was quantified by examining total nitrogen capture, total nitrogen pools and total nitrogen allocation.Stipa neighbors reduced inorganic soil nitrogen content to a greater extent than didBromus plants. Blue oak seedlings responded to lower soil nitrogen content by allocating lower amounts of nitrogen per unit of biomass producing higher root length densities and reducing the nitrogen content of root tissue. In addition, blue oak seedlings growing with the perennial grass exhibited greater rates of15N uptake, on a root mass basis, compensating for higher soil nitrogen competition inStipa neighborhoods. Our findings suggest that while oak seedlings have lower rates of nitrogen capture than herbaceous neighbors, oak seedlings exhibit significant changes in nitrogen allocation and nitrogen uptake rates which may offset the competitive effect annual or perennial grasses have on soil nitrogen content.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of organisms to modify their phenotype in response to environmental changes. We estimated and compared the amount of phenotypic plasticity in response to drought in seedlings of different accessions of two varieties (var. makarikariense and var. coloratum) of Panicum coloratum, an allogamous warm season perennial grass, introduced and collected in sites in Argentina with different precipitation regimes. Amount of phenotypic plasticity was quantified in shoot/root biomass, blade/sheath biomass, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio (leaf area/total biomass) and mean phenotypic plasticity was estimated. The two genetically distinct varieties differed in the phenotypic plasticity of leaf area ratio (p = 0.008, F‐test), with var. makarikariense showing higher phenotypic plasticity. Accessions within varieties differed in phenotypic plasticity of leaf area ratio, specific leaf area, blade/sheath biomass and mean phenotypic plasticity (p < 0.05, F‐test). A strong relationship (r = 0.82, p < 0.01, F‐test) between mean phenotypic plasticity of each accession and precipitation variability was found. Relationships between phenotypic plasticity of blade/sheath biomass and leaf area ratio with annual mean precipitation were r = 0.86 and r = 0.75, respectively (p < 0.05; p < 0.01, F‐test, respectively). Evidence of a decoupling between phenotypic plasticity of above‐ versus belowground characters was apparent; outcomes on the interpretation of the variability in phenotypic plasticity and the potential applications of this variability are presented.  相似文献   

Exotic annual grasses have been introduced into many semi-arid ecosystems worldwide, often to the detriment of native plant communities. The accumulation of litter from these grasses (i.e. residual dry biomass) has been demonstrated to negatively impact native plant communities and promote positive feedbacks to exotic grass persistence. More targeted experiments are needed, however, to determine the relative impact of exotic grass litter on plant community structure across local environmental gradients. We experimentally added exotic grass litter to annual forb-dominated open woodland communities positioned along natural canopy cover gradients in southwest Western Australia. These communities are an important component of this region’s plant biodiversity hotspot and are documented to be under threat from exotic annual grasses. After a one-year treatment period, we measured the effects of exotic grass litter, soil properties, and canopy cover on native and exotic species richness and abundance, as well as common species’ biomass and abundances. Plant community structure was more strongly influenced by soil properties and canopy cover than by grass litter. Total plant abundances per plot, however, were significantly lower in litter addition plots than control plots, a trend driven by native species. Exotic grass litter was also associated with lower abundances of one very common native species: Waitzia acuminata. Our results suggest that exotic grass litter limits the establishment of some native species in this system. Over multiple years, these subtle impacts may contribute substantially to the successful advancement of exotic species into this system, particularly in certain microenvironments.  相似文献   

Plant–soil interactions have been proposed as a causative mechanism explaining how invasive plant species impact ecosystem processes. We evaluate whether an invasive plant influences plant and soil-microbe acquisition of nitrogen to elucidate the mechanistic pathways by which invaders might alter N availability. Using a 15N tracer, we quantify differences in nitrogen uptake and allocation in communities with and without Microstegium vimineum, a shade-tolerant, C4 grass that is rapidly invading the understories of eastern US deciduous forests. We further investigate if plants or the microbial biomass exhibit preferences for certain nitrogen forms (glycine, nitrate, and ammonium) to gain insight into nitrogen partitioning in invaded communities. Understory native plants and M. vimineum took up similar amounts of added nitrogen but allocated it differently, with native plants allocating primarily to roots and M. vimineum allocating most nitrogen to shoots. Plant nitrogen uptake was higher in invaded communities due primarily to the increase in understory biomass when M. vimineum was present, but for the microbial biomass, nitrogen uptake did not vary with invasion status. This translated to a significant reduction (P < 0.001) in the ratio of microbial biomass to plant biomass nitrogen uptake, which suggests that, although the demand for nitrogen has intensified, microbes continue to be effective nitrogen competitors. The microbial biomass exhibited a strong preference for ammonium over glycine and nitrate, regardless of invasion status. By comparison, native plants showed no nitrogen preferences and M. vimineum preferred inorganic nitrogen species. We interpret our findings as evidence that invasion by M. vimineum leads to changes in the partitioning of nitrogen above and belowground in forest understories, and to decreases in the microbial biomass, but it does not affect the outcome of plant–microbe–nitrogen interactions, possibly due to functional shifts in the microbial community as a result of invasion.  相似文献   

Although an interspecific trade-off between competitive and colonizing ability can permit multispecies coexistence, whether this mechanism controls the structure of natural systems remains unresolved. We used models to evaluate the hypothesized importance of this trade-off for explaining coexistence and relative abundance patterns in annual plant assemblages. In a nonspatial model, empirically derived competition-colonization trade-offs related to seed mass were insufficient to generate coexistence. This was unchanged by spatial structure or interspecific variation in the fraction of seeds dispersing globally. These results differ from those of the more generalized competition-colonization models because the latter assume completely asymmetric competition, an assumption that appears unrealistic considering existing data for annual systems. When, for heuristic purposes, completely asymmetric competition was incorporated into our models, unlimited coexistence was possible. However, in the resulting abundance patterns, the best competitors/poorest colonizers were the most abundant, the opposite of that observed in natural systems. By contrast, these natural patterns were produced by competition-colonization models where environmental heterogeneity permitted species coexistence. Thus, despite the failure of the simple competition-colonization trade-off to explain coexistence in annual plant systems, this trade-off may be essential to explaining relative abundance patterns when other processes permit coexistence.  相似文献   

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