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The aim of this work is to discuss the distribution of Oligochaeta (Annelida) in the Danube River using the collections made by the Joint Danube Survey 2007 (JDS2) on more than 2800 km of the river. The basic faunistical features of the oligochaete assemblages were analysed with regard to three main sectors of the Danube (upper, middle and lower reaches, the last with the Danube Delta). A total of 52 oligochaete taxa have been recorded. Most of the observed species are typical of the potamon-type rivers in the region, and are well adapted to moderate-to-high organic load. The highest taxa richness and frequency of occurrence were observed among the Tubificidae family. Naididae, Propappidae, Enchytraeidae and Haplotaxidae had also low frequency. The upper reach of the Danube showed the lowest species richness, while the middle reach is characterised by its highest species richness. Construction of dams and regulation of the riverbed have resulted in an increase of limno(rheo)philic taxa which prefer slow-flowing and lentic zones.  相似文献   

The research on the W?oc?awek Reservoir (WR), situated on the Lower Vistula River (Poland), was carried out during two periods: between 1986 and 2002, hydrochemistry was studied, and between 1994 and 2000 – plankton. WR is 70 km2 in area, its capacity is 370 × 106 m3 and the retention time with the average flow rate (Q) amounts to 930 m3 s?1 – only 5 days (!). Until 2002, due to cyclic work of a hydroelectric power plant, considerable variability in the daily flow rate was recorded (from 600 to 1800 m3 s?1). Its specific hydrology and fluvial character mean that WR functions in a completely different way compared to dam reservoirs described in textbooks, with significantly longer retention time.WR significantly improves most of the water quality variables in the river. It reduces the concentration of suspended matter (on average by more than 50%), Ptot (by 16%), BOD5 (by 40%) and chlorophyll “a” (by 50–60%) (unpublished data).Phytoplankton is rich in species – altogether 441 taxa, with the count of 7.4 × 106 individuals per dm?3 and biomass of 16 mg dm?3. Throughout the research period, a significant reduction in the abundance of phytoplankton was recorded in WR, sometimes more than 60%. The total number of zooplankton taxa at the site upstream from WR and in the reservoir was almost identical (68 and 67), however in the reservoir itself, a small decrease in the number of Rotifera species and an increase in the number of Crustacea species was observed, as well as a significant, fourfold increase in the total zooplankton biomass. The aforementioned reduction of phytoplankton and enrichment of the river with Crustacea are one of the major biocenotic consequences of the functioning of the W?oc?awek Reservoir.  相似文献   

Fauvet  Guillaume  Claret  Cécile  Marmonier  Pierre 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):121-131
An enclosure study was conducted in Ranger Lake in south-central Ontario, Canada from 4 July to 5 August 1997 to determine predation effects of the larvae of the phantom midge fly Chaoboruson the zooplankton community. Zooplankton assemblages were established in 12 enclosures (2 m in diameter, 7.5 m deep). Three densities of fourth-instar Chaoborus trivittatus (0 l–1, 0.1 l–1 and 0.5 l–1) were introduced as predator treatments to the enclosures. Temperature, dissolved oxygen and zooplankton community composition were monitored for six weeks. To determine if the zooplankton community composition changed, a repeated measures multivariate analysis was performed on percent biomass of Bosmina and calanoid copepods. There were no significant differences in mean taxon percent biomass among predator treatments. There were significant differences in mean taxon percent biomass between water layers (epilimnion and metalimnion). There were also significant differences in lengths of Bosmina and calanoid copepods among predator treatments at the end of the experiment. Crop content analysis of C. trivittatusshowed that Bosmina constituted 88–98% of the prey items found in the crops. These results demonstrate that the use of deep enclosures, a Chaoborus species which vertically migrates, and lower natural densities of Chaoborus may provide prey with an important natural refuge from predation and so allow a more accurate determination of the predation impact of Chaoborus trivittatusin temperate lakes where fish control Chaoborus densities.  相似文献   

A study of the environmental radioactivity in the Kopa?ki Rit Nature Park, Croatia, is presented. This wildlife reserve is part of the Middle Danube River Basin, and it is exposed to various pollutants due to a number of human activities in the surroundings, where there is a nuclear power plant and also urban centres and areas of intense agricultural production. Results for the activity concentrations of soil and surface water samples do not indicate any elevated radioactivity level, which is confirmed by on-site measurements of ambient dose rate equivalent. An assessment of the radiological load on the local biota, carried out using the ERICA tool, implies an overall low radiological risk even if conservative values of the risk quotient are used. Therefore, human activities do not have a significant effect on the radiological load on the Kopa?ki Rit area. A similar conclusion might be made with regard to numerous similar environments in the Middle Danube River Basin.  相似文献   

Damming rivers changes sediment and nutrient cycles downstream of a dam in many direct and indirect ways. The Iron Gates I reservoir on the Yugoslavian-Romanian border is the largest impoundment by volume on the Danube River holding 3.2billionm3 of water. Silica retention within the reservoir in the form of diatom frustules was postulated to be as high as 600ktyear–1 in previous studies using indirect methods. This amount of dissolved silicate was not delivered to the coastal Black Sea, and presumably caused a shift in the phytoplankton community there, and subsequent drastic decline in fishery. We directly quantified the amount of dissolved silicate (DSi) entering and leaving the reservoir for 11 continuous months. The budget based on these data reveals two important facts: (1) only about 4% of incoming DSi was retained in the reservoir; (2) the DSi concentrations were relatively low in the rivers upstream of the reservoir compared to regional and global averages. Thus damming the Danube at the Iron Gates could not have caused the decline in DSi concentrations documented downstream of the impoundment. Rather, this change in DSi must have occurred in the headwaters of the Danube River. Potential reasons include the construction of many dams upstream of the Iron Gates, hydrologic changes resulting in lower groundwater levels, and clogging of the riverbed limiting groundwater–river exchange.  相似文献   

Anthrax is a disease of herbivores caused by the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can affect cattle, sheep, swine, horses and various species of wildlife. The routes for the spread among wildlife are reviewed. There are three kinds of human anthrax – inhalation, cutaneous, and intestinal anthrax – which differ in their routes of infection and outcomes. In the United States, confirmation of cases is made by the isolation of B. anthracis and by biochemical tests. Vaccination is not recommended for the general public; civilians who should be vaccinated include those who, in their work places, come in contact with products potentially contaminated with B. anthracis spores, and people engaged in research or diagnostic activities. After September 11, 2001, there were bioterrorism anthrax attacks in the United States: anthrax-laced letters sent to multiple locations were the source of infectious B. anthracis. The US Postal Service issued recommendations to prevent the danger of hazardous exposure to the bacterium. B. anthracis spores can spread easily and persist for very long times, which makes decontamination of buildings very difficult. Early detection, rapid diagnosis, and well-coordinated public health response are the key to minimizing casualties. The US Government is seeking new ways to deter bioterrorism, including a tighter control of research on infectious agents, even though pathogens such as B. anthracis are widely spread in nature and easy to grow. It is necessary to define the boundary between defensive and offensive biological weapons research. Deterring bioterrorism should not restrict critical scientific research. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Limnology - Extreme climatic events, such as flooding and drought, can abruptly modify the amplitude of the river level of a river, promoting new environmental conditions and impacting aquatic...  相似文献   

Large lowland rivers with sufficient hydrological storage capacity are capable of supporting primary production, but the dynamics of the advecting phytoplankton is poorly understood. Our study aimed at exploring how longitudinal versus lateral connectivity, flow dynamics versus resource availability and continuous versus discontinuous environmental gradients shaped the species composition of phytoplankton. Samples were taken from February to October 2000 along the Hungarian Tisza River (HTR) and in its main tributaries. Longitudinal and seasonal patterns were related to resources (light and nutrients) availability and flow dynamics derived from a 1D hydrodynamic model. The HTR was autotrophic during the study period, but tributary input considerably exceeded net autochtonous production. The Szamos River was the major source of both phytoplankton and nutrients in the HTR. Chryso- and euglenophytes were flushed into the main river from floodplain oxbows during high discharge. Imported algae experienced discontinuity in environmental gradients when entering the main river. The merged impact areas of two dams (IAD) that separate the two large meandering patches of the HTR disrupted the longitudinal profiles of both physico-chemical variables and attributes of algal assemblages (biomass, species composition, richness, similarity between adjacent sampling sites). Hydraulic storage along the IAD selectively favoured the recruitment of cryptophytes that, however, could not compensate for the enhanced sedimentation of diatoms in terms of biomass. Although the meandering patches presented several small-scale differences in major environmental gradients, both patches supported the growth of planktonic diatoms. Changes in algal biomass were decoupled from nutrient availability. We conclude that various measures must be applied in various lowland rivers within the same catchment to control their trophic status as a component of the ‘good ecological status’ defined in the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether oral exposure to aluminum (Al) can affect the human immune system. Eighteen healthy volunteers (mean age 42, 28–57 yr) were divided into a test group (9 females, 4 males) and a referent group (3 females, 2 males). Over 6 weeks, the test subjects ingested 10 ml of antacid (aluminum hydroxide, 59 mg Al/ml) three times daily. Aluminum was analyzed in urine before and during the exposure period (ICP-MS). Blood samples were used for analysis of lymphocyte subpopulations, mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and in vitro production and circulating plasma concentrations of immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, IgM, interleukin (IL) -2 and IL-4. Urinary Al concentration in the test subjects was approximately 10- to 20-fold higher than in the referent group during exposure. This indicates that ingestion of an Al-containing antacid is associated with an Al absorption far above that originating from food and drinking water. In both referents and test subjects the lymphocyte subpopulations, lymphocyte proliferation and the in vitro Ig and IL production showed similar, time-dependent changes before as well as during the exposure period. No major differences were seen between the referent and test groups regarding the immune parameters, except for a slightly smaller CD8+CD45R0+ population (primed cytotoxic T-cells), in the exposed individuals as compared to the referents. The results also show that subjects on antacid therapy may constitute a suitable population for studying biological effects of high-dose oral exposure to Al.  相似文献   

We review the rich literature on behavioural responses of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to stimuli of different colours. Only in one species there are adequate physiological data on spectral sensitivity to explain behaviour crisply in mechanistic terms. Because of the great interest in aphid responses to coloured targets from an evolutionary, ecological and applied perspective, there is a substantial need to expand these studies to more species of aphids, and to quantify spectral properties of stimuli rigorously. We show that aphid responses to colours, at least for some species, are likely based on a specific colour opponency mechanism, with positive input from the green domain of the spectrum and negative input from the blue and/or UV region. We further demonstrate that the usual yellow preference of aphids encountered in field experiments is not a true colour preference but involves additional brightness effects. We discuss the implications for agriculture and sensory ecology, with special respect to the recent debate on autumn leaf colouration. We illustrate that recent evolutionary theories concerning aphid–tree interactions imply far-reaching assumptions on aphid responses to colours that are not likely to hold. Finally we also discuss the implications for developing and optimising strategies of aphid control and monitoring.  相似文献   

The abundance of microcrustacean species recorded in plankton samples from the littoral and pelagic zones of the Upper Paran River, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, was evaluated in relation to abiotic and biotic environmental factors. The cladocerans Bosminopsis deitersi and Bosmina hagmann i were most abundant. The presence or absence of aquatic macrophytes also influenced abundance and species composition. The true zooplankton species were most abundant at the pelagic stations, while species of Chydoridae and Macrothricidae contributed markedly to microcrustacean abundance and species richness at littoral stations. Species abundance was also strongly affected by water level variation. Microcrustaceans, mainly bosminids, were most abundant during low water. During high water, bosminids decreased in abundance while most other species increased. The higher variation of the environmental factors during high water probably explains the shift in abundance patterns. Changes in water level increased mixing of littoral and pelagic microcrustaceans between sampling stations.  相似文献   

Arndt  Hartmut 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):231-246
Recent investigations have shown that processes within the planktonic microbial web are of great significance for the functioning of limnetic ecosystems. However, the general importance of protozoans and bacteria as food sources for rotifers, a major component of planktonic habitats, has seldom been evaluated. Results of feeding experiments and the analysis of the food size spectrum of rotifers suggest that larger bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates and small ciliates should be a common part of the food of most rotifer species. About 10–40 per cent of rotifers' food can consist of heterotrophic organisms of the microbial web. Field experiments have indicated that rotifer grazing should generally play a minor role in bacteria consumption compared to feeding by coexisting protozoans. However, according to recent experiments regarding food selection, rotifers should be efficient predators on protozoans. Laboratory experiments have revealed that even nanophagous rotifers can feed on ciliates. Preliminary microcosm and chemostat experiments have indicated that rotifers, due to their relatively low community grazing rates compared to the growth rates of bacteria and protozoans, should generally not be able (in contrast to some cladocerans) to suppress the microbial web via grazing, though they may structure it. Filter-feeding nanophagous rotifers (e.g. brachionids) seem to be significant feeders on the smaller organisms of the microbial web (bacteria, flagellates, small ciliates), whereas grasping species (e.g. synchaetids and asplanchnids) seem to be efficient predators on larger organisms (esp. ciliates). Another important role of rotifers is their feedback effect on the microbial web. Rotifers provide degraded algae, bacteria and protozoans to the microbial web and may promote microbial activity. Additional experimental work is necessary for a better understanding of the function of rotifers in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although quantitative data on interspecific interactions within complex food webs are essential for evaluation of assumptions, hypotheses, and predictions of ecological theories; empirical studies yielding quantitative data on complex food webs are very limited. Ecological information on body size, habitat use, and seasonality of the component species of food webs aids in determining the mechanisms of food web structures. Ideally, ecological information on component species should be obtained contemporaneously when used to describe quantitative food webs, but such observations and sampling strategies are labor intensive and thus have been rarely described. We conducted year-round samplings of, and performed observations on, a temperate stream: the upper reaches of the Yura River, Kyoto, Japan. We derived quantitative data on the abundance, biomass, body mass, microhabitat use, and those seasonality of 7 fish species and 167 invertebrate taxa of the temperate stream food web. In addition, we estimated the per mass consumption rates of 7 predatory fish species, consuming 183 prey invertebrates, and the ratios between the per mass consumption rates of the 7 predatory fish species and the production rates of 78 prey invertebrates in each trophic link. All fishes and aquatic invertebrates were identified to species or lowest possible taxon. Our data may contribute to the construction of mathematical models explaining the behavior of stream communities/ecosystems.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to determine whether goat grazing in the understory of a pine forest at Doñana Natural Park could accelerate the decomposition of the pine needles accumulated on the soil surface and, if so, through which mechanisms. Specifically, the roles of trampling (mechanical fragmentation) and nutrient enrichment through defecation (fertilization) were evaluated in terms of their effect on pine needle decomposition rates.


An experiment was conducted featuring the following 4 treatments: 1) intact needles (control), 2) trampled needles, 3) intact needles fertilized with liquid manure, and 4) trampled needles fertilized with liquid manure. Litter decomposition was determined as a function of mass loss over time, using the litter-bag method. Bags were recovered 4, 8, 16, 24 and 36 months after burial in soil, dried and weighed. Needle length, leaf mass per area and C and N concentration were also measured in the buried litter-bags.


Four months after burial, mass loss was greater in the trampled (23–27 %) than non-trampled (14–16 %) treatments. However, from 8 months onwards, decomposition rates in the fertilized treatments were significantly higher than those in the non-fertilized treatments (between 5 % and 15 % less mass loss). Meanwhile, fertilized treatments presented higher N content (2.1 %) than the non-fertilized ones (1.2 %), with a significantly lower C:N ratio also found in the in the fertilized treatment.


Trampling and fertilization during grazing accelerates litter decomposition and thus promotes the incorporation of N into the system. Acceleration of decomposition reduces the accumulation of pine needles on the soil surface, reducing the risk of fire.  相似文献   

An important prediction from game theory is that resource value influences the level to which competitors will escalate conflict. An earlier study considered whether this prediction applies to the male–male interactions of Hypoblemum albovittatum, a jumping spider (Salticidae) from New Zealand. The males of this species escalated conflicts in the presence of a moving mount made from a conspecific female. However, because the control was only a similar-sized motionless cork, an alternative hypothesis (that the cue for escalation is seeing movement of any female-size object, rather than seeing specifically a female) was not ruled out. Here we show that a moving cork, without a mount present, is indeed sufficient to cause males to escalate, but a moving mount (made from a conspecific female) causes males to escalate further. The level of escalation in the presence of a moving mount made from prey (housefly) or from a rival (conspecific male) did not differ significantly from the level of escalation when only a moving cork was present. These findings suggest that, although seeing a moving object similar in size to a conspecific female is sufficient for priming males to escalate, males can also discern by sight that specifically a female is present and, when they have this precise information, they make strategic decisions to escalate conflict further.  相似文献   

The ecology of viruses has been studied only in a limited number of rivers and streams. In light of a recent re‐appraisal of the global fluvial surface area, issues such as abundance and production, host mortality and the influence of suspended particles and biofilms are addressed. Viral life cycles, potential impacts of viruses on water biochemistry and carbon flow, and viral diversity are considered. Variability in trophic levels along with the heterogeneous nature and hydrological dynamics of fluvial environments suggest a prevailingly physical control of virus‐related processes under lotic conditions and more biological control under lentic conditions. Viral lysis likely contributes to a pool of rapidly cycling carbon in environments typically characterized by high proportions of recalcitrant terrestrial carbon. On average, 33.6% (equalling 0.605 Pg C year?1) of the globally respired carbon from fluvial systems may pass through a viral loop. Virus distribution and the proportion of organic material in horizontal transport versus processes in retention zones remain to be determined in detail. The need for up‐scaling the contribution of virus‐related processes in fluvial systems is of global relevance. Further, the role of climate change and the effect of anthropogenic alterations of fluvial systems on viruses require attention. The identification of these considerable knowledge gaps should foster future research efforts.  相似文献   

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