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Microsatellite markers in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Microsatellite markers of the poly (CA) type in common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) are described. Clones containing a (CA) repeat were isolated from a common carp genomic library and sequenced. The number of repeats found was high compared to mammals but comparable with other teleost fishes. Classification of the repeats (perfect, imperfect and compound) are compared with the Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.), rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ), and Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.). A total of 41 primer sets were designed and tested for polymorphism on a test panel of eight animals (derived from outbred lines, inbred lines and gynogenetic clones). Thirty-two markers were found to be polymorphic. The heterozygosity in the outbred animals was 60·4%, 51·1% in the inbred animals and 0% in the gynogenetic clones. The average number of alleles among the eight animals was 4·7 per marker. Six markers (18·8%) gave an additional polymorphic amplification product besides the polymorphic amplification product in the expected size range. The possibility that these loci are tetraploid is discussed. The polymorphic loci described for common carp will be valuable as genetic markers for use in population, breeding, and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Growth of carp larvae was significantly retarded in water with pH between 9.4 and 10.3, as compared with control conditions of pH 7.8–8.2. The survival rate was lower the higher the pH.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the influence of the season (the stage of gonad maturity) on the modulatory role of endogenous opioid peptides in LH secretion in fish, sexually mature male carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were intravenously injected with naltrexone-opioid receptor antagonist (5 or 50 microg kg(-1)) in the period of natural spawning (June) or gonad recrudescence (December). Moreover, the possible involvement of the dopaminergic system was studied in fish pre-treated with pimozide (dopamine receptor antagonist) and in intact fish. Blood samples were taken every minute, up to 10 min after naltrexone injection. In June, naltrexone significantly lowered LH levels in comparison to saline injected males. In December, there were no differences between saline and naltrexone-injected carps. In fish pre-treated with pimozide, neither in June nor in December were any significant differences in LH levels between control group and the groups injected with naltrexone found. The results showed that, in male carp, LH secretion under the influence of naltrexone depends on the stage of gonad maturity what suggests that the feedback of gonadal steroids on LH release could be mediated by the endogenous opioids. The role of dopamine in these processes is also discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lu CY  Cao DC  Xu P  Wang S  Li HD  Zhao ZX  Sun XW 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):561-564
利用150个微卫星分子标记在F1代家系的基因型分析过程中,共有27600个等位基因从亲本向子代传递,其中在5个微卫星座位上检测到6个突变的等位基因。对突变的等位基因数目进行统计分析后得出:鲤鱼平均每个世代每个微卫星座位的突变速率为2.53×10-4。在发现突变的5个位点中,经测序发现,突变序列中插入1个以上的重复单元就导致了突变的发生。这些突变表明,鲤鱼的微卫星突变没有遵循严格的渐变突变模型(stepwise mutation model,SMM)。该文关于鲤鱼微卫星突变速率和模式的研究将会对统计鲤鱼有效群体的统计提供有效参数。  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记分析德国镜鲤的遗传潜力   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
侯宁  张研  鲁翠云  李勇  李大宇  季旭  丁雷  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(12):1509-1518
结合体重、体长、体高等数量性状, 用30个微卫星分子标记, 评估了3个德国镜鲤群体的遗传潜力, 共检测到287个等位基因, 559种基因型, 片段长度109~400 bp, 有效等位基因数1.1014~6.4665, 观察杂合度0.0968~0.9892, 期望杂合度0.0926~0.8554, 位点多态信息含量0.08787~0.8559, 其中中度多态(0.25≤PIC≤0.5)13个, 高度多态(PIC≥0.5)13个。统计结果显示: 3个群体的遗传潜力处于中度水平, 双来养殖群体的遗传潜力比换新和松浦繁殖群体低。同时, 用30个基因座的不同等位基因和基因型与双来群体的体重、体长、体高进行了连锁分析, 得到2个与镜鲤体长相关的微卫星分子标记(HLJ319, HLJ693)和1个与体高相关的位点(HLJ677), 与体长相关的1个位点(HLJ693)还与体重连锁。将此遗传标记在鲤鱼重组自交系中验证, 结果显示: 主要经济性状相连锁的3个遗传标记中HLJ319与鲤鱼体长性状的QTL定位结果基本一致。  相似文献   

SLP-76 is an important member of the SLP-76 family of adapters, and it plays a key role in TCR signaling and T cell function. Partial cDNA sequence of SLP-76 of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) was isolated from thymus cDNA library by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Subsequently, the full length cDNA of carp SLP-76 was obtained by means of 3' RACE and 5' RACE, respectively. The full length cDNA of carp SLP-76 was 2007 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 285 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 240 bp, and an open reading frame of 1482 bp. Sequence comparison showed that the deduced amino acid sequence of carp SLP-76 had an overall similarity of 34-73% to that of other species homologues, and it was composed of an NH2-terminal domain, a central proline-rich domain, and a C-terminal SH2 domain. Amino acid sequence analysis indicated the existence of a Gads binding site R-X-X-K, a 10-aa-long sequence which binds to the SH3 domain of LCK in vitro, and three conserved tyrosine-containing sequence in the NH2-terminal domain. Then we used PCR to obtain a genomic DNA which covers the entire coding region of carp SLP-76. In the 9.2k-long genomic sequence, twenty one exons and twenty introns were identified. RT-PCR results showed that carp SLP-76 was expressed predominantly in hematopoietic tissues, and was upregulated in thymus tissue of four-month carp compared to one-year old carp. RT-PCR and virtual northern hybridization results showed that carp SLP-76 was also upregulated in thymus tissue of GH transgenic carp at the age of four-months. These results suggest that the expression level of SLP-76 gene may be related to thymocyte development in teleosts.  相似文献   

Long term exposure to brackish water (171 mm NaCl) affected the capacity of common carp Cyprinus carpio to deal with hypoxic conditions and the critical oxygen concentrations for oxygen consumption increased. In addition, regulation of ammonia excretion was lost. The cytosolic phosphorylation potential (the index of the energy status of a cell in terms of potential transferable phosphate groups) in the lateral muscle on the other hand remained relatively unaffected, indicating that oxygen transport to the tissues was not severely compromised. It appears that exposure to brackish water reduces the capacity of common carp to cope with hypoxic conditions mainly because of the high energetic cost of hyperventilation under conditions where energy stores are depleted, and not because of any impeded oxygen transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

The decline in fish population because of water contamination is problem. As a result of direct exposure in water, it has been readily accepted that the gills are the main site of water contamination and toxicity (e.g., metal ions). In the present study, we investigated metal ion contamination on the functional capacity of carp gill cells with antioxidant interactions in an in vitro study. The extent of cellular membrane damage, lipid peroxidation (LPO) (as TBARS levels), and glutathione (GSH) content were investigated after the addition of two metal ion compounds (viz., CuSO4 and HgCl2) in various concentrations (300, 500, 700, 1000, and 3000 μM) to gill cell preparation of the freshwater fish carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) with modulations by bovine serum albumin (BSA) (0.5% and 1.0%) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (0.5%) as free-radical scavengers. The Comet assay technique was also performed for the highest concentrations of the two mentioned metal ions as an index of DNA breaks. The outcomes were as follows: (1) Copper and mercury increased the rate of LPO dose dependently (r=+0.995 and r=+0.993, respectively; p<0.001), but the GSH content was only marginally affected (r=−0.787 and r=−0.844, respectively; p<0.05). (2) Depletion of GSH molecules by copper had a wider range than mercury. (3) In the highest concentration of metal ions (3000 μM), both DMSO and 1.0% BSA showed a pro-oxidative potential to elevate the levels of TBARS (p<0.001), but for other concentrations when supplemented with three scavengers, a fall in the levels of the latter was found. (4) The addition of 1.0% BSA to medium containing 3000 μM of metal ions caused a significant decline in GSH content (p<0.01). (5) Copper and mercury could cause a high rate of DNA breaks (single stranded) in carp gill cell suspensions as a Comet appearance. These findings indicate that copper and mercury have a deleterious influence on membrane integrity and GSH content in a relatively dose-dependent manner. The complexes of metal ions and thiol (−SH) residues of cell proteins could also act as a potential cell toxicant leading to disturbances in cell functions causing cell death. DNA fragmentation is frequent in metal ion contamination.  相似文献   

A base population (n = 101) of carp, consisting of a single hybrid cross, was immunized with the hapten-carrier complex DNP-KLH. to perform a divergent selection for antibody response. Measurement of the DNP-specific antibody response at 12 and 21 days postimmunization, allowed the classification of a low number of individual carp as early/high (10%) or late/low (13%) responders. Three individuals defined as early/high and three defined as late/low responding, were gynogenetically reproduced to obtain corresponding homozygous progenies within one generation only. Upon immunization with DNP-KLH, the antibody response was found to be significantly higher in the early/high responder homozygous offspring. Although the homozygosity of the offspring apparently caused a (s)lower antibody response (compared with the base population), the differences between the high and low responder offspring do indicate a genetic influence on the antibody response. The realized heritability (h2) for antibody production was estimated at 0.37 ± 0.36. The present study provides the basis for a divergent selection of homozygous inbred carp lines with a genetically controlled difference in antibody response. These inbred lines will allow us to investigate relationship(s) between immune responsiveness and resistance to infectious diseases in fish.  相似文献   

Wu B  Sun YH  Wang YW  Wang YP  Zhu ZY 《Cell research》2005,15(6):447-454
The integration pattern and adjacent host sequences of the inserted pMThGH-transgene in the F4 hGH-transgenic common carp were extensively studied. Here we show that each F4 transgenic fish contained about 200 copies of the pMThGH-transgene and the transgenes were integrated into the host genome generally with concatemers in a head-totail arrangement at 4-5 insertion sites. By using a method of plasmid rescue, four hundred copies of transgenes from two individuals of F4 transgenic fish, A and B, were recovered and clarified into 6 classes. All classes of recovered transgenes contained either complete or partial pMThGH sequences. The class I, which comprised 83% and 84.5% respectively of the recovered transgene copies from fish A and B, had maintained the original configuration, indicating that most transgenes were faithfully inherited during the four generations of reproduction. The other five classes were different from the original configuration in both molecular weight and restriction map, indicating that a few transgenes had undergone mutation, rearrangement or deletion during integration and germline transmission. In the five types of aberrant transgenes, three flanking sequences of the host genome were analyzed. These sequences were common carp β-actin gene, common carp DNA sequences homologous to mouse phosphoglycerate kinase-1 and human epidermal keratin 14, respectively.  相似文献   

Groups of large (65 -75 g) and small (8-17 g) common carp ( Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings were exposed to the bacterium Chromobacterium violaceurn in order to establish whether they could detect and ingest unattached bacteria. Small fish exposed to both bacteria and to cell-free bacterial extracts showed a significant increase in opercular beat rates, thus demonstrating that they are able to detect the presence of unattached bacteria in suspension. Examination of carp gut contents showed that the proportion of small fish ingesting bacteria increased with exposure time although no significant relationship was observed among larger fish. Significant, positive correlations between numbers of viable bacteria isolated from the intestinal tracts and concentration in the environment were observed. Possible mechanisms of bacterial ingestion are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular size and polypeptide chain composition of cell membrane immunoglobulin (mIg) on lymphocytes of carp were studied using lactopreoxidase-catalysed surface radioiodination and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Carp lymphocytes prepared from pronephros, blood and thymus carry mIgM in relatively high quantity. That means about 5-10% of the radiolabelled macromolecular cell surface material precipitates as IgM. Cell surface IgM on carp lymphocytes is present as monomeric IgM (m.w. 220000-260000) and HL subunit (m.w. 110000). There are differences among molecular weights of mIg monomers of pronephric lymphocytes (m.w. 220000) and thymocytes (m.w. 260000), whereas blood lymphocytes show both components. Following reduction and alkylation H and L chains were observed. Additional thymocytic mIg possesses two unidentified components with m.w. 35000-40000 and 110000.  相似文献   

The effect of a 2-week period of oral immuno-stimulation from the age of 2 or 6 weeks post-fertilisation (wpf; before and after reaching the ability to produce antibodies) onwards was investigated on various immune functions of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. The immuno-stimulants Aeromonas salmonicida lipopolysaccharide, Yeast DNA (containing unmethylated CpG motifs) or high-M alginate (an extract of algae containing poly-mannuronic acid) were used. The effect of this treatment was studied on the kinetics of B cells in head kidney and peripheral blood leucocytes using flow cytometry, on the total plasma IgM level using ELISA, on cytokine and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in the intestine, and acute phase protein expression in the liver, using real time quantitative PCR, and on exposure to Vibrio anguillarum. Oral administration of immuno-stimulants from 6 wpf resulted in decreased WCI12(+) (B) cell percentages in PBL (only after administration of LPS) and head kidney (all test groups), and a decreased total IgM level in plasma, suggesting that suppressive effects are strongly indicative of oral or juvenile tolerance. After administration from 2 wpf, the effects on WCI12(+) (B) cell percentages were less pronounced: the group fed with Yeast DNA showed higher percentages compared to the control group at 6 wpf, but lower percentages at 8 wpf. No changes were observed in the cytokine or iNOS expression levels in the intestine or acute phase protein expression in the liver. A challenge with V. anguillarum resulted in an initially higher cumulative mortality in the group fed with LPS, but lower mortality in the groups fed with Yeast DNA or high-M alginate compared to the control group, providing a provisional warning especially for the use of pathogen-derived immuno-stimulants, such as A. salmonicida LPS, in larval and juvenile fish.  相似文献   

Carp IgM, isolated from normal serum is more sensitive to trypsinization compared to a human myeloma protein IgMGo. Under the same conditions (treatment with trypsin at 56 degrees C for 30 min) carp IgM was degraded to small, mostly dialysable peptides to a larger extent than IgMGo. In both cases the fragmentation resulted in immunoelectrophoretically pure Fab mu and Fc mu fragments. The Fab mu fragments of human IgM (yield: 20% of used IgM material) had a molecular weight of 54,000, the Fc mu fragments (yield: 30%) were a heterogenous mixture as far as molecular sizes concerned with values of about 300,000. For the corresponding fragments of carp IgM we could analyze a molecular weight of about 43,000 for Fab mu (yield: 8%) and for Fc mu (yield 10%) three fractions of 160,000, 130,000 and 90,000. The reductive subunits of Fc mu fragments showed different molecular weights: 39,000 for IgMGo and 45,000 for carp IgM. The anti-fragment antisera prepared in rabbits were monospecific as demonstrated by immunodiffusion.  相似文献   

In the present work responses of carp (Cyprinus carpio) head kidney-derived neutrophils to the blood parasite T. borreli, and the consequences of these responses for parasite survival and other host response mechanisms, were studied. In co-cultures of head kidney leucocytes (HKL) with viable and lysed T. borreli a prominent shape change of neutrophilic granulocytes towards increased size and complexity was observed. In addition, the longevity of neutrophils in vitro was prolonged in the presence of T. borreli antigens. In these cultures, neutrophils also exhibited an increased phagocytosis activity. An up regulation of the production of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed in T. borreli- and mitogen-stimulated HKL cultures. However, addition of live, fluorescence-labelledT. borreli to previously stimulated HKL cultures, revealed neither killing nor phagocytosis of the parasite by activated neutrophils. Moreover, viable T. borreli, when added to HKL cultures of infected carp, reduced their phagocytosis activity and NO production. Supernatants of co-cultures between T. borreli and HKL also contained mediators, which suppressed a mitogen-induced proliferative response of peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) in vitro. Thus, while T. borreli itself appeared not to be sensitive to responses of activated neutrophils, the flagellates interferes with the production of immunomodulatory signals of these cells, probably resulting in a partial immunosuppression, which may favour the parasite development in vivo.  相似文献   

Genome duplications may have played a role in the early stages of vertebrate evolution, near the time of divergence of the lamprey lineage. Additional genome duplication, specifically in ray-finned fish, may have occurred before the divergence of the teleosts. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) has been considered tetraploid because of its chromosome number (2n = 100) and its high DNA content. We studied variation using 59 microsatellite primer pairs to better understand the ploidy level of the common carp. Based on the number of PCR amplicons per individual, about 60% of these primer pairs are estimated to amplify duplicates. Segregation patterns in families suggested a partially duplicated genome structure and disomic inheritance. This could suggest that the common carp is tetraploid and that polyploidy occurred by hybridization (allotetraploidy). From sequences of microsatellite flanking regions, we estimated the difference per base between pairs of alleles and between pairs of paralogs. The distribution of differences between paralogs had two distinct modes suggesting one whole-genome duplication and a more recent wave of segmental duplications. The genome duplication was estimated to have occurred about 12 MYA, with the segmental duplications occurring between 2.3 and 6.8 MYA. At 12 MYA, this would be one of the most recent genome duplications among vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis of several cyprinid species suggests an evolutionary model for this tetraploidization, with a role for polyploidization in speciation and diversification.  相似文献   

The paper presents information about the fine structure of the sinusoids, the space of Dissé, the development of the bile canaliculi and some compartments of the hepatocytes in the liver of the carp. The sinusoids are covered completely by flat endothel cells. The plasma of these cells contains numerous vesicles. The endothelial cells possess plasmatic processes, which extend into the space of Dissé. The fine structure of the space of Dissé corresponds to that of mammals, the existence of fibrebundles included. The bile canaliculi don't develop intracellularly as described by other authors. They run intercellularly as in mammals, but they form diverticles which reach into the plasma sideways. The rough ER was found in two types. Outwardly the liver is limited by a layer of connective tissue existing in two different layers.  相似文献   

A variety of methods have been applied for the characterization of major histocompatibility (MH) polymorphism in fish. We optimized a technique designated polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragments-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-RF-SSCP) for screening a large number of individuals for the Cyca-DAB1 and Cyca-DAB2 genes polymorphism in common carp. The advantages of this technique are simplicity, high sensitivity and low costs. PCR-RF-SSCP analysis revealed different genotypes consisting of unique combinations of the Cyca-DAB1 and Cyca-DAB2 sequences with the number of SSCP bands clearly correlating with the degree of heterozygosity of the Cyca-DAB1 and Cyca-DAB2 genes. We found four alleles for Cyca-DAB1 (*02-*05) gene but only one allele for Cyca-DAB2 (*02) and noted that the Cyca-DAB2 gene was either homozygous or absent. PCR-RF-SSCP analysis of n=79 carp individuals challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila indicated that individuals bearing no Cyca-DAB2 gene showed higher cumulative mortality and lower bacterial agglutination titers during the experiment. We suggest that our PCR-RF-SSCP method can be used to study correlations of different MH class II B genotypes/alleles with resistance of common carp to specific pathogens.  相似文献   

Iodothyronine deiodinases determine the biological activity of thyroid hormones. Despite the homology of the catalytic sites of mammalian and teleostean deiodinases, in-vitro requirements for the putative thiol co-substrate dithiothreitol (DTT) vary considerably between vertebrate species. To further our insights in the interactions between the deiodinase protein and its substrates: thyroid hormone and DTT, we measured enzymatic iodothyronine 5′-deiodination, Dio1 and Dio2 mRNA expression, and Dio1 affinity probe binding in liver and kidney preparations from a freshwater teleost, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Deiodination rates, using reverse T3 (rT3, 3,3′,5′-triiodothyronine) as the substrate, were analysed as a function of the iodothyronine and DTT concentrations. In kidney rT3 5′-deiodinase activity measured at rT3 concentrations up to 10 μM and in the absence of DTT does not saturate appreciably. In the presence of 1 mM DTT, renal rT3 deiodination rates are 20-fold lower. In contrast, rT3 5′-deiodination in liver is potently stimulated by 1 mM DTT. The marked biochemical differences between 5′-deiodination in liver and kidney are not associated with the expression of either Dio1 or Dio2 mRNA since both organs express both deiodinase types. In liver and kidney, DTT stimulates the incorporation of N-bromoacetylated affinity labels in proteins with estimated molecular masses of 57 and 55, and 31 and 28 kDa, respectively. Although primary structures are highly homologous, the biochemistry of carp deiodinases differs markedly from their mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

Genome evolution arises from two main ways of duplication and reduction. Fish specific genome duplication (FSGD) may have occurred before the radiation of the teleosts. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) has been considered to be a tetraploid species, because of its chromosome numbers (2n=100) and its high DNA content. Using 69 microsatellite primer pairs, the variations were studied to better understand the genome evolution (genome duplication and diploidization) of common carp from a gynogenetic family. About 48% of primer pairs were estimated to amplify duplicates based on the number of PCR amplification per individual. Segregation patterns in the family suggested a partially duplicated genome structure and disomic inheritance. This indicates that the common carp is tetraploid and polyploidy occurred by allotetraploidy. Two primer pairs (HLJ021 and HLJ332) were estimated to amplify reduction based on the number of PCR amplification per individual. One allele in HLJ002 locus and HLJ332 locus was clearly lost in the gynogenetic family and the same as in six wild populations. Segregation patterns in the family suggested a partially diplodization genome structure. A hypothesis transition (dynamic) and equilibrium (static) were proposed to explain the common carp genome evolution between genome duplication and diploidization.  相似文献   

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