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在石羊河上游高寒退化草地,应用点格局和Ripley K函数检测种间格局控制关系,按照时间序列设置甘肃臭草退化的5个样地,包括未形成斑块(CK)、斑块形成(A),斑块扩散(B)、斑块稳定(C)和斑块衰退(D)样地,研究了不同样地中甘肃臭草与阿尔泰针茅之间的空间分布格局、空间关联性和格局控制关系.结果表明:CK→D样地阿尔泰针茅由随机分布转变为聚集分布;甘肃臭草和阿尔泰针茅之间的关联性由显著负关联向无显著关联转变,负关联显著性先增强后减弱;A、B、C样地中分别在0 ~15、0~12和0~10 cm尺度范围内甘肃臭草对阿尔泰针茅表现出格局控制关系,CK和D样地中没有格局控制关系.体型、规模大,竞争力强的物种,通过改变微生境,迫使其他物种改变分布方式,形成规则分布,进而形成对其他物种的格局控制作用.  相似文献   

赵成章  任珩  盛亚萍  高福元  石福习 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6388-6395
种群空间格局是种群自身特性、种间相互关系及环境条件综合作用的结果。采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡选择未退化、轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化等4种高寒草地,分析了阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)种群斑块特征、株丛结构和点格局特征。结果表明:阿尔泰针茅在衰退过程中种群密度和种群领地面积减小,空斑面积增大,领地密度先增大后减小,小株丛(株丛径0.1-1.0 cm)比例增加,大株丛(株丛径2.1-7.0 cm)比例减小;不同草地梯度中阿尔泰针茅种群的空间格局存在明显差异:未退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-64 cm尺度上为均匀分布,64-100 cm尺度上为随机分布;中度退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-70 cm尺度上为随机分布,而在70-100 cm尺度上为聚集分布;轻度退化和重度退化草地中阿尔泰针茅种群在0-100 cm尺度上均为随机分布。在放牧干扰和种间竞争作用下,阿尔泰针茅种群斑块从中心开始破碎,并逐渐向四周辐散,引起小尺度上种群斑块间分布格局出现"随机分布-聚集分布-随机分布"转变,促使原有斑块被分割为多个直径较小的"岛"状小斑块并进一步分化,最终种群斑块完全破碎、草毡层逐步消失,从而造成阿尔泰针茅种群的衰退。  相似文献   

退化草地甘肃臭草和冷蒿种群空间格局及关联性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间格局和空间关联性是研究种群扩散、群落演替及生物与环境间相互作用的重要手段.在石羊河上游高寒退化草地,运用点格局分析法,对不同演替阶段甘肃臭草和冷蒿的地上生物量、高度、空间格局及关联性进行了研究.结果表明:甘肃臭草在斑块没有形成阶段(CK)和斑块形成阶段(A),所有尺度上为聚集分布,在斑块扩散(B)、稳定(C)和衰退阶段(D),从聚集向随机过渡,随着聚集尺度减少、聚集强度下降,植株高度和地上生物量先增加后减少;冷蒿在各阶段均从聚集分布向随机分布过渡,随着聚集尺度增加,聚集强度增强,植株高度和地上生物量先减少后增加.CK、A、D阶段甘肃臭草和冷蒿之间表现为显著正关联,在B阶段从显著负关联过渡到关联性不显著.在放牧干扰影响下,地上生物量和高度的变化与种群空间格局及关联尺度转换的对应关系反映了退化草地植物种群竞争与生态适应性策略.  相似文献   

赵成章  任珩 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6080-6087
采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡选择4种退化高寒草地群落,分析了阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)与狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种群的大小结构、斑块特征和种间关联关系。结果表明:随天然草地退化过程延续,阿尔泰针茅由大株丛结构演变为小株丛结构,种群密度和领地面积减小、空斑面积增大、领地密度先增大后减小,狼毒种群的株丛结构和斑块特征发生了相反的变化趋势;不同退化草地阿尔泰针茅和狼毒种群的空间关联呈现负关联、正关联和不关联规律;在未退化草地和轻度退化草地、中度退化草地,阿尔泰针茅与狼毒的关联性分别由0-14 cm、0-51 cm尺度上的负相关和0-85 cm尺度上的不相关,转变为14-100 cm、51-100 cm尺度上的不相关和86-100 cm尺度上的正相关。物种个体大小结构变化,以及狼毒种群的斑块吞并、合并和阿尔泰针茅种群的斑块破碎、被分割过程,既是物种关联性发生尺度转换的先决条件,又是引起草地群落中物种地位与作用改变的关键因素。  相似文献   

荒漠植物红砂与西北针茅种群的空间格局及其关联性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物种群的空间分布格局及关联性是研究种群扩散、群落演替及生物与环境因子相互作用的重要手段。该研究以甘肃省皋兰县老虎台干旱荒漠区的主要物种——红砂(Reaumuria songarica)和西北针茅(Stipa sareptana var. krylovii)为对象,采用Ripley K 函数分析了不同坡向红砂和西北针茅种群的点格局特征及其关联性,以揭示干旱荒漠区植物演替过程中优势种群之间的竞争关系和生存繁衍策略。结果表明:(1)红砂和西北针茅在4个坡向上的分布格局具有显著差异性,随着坡向由西北坡向南坡的转变,红砂种群的株数、盖度及重要值先增加后降低,西北针茅种群则不断增加;西北坡向上,红砂种群的空间格局在0~2.1 m尺度上呈聚集分布,随着尺度的增加聚集强度减弱并趋向于随机分布,而西北针茅种群在整个尺度内均呈聚集分布;西坡坡向上,在整个研究尺度内,红砂种群表现为随机分布,而西北针茅种群表现为聚集分布;西南坡向上,红砂种群在0~3.7 m尺度上表现为聚集分布,3.7~5 m的尺度上表现为随机分布,西北针茅种群在0~1 m及4.2~5 m尺度上表现为随机分布,1~4.2 m尺度上表现为聚集分布;南坡坡向上,在整个研究尺度内,红砂种群表现为聚集分布,西北针茅种群表现为随机分布。(2)在西北坡与西坡坡向上,红砂和西北针茅种群的空间关联性在小尺度上均表现为负相关关系,随着研究尺度的增大,种间关联度均趋向于不相关;在西南坡与南坡坡向上,两物种在整个尺度范围内均表现为无关联性。  相似文献   

赵成章  任珩 《生态学报》2012,32(22):6946-6954
植物的空间格局及关联性是自身特性和环境因素综合作用的结果。采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡阿尔泰针茅草原,根据株丛径大小将阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)分为3个大小等级:A级(1.1-7.0 cm)、B级(1.1-7.0 cm) 和C级(株丛径7.1 cm以上),分析了阿尔泰针茅种群的大小结构和不同大小等级个体的空间格局及关联性。结果表明:随天然草地退化过程延续,阿尔泰针茅种群个体空间格局由聚集分布转变为非聚集分布,个体间的关联性由正相关为主转化为不相关和负相关;不同大小等级个体的空间格局存在差异,C级个体仅在中度退化草地表现出聚集格局,A级和B级个体以聚集和随机格局为主,且在未退化和轻度退化草地由随机转向聚集格局;不同等级个体间的空间关联性与形体大小差异不存在相关性,A级与B级、C级个体间正关联尺度明显增大,B级与C级个体间则以不相关和负相关为主且负相关尺度增大。物种大小结构和个体间的竞争关系变化,是种群不同大小等级空间格局及关联性转换的关键因素,反映了退化草地植物应对干扰的更新途径。  相似文献   

任珩  赵成章  高福元  石福习  张茜 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6909-6916
生殖株丛与非生殖株丛的空间格局是株丛自身特性和植物种内、种间关系综合作用的结果。采用草地群落学调查与点格局分析方法,在祁连山北坡高寒退化草地设置4个退化梯度,每个梯度内随机设置3个2 m×2 m的样方,分析了0-100cm空间尺度上阿尔泰针茅(Stipa krylovii)种群生殖与非生殖株丛的生物量、高度和空间格局。结果表明:未退化草地中,阿尔泰针茅生殖与非生殖株丛均出现聚集格局,且分布于不同的尺度区间;草地退化过程中,生殖与非生殖株丛聚集格局出现重叠且重叠的空间尺度发生转换,从18-19 cm、54-68 cm转换为45-78 cm;生殖株丛空间格局以聚集分布为主,聚集格局尺度随生物量和株高增加而增大;非生殖株丛以聚集和均匀分布为主,聚集格局尺度随生物量和株高下降而减小,均匀格局尺度增大。在干扰活动影响下,生物量分配和株高的转变是种群空间格局发生尺度转换的关键因素,反映了退化草地植物种群繁殖与更新的适应性途径。  相似文献   

赵成章  高福元  石福习  任珩  盛亚萍 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6688-6695
植物种群对土壤水分响应的异质性是其格局形成和演变的环境基础.在石羊河上游的高寒草地,运用点格局分析法和群落调查法,研究了甘肃臭草单一优势种群斑块发育过程中的种群小尺度点格局和土壤水分特征.在4个发育阶段甘肃臭草种群的空间格局由聚集分布过渡为随即分布,土壤水分均呈现出从斑块中心向边缘增大的趋势;在斑块形成、扩散、稳定阶段,甘肃臭草斑块以类似“同心圆”的方式向周围土壤水分高的空间扩散,斑块半径由0.5m扩大至1.5m,种群的高度、密度、盖度由斑块中心向边缘递减;在衰退阶段斑块中心出现裸斑,种群的高度、密度、盖度以类似“同心圆”方式从中心向边缘逐层递增.在甘肃臭草斑块消长过程中,种群的分布格局和主要生物学特征与土壤水分之间不同阶段表现出不同的对应关系.  相似文献   

祁连山地甘肃臭草斑块土壤水分与植被盖度空间格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土壤水分是植被格局形成和演变的主要因素,土壤水分的空间异质性对于认识干旱区草原植物对环境的响应机制具有重要意义,而在较小尺度上,植被状况是土壤水分空间异质性的主要驱动因子.利用地统计学方法,研究了祁连山北坡甘肃臭草单优种群斑块浅层剖面(0 ~30 cm)土壤水分与植被盖度的空间异质性及其关系.结果表明:甘肃臭草斑块浅层剖面土壤水分和植被盖度均符合正态分布,各层土壤水分均存在高度的空间异质性,其中,80.93%~87.34%的空间异质性是由空间自相关引起的,植被盖度主要体现在4.09~6.91 m的尺度上,而由1 m以下尺度随机因素引起的空间异质性占12.66% ~19.07%;甘肃臭草在斑块尺度上各层土壤水分的空间结构表现出明显的圈层结构和斑块状分布的特点,土壤水分高低值斑块呈镶嵌分布且具有较强的空间异质性;甘肃臭草通过生理整合影响并在一定程度上改变了小尺度上土壤水分的分布格局,从而实现了对土壤水分资源最大限度的利用,提高了种群在干旱生境中的适应能力和竞争力.  相似文献   

种群的空间分布格局及关联性可以反映种群演替方式和环境因子改变的适应策略。矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)与珠芽蓼(Polygonum vivipurum)是甘南亚高寒草甸的主要物种,通过野外群落调查,运用Ripley K函数,分析了不同坡向的矮嵩草与珠芽蓼种群的空间分布格局及种间关联性。结果表明:矮嵩草和珠芽蓼在3个坡向上的分布具有明显差异,随着坡向由北坡向南坡的转变,矮嵩草种群的株数、盖度及生物量不断增加,而珠芽蓼种群则不断减少;在北坡,矮嵩草种群在0~2.2 m呈现出聚集分布,随着尺度的增加聚集强度减弱并趋向于随机分布,珠芽蓼种群均以聚集分布为主;在西坡,矮嵩草与珠芽蓼种群在0~0.8 m范围呈聚集分布,在2.3 m以上范围内趋向于随机分布;在南坡,矮嵩草与珠芽蓼分布格局在研究尺度内均表现出随机分布;在北坡,这两种物种在0~1 m范围内表现为正相关,西坡为种间在0~1.3 m范围内负关联;随着尺度的增加种间关联度在这两个坡向上均趋向于不相关,而这两个物种在南坡也表现出不相关;矮嵩草和珠芽蓼种群空间格局及关联性有助于我们认识亚高寒草甸种群的种内与种间竞争过程、多样的生态策略及群落演替趋势。  相似文献   

The local field potential (LFP) reflects activity of many?neurons in the vicinity of the recording electrode and is therefore useful for studying local network dynamics. Much of the nature of the LFP is, however, still unknown. There are, for instance, contradicting reports on the spatial extent of the region generating the LFP. Here, we use a detailed biophysical modeling approach to investigate the size of the contributing region by simulating the LFP from a large number of neurons around the electrode. We find that the size of the generating region depends on the neuron morphology, the synapse distribution, and the correlation in synaptic activity. For uncorrelated activity, the LFP represents cells in a small region (within a radius of a few hundred micrometers). If the LFP contributions from different cells are correlated, the size of the generating region is determined by the spatial extent of the correlated activity.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of the physical environment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Bell  G.  Lechowicz  M. J.  Appenzeller  A.  Chandler  M.  DeBlois  E.  Jackson  L.  Mackenzie  B.  Preziosi  R.  Schallenberg  M.  Tinker  N. 《Oecologia》1993,96(1):114-121
There is substantial environmental variance at small spatial scales (1 m or less) in both natural and disturbed environments. We have investigated the spatial structure of physical variables at larger scales (up to 106 m). We analysed surveys of edaphic properties of Wisconsin forest soils, of the water chemistry of lakes in Ontario and Labrador, and of temperature and precipitation in northeastern North America. We found no clear indication that the variance among sites approaches some maximal value as the distance between them increases. We suggest instead that the variance of the physical environment tends to increase continually with distance. The slope of the log-log regression of variance on distance provides a means of comparing the heterogeneity of different environments with respect to a given factor, or of comparing different factors within a given environment. This slope provides a useful measure of environmental structure that can be related to the biodiversity or plasticity of native organisms.  相似文献   

A Johnston 《Spatial Vision》1986,1(4):319-331
Striate cortex topography derives from a stretching of retinal space along the optic axis. At the retina, relative distances are preserved in a mapping of retinal space onto a spherical surface in the environment. At the cortex, relative distances along visual meridia in the cortical map are preserved in a mapping of striate cortex onto an environmental conic surface whose base is in the plane of the eye. This eco-cortical relationship can be considered a reference frame through which spatial relationships at the cortex might provide information about the environment. The present analysis provides an explanation of changes in cortical magnification with visual eccentricity in the primate and a detailed three-dimensional model of striate topography for the macaque monkey. In man, a conic environmental surface is shown to be uniformly resolvable along meridia in the visual field. Finally, the implications of this analysis of the structural properties of the retino-striate pathway and visual resolution are considered in relation to depth and distance perception.  相似文献   

论昆虫空间生态学研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
空间特征是昆虫生态学研究的热点之一 ,具有重要的理论与应用意义。该文从理论、尺度、时空动态模型、技术手段及研究热点几个方面概述近期昆虫空间生态学研究进展。主要理论包括概率及统计模型、地学统计学、景观生态学、集合种群生态学 ;研究技术涉及地理信息系统、遥感、计算机辅助分析等。简要论述研究的空间尺度问题 ,介绍空间分子生态、进化生态等新研究热点在昆虫空间生态领域的发展 ,并分析昆虫空间生态学存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

空间异质性对样地数据空间外推的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用模型结合的方法模拟了3个空间异质性等级预案下反应变量(气候变化下景观水平的树种分布面积)的变化情况,并分析模拟结果在预案之间的差异性,探讨了环境空间异质性对样地观测到的树种对气候变化响应向更大空间尺度外推的影响.结果表明:空间异质性在一般情况下对样地数据向土地类型尺度外推没有影响,而对样地尺度外推到海拔带尺度的影响则有较复杂的情况.对于对气候变化不敏感的树种以及非地带性树种,空间异质性对样地数据向海拔带尺度外推没有影响;对于大多数对气候变化敏感的地带性树种而言,空间异质性对样地数据向海拔带尺度外推则有影响.  相似文献   

Striate cells showing linear spatial summation obey very general mathematical inequalities relating the size of their receptive fields to the corresponding spatial frequency and orientation tuning characteristics. The experimental data show that, in the preferred direction of stimulus motion, the spatial response profiles of cells in the simple family are well described by the mathematical form of Gabor elementary signals. The product of the uncertainties in signalling spatial position (x) and spatial frequency (f) has, therefore, a theoretical minimum value of xf=1/2. We examine the implications that these conclusions have for the relationship between the spatial response profiles of simple cells and the characteristics of their spatial frequency tuning curves. Examples of the spatial frequency tuning curves and their associated spatial response profiles are discussed and illustrated. The advantages for the operation of the visual system of different relationships between the spatial response profiles and the characteristics of the spatial frequency tuning curves are examined. Two examples are discussed in detail, one system having a constant receptive field size and the other a constant bandwidth.  相似文献   

Despite the pervasiveness of spatial synchrony of population fluctuations in virtually every taxon, it remains difficult to disentangle its underlying mechanisms, such as environmental perturbations and dispersal. We used multiple regression of distance matrices (MRMs) to statistically partition the importance of several factors potentially synchronizing the dynamics of the gypsy moth, an invasive species in North America, exhibiting outbreaks that are partially synchronized over long distances (approx. 900 km). The factors considered in the MRM were synchrony in weather conditions, spatial proximity and forest-type similarity. We found that the most likely driver of outbreak synchrony is synchronous precipitation. Proximity played no apparent role in influencing outbreak synchrony after accounting for precipitation, suggesting dispersal does not drive outbreak synchrony. Because a previous modelling study indicated weather might indirectly synchronize outbreaks through synchronization of oak masting and generalist predators that feed upon acorns, we also examined the influence of weather and proximity on synchrony of acorn production. As we found for outbreak synchrony, synchrony in oak masting increased with synchrony in precipitation, though it also increased with proximity. We conclude that precipitation could synchronize gypsy moth populations directly, as in a Moran effect, or indirectly, through effects on oak masting, generalist predators or diseases.  相似文献   

We have developed microdensitometer-computer correlation techniques to analyze the arrangement of microtubule arms and bridges (i.e., microtubule-associated proteins [MAPs]). A microdensitometer was used to scan immediately adjacent to the wall of longitudinally sectioned microtubules in positive transparency electron micrographs. Signal enhancement procedures were applied to the digitized densitometer output to produce a binary sequence representing the apparent axial spacing of MAP projections. These enhanced records were analyzed in two ways. (a) Autocorrelograms were formed for each record and correlogram peaks from a group of scans were pooled to construct a peak frequency histogram. (b) Cross-correlation was used to optimize the match between each enhanced record and templates predicted by different models of MAP organization. Seven symmetrical superlattices were considered as well as single axial repeats. The analyses were repeated with randomly generated records to establish confidence levels. Using the above methods, we analyzed the intrarow bridges of the Saccinobaculus axostyle and the MAP2 projections associated with brain microtubules synthesized in vitro. We confirmed a strict 16-nm axial repeat for axostyle bridges. For 26 MAP2 records, the only significant match was to a 12-dimer superlattice model (P less than 0.002). However, we also found some axial distances between MAP2 projections which were compatible with the additional spacings predicted by a 6-dimer superlattice. Therefore, we propose that MAP2 projections are arranged in a "saturated 12-dimer, unsaturated 6-dimer" superlattice, which may be characteristic of a wide variety of MAPs.  相似文献   

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