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The aim of the study was to optimize the criteria for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing and to improve oncogenetic counseling in the Stockholm region. Screening for inherited breast cancer genes is laborious and a majority of tested samples turn out to be negative. The frequencies of mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes differ across populations. Between 1997 and 2000, 160 families with breast and/or ovarian cancer were counseled and screened for mutations in the two genes. Twenty-five BRCA1 and two BRCA2 disease-causing mutations were found. Various factors associated with the probability of finding a BRCA1 mutation in the families were estimated. Age of onset in different generations and other malignancies were also studied. Families from our region in which both breast and ovarian cancer occur were likely to carry a BRCA1 mutation (34%). In breast-only cancer families, mutations were found only in those with very early onset. All breast- only cancer families with a mutation had at least one case of onset before 36 years of age and a young median age of onset (<43 years). Other malignancies than breast and ovarian cancers did not segregate in the BRCA1 families and surveillance for other malignancies is not needed, in general. Decreasing age of onset with successive generations was common and must be taken into account when surveillance options are considered.  相似文献   

The biopython project provides a set of bioinformatics tools implemented in Python. Recently, biopython was extended with a set of modules that deal with macromolecular structure. Biopython now contains a parser for PDB files that makes the atomic information available in an easy-to-use but powerful data structure. The parser and data structure deal with features that are often left out or handled inadequately by other packages, e.g. atom and residue disorder (if point mutants are present in the crystal), anisotropic B factors, multiple models and insertion codes. In addition, the parser performs some sanity checking to detect obvious errors. AVAILABILITY: The Biopython distribution (including source code and documentation) is freely available (under the Biopython license) from http://www.biopython.org  相似文献   

When lipid vesicles filled with Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) excitable chemical medium are packed in tight assembles, waves of excitation may travel between the vesicles. When several waves meet in a vesicle some fragments may deflect, others can annihilate or continue their travel undisturbed. By interpreting waves as Boolean values we can construct logical gates and assemble them in large circuits. In numerical modelling we show two architectures of one-bit half-adders implemented in BZ-vesicles.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are specialized compartments for the degradation of endocytosed and intracellular material and essential regulators of cellular homeostasis. The importance of lysosomes is illustrated by the rapidly growing number of human disorders related to a defect in lysosomal functioning. Here, we review current insights in the mechanisms of lysosome biogenesis and protein sorting within the endo-lysosomal system. We present increasing evidence for the existence of parallel pathways for the delivery of newly synthesized lysosomal proteins directly from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the endo-lysosomal system. These pathways are either dependent or independent of mannose 6-phosphate receptors and likely involve multiple exits for lysosomal proteins from the TGN. In addition, we discuss the different endosomal intermediates and subdomains that are involved in sorting of endocytosed cargo. Throughout our review, we highlight some examples in the literature showing how imaging, especially electron microscopy, has made major contributions to our understanding of the endo-lysosomal system today.  相似文献   

Humans suffer from high rates of fetal aneuploidy, often arising from the absence of meiotic crossover recombination between homologous chromosomes. Meiotic recombination is initiated by double-strand breaks (DSBs) generated by the SPO11 transesterase. In yeast and worms, at least one buffering mechanism, crossover homeostasis, maintains crossover numbers despite variation in DSB numbers. We show here that mammals exhibit progressive homeostatic control of recombination. In wild-type mouse spermatocytes, focus numbers for early recombination proteins (RAD51, DMC1) were highly variable from cell to cell, whereas foci of the crossover marker MLH1 showed little variability. Furthermore, mice with greater or fewer copies of the Spo11 gene--with correspondingly greater or fewer numbers of early recombination foci--exhibited relatively invariant crossover numbers. Homeostatic control is enforced during at least two stages, after the formation of early recombination intermediates and later while these intermediates mature towards crossovers. Thus, variability within the mammalian meiotic program is robustly managed by homeostatic mechanisms to control crossover formation, probably to suppress aneuploidy. Meiotic recombination exemplifies how order can be progressively implemented in a self-organizing system despite natural cell-to-cell disparities in the underlying biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Summary This paper offers a technique for obtaining monoamine histofluorescence in the CNS by means of formaldehyde perfusion followed by cryostat sectioning. No freeze-drying is involved. Cryostat sections are exposed to formaldehyde vapor to complete the fluorophore formation. The fluorescence thus obtained is bright, well localized, and does not require loading the animals with precursors. The anatomical distribution of the pathways is identical to that obtained with the classical technique. Furthermore, the fluorescence is reversible by sodium borohydride, and exhibits the expected changes in intensity with pharmacological manipulations. The sections can be exposed to a cold aqueous medium for as long as 15 min with minimal diffusion of fluorophore; this suggests potential for combining monoamine histofluorescence with other visualization techniques.  相似文献   



Metagenomics is a powerful methodology to study microbial communities, but it is highly dependent on nucleotide sequence similarity searching against sequence databases. Metagenomic analyses with next-generation sequencing technologies produce enormous numbers of reads from microbial communities, and many reads are derived from microbes whose genomes have not yet been sequenced, limiting the usefulness of existing sequence similarity search tools. Therefore, there is a clear need for a sequence similarity search tool that can rapidly detect weak similarity in large datasets.


We developed a tool, which we named CLAST (CUDA implemented large-scale alignment search tool), that enables analyses of millions of reads and thousands of reference genome sequences, and runs on NVIDIA Fermi architecture graphics processing units. CLAST has four main advantages over existing alignment tools. First, CLAST was capable of identifying sequence similarities ~80.8 times faster than BLAST and 9.6 times faster than BLAT. Second, CLAST executes global alignment as the default (local alignment is also an option), enabling CLAST to assign reads to taxonomic and functional groups based on evolutionarily distant nucleotide sequences with high accuracy. Third, CLAST does not need a preprocessed sequence database like Burrows–Wheeler Transform-based tools, and this enables CLAST to incorporate large, frequently updated sequence databases. Fourth, CLAST requires <2 GB of main memory, making it possible to run CLAST on a standard desktop computer or server node.


CLAST achieved very high speed (similar to the Burrows–Wheeler Transform-based Bowtie 2 for long reads) and sensitivity (equal to BLAST, BLAT, and FR-HIT) without the need for extensive database preprocessing or a specialized computing platform. Our results demonstrate that CLAST has the potential to be one of the most powerful and realistic approaches to analyze the massive amount of sequence data from next-generation sequencing technologies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0406-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Imaging surface plasmon resonance system for screening affinity ligands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) system for screening ligands for application in affinity chromatography is described. A combinatorial library of 13 ligands was synthesised, characterised and immobilised to agarose beads and gold SPR devices. Binding and elution behaviour and a range of K(AX) values (10(3) to 10(5) M(-1)) were measured against two target proteins, an insulin analogue (MI3) and a recombinant clotting factor (rFVIIa), in order to create a relational database between the traditional chromatographic format and the new SPR screening system. The SPR transducer surface was fabricated with affinity ligands in a two-dimensional, spatially addressable format, which was durable (>100 cycles) and stable over 6 months. The imaging SPR system comprised a direct optical, CCD-based, instrument capable of imaging the change in refractive index created by biochemical interactions and allowed affinity ligands to be evaluated 15-fold faster with 130-fold less target protein than conventional chromatographic methods. The binding and elution data from both the SPR and chromatographic systems for both target proteins were comparable, with the K(AX) value generating a nearly linear correlation (R(2)=0.875) and a slope bias of approximately 2.5+/-0.25-fold higher for the SPR system. The imaging SPR system has proven capable of screening and evaluating affinity ligands for potential use in the recovery of biopharmaceutical proteins.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is a powerful imaging technique and has been widely used in current material science research. The attempts of applying STEM (annual dark field (ADF)-STEM or annular bright field (ABF)-STEM) into biological research have been going on for decades while applications have still been limited because of the existing bottlenecks in dose efficiency and non-linearity in contrast. Recently, integrated differential phase contrast (iDPC) STEM technique emerged and achieved a linear phase contrast imaging condition, while resolving signals of light elements next to heavy ones even at low electron dose. This enables successful investigation of beam sensitive materials. Here, we investigate iDPC-STEM advantages in biology, in particular, chemically fixed and resin embedded biological tissues. By comparing results to the conventional TEM, we have found that iDPC-STEM not only shows better contrast but also resolves more structural details at molecular level, including conditions of extremely low dose and minimal heavy-atom staining. We also compare iDPC-STEM with ABF-STEM and found that contrast of iDPC-STEM is even further improved, moderately in lower frequency domains while highly with preserving high frequency biological structural details. For thick sample sections, iDPC-STEM is particularly advantageous. It avoids contrast inversion canceling effects, and by adjusting the depth of focus, fully preserves the contrast of structural details along with the sample. In addition, using depth-sectioning, iDPC-STEM enables resolving in-depth structural variation. Our results suggest that iDPC-STEM have the place and advantages within the future biological research.  相似文献   

Previous behavioral evidence suggests that instructed strategy use benefits associative memory formation in paired associate tasks. Two such effective encoding strategies--visual imagery and sentence generation--facilitate memory through the production of different types of mediators (e.g., mental images and sentences). Neuroimaging evidence suggests that regions of the brain support memory reflecting the mental operations engaged at the time of study. That work, however, has not taken into account self-reported encoding task success (i.e., whether participants successfully generated a mediator). It is unknown, therefore, whether task-selective memory effects specific to each strategy might be found when encoding strategies are successfully implemented. In this experiment, participants studied pairs of abstract nouns under either visual imagery or sentence generation encoding instructions. At the time of study, participants reported their success at generating a mediator. Outside of the scanner, participants further reported the quality of the generated mediator (e.g., images, sentences) for each word pair. We observed task-selective memory effects for visual imagery in the left middle occipital gyrus, the left precuneus, and the lingual gyrus. No such task-selective effects were observed for sentence generation. Intriguingly, activity at the time of study in the left precuneus was modulated by the self-reported quality (vividness) of the generated mental images with greater activity for trials given higher ratings of quality. These data suggest that regions of the brain support memory in accord with the encoding operations engaged at the time of study.  相似文献   

Our technique enables non-invasive experiments to be conducted on the proprioceptor part of respiratory control, while eliminating misleading responses due to interaction with the chemoreceptor system; interaction was prevented by stabilizing arterial PO2 and PCO2 with the aid of an optimal regulator based on a mini-computer which controlled the inspired gas mixture. The proprioceptor system in a human was disturbed by applying positive pressure pulses at the mouth, responses were derived from continuous air-flow measurement. The classical inflation inhibiting reflex and an effect akin to Head's paradoxical reflex were demonstrated.  相似文献   

A natural language parser implemented entirely in simulated neurons is described. It produces a semantic representation based on frames. It parses solely using simulated fatiguing Leaky Integrate and Fire neurons, that are a relatively accurate biological model that is simulated efficiently. The model works on discrete cycles that simulate 10 ms of biological time, so the parser has a simple mapping to psychological parsing time. Comparisons to human parsing studies show that the parser closely approximates this data. The parser makes use of Cell Assemblies and the semantics of lexical items is represented by overlapping hierarchical Cell Assemblies so that semantically related items share neurons. This semantic encoding is used to resolve prepositional phrase attachment ambiguities encountered during parsing. Consequently, the parser provides a neurally-based cognitive model of parsing.  相似文献   

B Jaggi  S S Poon  C MacAulay  B Palcic 《Cytometry》1988,9(6):566-572
An image acquisition and processing system has been developed for quantitative microscopy of absorption or fluorescence in stained cells. Three different light transducers are used in the system to exploit the best characteristics of these sensors for different biological measurements. A digital scanner, in the form of a linear array charge-coupled device (CCD), acquires data with high spatial and photometric resolution. A color (RGB) camera is employed when spectral information is required for the segmentation of cellular subcomponents. An image-intensified charged-injection device (CID) camera provides for very low light intensity measurements, primarily for fluorescence-labeled cells. Properties of these transducers, such as contrast transfer function, linearity, and photo-response nonuniformity, have been measured. Two dedicated image processing units were incorporated into the system. The front-end processor, based on a digital signal processor, provides functions such as object detection, raw image calibration, compression, artifact removal, and filtering. The second image processor is associated with the frame memory and includes a histogram processor, a dedicated arithmetic logic unit for image processing functions, and a graphics module for one-bit overlay functions. An interactive program was developed to acquire cell images and to experiment with a range of segmentation algorithms, feature extractions, and other image processing functions. The results of any image operation are displayed on the video monitor. Once a desired processing sequence is determined, the sequence may be stored to become part of a command library and can be executed thereafter as a single instruction.  相似文献   



Benchmarking algorithms in structural bioinformatics often involves the construction of datasets of proteins with given sequence and structural properties. The SCOP database is a manually curated structural classification which groups together proteins on the basis of structural similarity. The ASTRAL compendium provides non redundant subsets of SCOP domains on the basis of sequence similarity such that no two domains in a given subset share more than a defined degree of sequence similarity. Taken together these two resources provide a 'ground truth' for assessing structural bioinformatics algorithms. We present a small and easy to use API written in python to enable construction of datasets from these resources.  相似文献   

This paper offers a technique for obtaining monoamine histofluorescence in the CNS by means of formaldehyde perfusion followed by cryostat sectioning. No freeze-drying is involved. Cryostat sections are exposed to formaldehyde vapor to complete the fluorophore formation. The fluorescence thus obtained is bright, well localized, and does not require loading the animals with precursors. The anatomical distribution of the pathways is identical to that obtained with the classical technique. Furthermore, the fluorescence is reversible by sodium borohydride, and exhibits the expected changes in intensity with pharmacological manipulations. The sections can be exposed to a cold aqueous medium for as long as 15 min with minimal diffusion of fluorophore; this suggests potential for combining monoamine histofluorescence with other visualization techniques.  相似文献   

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