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研究了胜红蓟水溶物对植物的化感作用,结果表明,胜红蓟水溶物溶液浓度在0.25gFW.ml^-1时对所有供试植物的萌发和幼苗生长均有显著的抑制作用,浓度降至0.10gFW.ml^-1时其抑制作用基本消失,胜红蓟不同器官,不同生育期水溶物的化感作用是有差异的,特别是不同生境条件下生长的胜红蓟水物化感作用有显著差异,表明在恶劣生境下胜红蓟的化感作用更为强烈,对胜红蓟水溶物中的化感活性物质进行了分离和分子  相似文献   

胜红蓟化感作用研究Ⅵ.气象条件对胜红蓟化感作用的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
在田间条件下 ,胜红蓟化感作用与光、温、水等气象要素显著相关 ,有利的光、温、水生长条件使得其化感作用减弱 ,反之增强 .春夏季温度和降水有利胜红蓟的生长 ,其化感作用减弱 ,而秋冬季温度和降水不利胜红蓟生长 ,其化感作用增强 .实验表明 ,30 0 μg·ml-1高浓度胜红蓟挥发油使受试植物不能生长 ,而6 0 μg·ml-1低浓度影响较小 ,在高温、低温和遮光等不利植物生长的条件下 ,低浓度的胜红蓟化感物质对受试植物的抑制效应显著增强 ,显示在不利的生长条件下 ,受试植物对胜红蓟化感物质的抵御能力减弱 .研究表明 ,在不利于胜红蓟及受试植物生长的气象条件下 ,胜红蓟化感作用增强 ,受试植物抵御化感物质的能力降低 ,使得胜红蓟群落中其它植物难以正常生长 ,相应地提高了胜红蓟在自然群落中的竞争优势 .化感作用和光、温、水、气象条件的共同作用是胜红蓟在自然群落中成为优势种群的重要原因之一 .  相似文献   

研究了胜红蓟挥发油对不同营养水平下植物的化感作用.结果表明,随着营养水平的降低,胜红蓟挥发油对受试植物的化感作用明显增强.在胜红蓟挥发油的作用下,受试植物叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量明显降低,过氧化物酶(POD) 活性降低,而质膜相对透性增加,丙二醛( MDA) 含量升高.利用GC/ MS对胜红蓟挥发油的组成和含量进行了分析,共鉴定16 种物质,其中早熟素Ⅱ、早熟素Ⅰ和子丁香烯为主要成分,相对含量分别为36 .85 % 、26 .41 % 和19 .84 % .  相似文献   

胜红蓟化感作用研究 Ⅸ.主要化感物质在土壤中的转化   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在田间条件下,胜红蓟挥发油能抑制花生的出苗和生长发育,进一步用高效液相色谱(HPLC)研究证实;胜红蓟挥发油中的主要化感物质胜红蓟素在土壤中的转化与土壤的有机质和营养元素水平显著相关,在高有机质和营养元素水平的土壤中,胜红蓟素先聚合形成二聚体,26d后又解聚成胜红蓟素,然后逐步降解成苯甲酸类,2-甲基丙酸和乙酸等小分子,而在低有机质和营养元素水平的土壤中,胜红蓟素不经过二聚化过程,而是直接降解成小分子,经液质(LC/MS)和核磁共振(NMR)等技术分离鉴定了胜红蓟素二聚体的结构,生物测定表明:胜红蓟素二聚体对花生和黑牧草的生长没有抑制活性。  相似文献   

研究了胜红蓟水溶物对植物的化感作用 .结果表明 ,胜红蓟水溶物溶液浓度在0 .2 5gFW·ml- 1 时对所有供试植物的萌发和幼苗生长均有显著的抑制作用 ,浓度降至0 .1 0 gFW·ml- 1 时其抑制作用基本消失 ;胜红蓟不同器官、不同生育期水溶物的化感作用是有差异的 ,特别是不同生境条件下生长的胜红蓟水溶物化感作用有显著差异 ,表明在恶劣生境下胜红蓟的化感作用更为强烈 .对胜红蓟水溶物中的化感活性物质进行分离和分子结构鉴定 ,得到早熟素Ⅰ、早熟素Ⅱ和 5,2 2 二烯 3β 豆甾醇 3个化感化合物 .  相似文献   

胜红蓟化感物质之间相互作用的研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
 通过柱层析从胜红蓟挥发油中分离出早熟素Ⅰ、早熟素Ⅱ、子丁香烯、3,3-二甲基-5-特丁基茚酮、红没药烯、乙酸葑醇酯等6种主要化感物质(占挥发油总量的97%),并研究了这些化感物质在挥发、淋溶(饱和水溶液)和土壤降解途径下对萝卜,番茄和绿豆幼苗的化感作用。结果表明:早熟素Ⅰ、早熟素Ⅱ、3,3-二甲基-5-特丁基茚酮及子丁香烯(挥发途径)虽有较强的化感活性,但均弱于挥发油的化感活性,而子丁香烯(淋溶途径),红没药烯和乙酸葑醇酯则基本无化感活性。但是,早熟素n和无活性的三个化感物质结合,则表现出强烈的化感活性,说明胜红蓟各化感物质之间存在着明显的协同作用。  相似文献   

在田间条件下,胜红蓟化感效应与处理植株的方式和时间显相关。覆盖处理对花生出苗和生长不产生化感抑制效应,而是显示一定的促进效应,翻埋处理对花生出苗和生长都产生显的化感抑制效应,然而覆盖处理30d,翻埋处理10d后再播种花生,花生出苗均受显抑制,两种处理都能减少许多杂草的萌发,但对不同种属杂草萌发的抑制作用有差异。进一步用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术研究证实;覆盖处理条件下,胜红蓟植株直到第14天才向土壤中缓慢释放化感物质胜红蓟素,第30天达到最大值后逐渐减少,而翻埋处理的第2天,植株就向土壤中释放胜红蓟素,第10天达到最大值后缓慢减少,但第26天后土壤中胜红蓟素含量又上升,然后再逐步下降。这些结果显示不同处理条件下,胜红蓟植株对花生和相关杂草的田间化感效应是与胜红蓟植株在不同时间释放的化感物质在土壤中的存在状态和有效作用浓度显相关的。  相似文献   

菊科植物化感作用研究进展   总被引:57,自引:3,他引:57  
周凯  郭维明  徐迎春 《生态学报》2004,24(8):1776-1784
对菊科植物化感作用的研究进展进行了综述。菊科植物中至少有 39个属存在化感作用 ,特别是一枝黄花属、向日葵属、胜红蓟属、银胶菊属、蒿属植物等有较多的研究报道。鉴定出的化感物质多为萜类、聚乙炔类、酚类、有机酸类等 ,这些化感物质对多种受体植物表现出程度不同的抑制或促进的效应。其化感作用机理表现在破坏受体膜系统的稳定性及水分平衡关系、抑制氧化磷酸化、促进或阻滞叶绿素的合成、影响矿质元素的吸收利用等。并对菊科植物化感物质在植物生长调节剂、天然除草剂和生物杀虫剂 ,或人工合成除草剂和杀虫剂上应用的前景进行了探讨。本文显示菊科植物的化感作用将在控制外来恶性杂草及维护生态平衡上扮演重要的角色。在当前菊科植物化感作用研究的基础上 ,提出了进一步研究的 6个方向 :(1)化感物质的生物合成途径与关键酶的特性研究 ;(2 )具化感潜势物种资源的调查评价及利用研究 ;(3)化感作用在自然生态系统中的演变规律 ;(4 )菊科重要作物自毒的生化机制及克服途径 ;(5 )具应用前景的菊科植物化感关键酶的基因克隆和转基因 ,并对受体植物基因的表达与调控进行研究 ;(6 )化感作用在可持续发展农业应用上的研究与开发 ,特别是作为天然除草剂及杀虫剂  相似文献   

为了解阔叶丰花草(Spermacoce latifolia)的化学成分, 从其全株乙醇提取物中分离得到7个三萜类化合物, 经过波谱分析, 他们的结构鉴定为:熊果酸 (1)、mesembryanthemoidigenic acid (2)、3β,6β-dihydroxy-olean-12-ene-28-oic acid (3)、scutellaricacid (4)、arjunic acid (5)、29-hydroxyhederagenin (6)和3β,6β,23-trihydroxy-olean-12-en-28-oic acid (7)。抗菌活性测试结果表明化合物1、3、47 对部分测试菌株具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

阔叶丰花草——浙江茜草科一新归化种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次记载阔叶丰花草 (Spermacoce latifolia Aubl.),一种原产南美热带地区的茜草科植物,为浙江归化植物一新记录,并通过实地调查和访问对其入侵途径进行了分析,认为可能是由于植物园引种或农作物种子贸易而无意引进浙江温州的。  相似文献   

The allelopathic effects of vegetative and flowering plants of the annual/biennial pasture weed Senecio jacobaea L. (ragwort) against Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) and four pasture legumes were investigated using a range of bioassays. Bioassays based on shoot and root leachates demonstrated detectable, although usually slight, allelopathic effects, and these did not usually differ between the two developmental stages of S. jacobaea. However, aqueous extract and tissue decomposition bioassays demonstrated stronger allelopathic effects, particularly for flowering plants, and this was in general agreement with toxicity assessments of soil collected from under S. jacobaea plants in the field. According to our study, flowering plants have the potential to weaken pasture through allelopathy, and decomposition of above-ground litter appears as the most likely mechanism facilitating this. The aqueous extract and tissue decomposition bioassays also revealed that L. perenne was less susceptible to S. jacobaea allelopathy than were the legumes, suggesting that encouraging a strong L. perenne component in pastures has potential for reducing the overall inhibitory ef S. jacobaea on pasture production.  相似文献   

该文以紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)为供体,以7种乡土植物即马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、构树(Broussonetia papyifera)、板栗(Castanea mollissima)、花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanu)、油茶(Camellia oleifera)、火棘(Pyracantha fortuneana)为受体,研究了紫茎泽兰叶的水提液对受试植物幼苗叶绿素含量和生长的化感影响。结果表明:(1)紫茎泽兰叶水提液在低浓度条件下对花椒、火棘的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素总含量具有一定的促进作用,对其余5个物种的叶绿素影响不显著。在高浓度处理下杉木、板栗和构树叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素总含量表现显著下降。火棘仅叶绿素b显著下降,马尾松均表现为增加,对油茶和花椒影响不显著。(2)对受体植物生长参数测定后发现,紫茎泽兰叶片水提液在高浓度条件下对除板栗外的6种受体植物的所有生长参数均表现出显著的抑制作用,在低浓度下对火棘、花椒、杉木的地径和冠幅具有一定促进作用,对其余4个物种生长参数影响不显著。  相似文献   

为揭示入侵杂草与草本花卉之间的竞争关系,以入侵植物小蓬草为供体材料,常用的花卉波斯菊、观赏油菜为受体材料,研究了小蓬草根、叶水浸提液对受体植物种子萌发、幼苗生长、抗氧化酶活性(SOD、POD和CAT)以及丙二醛(MDA)含量的化感效应差异。结果表明,(1)小蓬草浸提液对受体植物的种子萌发均具有显著化感效应,基本表现为“低促高抑”的趋势,且波斯菊、观赏油菜的种子萌发率在根、叶浸提液浓度为25 g/L时最高,在浸提液浓度为100 g/L时最低。(2)小蓬草浸提液对受体植物幼苗上下胚轴生长具有“低促高抑”的浓度效应,且浓度越大抑制作用越显著。(3)在小蓬草根、叶浸提液处理下,观赏油菜的SOD和POD活性大多显著高于对照,波斯菊SOD和POD活性则大多显著低于对照;波斯菊、观赏油菜CAT活性整体呈先缓慢升高后降低的趋势。(4)波斯菊幼苗MDA含量随小蓬草根、叶浸提液浓度的增加均呈现逐渐升高的趋势,并大多高于对照水平,而观赏油菜幼苗MDA含量随着根浸提液浓度增加而逐渐升高,却随着叶浸提液浓度的增加而降低,但大多显著低于对照水平。研究发现,小蓬草浸提液对2种花卉种子萌发和幼苗生长均表现出“低促高抑”化感作用,且综合效应强弱表现为观赏油菜大于波斯菊,根浸提液处理大于叶浸提液。  相似文献   

以西南地区具有代表性的16种绿肥植物为受体材料,采用培养皿药膜法研究了铁核桃(Juglans sigillata)根水浸提液对受体种子发芽率及幼苗鲜重、干重的化感效应;并进一步研究了铁核桃根、叶水浸提液和胡桃醌对化感效应存在明显差异的4种绿肥植物(绿豆、红三叶、白三叶、花生)种子萌发与幼苗生长以及抗氧化酶特性的影响,以筛选适宜中国西南地区核桃园种植的绿肥植物,探讨核桃根和凋落物对绿肥作物的化感作用机制。结果表明:(1)铁核桃根水浸提液对绿豆的发芽率没有影响,但对绿豆幼苗鲜重和干重有显著抑制作用,而对其他15种绿肥的发芽率和鲜重、干重均有抑制作用。(2)胡桃醌显著抑制绿豆种子萌发,而铁核桃根或叶水浸提液对绿豆种子萌发没有影响。(3)铁核桃根或叶水浸提液以及胡桃醌对绿肥植物幼苗生长的化感效应趋势一致,但核桃根或叶水浸提液的化感效应强于胡桃醌。(4)绿豆幼苗在铁核桃根或叶水浸提液以及胡桃醌处理下,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性均高于其他3种(红三叶、白三叶、花生)受体幼苗,表明绿豆清除活性氧能力高,细胞受损害程度较低,受化感作用影响最弱。研究认为,绿豆为适宜中国西南地区幼龄核桃园种植的间作绿肥植物。  相似文献   

Xim Cerdá  Javier Retana 《Oecologia》1998,113(4):577-583
Camponotus foreli (Emery) and Cataglyphis iberica (Emery) are two sympatric, subordinate ant species that have been found to fight in attacks that usually conclude with the death of many workers of both species and with nest abandonment by C. iberica. These harassment episodes have been observed in two different areas and over many years of study. No such attacks of C. foreli were observed in the study areas against any other ant species, nor did any other ants attack C. iberica nests, and laboratory confrontations confirmed this specificity. These attacks neither eliminated C. iberica colonies, nor distanced them from C. foreli nests. Moreover, there was no real competition for food between the species: in an experiment where all C. iberica colonies were eliminated from an area, rates of prey and liquid food collection by C. foreli nests in the exclusion zone were similar to those found in the control zone with C. iberica, and the activity rhythms of C. foreli did not change in the absence of C. iberica. The hypothesis of competition for a nest site is more consistent. Both in the laboratory and the field, the most frequent outcome of these aggressive interactions was the occupation of the C. iberica nest by C. foreli. This behavior may be advantageous for C. foreli, because it is much less skilful at excavating than C. iberica. One of the chief concerns of this study is to show that such interference interactions, typical especially of dominant, very aggressive species, are also found between subordinate, apparently nonaggressive species. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Reproductive barriers are important determinants of gene flow between divergent populations or species. We studied pollen competition as a post‐mating reproductive barrier between Silene dioica and S. latifolia. Gene flow between these species is extensive, but early‐generation hybrids are rare. In an experiment with conspecific, heterospecific and 50 : 50 mixed pollinations in the two species, pollination treatments did not significantly affect seed set and seed weight. However, molecular determination of siring success after mixed pollinations showed that fewer than expected hybrids were produced in S. latifolia (18% hybrids) but not in S. dioica (51% hybrids). This constitutes an asymmetric post‐mating reproductive barrier and likely contributes to the rarity of early‐generation hybrids. Our study shows that pollen competition can be an effective barrier to hybridization between closely related species that likely acts in concert with other reproductive barriers.  相似文献   


Both Heterosigma akashiwo and Phaeodactylum tricornutum have been reported to produce allelochemicals capable of inhibiting the growth of co-occurring microalgae. Here, potential allelopathy between H. akashiwo and P. tricornutum was evaluated using bi-algal culture, cell-free culture filtrate and a no-contact co-culturing system in nutrient-replete media. Experiments were also conducted in the no-contact co-culturing system under nutrient-limited conditions. In nutrient-replete bi-algal culture, the growth of P. tricornutum and H. akashiwo each tended to be strongly suppressed when the other species was inoculated at high cell densities. A mathematical model was used to simulate the growth interactions of the two species in bi-algal culture and showed that P. tricornutum outcompeted H. akashiwo over time with different initial cell densities under nutrient-sufficient conditions, indicating that P. tricornutum was more potent in allelopathy. Heterosigma akashiwo growth was inhibited both in the P. tricornutum culture filtrate and no-contact co-culturing system. This confirmed that the extracellular allelopathic compounds released by P. tricornutum were one of the sources of the H. akashiwo growth inhibition. Nutrient deficiency did not increase the extent of allelopathic activity of allelochemicals.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) Hogna helluo (Walckenaer) and Pardosa milvina Hentz co-occur in soybean fields of south-west Ohio, U.S.A. As adults, Hogna is the larger species and has the competitive advantage in most interactions; due to differing phenologies, however, their size-classes frequently overlap and as such there is potential for shifts in competitive ability and intra-guild predation. The hypothesis that competitive interactions and intra-guild predation will favour Pardosa when Pardosa is similar-sized, or has a size advantage over Hogna , was tested in laboratory and field experiments.
2. Studies in laboratory arenas, pairing similar-sized individuals of these species and Hogna spiderlings with larger spiders of both species, revealed that intra-guild predation seldom occurs with similar-sized Hogna and Pardosa , however Pardosa will consume small Hogna individuals in laboratory arenas.
3. Field experiments involved stocking high densities (50 m 2 ) of Pardosa and Hogna in enclosures placed in soybean fields. In experiments with spiders of similar size, no interspecific effects were uncovered, but an intraspecific effect was found for Pardosa as its survival and weight gain were lower in the presence of more conspecifics. Large Hogna or Pardosa had no effect on the survival or weight gain of Hogna spiderlings.
4. Although Hogna is a better competitor as an adult, it has no advantage over Pardosa when their size-classes overlap, and Pardosa effects on Hogna may be inconsequential under field conditions. Therefore, the co-existence of these species is fostered by the fact that there are few negative interspecific interactions during their ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary Allelopathic effect ofEupatorium riparium Regel, a dominant ruderal weed at higher altitudes in Meghalaya state in north-eastern India, was studied on two common sympatric annual weeds,Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) andG. parviflora Cav. and on soil microbes. Seed germination and radicle and plumule growth of both species ofGalinsoga were suppressed by the aqueous extract and leachate ofE. riparium. Although the leaf leachate, leaf and litter extracts and litter bed caused considerable reduction in leaf area and seed and dry matter production in both species ofGalinsoga, the effect was much more pronounced onG. parviflora. The inhibitory effect was directly correlated with the concentration of the extract and leachate. The soil microbial population and growth of theGalinsoga spp. declined considerably in the experimental pots where the soil had earlier received leachate of different plant parts ofE. riparium growing in it. The presence of the partly decomposed litter ofE. riparium in the pots reduced soil microbial population and growth of the two weeds much more strongly as compared to the litter in the advanced stages of decomposition. The study also revealed that the abundance and colony growth of the two test fungiviz. Trichoderma viride andAspergillus flavus were differentially affected by the allelopathy ofE. riparium; T. viride being favoured andA. flavus inhibited.  相似文献   

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