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转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

中国是水稻的起源中心之一,分布着丰富的野生种质资源.自转基因水稻获得安全证书以来,转基因水稻与其近缘野生种间的基因流受到广泛关注.本文对转基因水稻基因流的发生及其可能引起的生态学后果进行了综述和展望.认为转基因水稻能够与栽培稻、野生稻、杂草稻、稗草等成功杂交,但基因流发生频率较低且变化较大.基因流成功发生后,由于转基因水稻具转基因新性状而有适合度优势,转基因可能只通过少数几代就进入野生种群.当转基因植株进入野生种群并在自然条件下长期存在时,转基因植株与近缘野生种间的竞争关系和相对适合度将决定混合种群的动态变化.研究转基因水稻基因流的影响及其长期生态学后果对合理保护与利用野生种质资源具有重要意义.  相似文献   

卢宝荣  夏辉 《生命科学》2011,(2):186-194
转基因作物的商品化生产和大规模环境释放在带来巨大利益的同时,也引起了全球对其生物安全问题的广泛关注和争议,其中转基因通过花粉介导的基因漂移逃逸到非转基因作物及其野生近缘种,进而导致的潜在环境和生态风险就是备受争议的生物安全问题之一。转基因植物的环境生物安全涉及两方面关键问题:如何科学评价转基因植物商品化种植以后带来的环境和生态影响;如何利用环境生物安全的研究成果来制定科学有效的风险监测和管理措施。对转基因逃逸及其潜在生态风险的科学评价应包括三个重要环节:(1)检测转基因的逃逸的频率;(2)检测转基因逃逸后的表达和遗传规律;(3)确定逃逸后的转基因对野生近缘种群体适合度的影响及其进化潜力,本文将围绕对转基因逃逸及其潜在环境风险的科学评价,以转基因水稻为案例来对转基因逃逸带来生态影响的研究好评价的进展进行简要介绍,并对目前依据风险评价研究成果制定的各种管理策略进行了讨论。只有提高对转基因生物环境安全研究和评价的水平,并制定有效的风险监测和管理措施,才能为我国转基因技术的发展和转基因产品的商品化应用保驾护航。  相似文献   

转基因作物的全球大规模种植引起了全世界的广泛关注甚至争议。经过遗传改良并具有自然选择优势的转基因作物进入商品化种植,可能将带来环境生物安全的顾虑。在这些生物安全的顾虑中,转基因通过花粉介导的基因漂移向栽培作物的野生近缘种逃逸及其导致的潜在环境风险,就是世人最为关注的环境生物安全问题之一。包括中国在内的许多国家,在转基因作物进行商品化生产之前都必须对转基因逃逸及其带来的潜在环境风险进行严格评价。按照风险评价的框架,转基因向野生近缘种逃逸及其带来潜在环境风险的评价包括3个连续的步骤:1)检测转基因漂移到作物野生近缘种的频率;2)分析转基因在野生近缘种中的表达;3)确定转基因对野生近缘种群体适合度和进化潜力的影响。大量基因漂移的研究结果已表明,转基因通过基因漂移向栽培作物邻近的野生近缘种群体逃逸难以避免,而转基因也会在作物的野生近缘种群体中正常表达。因此分析和评价转基因为野生近缘种带来的适合度效应,对于转基因逃逸及其环境风险的评价至关重要。对适合度的概念及其进化意义进行介绍,并对如何利用转基因的适合度效应分析转基因逃逸的环境风险,以及对此类环境风险进行研究和评价的具体方法予以介绍。上述知识和方法的掌握将有助于人们对转基因作物环境生物安全及其评价的全面理解。  相似文献   

转基因通过基因漂移可以渐渗到作物的野生近缘种,由此而导致的环境风险是全球广泛关注的生物安全问题.有3个关键因素可以决定环境风险的程度:特定空间距离的转基因漂移频率,转基因在野生近缘种中的表达水平,以及转基因为野生近缘种群体带来的适合度效应.本文将根据现有研究结果,从上述3方面对转基因漂移到非转基因栽培稻、杂草稻和野生稻造成的潜在环境影响进行回顾.栽培稻品种之间的基因漂移频率很低,可以通过空间隔离或其他方法使其降低到可忽略的水平.在共同分布的环境中,栽培稻基因(包括转基因)向杂草稻和野生稻的漂移不可避免.尽管抗虫转基因(Bt或Bt/CpTI)在栽培稻和野生近缘种杂交后代中可以正常表达,但由于在低虫压环境中,抗虫转基因不会明显改变野生近缘种的适合度,抗虫转基因漂移所造成的环境影响十分有限.因此对基因漂移而言,抗虫转基因栽培稻的商品化种植应该比较安全.然而,抗除草剂转基因渐渗到杂草稻或野生稻会改变群体的适合度,可能会引起不可预测的环境后果.  相似文献   

转基因作物的全球大规模种植引起了全世界的广泛关注甚至争议。经过遗传改良并具有自然选择优势的转基因作物进入商品化种植,可能将带来环境生物安全的顾虑。在这些生物安全的顾虑中,转基因通过花粉介导的基因漂移向栽培作物的野生近缘种逃逸及其导致的潜在环境风险,就是世人最为关注的环境生物安全问题之一。包括中国在内的许多国家,在转基因作物进行商品化生产之前都必须对转基因逃逸及其带来的潜在环境风险进行严格评价。按照风险评价的框架,转基因向野生近缘种逃逸及其带来潜在环境风险的评价包括3个连续的步骤:1)检测转基因漂移到作物野生近缘种的频率;2)分析转基因在野生近缘种中的表达;3)确定转基因对野生近缘种群体适合度和进化潜力的影响。大量基因漂移的研究结果已表明,转基因通过基因漂移向栽培作物邻近的野生近缘种群体逃逸难以避免,而转基因也会在作物的野生近缘种群体中正常表达。因此分析和评价转基因为野生近缘种带来的适合度效应,对于转基因逃逸及其环境风险的评价至关重要。对适合度的概念及其进化意义进行介绍,并对如何利用转基因的适合度效应分析转基因逃逸的环境风险,以及对此类环境风险进行研究和评价的具体方法予以介绍。上述知识和方法的掌握将有助于人们对转基因作物环境生物安全及其评价的全面理解。  相似文献   

转基因植物的生态风险   总被引:52,自引:3,他引:52  
张永军  吴孔明  彭于发  郭予元 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1951-1959
转基因植物已在很多国家大规模商业化种植,并且取得了显著的经济效益。同时有关转基因植物潜在的生态风险已引起广泛的关注。本文从转基因植物人侵危害、对非靶标有益生物直接和间接的影响、害虫对抗虫转基因植物产生抗性、抗病毒转基因植物带来的潜在风险等方面论述了转基因植物可能潜在的生态安全性问题。  相似文献   

转基因逃逸是转基因作物环境释放的主要潜在生态风险,一旦把转基因和它的地理信息结合起来,地理信息系统(GIS)就成为监控转基因逃逸的理想工具,首先,可以根据转基因作物商业化生产情况建立一定数量的观察站,并在特定的地点和时间内检测野生近缘植物和其它一些相关植物中是否存在转基因,这样就可以获得在特定的地区和时期内转基因逃逸的大致状况,然后在此基础上,可以建立地区(省)或国家级转基因逃逸地理信息系统,国家级系统可能在风险管理中更有实际意义。  相似文献   

国际上转基因作物种植面积不断增加,外源基因漂移的生态风险越来越受到人们的关注。花粉传播的方式是小麦与其近缘野生植物间发生基因漂移的主要途径。调查发现,我国小麦与近缘野生植物空间分布重叠,黄淮海麦区一些近缘野生植物与小麦花期相遇。采集这些近缘野生植物的种子并通过人工杂交获得其与转基因小麦的杂交后代,人工杂交成功率为2.18%~68.61%。但由于出苗率低(0~2.86%)或花粉败育等原因,杂交种无法自然繁殖。通过用小麦或小麦近缘野生植物亲本进行回交,结果发现,只有小亚山羊草×小麦的杂交种与转基因小麦回交成功,回交成功率为0.24%。这些杂交后代种子种植于田间后全部死亡。完全自然状态下,连续监测5年,在近缘野生植物中也没有检测到任何基因漂移事件的发生。说明转基因小麦外源基因向近缘野生植物漂移的风险极低。  相似文献   

转Bt基因植物对蜜蜂的安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂是农业生态系统中重要的传粉昆虫,也是重要的经济昆虫.其可通过取食抗虫转基因作物花粉而摄取到外源转基因杀虫蛋白.因此,蜜蜂通常作为重要的指示物种用于转基因抗虫作物的环境安全评价工作中.本文在总结国内外相关研究数据的基础上,系统分析了抗虫转基因作物的种植对蜜蜂的安全性,获得以下结论:Bt杀虫蛋白具有较强的杀虫专一性,当前商业化应用的Bt杀虫蛋白对蜜蜂没有直接毒性,因此,转Bt基因作物的种植不会对蜜蜂种群及其发挥的重要生态功能产生显著的负面影响.而早期曾用于植物转基因的蛋白酶抑制剂和植物凝集素对蜜蜂的生长发育及行为具有显著的不利影响,因此,表达这类杀虫蛋白的转基因作物应该不会进入商业化应用.  相似文献   

Gene flow assessment in transgenic plants   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In most of the important crops in the world, gene flow between cultivars and between wild and weedy relatives has always taken place. Factors influencing this gene flow, such as the mating system, mode of pollination, mode of seed dispersal and the particular characteristics of the habitat where the crops grow, are difficult to evaluate and in consequence, the quantification of gene flow is not easy. Transgene flow from engineered crops to other cultivars or to their wild and weedy relatives is one of the major concerns in relation to the ecological risks associated with the commercial release of transgenic plants. With transgenic crops it is important to quantify this gene flow and to try to establish strategies to control or minimise it, taking into account the possible ecological effect of the newly introduced genes, whether advantageous or disadvantageous. The use of transgenic plants has proven to be an effective tool to quantify the gene flow to other cultivars of the same species or to wild and weedy relatives in all crops analysed. Here we review the major studies in this area, and conclude that the potential risk of gene flow has to be assessed case by case and caution is necessary when making general conclusions.  相似文献   

转抗虫基因植物生态安全性研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
转抗虫基因植物如Bt棉花等已在美国、中国和澳大利亚等国家大规模商业化种植 ,有关转抗虫基因植物潜在的生态风险已引起广泛的关注。该文综述了转抗虫基因植物研究应用现状与安全性研究进展。主要内容包括 :转抗虫基因植物的种类及其对靶标害虫的抗性 ,对非靶标害虫和天敌发生的影响 ,对农田生态系统生物多样性的影响 ,靶标昆虫的抗性治理及转抗虫基因植物的基因漂移等  相似文献   

Gene flow between crops and their weedy or wild relatives can be problematic in modern agricultural systems, especially if it endows novel adaptive genes that confer tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses. Alternatively, gene flow from weedy relatives to domesticated crops may facilitate ferality through introgression of weedy characteristics in the progeny. Cultivated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), is particularly vulnerable to the risks associated with gene flow to several weedy relatives, johnsongrass (S. halepense), shattercane (S. bicolor ssp. drummondii) and columbusgrass (S. almum). Johnsongrass and shattercane are common weeds in many sorghum production areas around the world. Sorghum varieties with adaptive traits developed through conventional breeding or novel transgenesis pose agronomic and ecological risks if transferred into weedy/wild relatives. Knowledge of the nature and characteristics of gene flow among different sorghum species is scarce, and existing knowledge is scattered. Here, we review current knowledge of gene flow between cultivated sorghum and its weedy and wild relatives. We further discuss potential avenues for addressing gene flow through genetic, molecular, and field level containment, mitigation and management strategies to facilitate successful deployment of novel traits in this economically important crop species.  相似文献   

转基因植物检测技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代植物基因工程使转基因植物及其产品越来越多地进入人们的生活,转基因植物安全性在世界范围内引起了广泛关注,对转基因植物检测技术的需求也越来越紧迫。就转基因植物检测技术的研究进展进行综述,重点介绍以基因和蛋白为目标的检测技术,包括PCR、ELISA和基因芯片技术的最新进展,并对不同方法的优缺点进行对比。此外,提出对特定代谢产物的检测是转基因植物检测的重要组成部分,是以后检测技术的发展趋势之一。最后,以差异蛋白为检测目标,结合研究工作提出基于双向电泳技术的转基因植物检测方法及其产品溯源方案。  相似文献   

Gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) to its weedy and wild relatives   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Transgene escape through gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to their wild relative species may potentially cause environmental biosafety problems. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of gene flow between cultivated rice and two of its close relatives under field conditions. METHODS: Experiments were conducted at two sites in Korea and China to determine gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) to weedy rice (O. sativa f. spontanea) and common wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.), respectively, under special field conditions mimicking the natural occurrence of the wild relatives in Asia. Herbicide resistance (bar) and SSR molecular finger printing were used as markers to accurately determine gene flow frequencies from cultivated rice varieties to their wild relatives. KEY RESULTS: Gene flow frequency from cultivated rice was detected as between approx. 0.011 and 0.046 % to weedy rice and between approx. 1.21 and 2.19 % to wild rice under the field conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Gene flow occurs with a noticeable frequency from cultivated rice to its weedy and wild relatives, and this might cause potential ecological consequences. It is recommended that isolation zones should be established with sufficient distances between GM rice varieties and wild rice populations to avoid potential outcrosses. Also, GM rice should not be released when it has inserted genes that can significantly enhance the ecological fitness of weedy rice in regions where weedy rice is already abundant and causing great problems.  相似文献   

我国抗虫转基因杨树生态安全性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转基因树木与农作物相比, 人们更关注其长时间种植可能导致转基因扩散到周围野生近缘种。由于生长周期长, 转基因树木会增加转基因不稳定性, 对非靶标生物的影响, 靶标害虫对转基因植物产生抗性, 增加树木入侵性(杂草化), 以及由于基因漂移或基因逃逸对环境产生的负面影响或新的环境风险。过去十几年, 针对我国抗食叶害虫的两个商业化转Bt基因欧洲黑杨(Populus nigra)和转双抗虫基因741杨[P. alba× (P. davidiana + P. simonii) × P. tomentosa], 已开展了有关生态安全性方面的多项研究。本文围绕抗虫转基因树木生态安全性研究进展进行了综述。抗虫转基因杨树对节肢动物种群和群落结构产生了一定影响, 使昆虫的多样性提高, 但对土壤微生物区系未见明显影响。转基因欧洲黑杨通过花粉和种子发生的基因漂移几率很低。转基因杨树通过内生菌发生的水平转移可能会对环境造成的潜在危险也进行了评价。文章最后指出对抗虫转基因杨树农林复合生态系统开展生物安全研究的必要性。  相似文献   

Gene flow from transgenic plants to compatible wild relatives is one of the major impediments to the development of the culture of genetically engineered crop plants. In this work, the flow of EPSPS (conferring resistance to glyphosate) gene of transgene Brassica napus toward the untransgene B. napus and wild relative species Orychophragmus violaceus in an open field (1 ha) was studied. The data related to only the 2004 and 2005 autumn season on one location of southwest of China. Pollen dispersal and fertilization of the target plants were favored and a detailed analysis of the hybrid offspring was performed. In field, the data studied show that the gene flow frequency was 0.16% between GM and non-GM B. napus at a distance of 1 m from the transgenic donor area. The crosspollination frequency was 0.05% between GM and non-GM B. napus at a distance of 5 m from the transgenic donor area. At a distance of 10 m, no crosspollination was observed. According to the results of this study, B. napus transgene flow was low. However, the wild relative species O. violaceus could not be fertilized by the transgenic pollen of B. napus, no matter what the distance was.  相似文献   

Development of plant genetic engineering has led to the deployment of transgenic crops and, simultaneously, to the need for a thorough assessment of the risks associated with their environmental release. This study investigated the occurrence of gene flow from transgenic rice to non-transgenic rice plants under agronomic conditions using a herbicide resistance gene as a tracer marker. Two field experiments were established in the paddy fields of two main Mediterranean rice-growing areas of Spain and Italy. In both locations analyses of phenotypic, molecular and segregation data showed that pollination of recipient plants with pollen of the transgenic source occurred at a significant frequency. A gene flow slightly lower than 0.1% was detected in a normal side-by-side plot design. Similar results were found in a circular plot when the plants were placed at 1-m distance from the transgenic central nucleus. A strong asymmetric distribution of the gene flow was detected among this circle and highest values (0.53%) were recorded following the direction of the dominant wind. A significant lowest value (0.01%) was found in the other circle (5 m from the transgenic plants) as was expected according to the characteristics of rice pollen. Such circular-field trial designs could also prove to be very useful in studying the gene flow to other commercial cultivars of rice with the aim of establishing strategies to prevent pollen dispersal from commercial transgenic fields to the neighbouring conventional fields. Received: 23 February 2001 / Accepted: 31 March 2001  相似文献   

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