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濒危植物宝华玉兰种内与种间竞争   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用Hegyi单木竞争指数模型对江苏镇江宝华山国家森林公园特有濒危植物宝华玉兰种内、种间竞争强度进行定量分析。结果表明:宝华玉兰竞争压力主要来自种间,占总竞争的90.7%。宝华玉兰种内竞争、种间竞争强度大小顺序为:紫楠>野核桃>建始槭>宝华玉兰种内>毛竹>化香>枫香>皂荚>朴树。整个林分竞争木对对象木的竞争强度与对象木的胸径大小近似服从幂函数关系,而伴生树种竞争木对对象木的竞争强度与对象木的胸径大小近似服从对数函数关系。种间竞争强度和对象木的胸径大小呈显著负相关。利用模型预测,当宝华玉兰的胸径达到30cm后,竞争强度几乎没有变化。研究认为,将无性系分株换算为一株与其胸高断面积之和相等的个体更为合理。  相似文献   

濒危植物南方红豆杉濒危原因分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
南方红豆杉是我国第三纪孑遗特有树种,为国家1级濒危保护植物,主要分布于在长江流域、南岭山脉以及广东、广西、江西、河南、陕西、甘肃、台湾和山西等省(区)的山地。南方红豆杉分布区的生态环境特征是:热量充足,温暖潮湿。南方红豆杉濒危的主要原因有:(1)种子产生量少,萌发率和幼苗成活率较低(2)种群缺乏较强的竞争力,(3)地理分布的局限性,(4)对生境要求的特殊性和(5)人为破坏严重。此外,针对南方红豆杉濒危现状和原因,还提出了科学保护和可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

山西稀有濒危植物脱皮榆种内和种间竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对山西太岳山一块100 m×100 m样地中128株脱皮榆对象木及1093株竞争木的调查,运用Hegyi的单木竞争指数计算分析了脱皮榆的种内和种间竞争强度。结果表明:(1)脱皮榆种群所受到的竞争强度随着对象木胸径的增大而逐渐减小;(2)调查样地内尽管其他物种种类较多,但数量较少,与脱皮榆种间竞争相对较弱,脱皮榆种内与种间竞争关系的顺序为:脱皮榆-脱皮榆>千金榆-脱皮榆>五角枫-脱皮榆>茶条槭-脱皮榆>其他树种-脱皮榆;(3)竞争强度和对象木胸径的关系服从幂函数关系,当脱皮榆胸径在25 cm以上时,竞争强度变化不大,所得的预测模型能很好地预测脱皮榆种内种间竞争强度。  相似文献   

研究植物种内、种间竞争关系是探究植物濒危原因的重要方式之一, 根据竞争来源和竞争预测模型可以制定具有针对性的保护策略。本文以雅安周公山峨眉含笑(Michelia wilsonii)野生种群为研究对象, 使用逐步扩大范围法确定峨眉含笑的竞争范围半径, 运用Hegyi单木竞争模型计算竞争指数(competition index, CI), 分析其种内、种间竞争关系。结果表明: 峨眉含笑的最适竞争范围半径是10 m, 能较好地反映其种内竞争强度; 峨眉含笑的竞争压力主要来自种内, 种内竞争指数(348.72, 62.52%)远大于种间竞争指数(209.03, 37.48%); 小树、中树阶段个体的竞争强度较大, 平均竞争指数(3.97、3.14)远高于总体平均竞争指数(2.68); 内有21种竞争木, 其中杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、华中樱桃(Prunus conradinae)、细刺枸骨(Ilex hylonoma)是峨眉含笑的主要竞争树种; 胸径与竞争指数间服从指数函数关系(CI = 3.8907e-0.048x, R2 = 0.1087, P < 0.01), 随着对象木胸径的增大, 竞争指数不断降低, 当胸径达到30 cm后, 竞争强度基本稳定。综上, 小树、中树阶段的峨眉含笑个体受到极强的种内竞争, 初入老树阶段的个体受到较强的种间竞争。为更好地保护峨眉含笑的天然种群, 降低竞争对种群更替的影响, 在林分管理中需要促进小树、中树的个体更新, 减轻植株间的竞争消耗, 加速峨眉含笑的生长和维持种群稳定。  相似文献   

南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)为第三纪孑遗树种,也是我国Ⅰ级保护植物。本文通过对其大孢子发生及雌配子发育过程进行细胞学观察发现,南方红豆杉胚珠多为直立单生,偶见1个苞片内着生2个胚珠;大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成4个大孢子,其中3个退化,仅位于合点端的大孢子发育为功能性大孢子;功能性大孢子经过有丝分裂形成256个游离核;颈卵器单生,2~6个;从传粉到受精约2个月;有16个原胚自由核,原胚为标准型;简单多胚和裂生多胚并存,胚发育不同步。因南方红豆杉胚珠直立单生、游离核数目、传粉到受精间隔期、原胚游离核数目等特征与松科差异较大,而与广义柏科具有许多相似之处,故我们支持将红豆杉科置于广义柏科之下的观点。此外,本研究结果还表明,南方红豆杉大孢子发生与雌配子体发育正常,不是致其濒危的主要原因。  相似文献   

濒危植物南方红豆杉种子雨和土壤种子库特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳红娟  仝川  朱锦懋  黄佳芳 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4389-4400
对福建南平大坪村样地和福州旗山样地濒危植物南方红豆杉种子雨动态进行了2a的观测,并在种子雨结束后不久的3月份和种子雨开始降落之前的9月份进行土壤种子库取样。南方红豆杉种子雨持续3个多月,高峰期从11月中旬开始到12月下旬结束,约40d,种子雨绝大部分降落在树冠范围内,种子雨中成熟种子占85%以上,2007年和2008年种子雨强度差异不显著(P0.05)。南方红豆杉土壤种子库主要集中在树冠范围内,在种子雨刚结束的3月份,土壤种子库主要分布在枯枝落叶层,且密度显著大于其它两层(P0.05),9月份第2次取样,枯枝落叶层种子库密度明显减少,当年种子雨仅有3%可补充到土壤种子库中,南方红豆杉种子雨中绝大多数种子受到动物取食、人为因素和环境因素的影响而损失掉无法进入土壤种子库。  相似文献   

濒危植物南方红豆杉种群生命表及谱分析   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
Based on the investigation in Longxi Mountain National Nature Reserve and the theory of survival analysis, a static life table of Taxus chinensis var. mairei population was worked out, the curves of its survival rate, mortality rate and killing power were drawn, and the population dynamics was analyzed by spectral analysis. The results showed that the survival curve of the population appeared to be a type of Deevey-Ⅲ, and the high mortality of seeding was one of the important reasons which caused Taxus chinensis var. mairei to be endangered. The spectral analysis of the population showed that there was a marked periodic regularity in the process of natural regeneration of Taxus chinensis var. mairei.  相似文献   

为了解南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis var.mairei)不同种群的结构变化,于2007年、2008年、2012年分别对皖南仙寓山双坑村、浙江天目山桐坑村及福建梅花山的南方红豆杉天然种群进行了研究。结果表明,仙寓山的1214株南方红豆杉中,幼苗占80%;天目山有510株,幼苗占39.61%,其次是9 m以上的古树,占22.16%;梅花山有174株,幼苗占70.11%,古树占20.11%。3个种群的天然更新都呈缓慢增长状态,存活曲线为Deevey-Ⅲ型,空间分布均为聚集分布,但从幼苗到幼树的生长阶段死亡率高。因此,对濒危植物南方红豆杉的保护重点应放在幼苗和幼树阶段。  相似文献   

濒危植物七子花种内与种间竞争的数量关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
七子花为国家2 级重点保护植物, 现野生资源极少。利用Hegyi 单木竞争指数模型对分布在浙江天台山的七子花种群的种内、种间竞争关系进行定量分析。结果表明:七子花种内竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小, 种内竞争较之与其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈。七子花种内、种间竞争强度大小顺序为:种内 > 苦枥木 > 红脉钓樟 > 青钱柳 > 青榨槭 > 暖木 > 细齿绸李 > 柳杉 > 赤杨叶。竞争强度与对象木的胸径大小服从幂函数关系, 利用模型可预测七子花种内、种间的竞争强度, 从预测结果可知当七子花的胸径达到20 cm 后, 竞争强度变得很小, 且变化幅度不大。  相似文献   

滇西北金沙江流域云南红豆杉群落种内与种间竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对滇西北金沙江流域云南红豆杉群落45株对象木及205株竞争木的调查,运用Hegyi的单木竞争指数计算了濒危保护植物云南红豆杉的种内和种间竞争强度.结果表明:云南红豆杉的种内竞争强度随径级的分布呈偏蜂曲线,径级在5 ~10 cm时最大,然后随径级的增加竞争强度呈减少的趋势;云南红豆杉的种间竞争强度(133.61)显著高于其种内竞争强度(76.88),其竞争压力主要来自于种间竞争;云南红豆杉的物种种内种间竞争强度大于丽江铁杉、亮叶杜鹃、红桦、川杨、川滇高山栲、少毛云南楤木等当地常见乔木物种,它们的竞争强度都在5以上;云南红豆杉与整个林分及伴生树种的竞争指数与对象木的胸径之间呈显著负相关,且均服从幂函数关系(CI=aDb),对象木胸径越大,其竞争压力越小.  相似文献   

The conservation of the endemic, endangered, and first-class protected tree species, Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lem. & H. Lev.) W. C. Cheng & L. K. Fu, is urgent in China. To assist the protection of this important medicinal plant species, the biological and ecological characteristics of its populations were investigated and analyzed in Shanxi. The study area, southeastern Shanxi, is a special region suitable for this species growth and development. The floristic composition, life form spectrum, and species diversity of T. chinensis var. mairei forests reflected the features of both warm-temperate and subtropical regions. Size classes in DBH and static life table analysis showed that the population structure of T. chinensis var. mairei was of the increase-type. Plant density, survivorship, and mortality decreased with increase in age. Distribution patterns of individuals were basically clumped and saplings tended to be distributed randomly. Disturbance from collection of leaves, branches, and stems for medicine was an important factor affecting population structure, dynamics, and distribution. The sex ratio of female/male and the efficiency of sexual reproduction were very low. The main way of reproduction for this species is vegetative propagation. Based on these characteristics, some suggestions, such as establishing nature reserves, improving population structure by cultivation and transplantation, developing seed gardens, and plantations, etc., for the conservation management of T. chinensis var. mairei and its forests in Shanxi are discussed.  相似文献   

Taxus chinensis var.mairei is an endangered and economically important tree species in China.Four polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed and characterized using the fast isolation by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol.Polymorphism of each locus was quantified for five natural populations from Hubei Province,China.The number of alleles per locus varied from 6 to 24.The ranges of observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.493-1.000 and 0.440-0.845,respectively.These are the first microsatellites reported for the family of Taxaceae and will be helpful for the ongoing population and conservation genetics research of Taxus chinensis var.mairei.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 11 microsatellite loci for the Chinese yew, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, an endangered tree species in China, by constructing a (CA)(12)-enriched library. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 10. The observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.2500 to 0.8333 and the expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.5196 to 0.8680. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected at these loci. However, four loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The null alleles were found to be present at locus Tach9 and locus Tach11 by the Micro-checker test (P < 0.001). These polymorphic loci could be employed in research of gene flow and spatial genetic patterns of T. chinensis var. mairei.  相似文献   

南方红豆杉无性系种群结构和动态研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
研究了元宝山南方红豆杉克隆种群的结构和动态.结果表明,种群S1~S6级个体均存在,S1、S2级个体占总个体数的64%.从元宝山南方红豆杉种群的大小级结构图看,结构呈较规则的金字塔形;南方红豆杉无性系幼树幼苗的贮备较为丰富,种群的年龄结构呈较规则的金字塔形,存活曲线近于倒J形;种群大小级动态指数Vpi=38.26%,考虑外部干扰时,Vpi′:6.38%>0,表现为稳定型种群.南方红豆杉种群更新的主要途径是无性繁殖,种群的数量动态主要受克隆内部调节机制以及外部环境的影响.生存分析结果表明,种群幼树幼苗的生存状态不稳定,死亡的可能性很大,而成年个体的生存状态则较为稳定.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法,对南方红豆杉小孢子发生及雄配子体发育过程进行了系统地观察。结果表明:南方红豆杉小孢子叶球于7月下旬分化,9月中旬形成造孢细胞,11月初形成小孢子母细胞;同一小孢子叶球中的小孢子母细胞表现出发育不同步现象;11中旬,进入减数分裂时期,形成游离小孢子后休眠越冬,于翌年1月下旬逐渐成熟,成熟花粉粒为单核;2月中下旬开始散粉,散粉时间持续15 d 左右。花粉落入胚珠后,经过3次分裂形成管细胞、柄细胞和2个精子;管细胞和柄细胞最终退化解体,未见花粉败育现象。认为南方红豆杉小孢子发生与雄配子体发育正常,不是致其濒危的主要原因。  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death was observed in suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis var. mairei under normal cultivation conditions by using microscopy, total DNA agarose gel electrophoresis and in situ end-labeling of fragmented DNA. The morphological and biochemical changes of cells occurred mainly in the non-dividing cell clusters, indicating that the T. chinensis cells died mainly by apoptosis. There exists a close relationship between cell apoptosis and Taxol formation. Taxol concentration increased with the increase in content of apoptotic cells and reached a maximum (14.2 mg l–1) after 23 days of culture, corresponding to a maximum ratio of apoptotic to total cells of about 13%.  相似文献   

Endophytc fungi were collected from the barks, branches and leaves of Taxus chinensis var. mairei from the Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Chongqing regions of China and their influences on geographic and tissue investigated. A total of 145 fungal taxa were identified based on molecular techniques, of these 125 taxa (86.2 %) belonging to Ascomycota, 14 (9.7 %) to Basidiomycota, 5 (3.4 %) to Zygomycota, and 1 (0.7 %) to undefined fungi. The species richness and diversity of endophytic fungi were significantly affected by tissue, and were 1.2–2.5-fold higher in the branches and barks when compared to the leaves. The locality affected the species richness per tree and the shannon diversity index per tree by longitude. The endophyte assemblages were strongly shaped by locality and tissue according to partial least squares discriminant analysis. In addition, the distributions of dominant fungi at orders and genera levels differed as a function of locality and tissue. Most of the dominant taxa showed spatial heterogeneity and tissue specificity or preference and many fungal taxa with low frequency were special to one locality or one tissue.  相似文献   

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