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在区域气候变暖的背景下,干旱事件引起的水位频繁波动以及流域开发导致的污染物输入均可以直接威胁水库的生态安全.本研究以云南省太平水库为对象,通过对沉积物的物理(粒度、烧失量)、化学(碳、氮元素)、生物(硅藻群落)等代用指标的分析,并结合监测数据和调查资料,重建了该水库1937-2018年的生态环境变化过程,并识别了硅藻群...  相似文献   

通过对程海沉积岩芯摇蚊亚化石组合的分析, 结合210Pb、137Cs 年代测定和沉积物TOC、TN、粒度指标, 探讨了近200 年来程海摇蚊属种组合变化及其对湖泊环境演化过程的响应, 揭示了人类活动对湖泊生态系统的影响。结果表明: 1920 年之前, 程海营养水平较低, 摇蚊属种组合以Procladius sp.为主; 1920 至1990 年, Procladius sp.逐渐减少,而耐营养种Chironomus plumosus-type 增加, 营养水平上升; 1990 年末期后, 受农业化肥使用、藻类养殖等人类活动的影响, 湖泊营养水平显著增加, Procladius sp.相对丰度急剧减少, 而Chironomus plumosus-type 急剧增加, 取代Procladius sp.成为优势种。程海近200 年沉积记录研究表明1970 年前湖泊的环境状态基本接近人类干扰前的状态, 可作为该湖科学管理与治理的基准环境。  相似文献   

湖北省若干浅水湖泊沉积物有机质与富营养化的关系   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
分析了湖北省月湖、龙阳湖、后官湖、梁子湖、牛山湖、保安湖、鲁湖等7个湖泊表层沉积物有机质、总氮与总磷的含量,并考察了其在月湖、龙阳湖沉积物中的垂直分布及月湖、龙阳湖与保安湖表层沉积物的颗粒组成,结果表明:位于城市与城郊的月湖与龙阳湖表层沉积物有机质含量较高,且表现出沿岸带较丰富的空间分布特征。在垂直及水平方向上,有机质与总氮和总磷含量均显著相关,颗粒组成与有机质和总氮含量亦显著相关。有机质富集应是促进城市湖泊富营养化的重要因素。  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊溶解性有机碳生物可利用性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
富营养化湖泊溶解性有机碳(DOC)包括内源和外源性碳源,不同来源碳源在物质化学结构组成和分子量级等方面具有显著差异,进而影响到对细菌的生物可利用性和碳素在食物网中的传递效率。根据国内外文献,综述了内外源DOC在碳稳定同位素值域上的显著差异,建议通过对DOC碳稳定同位素的分析来识别富营养化湖泊中DOC的主要来源;通过对比内外源DOC在碳水化合物、结合态中性糖和腐殖质含量上的差异,并结合细菌生长参数如细菌二级生产力、细菌呼吸作用及细菌生长效率来分析内外源DOC对细菌的生物可利用性。从富营养化湖泊DOC来源的角度探讨其生物可利用性和碳素传递效率,有助于了解富营养化湖泊食物网中碳素循环特征,加强对湖泊生态学的认识,为湖泊环境治理与保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

焦聪聪  赵大勇  曾巾 《生态学报》2024,44(14):5925-5944
细菌是湖泊生态系统的重要组成部分,在驱动湖泊生态系统元素物质循环和调控湖泊水质方面发挥关键性作用。揭示湖泊细菌群落多样性的形成和维持机制,即群落构建机制,是湖泊微生物生态学研究中的核心目标。近年来,微生物组学技术的发展,极大推动了湖泊细菌群落构建机制的研究。富营养化是当前我国湖泊生态系统面临的最大环境挑战之一,也是决定湖泊细菌群落组成和多样性的重要因素。研究综述了湖泊细菌群落构建机制的理论基础和发展脉络。概述了湖泊细菌群落构建机制的主要分析方法。总结了富营养化对湖泊细菌群落构建机制的影响的最新研究进展。针对富营养化影响下湖泊细菌群落构建机制研究所面临的问题,提出了未来的研究展望。  相似文献   

水体富营养化与浮游植物的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体富营养化是当今人类面临的诸多环境问题之一。当一些流动缓慢的水体,如湖泊、河流、水库以及近海水域,水中氮、磷等营养盐类和有机物含量增高时,在适宜条件(主要是光照和温度)下,水生生物(主要是浮游植物)就会大量繁殖,在水面成层或水中成团分布。由于占优势的浮游植物所含的色素不同而使水体产生不同的颜色,如蓝绿色、黄色、乳白色、红色等,这种现象被人们称为“水华”或“赤潮”。发生水华或赤潮的水体与大气的气体交换受阻,加之水中生物呼吸作用对溶解氧的消耗,使水体溶解氧严重缺乏(特别是日落后至日出前),造成鱼类…  相似文献   

星云湖硅藻群落响应近现代人类活动与气候变化的过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人类活动的增强与全球气候变暖的持续,近年来云南湖泊的生态系统功能持续退化,而目前对云南湖泊生态系统的研究还主要集中于单一环境压力的生态效应。以星云湖为研究对象,通过沉积物记录与现代监测资料,识别在湖泊富营养化、气候变化以及人类强烈干扰下硅藻群落结构响应的过程,并甄别驱动群落变化的主要环境压力及其强度。结果显示随着湖泊生产力水平(如沉积物叶绿素a浓度)的增加,硅藻物种组成发生了明显的变化,主成分分析表明了水体富营养化是驱动群落变化的主要环境因子(r=-0.63,P0.001)。简约模型与方差分解的结果表明近200年来(钻孔长度38cm),湖泊营养水平和水动力是驱动星云湖硅藻群落变化的主要环境因子,分别解释了群落变化的18.8%和2.9%;而1951年以后,湖泊营养水平和温度分别解释了硅藻群落结构变化的31.4%和26.8%。研究结果表明了硅藻群落长期变化的主控因子是湖泊营养水平,而人类活动及气候变化等可以通过改变湖泊水动力及湖水温度来驱动硅藻群落的演替,同时抚仙湖-星云湖的连通性也对硅藻群落的演替产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

淡水湖泊浮游藻类对富营养化和气候变暖的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水体富营养化和气候变暖是淡水生态系统面临的两大威胁。文章分别阐述了富营养化和气候变暖对淡水湖泊浮游藻类直接和间接效应, 并总结气候变暖可能通过影响水体理化性质、水生植物组成、食物链结构从而直接或间接改变浮游藻类生物量或群落结构。作者重点分析了气候变暖下湖泊生态系统蓝藻水华暴发机制, 比较了不同湖泊蓝藻对气候变暖和富营养化响应的异同点, 发现气候变暖和富营养化对湖泊生态系统影响存在相似性, 表现在均促进湖泊由清水-浊水稳态转变、增加蓝藻水华发生频率和强度。然而二者对湖泊浮游藻类影响的相对重要性取决于分层型湖泊和混合型湖泊的差异性、不同营养型湖泊和不同类群蓝藻组成差异性。作者认为, 开展气候变暖和富营养化下, 湖泊浮游藻类功能群响应研究亟待进行。  相似文献   

云南亚热带高原湖泊在过去几十年内面临着工业污染、富营养化、滩地围垦、极端干旱等多重环境压力的影响.本研究以大屯海为研究对象,结合沉积物硅藻、粒度、碳氮同位素以及年代序列等数据进行了多指标分析,重建并识别了大屯海近百年来生态环境变化的历史和硅藻群落变化的特征.结果表明: 近百年来硅藻群落组合出现了较大的转变,优势种由连接脆杆藻转变为极细微曲壳藻.结合多指标环境记录(如碳氮同位素)和现代监测记录,采用排序分析以及方差分解发现,工业污染和湖泊营养盐富集是大屯海硅藻群落结构长期变化的主要驱动因子.此外,沉积物粒度分析结果与气象数据显示,由于大屯海受到修建大坝以及多次干旱事件的影响,湖泊水动力与水体交换能力减弱,从而使沉积物硅藻群落结构也发生了相应的变化.  相似文献   

该试验以水芹(Oenanthe javanica DC.)为材料,通过浮床栽培技术,研究水芹的营养品质和抗氧化系统在富营养化水体中的变化,以明确富营养化水体对水芹生长和营养品质的影响,探讨利用水芹进行富营养化水体生态修复的可行性。结果表明:(1)在富营养化水体中生长30d后,水芹全株鲜重增长4.18~7.00倍,且在高浓度富营养化水体中生长的水芹生物量与正常栽培条件下无显著差异,可以在富营养化水体中正常生长。(2)在富营养化水体中,水芹体内SOD和POD活性均保持较高水平,MDA含量和电解质渗透率均维持在较低水平,表现出很强的抗氧化能力和对富营养化水体的适应性,避免了膜脂过氧化伤害。(3)在富营养化水体中,水芹Vc含量显著高于对照,可溶性糖含量与对照无差异,且亚硝酸盐含量远低于国家标准,其在该试验环境下营养品质较好,符合国家允许的食用标准。研究发现,水芹对富营养化水体具有较好的适应性,可以在富营养化水体中正常生长,且营养品质未受影响,能安全食用,可用于富营养化水体的生态修复。  相似文献   

程海富营养化机理的神经网络模拟及响应情景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹锐  董云仙  张祯祯  朱翔  贺彬  刘永 《生态学报》2012,32(2):448-456
揭示湖泊的富营养化发生机制、定量了解关键生源要素与藻类爆发的因果关联对有效改善湖泊水质和富营养化状况具有重要的科学与决策意义。本研究以云南省程海为例,建立了基于神经网络的响应模型,对富营养化机理进行了研究,并从富营养化核心驱动因子识别、神经网络模型构建与架构分析以及叶绿素a(Chl a)与TN、TP浓度降低的响应模拟几个方面对面临的科学问题进行探索。模拟结果表明,神经网络模型必须在适当的架构下才能产生科学合理的结果;程海的富营养化机制由一个氮(N)、磷(P)共限制的营养盐-藻类动力结构主导,但在此主导结构下拥有氮型限制的次级结构。基于神经网络模型模拟,推导出一系列基于湖体水质控制的Chl a响应的非线性函数,为程海的富营养化控制提供了快速决策支持。  相似文献   

有关云南湖泊的研究长期集中于高原九大湖泊和水体富营养化评价,缺少对中小型水体及多重环境压力胁迫的综合研究.本文以大理西湖为例,结合沉积物记录与现代监测资料,甄别了气候变化和人类活动干扰下硅藻群落结构的长期响应模式及其驱动强度.结果表明: 20世纪50年代以前,大理西湖总体处于自然演化阶段;1950年代开始,围湖造田和流域改造的增强导致了水体营养水平增加、水动力条件改变,硅藻优势种由扁圆卵型藻替代为脆杆藻属;而1997年以来营养水平的快速增加和湖泊水动力的改变,促进了浮游藻类大量生长、底栖硅藻持续减少,同时水生植物快速退化、生态系统稳定性明显降低.因此,在长期流域开发的背景下,对云南中小型高山湖泊的有效保护需要评价流域开发类型、强度及全球变暖的长期影响.  相似文献   

Current status and future tendency of lake eutrophication in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current trophic status and trend of Chinese freshwater lakes were investigated in this study. The results showed that all lakes studied were commonly undergoing the eutrophication process, water quality decreased and lake's ecosystem is being declined. Most of the urban lakes are facing serious eutrophication. Many medium-sized lakes are in metrophic or eutrophic status, some local water are even approaching the hypertrophic level. The famous five freshwater lakes in China have entered into eutrophication in the condition of higher nutrient load. Lake Taihu, Hongze and Caohu are already in eutrophic state. Eutrophic lakes are mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Yungui plateau. Lake eutrophication developed rapidly. Among the 34 lakes studied in 1970's, most of lakes were in the mesotrophic status,mesotrophic water area accounted for 91.8%. With the nine year of 1978-1987 the area percentage of oligotrophic lakes decreased from 3.2% to 0.53%, and that of eutrophic lakes increased from 5.0% to 55.01%. Recent data showed 57.5% lakes were in eutrophic and hypertrophic status of the 40 surveyed lakes.Eutrophic trend of Lake Taihu, Chaohu and Xuanwu in the region of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River was predicated using the ecological stress model. The results showed that in 2008 Lake Taihu, Chaohu and Xuanwu might be of eutrophication, eutrophication and hypertrophication, respectively if no control measurement is taken. Provided the pollution water treatment rate is 60% in 2030, approximately 30 billion ton pollution water would still be discharged directly in the lakes. Therefore, in 2030 the urban lakes in China might be eutrophication or hypertrophication, and most of the medium-sized lakes at the urban-rural fringe might be in eutrophication or hypertrophication. The famous five biggest freshwater lakes in China might be eutrophication if control countermeasures are taken as now.Lake eutrophication has become a serious environmental problem in China. Based on the domestic and foreign experiences of the eutrophic control technologies, both nutrient pollution control and lake ecological restoration should be carried out and this may be the guidance for the eutrophic control of lakes in China.  相似文献   

Current status and future tendency of lake eutrophication in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Current trophic status and trend of Chinese freshwater lakes were investigated in this study. The results showed that all lakes studied were commonly undergoing the eutrophica-tion process, water quality decreased and lake's ecosystem is being declined. Most of the urban lakes are facing serious eutrophication. Many medium-sized lakes are in metrophic or eutrophic status, some local water are even approaching the hypertrophic level. The famous five freshwater lakes in China have entered into eutrophication in the condition of higher nutrient load. Lake Taihu, Hongze and Caohu are already in eutrophic state. Eutrophic lakes are mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and Yungui plateau. Lake eutrophication developed rapidly. Among the 34 lakes studied in 1970's, most of lakes were in the mesotrophic status, mesotrophic water area accounted for 91.8%. With the nine year of 1978-1987 the area percentage of oligotrophic lakes decreased from 3.2% to 0.53%, and that of eutrophic lakes increased from 5.0% to 55.01%. Recent data showed 57.5% lakes were in eutrophic and hyper trophic status of the 40 surveyed lakes. Eutrophic trend of Lake Taihu, Chaohu and Xuanwu in the region of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River was predicated using the ecological stress model. The results showed that in 2008 Lake Taihu, Chaohu and Xuanwu might be of eutrophication, eutrophication and hypertrophication, respectively if no control measurement is taken. Provided the pollution water treatment rate is 60% in 2030, approximately 30 billion ton pollution water would still be discharged directly in the lakes. Therefore, in 2030 the urban lakes in China might be eutrophication or hypertrophication, and most of the medium-sized lakes at the urban-rural fringe might be in eutrophication or hypertrophication. The famous five biggest freshwater lakes in China might be eutrophication if control countermeasures are taken as now. Lake eutrophication has become a serious environmental problem in China. Based on the domestic and foreign experiences of the eutrophic control technologies, both nutrient pollution control and lake ecological restoration should be carried out and this may be the guidance for the eutrophic control of lakes in China.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of organic constituents, i.e. total organic carbon (TOC), hydrocarbons, fatty acids and hydroxy acids in water and sediment samples from Lake Fryxell (77° 35 S, 163° 15 E) of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica were studied to elucidate their features in relation to stratification of the lake waters and likely distribution of microorganisms. The TOC content of the surface water (5.0 m; just below the ice cover of 4.50 m thickness) was 1.4 mg l–1. It increased markedly with depth and attained a maximum value of 21.7 mg C l–1 at a depth of 17.5 m, but decreased to the bottom (13.3 mg C l–1). The high TOC content of the anoxic bottom layers (> 15 m) is attributable to the concentration of refractory organic substances over long periods following the degradation of labile organic constituents. Hydrocarbons were not found in the water column, but the major constituent of the bottom sediment was n-C29 : 2 alkene. Total concentrations of fatty acids in the oxic layers ( 10 m) were highest at 10.0 m and much higher than those in the anoxic layers (> 10 m), probably reflecting the phytoplankton population. The content of branched (iso and anteiso) fatty acids and 3-hydroxy acids in the anoxic layers were much greater than those in the oxic layers which would seem to reflect the distribution of bacterial abundance. The differences of organic composition between the water column and sediments imply that sinking dead organisms were quickly degraded in the lake bottom. Also, the composition of microorganisms in the water column must be very different from that in the sediments.  相似文献   

通过太湖五里湖表层沉积物柱样中总有机碳、总氮、总磷的变化,探讨了五里湖营养盐磷输入的历史记录,结合总有机碳碳同位素的分析,揭示了该湖富营养化和初级生产力的演化过程.总有机碳碳同位素值为-27.0‰~-26.3‰,平均-26,6‰,从底部向上波动变化,在深度12 cm处最大,然后向上逐渐减小,5 cm处降至最小,随之向上逐渐增大,反映了随着人为活动强度的加大,该湖水体富营养化程度逐渐加剧的特点,并且总有机碳碳同位素与有机碳、氮原子比值记录了湖泊水生植物群落由水草为主-草藻结合-藻类为主的演替过程.
Through the analysis of total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus con-centrations in surface sediment cores from Wuli Bay of Taihu Lake, the historical record of phos-phate input in the Bay was studied, and in combining with the analysis of carbon isotope value of bulk sedimentary organic matter, the evolution process of the primary productivity and eutrophi-cation in the Bay was revealed. The carbon isotope value of the sediment total organic C was -26. 6‰ on average, with a variation between-27.0‰ and-26. 3‰. It was decreased with depth up to the lowest value at 5 cm, subsequently increased gradually up to the highest value at 12 cm, and then fluctuated downward with the depth, which suggested that the evolvement of eu-trophication, productivity, and primary producer was associated with the increasing phosphorus input from human activities. Moreover, the concentrations of total phosphorus and the C/N atom-ic ratios of total organic carbon to total nitrogen recorded the succession process of aquatic plant community from float grass to float grass + algae to algae.  相似文献   

1. Palaeolimnological data and limnological time‐series data are highly complementary. Sediment records extend time‐scales, integrate subannual variability and expand the range of sites that can be studied, but they suffer from taphonomic biases and occasionally from uncertain chronology. Observational time‐series data, on the other hand, are highly resolved but are very limited in extent both in space and time. 2. Palaeolimnological and observational data‐sets need to be combined in oligotrophication research to establish (i) the past and present status of lakes needed to identify reference conditions; (ii) changes in ecosystem state; (iii) responses to nutrient reduction; and (iv) the potential role of other factors (e.g. additional stressors, climate change) that might confound predictions of future state.  相似文献   

The water quality of Lake Geneva has declined steadily since the 1960s, due to a continuous increase of external phosphorus loading. Average P level in the lake increased steadily to a peak in 1979, and even 1981 in the case of P content in the trophogenic layer. Since then, reduced external inputs related to the delayed effects of phosphorus removal from waste waters initiated many years previously has led to a decrease in P level, and resulted in present stabilization and even improvement in water quality. Long-term changes in zooplankton abundance correspond quite closely to eutrophication level changes. After increasing since the 1960s, maximum zooplankton biomass was recorded for the first time in 1971; a second main peak appeared in 1981 together with the highest eutrophication level. Over the last seven years, zooplankton abundance has decreased continuously, while water transparency has decreased and phytoplankton production has remained at a high level.  相似文献   

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