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化石闭壳龟的新发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)中的一个现生属,有6个现生种,分布于东亚和东南亚,我国产4种。为该地区龟类动物中的一个小类群,以前未有化石发现。本文记述的是闭壳龟属的一个化石新种(Cuora pitheca,sp.nov.),时代为上新世早期。这是该属龟类的首次化石记录。它的发现,不仅把闭壳龟属的历史从现代推至上新世早期,并为探讨该龟类的进化和分布提供重要资料。  相似文献   

四川产潘氏闭壳龟繁殖一例及其面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
巫嘉伟  李东 《四川动物》2004,23(1):15-15
潘氏闭壳龟(Cuora pani)属爬行纲龟鳖目淡水龟科闭壳龟属,是我国闭壳龟属中分布最北的种,于1981年在陕西省平利县徐家坝海拔420m的稻田旁水沟中被首次发现。为纪念陕西动物研究所前所长潘忠国教授,1984年宋鸣涛将其命名为潘氏闭壳龟^[1]。1999年,李东在四川省北部的广  相似文献   

基于线粒体Cyt b基因的全长序列探讨闭壳龟类的系统进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR技术对淡水龟科具闭壳结构的黄缘盒龟、黄额盒龟、金头闭壳龟、潘氏闭壳龟、锯缘龟和白腹摄龟的线粒体Cytb基因的全长序列进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,并结合GenBank中16种淡水龟科物种的同源序列,进行了序列变异和系统发生分析。经C lustalX1.8软件对位排列后共有1154个位点,其中可变位点413个,简约信息位点301个;A+T的平均含量(56.5%)高于G+C(43.5%)。在氨基酸密码子中,第一位富含A,第二位富含T,第三位富含C;碱基转换/颠换率为5.97,碱基替换多发生在密码子第三位。以中华鳖和马来鳖为外群,通过最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了分子系统树,均具有一致的拓扑结构,结果表明:金头闭壳龟和潘氏闭壳龟最先聚成一支,再和三线闭壳龟聚成一组,说明形态上相似的三种闭壳龟亲缘关系最近;闭壳龟属、盒龟属和单种锯缘龟属聚成一个单系的闭壳龟群,建议合并为闭壳龟属;齿缘龟属和果龟属聚为一支,它们与新的闭壳龟属关系较远,揭示闭壳结构的形成不是由一个共同祖先分化而来;乌龟属、花龟属和拟水龟属三属为并系起源,建议三属可以合并为一属。  相似文献   

1978年12月16日,在云南省禄丰县石灰坝古猿化石产地,由中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和云南省博物馆联合组成的考察队,发现了世界上第一个800万年前的古猿头骨化石。消息一发表,立即在国内外产生广泛的反响。它是怎么被发现的呢?它的发现具有什么样的重大意义呢?大喜日子云南禄丰吉猿化石产地发现于1975年,我们先后于1975年冬和1976年春、冬组织过三期发掘,采集到两个古猿下颌骨和一百多颗牙齿,以及丰富的哺乳动物群化石。对于这两个古猿下颌骨的研究表明,它们是不同的两个属的新种,分别订名为云南西瓦古猿和禄丰腊玛古猿。论文发表以后,引起了国际上学术界很大的重视。  相似文献   

付丽娅 《人类学学报》2001,20(3):200-200
1990年初 ,云南省“人类起源研究”课题古生物组野外普查中 ,姜础等首次在雷老大树箐梁子化石层中发现 7枚古猿牙齿化石 ,该发现引起元谋人陈列馆和当地村民对该地区古猿化石采集的极大重视。雷老古猿化石地点距元谋县城西北约 50公里 ,距离小河 -竹棚古猿地点南偏西约 1 0公里 ,以密级山相隔 ,化石层位与小河古猿化石层位相当。自 1 990年以来 ,元谋人陈列馆工作人员和当地村民不断地从雷老大树箐梁子采集到古猿牙齿化石。1 992年 ,姜础等人在雷老地区进行古猿化石保护范围的测量 ,从村民文贵福家征集到一块含古猿化石的钙质结核 (也采自雷…  相似文献   

列武  吴新智  张兆群  张翼  高星 《化石》2009,(3):58-68
南非共和园位于“人类的摇篮”非洲大陆的最南部,这里不仅以盛产钻石等珍稀矿产资源而闻名于世,同时还以丰富的古人类化石资源吸引着全世界的目光。自1924年往塔翁地点首次发现南方古猿幼儿头骨化石(南方古猿是生活420—150万年前的早期人类成员.迄今只在非洲发现)以来,迄今已经在南非9处地点发现了南方古猿化石。除了不同类型的南方古猿化石外.在这些地点还发现了早期人属(Homo)的化石(包括能人、匠人、直立人等)。在其它一些地点,  相似文献   

闭壳龟—亚洲的特产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶祥奎 《化石》1990,(4):28-29
闭壳龟是龟科的一现生属,现知有10个现生种,均生活在亚洲,我国占8种,是地道的“亚洲特产”。该属自19世纪中叶建立以来,长期默默无闻,只4—5个现生种为代表。1981年,笔者第一次记述了闭壳龟的化石种类,拉开了探索该属龟类系统发生的序幕后,近几年来,有关新的化石记录和现生种类报道频增,为我们提供了更多新资料。可也有人呼吁,由于人们的滥捕,大别山区的黄缘闭壳龟的数量锐减,建议把这种最为常见的亚洲特产龟列为保护动物,以杜绝灭。看来,加强有关的科学宣传,我们责无旁贷。  相似文献   

淡水龟科具闭壳结构龟类分类及系统进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闭壳龟类是淡水龟科(Bataguridae)中一群具有"闭壳"结构的水栖或半水栖龟类的总称,即腹甲的腹盾和胸盾之间以可动的铰链韧带相连,使背甲和腹甲可以全部或部分闭合,它们是盒龟属(Cistoclemmys)、闭壳龟属(Cuo-ra)、锯缘龟属(Pyxidea)、齿缘龟属(Cyclemys)和果龟属(Notochelys),前4个属的龟类在中国均有分布。近几十年来,由于食用、传统中医药开发和宠物贸易的兴起,导致许多闭壳龟类野生物种数量急剧减少,并且当前许多亚洲闭壳龟的分类工作过多的依赖于市场购买的物种样本,这就使我们对闭壳龟属及种的归属划分变的较困难,因此对闭壳龟类物种种的界限的划分及属间系统发育关系的研究仍然是一个艰巨的挑战。通过对淡水龟科具有闭壳结构龟类的形态学研究,细胞遗传学研究以及分子系统学研究等进行了综述,以期为闭壳龟类的相关保护研究提供参考。  相似文献   

记江苏泗洪首次发现森林古猿类化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记述了在江苏泗洪松林庄发现的一种古猿类化石,它以个体小、颊齿宽、有发达的齿带等特征有别于我国云南的腊玛古猿、西瓦古猿;它也有别于在同一地点、同一层位发现的双沟醉猿。其形态与非洲的Proconsul属接近,根据这些形态特点和它的地史分布,我们订立了一新属一新种:Platodontopithecus jianghuaiensis,地质时代为中新世。  相似文献   

云南禄丰是久已闻名的化石产地。1975—1977年,我国科学工作者同当地贫下中农一道,在禄丰约一千万年前的上新世褐煤层中,发现了重要的古猿和大量的共生动物化石。1976年11月发现的一个比较完整的古猿下颌骨,由于它的形态特征表现出从猿到人的过渡性质,被确立为腊玛古猿属的一个新种——禄丰腊玛古猿。这一新的发现和研究,对人类起源的基本理论和对理解恩格斯的劳动在从猿到人转变过程中的作用提供了有力的证据。另一个重要的比较完整的古猿下颌骨,属于森林古猿类型,其形态特征表明,它是更新世化石猩猩和现代猩猩的祖先,这就为解决猩猩  相似文献   

河南舞阳县贾湖遗址中的龟鳖类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了贾湖遗址中的龟鳖类甲壳。主要为现生黄缘闭壳龟(Cuora flavomarginata),背、腹甲完整者有50多件。其它龟类和鳖类只有部分甲壳或碎片为代表。文中除属种鉴定外,还对甲壳上的个体变异和有关人类活动等问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):193-212
Foraminifera and diatoms have been analyzed from an upper Miocene through Pleistocene(?) sequence of marine sediments exposed on Maria Madre Island, largest of the Trés Marias Islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Neogene stratigraphic sequence exposed on Maria Madre Island includes a mid-Miocene(?) non-marine and/or shallow marine sandstone unconformably overlain by a lower upper Miocene to uppermost Miocene upper to middle bathyal laminated and massive diatomite, mudstone, and siltstone unit. This unit is unconformably overlain by lower Pliocene middle to lower bathyal sandstones and siltstones which, in turn, are unconformably overlain by upper Pliocene through Pleistocene(?) upper bathyal to upper middle bathyal foraminiferal limestones and siltstones. These beds are unconformably capped by Pleistocene terrace deposits. Basement rocks on the island include Cretaceous granite and granodiorite, and Tertiary(?) andesites and rhyolites. The upper Miocene diatomaceous unit contains a low diversity foraminiferal fauna dominated by species of Bolivina indicating low oxygen conditions in the proto-Gulf Maria Madre basin. The diatomaceous unit grades into a mudstone that contains a latest Miocene upper to middle bathyal biofacies characterized by Baggina californica and Uvigerina hootsi along with displaced neritic taxa. An angular unconformity separates the upper Miocene middle bathyal sediments from overlying lower Pliocene siltstones and mudstones that contain a middle to lower bathyal biofacies and abundant planktonic species including Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and Pulleniatina primalis indicating an early Pliocene age. Significantly, this Pliocene unit contains common occurrences of benthic species restricted to Miocene sediments in California including Bulimina uvigerinaformis. Pliocene to Pleistocene(?) foraminiferal limestones and siltstones characterize submarine bank accumulations formed during uplift of the Trés Marias Island area, and include abundant planktonic foraminifera such as Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina duterteri. Common benthic foraminifera in this unit are indicative of upper bathyal water depths. The Neogene depositional history recorded on Maria Madre Island involves an early late Miocene subsidence event marking formation of the Trés Marias Basin with relatively undiluted diatomaceous sediment deposited in a low oxygen setting. Subsidence and deepening of the basin continued into the early Pliocene along with rapid deposition of terrigenous clastics. Uplift of the basinal sequence began in late Pliocene time accompanied by deposition of upper Pliocene-Pleistocene foraminiferal limestones on a rising submarine bank. Continued episodic uplift of the Neogene deposits brought the island above sea level by late Pleistocene time.  相似文献   

禄丰古猿化石地点的植物叶化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1987年,在云南禄丰古猿化石地点D剖面第4层(薄层黑色炭质粘土与灰色细砂互层)发现植物叶部印痕化石,经鉴定属壳斗科绝灭的雷龙潭槲叶(Dryophyllum relongtanense Colani),该种植物常参与组成亚热带至暖温带的常绿阔叶林或常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。  相似文献   

30多年来,中国新近纪堆积物中发现了大量的小哺乳动物化石,但一些种类的材料很少,而且仅在个别地点出现,在动物群中常以未定属、种记述.详细描述了4种罕见的啮齿动物,其中3种,泗洪豪鼠(Sayimys sihongensis)、亚洲别齿始鼠(Apeomys asiaticus)和新来鼠(未定种)(Neocometes sp.)发现于江苏泗洪早中新世下草湾组,一种,细小云南始鼠(Yuneomys pusillus)产自云南禄丰晚中新世石灰坝组.与欧亚或北美有关材料的比较研究表明,江苏泗洪标本无法归入相关属的任何已知种,因此被确定了两个新种(S.sihongensis和A.asiaticus);禄丰原归入Leptodontomys pusillus的标本与该属的特征不符,被指定为新属Ynueomys.泗洪的A.asiaticus和Neocometes sp.分别代表该属在亚洲和中国的首次记录;它们与S.sihongensis在亚洲远东地区的出现,增加了我们对这些稀有动物地理分布和欧亚古生物地理关系的知识.禄丰的新属Yuneomys与共生的Plesieomys和Heteroeomys属同为丘齿型始鼠类,可能都属热带或亚热带森林型动物;在禄丰动物群中缺少脊齿型始鼠类,与华北动物群的组成不同,似乎表明华南和华北始鼠动物群在中新世期间已有明显的分异,进而支持这一时期亚洲出现了不同生态区系的设想.  相似文献   

1987年,在云南禄丰古猿化石地点D剖面第4层(薄层黑色炭质粘土与灰色细砂互层)发现植物叶部印痕化石,经鉴定属壳斗科绝灭的雷龙潭檞叶(Dryophyllum relongtanense Colani),该种植物常参与组成亚热带至暖温带的常绿阔叶林或常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。  相似文献   

Two 305 m cored sections from the northwest Florida continental shelf contain a nearly complete record of late Neogene hemipelagic sedimentation. One of the sites, south and east of De Soto Canyon, is isolated from terrigenous sediment except for sediment transported in suspension. This site contains a continuous record from the late Miocene to the Recent. The second site, on the western rim of De Soto Canyon, is more expanded and continuous from the late Pliocene to the Recent. A hiatus separates the late Pliocene from the middle Miocene. Six prominent nannofossil biohorizons were recognized within the Pleistocene, seven within the Pliocene, and three within the Miocene; in addition one biohorizon marks the base of the Pleistocene and another the base of the Pliocene.Nearly all carbonate in the sediment is pelagic. Terrigenous detrital sedimentation was controlled by glacioeustatic sea level fluctuations during the Pleistocene, and sea level changes are probably responsible for fluctuations in the ratio of pelagic carbonate to clayey detritus in pre-Pleistocene sediments also. Carbonate content, coarse fraction percent, and relative abundances of environmentally sensitive nannoplankton species suggest important paleoceanographic changes in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and adjacent areas. Fluctuations in the relative abundance of the solution-resistant coccoliths of the genusCyclococcolithus indicate that waters at a depth of 600–1000 m were more corrosive during the late Miocene than they are today. The decrease in carbonate dissolution during the late Miocene probably was a response to gradual constriction of the Central American passage and the consequent restriction of flow of corrosive water from the Pacific. Short term fluctuations in dissolution during the Pliocene and Pleistocene are related to climatic cycles.Productivity variations in the surface waters, recorded mainly by the relative abundance of small and large morphotypes of closely related coccolith species, indicate that productivity increased during the Pliocene, but the most dramatic change — a major oceanwide increase in productivity — occurred during the Pleistocene, during and just prior to the Jaramillo magnetic event about 0.9 m.y. ago. Surprisingly the late Miocene Messinian event did not leave a significant imprint in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Three Tertiary microfossil floras from northern Latin America are considered with reference to paleoenvironments and paleoenvironmental trends, especially paleotemperatures: Gatuncillo (middle (?) to late Eocene, Panama), Uscari (early Miocene, Costa Rica), and Paraje Solo (late Miocene, Veracruz, Mexico). The composition of the floras reflect lower temperatures in the late Miocene for terrestrial environments at ca. 18°N latitude, and temperatures comparable to the present for the middle (?) to late Eocene and early Miocene at ca. 9°N latitude. These values are consistent with Tertiary paleotemperature curves derived from 18O and 13C isotope studies of marine invertebrates, and show that the global drop in temperature at the end of the Miocene affected terrestrial biotas at least as far south as 18°N latitude. Comparison of the paleobotanical data with paleotemperature curves further reveals that the late Miocene was not only a likely time for the introduction of northern temperate elements into the Latin American biota (viz., establishment of the floristic and faunal relationship between eastern United States and eastern Mexico), but that earlier times were progressively less favorable because of generally rising temperatures and more tropical conditions. Information on the Tertiary history of vegetation in the Gulf/Caribbean region is also being monitored with reference to the effect of global sea level changes, although the specific influence of these fluctuations cannot as yet be detected.  相似文献   

本文记述的是在云南禄丰腊玛古猿化石产地发现的原猴类化石,分类上归于兔猴科。鉴于它的形态特征,作者把它订为一新属新种(Sinoadapis carnosus gen. et sp. nov.),这是迄今已知兔猴科最晚的记录。这一发现对兔猴类的进化及探讨腊玛古猿的生活环境具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifers in the size-fraction greater than 0.073 mm were studied in 88 Paleocene to Pleistocene samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 525 (Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge, eastern south Atlantic). Clustering of the samples on the basis of the 86 most abundant foraminifers (in total, 331 taxa were identified) allowed separating two major assemblage zones: the Paleocene to Eocene interval, and the Oligocene to Pleistocene interval. Each of these, in turn, were subdivided into three minor subzones as follows: lower upper Paleocene (approx. 62.4 to 57.8 Ma); upper upper Paleocene (56.6 to 56.2 Ma); lower and middle Eocene (55.3 to 46.8 Ma); upper Oligocene to middle Miocene (25.3 to 16 Ma); middle Miocene to Pliocene (15.7 to 4.2 Ma); and lower Pleistocene (0.4 to 0.02 Ma), with only minor differences with the previous zone. Some very abundant taxa span most of the column studies (Bolivina huneri, Cassidulina subglobosa, Eponides bradyi, E. weddellensis, Gavelinella micra, Oridorsalis umbonatus, etc.). Several of the faunal breaks recorded coincide with conspicuous minima in the specific diversity curve, thus suggesting that the corresponding turnovers signal the final stages of periods of faunal impoverishment. At least one major bottom-water temperature drop (as derived from δ18O data) is synchronous with a decrease in the foraminiferal specific diversity. On the other hand, a specific diversity maximum in the middle Miocene might be associated with a δ13C increase at approx. 16 to 12 Ma. Highest foraminiferal abundances (up to 600–800 individuals per gram of dry sediment) occurred in the late Paleocene and in the early Pleistocene, in coincidence with the lowest diversity figures calculated. The magnitude of the most important faunal turnover recorded, between the middle Eocene and the late Oligocene, is magnified in our data set by the large hiatus which separates the middle Eocene from the upper Oligocene sediments. Considerably smaller overturns occurred within the late Paleocene (in coincidence with changes in the specific diversity, absolute abundance of foraminiferal tests, and δ13C), and in the middle Miocene (in coincidence with a specific diversity maximum and a δ13C excursion). New information on the morphology and the stratigraphic ranges of several species is furnished. For all the taxa recorded the number of occurrences, total number of individuals identified and first and last appearances are listed.  相似文献   

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