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Decomposition of fine roots is a fundamental ecosystem process that relates to carbon (C) and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. However, this important ecosystem process has been hardly studied in Patagonian ecosystems. The aim of this work was to study root decomposition and nutrient release from fine roots of grasses and trees (Nothofagus antarctica) across a range of Patagonian ecosystems that included steppe, primary forest and silvopastoral forests. After 2.2 years of decomposition in the field all roots retained 70–90% of their original mass, and decomposition rates were 0.09 and 0.15 year?1 for grass roots in steppe and primary forest, respectively. For N. antarctica roots, no significant differences were found in rates of decay between primary and silvopastoral forests (k = 0.07 year?1). Possibly low temperatures of these southern sites restricted decomposition by microorganisms. Nutrient release differed between sites and root types. Across all ecosystem categories, nitrogen (N) retention in decomposing biomass followed the order: tree roots > roots of forest grasses > roots of steppe grasses. Phosphorus (P) was retained in grass roots in forest plots but was released during decomposition of tree and steppe grass roots. Calcium (Ca) dynamics also was different between root types, since trees showed retention during the initial phase, whereas grass roots showed a slow and consistent Ca release during decomposition. Potassium (K) was the only nutrient that was rapidly released from both grass and tree roots in both grasslands and woodlands. We found that silvopastoral use of N. antarctica forests does not affect grass or tree root decomposition and/or nutrient release, since no significant differences were found for any nutrient according to ecosystem type. Information about tree and grass root decomposition found in this work could be useful to understand C and nutrient cycling in these southern ecosystems, which are characterized by extreme climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Most of the 16 currently recognized astrapothere genera are well known through numerous specimens preserving at least almost complete dentition. One of the exceptions is the enigmatic genus Isolophodon Roth, 1903, based on very scant and fragmentary materials from Paleogene levels of central Patagonia. This taxon was ruled out from almost all taxonomic lists, although its validity has not been discussed by subsequent authors. We herein re-describe and discuss the taxonomic status of the species of Isolophodon. The type species, I. cingulosus Roth, 1903, is characterized by having lower cheek teeth with a much reduced hypoflexid, resembling derived uruguaytheriines, but lower-crowned and with three lower premolars, as in the species of Astraponotus Ameghino, 1901. This is the only astrapothere nominal species attributable to the Tinguirirican South American Land Mammal Age (SALMA, Early Oligocene). Isolophodon aplanatus Roth, 1903 (Casamayoran and Mustersan SALMAs, middle Late Eocene) has proportionally more elongated lower molars and a less developed paraflexid than the type species. Isolophodon would represent an early diverging lineage of astrapotheriids, in which some dental features evolved convergently with the more derived uruguaytheriines. Additionally, we describe other fragmentary but very significant specimens from Paleogene localities in central Patagonia (Argentina) attributable to the following taxa: cf. Scaglia kraglievichorum (Barrancan? subage), based on a partial upper molar nearly 60% larger than the type of Scaglia kraglievichorum Simpson, 1957; Astrapotheriidae gen. et sp. 1 (Barrancan? Subage, Middle Eocene), based on an isolated upper molar larger than any other Eocene astrapothere; Astrapotheriidae gen. et sp. 2, based on five isolated upper cheek teeth from “La Cantera” (Gran Barranca, Early Oligocene), characterized by a large, isolated hypocone and accessory cusps on P3-P4. These taxa enlarge the known diversity of Paleogene astrapotheres and document novel evolutionary patterns for these mammals.  相似文献   

Chondracanthus chamissoi (C. Agardh) Kützing is an economically important red seaweed with an extended latitudinal distribution along the south-east Pacific. Here we report on the seasonal in vitro germination of carpospores and tetraspores from four populations distributed from 27 to 41° S on the Chilean coast. Our results show that both types of spores exhibited a different physiological behavior related to the geographic origin of the specimens. Germination occurred throughout the year for both spore types in the four populations. However, for the northern locations (Calderilla, La Herradura and Puerto Aldea) germination was higher in spring, while for the southern location (Lechagua), germination was higher in summer. The growth rate of carposporelings and tetrasporelings varied seasonally in all locations studied, with higher growth in spring. Among all, carposporelings from Lechagua specimens reached the highest growth rates (9.3 ± 0.2% d−1). However, spores from Herradura and P. Aldea had a good germination and SGR in all seasons and would be good candidates to start spores-based cultivation of this valuable resource in Chile.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is a major force that causes alteration and loss of natural habitats. Urban ecosystems are strongly affected by humans and there is a gradient of decreasing human influence from city centers to natural habitats. To study ecological changes along this continuum, researchers introduced the urban-rural gradient approach. The responses of centipedes to an urbanization gradient (urban-suburban-rural areas) were studied using pitfall traps in and near the city of Heraklion, in the island of Crete, Greece, from November 2010 to November 2011. Our results do not support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, in which suburban areas located in the transitional zone between urban and rural habitats failed to indicate significant increase in terms of species richness and diversity.  相似文献   

Conversion of l-homocysteine into ethionine and of methionine into S-methylcysteine in apple tissues is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In the area of Jumla region in Western Nepal, measurements of saturated leaf net photosynthetic rate (Psat), nitrogen content, leaf fluorescence, carbon isotopic composition, and water status were performed on woody coniferous (Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Abies spectabilis, Juniperus wallichiana, Taxus baccata), evergreen (Quercus semecarpifolia, Rhododendron campanulatum), and deciduous broadleaved species (Betula utilis, Populus ciliata, Sorbus cuspidata) spreading from 2 400 m up to the treeline at 4 200 m a.s.l. With the exception of J. wallichiana, Psat values were lower in coniferous than broadleaved species. Q. semecarpifolia, that in this area grows above the coniferous belt between 3 000 and 4 000 m, showed the highest Psat at saturating irradiance and the highest leaf N content. This N content was higher and Psat lower than those of evergreen oak species of tempe forests at middle and low altitudes. For all species, Psat and N content were linearly correlated, but instantaneous nitrogen use efficiency was lower than values measured in lowland and temperate plant communities. The values of carbon isotopic composition, estimated by 13C, showed the same range reported for temperate tree species. The ranking of 13C values for the different tree types was conifers < evergreen broadleaved13C were found along the altitudinal gradient. Quantum yield of photochemistry at saturating irradiance, measured by leaf fluorescence (F/Fm), was highest in J. wallichiana and lowest in T. baccata. Overall, photochemical efficiency was more strongly related to species than to altitude. Interestingly, changes of .F/Fm along the altitudinal gradient correlated well with the reported altitudinal distribution of the species.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the page numbers.  相似文献   

We isolated Cordyceps nutans from the stipe and abdominal tissues of fruit bodies using a surface sterilization method. Hyphal growth was observed in inocula from both the stipe and abdominal tissue. Some strains from discharged ascospores were obtained and colony characteristics were compared to the strains isolated from the tissues. Colonies of isolates from ascospores grew quite slowly. Isolates of 43 from the 52 examined fruit bodies formed colonies similar to those from ascospores. To confirm the success of isolation, we analyzed by PCR-RFLP of the ITS regions of rDNA samples from fruit bodies, isolates from fruit bodies, and isolates from ascospores. All the isolates obtained from stipe and abdominal tissues presented identical patterns. In this study, we report the first successful isolation of C. nutans from fruit-body tissue using a surface sterilization method.  相似文献   

Diet, habitat use and relative abundance of pampas fox Pseudalopex gymnocercus were studied in grassland, sand dune, and scrubland habitats, on the Bahía San Blas and Isla Gama Reserve, Argentina. Scat contents showed a generalist diet, where mammals, insects, and fruits were the main food items. Dietary composition differed among habitats; fruits were mainly consumed in sand dunes; insects, mammals, and fruits predominated in grassland; while insects and mammals were frequent in scrubland habitat. The European hare was the most common vertebrate prey and had the major contribution to the biomass of consumed prey. Pampas fox was the most common carnivore of the reserve and used all available habitats, frequenting more regularly scrubland and sand dune than grassland habitat.


Nahrung, Habitatnutzung und relative Abundanz von Pampasfüchsen (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) im nördlichen Patagonien, Argentinien Die Nahrung, Habitatnutzung und relative Abundanz von Pampasfüchsen Pseudalopex gymnocercus wurde auf Grasflächen, Sanddünen und in Strauchhabitaten des Bahía San Blas and Isla Gama Reserve, Argentinien untersucht. Die Analyse von Kotproben ergab eine typische Diät für Generalisten, wobei Säugetiere, Insekten und Früchte die wichtigsten Nahrungsbestandteile waren. Die Nahrungszusammensetzung unterschied sich zwischen verschiedenen Lebensräumen. Früchte wurden hauptsächlich in Sanddünen konsumiert, Insekten, Säugetiere und Früchte auf Grasflächen; und Insekten und Säugetiere in Strauchhabitaten. Der europäische Hase war die häufigste Beuteart unter den Wirbeltieren und stellte den Hauptanteil an der Biomasse genutzter Beute. Der Pampasfuchs ist das häufigste Raubtier im Reservat und nutzt alle vorhandenen Habitate, jedoch kommt er etwas häufiger in Strauchhabitaten und Sanddünen vor als auf Grasflächen.  相似文献   

We have compared edible plant richness, diversity and differential patterns of use in two Mapuche communities of Argentina. The populations of Rams and Cayulef are located in a herbaceous steppe, far from the temperate forests of northwestern Patagonia where their ancestors lived in the past. Ecological concepts and methods, such as diversity indices, niche breadth and optimal foraging theory have been used in this comparative study. Our results indicate that the diversity of wild plants used in Rams and Cayulef is associated with the variety of gathering environments they visit. When comparing diversity indices among the three environments within each community, in Cayulef we found the highest diversity indices for steppe species and the lowest for forest plants. In contrast, in Rams the niche breadth is similar in all environments, indicating an ample exploration and use of edible wild plants. Cost and benefit trade-offs seem to be considered in both communities when edible plants are collected. Nevertheless, we found that the people from Rams not only utilize a greater richness of wild plants than the Cayulef people, but also use more nutritious resources, spend more time traveling to the gathering sites and a longer handling time in preparing these edible plants. This study has quantitatively shown that the restricted access to Pehuen forest (Araucaria araucana) is the main factor which seems to limit wild plant diversity used in these Mapuche communities.  相似文献   

The performance of a species can be significantly altered by subtle changes in the physical environmental. The intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula is predominantly an open coast species in the Northeast Pacific. However, B. glandula commonly inhabits estuaries where environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature drastically differ from the open coast. We used survivorship and growth rates as a measure of performance in recently metamorphosed laboratory reared juvenile B. glandula outplanted along an environmental gradient at the mouth, mid-estuarine, and riverine end of the South Slough Estuary, Oregon, USA. Juvenile performance was highly variable over spatial and temporal scales and dependent upon existing environmental conditions. Surprisingly, along this estuarine gradient, juveniles performed better at a mid-estuarine location than at the mouth of the estuary. Typically, the riverine end of the estuary was the least suitable habitat along the estuarine gradient due to high juvenile mortality and a low growth rate. Although seasonally variable, survivorship and growth decreased with height along a vertical intertidal gradient as well. In a reciprocal transplant experiment, populations from both ends of the estuarine gradient displayed similar survivorship and growth rates. Our results demonstrate that the interactions of environmental conditions that vary temporally and spatially along a gradient strongly affect the success of an individual surviving and prospering during the early juvenile period.  相似文献   

细根的生态化学计量特征承载着植物生存环境的变化信息,从而为探索全球变化对植物内在机制的影响提供理论依据。以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内五个不同海拔梯度(1200、1400、1600、1800、2000 m)的黄山松为对象,运用挖掘法采样后测定细根C、N、P含量及化学计量比特征,研究不同的海拔下细根对土壤养分变化的适应规律。结果表明:(1)黄山松细根C含量年平均值为(486.27±64.32)mg/g,海拔对其没有显著的影响,与土壤养分之间不存在显著的相关关系。(2)细根N含量年平均值为(9.26±2.09)mg/g,海拔对其没有显著的影响,但与土壤C含量存在显著的正相关关系。(3)细根P含量年平均值为(0.39±0.13)mg/g,与海拔梯度及土壤P含量均存在极显著正相关关系,而与土壤碳氮比呈显著负相关关系。(4)细根氮磷比为26.94±12.51,与海拔梯度、土壤P含量及土壤碳氮比均显著负相关。因此,黄山松细根吸收N是以消耗C为代价;细根P主要受土壤P供应量的限制;武夷山地区N沉降将进一步增加植物的氮磷比,加剧黄山松生长的P限制。  相似文献   

Octodontoidea is the most diverse group of caviomorph rodents. The systematics of most of the fossil representatives has been essentially based upon dental characters. Described here is an almost complete skull with dentition assigned to Prospaniomys Ameghino based upon its dental morphology. The specimen comes from the Sarmiento Formation at Pampa de Gan Gan (central Patagonia, Argentina), assigned to the Colhuehuapian SALMA (early Miocene). The most remarkable features are in the posterior portion of the skull, some of them shared with the modern octodontids and interpreted as specialized by previous authors, which contrast with the generalized dental morphology. These combined features were not previously known in other octodontoids. The comparisons with other fossil and extant members of the superfamily suggest that the characters traditionally used to associate Prospaniomys with the echimyids are very probably plesiomorphies. Prospaniomys would represent an early diverging lineage more closely related to modern octodontids than to echimyids, in which cranial structures evolved more rapidly than dental and mandibular ones.  相似文献   

The lignan profile of the aerial part of Piper cubeba L. (Piperaceae) was determined using GC, GC–MS and HPLC. The number of lignans found in the leaves was 15, followed by berries and the stalks with respectively 13 and five lignans. This is the first investigation of lignans from the leaves and the stalks of P. cubeba. Cubebin, hinokinin, yatein, isoyatein are common lignans in the genus Piper and appeared as major components in all parts of P. cubeba investigated.  相似文献   

The interspecific variability of fatty acid (FA) composition and RAPD profiles was used to examine biochemical and genetic relationships among six pomegranate cultivars, which dominate pomegranate production in Southern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Fatty acid composition of pomegranate leaves was determined by using gas chromatography. Differences in the FA composition were found among cultivars. In particular, cv. kirli hanim had a distinct fatty acid profile that differs from the other cultivars. Linoleic acid was not detected in this cultivar, whereas the other cultivars had various levels of linoleic acid. RAPD data also showed that this cultivar formed a unique pattern. The differences in the composition of fatty acids among pomegranate cultivars suggested that fatty acid profiles could be used to differentiate among some of the pomegranate cultivars. RAPD analysis was also useful for grouping the pomegranate cultivars.  相似文献   

Three Algerian populations of female Pistacia atlantica shrubs were investigated in order to check whether their terpenoid contents and morpho-anatomical parameters may characterize the infraspecific variability. The populations were sampled along a gradient of increasing aridity from the Atlas mountains into the northwestern Central Sahara.As evidenced by Scanning Electron Microscopy, tufted hairs could be found only on seedling leaves from the low aridity site as a population-specific trait preserved also in culture. Under common garden cultivation seedlings of the high aridity site showed a three times higher density of glandular trichomes compared to the low aridity site. Increased aridity resulted also in reduction of leaf sizes while their thickness increased. Palisade parenchyma thickness also increases with aridity, being the best variable that discriminates the three populations of P. atlantica.Analysis of terpenoids from the leaves carried out by GC-MS reveals the presence of 65 compounds. The major compounds identified were spathulenol (23 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (10 μg g−1 dw), verbenone (7 μg g−1 dw) and β-pinene (6 μg g−1 dw) in leaves from the low aridity site; spathulenol (73 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (25 μg g−1 dw), β-pinene (18 μg g−1 dw) and γ-amorphene (16 μg g−1 dw) in those from medium aridity and spathulenol (114 μg g−1 dw), α-pinene (49 μg g−1 dw), germacrene D (29 μg g−1 dw) and camphene (23 μg g−1 dw) in leaves from the high aridity site. Terpene concentrations increased with the degree of aridity: the highest mean concentration of monoterpenes (136 μg g−1 dw), sesquiterpenes (290 μg g−1 dw) and total terpenes (427 μg g−1 dw) were observed in the highest arid site and are, respectively, 3-, 5- and 4-fold higher compared to the lower arid site. Spathulenol and α-pinene can be taken as chemical markers of aridity. Drought discriminating compounds in low, but detectable concentrations are δ-cadinene and β-copaene. The functional roles of the terpenoids found in P. atlantica leaves and principles of their biosynthesis are discussed with emphasis on the mechanisms of plant resistance to drought conditions.  相似文献   

Large bag-type (75 m3) and tube-type (105 m3) enclosures were set up in the shallow eutrophic Lake Suwa and were each stocked with exotic planktivorous whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena). The release of whitefish caused the increase in nutrient concentration in the tube-type enclosure whereas no such increase was observed in the bag-type enclosure. Bottom sediment seemed to be an important source of chironomid food for whitefish. The proportion of phytoplankton measuring<10μm and 20–40μm, which respectively corresponded toOchromonas spp. andCryptomonas sp., were lower in the fish enclosures than in the control, which might have been caused by high grazing pressure by rotifers. The predation by whitefish might have affected the species composition of phytoplankton through reducing copepod predation on rotifers, not through reducing the densities of cladocerans which directly feed on phytoplankton as many investigators have reported. The phytoplankton biomass was not affected much by the release of fish. Possible reasons are that the increase in density of rotifers reduced the biomass of available phytoplankton and also that inedible Cyanophyceae were in the decreasing phase of their seasonal succession and could not increase successfully in spite of elevated nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Taxonomic relationships for pollutant tolerance in marine invertebrates are surprisingly poorly known, despite being potentially useful for pollution biomonitoring. A popular view is that cellular and molecular adaptations for natural stress may be important in tolerating pollution. We compared the physiological and mortality responses to copper (Cu2+) of limpets from two different lineages: the Prosobranchia (Patellogastropoda: Helcion concolor and Cellana capensis) and the Pulmonata (Siphonaria serrata and Siphonaria capensis). Copper tolerance was apparently more closely related to phylogenetically-based physiology, than to tolerance of desiccation and or heat. The Siphonaria limpets were nearly an order of magnitude more tolerant of copper than the patellogastropod limpets, even though S. serrata has the lowest intertidal distribution. Initial copper exposure (0.25 ppm Cu2+ for 2 h) induced heart rate depression in Siphonaria (to around 50% of the baseline rate), while their tissue copper concentrations remained at the relatively high control levels. Copper exposure (0.25 ppm Cu2+ for 2 h) had no effect on heart rate of the patellogastropod limpets, but led to a significant increase in tissue copper. These results suggest that enhanced copper tolerance by Siphonaria relates to cardiac depression and a concomitant metabolic depression. Such physiological attributes are implicated in prolonged behavioural isolation, involving pneumostome closure and shell clamping, which is likely to reduce the uptake of copper. Furthermore, better regulation of internal copper levels by Siphonaria, is suggested by their exclusive possession of blood haemocyanin. Dependence on relatively high aerobic metabolism by the patellogastropod limpets, would limit their capacity for isolation and pollutant avoidance.  相似文献   

Most medicinal plants used against malaria in endemic areas aim to treat the acute symptoms of the disease such as high temperature fevers with periodicity and chills. In some endemic areas of the Brazilian Amazon region one medicinal plant seems to be an exception: Ampelozyziphus amazonicus, locally named “Indian beer” or “Saracura-mira”, used to prevent the disease when taken daily as a cold suspension of powdered dried roots. In previous work we found no activity of the plant extracts against malaria blood parasites in experimentally infected animals (mice and chickens) or in cultures of Plasmodium falciparum. However, in infections induced by sporozoites, chickens treated with plant extracts were partially protected against Plasmodium gallinaceum and showed reduced numbers of exoerythrocytic forms in the brain. We now present stronger evidence that the ethanolic extract of “Indian beer” roots hampers in vitro and in vivo development of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, a rodent malaria parasite. Some mice treated with high doses of the plant extract did not become infected after sporozoite inoculation, whereas others had a delayed prepatent period and lower parasitemia. Our data validates the use of “Indian beer” as a remedy for malaria prophylaxis in the Amazon, where the plant exists and the disease represents an important problem which is difficult to control. Studies aiming to identify the active compounds responsible for the herein described causal prophylactic activity are needed and may lead to a new antimalarial prophylactic.  相似文献   

郭雄飞 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4910-4920
为探究生物炭对刨花润楠(Machilus pauhoi)的促生及土壤保肥的长期效应,以刨花润楠-梅叶冬青(Ilex latifolia)间作系统为研究对象,开展田间小区试验,研究0 kg(CK)、1.2 kg(T1)、2.4 kg(T2)、和4.8 kg(T3)4个生物炭用量对2015—2017年间刨花润楠生长动态及土壤养分含量年际变化的影响。结果表明:移栽前期,刨花润楠生长较慢,但16月后生长速度加快。生物炭可促进刨花润楠株高、叶长及叶宽的生长,但不同用量间差异不显著;与对照相比,T1、T2和T3处理下刨花润楠地上部干重分别增加35.71%、59.02%和31.81%,地下部干重分别增加28.02%、39.69%和20.52%;3个年份生物炭处理下0—15 cm和15—30 cm土层pH、有机质和速效钾含量均高于对照,且均随着生物炭施用量的增加而增加;生物炭处理下土壤全氮、全磷、全钾含量均略有提高。施用生物炭后,2015年和2016年0—15 cm土层碱解氮含量降低,2017年则有所增加,但影响不显著(P0.05)。15—30 cm土层碱解氮含量变化不明显;生物炭对2015年0—15 cm土层有效磷含量的影响不显著,到2016年和2017年则增加其含量,且T1和T3处理下效应最显著。生物炭可增加15—30 cm土层有效磷含量,但到后期(2017年)效应不显著(P0.05)。总体看来,不同处理下土壤各养分含量均表现为0—15 cm15—30 cm,2015年2016年2017年。刨花润楠生物量与0—15 cm土壤养分含量间存在显著正相关性,各养分含量间也存在正相关关系。适量生物炭(T2)处理促生保肥效应最佳,且具有长效性。  相似文献   

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