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Plant growth and productivity are adversely affected by various abiotic stress factors. In our previous study, we used Avicennia marina, a halophytic mangrove, as a model plant system for isolating genes functioning in salt stress tolerance. A large scale random EST sequencing from a salt stressed leaf tissue cDNA library of one month old A. marina plants resulted in identification of a clone showing maximum homology to Monodehydroascorbate reductase (Am-MDAR). MDAR plays a key role in regeneration of ascorbate from monodehydroascorbate for ROS scavenging. In this paper, we report the cellular localization and the ability to confer salt stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco of this salt inducible Am-MDAR. A transit peptide at the N-terminal region of Am-MDAR suggested that it encodes a chloroplastic isoform. The chloroplastic localization was confirmed by stable transformation and expression of the Am-MDAR-GFP fusion protein in tobacco. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing Am-MDAR survived better under conditions of salt stress compared to untransformed control plants. Assays of enzymes involved in ascorbate–glutathione cycle revealed an enhanced activity of MDAR and ascorbate peroxidase whereas the activity of dehyroascorbate reductase was reduced under salt stressed and unstressed conditions in Am-MDAR transgenic lines. The transgenic lines showed an enhanced redox state of ascorbate and reduced levels of malondialdehyde indicating its enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress. The results of our studies could be used as a starting point for genetic engineering of economically important plants tolerant to salt stress.  相似文献   

Growth responses of Avicennia marina seedlings to contamination by different concentrations of two essential (Cu, Zn) and two non-essential (Pb, Hg) trace metals were studied under glasshouse conditions. We tested the hypothesis that soil retention and root ultrafiltration would exclude most of the trace metals, and that those that are absorbed and translocated to the shoots would interfere with plant performance and be excreted via leaf salt glands. One-month-old seedlings were subjected to Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg at concentrations of 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 μg g−1 sediment for 12 months in a randomized complete block design (n = 6). Photosynthesis was measured at the end of 12 months of trace metal exposure with a portable gas exchange system and chlorophyll fluorescence with a pulse-modulated fluorometer. After morphometric measurements, plants were harvested and analyzed for Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Total dry biomass decreased with increasing trace metal concentration for all metals. In the 160 μg g−1 Cu, Zn, Hg and Pb treatments, total biomass was significantly lower than the control value by 43%, 37%, 42% and 40%, respectively. Decreases in plant height and number of leaves followed trends similar to those for total biomass and ranged from 37% to 60%, compared to the controls. Decreases in chlorophyll content in the trace metal treatments ranged from 50% to 58% compared to the control. Carbon dioxide exchange, quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), electron transport rate (ETR) through PSII and photosynthetic efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) were highest in the control treatment and decreased with increasing trace metal concentrations. Decreases in CO2 exchange in the 160 μg g−1 treatments for all trace metals ranged from 50% to 60%. Concentrations of all trace metals in plant organs increased with increasing metal concentrations and were higher in roots than in shoots, with concentrations of Cu and Zn being considerably higher than those of Hg and Pb. Qualitative elemental analyses and X-ray mapping of crystalline deposits over the glands at the leaf surfaces indicated that Cu and Zn were excreted from the salt glands, while Hg and Pb were absent, at least being below the limits of detection. These results demonstrate that growth processes are sensitive to trace metals and therefore can be considered as a cost of metal tolerance, but salt glands of this mangrove species do contribute eliminating at least part of physiologically essential trace metals if taken up in excess.  相似文献   

The effects of N and P enrichment were investigated on growth and physiological responses of dwarf Avicennia marina mangroves in a hypersaline (58 ± 8 psu) field site in Richards Bay, South Africa. It was hypothesized that at high salinities mangroves allocate more resources to roots than shoots, and that nutrient enrichment with N and P will shift resource allocation to shoots and enhance growth and productivity. In unvegetated areas of the dwarf zone, 1-year-old A. marina seedlings were planted in pots and enriched bimonthly with N, P, N + P, or remained unfertilized (control-C), and growth and morphology of plants were monitored for 2 years. Enrichment with N and N + P shifted resource allocation to shoots from 38% to 55%, and increased dry biomass accumulation by over 500%, compared to the control treatment. In the N and N + P treatments, plant height, number of leaves, leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthesis increased by over 50%, 330%, 30% and 30%, respectively, compared to the C and P treatments. Enrichment with N and N + P increased N concentrations in roots by over 60% (from 1.0 ± 0.1% to 1.6 ± 0.2% of dry mass) and in shoots by over 100% (from 1.3 ± 0.1% to 2.7 ± 02% of dry mass). Plants enriched with P alone were similar to those of the control. This study has demonstrated that dwarf A. marina in Richards Bay is N limited, and that N enrichment shifts resource allocation from roots to shoots and increases growth and productivity.  相似文献   

Medicago marina (L.) is a Mediterranean species whose seeds show strong dormancy that prevents germination. We used an integrated approach of physiological analyses and proteomics to investigate the mechanisms that control M. marina dormancy/germination and that underlie stress tolerance. First, we evaluated the effects on dormancy breaking of the following treatments: mechanical scarification, freezing at −20 °C, storage for 4 months and heating at 100 °C for 1 h. Mechanical scarification and freezing were the most effective treatments in overcoming dormancy. The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in M. marina dormancy was studied by ELISA immuno-enzymatic assay. The ABA content of germinated and non-germinated mature (control) and treated seeds was determined. The level of ABA was higher in treated seeds than in control seeds; the most significant increase occurred in the heated seeds. A comparison of the ABA level in the germinated, control and treated seeds suggests that different mechanisms modulate ABA content in response to different stresses, and that a specific ABA-signalling pathway regulates germination. Proteomic analysis revealed 46 proteins differentially expressed between treated and untreated seeds; 14 of these proteins were subsequently identified by mass spectrometry. Several of the proteins identified are important factors in the stress response, and are involved in such diverse functions as lipid metabolism, protein folding and chromatin protection. Lastly, an analysis of the phosphoproteome maps showed that the function of many proteins in seeds subjected to temperature treatment is modulated through post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are considered important indicators of decline in water quality resulting in increased light attenuation that negatively influences their growth and survival. Chronic light-limitation interspersed with unpredictable acute attenuation events have had poorly understood effects on seagrass recovery dynamics. Zostera marina (eelgrass) and Halodule wrightii (shoalgrass) were subject to a matrix of light-deprivation events followed by recovery periods to mimic repeated acute shading events. Plant survival, morphology, biomass, chlorophyll content, and Fv/Fm were assessed over time to determine recovery. At the end of the experiment, all plants were harvested and species-specific treatment effects were determined. Significant differences due to treatments were noted in all parameters measured. In general, responses were similar for both life-stages and between species, suggesting similar physiological tolerance to repeated acute light-attenuation events. Only plants in treatments where light-deprivation was followed by a recovery interval of at least the same duration showed signs of long-term survival. Chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was an important metric for assessing recovery, but it failed to detect the onset of mortality in many plants. Other metrics of plant condition need to be assessed and coupled with chlorophyll fluorescence data to assess seagrass “health”. This is of particular importance in field studies, where the history of the plants is largely unknown.  相似文献   

Current methods for assessing leaf injury in Zostera marina (eelgrass) utilize subjective indexes for desiccation injury and wasting disease. Because of the subjective nature of these measures, they are inherently imprecise making them difficult to use in quantifying complex leaf injuries from multiple sources. We have developed a method using color digital photography of eelgrass leaves which are then manipulated using image processing programs and analyzed using geographic digital image analysis. The resulting false color images are then assigned by the user into uninjured and injured groupings which may then be reported as a percentage of leaf area affected. If images are rectified, leaf area (cm2) of injured and uninjured leaf segments may be determined. Although this method is time consuming and still requires some subjective judgments, it does allow for precise analysis of highly complex leaf injuries and has the potential to be a substantial improvement over existing leaf injury indexes.  相似文献   

The aerenchyma differentiation in cable roots, pneumatophores, anchor roots, and feeding roots of the mangrove plant, Avicennia marina (Verbenaceae) was analyzed using a light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In all types, cortex cells were arranged in longitudinal columns extending from the endodermis to the epidermis. No cells in the cortex had intercellular spaces at the root tip (0–150 m), and aerenchyma started developing at 200 m from the root apex. The aerenchyma formation was due to cell separation (schizogeny) rather than cell lysis. The cell separation occurred between the longitudinal cell columns, forming long intercellular spaces along the root axis. During aerenchyma formation, the cortex cells enlarged longitudinally by 1.8–3.9 times and widened horizontally by 2.2–2.9 times. As a result, the aerenchyma had a pronounced tubular structure that was radially long, elliptical or oval in cross section and that ran parallel to the root axis. The tube had tapering ends, as did vessel elements, although there were no perforated plates. The interconnection between neighboring tubes was made by abundant small pores or canals that were schizogenous intercellular spaces between the wall cells. All aerenchyma tubes in the root were interconnected by these small pores serving as a gas pathway.  相似文献   

Blue mussels and eelgrass have been found to coexist in many locations. However, knowledge of the interactions between these species is limited. Two experiments were conducted in the laboratory, a “Deposit” and an “Epiphyte” experiment. The Deposit experiment examined possible effects of increasing load of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) biodeposits on sediment biogeochemistry and eelgrass (Zostera marina) performance. Z. marina mesocosms received normal or high loads of mussel biodeposits (Normal and High), while no biodeposits were added to the Control. High dosage had overall negative effects on Z. marina, which was reflected as lower leaf numbers and biomass and accumulation of elemental sulphur in rhizomes. The sediment biogeochemical conditions were altered, as the mussel biodeposits enhanced sulphate reduction rates and increased sulphide concentrations in the porewater, which may result in sulphide invasion and reduced growth of Z. marina.In the Epiphyte experiment effects of mussel excretion, with particular emphasis on ammonium, on the growth of Z. marina and their epiphytes were examined. A thick cover of epiphytes developed on Z. marina growing together with M. edulis, and the relative growth rate was reduced with 20% compared to plants from control without mussels. Overall the experiments showed negative effects on Z. marina growing together with M. edulis, thereby supporting a preceding field study by Vinther et al. [Vinther, H.F., Laursen, J.S., Holmer, M. 2008. Negative effects of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) presence in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in Flensborg fjord, Denmark. Est. Coast Shelf. Sci. 77, 91-103.].  相似文献   

红树白骨壤果实中酚苷类化学成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用柱色谱、凝胶层析和高效液相色谱分离技术,从白骨壤果实中分离获得6个酚苷类单体化合物。运用波谱分析和文献对照方法,分别鉴定为Rhyncoside A(1)、松柏苷(2)、对羟基苯甲酰葡萄糖(3)、顺式香豆酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(4)、香草酸4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(5)、苯基-β-D-葡萄糖苷(6)。化合物1-6均是首次从该种海洋植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

In the autumn/winter breeding polychaetes, Arenicola marina and A. defodiens, spawning can be advanced or delayed by a number of months through temperature manipulation of the adults. However, this manipulation may have significant consequences for fertilization rates and embryo developmental success and so in vitro fertilizations were performed to assess the impact of manipulation. Firstly, we used oocytes and sperm obtained from advanced or delayed individuals. For both species, using gametes from 4 weeks advanced individuals did not result in a significant reduction in development, however, gametes from individuals advanced (A. marina only) or delayed by 8 weeks resulted in significantly fewer embryos developing normally. Reciprocal crosses of temperature-manipulated A. marina gametes (from 4 weeks advanced and 4 weeks delayed individuals) with those at the natural spawning time confirmed that the reduction in developmental success in both was attributable to the oocytes. After 5 h post-fertilization, the majority of oocytes from advanced individuals had fertilized, but by 24 h most were abnormal. For fertilizations with gametes from delayed individuals, nearly 100% of the embryos were developing normally after 24 h, but after 144 h significantly more were abnormal in crosses involving oocytes from delayed females. Although both species have reproductive plasticity to extend their breeding season, the significant reduction in the numbers of competent larvae produced as the spawning is delayed or advanced further may be a significant bottleneck in aquaculture and it may also have considerable implications for the long-term reproductive success of a population in response to environmental change.Sympatric populations of the species exist in many locations and the inherent variability in the breeding seasons could allow spawning times to overlap. Artificially delaying A. marina individuals enabled fertilizations to be performed with A. defodiens at the natural spawning time in the laboratory. Both conspecific fertilizations produced 100% trochophore larvae after 120 h, but A. defodiens oocytes failed to fertilize after incubation with A. marina sperm, in comparison to the A. marina oocytes incubated with A. defodiens sperm where 40% developed to the trochophore stage. This asymmetric gamete incompatibility may be one of a suite of mechanisms to minimise hybridisation.  相似文献   

Few seagrass transplant projects worldwide have relied on seeds, and those projects using Zostera marina (eelgrass) seeds have generally found low rates of seedling establishment (<10%). We compared seedling establishment achieved by a mechanical seed planter with seeds broadcast on the sediment surface by hand. The planter injected seeds into the sediment by pumping the seeds, suspended in a gelatin-based matrix, to a benthic sled with eight planting nozzles. As a control for the gel, seeds were also injected into the sediment without gel using a hand-held pipette. Seeds were planted at a density of 300 m−2 into six replicate plots at each of three sites in the Chesapeake Bay region in September 2005, with seedling establishment measured in April 2006. Burying seeds, either with or without gel, had an overall positive effect on seedling establishment, but the effectiveness and the best method varied among sites. Mean seedling establishment for machine-planted seeds was significantly greater than for broadcast seeds at the Piankatank River site (4% vs. 1%), but not at the York (1.2% vs. 1.4%) or Spider Crab Bay (10.1% vs. 7.4%) sites. The effect of the gel was inconsistent among sites, with the highest seedling establishment (18.8%), resulting from seeds injected by pipette without gel at the Spider Crab site. Seed burial shows promise for increasing seedling establishment relative to seed broadcasting in the Chesapeake region, but further investigation of seed–sediment interactions at specific restoration sites is necessary. Low seedling establishment rates remain a bottleneck for seed-based eelgrass restoration.  相似文献   

Methanolic extracts of six Saudi plants were screened for their in vitro antiviral activity using influenza virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) and MDCK cells in an MTT assay. The results indicated that the extracts of Adeniumobesum and Tephorosianubica possessed antiviral activity (99.3 and 93.3% inhibition at the concentration of 10 μg/ml, respectively). Based on these results A. obesum was selected for further study by applying bioactivity-guided fractionation to isolate its antiviral principle. The antiviral principle was isolated from the chloroform fraction through solvent fractionation, combined open liquid chromatography and HPLC. The isolated active compound A was identified as oleandrigenin-β-d-glucosyl (1 → 4)-β-d-digitalose, on the basis of its spectral analysis (MS, 1D and 2D NMR). The isolated glycoside showed reduction of virus titre by 69.3% inhibition at concentration of 1 μg/ml (IC50 = 0.86 μg/ml).  相似文献   

刘文爱  范航清 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7320-7324
广州小斑螟是红树林的一种灾害性的食叶害虫.通过室内饲养和野外观察,对广州小斑螟的发生和环境因素的关系进行了详细的研究.结果表明,随着龄级的增加,取食量增大;在不同样地不同滩位的虫口密度差异性规律不同;在单株白骨壤的不同方位虫口密度差异显著,正南方向虫口密度最高,正西、正北虫口密度最低;在单株白骨壤的中上部明显高于下部;广州小斑螟大龄幼虫较耐水淹,水淹6h的死亡率为0;不同地区温度的差异可导致广州小斑螟的发育进度的不同.  相似文献   

Coastal marine seagrass ecosystems are important nursery grounds for commercially and recreationally important species, and they serve as key settlement and recruitment sites for other species. We investigated several years (2001-2003) where episodic settlement events of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) occurred in Barnegat Bay, NJ, USA. Population assessment indicated that blue mussels settled in eelgrass beds (Zostera marina) in late spring with peak densities exceeding 170,000 m−2. Based on calculated filtration rates of M. edulis, we determined that for at least 53 days in 2001, the density and size distribution of M. edulis were sufficient to filter the water column volume in excess of twice a day, with maximum calculated filtration rates exceeding 8 m3 water m−2 day−1. While the settlement event in 2001 was very localized, in 2003, the settlement event was considerably more widespread throughout the bay, with maximum settling densities exceeding 175,000 individuals m−2. Associated with these high densities, maximum calculated filtration rates exceeded 15 m3 water m−2 day−1. This filtration potential may have impeded the localized development of a brown-tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) bloom in 2001, which occurred in other regions of the bay, but the widespread settlement event seen in 2003 may have impeded the development of any brown-tide blooms in Barnegat Bay during that summer. The decline in mussel densities throughout the summer may be a result of elevated water temperatures in this back bay, but at one site, the high settlement of M. edulis was followed by a substantial migration (>40 individuals m−2) of small sea stars (Asterias forbesii). In 2001, A. forbesii was a significant factor in reducing M. edulis density by the end of the summer at the Barnegat Inlet site and a community level assessment showed significant positive correlations between mussel aggregations and sea star densities (r=0.68-0.73, P<0.001). At this same site in 2003, the sea stars were again present in high densities (26 m−2) and were a potential mechanism for mussel decline. In other regions of the bay, sea star densities are very low, but numerous other predatory species exist, including blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), green crabs (Carcinus maenus), spider crabs (Libinia spp.), and several Xanthid crabs. Given the high mussel densities seen in this study and the considerable predation by sea stars and other benthic predators, the benthic-pelagic coupling which these mussels provide in this system contributes to the high secondary production in these grass beds.  相似文献   

The ability of the marine heterotrophic protists Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium dominans to synthesize sterols de novo and modify dietary sterols was investigated using 13C-labeled substrates. De novo sterol synthesis of O. marina was determined by incorporation of 13C acetate into the culture medium. For G. dominans which has low tolerance of acetate, a protozoan prey Perkinsus marinus that cannot synthesize sterols, was cultured with 13C acetate then fed to G. dominans. Both heterotrophs utilized dietary 13C to synthesize fatty acids de novo, but not sterols. The ability of O. marina and G. dominans to alkylate, saturate, and desaturate dietary sterols was tested using P. marinus incorporated with 13C-labeled cholesterol as prey. O. marina did not modify the dietary 13C-cholesterol, but G. dominans produced 5 labeled sterols (brassicasterol, C28:1, and unknown C28, C29 and C30 sterols) indicating that G. dominans has the ability to desaturate and alkylate dietary cholesterol. The ability of O. marina and G. dominans to dealkylate dietary sterols was tested by feeding them gelatin acacia microspheres (GAMs) containing 13C-labeled brassicasterol. Neither heterotroph dealkylated brassicasterol to make cholesterol, but G. dominans alkylated and saturated brassicasterol to make 2 sterols (C29:1 and C30:0). The lack of dealkylation of brassicasterol by both protist species suggests problems with the substrate and/or delivery system since previous studies suggest that dealkylation of brassicasterol occurs when either species is fed algae containing this sterol.  相似文献   

A phytochemical study of the asteraceous herb Pulicaria crispa (Forssk.) Oliv. resulted in the characterisation of three guaianolide sesquiterpenes, 2alpha,4alpha-dihydroxy-7alphaH,8alphaH,10alphaH-guaia-1(5),11(13)-dien-8beta,12-olide (1), 1alpha,2alpha-epoxy-4beta-hydroxy-5alphaH,7alphaH,8alphaH,10alphaH-guaia-11(13)-en-8beta,12-olide (2) and 5,10-epi-2,3-dihydroaromatin (3). The structures were assigned on the basis of extensive 1 and 2D NMR experiments. Compound 3 exhibited weak antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium phlei with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.52 mM and cytotoxicity (IC50 of 5.8+/-0.2 microM) in a human bladder carcinoma cell line, EJ-138.  相似文献   

Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. was grown from seed for 12 months in artificially tidal tanks providing a range of duration and depth of inundation. Plant growth characteristics were measured at harvest. Root aerenchyma development was estimated by pycnometry, root respiration rates by manometry, and the oxygen supply capacity of the above-ground portions of the plant was determined using oxygen electrode chambers. The mass per plant at harvest was influenced by the extent of inundation during growth with maximal growth at intermediate-length (1.5 to 6.5 h per tide) inundation periods. Those plants that had been submerged the longest (8.5 h per tide) had the least root tissue. The oxygen conductance of the stem base plus any pneumatophores showed a maximum in plants grown under intermediate inundation. Oxygen demand and internal gas space per unit dry weight of root were independent of extent of inundation. During high tide the plants grown at inundation periods of more than about 3–5 hours per tide were likely to become anaerobic. This may constitute a physiological limit for this species at the bottom of the tidal range.  相似文献   

镉与萘复合胁迫对红树植物白骨壤幼苗萌芽及生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨白骨壤(Avicennia marina)幼苗对重金属镉(Cd)和多环芳烃萘(Nap)复合胁迫的响应,采用砂基栽培,对其幼苗的萌芽和生长进行了研究。结果表明,Cd、Nap复合胁迫对白骨壤萌芽的抑制效应较单一胁迫明显,胁迫前期幼苗成活率提高,胁迫后期则降低。胁迫栽培45 d,10 mg L~(–1)的Nap在叶形态、茎高及各器官生物量上能够减轻Cd胁迫的影响,但增强对根长的抑制作用,10 mg L~(–1) Nap-25 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的叶面积、叶长、叶宽、茎高及全株生物量分别比25 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的提高9.6%、7.9%、7.4%、5.1%和20.2%,但根长则比150 mg L~(–1) Cd处理的下降11.1%。至胁迫栽培90 d,各处理间幼苗器官及全株生物量无显著影响,复合胁迫对叶形态、茎高和根长等的抑制作用要强于单一Cd胁迫。因此,随着复合胁迫时间的延长,Cd和Nap对白骨壤幼苗的生长由拮抗效应转变为协同效应。  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance in some mangrove species from Pakistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growth, ionic and water relations of three mangrove species viz. Avicennia marina, Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata werestudied in different seawater concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%).All mangrove species showed optimal growth at 50% seawater. Relativelymore biomass was accumulated by R. mucronata while C. tagalhad the tallest individuals. Tissue water potential became more negativewith the increase in salinity and stomatal conductance was decreased in allplants. Higher stomatal conductance was noted in R. mucronata,followed by A. marina and C. tagal. Sodium and chloride ionsincreased with the increase in salinity and this accumulation was muchhigher in A. marina.  相似文献   

Eelgrass Zostera marina was collected in spring and autumn from a light-saturated environment with low-organic sediments and a light-limited environment with organic-rich sediments in Denmark. The eelgrass and sediment responses to reduced light conditions were studied in 2-week shading experiments. Z. marina responded to reduced light conditions by decreasing growth rates and a loss of above-ground biomass. The spring plants were most sensitive to light reductions and the relative leaf elongation rates were reduced with up to 58% and the shoot densities with 33-36%. There was no difference in light response in relation to sediment organic matter contents. The sulfate reduction rates were reduced in the shaded low-organic sediments with up to 67%, whereas there was no effect of shading on rates in the organic-rich sediments. The lack of effect of shading in the organic-rich sediments was attributed to a limited coupling between Z. marina production and sediment bacterial carbon cycling. In contrast to the sulfate reduction rates, the pools of reduced sulfur were increased with up to 89% in the shaded, low-organic sediments, suggesting that the reoxidation of sulfides was reduced. Shading had no effect on the pools of sulfides in the organic-rich sediments due to much larger pools of sulfides. The enhanced sensitivity of spring plants to shading was probably due to a low above- to below-ground ratio compared to the autumn plants, which limited the plant-mediated oxidation of the sediments and thus the reoxidation of sulfides. The shaded plants were possibly more exposed to anoxic and sulfidic conditions affecting their growth and survival.  相似文献   

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