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Several reviews have focused on the nature of HIV infection and its spread in various geographical regions of China. In contrast, this review provides a comprehensive update on the prevalence of multiple HIV- 1 subtypes, consequent emergence of recombinant and novel forms of HIV- 1 in China, and the implications this may have on HIV diversity and the development of effective vaccines. In addition it also examines the dissemination of primary drug resistance in therapy naive patients, as well as co-infections with two other important viruses-hepatitis B and C. The main purpose of this review is to provide a current snapshot of HIV-1 pathogenesis in China and possibly shed some light on the future of HIV evolution, and potential challenges for future vaccine and anti-retroviral therapeutics against HIV strains in this area.  相似文献   

Several reviews have focused on the nature of HIV infection and its spread in various geographical regions of China.In contrast, this review provides a comprehensive update on the prevalence of multiple HIV-1 subtypes, consequent emergence of recombinant and novel forms of HIV-1 in China, and the implications this may have on HIV diversity and the development of effective vaccines. In addition it also examines the dissemination of primary drug resistance in therapy na(i)ve patients, as well as co-infections with two other important viruses-hepatitis B and C. The main purpose of this review is to provide a current snapshot of HIV-1 pathogenesis in China and possibly shed some light on the future of HIV evolution, and potential challenges for future vaccine and anti-retroviral therapeutics against HIV strains in this area.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION A recent report by the National Intelligence Council es- timates that by 2010 five countries, India, China, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Russia, cumulatively, will harbor the largest number of individuals infected with the Human Immuno- deficiency V…  相似文献   

为了解HIV抗体阳性血浆中的HIV1病毒基因亚型的情况,应用逆转录PCR和DNA序列测定技术,对6份获自高危人群的抗HIV1阳性血浆进行序列分析和基因亚型分型的研究,结果表明均属HIV1B亚型。V3环氨基酸序列分析指出这些HIV1B亚型病毒株与泰国HIV1B亚型病毒株核苷酸和氨基酸序列相似;同时发现HIV1cDNA和氨基酸序列均相同,推测这6份标本可能来自同时感染同一株HIV病毒的感染者。本研究对了解高危人群中HIV1流行的遗传变异和HIV1亚型病毒株的分子流行病分析具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The year 1986 saw first case of HIV infection as well as first report of AIDS case in India. Since then the epidemic has spread throughout the country. In the recent years there is evidence of epidemic being stabilized with decrease in new infections reported from some parts of the country. The absolute number of HIV infections in the country is expected to be close to 2.5 million and National AIDS Control Programme, phase III is geared to contain the epidemic. HIV viruses circulating in India predominantly belong to HIV-1 subtype C. However, there have been occasional reports of HIV-1 subtype A and B. Matter of concern is reports of A/C and B/C mosaic viruses that are being reported from different parts of the country. The data on HIV drug resistance from India is rather limited. Most of the studies have shown that the virus strains from drug naïve patients do not show significant level of drug resistance mutations. The few immunological studies in Indian patients show that the Indian HIV infected patients show both HIV-specific CTL responses as well as neutralizing antibody response. Mapping of CTL epitopes showed that while Indian patients identify same regions of Gag antigen as recognized by South African subtype C infected patients, some regions are uniquely recognized by Indian patients. There are very few studies on host genetic factors in India in context with HIV infection. However there are evidences reported of association of host genetic factors such as HLA types and haplotypes and HIV disease.  相似文献   

We consider an HIV pathogenesis model incorporating antiretroviral therapy and HIV replication time. We investigate the existence and stability of equilibria, as well as Hopf bifurcations to sustained oscillations when drug efficacy is less than 100%. We derive sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic stability of the uninfected steady state. We show that time delay has no effect on the local asymptotic stability of the uninfected steady state, but can destabilize the infected steady state, leading to a Hopf bifurcation to periodic solutions in the realistic parameter ranges.  相似文献   

Robustness, the insensitivity of some of a biological system's functionalities to a set of distinct conditions, is intimately linked to fitness. Recent studies suggest that it may also play a vital role in enabling the evolution of species. Increasing robustness, so is proposed, can lead to the emergence of evolvability if evolution proceeds over a neutral network that extends far throughout the fitness landscape. Here, we show that the design principles used to achieve robustness dramatically influence whether robustness leads to evolvability. In simulation experiments, we find that purely redundant systems have remarkably low evolvability while degenerate, i.e. partially redundant, systems tend to be orders of magnitude more evolvable. Surprisingly, the magnitude of observed variation in evolvability can neither be explained by differences in the size nor the topology of the neutral networks. This suggests that degeneracy, a ubiquitous characteristic in biological systems, may be an important enabler of natural evolution. More generally, our study provides valuable new clues about the origin of innovations in complex adaptive systems.  相似文献   

There is a class of theories of aging (variously termed adaptive aging, aging by design, aging selected for its own sake, or programmed death theories) that hold that an organism design that limits life span conveys benefits and was selected specifically because it limits life span. These theories have enjoyed a resurgence of popularity because of the discovery of genes that promote aging in various organisms.However, traditional evolution theory has a core tenet that excludes the possibility of evolving and retaining an individually adverse organism design, i.e. a design characteristic that reduces the ability of individual organisms to survive or reproduce without any compensating individual benefit. Various theories of aging dating from the 1950s and based on traditional evolution theory enjoy substantial popularity. Therefore, any theorist proposing an adaptive theory of aging must necessarily also propose some adjustment to traditional evolution theory that specifically addresses the individual benefit issue. This paper describes an adaptive theory of aging and describes how one of the proposed adjustments (evolvability theory) supports adaptive aging.This issue is important because adaptive theories are generally more optimistic regarding prospects for medical intervention in the aging process and also suggest different approaches in achieving such intervention.  相似文献   

Although HIV uses CD4 and coreceptors (CCR5 and CXCR4) for productive infection of T cells, glycosphingolipids (GSL) may play ancillary roles in lymphoid and non-lymphoid cells. Interactions of the HIV Envelope Glycoprotein (Env) with GSL may help HIV in various steps of its pathogenesis. Physical-chemical aspects of the interactions between HIV Env and GSL leading to CD4-dependent entry into lymphocytes, the role of GSL in HIV transcytosis, and CD4-independent entry into non-lymphoid cells are reviewed. An overview of signaling properties of HIV receptors is provided with some speculation on how GSL may play a role in these events by virtue of being in membrane rafts. Finally, we summarize how interactions between HIV and coreceptors leading to signaling and/or fusion can be analyzed by the use of various tyrosine kinase and cytoskeletal inhibitors. Published in 2004. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Viruses manipulate host cells to ensure their own survival and, at late stages of the viral life cycle, they kill the infected target cell to ensure their propagation. In addition, some viruses induce a bystander killing, a viral strategy to escape from the host's innate and cognate defense systems. In HIV-infection, the disabling of the immune system is initially due to the preferential depletion by apoptosis of virus-specific CD4+ T cells in lymphoid tissues, followed by the destruction of non-infected bystander cells. Both the extrinsic and the intrinsic pathways are activated, and this is the consequence of systemic immune activation. This review presents recent developments showing that the gastrointestinal tract is the major reservoir of infected cells and the site of rapid and profound loss of CD4 T cells, and that microbial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract is the cause of immune activation. Furthermore, apoptosis mechanisms involved in HIV-induced neuropathological disorders are discussed, including the role of syncytia that involve the sequential activation of ATM, p38MAPK and p53. Finally, HIV-associated dementia (HAD) was recently found in monkey models to be linked to inhibition of autophagy in neurons, suggesting that homeostasis of autophagy is a reliable security factor for neurons, and challenging the development of new therapeutics aimed at boosting neuronal autophagy to prevent HAD.  相似文献   

自2014年2~3月,西非埃博拉病毒感染的暴发流行已呈播散趋势,受到世界卫生组织的高度重视。我国也提高了防止埃博拉病毒进入国内的警示,并采取了相应措施。现将有关埃博拉病毒的生物学特性、致病机制及相关流行病学与防治策略作简要综述,供参考。  相似文献   

The nutrient contents of the two cultivare of Potato‐Irish Cobbler and Red Pontiac were quantitatively altered by Rhizoctonia bataticola during pathogenesis. The glucose content of both cultivare increased whereas sucrose, maltose and fructose contents decreased appreciably in quantity during the period of incubation. The total protein and lipid contents of both cultivare were also lowered quantitatively by the rot‐causing organism. The depletion of total carbohydrate, protein and lipid contents, was more in Irish Cobbler cultivar than in Red Pontiac cultivar.  相似文献   

Greater than 80% of malaria-related mortality occurs in sub-Saharan Africa due to infections with Plasmodium falciparum. The majority of P. falciparum-related mortality occurs in immune-naïve infants and young children, accounting for 18% of all deaths before five years of age. Clinical manifestations of severe falciparum malaria vary according to transmission intensity and typically present as one or more life-threatening complications, including: hyperparasitemia; hypoglycemia; cerebral malaria; severe malarial anemia (SMA); and respiratory distress. In holoendemic transmission areas, SMA is the primary clinical manifestation of severe childhood malaria, with cerebral malaria occurring only in rare cases. Mortality rates from SMA can exceed 30% in pediatric populations residing in holoendemic transmission areas. Since the vast majority of the morbidity and mortality occurs in immune-naïve African children less than five years of age, with SMA as the primary manifestation of severe disease, this review will focus primarily on the innate immune mechanisms that govern malaria pathogenesis in this group of individuals. The pathophysiological processes that contribute to SMA involve direct and indirect destruction of parasitized and non-parasitized red blood cells (RBCs), inefficient and/or suppression of erythropoiesis, and dyserythropoiesis. While all of these causal etiologies may contribute to reduced hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in malaria-infected individuals, data from our laboratory and others suggest that SMA in immune-naïve children is characterized by a reduced erythropoietic response. One important cause of impaired erythroid responses in children with SMA is dysregulation in the innate immune response. Phagocytosis of malarial pigment hemozoin (Hz) by monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils is a central factor for promoting dysregulation in innate inflammatory mediators. As such, the role of P. falciparum-derived Hz (PfHz) in mediating suppression of erythropoiesis through its ability to cause dysregulation in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, chemokines, and effector molecules is discussed in detail. An improved understanding of the etiological basis of suppression of erythropoietic responses in children with SMA may offer the much needed therapeutic alternatives for control of this global disease burden.  相似文献   

多胺是一类具有两个以上氨基的脂肪族化合物,它们在生物体内含量的动态平衡受合成、转运、降解及互换等过程的影响,多胺及其合成和转运系统与病原菌的致病性相关.本文综述了多胺在细菌毒力因子的转录和翻译、细菌生物膜的合成、细菌对抗生素的抗性、细菌对抗宿主的酸性胁迫和氧化胁迫、细菌对抗宿主的先天免疫防御机制、细菌致病性生物分子的合成等方面的重要作用.  相似文献   

近年来,一些研究发现,GBV-C/HIV共感染可延缓HIV感染疾病的进程,然而也有一些研究得出不同的结论.本研究收集我国安徽省阜阳市HIV血清学阳性的既往献血员血浆标本,对其进行GBV-C感染的检测,研究GBV-C/HIV共感染与HIV病毒载量和CD4 T淋巴细胞绝对计数的关系.用RT-PCR和酶联免疫法检测,在203人中检出GBV-C感染52例,显示该人群GBV-C的感染率为25.6%,男性感染者(35例,67.3%)高于女性感染者(17例,32.7%).分析发现,GBV-C感染与未感染两组患者的CD4 T淋巴细胞绝对计数和HIV病毒载量数据均无统计学差异.本研究中的HIV-1感染者均未接受ART治疗,因而排除了治疗对疾病进展的影响.研究结果显示,在HIV-1感染晚期的献血人群,GBV-C/HIV共感染对CD4细胞和病毒复制水平无显著影响.由于本研究对象中无HIV-1早期感染者,因而不能判断GBV-C在HIV-1感染的早期对疾病进展有无影响.  相似文献   

Dormont D 《FEBS letters》2002,529(1):17-21
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents or prions induce neurodegenerative fatal diseases in humans and in some mammalian species. Human TSEs include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker syndrome, kuru and fatal familial insomnia. In animals, scrapie in sheep and goats, feline spongiform encephalopathy, transmissible mink encephalopathy, chronic wasting disease in wild ruminants, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which appeared in the UK in the mid-1980s [Wells, G.A.H. et al. (1987) Vet. Rec. 121, 419-420], belong to the TSE group. Prions have biological and physicochemical characteristics that differ significantly from those of other microorganisms; for example, they are resistant to inactivation processes that are effective against conventional viruses, including those that alter nucleic acid structure or function. Alternatively, infectivity is highly susceptible to procedures that modify protein conformation. Today, the exact nature of prions remains unknown even though it is likely that they consist of protein only. At the biochemical level, TSEs are characterised by the accumulation, within the central nervous system of the infected individual, of an abnormal isoform of a particular protein from the host, the prion protein [Prusiner, S.B. (1982) Science 216, 136-144]. TSEs are transmissible among their species of origin, but they can also cross the species barrier and induce chronic infection and/or disease in other species. Transmissibility has been proven in natural situations such as the outbreak of CJD among patients treated with pituitary-derived hormones and the appearance of BSE that affected UK cattle in the mid-1980s.  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri is a gram-negative bacterium which causes the most communicable of bacterial dysenteries, shigellosis. Shigellosis causes 1.1 million deaths and over 164 million cases each year, with the majority of cases occurring in the children of developing nations. The pathogenesis of S. flexneri is based on the bacteria's ability to invade and replicate within the colonic epithelium, which results in severe inflammation and epithelial destruction. The molecular mechanisms used by S. flexneri to cross the epithelial barrier, evade the host's immune response and enter epithelial cells have been studied extensively in both in vitro and in vivo models. Consequently, numerous virulence factors essential to bacterial invasion, intercellular spread and the induction of inflammation have been identified in S. flexneri. The inflammation produced by the host has been implicated in both the destruction of the colonic epithelium and in controlling and containing the Shigella infection. The host's humoral response to S. flexneri also appears to be important in protecting the host, whilst the role of the cellular immune response remains unclear. The host's immune response to shigellosis is serotype-specific and protective against reinfection by the same serotype, making vaccination a possibility. Since the 1940s vaccines for S. flexneri have been developed with little success, however, the growing understanding of S. flexneri's pathogenesis and the host's immune response is assisting in the generation of more refined vaccine strategies. Current research encompasses a variety of vaccine types, which despite disparity in their efficacy and safety in humans represent promising progress in S. flexneri vaccine development.  相似文献   

肺炎克雷伯菌是一种常见致病菌,根据毒力和致病特点不同,可分为毒力相对较弱的经典肺炎克雷伯菌和高毒力肺炎克雷伯菌。目前,关于肺炎克雷伯菌分子致病机制研究较多且较清楚的主要有荚膜、脂多糖、黏附素和铁载体。这四大类毒力因子在经典肺炎克雷伯菌中也存在,但在高毒力肺炎克雷伯菌中存在的频率更高,并引发不同的免疫应答,从而使高毒力肺炎克雷伯菌具有特征性表型。本文就此进行详细介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

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