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It has been argued that changes in the relative sizes of visual system structures predated an increase in brain size and provide evidence of brain reorganization in hominins. However, data about the volume and anatomical limits of visual brain structures in the extant taxa phylogenetically closest to humans-the apes-remain scarce, thus complicating tests of hypotheses about evolutionary changes. Here, we analyze new volumetric data for the primary visual cortex and the lateral geniculate nucleus to determine whether or not the human brain departs from allometrically-expected patterns of brain organization. Primary visual cortex volumes were compared to lunate sulcus position in apes to investigate whether or not inferences about brain reorganization made from fossil hominin endocasts are reliable in this context. In contrast to previous studies, in which all species were relatively poorly sampled, the current study attempted to evaluate the degree of intraspecific variability by including numerous hominoid individuals (particularly Pan troglodytes and Homo sapiens). In addition, we present and compare volumetric data from three new hominoid species-Pan paniscus, Pongo pygmaeus, and Symphalangus syndactylus. These new data demonstrate that hominoid visual brain structure volumes vary more than previously appreciated. In addition, humans have relatively reduced primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate nucleus volumes as compared to allometric predictions from other hominoids. These results suggest that inferences about the position of the lunate sulcus on fossil endocasts may provide information about brain organization.  相似文献   

Does the primary visual cortex mediate consciousness for higher-level stages of information processing by providing an outlet for mental imagery? Evidence based on neural electrical activity is inconclusive as reflected in the “imagery debate” in cognitive science. Neural information and activity, however, also depend on regulated biophoton (optical) signaling. During encoding and retrieval of visual information, regulated electrical (redox) signals of neurons are converted into synchronized biophoton signals by bioluminescent radical processes. That is, visual information may be represented by regulated biophotons of mitochondrial networks in retinotopically organized cytochrome oxidase-rich neural networks within early visual areas. Therefore, we hypothesize that regulated biophotons can generate intrinsic optical representations in the primary visual cortex and then propagate variably degraded versions along cytochrome oxidase pathways during both perception and imagery. Testing this hypothesis requires to establish a methodology for measurement of in vivo and/or in vitro increases of biophoton emission in humans' brain during phosphene inductions by transcranial magnetic stimulation and to compare the decrease in phosphene thresholds during transcranial magnetic stimulation and imagery. Our hypothesis provides a molecular mechanism for the visual buffer and for imagery as the prevalent communication mode (through optical signaling) within the brain. If confirmed empirically, this hypothesis could resolve the imagery debate and the underlying issue of continuity between perception and abstract thought.  相似文献   

Peng QS  Zhou J  Shi XM  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(3):337-342
以前的电生理研究结果显示, 老年哺乳动物视皮层细胞的自发反应及对视觉刺激的诱发反应比青年动物的显著增加, 而对光栅刺激的方位和运动方向选择性却显著下降。然而, 这种视皮层细胞功能的老年性改变是否因青、老年猫细胞对不同麻醉水平的敏感性差异引起尚不清楚。为探讨该问题, 以常用的麻醉药——乌拉坦(Urethane)为实验对象, 通过改变其麻醉剂量分别记录青、老年猫初级视皮层细胞对不同方位和运动方向光栅刺激的调谐反应。研究结果显示, 在基础麻醉量的基础上, 累积增加 50 mg 和 100 mg 乌拉坦对青、老年猫视皮层细胞的自发反应和诱发反应以及对光栅刺激方位和运动方向的选择性不产生显著影响, 累积增加 150 mg 乌拉坦会导致青、老年猫视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性下降, 但下降的幅度相似。以上研究结果表明, 不同剂量的乌拉坦对青、老年动物视皮层细胞的反应性具有相似的影响。  相似文献   

A rapid visual assessment (RVA) approach for the characterization and assessment of the integrity of coralligenous reefs was applied in 21 stations subjected to different levels of anthropogenic pressure, along the French Mediterranean coasts. The reefs were characterized from both the geomorphologic and bionomic (biotic cover, conspicuous species richness, canopy-forming species, etc.) points of view, and their health status was estimated through the COARSE (COralligenous Assessment by ReefScape Estimate) index. The sensitivity of the COARSE index and the robustness of the RVA approach to observer biases were analyzed. Results showed that most coralligenous reefs were characterized by (sub) vertical cliffs or platforms with variable slope, usually dominated by biotic facies with Paramuricea clavata and/or Eunicella cavolini in healthy stations, or by algal associations or facies of impoverishment in the most impacted situations. The overall quality scores of the COARSE index generally reflected the putative level of stress of the sampling stations; differences due to observer biases resulted negligible. Coupling the RVA approach with the COARSE index proved an effective protocol for both the characterization and the evaluation of coralligenous reefs: the former is achieved by the analysis of the whole complexity of this habitat, the latter provides for the first time an indication of sea-floor integrity, differently from previous indices that aim at estimating water quality.  相似文献   

Field trapping experiments investigated the response of the pollen beetle Astylus atromaculatus to visual and olfactory cues during a 3-year period, 1999–2001. The visual preference of the pollen beetle was determined using yellow, white, blue, green and red water traps. The yellow trap was most attractive, capturing 56% of the total beetles trapped, with 30% caught by the blue and white traps, while 14% was caught by the red and green traps. The response of the beetle to olfactory cues was then evaluated by using the yellow water trap with three antennally active components identified in the volatiles of sorghum panicles by coupled gas chromatography (GC)–electroantennographic detection and GC–mass spectrometry. These components were 2-phenylethanol, benzyl alcohol and linalool. There were no significant colour × chemical compound interactions and traps baited with 2-phenylethanol captured significantly more beetles than unbaited traps, irrespective of trap colour, demonstrating the effectiveness of olfactory cues in trapping the pollen beetle. Traps baited with 2-phenylethanol were more attractive than and caught more beetles than traps baited with linalool. 2-Phenylethanol had the greatest effect on the relatively unattractive blue trap, confirming the importance of olfactory cues mediating A. atromaculatus attraction .  相似文献   

Environmental controls were traditionally considered as sole determinants of community assembly for freshwater bioassessment studies, whereas potential importance of dispersal processes and spatial scale have received limited attention. We conducted a bioassessment of lakes across northeast Alberta, Canada using crustacean zooplankton to develop a framework for evaluating if and how atmospheric emissions from the nearby Athabasca Oil Sands Region could impact their community assemblages. We quantified the effects of environmental gradients and spatially contingent dispersal processes for determining zooplankton community composition of 97 lakes at two spatial scales (regional and sub-regional) using constrained ordination, spatial modeling and variance partitioning techniques. Our findings indicated that effects of both environmental gradients and dispersal processes on species composition were scale-dependent. Zooplankton community composition was significantly correlated to environmental parameters that are directly and indirectly sensitive to industrial deposition including nitrate, sulphate, dissolved organic carbon, base cation, chloride, trace metal concentrations and predation regime, indicating their potential to track future environmental impacts. The relative importance of these environmental predictors varied with spatial scale, yet unraveling the effects of natural environmental heterogeneity vs. industrial deposition on this scale-dependency was not possible due to lack of regional baseline information. Dispersal processes were not important in shaping zooplankton communities at the sub-regional scale, but had limited, yet significant influence on species composition at the regional scale, emphasizing the need for cautious interpretation of broad-scale community patterns. Beyond establishing crucial regional baselines, our study highlights the necessity for explicit incorporation of dispersal effects and spatial scale in bioassessment of lakes across landscapes.  相似文献   

Jumping spiders are known for their extraordinary cognitive abilities. The underlying nervous system structures, however, are largely unknown. Here, we explore and describe the anatomy of the brain in the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (Clerck, 1757) by means of paraffin histology, X-ray microCT analysis and immunohistochemistry as well as three-dimensional reconstruction. In the prosoma, the CNS is a clearly demarcated mass that surrounds the esophagus. The anteriormost neuromere, the protocerebrum, comprises nine bilaterally paired neuropils, including the mushroom bodies and one unpaired midline neuropil, the arcuate body. Further ventrally, the synganglion comprises the cheliceral (deutocerebrum) and pedipalpal neuropils (tritocerebrum). Synapsin-immunoreactivity in all neuropils is generally strong, while allatostatin-immunoreactivity is mostly present in association with the arcuate body and the stomodeal bridge. The most prominent neuropils in the spider brain, the mushroom bodies and the arcuate body, were suggested to be higher integrating centers of the arthropod brain. The mushroom body in M. muscosa is connected to first and second order visual neuropils of the lateral eyes, and the arcuate body to the second order neuropils of the anterior median eyes (primary eyes) through a visual tract. The connection of both, visual neuropils and eyes and arcuate body, as well as their large size corroborates the hypothesis that these neuropils play an important role in cognition and locomotion control of jumping spiders. In addition, we show that the architecture of the brain of M. muscosa and some previously investigated salticids differs significantly from that of the wandering spider Cupiennius salei, especially with regard to structure and arrangement of visual neuropils and mushroom body. Thus, we need to explore the anatomical conformities and specificities of the brains of different spider taxa in order to understand evolutionary transformations of the arthropod brain.  相似文献   

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