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Mutation assay is an important approach in evaluating the genotoxic risk of potentially harmful environmental chemicals. The human-hamster hybrid (A(L)) cell mutagenesis system, based on the complement/antibody-mediated cytotoxicity principle, has been used successfully to evaluate the mutagenic potential of a variety of environmental toxicants. The A(L) cells contain a standard set of CHO chromosomes and a single human chromosome 11, which expresses several cell surface proteins including CD59 encoded by the CD59 gene at 11p13.5. A modified mutation assay by flow cytometry was developed to determine the yield of CD59- mutants after either radiation or chemical treatment. After incubation with phycoerythrin-conjugated mouse monoclonal anti-CD59 antibody, the CD59- mutant yields were determined by quantifying the fluorescence of the cells using flow cytometry. This method is faster and eliminates the commonly encountered toxicity problems of the complements with the traditional complement/antibody assay. By comparing the mutant fractions of radiation or chemically treated A(L) cultures using the two methods, we show here that the flow cytometry assay is an excellent substitute in providing an efficient and highly sensitive method in mutant detection for the traditional complement/antibody assay.  相似文献   

The production of spindle disturbances in a human–hamster hybrid (AL) cell line by an electromagnetic field (EMF) with field strength of 90 V/m at a frequency of 900 MHz was studied in greater detail. The experimental setup presented allows investigating whether either the electrical (E) and/or the magnetic (H) field component of EMF can be associated with the effectiveness of the spindle‐disturbing potential. Therefore, both field components of a transversal electromagnetic field (TEM) wave have been separated during exposure of the biological system. This procedure should give more insight on understanding the underlying mechanisms of non‐thermal effects of EMF. A statistical comparison of the proportions of the fractions of ana‐ and telophases with spindle disturbances, obtained for five different exposure conditions with respect to unexposed controls (sham condition), showed that only cells exposed to the H‐field component of the EMF were not different from the control. Therefore, the results of the present study indicate that an exposure of cells to EMF at E‐field strengths of 45 and 90 V/m, as well as to the separated E component of the EMF, induces significant spindle disturbances in ana‐ and telophases of the cell cycle. Bioelectromagnetics 32:291–301, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A sensitive mammalian cell mutation assay was developed previously using a Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHO A(L)) that stably incorporates human chromosome 11. The assay measures mutations in the CD59 gene on chromosome 11 but it requires the use of rabbit complement and colony growth for mutant selection. We have developed a more rapid flow cytometry-based mutation assay with CHO A(L) cells that uses monoclonal antibodies against CD59 to detect mutants and does not require colony formation. METHODS: CHO A(L) cells were treated with gamma-radiation or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and then allowed to grow for various times for mutant expression. Cells were labeled with monoclonal antibodies against CD59 and analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Negative and positive populations were separated by over 100-fold. Mixing various proportions of CD59-positive and -negative cells demonstrated that the assay is highly linear (r2 = 0.9999) and sensitive (<0.05% background mutants). The yield of CD59-inducible mutants was linearly related to dose for a clastogen (gamma-radiation) and point mutagen (MNNG). The mutant yield was time and treatment specific. CONCLUSIONS: Mutations induced by genotoxic agents can be rapidly and sensitively measured in CHO A(L) cells using flow cytometry.  相似文献   

The production of spindle disturbances in FC2 cells, a human-hamster hybrid (A(L)) cell line, by non-ionizing radiation was studied using an electromagnetic field with a field strength of 90 V/m at a frequency of 835 MHz. Due to the given experimental conditions slide flask cultures were exposed at room temperature in a microTEM (transversal electromagnetic field) cell, which allows optimal experimental conditions for small samples of biological material. Numerical calculations suggest that specific absorption rates of up to 60 mW/kg are reached for maximum field exposure. All exposure field parameters--either measured or calculable--are precisely defined and, for the first time, traceable to the standards of the SI system of physical units. Compared with co-incident negative controls, the results of two independently performed experiments suggest that exposure periods of time from 0.5 to 2 h with an electric field strength of 90 V/m are spindle acting agents as predominately indicated by the appearance of spindle disturbances at the ana- and telophase stages (especially lagging and non-disjunction of single chromosomes) of cell divisions. The spindle disturbances do not change the fraction of mitotic cells with increasing exposure time up to 2 h. Due to the applied experimental conditions an influence of temperature as a confounder parameter for spindle disturbances can be excluded.  相似文献   

Kraemer, S. M., Vannais, D. B., Kronenberg, A., Ueno, A. and Waldren, C. A. Gamma-Ray Mutagenesis Studies in a New Human-Hamster Hybrid, A(L)CD59(+/-), which has Two Human Chromosomes 11 but is Hemizygous for the CD59 Gene. Radiat. Res. 156, 10-19 (2001).We have developed a human-CHO hybrid cell line, named A(L)CD59(+/-), which has two copies of human chromosome 11 but is hemizygous for the CD59 gene and the CD59 cell surface antigen that it encodes. Our previous studies used the A(L) and A(L)C hybrids that respectively contain one or two sets of CHO chromosomes plus a single copy of human chromosome 11. The CD59 gene at 11p13.5 and the CD59 antigen encoded by it are the principal markers used in our mutagenesis studies. The hybrid A(L)CD59(+/-) contains two copies of human chromosome 11, only one of which carries the CD59 gene. The incidence of CD59 (-) mutants (formerly called S1(-)) induced by (137)Cs gamma rays is about fivefold greater in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells than in A(L) cells. Evidence is presented that this increase in mutant yield is due to the increased induction of certain classes of large chromosomal mutations that are lethal to A(L) cells but are tolerated in the A(L)CD59(+/-) hybrid. In addition, significantly more of the CD59 (-) mutants induced by (137)Cs gamma rays in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells display chromosomal instability than in A(L) cells. On the other hand, the yield of gamma-ray-induced CD59 (-) mutants in A(L)CD59(+/-) cells is half that of the A(L)C hybrid, which also tolerates very large mutations but has only one copy of human chromosome 11. We interpret the difference in mutability as evidence that repair processes involving the homologous chromosomes 11 play a role in determining mutant yields. The A(L)CD59(+/-) hybrid provides a useful new tool for quantifying mutagenesis and shedding light on mechanisms of genetic instability and mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Astronauts can be exposed to charged particles, including protons, alpha particles and heavier ions, during space flights. Therefore, studying the biological effectiveness of these sparsely and densely ionizing radiations is important to understanding the potential health effects for astronauts. We evaluated the mutagenic effectiveness of sparsely ionizing 55 MeV protons and densely ionizing 32 MeV/nucleon nitrogen ions using cells of two human-hamster cell lines, A(L) and A(L)C. We have previously characterized a spectrum of mutations, including megabase deletions, in human chromosome 11, the sole human chromosome in the human-hamster hybrid cell lines A(L)C and A(L). CD59(-) mutants have lost expression of a human cell surface antigen encoded by the CD59 gene located at 11p13. Deletion of genes located on the tip of the short arm of 11 (11p15.5) is lethal to the A(L) hybrid, so that CD59 mutants that lose the entire chromosome 11 die and escape detection. In contrast, deletion of the 11p15.5 region is not lethal in the hybrid A(L)C, allowing for the detection of chromosome loss or other chromosomal mutations involving 11p15.5. The 55 MeV protons and 32 MeV/nucleon nitrogen ions were each about 10 times more mutagenic per unit dose at the CD59 locus in A(L)C cells than in A(L) cells. In the case of nitrogen ions, the mutations observed in A(L)C cells were predominantly due to chromosome loss events or 11p deletions, often containing a breakpoint in the pericentromeric region. The increase in the CD59(-) mutant fraction for A(L)C cells exposed to protons was associated with either translocation of portions of 11q onto a hamster chromosome, or discontinuous or "skipping" mutations. We demonstrate here that A(L)C cells are a powerful tool that will aid in the understanding of the mutagenic effects of different types of ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Using hamster-human hybrid cells and methods for differential staining of the hamster and human chromosomes, the relative proportion of induced chromosome-type symmetrical and asymmetrical interchange aberrations was measured after a 6.5-Gy dose of gamma radiation. The ratio of these aberration types was not significantly different from 1:1, i.e., the proportion of such interchanges that are symmetrical is very near 0.5, in agreement with the conclusion of others (J.A. Heddle, Genetics 52, 1329-1334, 1965; M. Holmberg and J. Jonasson, Hereditas 74, 57-68, 1973; J.R.K. Savage and D.G. Papworth, Mutat. Res. 95, 7-18, 1983). This proportion is important because virtually all estimates of radiation-induced chromosome-type exchange aberrations are based on measurement of the easily observed but unstable and lethal asymmetrical types, while some of the biological effects of concern from the point of view of oncogenesis and mutagenesis are thought to result from production of stable and nonlethal symmetrical types.  相似文献   

Protectin (CD59) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell membrane glycoprotein, broadly expressed on melanocytic cells, that represents the main restriction factor of complement (C)-mediated lysis of human melanoma cells. Levels of CD59 expression may impair the clinical efficacy of C-activating monoclonal antibodies (mAb); thus, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the lack of CD59 expression in selected melanoma cells. Serological and biochemical analyses showed that MeWo melanoma cells expressed CD59 neither at cell surface nor at cytoplasmic levels; however, no critical mutations were identified in their CD59 mRNA. Consistently, MeWo CD59 cDNA (MeWo-CD59) was appropriately translated when transfected into the CD59-positive Mel 100 melanoma cells, and into the CD59-negative Nalm-6 pre-B leukemia cells that acquired resistance to C. In contrast, transfection of MeWo cells with CD59 cDNA from Mel 275 melanoma cells did not induce CD59 expression; however, their transfection with the CD59-TM chimeric construct, obtained by replacing the GPI-anchoring signal of MeWo-CD59 with the transmembrane tail of the human low-density lipoprotein receptor, induced the expression of a C-protective transmembrane form of CD59. These data, together with the absent expression of additional GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., CD55), suggest that defects in the biosynthesis and/or processing of GPI-anchored proteins underlie the lack of CD59 expression in MeWo cells. Further unveiling of the molecular mechanism that turns off CD59 expression in human melanoma cells will help to set-up more effective therapeutic strategies utilizing C-activating mAb in melanoma patients.  相似文献   

CD55 and CD59 are glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins with complement inhibitory properties. CD55 inhibits the formation of C3 convertases, and CD59 prevents the terminal polymerisation of the membrane attack complex. It has been reported that SLE patients seems to have an acquired deficiency of these proteins associated with secondary autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and lymphopenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of altered CD55 and CD59 expression on peripheral blood cells from SLE patients. Flow cytometric analyses were performed on red and white blood cells from 23 SLE patients and 23 healthy controls. We observed more CD55- and CD59-lymphocytes (p = 0.005 and p = 0.019, respectively), and CD59-granulocytes (p = 0.045) in SLE patients than in controls. These results suggest there is an altered pattern of CD55 and CD59 expression on the peripheral blood cells of SLE patients, and it may play a role in the cytopenias in these patients.  相似文献   

The frequencies of chlorophyll mutants were investigated in anther cultures derived from mutagen-treated plants ofN. tabacum cv. Samsun (haploid level) and in the seed offspring from the same treated plants (diploid level). Comparison of the induced mutation frequencies at the haploid and diploid levels demonstrated that selection existed against the haploid embryoids with induced chlorophyll deficient mutations. The diploid vegetative stage with phenotypic expression of the chlorophyll mutation was more vital than the haploid one. The suitability of anther cultures for studying induced mutagenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

H I Kohn 《Mutation research》1973,20(2):235-242
Based on a simple dermal-graft procedure, the H-test for histo-compatibility mutations screens the mouse “H-system” of not less than 29 and perhaps considerably more than 100 loci that are scattered throughout the genome. Graft-tests with normally heterozygous or hemizygous loci permit scoring mutations as gains, losses, and gains+losses. Tests with normally homozygous loci screen only for gains, but further analysis can detect accompanying losses. Assayed by the H-test, triethylenemelamine (TEM) increased the spontaneous mutation rate per generation by approximately four- to five-fold in the case of BALB/c spermatogonia and F1 hybrid oocytes (BALB/c females × C57BL/6 males), but had a much smaller effect, if any, on the rate of C57BL/6 spermatogonia. Single intraperitoneal doses of 2.4–4.0 mg/kg were given.  相似文献   

Hinchliffe SJ  Morgan BP 《Biochemistry》2000,39(19):5831-5837
Formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC) of complement on host cells is inhibited by the glycosylphosphatidylinositol- (GPI-) anchored glycoprotein CD59. Published data on the active site of human CD59 are confusing. To clarify these data, we set out to elucidate the active site of a nonprimate CD59 molecule by site-directed mutagenesis. We also undertook to investigate a region of potential species selectivity, and to this end rat CD59 was chosen for all mutations. Our investigations confirmed the proposal that the active site of CD59 is the major hydrophobic groove, with mutations Y36A, W40A, and L54A ablating complement inhibitory function of CD59. Other mutations reducing the function of rat CD59 were I56E, D24A, and D24R. Importantly, mutations at one residue increased the function of rat CD59. The K48E mutation significantly increased function against human rat or rabbit serum, whereas the K48A mutation increased function against human serum alone. A similar mutation in human CD59 (N48E) had no effect on activity against human or rat serum but completely abolished all activity against rabbit serum. These findings suggest that the alpha-helix of human CD59, adjacent to the hydrophobic groove, influences the interaction between human CD59 and rabbit C8, C9, or both.  相似文献   

In the course of discovering the first mutagen (X-rays) just over 60 years ago, Herman J. Muller asked whether X-rays induced single-gene mutations and/or chromosomal (multiple-gene) mutations. To a large extent, his question has set the agenda for mutagenesis research ever since. We explore historically the answers to this question, with special emphasis on recent developments in the field of mammalian cell mutagenesis. Studies indicate that ionizing radiation and many chemical mutagens/carcinogens induce both gene and chromosomal mutations; however, only certain genetic systems permit the recovery and analysis of both classes of mutations. Few chemical mutagens induce only gene mutations in mammalian cells; instead, most mutagens appear to induce both classes of mutations, with chromosomal mutations (especially multilocus deletions) predominating at high doses. These results have implications regarding the mechanisms of mutagenesis, the role of chromosomal mutations in carcinogenesis and hereditary disease, and the type of data required for risk assessment of physical and chemical mutagens/carcinogens.  相似文献   

The interaction of deferiprone (1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxy-pyrid-4-one) L1, the first clinically available oral iron chelator, with the tetrameric allosteric protein hemoglobin from human red blood cells has been investigated spectrofluorometrically and by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The interaction is hydrogenbond like electrostatic in nature, the binding constant being 4.54 × 103 M-1 in 0.15 M NaCl. Circular dichroism studies indicate a conformational change of hemoglobin in presence of deferiprone, helicity of hemoglobin being reduced in presence of increasing concentration of the drug L1.  相似文献   

The clinical efficacy of therapeutic complement (C)-activating monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to melanoma-associated antigens can be impaired by the levels of expression of C-inhibitory molecules on neoplastic cells. Protectin (CD59) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell membrane glycoprotein, acting as terminal regulator of C cascade, which is heterogeneously expressed in melanomas and represents the main restriction factor of C-mediated lysis of melanoma cells. Thus, we investigated whether the overexpression of CD59 could influence the constitutive susceptibility of distinct melanoma cells to homologous C. Infection of CD59-positive Mel 100 and 70-W melanoma cells by a retroviral vector carrying the CD59 cDNA, significantly (P < 0.05) upregulated their constitutive expression of CD59, whereas it did not affect that of additional C-regulatory molecules. Transduced CD59 was entirely GPI-anchored and showed a molecular weight identical to native CD59. Additionally, higher amounts of soluble CD59 were detected in the conditioned media of CD59-transduced melanoma cells compared with parental cells. CD59-transduced melanoma cells, sensitized by the anti-GD3 disialoganglioside mAb R24, were significantly (P < 0.05) less susceptible to homologous C-lysis than were parental cells; this effect was fully reverted by the masking of CD59 with F(ab')(2) fragments of the anti-CD59 mAb YTH53.1. These results provide conclusive evidence demonstrating that absolute levels of CD59 expression regulate the susceptibility to homologous C of specific melanoma cells, and suggest an additional explanation for the poor clinical results obtained with C-activating mAb in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Specificity of mutations induced in transfected DNA by mammalian cells   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
DNA transfected into mammalian cells is subject to the high mutation frequency of approximately 1% per gene. We present data bearing on the derivation of the two main classes of mutations detected, base substitutions and deletions. The DNA sequence change is reported for nearly 100 independent base substitution mutations that occurred in shuttle vectors as a result of passage in simian cells. All of the mutations occur at G:C base pairs and involve either transition to A:T or transversion to T:A. To identify possible mutational intermediates, various topological forms of the vector DNA were introduced separately. Supercoiled and relaxed DNA are mutated at equal frequencies. However, linearized DNA leads to a greatly elevated frequency of deletions. Nicked and gapped templates stimulate both deletions and base substitutions. We discuss a model involving intracellular degradation of the transfected DNA which explains these observations.  相似文献   

Laser accelerated radiotherapy is a potential cancer treatment with proton and carbon-ion beams that is currently under development. Ultra-fast high-energy laser pulses will accelerate ion beams that deliver their dose to a patient in a "pulsed mode" that is expected to differ from conventional irradiation by increasing the dose delivery rate to a tissue voxel by approximately 8 orders of magnitude. In two independently performed experiments at the ion microprobe SNAKE of the 14 MV Munich tandem accelerator, A(L) cells were exposed either to protons with 1-ns pulse durations or to protons applied over 150 ms in continuous irradiation mode. A slightly but consistently lower aberration yield was observed for the pulsed compared to the continuous mode of proton irradiation. This difference was not statistically significant when each aberration type was analyzed separately (P values between 0.61 and 0.85 in experiment I and P values between 0.32 and 0.64 in experiment II). However, excluding the total aberrations, which were not analyzed as independent radiation-induced effects, the mean ratio of the yields of dicentrics, centric rings and excess acentrics scored together showed (with 95% CI) a significant difference of 0.90 (0.81; 0.98) between the pulsed and the continuous irradiation modes. A similar tendency was also determined for the corresponding RBE values relative to 70 kV X rays. Since the different findings for the comparisons of individual chromosome aberration types and combined comparisons could be explained by different sample sizes with the consequence that the individual comparisons had less statistical power to identify a difference, it can be concluded that 20 MeV protons may be slightly less effective in the pulsed mode.  相似文献   

In a study of chlorophyll mutants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. through Co60 gamma radiation, five types of mutants, classified as albino, cream, yellow, yellow-green and light green were obtained; all were lethal; their segregation was always proportionally lower than the Mendelian. Gamma radiation-induced mutations in black beans do not depart significantly from those obtained elsewhere in barley and wheat.  相似文献   

Mouse L cells grown in suspension culture when treated with L cell interferon have a greater electrophoretic mobility toward the anode than control cells. This change in electrophoretic mobility depends on the concentration of interferon in the medium and the duration of interferon interaction with the cells. It is concluded that the interferon-treated cells have a greater net negative charge on the cell surface than control cells and it is suggested that the cell surface is altered because of the interaction with interferon.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3) is an MHC class II ligand expressed on activated T and NK cells. A LAG-3Ig fusion protein has been used in mice as an adjuvant protein to induce antitumor responses and specific CD8 and CD4 Th1 responses to nominal Ags. In this work we report on the effect of LAG-3Ig on the maturation and activation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). LAG-3Ig binds MHC class II molecules expressed in plasma membrane lipid rafts on immature human DC and induces rapid morphological changes, including the formation of dendritic projections. LAG-3Ig markedly up-regulates the expression of costimulatory molecules and the production of IL-12 and TNF-alpha. Consistent with this effect on DC maturation, LAG-3Ig disables DC in their capacity to capture soluble Ags. These events are associated with the acquisition of professional APC function, because LAG-3Ig increases the capacity of DC to stimulate the proliferation and IFN-gamma response by allogeneic T cells. These effects were not observed when using ligation of MHC class II by specific mAb. Class II-mediated signals induced by a natural ligand, LAG-3, lead to complete maturation of DC, which acquire the capacity to trigger naive T cells and drive polarized Th1 responses.  相似文献   

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