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萝卜花粉的营养成分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
萝卜芬粉的营养成分测定表明,其蛋白质含量28.38%,总糖含量33.33%,氨基酸总量27.59%,总黄酮含量3.57%,维生素和矿质元素含量亦较丰富。萝卜药粉资源丰富,营养成分齐全,具有很好的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

疏花蔷薇花粉产量及营养成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疏花蔷薇(RosalaxaRetz.)花期长达150d左右,花多而芳香。单花内生数百枚花药,花粉量大,微甜味纯,无毒无污染;在各类花粉的开发利用中具显著特点和优势。新疆3个不同生态型地区疏花蔷薇花粉平均含粗蛋白662%~825%,总糖1527%~1753%,氨基酸694%~699%,并富含多种维生素和矿质营养。新疆阿拉尔5年生(盛果期)半野生蔷薇单丛花期平均产粉量为827g,盛花期产粉量占整个花期产粉量的65%。  相似文献   

金樱子花粉形态及营养成分研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金樱子花粉形态及营养成分研究刘剑秋,张清其,吴文珊(福建师范大学生物系,福州350007)STUDIESONMORPHOLOGYANDNUTRITIONCOMPOSITIONSOFPOLENOFROSALAEVIGATA¥LiuJiang-qiu;Z...  相似文献   

支崇远  王开发 《植物学通报》2001,18(5):627-630,626
通过对我国有巨大生产量和应用潜力的油松,白皮松和青Qian花粉的18种氨基酸,蛋白质,维生素A,维生素E,维生素C,磷脂,葡萄糖氧化酶等重要营养成分含量的测定,发现这三种花粉的以上成分含量都很高,其中青Qian花粉的维生素A含量达70641.6IU/100g,氨基酸总量达24.443mg/100mg。从营养的角度来看,青Qian花粉是较优秀的花粉。  相似文献   

通过对我国有巨大生产量和应用潜力的油松、白皮松和青木千花粉的 1 8种氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素A、维生素E、维生素C、磷脂、葡萄糖氧化酶等重要营养成分含量的测定 ,发现这三种花粉的以上成分含量都很高。其中青木千花粉的维生素A含量达 70 641 .6IU/ 1 0 0g ,氨基酸总量达 2 4 .443mg/ 1 0 0mg。从营养的角度来看 ,青木千花粉是较优秀的花粉。  相似文献   

油松、白皮松和青木千花粉营养成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支崇远  王开发 《植物学报》2001,18(5):627-630
通过对我国有巨大生产量和应用潜力的油松、白皮松和青杄花粉的18种氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素A、维生素E、维生素C、磷脂、葡萄糖氧化酶等重要营养成分含量的测定,发现这三种花粉的以上成分含量都很高。其中青杄花粉的维生素A含量达70 641.6 IU/100 g,氨基酸总量达24.443 mg/100 mg。从营养的角度来看,青杄花粉是较优秀的花粉。  相似文献   

通过对我国有巨大生产量和应用潜力的油松、白皮松和青木千花粉的18种氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素A、维生素E、维生素C、磷脂、葡萄糖氧化酶等重要营养成分含量的测定,发现这三种花粉的以上成分含量都很高.其中青木千花粉的维生素A含量达70641.6IU/100g,氨基酸总量达24.443mg/100mg.从营养的角度来看,青木千花粉是较优秀的花粉.  相似文献   

兔眼越桔花粉的超微结构和营养成分与其育性关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用透射电镜观察5个兔眼越桔品种的花粉结构并分别测定分析了花粉的营养成分,以探讨兔眼越桔花粉育性与其超微花粉结构和营养成分的关系.结果表明,兔眼越桔花粉结构中,内膜系统清晰可见,发育程度因品种而异.开花前的花粉细胞核仁较大,蛋白质合成旺盛.对花粉超微结构与营养成分间关系的比较分析表明:花粉细胞的全糖和脯氨酸含量与花粉发芽率呈正相关,兔眼越桔花粉壁的厚度、花粉细胞的蛋白质含量与花粉的萌发率无相关性,而内质网发育程度与蛋白质含量呈正相关趋势.推测兔眼越桔花粉细胞的全糖和脯氨酸含量对兔眼越桔花粉的发育及其育性具有密切的关系.  相似文献   

对兰州百合粉进行了系统分析,结果表明:兰州百合粉含有丰富的营养成分;富含多种矿物质元素,其中钾含量最高,钙、钠、镁次之,同时含有硒、铱、铬、镍等微量元素,而有害重金属元素镉、汞、砷、铅含量远远小于国家标准限量值。兰州百合粉含有17种氨基酸,总量为85.944mg/g,其中人体必需氨基酸有7种,占27%,必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸比例约为3∶8,符合理想蛋白模式。对兰州百合粉的水分活度及吸湿性质研究发现:随着温度的升高,百合粉水分活度逐渐升高,且水分活度值远远低于微生物生长临界值。随着外界相对湿度的增加,百合粉吸湿百分率不断增加,其临界相对湿度为72.5%,吸湿性能够远远满足保鲜贮藏要求。以上数据可作为百合食品开发推广的参考性意见。  相似文献   

通过测定花期冻害前后杜仲花粉营养成分和总黄酮含量,研究花期冻害对杜仲花粉营养成分的影响.结果显示,花期低温对花粉蛋白质、蛋白质氨基酸、维生素含量等没有显著的影响;总黄酮含量略有增加,还原糖含量显著增加(P<0.05);但花粉游离氨基酸含量却有较明显的减少,蔗糖和粗脂肪的含量极显著的减少(P<0.01).所以,在今后的生产中应尽量采取措施预防花粉冻害.  相似文献   

A critical concern in the debate over the importance of sexual selection in plants is whether the nonrandom mating demonstrable in greenhouse crosses can occur in the field. Field populations likely experience smaller and more variable pollen load sizes than those that have been used in many greenhouse experiments. Therefore, we performed a greenhouse experiment in which we varied both pollen load size and composition in wild radish, Raphanus sativus, and examined the paternity of seeds. We used five maternal plants and four pairs of pollen donors. We were able to produce pollen loads of 40, 118, and 258 grains per stigma. The smallest of the pollen loads was scant enough to result in a slight, but significant reduction in seed number per fruit. While variation in pollen load composition significantly affected the proportions of seeds fathered by different donors, variation in pollen load size did not. The relative performance of different donors was constant across pollen load sizes, suggesting that, for this species, differential performance of pollen donors can occur at pollen load sizes that are likely to occur in field populations.  相似文献   

Abstract When mating is non-random among several, compatible donors, the fitness of pollen donors, maternal plants, and offspring may be affected. Although this process may be important, it is much less studied than other forms of non-random mating such as incompatibility and avoidance of inbreeding. Therefore, the amount and consequences of non-random mating were investigated in greenhouse studies with wild radish, Raphanus sativus . Six compatible donors differed in the number, position, and weight of seeds sired, so mating was non-random at the level of mate identity. Mate number also affected mating patterns; fruits with more fathers were allocated more resources. This keeps mate number per fruit high. In contrast, other processes appear to keep mate number below the maximum so that mate number per fruit is regulated at an intermediate level. Mate identity had clear consequences as offspring with different fathers were of different sizes after 11 weeks. The effects of mate number on offspring success were less clear. These and other data suggest that non-random mating among compatible donors is a relatively common process in wild radish. It may occur through mechanisms controlled by the pollen tubes, the maternal plants or the embryos. While this non-random mating is the raw maternal for sexual selection in plants, whether sexual selection actually occurs and how important it may be is still nuclear.  相似文献   

分别以不同浓度(A_(450nm)表示)的高压灭活白色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌及水杨酸对萝卜溶菌酶进行不同时间的诱导.结果表明,诱导时间24h效果最好,白色葡萄球菌最适浓度A_(450nm)为0.94,酶的活力提高了2.34倍;大肠杆菌最适浓度是A_(450)nm为0.55,诱导酶活力提高了0.75倍,以0.2%的水杨酸为诱导物时,第4d和第8d的效果最好,酶活力分别提高了2.4和1.7倍.以酶作用产物进行田间叶面喷施和叶面喷施加根部灌施进行诱导,48h后酶活力提高2.16和3.66倍.  相似文献   


In questo lavoro abbiamo determinato le caratteristiche di entrata del saccarosio in funzione della sua concentrazione esterna, incubando i pezzi in saccarosio triziato, in condizioni normali e di stress osmotico. Nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento di saccarosio esogeno è lineare in presenza di basse concentrazioni mentre non lo è ad alte concentrazioni. Per quanto riguarda le parti basali la linearità si mantiene per tutte le concentrazioni; inoltre nelle parti apicali l'assorbimento è maggiore che nelle basali e la differenza aumenta all' aumentare delle concentrazioni di saccarosio esterno. Abbiamo poi studiato l'assunzione di saccarosio con osmotici diversi in cui fosse presente anche saccarosio marcato. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che le parti apicali stressate prendono meno saccarosio dei controlli, mentre nelle basi stressate l'assorbimento, pur essendo inferiore a quello degli apici, è superiore rispetto ai controlli. Le differenze nel trasporto del saccarosio negli apici e nelle basi potrebbero essere spiegate dal fatto che a parità di peso nelle zone apicali ci sono più cellule di dimensioni inferiori che non hanno completato la distensione cellulare e che essendo in attiva crescita sono metabolicamente più attive. Nelle zone basali è invece presente un maggiore numero di cellule morte (xilema completamente differenziato). Questi due fattori potrebbero determinare nelle parti apicali un maggiore assorbimento con prevalenza del trasporto attivo e nelle parti basali un assorbimento inferiore con prevalenza del trasporto per diffusione.  相似文献   

本研究应用除草剂氟乐灵处理两叶一心幼苗生长点,进行同源四倍体萝卜种质诱导,对变异植株进行形态、细胞学鉴定和花粉母细胞染色体数目鉴定。结果表明,应用 0.2 mmol/L 和 1.0 mmol/L 氟乐灵处理,6个萝卜品种都获得同源四倍体植株,10 mmol/L 处理仅在 Nau-zhqh 得到同源四倍体;其中 0.2 mmol/L处理 Nau-dy 和 1.0 mmol/L 处理 Nau-xbch 获得四倍体最高诱导率(40%);四倍体种质与二倍体种质相比,形态性状、气孔大小、保卫细胞内叶绿体数目、花器官大小、花粉粒大小及花粉萌发率都存在显著差异,将形态、气孔鉴定和染色体计数结合可以准确确定变异株的倍性。研究表明利用氟乐灵诱导是进行萝卜同源四倍体种质创新的有效途径之一。本研究应用除草剂氟乐灵处理两叶一心幼苗生长点,进行同源四倍体萝卜种质诱导,对变异植株进行形态、细胞学鉴定和花粉母细胞染色体数目鉴定。结果表明,应用 0.2 mmol/L 和 1.0 mmol/L 氟乐灵处理,6个萝卜品种都获得同源四倍体植株,10 mmol/L 处理仅在 Nau-zhqh 得到同源四倍体;其中 0.2 mmol/L处理 Nau-dy 和 1.0 mmol/L 处理 Nau-xbch 获得四倍体最高诱导率(40%);四倍体种质与二倍体种质相比,形态性状、气孔大小、保卫细胞内叶绿体数目、花器官大小、花粉粒大小及花粉萌发率都存在显著差异,将形态、气孔鉴定和染色体计数结合可以准确确定变异株的倍性。研究表明利用氟乐灵诱导是进行萝卜同源四倍体种质创新的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

萝卜CMS不育系与保持系小孢子发生的细胞学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了萝卜胞质雄性不育系A2、A4及其相应保持系B2、B4的小孢子发生与花药壁发育的细胞学特征.结果表明,不育系A2的绒毡层细胞在四分体时期出现异常,小液泡增多,至单核期汇合形成大液泡,绒毡层细胞异常膨大;小孢子外壁染色浅,细胞壁受到破坏,最后与绒毡层一同降解.不育系A4在减数分裂期即表现出异常,绒毡层异常肥大;花药发育后期,小孢子外壁亦染色较浅;绒毡层细胞融合形成细胞团块侵入药室挤压小孢子,两者一同降解.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和电子克隆技术从抗寒植物萝卜(Raphanus sativusL.)中分离了一个低温胁迫转录因子的cDNA全长序列,命名为RsICE1(GenBank登录号为HQ891287).序列分析显示,该基因全长1 375 bp,编码区为1266 bp,编码421个氨基酸.序列比对表明,该蛋白C端含有一个典型的bHLH结构域,与其他植物的ICE1蛋白具有较高的同源性.进化树分析表明,RsICE1编码的蛋白与油菜的ICE1编码蛋白亲缘关系最近,处在同一进化分枝.半定量RT-PCR分析表明,RsICE1是冷诱导条件下差异表达的基因.构建该基因的植物表达载体,利用农杆菌介导法转化粳稻品种龙粳24,经PCR和RT-PCR分子检测,证明RsICE1基因已经整合到水稻基因组中,并正常表达.与对照相比,低温处理后转基因株系存活率和脯氨酸含量明显增加,相对电导率积累速率明显下降,提高了抗低温胁迫能力.  相似文献   

The reported anti-Prelog selectivity in Raphanus sativus hairy roots prompted us to search for similar activity in other R. sativus systems, such as in vitro germinated sprouts, edible roots, and its associated endophytic microorganisms. Two test substrates were used in these studies: acetophenone and rac-ethyl 2-ethyl-3-oxobutanoate. Endophytes were isolated under substrate selective pressure and individual strains were evaluated for their ability to reduce both substrates. Among the isolates, two bacteria and a fungus having the potential to be used as biocatalysts were found: Bacillus megaterium which reduces acetophenone with excellent anti-Prelog selectivity, and Pseudomonas sp. and Penicillium chrysogenum with enantioselectivity and stereoselectivity for the reduction of rac-ethyl 2-ethyl-3-oxobutanoate, respectively.  相似文献   

萝卜对土生空团菌菌丝生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纯培养条件下, 测定了十字花科植物萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)种子、幼苗、根系分泌物及幼苗提取物对土生空团菌(Cenococcum geophilum Fr. (Cg))菌株CgSO1、CgSB2、CgO5、SPOP2 和Cg5#菌株生长的影响。结果表明供试Cg菌株与萝卜种子共培养, 或将萝卜根系分泌物和幼苗提取物加入到培养基中, 均促进了Cg菌丝生长。高温灭菌处理使萝卜根系分泌物和幼苗提取物对Cg菌株的促生作用更强, 而高温灭菌后的萝卜幼苗段对菌株生长影响不大。其中经高温灭菌处理的幼苗水提取物对5菌株的促生作用最大, CgSO1、CgSB2、CgO5、SPOP2和Cg5#每菌落的菌丝干重分别达到: 54.8、45.8、63.9、41.2和50.5 mg。  相似文献   

For sexual selection to be important in plants, it must occur at pollen load sizes typical of field populations. However, studies of the impact of pollen load size on pollen competition have given mixed results, perhaps because so few of these studies directly examined the outcome of mating when pollen load size was varied. We asked whether seed paternity after mixed pollination of wild radish was affected by pollen load sizes ranging from 22 to 220 pollen grains per stigma. We examined the seed siring abilities of 12 pollen donors across 11 maternal plants. Seed paternity was statistically indistinguishable across the pollen load sizes even though, overall, the pollen donors sired different numbers of seeds. This lack of effect of pollen load size on seed paternity may have occurred because fruit abortion and early abortion or failure of fertilization of seeds increased as load size decreased. Thus, failures of fruits and seeds sired by poorer pollen donors may keep seed paternity constant across pollen load sizes.  相似文献   

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