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Asian rice is an important grain, not only in its homeland but in many areas of the world. Preliminary studies suggested that phytolith analysis, the identification of opaline silica bodies, provided a reliable way of identifying rice, especially in situations where preservation of charred botanical remains was poor. Results of this follow-up study, which incorporates all Asian wild Oryza species and a diverse array of traditional Oryza sativa cultivars, confirm that rice can be identified with a high level of certainty by the size and qualitative features of a distincitve phytolith, the double-peaked glume cell.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct a comparative RFLP map of an allotetraploid wild rice species, Oryza latifolia, and to study the relationship between the CCDD genome of O. latifolia and the AA genome of O. sativa. A set of RFLP markers, which had been previously mapped to the AA genome of cultivated rice, were used to construct the comparative map. Fifty-eight F2 progeny, which were derived from a single F1 plant, were used for segregation analysis. The comparative RFLP map contains 149 DNA markers, including 145 genomic DNA markers from cultivated rice, 3 cDNA markers from oat, and one known gene (waxy, from maize). Segregation patterns reflected the allotetraploid ancestry of O. latifolia, and the CC and DD genomes were readily distinguished by most probes tested. There is a high degree of conservation between the CCDD genome of O. latifolia and the AA genome of O. sativa based on our data, but some inversions and translocations were noted.  相似文献   

Traditional rice varieties are one important component of the biodiversity of Sri Lanka. However, no proper studies have been performed on genetic diversity of the Sri Lankan traditional rice varieties used in our breeding programs. In the present study, the genetic diversity of 46 traditional rice (Oryza sativa) varieties and 5 wild rice species is assesed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Ten primer combinations generated a total of 784 fragments. Of these, 772 fragments were polymorphic (98.4%). UPGMA analysis based on Jaccard's similarity separated the accessions into four major clusters. A cophenetic correlation with r=0.786 strongly supported the clustering pattern of UPGMA dendrogram. A principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) also confirmed the UPGMA clusters. Accessions referred to the same cluster showed similar morphological characteristics (e.g. height, grain colour etc.) while accessions which are known to be morphologically distinct appeared genetically separated. In addition, the clustering pattern distinctly separated lowland and upland rice varieties. This genetic diversity assessment at the molecular level provides reliable information for selection of germplasm in the development of new rice varieties and in conservation of traditional rice genetic resources.  相似文献   

Gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) to its weedy and wild relatives   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Transgene escape through gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to their wild relative species may potentially cause environmental biosafety problems. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of gene flow between cultivated rice and two of its close relatives under field conditions. METHODS: Experiments were conducted at two sites in Korea and China to determine gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) to weedy rice (O. sativa f. spontanea) and common wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.), respectively, under special field conditions mimicking the natural occurrence of the wild relatives in Asia. Herbicide resistance (bar) and SSR molecular finger printing were used as markers to accurately determine gene flow frequencies from cultivated rice varieties to their wild relatives. KEY RESULTS: Gene flow frequency from cultivated rice was detected as between approx. 0.011 and 0.046 % to weedy rice and between approx. 1.21 and 2.19 % to wild rice under the field conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Gene flow occurs with a noticeable frequency from cultivated rice to its weedy and wild relatives, and this might cause potential ecological consequences. It is recommended that isolation zones should be established with sufficient distances between GM rice varieties and wild rice populations to avoid potential outcrosses. Also, GM rice should not be released when it has inserted genes that can significantly enhance the ecological fitness of weedy rice in regions where weedy rice is already abundant and causing great problems.  相似文献   

Embolism reversal in rice plants was studied by testing the plant's ability to refill embolized conduits while xylem pressures were substantially negative. Intact, potted plants were water-stressed to a xylem pressure of -1.88 ± 0.1 MPa and a 66.3 ± 3.8% loss of xylem conductivity (PLC) by cavitation. Stressed plants were carefully rewatered, allowing xylem pressure to rise, but not above the theoretical threshold of c. -0.15 MPa for embolism collapse. Despite xylem pressures being more negative than this threshold, the PLC fell significantly (28.5 ± 5.6%), indicating the refilling of vessels. Above c. -1.0 MPa, almost all plants regained their maximum hydraulic conductivity. Dye uptake experiments showed the same pattern of embolism refilling despite negative pressure. Refilling was prevented in plants that were light-starved for 5 d, suggesting the unknown mechanism is dependent on metabolic energy. Results are among the first showing that herbaceous plants can reverse embolism without bulk xylem pressures rising near or above atmospheric.  相似文献   

Gao L 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(5):1009-1024
Oryza rufipogon Griff. is the most agriculturally important but seriously endangered wild rice species. To better estimate how genetic structure can be used to obtained a conservation perspective of the species, genetic variability at six polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci was examined. High levels of genetic variability were detected at six loci in 1245 individuals of 47 natural populations covering most of the species' range in China (overall RS = 3.0740, HO = 0.2290, HS = 0.6700). Partitioning of genetic variability (FST = 0.246) showed that most microsatellite variation was distributed within populations. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations and very strong linkage disequilibrium indicate a high degree of inbreeding in the species and severe subdivision within populations. A mean Nm value of 0.7662 suggested a limited gene flow among the assayed populations. Our study suggests that conservation and restoration genetics should focus in particular on the maintenance of historically significant processes such as high levels of outbreeding and gene flow and large effective population size in the species.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of rice (Oryza sativa) seeds during germination   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Yang P  Li X  Wang X  Chen H  Chen F  Shen S 《Proteomics》2007,7(18):3358-3368
Although seed germination is a major subject in plant physiological research, there is still a long way to go to elucidate the mechanism of seed germination. Recently, functional genomic strategies have been applied to study the germination of plant seeds. Here, we conducted a proteomic analysis of seed germination in rice (Oryza sativa indica cv. 9311) - a model monocot. Comparison of 2-DE maps showed that there were 148 proteins displayed differently in the germination process of rice seeds. Among the changed proteins, 63 were down-regulated, 69 were up-regulated (including 20 induced proteins). The down-regulated proteins were mainly storage proteins, such as globulin and glutelin, and proteins associated with seed maturation, such as "early embryogenesis protein" and "late embryogenesis abundant protein", and proteins related to desiccation, such as "abscisic acid-induced protein" and "cold-regulated protein". The degradation of storage proteins mainly happened at the late stage of germination phase II (48 h imbibition), while that of seed maturation and desiccation associated proteins occurred at the early stage of phase II (24 h imbibition). In addition to alpha-amylase, the up-regulated proteins were mainly those involved in glycolysis such as UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, fructokinase, phosphoglucomutase, and pyruvate decarboxylase. The results reflected the possible biochemical and physiological processes of germination of rice seeds.  相似文献   

水稻水溶性环氧化合物水解酶的生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑柳城  朱宏波 《生物信息学》2009,7(2):108-112,139
水溶性环氧化合物水解酶(Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase,SEH)是一组催化环氧化合物水解为相应邻位二醇的酶类,在哺乳动物、植物、昆虫和微生物体内广泛存在。通过BLAST对水稻基因组的蛋白质数据库进行搜索,获得10个水溶性环氧化物水解酶(Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase SEH)sEH蛋白的同源序列。经分析发现这些基因在水稻不同胁迫处理下各个部位都有所表达,而且不同成员之间的表达模式存在较大的差异。水稻sEH蛋白主要参与角质层形成,应激反应,以及病原防御等生理过程,特别在脱毒过程中扮演着重要的角色。对蛋白质多序列联配和三级结构预测结果表明:水溶性环氧化合物水解酶的核心结构域由3个催化残基Asp、His和Asp形成三位一体的催化活性构象。这类基因的表达受抗逆环境诱导,其功能与抗逆性有关,为基因工程抗逆育种提供了参考。  相似文献   

A new rhizomatous Oryza species (Poaceae) from Sri Lanka   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VAUGHAN, D. A., 1990. A new rhizomatous Oryza species (Poaceae) from Sri Lanka. The confusing taxonomy of the Sri Lankan Oryza officinalis complex is clarified with the recognition of a new rhizomatous species, Oryza rhizomatis Vaughan. This species has been found across the dry zone. The other species of the complex in Sri Lanka, O. eichingeri , occurs in moist habitats and is smaller and less common than 0. rhizomatis. The new species is described.  相似文献   

Lu B  Xie K  Yang C  Zhang L  Wu T  Liu X  Jiang L  Wan J 《植物学报(英文版)》2011,53(5):338-346
Two weak dormancy mutants, designated Q4359 and Q4646, were obtained from the rice cultivar N22 after treatment with 400 Gy 60Co gamma‐radiation. Compared to the N22 cultivar, the dormancy of the mutant seeds was more readily broken when exposed to a period of room temperature storage. The mutants also showed a reduced level of sensitivity to abscisic acid compared to the N22 cultivar, although Q4359 was more insensitive than Q4646. A genetic analysis indicated that in both mutants, the reduced dormancy trait was caused by a single recessive allele of a nuclear gene, but that the mutated locus was different in each case. The results of quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, based on the F2 population from Q4359 x Nanjing35, suggested that Q4359 lacks the QTL qSdn‐1 and carries a novel allele at QTL qSdn‐9, while a similar analysis of the Q4646 x Nanjing35 F2 population suggested that Q4646 lacks QTL qSdn5, both qSdn‐1 and qSdn‐5 are major effect seed dormancy QTL in N22. Therefore, these two mutants were helpful to understand the mechanism of seed dormancy in N22.  相似文献   


There is a natural floral organ mutant of rice (var. Jugal) where the florets, popularly known as spikelet bear multiple carpels and produce multiple kernels in most of its grain. In our earlier work a detailed study has been done on its morpho-anatomical structure with allelic diversity and expression study of the major genetic loci associated with floral organ development. In present study high throughput whole genome sequencing was done which generated about of 3.7 million base pair genomic data for downstream analysis. The reads were about 101 bases long and mapped to the Oryza sativa var. Nipponbare as reference genome. Genome wide variant analysis detected 1,096,419 variants which included 943,033 SNPs and 153,386 InDels. A total of 24,920 non-synonymous SNPs were identified for 11,529 identified genes. Chromosome-wise distribution of uniquely mapped reads onto reference genome showed that maximum reads were mapped to 1st chromosome and least to 9th chromosome. 10th chromosome showed highest density of variations (about 325.6 per 100 kb genome sequence). Detailed sequence analysis of 23 floral organ developmental genes detected 419 potent variants where DL (Drooping Leaf) and OSH1 (Oryza sativa Homeobox1) genes showed highest number (32) of variants; whereas, MADS21 (Minichromosome Agamous Deficient Serum Factor 21) gene have lowest number (5) of variants. The information generated in this study will enrich the genomics of floral organ development in indica rice and cereal crops in general.


Plants defend against attack from herbivores by direct and indirect defence mechanisms mediated by the accumulation of phytoalexins and release of volatile signals, respectively. While the defensive arsenals of some plants, such as tobacco and Arabidopsis are well known, most of rice's (Oryza sativa) defence metabolites and their effectiveness against herbivores remain uncharacterized. Here, we used a non‐biassed metabolomics approach to identify many novel herbivory‐regulated metabolic signatures in rice. Most were up‐regulated by herbivore attack while only a few were suppressed. Two of the most prominent up‐regulated signatures were characterized as phenolamides (PAs), p‐coumaroylputrescine and feruloylputrescine. PAs accumulated in response to attack by both chewing insects, i.e. feeding of the lawn armyworm (Spodoptera mauritia) and the rice skipper (Parnara guttata) larvae, and the attack of the sucking insect, the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens, BPH). In bioassays, BPH insects feeding on 15% sugar solution containing p‐coumaroylputrescine or feruloylputrescine, at concentrations similar to those elicited by heavy BPH attack in rice, had a higher mortality compared to those feeding on sugar diet alone. Our results highlight PAs as a rapidly expanding new group of plant defence metabolites that are elicited by herbivore attack, and deter herbivores in rice and other plants.  相似文献   

杂草稻落粒粳的抗逆境特性研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
杂草稻落粒粳(Oryza sativa)发生在我国辽宁丹东.落粒粳植株明显高于当地大多数栽培品种,颖果呈中长型,成熟后容易掉粒;果壳稻草色或黄间黑灰色,小穗无芒或有芒,芒长4~12 cm;颖果千粒重235 g,种皮桔红色.落粒粳种子在13~38 ℃条件下的发芽率均大于88%,水层2.5~10 cm处理,落粒粳植株干重减少50%~69%.在幼苗期,落粒粳对无芒稗的各项影响因子均明显大于化感潜力品种I-kung-pao,表明落粒粳无化感作用.落粒粳可以忍耐0.5%的盐碱.  相似文献   

Seeds are the most important plant storage organ and play a central role in the life cycle of plants. Since little is known about the protein composition of rice (Oryza sativa) seeds, in this work we used proteomic methods to obtain a reference map of rice seed proteins and identify important molecules. Overall, 480 reproducible protein spots were detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis on pH 4–7 gels and 302 proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS and database searches. Together, these proteins represented 252 gene products and were classified into 12 functional categories, most of which were involved in metabolic pathways. Database searches combined with hydropathy plots and gene ontology analysis showed that most rice seed proteins were hydrophilic and were related to binding, catalytic, cellular or metabolic processes. These results expand our knowledge of the rice proteome and improve our understanding of the cellular biology of rice seeds.  相似文献   

Gao LZ 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(14):4287-4297
Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt. is an agriculturally important but seriously endangered species of wild rice. To obtain more accurate estimates of population structure for improved conservation planning of the species, genetic variability at 14 microsatellite DNA loci was examined in population samples covering most of the species' range in China. Considerable genetic variability (overall Na = 1.886, P = 62%, HO = 0.056, HE = 0.216, and HS = 0.277) was detected at the 14 loci in 442 individuals of the 18 natural populations. The evaluation of partitioning of genetic variability (FST = 0.442) suggested high genetic differentiation among the Chinese O. officinalis populations. An overall value of Nm = 0.316 suggested limited gene flow occurred among the sampled populations. Most of the populations showed heterozygote deficits in tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and significantly positive FIS values. This could be due to some inbreeding occurring in this predominantly outcrossing species. For effective in situ conservation and restoration genetics, maintenance of significant historical processes is particularly important, including high outbreeding, considerable gene flow, and large population effective sizes. The high FST values detected among populations in this study are instructive for adopting a conservation plan that includes representative populations with the greatest genetic variation for either in situ conservation management or germplasm collection expeditions.  相似文献   

Summary Oryza minuta J. S. Presl ex C. B. Presl is a tetraploid wild rice with resistance to several insects and diseases, including blast (caused by Pyricularia grisea) and bacterial blight (caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae). To transfer resistance from the wild species into the genome of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.), backcross progeny (BC1, BC2, and BC3) were produced from interspecific hybrids of O. sativa cv IR31917-45-3-2 (2n=24, AA genome) and O. minuta Acc. 101141 (2n=48, BBCC genomes) by backcrossing to the O. sativa parent followed by embryo rescue. The chromosome numbers ranged from 44 to 47 in the BC1 progeny and from 24 to 37 in the BC2 progeny. All F1 hybrids were resistant to both blast and bacterial blight. One BC1 plant was moderately susceptible to blast while the rest were resistant. Thirteen of the 16 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to blast; 1 blast-resistant BC2, plant 75-1, had 24 chromosomes. A 3 resistant: 1 susceptible segregation ratio, consistent with the action of a major, dominant gene, was observed in the BC2F2 and BC2F3 generations. Five of the BC1 plants tested were resistant to bacterial blight. Ten of the 21 BC2 progeny tested were resistant to Philippine races 2, 3, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen. One resistant BC2, plant 78-1, had 24 chromosomes. The segregation of reactions of the BC2F2, BC2F3, and BC2F4 progenies of plant 78-1 suggested that the same or closely linked gene(s) conferred resistance to races 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the bacterial blight pathogen from the Philippines.  相似文献   

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