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Classification of euhemerobic calciphilous pine-communities should be based on studies carried out over an extensive area and for several seasons. The Malé Karpaty Mts. are situated near the northern boundary of the distribution ofPinus nigra and it is mecessary to find the planting time of allPinus nigra stands. The common use ofEllenberg’s “Zeigerwerte der Gefässpflanzen Mitteleuropas” for the ecological evaluation of plant communities in the Western Carpathians Mts. is criticised for several reasons.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the estimation of maximum above-ground herb-layer biomass in selected forest communities of the Malé Karpaty Mts., (Lesser Carpathians) SW. Slovakia. Use was made of a combined method of indirect sampling and phytocenological relevés, and the following values were ascertained: 41 kg/ha in theLuzulo-Fagetum (276 kg/ha if mosses included), 691 kg/ha in theCarici pilosae-Carpinetum, 364 kg/ha in theDentario-Fagetum, 476 kg/ha in theAceri-Carpinetum, and 1364 kg/ha in theStellario-Alnetum. The results are discussed and compared with earlier data published in the literature.  相似文献   

The importance of endemic species for plant communities in the Roumanian Carpathians Mts. has been studied and discussed. Associations of the classAsplenietea trichomanis endemic in the South Carpathians were surveyed; they were classified into some endemic alliances (Gypsophilion petraeae, Micromerion pulegii, andSilenion lerchenfeldianae). Their locus classicus, nomenclatoric type and present distribution were also given.  相似文献   

TheMelampyrum sylvaticum group is a heterogeneous group at the inter- and infra-specific level. A wide range of morphological characters was examined on specimens collected for this study. The corolla size, the corolla colour and the anther length are considered the most important morphological characters at the interspecific taxonomic level. The morphological and molecular variation of theMelampyrum sylvaticum group in the Sudeten, Alps and Carpathians was analyzed. The morphometric study of European populations ofMelampyrum sylvaticum group partly clarified the pattern of the variation of selected characters in this region. The RAPD analysis manifests a very similar trend of the population grouping. The combined analysis of morphological and molecular data gives the most explicit results. Central European yellow flowering populations ofM. sylvaticum group form two distinctive groups. The first one is an exclusive type of the Alps and of the Hercynian Mountains (except the Sudeten). The second group has its centre of distribution in the eastern part of the Carpathians. This type was described asMelampyrum herbichii from the present Ukrainian Carpathians and was regarded to be endemic to the Eastern and Southern Carpathians. Populations from the Western Carpathians and Sudeten Mts. are polymorphic. They seem to be closer toM. herbichii based on the RAPD markers, whereas the morphology of most populations from these regions is closer toM. sylvaticum s.str. The bract shape seems to be important for discrimination between both groups of populations along with the flower characters and a modest ecological differentiation. The Eastern CarpathianMelampyrum saxosum with white corolla is very close toM. herbichii based on the studied morphological characters.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of theHieracium alpinum group (sensu Flora Europaea) in the Sudeten Mts., the West and the Ukrainian East Carpathians is provided. Six species are distinguished in the area studied, viz.Hieracium alpinum, H. halleri, H. augusti-bayeri, H. melanocephalum, H. tubulosum, andH. schustleri. H. alpinum occurs throughout the mountain ranges studied, three other taxa are endemic to the Sudeten Mts. (H. melanocephalum, H. tubulosum, H. schustleri), one is confined to the West Carpathians (H. halleri, in addition to the Alps) and one is endemic to the Ukrainian East Carpathians (H. augusti-bayeri). A diploid cytotype (2n=18) was ascertained inH. alpinum from the Ukrainian East Carpathians and the same chromosome number was found forH. augusti-bayeri. An agamospermous mode of reproduction was confirmed for the triploid cytotype ofH. alpinum, the triploidH. melanocephalum andH. halleri and the tetraploidsH. tubulosum andH. schustleri; the diploid taxa were found to be sexual. Pollen production in diploid taxa is high and pollen grains are homogeneous in size; triploid species, as well as tetraploidH. tubulosum, do not produce polllen; tetraploidH. schustleri has pollen grains of variable size. Data on the ecology and distribution of the species are also given.  相似文献   

The montaneNardus-rich acidophilous meadows occurring in the Krkono?e and W. Carpathians Mts. were evaluated. They are classified intoNardo-Agrostion tenuis Sillinger 1933. Five associations were distinguished:Sileno-Nardetum, Homogyno-Nardetum, Hieracio Lachenalii-Nardetum, Phleo alpini-Nardetum, andRanunculo nemorosi-Nardetum, the first occuring in the Krkono?e Mts., the others in the W. Carpathians.  相似文献   

Hieracium vierhapperi (Zahn) Szeląg, known so far only from the Alps, was discovered in the Nízke Tatry Mts in Slovakia, as a new species to the Carpathians. Diagnostic characters, illustration and distribution as well as ecology of H. vierhapperi in the Nízke Tatry Mts are given. A key to distinguish H. vierhapperi from the morphologically related species is added. The Carpathian plants are tetraploid (2n = 36) and reproduce apomictically. The origin of H. sect. Cernua R. Uechtr in the Western Carpathians is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Pilosella alpicola group comprises four morphologically distinct and geographically vicariant alpine taxa. We performed a thorough herbarium revision and literature survey to infer their distributional pattern(s). Pilosella alpicola s.s. occurs in the Alps in two disjunct areas: the Swiss Valais Alps and the Italian Dolomites. Historical records come also from the Austrian Alps (Gurktaler Alps and Hohe Tauern) and from one site from the Alpes Maritimes (Col de Larche), but the localities have not been recently confirmed. Pilosella rhodopea, a Balkan subendemic taxon, is quite widespread in Bulgaria (Stara planina Mts, Rila Mts and Pirin Mts), but is more rare in Albania, Greece and Macedonia. Interestingly, this species has also been recorded at two isolated sites in the Romanian southern Carpathians (the C?p??înii and Cozia Mts). This occurrence underlines the floristic affinities of this part of the Carpathians to the Balkan flora. Only two localities of P. serbica, based on voucher specimens, have been recorded so far; Kopaonik Mts in Serbia and the Prokletije Mts in Montenegro. The records from other ranges are related to P. rhodopea. Pilosella ullepitschii, the detailed distribution of which has already been published, is a Carpathian endemic with its core area of distribution in the western Carpathians (Slovakia and Poland). Three isolated localities are also known in the eastern Carpathians (Nemira Mts) and one locality in the southern Carpathians (Bucegi Mts). The possible causes of disjunctions between and within species ranges are briefly discussed. Based on the distributional data, population sizes and ecology, we evaluate the conservation status of the P. alpicola taxa and propose their inclusion in national Red Lists.  相似文献   

We present a syntaxonomic account of the communities of the alliances of Oxytropido-Elynion Br.-Bl. 1949 and Festucion versicoloris Krajina 1933 from Western Carpathians. Both alliances comprise naked-rush, cushion form and dwarf-shrub heath communities typical of wind-exposed habitats occurring at the highest altitudes of the Tatra Mts. They represent a relic vegetation of the cold stages of the Pleistocene (probably Late Glacial Maximum) and they can be classified within the class of Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii Ohba 1974. A set of relevés was subject to numerical-classification analysis. Floristics and ecology of the communities were characterised and the relationships to similar syntaxa were discussed. The Oxytropido-Elynion is restricted to the extreme ridge positions in the highest altitudes of the Belianske Tatry Mts. Five associations were distinguished, such as the Pyrolo carpaticae-Salicetum reticulatae, the Festuco versicoloris-Oreochloetum distichae, the Festucetum versicoloris, the Oxytropido carpaticae-Elynetum myosuroides and the Drabo siliquosae-Festucetum versicoloris. The Festucion versicoloris is limited to the mylonite zone of the alpine and subnival belt of the Vysoké Tatry and Západné Tatry Mts (and found as rare in the Nízke Tatry Mts). The stands of these communities prefer terraces of steep rocky faces and cliffs and stabilised small-grained screes below the cliffs. Within this alliance, three associations were described, including the Agrostio alpinae-Festucetum versicoloris, the Silenetum acaulis and the Salicetum kitaibelianae.  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2011,66(3):429-432
The first locality of Carex vaginata Tausch from the Western Carpathians is reported. This glacial relic was found at a refugial site in the Mt. Kubínska hoľa (the Oravská Magura Mts, Slovakia), in the saddle peat bog at 1,312 m a.s.l.  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2008,63(2):175-176
The paper brings information on an isolated occurrence and morphological characters of Carex × involuta and C. juncella populations in the Vel’ká Fatra Mts. Their presence has been known neither from the territory of Slovakia nor from the whole Western Carpathians till now.  相似文献   

Invasions of woody species into grasslands abandoned by agriculture are a global phenomenon, but their effects on diversity of other taxa have been rarely investigated across both regional and local scales. We quantified how shrub encroachment affected the activity, composition, and diversity of ant communities in managed and abandoned grasslands in western Carpathians of Central Europe across four regions and four shrub encroachment stages in each region. We surveyed ant communities on 48 sites in total, with each encroachment stage replicated three times in each region and twelve times overall. We used pitfall traps to sample ants over three years (2008, 2009, 2011) and identified 9,254 ant workers belonging to 33 species in total. Although the epigaeic activity and composition of ant communities varied with region, abandoned grasslands supported a greater species richness of ants than managed grasslands regardless of the region, and especially so in more advanced shrub encroachment stages. Since the woody colonization within grasslands was moderate even in the advanced encroachment stages (on average ~40 % of grassland colonized by woody species), it allowed coexistence of forest specialists (e.g. Temnothorax crassispinus) with species typical of open grasslands, thus increasing overall ant diversity. Managed grasslands were not only less species rich compared to abandoned grasslands, but they were characterized by different species (e.g. Lasius niger, Myrmica rugulosa). The differences in ant communities between managed and abandoned grasslands are likely to cause differences in ecological functions mediated by ants (e.g. predation of arthropods or plant seed dispersal).  相似文献   

Lepidopteran assemblages in Temnosmrečinská dolina valley (High Tatra Mts, Western Carpathians, Slovakia) were investigated. Recent data about the occurrence of lepidopteran species are compared with those which were obtained 55 years ago. Lepidoptera were monitored at seven sites comprising the subalpine to alpine zone of the valley. Fifteen of the originally recorded species were not found, however, the occurrence of six new species was recorded. In total, 61 summer lepidopteran species are known from the Temnosmrečinská dolina valley. The comparison of the recent lepidopteran assemblages shows a decline in species richness, abundance and frequency at individual monitoring sites. It seems that the changes are caused by plant community succession in the valley — overgrowth of dwarf pine, transformation of meadow communities to Calamagrostigetum and overgrowth of peat-bogs, resulting in loss of food resources for adult Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

There is still not enough palaeoecological data from the southwestern part of the Western Carpathians, where mountain ridges steeply rise from the dry and warm Pannonian basin. The reason is a low availability of sites with sediments harbouring fossil remains. In the Pova?ský Inovec Mts, two small protected calcareous wetlands occur in different geographical position and contain suitable sediments. One represents a foothill site (initiated ca 13,000 cal. BP) whereas the other a low-mountain site (initiated ca 7,400 cal. BP). We investigated fossil pollen, spores, and macroscopic remains of plants and molluscs from their sediments. We further reviewed archaeological data, constructed a macrophysical climate model (MCM) and confronted it with other palaeoclimatic proxies. Temperate deciduous trees (Quercus, Corylus and Ulmus) occurred since the Allerød, but their expansion was blocked by a harsh climate in Younger Dryas, when Larix, Pinus and Betula nana still occurred. The climate firstly moistened at ca 9,500 cal. BP and more distinctly at ca 8,500 cal. BP, which was reflected by a strong calcium carbonate precipitation and expansion of Tilia cordata t., Hedera helix, and Ustulina. Although the MCM predicted a rather stable climate since 8,000 cal. BP, certain changes in aquatic mollusc abundances may indicate hydrological fluctuations, as they are paralleled by changes in climate humidity indicated by other evidence from the Western Carpathians. Younger hydrological fluctuations may be alternatively explained by human activities as they correspond with macro-charcoal abundance and indicators of wetland openness. During their existence, both fens harboured only few fen plant and mollusc species specialized to low-productive sedge-moss fens. In the Middle Holocene both sites were encroached by woody plants (Alnus, Picea and Salix), as most other spring fens in the Western Carpathians. Contrary to some other spring fens with similar site conditions in the Western Carpathians, few fen specialists established in the study sites since deforestation, presumably because of severe disturbances caused by grazing and/or hemp retting instead of the usual mowing.  相似文献   

An analysis of long-term changes in abundance of hibernating bats as revealed from the annual monitoring programme conducted in four mountain regions of the Western Carpathians (Muránska planina Mts, Revúcka vrchovina Mts, Slovensky kras Mts, Štiavnické vrchy Mts) during the period 1992–2009 is providing in the paper. Data from 52 hibernacula were analysed. Among 18 bat species recorded, an apparent population increase of three most abundant thermophilous and originally cave dwelling species of bats, Rhinolophus hipposideros, R. ferrumequinum, Myotis myotis, was observed. In other bat species (e.g., R. euryale, M. emarginatus, M. mystacinus, M. dasycneme, Barbastella barbastellus), population trends could not be detected and because of data scarcity, they should be evaluated from more extensive datasets obtained from a wide range of hibernacula or from a completely different type of evidence.  相似文献   

The epigeic spider communities of the Western Carpathians are characterised by a high number of species. The great influence of Pannonian elements on the coenoses of the Carpathian hills is evident. The habitats of the Western Carpathians differ from each other, and several types of microclimatic conditions are there. These facts affect the spider fauna. The epigeic spider communities of the western part of the Carpathians, represented by the Devínska Kobyla hill, were characterized by the constant presence of four species at all study sites — Dysdera erythrina, Agroeca cuprea, Pardosa lugubris and Trochosa terricola. Principal components analysis confirmed the high proportion of Trochosa terricola, Eresus moravicus and Scotina celans in the epigeic spider community of the steppe. In contrast, the presence of Coelotes inermis, Histopona torpida and Haplodrassus silvestris was important in the oak forest. Bray-Curtis analyses confirmed that the spider community of the oak forest differed. The migration and penetration of the species with high vagility was an important fact that affected the spider community in the ecotones. Based on the analysis of the araneocoenoses in the Western Carpathians, spiders were grouped into four categories — leaders, typical spiders, specific spiders and tourist species.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of phytosociological research conducted on the vegetation of rock clefts and ledges in the Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan, Middle Asia). During the field studies, done in 2010–2012, 101 phytosociological relevés were taken. Plant species were recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. Communities of calcareous rock clefts and ledges with small soil amounts from several ranges (Zeravshan Mts, Hissar Mts, Hazratishokh Mts, Darvaz Mts, Rushan Mts and Vanch Mts), inhabiting mainly the alpine and subnival zone, have been described. A synopsis of the rock communities of the Pamir-Alai is proposed. In the examined vegetation plots 77 vascular plant and 6 moss species were noted. The most frequent were: Achoriphragma pinnatifidum, Artemisia rutifolia, Asperula albiflora, Campanula incanescens, C. lehmanniana, Parietaria judaica, Pentanema albertoregelia, Poa relaxa and Stipa zeravshanica among vascular plants and Brachythecium albicans and Bryum caespiticum among mosses. Most of them are narrow endemics of Tajikistan or Middle Asia. The collected material presents most of the variability among the phytocoenoses of large crevices and rock ledges in limestone massifs in the alpine and subnival zones. As a result of field research and numerical analyses, 7 associations have been distinguished: Achoriphragmetum pinnatifidi, Asperulo albiflorae-Stipetum zeravshanicae, Inuletum glaucae, Paraquilegietum anemonoidis, Pentanemetum albertoregeliae, Rhinactinidietum popovii and Saussureaetum ovatae. The distinctiveness of habitat and species composition of Middle Asiatic rock communities makes it necessary to distinguish a new suballiance, Pentanemenion albertoregeliae, within the Asperulo albiflorae-Poion relaxae alliance. The main factors determining the species composition of classified associations seem to be the elevation above sea level and exposition. Alpine rock communities are one of the most unique and interesting plant formations in the moutainous areas of Pamir-Alai. Despite not being species-rich they often harbour many specialists adapted to harsh and extreme environments, especially in areas of Mediterranean-like climate.  相似文献   

Diatom communities of acidic mountain streams in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kwandrans  Janina 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):335-342
A comparison has been made of the species composition of diatom communities developing in acidic Polish mountain streams which flow over calcium-poor substrates: sandstones in the Silesian Beskid (section of the Western Carpathians), the witokrzyskie Mts, and over granite in the Karkonosze range (in the Sudetic Mts). The number of taxa and diversity of the diatom assemblages decreased along a decreasing pH gradient. The correlation between pH and the number of taxa was positive and significant (r 2 = 0.69, p < 0.005). A small number of species (< 20) and low diversity were found in the communities developing in strongly acidic streams such as in the witokrzyskie Mts with pH 4.1–5.2, and in the Silesian Beskid with pH 3.5–4.0. In the stream of the Karkonosze Mts, with pH 5.2–6.0, the communities were characterized by their greater number of species and higher diversity.Acidobiontic and acidophilous diatoms were generally dominant. The pH-indiferent forms were less abundant, and their proportion increased above pH 5.0. Eunotia exigua, E. paludosa var. trinacria, E. tenella and Pinnularia subcapitata dominated in streams with the lowest pH, while E. exigua, E. sudetica and Achnanthes kryophila predominated in a stream with water pH above 5.2. Eunotia exigua, a common acidobiontic species was present in all the examined communities, and was a strong dominant in waters of pH 5.0. A corresponding decrease in abundance of E. exigua was observed with an increase in pH.  相似文献   

The authors bring actual state of recent occurrence of the rarest willows species Salix myrtilloides, its critically endangered population from northern part of the Western Carpathians. First original data on recent existence and distribution of the interspecific hybrid Salix × onusta (= S. myrtilloides × S. aurita) completes at the same time knowledge on hitherto unknown past occurrence of S. myrtilloides in the Western Carpathians and extinction of that population.  相似文献   

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