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Year-to-year vegetation changes have been observed many times in temperate grasslands. Ordinarily, variation in annual weather patterns is considered responsible for these changes. However, the exact mechanisms of vegetation dynamics have seldom been studied. In order to analyse the direct response of plants to distinct weather situations, the shoot growth rates of three subdominant grassland species were determined during three growing seasons and tested for significant relationships to meteorological variables measured simultaneously in the study site. Half of the shoots grew in the natural community with competition from neighbouring plants. For the other half, above-ground interference was avoided by regularly clipping the surrounding vegetation. The results lead to the distinction of three different impact patterns of current weather conditions on the growth of subdominant grassland species: (i) As a consequence of extraordinary weather conditions, e.g. lasting periods of drought in the summer, plants die completely or partially or pass into secondary dormancy. Such weather situations may cause quantitative or even qualitative changes in species composition by altering the density and frequency of the species involved. (ii) Major divergences from average weather conditions, such as unusually warm or cold periods in the spring, affect the growth of subdominant species and may therefore lead to quantitative annual variation of the species involved in terms of cover or biomass. (iii) Average weather conditions with slight deviations from the long-term means of the weather variables do not produce detectable direct growth responses and therefore average weather conditions are not key factors for year-to-year variations in the quantitative or qualitative performance of subdominant species.  相似文献   

Ingvar Backéus 《Ecography》1988,11(2):146-150
When surrounded by growing Sphagnum the rhizomes of Scirpus cespitosus grow vertically upwards in pace with the Sphagnum . It was found that there is a considerable variation in rhizome growth between years and it is assumed that this variation is determined by variation in Sphagnum growth. The latter variation is assumed to be dependent on the weather. Simple and multiple regression analysis of rhizome growth on various weather variables gave the following results: (1) Moisture conditions are decisive for the growth. (2) The distribution in time of the moisture is more important than mean values from a certain period. (3) Although moisture in June and August of the current year was important, the moisture conditions of August of the previous year explained ca 60% of the variation. (4) A combination of the two variables Birot's wetness index in August of the previous year and the same index in current June gave r2= 0.80.  相似文献   

Isolations were made of mould species actively growing on a variety of feeding stuffs stored at fixed humidities between too and 65% for periods of up to 4 years. The factors influencing the species of moulds isolated were: (1) die relative humidity of the atmosphere; (2) the length of the storage period before the isolations were made; (3) the type and origin of die feeding stuffs from which the isolates were obtained.
A critical humidify existed for each species below which the development of mould spores could not take place. At relative humidities (R.H.) between 100 and 90% a large variety of moulds were able to develop. Members of die Mucorales and the Fungi Imperfecti were not isolated below 90% R.H. and, although ***Pemicillium app. flourished between 100 and 85% R.H., they were not isolated below 75% R.H. ***Aspergilhes app., on the other hand, were able to develop under conditions of very restricted moisture supply. Some members of the A. ***glaucus group were able to grow at humidities as low as 65-70%.
In general, the moat commonly occurring moulds on the feeding stuffs used in these trials were small ***ascospored species of the A. ***glaucus group, particularly A. ***repens and A. ruber. It is considered that it is these species that will most frequently cause mould damage to feeding stuffs in commercial stores.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative importance of seed mass and abiotic factors in species‐specific seedling growth and morphology during the first and the second growing season? How do oak species respond along gradients of these factors? Location: Mediterranean oak forest in southern Spain. Methods: We analysed seedling growth components and morphology of three co‐occurring Quercus species (two deciduous and one evergreen). Oak seeds with a wide variety of sizes were sown along broad gradients of abiotic conditions. Intra‐ and inter‐specific differences were evaluated by calibrating maximum likelihood estimators of seedling growth during the first two years of life. Results: We found multiple resources and conditions affecting seedling morphology and biomass allocation. However, the integrative variables of seedling growth – total aboveground biomass and relative growth rate (RGR) – were affected by two main factors: seed mass and light conditions. The relative contribution of these two factors depended strongly on seedling age. Seed mass explained most of the growth and morphological variables during the first year, while light conditions were the best predictor in the second growing season. In contrast, soil factors did not play an important role in seedling growth. We found some evidence of regeneration niche partitioning between oak species along the light gradient, a reflection of their distribution patterns as adults at the study site. Conclusions: We conclude that inter‐specific differences in seedling growth, arising from seed size variability and microsite heterogeneity, could be of paramount importance in oak species niche segregation, driving stand dynamics and composition along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Interest in forecasting impacts of climate change have heightened attention in recent decades to how animals respond to variation in climate and weather patterns. One difficulty in determining animal response to climate variation is lack of long-term datasets that record animal behaviors over decadal scales. We used radar observations from the national NEXRAD network of Doppler weather radars to measure how group behavior in a colonially-roosting bat species responded to annual variation in climate and daily variation in weather over the past 11 years. Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) form dense aggregations in cave roosts in Texas. These bats emerge from caves daily to forage at high altitudes, which makes them detectable with Doppler weather radars. Timing of emergence in bats is often viewed as an adaptive trade-off between emerging early and risking predation or increased competition and emerging late which restricts foraging opportunities. We used timing of emergence from five maternity colonies of Brazilian free-tailed bats in south-central Texas during the peak lactation period (15 June-15 July) to determine whether emergence behavior was associated with summer drought conditions and daily temperatures. Bats emerged significantly earlier during years with extreme drought conditions than during moist years. Bats emerged later on days with high surface temperatures in both dry and moist years, but there was no relationship between surface temperatures and timing of emergence in summers with normal moisture levels. We conclude that emergence behavior is a flexible animal response to climate and weather conditions and may be a useful indicator for monitoring animal response to long-term shifts in climate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Influences of annual climatic variation on fire occurrence were examined along a rainfall gradient from temperate rainforest to xeric woodlands in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Fire chronologies were derived from fire scars on trees and related to tree-ring proxy records of climate over the period 1820–1974. Similarly, fire records of four Patagonian national parks for the period 1940–1988 were compared to instrumental weather data. Finally, the influences of broad-scale synoptic weather patterns on fire occurrence in northern Patagonia were explored.
Fire in Nothofagus rainforests is highly dependent on drought during the spring and summer of the same year in which fires occur and is less strongly favoured by drought during the spring of the previous year. The occurrence of fire in dry vegetation types near the steppe ecotone is less dependent on drought because even during years of normal weather fuels are thoroughly desiccated during the dry summer. In xeric Austrocedrus woodlands, fire occurrence and spread are promoted by droughts during the fire season and also appear to be favoured by above-average moisture conditions during the preceding 1 to 2 growing seasons which enhances fuel production. Thus, in the xeric woodlands fire is not simply dependent on drought but is favoured by greater climatic variability over time scales of several years.
Fire activity in northern Patagonia is greatly influenced by the intensity and latitudinal position of the subtropical high pressure cell of the southeast Pacific. Greater fire activity is associated with a more intense and more southerly located high pressure cell which blocks the influx of Pacific moisture into the continent. Although long-term changes in fire occurrence along the rainforest-to-xeric woodland gradient have been greatly influenced by human activities, annual variation in fire frequency and extent is also strongly influenced by annual climatic variation.  相似文献   

In red deer, variation in winter and spring weather conditions encountered by the mothers during pregnancy and during the first year of life are a main determinant for individual life-history as well as population dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that supplementary feeding which provides constant food supply throughout winter removes the selective pressure of winter harshness on nutrition-mediated phenotypic traits. We analysed cohort variation in body weight in calves in October, before their first winter, and in yearlings in June, after their first winter, in a food-supplemented population in the Eastern Austrian Alps. Over eleven years, cohort body weight varied between years in calves and yearlings. Contrary to studies on non-supplemented red deer populations we found neither short- nor long-term effects of winter weather on body weight. In calves, autumn body weight was negatively related to April–May and June temperatures, suggesting that cool weather during the main growth period retarded plant senescence and thereby prolonged the period of high protein content of summer forage. In yearlings, variation in June body weight, shortly after the end of the feeding period, was lower after a wet April–May, suggesting a negative effect of a prolonged period of supplemental feeding. For both calves and yearlings intra-cohort variation in body weight was higher, inter-cohort variation was lower as compared to non-supplemented red deer, suggesting that in their first year of life supplemented red deer are under reduced natural selection pressure.  相似文献   

Understanding the population dynamics of a rare, polyvoltine butterfly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the effects of endogenous and exogenous factors on population dynamics is essential for assessing the viability of populations, setting recovery goals for endangered species, and evaluating management options. Invertebrates are particularly difficult to monitor and few long-term datasets are available for these species. Additionally, limited resources make it necessary to perform monitoring as efficiently as possible. Here, I use the bivoltine Karner blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis to demonstrate how analyzing the effects of density-dependent factors and weather on separate life stages can be utilized to understand monitoring data, assess populations and identify critical life-history parameters. My first step was to compare the use of peak numbers as an index of population size with estimates obtained from a more data intensive methodology. Peak numbers proved to be an effective index, and so I utilized this index to analyze 10 and 13 years of monitoring data at two Karner blue butterfly sites in New York, USA. I modeled the effects of weather and density dependence on two distinct population growth rates ( λ ) per year. Analysis with Akaike's Information Criteria indicated that both sites were primarily influenced by density dependence during the summer period and by weather conditions during the winter period. Large population declines occurred in the winter period and were a result of the previous year's dry summer and cool spring weather. I conclude that recovery goals for this endangered species should include a second brood-carrying capacity, mean winter growth rate and multiple sites with independent populations. This study represents a rare, long-term study on the population dynamics of a polyvoltine species. Understanding the population dynamics of polyvoltine species, such as the Karner blue butterfly, will assist in the conservation of many invertebrate and small mammal species.  相似文献   

Back calculation, marginal increment analysis and modal progression analysis were used to trace growth processes of the red gurnard, Aspitrigla cuculus L., in the Mediterranean Sea. Three false rings appeared regularly on otoliths and were hypothesized to refer to the ontogeny on the basis of the study of the recruitment and reproduction processes of the species. The first two rings were laid down during the first pelagic period and the transformation to the bottom mode of life, respectively. The third ring corresponded to the first spawning at the end of the second year of life. The marginal increment analysis demonstrated that one opaque and one translucent zone is formed each year, the translucent ring corresponding to the period of slow growth in the winter. Temperature and salinity of Mediterranean waters below the thermocline where red gurnard live do not undergo seasonal variations. Therefore, traditional interpretation of the discontinuity patterns on otoliths related to the decrease of water temperature should be rejected for Mediterranean fish distributed on the deep shelf and slope. Discontinuities in otolith structure may be related to seasonal variation in feeding intensity as a consequence of decreases in the benthic mysids biomass and time available to find food due to reduced daylight. Future research should focus on the trophic ecology of the demersal fishes and the seasonal fluctuations of the prey resources during the year in order to assess the role of the food supply with regard to otolith growth patterns in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

The way in which flower visitors share floral resources or compete for them throughout the day is a decisive factor for the effectiveness of pollination. We described daily rhythms of flower visitation by bee species and tested whether such patterns depend on: (1) the body size of the species, (2) the daily patterns of variation in weather and nectar standing crop, and (3) the effects of weather on the daily rhythm of variation in nectar standing crop. After 1 year of biweekly samplings, we encountered 56 bee species visiting basil flowers. Larger bee species were more active in the cooler and more humid hours of the morning. Smaller species foraged later, during the warmer and drier hours. Throughout the day, nectar volume decreased. In the laboratory, we determined a positive effect of increase in temperature on nectar volume, unlike the negative correlation recorded in the field. Nectar volume decreased in plants under experimental drought, showing similarity with the driest hours of the day. The daily cycle of temperature is the fundamental factor that, directly and indirectly, via air humidity, soil moisture, and nectar supply, influences bee activity according to body size and physiological attributes. In the field, the positive effect of increasing temperatures on nectar volume is masked by a stronger, negative effect of decreasing air humidity and soil moisture throughout the day.  相似文献   

The study investigated the fluctuation in foliar nutrient levels (over a period of approximately three years) on two sites of widely differing productivity for loblolly pine. Preliminary analysis at the end of the first year indicated large variations in foliar levels with time which were attributed to weather factors, and further sampling was initiated to evaluate the influence of weather. A lack of a stable period during any portion of the year was attributed to the indeterminate growth habit of loblolly pine, and this aspect, together with a strong statistical correlation of weather factors with foliar levels, suggests that if foliar nutrient levels are obtained by the method used in this study, results could not be recommended for use in site differentiation of this species. The weather factors most commonly correlated with foliar levels were average maximum and average minimum temperatures for certain periods preceeding the sampling date.  相似文献   

Species interactions have a spatiotemporal component driven by environmental cues, which if altered by climate change can drive shifts in community dynamics. There is insufficient understanding of the precise time windows during which inter‐annual variation in weather drives phenological shifts and the consequences for mismatches between interacting species and resultant population dynamics—particularly for insects. We use a 20 year study on a tri‐trophic system: sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus, two associated aphid species Drepanosiphum platanoidis and Periphyllus testudinaceus and their hymenopteran parasitoids. Using a sliding window approach, we assess climatic drivers of phenology in all three trophic levels. We quantify the magnitude of resultant trophic mismatches between aphids and their plant hosts and parasitoids, and then model the impacts of these mismatches, direct weather effects and density dependence on local‐scale aphid population dynamics. Warmer temperatures in mid‐March to late‐April were associated with advanced sycamore budburst, parasitoid attack and (marginally) D. platanoidis emergence. The precise time window during which spring weather advances phenology varies considerably across each species. Crucially, warmer temperatures in late winter delayed the emergence of both aphid species. Seasonal variation in warming rates thus generates marked shifts in the relative timing of spring events across trophic levels and mismatches in the phenology of interacting species. Despite this, we found no evidence that aphid population growth rates were adversely impacted by the magnitude of mismatch with their host plants or parasitoids, or direct impacts of temperature and precipitation. Strong density dependence effects occurred in both aphid species and probably buffered populations, through density‐dependent compensation, from adverse impacts of the marked inter‐annual climatic variation that occurred during the study period. These findings explain the resilience of aphid populations to climate change and uncover a key mechanism, warmer winter temperatures delaying insect phenology, by which climate change drives asynchronous shifts between interacting species.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the timing of high light availability as sun patches within forest gaps, independent of total or peak photosynthetic photon flux (PPF), influences the physiology and growth of four coexisting birch species (Betula alleghaniensis, B. lenta, B. papyrifera, and B. populifolia). Birch seedlings were grown for two years along either the east or west sides of experimental gap structures and at two moisture levels. Seedlings positioned in the west received sun patches earlier in the day than those in the east, and environmental conditions for carbon gain were generally more favorable during the earlier sunpatches in the west; air and leaf temperatures were lower, and relative humidity higher, relative to conditions during sun patches in the cats, simulating patterns observed in natural forest gaps. Seedlings positioned along the west edges of gaps fixed more carbon earlier in the day than those in the east, and in many cases, peak net photosynthetic rates were greater for west positioned seedlings. In year two, leaf-level integrated daily carbon gain was greater for west- than eastpositioned plants, and for the most pioneer species, B. populifolia, differences between west and east seedlings were greatest at lower soil moisture levels. Despite some small effects on leaf gas exchange, the timing of high light availability, and its temporal congruence with other factors critical to carbon gain, had no significant effects on first or second year seedling biomass. The responses of birch seedlings to controlled variations in the timing of high light availability were generally much smaller than birch seedling responses to variations in other components of daily light regimes such as total integrated and peak PPF.  相似文献   

The influence of different climate variables on the first four years of otolith growth in Salangen Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, was studied over the period 1939?C2005. Salangen is a coastal, low altitude, subarctic lake system located in northern Norway. Climate data, including water temperature, air temperature, ice-cover and precipitation, were available for most of the 67?year period. Water temperatures in May and June had a significant effect on otolith growth during the second growth year, while no relationship between otolith growth and climate variables was found for the first, third and fourth years of otolith growth. Otolith increment size during the third and fourth growth year was autocorrelated with growth during the previous year. Spring snow fall and timing of ice break-up had an indirect effect on growth, as these variables were highly correlated with spring water temperatures. High variation in otolith growth within years and among individuals suggests that individual and age-specific variations in spatial habitat use may confound the direct effects of changing air temperatures and time of ice break-up.  相似文献   

This study investigates brain size ontogeny in a sample of seven anthropoid primate species (including humans) in order to evaluate longstanding ideas about the relations between brain size, brain ontogeny, life history, and cognition. First, this analysis tests the hypothesis that primate brain growth patterns vary across species. Second, the relations between the duration of the brain growth period and the duration of the pre-adult period are evaluated. Brain growth data, derived from a number of sources, are analyzed through parametric and nonparametric regressions. The results indicate that primates are characterized by significant variation in patterns of brain growth. In addition, the degree to which brain growth is allocated to either the pre- or the postnatal period varies substantially. Analyses of phylogenetically adjusted data show no correlation between the lengths of the brain growth period and the juvenile period, but there are correlations with other life-history variables. These results are explained in terms of maternal metabolic adaptations. Specifically, primates appear to present at least two major metabolic adaptations. In the first, brain growth occurs mainly during the prenatal period, reflecting heavy maternal investment. In the second, brain growth occupies large portions of the postnatal period. These differing patterns have important implications for maturation age, necessitating late maternal maturation in the first case and enabling relatively early maternal maturation in the second. Overall, these adaptations represent components of distinctive life-history adaptations, with potentially important implications for the evolution of primate cognition.  相似文献   

Aim Determining how differences in time of germination can affect plant establishment in plant communities that, after a disturbance, must reestablish from seeds under climatic conditions subject to extremes, such as the Mediterranean. Although early germination may be beneficial for survival in summer, when drought is severe, this may expose the seedlings to winter extremes, thus to higher mortality. Understanding how sensitive is the establishment of different species to temporal patterns of germination will help to understand the factors that control species distribution and community stability in disturbance‐prone environments, as well as its sensitivity to changes in weather patterns as climate changes. Methods An experimental fire was made in early fall in an old Cistus–Erica shrubland in Toledo (central Spain). After fire, germination, survival and growth of the three dominant seeder species (Cistus ladanifer, Erica umbellata and Rosmarinus officinalis) were monitored during the first 3 years after fire. Seedlings were tagged to identify their time of emergence, and divided into cohorts according to their month of germination. Differences in survival of the various cohorts were evaluated by means of a Wilcoxon (Gehan) statistic. Height of surviving, tagged plants was compared among cohorts by means of a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Results The year following fire was one of the driest on record, while the next one was one of the wettest. Germination was more abundant during the first than during the second year. Establishment was mainly from first‐year germination, as the majority of second‐year germinated seedlings died. Temporal patterns of germination within a year and between years varied between species. Seedling mortality was highest immediately following germination, not in summer. Mortality was related to time of germination: during a given period of time, the mortality of younger seedlings was higher than that of older ones. However, survival was not highest for the first cohorts. In general, the earlier the seedlings germinated the more vigourous they became, more clearly so for Cistus than for Rosmarinus, but differences tended to disappear with time. Overall, time of germination varied between species and affected differently seedling survival and vigour of the various species. Rosmarinus and Cistus had sufficient survivors to reestablish the initial population. Erica, despite abundant germination, suffered a strong population reduction. Main conclusions Mediterranean shrub species differ in their temporal patterns of germination and survival after fire. The effect of time of germination is complex: germinating early is advantageous since old seedlings fared better than younger ones when confronted with the same rigours. However, germinating early might expose the seedlings to greater hazards and the first cohort might not survive best. The temporal window for establishment is narrow and mainly restricted to the first year after fire. Second year seedlings, irrespective of most favourable conditions, survived very little. Missing the window of establishment might virtually lead to a population collapse, despite having very high germination, as found for Erica.  相似文献   

Abstract There are many anecdotal reports of massive day‐to‐day variation in activity levels of tropical reptiles and amphibians, and intuition suggests that weather conditions may be responsible for much of that variation. Our analysis of a large data set on the activity levels of tropical snakes and frogs confirms the existence of this short‐term variation in activity levels, reveals strong synchrony between sympatric taxa in this respect, but also shows that standard weather variables (temperature, humidity, precipitation, moonlight, atmospheric pressure) are surprisingly poor at predicting the numbers of individuals and species encountered during standardized surveys. We recorded the numbers of snakes and prey taxa (frogs) encountered on 349 nights over the course of one year on a 1.3‐km transect in the Adelaide River floodplain, in the wet–dry tropics of Australia. Frogs, water pythons (Liasis fuscus), slatey‐grey snakes (Stegonotus cucullatus) and keelbacks (Tropidonophis mairii) all showed strongly seasonal patterns of activity. After adjusting for seasonal differences, encounter rates were related to climatic conditions but different taxa responded to different weather variables. Water python activity was related to amount of moonlight, keelback activity was related to temperature, and frog activity was related to relative humidity, rainfall, temperature and moonlight. However, weather variables explained relatively little of the variation in activity levels. Strong synchrony was evident among encounter rates with various taxa (independent of season and weather conditions), suggesting that activity levels may be determined by other unmeasured factors.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in a high-elevation, subalpine forest   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We studied net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) dynamics in a high‐elevation, subalpine forest in Colorado, USA, over a two‐year period. Annual carbon sequestration for the forest was 6.71 mol C m?2 (80.5 g C m?2) for the year between November 1, 1998 and October 31, 1999, and 4.80 mol C m?2 (57.6 g C m?2) for the year between November 1, 1999 and October 31, 2000. Despite its evergreen nature, the forest did not exhibit net CO2 uptake during the winter, even during periods of favourable weather. The largest fraction of annual carbon sequestration occurred in the early growing‐season; during the first 30 days of both years. Reductions in the rate of carbon sequestration after the first 30 days were due to higher ecosystem respiration rates when mid‐summer moisture was adequate (as in the first year of the study) or lower mid‐day photosynthesis rates when mid‐summer moisture was not adequate (as in the second year of the study). The lower annual rate of carbon sequestration during the second year of the study was due to lower rates of CO2 uptake during both the first 30 days of the growing season and the mid‐summer months. The reduction in CO2 uptake during the first 30 days of the second year was due to an earlier‐than‐normal spring warm‐up, which caused snow melt during a period when air temperatures were lower and atmospheric vapour pressure deficits were higher, compared to the first 30 days of the first year. The reduction in CO2 uptake during the mid‐summer of the second year was due to an extended drought, which was accompanied by reduced latent heat exchange and increased sensible heat exchange. Day‐to‐day variation in the daily integrated NEE during the summers of both years was high, and was correlated with frequent convective storm clouds and concomitant variation in the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Carbon sequestration rates were highest when some cloud cover was present, which tended to diffuse the photosynthetic photon flux, compared to periods with completely clear weather. The results of this study are in contrast to those of other studies that have reported increased annual NEE during years with earlier‐than‐normal spring warming. In the current study, the lower annual NEE during 2000, the year with the earlier spring warm‐up, was due to (1) coupling of the highest seasonal rates of carbon sequestration to the spring climate, rather than the summer climate as in other forest ecosystems that have been studied, and (2) delivery of snow melt water to the soil when the spring climate was cooler and the atmosphere drier than in years with a later spring warm‐up. Furthermore, the strong influence of mid‐summer precipitation on CO2 uptake rates make it clear that water supplied by the spring snow melt is a seasonally limited resource, and summer rains are critical for sustaining high rates of annual carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The phytal assemblages change in response to variation in biological and environmental conditions. In the present study, we evaluated the temporal variation of amphipod assemblages associated with a Sargassum filipendula bed in a subtropical shore, in relation to variation of the host alga, its epiphytes and local environmental conditions. Samples of S. filipendula with associated amphipods, water temperature, water movement and suspended solids were obtained monthly from June 2000 to May 2001. We recorded 24 species of amphipods associated with S. filipendula. Species richness varied throughout the year, with maximum values in October 2000 and minimum in April 2001. Total amphipod density gradually increased during the sampling period, with the highest value in March 2001. Amphipod diversity and evenness were both positively influenced by epiphyte load and negatively by temperature, with higher values during summer months. Total density and tube-builder density were also positively influenced by temperature, whereas nestler density was influenced by epiphyte load. Individual amphipod species showed significant density fluctuations over the year. The canonical correspondence analysis performed explained 88.2% of the variation, with a strong correlation of water movement, temperature and suspended solids with the first axis, and a strong effect of epiphyte load on both the first and the second axes. The temporal structural variation of the studied algal bed strongly influenced amphipod diversity and assemblage composition, possibly through direct and indirect effects.  相似文献   

The effects of variation in climate on population dynamics are likely to differ within the distributional range of a species, yet the consequences of such regional variation on demography and population dynamics are rarely considered. Here we examine how density dependence and different climate variables affect spatio-temporal variation in recruitment rates of Norwegian moose using data collected over a large geographical area during the hunting season. After accounting for observation error by a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, temporal variation in recruitment rates was relatively independent of fluctuations in local population size. In fact, a positive relationship was as common as a density-dependent decrease in fecundity rates. In general, high recruitment rates were found during autumn 1 year after years with a warm February, and after a warm May or cold June in year t − 1 or in year t. Large regional variation was also found in the effects of some of the weather variables, especially during spring. These patterns demonstrate both direct and delayed effects of weather on the recruitment of moose that possibly operate through an effect of body mass on the proportion of the females that sexually mature as 1.5 or 2.5 years old.  相似文献   

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